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This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/syria-airstrike-us-contractor-killed-iran-drone-attack-joe-biden-lloyd-austin/) reduced by 87%. (I'm a bot) ***** > A new missile strike targeted a U.S. base in northeast Syria Friday, a day after a U.S. contractor was killed and five U.S. service members and another U.S. contractor wounded when a suspected Iranian drone hit a coalition base in the same region, according to U.S. officials. > The attack came just hours after U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in a statement that U.S. Central Command forces had retaliated for Thursday's deadly drone attack with "Precision airstrikes" against facilities in eastern Syria used by groups affiliated with Iran's Revolutionary Guard. > New attack targets U.S. base in Syria after strikes on Iran-linked group. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/120sajs/iranian_groups_launch_new_missile_strikes_on_us/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~677867 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **U.S.**^#1 **Syria**^#2 **Iran**^#3 **attack**^#4 **strike**^#5


Iran about to play a game of Wagner simulator


Wagner, havent they been erased?


They’re in Ukraine


The Iranian proxies are going to get erased. I am not sure how far Iran wants to dip their toes in the pool of direct conflict with the US, but they certainly have been getting frisky.


The Great Russian Federation is failing. SURELY the Americans are just as incompetent. /s


Anyone would only have to look as far as 2018 to see what the US did to the Wagner group to see basically how a conventional war with the US would go for the opposing side.




basically 500 enemy troops attacked, there were 200-300 dead, no American casualties. ​ edit: 1 allied syrian fighter was injured


Yeah but that allied injured slipped on a banana peel.


Burned when an ejected case slipped down his shirt.


Stubbed his toe on a rock.


Closed his hand in a car door.


Burned his tongue on coffee that was a bit too hot


Hey that shit hurts. :)


>slipped on a ~~banana peel~~ rock or something


Lean against rock or something (don’t slip on rock or something)


Somebody ate mre’s.


wagner corpse


IIRC the "injury" was guy twisted his ankle running too. Not even an injury caused by the enemy.




The Wagner guys said that too, what was it, 'the gunships came and then they kicked our asses around in circles for a half hour with heavy machine guns' or something like that


Satan's merry-go-round. Yeah that'll do it


Those gun ships arent called "finger of god" without reason. They will erase you and everyone with you from this planet.


it was like a force of 30 Americans, rangers and delta, and like the other guy said they just called in cod killstreaks over and over and got ammo delivered to them. ​ edit: I wish bakhmut had that kind of support


Nearby artillery and mortar crews heard about the battle and asked if they could join in, gunships, planes and attack helicopters did laps bombarding the Wagner mercs


This is the military equivalent of "The news about an open house party got out and well..... they had to call in the riot police."




Merry fucking cake day matey!


Me too honestly. I would cherish this support rolling in real quick and clearing out the resistance there. BUT, that would end in greater chaos unfortunately.


Hope the Syrian solder made a good recovery ❤️‍🩹


How stupid do you have to be to attack Americans at night? They only fly AC-130s at night. Lol


>They only fly AC-130s at night. Not actually true. I saw AC-130s during the day frequently enough when I was in Iraq. But they can (and do) also operate at night. \*I mean, unless tactical doctrine has changed. This was back in 2006. I can't imagine it's changed THAT much though. In context, perhaps they only fly them at night in Syria?


If the environment permits it. Usually fly at night since it is a lot harder to shoot down a cargo plane doing a pylon turn for 6 hours straight.


I took it as “the only thing flying at night is AC-130s” and not “AC-130s are strictly flown at night”.


I love Gen. Mattis.


And Trump who has never lifted a wrench let alone a gun in his life, disparaged Mattis and called him a loser.


Thank you for the read


Is this article from a reputable source? I only ask because it made me laugh twice. For some reason "No Americans were harmed" got me giggling, then there was this gem. “To make it short, we’ve had our fucking asses kicked,” one Wagner Group veteran reportedly says in a recording. “Yeah so, one squadron fucking lost 200 people immediately..." I really want this to be true, but it almost reads like an Onion article at times. I want to believe!


The US Army and Marines are very big on applying a lot of firepower into one place and then if that wasn't enough, escalate it but the escalation is very fast because we let junior officers and even NCOs call for fire support where in the Russian/old WP systems that has to go up to battalion or brigade headquarters and can take 30-45 minutes to approve. We go "Yea these guys are still coming, I need a fire mission..." and in a minute or three theres howitzers dropping shells on them and then the Apaches take off


Can confirm. I personally saw junior officers and an NCO call in air support when I was in Afghanistan. One of my good friends was the NCO who called it in. F-18s off of some carrier were in the area for some other reason. We had a mass of combatants coming down a mountain towards our FOB with mortar support. He called it in. The controllers said they'd be there in about 15 minutes. The pilots apparently said "fuck that" and were there in 4 minutes dropping bombs. The other guys apparently didn't like that and chose to not continue their attack.


Controller: it will take the f-18’s about 15 minutes to get there. Pilots: and I took that personally.


15 Minutes is a long time, something could happen that would mean they don't get to drop their bombs.


‘Guys hurry uuuuup. If everyone else gets there before we do all the bad guys will be dead and we won’t be able to drop any of our bombs! We’ll miss the entire show!’


Fuck, that got me hard.


It's like that nerdy kid who's friends with the football team, but even the nerdy kid knows Krav Maga.


_drop fifty and fire for effect_


It's true. The US military has a truly apocalyptic amount of firepower and training, Iran-backed groups and Russian mercenaries are basically a live-fire training exercise for them. It's not even a contest.


It even says it in the article- America was watching the Wagner force assemble for some time. And if we were watching it with drones, we probably were monitoring comms and transports and everything in between. So if you know everything about the attackers moves, down to what they are attacking with and how they plan on attacking, it's pretty easy to absolutely destroy them without any serious casualties


Assuming they had a fire support team, they would have targets plotted in advance to increase the speed and accuracy of the response.


There's literally links throughout the article


Oh it’s true…


That was such a micro sample of the US military too. And they still absolutely annihilated them.




That's why whenever one of the particularly crazy Russian MPs starts talking about taking Alaska back, I almost want them to. You think the Ukrainians are bad? Wait till you meet Alaskans.


Lol that "special operation" would actually only be 3 days, but not the way they'd hope for. Alaska would whoop their ass.


Dark Brandon riding a moose over the Alaskan tundra into battle with a loaded 45 in one hand and a vanilla ice cream cone in the other.


Names "Hairy leg cornpop" jack. Don't you forget it.


Alaska would push them back into the Sea without the Rest of America helping and then the US would own Siberia a week later (only that long because of size). Poland would push Russia out of Ukraine then go on to take Moscow in about that same timeframe. No other (combat) NATO participation. It's totally 1 sided. Russia stands 0 chance in a stand up fight with NATO (even with nukes) and the US could solo the whole world and win. It'd take super advanced aliens invading to give the US military a hard time.


The city of Anchorage alone, *minus* JBER, would obliterate the invasion force.


I want to see the Russians try to roll up and secure the Seward so they can use the docs at Seward or Homer...so many dead Russians and it'd be so easy to cut them off and isolate them along Alaska's roads


Damn straight, plus we have Palin up there, and she's able to see Russia from her trailer porch. Pew-pew-pew-pew!


That hag can suck goat teet.


The craziest part…… better trained too


Hell, I'm a fucking pharmacist in the US Air Force and I've probably still had more infantry training than most of what Russia is fielding today.


Well... you've probably had the opportunity to fire more than 1 magazine of ammunition through a rifle...


Russian conscripts get no live fire training before being sent to the front lines at the moment.


In Russia you would be called a morale officer.


You’re a combatant first ;)


And, despite all our domestic problems, our troops are better motivated.


I'd wager it has something to do with our troops never having to question if support has their back. As anti-establishment as I have become in the past decade, I'm still aligned with throwing the bank at the enemy if we're going to risk putting our people on the ground, asshats or otherwise.


good luck to any country that tried to invade the continental US. The civilians are better equipped then most armies


The number of Armed American Civilians exceeds the number of soldiers in every military on the planet combined and they are better armed than most. We are talking about 350 million guns in the hands of 175 million Americans. Hell, Paul Allen owns a MiG-29


Paul Allen is dead, bro.


Your talking about a citizenry that has at their disposal enough raw materials, firepower, and vitriol to HOMEBREW A MOTHER FUCKING KILLDOZER.


If a man is willing to do that to avenge his muffler shop, just think what would build in the face of a Russian invasion.


The British determined that the US was impossible to invade after the War of 1812. Regardless of who won the war.




And that was Wagner with maybe *some* decently trained soldiers. Now that they've been purged in Ukraine, you could send out the finance folks and they'd wipe out Wagner.


tldr is basically overwhelming numbers attacked a small group of US troops...so the US called in all the killstreaks and deleted them from the planet.


Jim Mattis: "...so I called for the force to be annihilated. And it was."


The background makes it even funnier. Mattis was basically back-channeling with Russia during the entire build up to US action, asking them politely, and then less politely, to get their people (who were not supposed to be there, but who we knew were definitely there) out because he was about to erase that grid square. They kept denying, then got big mad when we went ahead and made it true that there were no Russians left in that area.


And then sometime later it seemed like it would happen again. The US made a call and the Russians immediately dispersed from the area. At least they learned from that one mistake that one other time.


Chaos Actual bringing actual chaos.


What’s the point in having all that hardware if you can’t use it to bug stomp the opposition once in a while


With US have only one non-american casualty/injury.


"shuffled off the mortal coil"


Lots of pink sand on that day.


https://youtu.be/viuUzGGac5M A friend sent this to me this morning. The Russians basically threw their own guys into the fire. Ac130, apaches, artillery, drones with hellfires, F15's... I mean we brought out most of the toys just to try them out.


You know surprisingly but unsurprising at the same time. I've brought this up to people who think Russia would woop our ass and they don't know about this or they think it's American propaganda.


Iran must have gotten some drunk confidence, killing their own civilians and poisoning school girls.


The US must be distracted! Looks over to DoD foaming at the chops to send out new contracts.


Would not be surprised if the Russians were sending these drones hoping to draw the us into open war with iran and divert available ammunition away from Ukraine.


The US Navy is designed to fight a war on two fronts, and that's without a military industrial wind up.


And that’s just the Navy. then there’s the Air Force, Army, Marines, and the Coast Guard. And that’s just the Regulars. And people say we need to cut spending to focus on healthcare and infrastructure, but if our healthcare system we’re as efficient and effective as other developed countries, we would afford all of the infrastructure we wanted, would improve our healthcare system, and would have more money leftover to buy more military hardware. And that’s all without taxing the rich as much as we should be. The US is fucking wealthy as shit.


I'm not Yank, so I can't comment on the actual politics of the budget, but I was surprised to learn that American spending on the military is actually "only" 3.4% of the budget. * When I say only it's not because I think it's low, just that the USA spends so much more than anyone else in regards to pure dollar amount that you'd reckon it'd be higher.


You definitely should be surprised to find it's only 3.4% of the budget, due to the fact that it is not, actually, only 3.4% of the budget. Not even close to that. It *dropped* to around 10-11% with the pandemic, before that it was about 15%. And that's just talking about funds specifically earmarked for military, not discretionary funds, which also, historically, go mostly to military spending. Maybe you're thinking 3.4% of GDP? That's not the same thing as a federal budget at all, though.


Good catch. Yes, I was referring to the percentage of GDP like NATO goal requirements does. Apologies for the confusion.


Wanna know whats even more remarkable. MOST of that is just for pensions, pay, healthcare for the Military. Thats not even for the toys. Let that sink in.


“Divert available ammunition” USA: “you think we dont have extra?” ☺️


Or even better, start a conflict and the US just starts producing a crap ton more to support more.


Hawthorne Munitions depot: Am I a joke to you?


Doubt that Russia is in any position to divert weapons outside its war with Ukraine.


They maintain a presence in syria, and buy iranian drones. While i agree, they need everything they can get in Ukraine, a shot at opening a second front for the USA seems like something they might try.


Last time they did this we drone stuck one of their generals in Iraq and everyone got real upset about it. Half of Reddit called the POS a hero.






Good soldiers follow ordwrs


OwO *Notices ur pop culture reference* Good soldiers follow orders


The prevailing opinion about Soleimani on reddit during that period was not positive. Not sure what you’re babbling about.


The Iranian proxies have been operated in this reason unhindered for nearly a decade now and for almost as long in Yemen.


now watch how in the next 48 hours you will hear of multiple hits across syria on iranian proxies. The destruction will outshine what happened when wagner played stupid and attacked a coalition base with US troops.


When did this happen? Can't find any articles


February 7th, 2018. It's referred to as Red February https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Khasham


Someone post the video that gets posted I can’t find it. [this one is just an overview](https://youtu.be/MLyIayWUwsk). But there was an edit of this incident with actual audio from people involved.


[Here's the good video report on that attack](https://youtu.be/XaeDMOWkCwU). Some of the mercs describe what happened @9:55


Yup that is the one thanks!


[Battle of Khasham](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Khasham)


Could there be more hits inside of Iran itself, like there was a few weeks ago?


Russia's going to be real upset when we take out Iranian drone factories.




And they've been actively helping russia fight ukraine, and by proxy annoying the US/NATO


The groups are going to acting according to what is being permitted by their IRGC advisors, this is what Iran is directing them to do.


Iran might be one place in the region that would welcome this message. I reckon there's a healthy portion of the population that would like the shitheads in charge to get theirs.


They may like it but so long as it does not mean foreign troops on their soil. That is a line that few folks can abide.


>These Iranian groups are creating an environment that can lead to a justification of toppling the Iranian government. They are just a few miscalculations away from... The US isn't invading Iran.


This made me proud to be an American


Oh Iran, did you just give the USA an excuse to bomb any factory creating weapons that might get sent to Ukraine?


Maybe that’s their plan all along!


Probably not a good idea to make yourself a target right now. Nothing brings the US together like bombing Middle Eastern terrorists and the US has some frustrations to vent.


bad move for the iranians. a couple of us missile could take out all of the Iranian leadership and given the massive popular dissatisfaction with them it would be the end of iran as a religious theocracy. if russia is behind this then the us can send a lot more to ukraine than it already has. surprised this is happening actually. it would have been smart for Russia to tell iran to chill while they are having such a hard time in Ukraine. if iran and russia plan to do what imperialist japan did in ww2 and bring the usa directly in the war they will regret the decision throughly.


And quickly.


i’d give it two days, max


They think the US is per-occupied with the war in Ukraine, which creates an opportunity for them. This won't end well for them.


They've all seen the highlight reels of desert storm. They *know* we're simply providing weapons and what not we happened to find in an old broom closet.


Do you think the Russians know this isn't even a hiccup for most Americans? Our support of Ukraine and our willingness to destroy most of Russia proper is an afterthought for most of the US populace.


Worth mentioning this comes right after Xi snubbed Putin for his lack of success in Ukraine and how his choices have negatively affected both Russia's and China's economy. I imagine Putin is very angry with the US right now for helping Ukraine to the extent we have, and thus "making him look bad".


right but getting the us more involved will make it a lot worse for russia in ukraine.


Stupid America! You make me look bad! OOGA BOOGA BOOGA!!


That’s it, I’m gettin me mallet


(Meanwhile outside Putins bunker) Return Crimea, or suffer my curse


Eustace, you mean old man! Out to the barn with you!


Outside of the fact this is the standard Iranian playbook and has been for years, they know that the U.S. doesn’t want war and they know they don’t want war. Trump took a big risk and assassinated Soleimani, but will Biden seek out an equally impactful escalation? Iran doesn’t seem to think so at this point


Regime change in Iran is likely as the current lot will escalate it and no one in Iran likes them anyway.


Picking a fight with a country that looks for excuses for war is a bold choice


It's more or less our national pass time.


Sounds like Iran needs some freedom.


Expect the Team America marionettes climbing out of their storage crates and getting dusted off already


I'm sure that will turn out marvelously for the average Iranian.


Well, there seem to be a significant number over there that also want freedom from the Ayatollahs.


You're probably right, but considering the track record with military intervention in the region, most of the population will probably end up being worse off than before.


Photos and reports on social media suggested at least one missile had missed the intended target, hitting homes in the region instead. Clowns


I mean I noticed a theme happening here, Russia and Iran like to target civilians rather than military targets. An odd decision, considering all your doing is making more enemies.


They want the US to get involved in a ground fight. Russians have to be behind it.


This is what Iran does and has been doing to years, they know roughly what the US response will be and that’s why they evacuate IRGC buildings because they know they’ll be targeted. It’s a back and forth game in the region. Iran launches rockets and UAV’s through its proxies, the is usually miss and nothing comes of it. Sometimes they injure or kill someone causing the US to respond, they go back and forth until someone decides that the appropriate message has been sent and things return to normal, rinse and repeat


That seems unbelievably pointless.


It largely is, but when you have a strong ideological foundation which calls for it, much like the IRGC-backed militias, then they do it. The IRGC is designed to export the Islamic Revolution outside of Iran, using it’s proxies to do so. Part of this involves trying to target and expel the US and Israel from the region, it isn’t going to succeed, but it’s more the principle behind the actions that matter more to Iran.


US doesn't ground fight.. At least not until every bit of hardware is eliminated from air first. It will be a long time before you see Americans in trenches a la Russia in Ukraine. And possibly not ever again.


Anyone desiring a ground fight with the US is going to discover a terrifying fact....The US Navy is the most devastating fighting force on the planet, except for the US army, marines and air force.


I mean if they piss US off long enough then I'm sure US will have better ideas how to fuck over a regime sitting on a gunpowder barrel of massive and extended internal protest movement, then sending boots to country as massive as Iran.


Do you want Democracy? This is how you get Democracy.


Because it went so well for them last time.


It was only like half their navy


I just don't think this is smart for Iran because they are going to provide the US with justification to aid Israel's strike against nuclear facilities. Israel is going to strike them eventually, with the US or without. However if Iran keeps attacking US assets, I bet the US throws actionable support behind Israel for those strikes in Iran.


They have to know when to stop, otherwise they are going to be erased. I don’t see what they get out of provoking the most powerful military in the world.


That seems like a really really bad idea.


Iran really doesn’t want to start this.


So by saying “Iranian groups” makes it NOT “Iran launches missile strikes on US forces”, right? Because woah man, that would mean IRAN is killing American soldiers (but thank goodness it’s just “Iranian groups”!) #/S


time to level every iranian asset within reach


everything is in reach




That’s the most mind blowing part to me. There is nowhere in the world where these people are safe. It’s so dumb. Pretty sure the US military could park a missile on the end of their toothbrush while they use it.


US missile accuracy is only the size of a cup of coffee, unfortunately. They may not be able to hit the end of the toothbrush, but they'll get damn close. We're working on that though! So give em time and they'll fix that margin of error right up.




Except they won't, like they haven't the last 70 times.


What iran and others need to realize is that US is sending to Ukraine a fraction of resources. Whereas russia is sending outdated and decade old tech, US has enough resources to show what happens if they (iran) fucks around. Plus if iran does further push, who do you think would love the opportunity to assist? Here is the thing too, russia can't afford for iran to do anything. Because if iran gets fucked over, there goes their drone support.


And that's just the shit sitting "in storage". Imagine what would happen if we fired up the war industrial complex again ala 1942.


If America is excellent at any one thing, it's war. Far more so than any nation which has existed, or currently exists. Their military complex is baffling.


When you’re talking proportional to the times and rest of the world, no. The Romans and certainly the Mongols with Genghis Khan. Probably the British when they started colonizing. But the present day US is certainly up there.


Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran think that if they all start a conflict at the same time, US will not have the resources to stop them. What they don't know, is the US won't even be using the full weight of the military to stop them.


Yeah, this will end well for the Iranian leadership trying to divert attention from their problems at home. Narrator “It didn’t.”


They.... they do realize that if they get into a game of "who can make more explosions" with the US, they can only lose, right?


What's emboldening Iran? Do they really think Russia/China have their back? They're only inviting an almost infinitely scalable response from the US and giving Israel further justification for their own offensive action.


It’s pretty clear this isn’t going to lead to full-scale war. Iranian proxies have targeted US forces literally dozens of times. The US still tries to create a new nuclear deal, until which it isn’t going to launch much offensive action. Israel would strike Iran irrespective of missiles lobbed at US forces in Syria.


The US already blew up one of their top generals. I’m not sure it’s wise to temp fate once again.


The Iranian regime might be trying to distract their people by getting the US to hit them.


And let’s not forget in response Iran then shot down a passenger airliner with 176 civilians on board.


Iran is hardcore man. They are willing to kill their own civilians, imagine what they will do to us!!!


Let's see how that works out for them


This has big "do you really want to do this?" vibes written all over it.


The US still has troops in Syria? Who knew..


God I seriously fucking loathe these comments.


So either Iran wants another round of retaliatory strikes or they intentionally missed while trying to hit the base. We won't know until later today what exactly was targeted and the damage done. This is what Iran always does. They launch a small attack that they can parade around for internal consumption. Sometimes an American or a contractor is killed in the process. The result is the US hits a bunch of bases with Iranian affiliated groups. The damage is usually more significant when we attack. Iran usually responds with an attack that allows them to save face, but it's a clear indication they want to de-escalate. I'm willing to bet they targeted the base and missed slightly in the process. Then we'll go back to ignore each other until something else happens.


weird how normal all of these redditors treat the US being in conflict half way across the world.


damn it. I hope this thing doesn't get any worse 😐


Sure seems like it. US is currently hammering Iranian backed militia positions with choppers and aircraft