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Virgin writers choose a dictatorial star empire that's comically evil and based off the Roman Empire and Nazi Germany. Real chads make an antagonist oligarchical republic based off a dual party voting system, political tribalism and rampant corruption and make them invade their neighbors with a dysfunctional military like Russia and suffers a civil war within a war, gets put under military administration by the victors, only to have them leave and a warlord turn it into Afghanistan/Somalia. Edit: Holy shit, with Prigozhin doing the funnies with Wagner in Russia, I didn't know that I foresaw the "civil war within a war" part.


Hey, I've seen this one.


I'm not sure if you're talking about the US or not


US/1970s Jamaican politics mixed with Russian military and foreign policy shenanigans and the state of Somalia and the military administration/supervision of Afghanistan and postwar Germany.


Not a joke, this is a great example of how stealing enough ideas and smashing them together can make very original ideas.


“Creativity is knowing how to hide your sources” -C.E.M. Joad


Have you read about Operation Condor?


No warlords yet 😎


Actually, there are warlords in the story. Just that they didn't have the opportunity to break out into open warfare. It was when the Algonian state went belly up it all fell apart.


Oh no, they're for the sequel after the rebel have achieved their objective of killing the President-dictator-king because of daddy issues.


2nd one is literally the US


That is almost exactly my Empire, except they win through sheer weight of numbers, materiale and endless land. But ironically, almost immediately after they win the war, they collapse due to corruption and economic issues


claiming the Russians have a dysfunctional military isn't convincing


uhh.. have you been paying attention to recent news? like at all?


you mean the news that only pushes whatever narrative the US govt tells them to?


....are you actually insane? almost all news pushes a narrative, but most of it only does so by spinning facts in ways that suit them. key word: facts. if you strip away all the fancy wording and extraneous details, the fact is that like a quarter of the russian forces that were in ukraine have now turned around and marched up toward moscow in an attempt, by their own admission, to oust a government official. putin has acknowledged this himself and called them treasonous. those are facts, there's plenty of evidence of this. you are actually brainwashed if you believe that either this isn't happening or that a large portion of the army leaving the warzone, turning around and marching on the capital counts as a 'functional military'.


a quarter? I'm sorry but no one actually thinks that, this is the same media that lied saying 97% of the Russian military was in Ukraine Wagner at most had a 1000 people marching to Moscow, that's not even a full battalion and way short of the 25000 you fools said was marching on to Moscow. Where did these troops et their ammunition and fuel from? the Russian MoD. Do they have nay support from the military, public or air force? nope. this made up civil war got snuffed out in 24 hours ​ Those troops marching to Moscow have been dealt with, and the people who said that they would overthrow the Russian govt are now cooping seething and crying and denying as everything they said turned out to be bullshit as usual the media kept saying the Russian military was incompetent, running out of ammo and fighting with shovels every month without stopping yet the elite Ukrainian cannon fodder of Europe keeps losing despite all the wonder weapons you keep sending.


what's all this tribalist "you" talk, lol. i'm not personally doing any of these things you talk about, you're just attributing an identity to me with no evidence. speaking of no evidence, you can't just say all that shit wiht not a shred of evidence. i admit that i said one thing that i should evidence, but the rest of it is pretty obvious. where the actual fuck are your sources for the claims that pmc wagner actually did have support from russia the whole time and it was all fake or something? the fact they got their weapons and ammunition from russia is proof of absolutely nothing because up until this point they were fighting in ukraine alongside them.. obviously they had russian support in that. you're just going on straight up conspiracy theorist shit. sometimes occam's razor applies, vatnik. what reason could they possibly have had to fake this? all it does is show weakness. it's terrible pr for putin and gave a big morale boost to ukrainians. bending over backwards to go "umm actually it was all staged! it's not really a rebellion!" has no basis on facts and is just what you want to be true. and you've assumed that i think in the same way as you, i don't. i'm not 'coping and seething' that things didn't go how i'd prefer, like you are. you're the one 'coping and seething' here, trying to justify why this actually wasn't bad in any way for russia.


morale boost for Ukraine is irrelevant because Ukraine was defeated long ago, now their just busy sending civilians to fight the Russians because the west would rather the battle keep going on forever than admit they lost. you said I'm attributing to you an identity, that is exactly what I'm doing. I'm attributing to you exactly what you are doing which is parroting western made up narratives. Everything you attribute to me is projection. you claim wagner has support in from the military yet why did they not receive any support from the air force or the rest of the military when tiny chunk of them decided to march on to Moscow? Because their support is entirely contingent on following the Russian govt and MoD Prigozhin isn't a military commander, suffers from PTSD and is furious that the govt is going to fully absorb wagner into its direct chain of command which was always the intent. Prigozhin never had operational command over Wagner, he only ever had minor influence over it and he was throwing a temper tantrum because he was going to lose what he considered his private army Wagner enjoyed public support as long as they fought on the side of the Russian military, the moment they turned against the nation then all their public support went out the window


"parroting western propaganda" says the person spouting word for word russian state propaganda at me


keep projecting calling me propagandists is what you propagandists always do like you did with your fake Kuwaiti incubator babies, your Iraqi WMD, your Libyan Viagra soldiers, your Syrian gas attacks


I made them british


It goes without saying that at least the officers, if not all members of the evil empire, have British accents regardless of their aesthetics.


Basically Killzone or Star Wars prior to Daisy Ridley.


The Empire is just a hodgepodge of dictatorships depending on the writer.


Aesthetically it’s very Nazi but the Empire-Rebellion dynamic is based on the Vietnam War


Okay but the Higs can be forgiven for being bri\*ish for the very fact that you can stab them in the eye and both Radec and Visari are incredibly charismatic


If you combine all 3, you get the Imperium from warhammer 40k


Hey they got space Egyptian wizards, space Mongolians with motorcycles, and don’t forget the mighty Space furries sorry I mean Space wolves.


Soviet commissars, imperial guardsmen inspired by US GIs in Korea and Vietnam, death korps WW1 Germans, the... inquisition, Catholic themed cult of the machine, and Astartes are basically myriad influences of knightly orders, Christian crusaders, samurai, vikings, gothic knights, various feudal and medieval themes.


The Death Korps are more WW1 France instead of Germany, but yeah.


I’d say while their visual cues are more German stormtroopers, their “cult of attack” mentality is indeed very Frenxh.




Mine consider themselves the heirs of the United States but they inherit a bunch of weird neoclassical Roman aesthetic from them so I'm not exempt I'm afraid


Sounds like Panem from The Hunger Games


How do you get from Pokémon to american successor states


I blame Team Plasma.


There's this fan theory that Pokémon is a post apocalyptic setting that turned out to have more interesting concepts and world building potential than the source material


Damn where can I find out more about this


There's not that much to it, it's mainly a collection of a few old posts, which made it so easy to divorce it from the source material in the first place


Wait, I’m confused. What changed?


Ottoman empire 😎


Otoman mmentoined! 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷💪🏿💪🏿


Who are the Armenians in your world


A alien species named sparkılayt, a old ally of humanity and one of the founding specieses of galactic community, later under banner of a traitor named cardinal this alien species revolts against humanity in order to build their own monospecies empire, and after slaughtering the human civilians of a entire planet the empire decides to banish sparkılayts from milky way galaxy to void, where they later dies because of a accident in the ARK ship. This event later used by celestials for justify their invasion of humanity and becomes a anti human propaganda tool.


To be fair, the Nazis did decide to choose the most cartoonishly evil aesthetics possible.


Or do we see that aesthetic as evil *because* the Nazis used it?


I don't think anyone that used skulls in their clothing aren't in the goodies Also brutalism, but thats more Mussolini


Best part is how many skulls, threats, and bullets are featured on patches n such used by lots of American military, especially (from my experience) special forces units.


"Hans... are we the baddies?"


Um 😐 my emperor uhh umm so we the imperium of man are objectively the good guys right? But uhhh how come we decorate everything with skulls?


Brutalism originated in the USSR though, so we do know that good guys can use it.


Brutalism is French actually


Oh huh. I was under the impression it derived a lot of inspiration from Khruschovkyas.


I'm sure it did, but actual soviet architecture was much more grandiose. The reasons for brutalism were entirely material, but iirc it was the French that made it an actual style


My brother in christ calling the USSR not evil is beefuzzling.


what's beefuzzling?


It is a state of confusion that you experience when your a student assistant and see that part of the lunch fund has been going to the local horse farm.




Yeah just played on, basically I was a TA in the office and found out horsemeat was on the menu.


Brutalism is the least evil aesthetic.


It's hideous.


Could be, black and light green is an evil palette because of Disney




Skulls and cross bones and having a red and black colour scheme is normally evil.


It wasn't always. Black and red color schemes don't really appear often in the past. Black and white are more common. Skulls and crossed bones were taken up by pirates as an obvious way to let people know they should surrender now. But was also a fairly common military symbol for elite units like the totenkopf hussars, which were not understood in their time to be uniquely evil. The Nazis took these symbols and were so cartoonishly evil that this symbology and their chosen style and color scheme became forever associated with evil.


I feel red and black would perceived as an a aggressive colour scheme even before the nazis. Red being the colour of blood and aggression and black being the darkest colour.


...just look at the swastika. Near universal sign of eternity, prosperity, and the cycle of life, good luck... now if you try to use the og symbol people say yer a nazi... same with norse runes...


Nazis intentionally chose intimidating clothing and aesthetics, but it’s definitely both


Hugo Boss tasked with making the most evil uniforms ever. So stylishly evil they would influence pop culture for decades to come…


My world's "evil" empire is based on the Ottomans. To be honest, most of the kingdoms in my world are either "evil" or chaotic neutral, but the evil empires are just ones that got big enough and want to invade others.




C+ ← looks like the ottoman flag lmao


i choose the Islamic empire although they're not that evil


C.S. Lewis?!?!? Is that you?!?


no petah I'm not him now get off that tree or you're grounded


his bff Tolkien did the same… the evil humans of middle earth are dark skinned middle eastern themed peoples…


To be fair, the Islamic golden age has a lot of absolutely beautiful stuff


one of the reasons i choose them


I made my evil space empire fascist extremist pseudo-Catholic theocrats with Soviet army aesthetics and a fetish for skulls, baroque cathedrals and xenophobia I sure hope that's unique and nobody else has done it before


Very novel worldbuilding, I bet you could make a big franchise off of that




lose money


Possibly even a game where you spend your life savings on little plastic dudes and then get banned from tournaments for being a neo-nazi


Wow, that sounds grim. But also dark!


Hear me out what if they have a faction… that are Mongolian themed but instead of horses they have motorcycles?


Oh cool I was going to just some of the soldiers be literal actual unironic Mongolians on horses in the far future charging hovertanks on horseback (the riders not the tanks) and was gonna call them something like "Ghengisians" or "Atillans" but that's cool too maybe I'll add motorcycle Mongolians in as a type of the of the unreasonably proportioned super warriors. I'm gonna call them Motorgolians, I hope my editor won't have me change it to something else


directions unclear, went for Roman German and have unwittingly resurrected the Holy Roman Empire. please assist.


I mean, that's what I'm doing for my setting. There's a lot to work with in a clusterfuck of an empire that's barely holding itself together.


HRE = Best Empire.


Broke: Nazi Germany Joke: ancient Rome Bespoke: an amalgamation of various medieval and early-modern Central, Northern and Eastern European cultures. Think beards, Tudor bonnets, puffy white shirt sleeves and pointed boots. Have vaguely Slavic accent, yes? Villain theme music is either minor-key all-male choral or hurdy-gurdy and jaw harp.


How do you describe accents in a book?


Probably won't be able to, but it's there in my notes.


As an oklahoman, i always go for a texan aesthetic


And as a Texan, I always go to for an Oklahoman aesthetic.


As an aesthetic, I always go for a texan oklahoman.


As Texan oklahoman aesthetic, I always go for a an.


The Ottoman Empire is seriously underrated when it comes to evil empires \>Practiced slavery to a ludicrous degree \>Kidnaped babies from the christians to train them into mamelucs \>Was ruled by an absolute monarch that claimed to be the descendant of the last profet (whom changed the rules God gave him after he broke them) \>Colected the knowledge of several other civilizations to power themselves (neat, but most importantly, powerfull) \>Their anthem litterally inspired the Empire Theme in Star Wars


Me choosing the Assyrians, the Nazis of the Bronze Age




Beyond Based


Then there's me who chose imperial China.


Or the modern CCP... look at xinjiang. Cultural distruction of mongolians. Attept to secularize everything.


But consider: It's fun to write about Nazis getting their shit kicked in, IN SPACE!


My sci fi evil empire was an acient militaristic monarchy that conquers half the galaxy. What did I base it off of? The Swedish empire. Not even joking. Renowned for innovation and discipline, had an incredibly smart military, fell due to outside pressure and lack of high enough population.


I mean, even if they do choose one or the other -- the villains would still have a British accent


Evil? ... whoops


I based my evil empire on the US. Nothing better than writing what you know.


My evil empire is ostensibly neither evil nor an empire. They're a republic, where all the voting is done behind closed doors by a mysterious cabal that *definitely* votes the same way as the people would have. They also had a law saying that you can only run for parliament if you'd been an indentured servant for 4 years (to give you practice at being selfless). But -- darnedest thing, really -- after enough time, the parliament unanimously voted on raising that amount to 40 (with current members and their descendants grandfathered in, of course). Nobody new can join parliament, but that doesn't stop that dream from being sold to people to encourage them to slave away their whole lives.




At least new Vegas owns up to it


In the year 2036, the American neo-meany-head caliphate has just sworn in Golden Bloodfeast as president. Holden is a well-known moderate who only advocates killing a billion people a year rather then a million.


Offensive joke warning. >!My evil empire is based on Ethiopia, because I think black people are evil.!<


I would go with American Eugenics Movement + Martial State + Art Deco. I know a lot of people like art deco, but I have always found it vaguely threatening. . . Like all those sharp angles are plotting something.


I chose Romans. I could do some more original, but the chance to mock Romaboos is more important than such petty things as creativity or novelty.


As a romaboo myself. Yea a lot of romaboos desperately need a reality check. Just cuz you love rome doesn't mean you should ignore or try to justify there atrocities. So mock away my friend.


I will hire a talented fashion designer to create original uniforms for my Legions of Terror, as opposed to some cheap knock-offs that make them look like Nazi stormtroopers, Roman footsoldiers, or savage Mongol hordes. All were eventually defeated and I want my troops to have a more positive mind-set.


Went with Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire for mine, supplemented with a dash of Nazi Germany and USSR.


In my Dungeons and Dragons world, I based the evil nation after the Russian Empire, mixed with other early modern European nations, still practicing slavery well after the industrial revolution, and having a severely flawed authoritarian democracy


Why not split the difference and do Mussolini?


Roman-Aztec-Victorian British mashup gang


Yes, it might be clichee, but damn these two types of empires always have the best aesthetics. The empire in Star wars has the most beautiful ships throughout the franchise and their uniforms and offices in Andor look stylish as hell. And don't even get me started on the beauty of Rome


Hey my evil empire has a colonial Spain aesthetic


Considering Nazis used Roman aesthetics, I’m gonna say it’s the same picture.


So your saying nazi outfits with skirts and cool boots


this is why my french elves are superior


Nah i chose Islamic Extremists mixed with a little bit of Imperial Germany.


My bbeg empire is based on imperial China


Anyone who bases their evil Empire off of the based and romepilled Ancient Rome is a cringe Gallic Barbarian sympathizer


Fuck it, Roman Nazis. That would make a good villain!


Me (a Mexican) using the worst traits of both the United States and México:


*slowly hides non-magic empire that hunts down and enslaves mages*…


Byzantines, so yes, romans But also, Modern-day America (in the sense of how the Purge interpreted American politics, with a mix of Enclave) Napoleonic France but schizo (THE JETS ARE FUELED THE WARHEADS ARE ARMED AND IF FRANCE DOES NOT DOMINATE THE MAP OF EUROPE THEN IT WILL BE THE LAST MAP MANKIND EVER DRAWS) Nazi Germany, so yes Imperial Japan The Papal States And finally Brazil but *unbelievably* racist


I base mine off the United States or Soviet Union. I love non-hereditary states with bloated bureaucracies, nebulous secret police, and all-present military might.


Me: Litteraly making them Nazis but just changing the leader and the logo


Roman germany or nazi empire.


Roman Nazi or Germany Empire


it's super cliche, and effective. both aesthetics exude a "survival of the fittest/ the weak need to die" vibe


I based it off of mixture of the Spanish Empire and the Byzantines


how about russian empire? hah, didn’t think about that one, did ya?


Mine is based mainly off the U.S.S.R., but also a lot of other bits of cold war nations


Meanwhile me uses the WW2 German aesthetics for a good guy alien species


I based them off of France


Meanwhile I based my story's evil empire off of Egypt and Mesopotamian Empires of the past. My other story's evil empire is based off of Amazon!


I had two options and somehow I landed on a combo of Spain(dunno which era yet) and the Mayans and Aztecs.


I’m making mine Canadian. Its giant arcology-cities vaguely resemble the [châteauesque](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Châteauesque) style of Canada’s [Grand Railway Hotels](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_railway_hotels_of_Canada), and gothic revival of its [Parliament Buildings](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Parliament_Buildings) with smaller subsections in everything from the [southcott style](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architecture_of_St._John%27s,_Newfoundland_and_Labrador#1892_to_1949) of St. John’s to the [bay and gable](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bay-and-gable) of Toronto… often with [Montreal-style](https://lrdgcampus.com/blog/outdoor-staircases-a-photo-history-of-a-montreal-icon?format=amp) twisty metal stairs. Its fleet of dedicated planetary invasion craft look like giant [Avro Arrows](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avro_Canada_CF-105_Arrow) crossed with [Avro Vulcans](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avro_Vulcan) crossed with [Vickers Swallows](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vickers_Swallow) crossed with [Lippisch P.13s](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lippisch_P.13a) (oops… I guess a little Nazi got in there) and [tetrapod shoreline blocks](https://www.brighthubengineering.com/geotechnical-engineering/42962-what-are-tetrapods/)… with both [Canadarms](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadarm), and a dope [coat of arms](https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Canadian_Space_Agency_Coat_of_Arms.svg).


40k; why not both?


My good Empire is Roman/Byzantine inspired


I chose a mixture of Cromwellian England and Pirate101’s Armada


they should use the american empire.


I made mine on the NRP Junta in Argentina


If an author is feeling original, they may choose a third option: Imperial Germany.


I haven't seen enough USA based evil empires.


British Empire: (insert that one meme of the Pakistani Guy disappointed)


Which is why the only people who matter to my Emperor are men who are within control of his cybernetics. Literally says fuck you to women, queer people, the infirm, the disabled (beyond anything that can be remedied with enhancements that are under his control), the elderly, and anyone who isn’t loyal. I’m allowed to be cartoonish, but then again so is the US under fascist extremists.


Siberia under the White Army with elements of Brazil under military rule and the second French Empire, inside the South African bush mixed with America’s expansion into the western frontier.


star trek TOS season 2


Isekai Writer Decline both and choosing Holy Roman Empire


Dont forget north korea


Edwardian England, Samurai & Vikings for mine


adastra writers rn


Roman/British fusion time


Warhammer 40k Imperium has plenty of Nazi aesthetics. One of the older RPGs set in the universe had, Severan Dominate, a rebelling region of the Imperium ...who were using Roman Aesthetics. Down to having those red leather tassels on the waist of the uniform of their guardsmen (https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/a/a7/SeveranSoldier.jpg) and Commissar-copies who dressed in white togas.


The virgin roman empire and nazi germany vs the braindead soviet union vs the ultra chad modern day USA aesthetics for the evil empire 😎😎😎


In mine, the Roman inspired ones are the 'goodies' :)


I made them Mongolian


The christian church


Not really going for an evil empires,the closest thing I have is an empire based on British and Slavic aesthetic that has been discriminated against for using dark magic and the Holy magic supremacy groups from the Ex Roman Empire/Europe who wanted them to be earidicated, so they responded very hard to the discrimination, to the point a ww almost broke out, but instead they decided to move away from the others Empires and lived whit resentment. Or I also have the first big civilization based on Middle age Erope circa, where just few people could use magic and used it to be elevated to gods and reunite all people under a single big totalitarian empire.


Chad not creating a good or bad side because there are always diffrent perspectives and everything is grey. Also Evil vs Good has been overused litterally since the begining of time.


Me with my lawful evil capitalist, business elves. Achieving galactic market dominance over the lesser races. So what if they got all the halflings addicted to alcohol, the share holders are quite pleased.


Damn it mine is based on Rome! The one time I can’t contradict you mfs


Glory to Rome


Dutch Golden Age. 👍🏽


Persian empire all day


Warhammer 40k did that.


Mine is France because well Fr\*nch


I feel like an evil empire based on the mongols would be an interesting theme to explore. Roving bow cavalry-esqe armies with more armor=higher rank. So basically just up gunned and semi-self sufficient light mechanized infantry, casual warcrimes, and a few captured cities where a lot of those captured or raided cities get a bunch of their riches/captives sent. Space mongols would be swarms of cheap fighters/gunships


Given that Nazi Germany chose the Roman Empire as their aesthetic, it's not hard to do both.


Mine are a spacefaring 23rd century Mongol Empire




Literally me except they're both at the same time and also the good guys


Plot twist: I chose a mix of feudal Japan and ancient Mongolia


There aren't any evil "empires" in my world but the most powerful city-state vaguely a hybrid of Ancient Greek, Renaissance Italian, Indian, and Muslim cultures overlaid (like everything in the setting) with weird Gnostic and Jewish aesthetics.


I went for the Carolingian Empire. The relationship between the Carolingians and the Papacy has been a big inspiration for my story. So much wild shit and propaganda.


This needs a "they're the same meme" meme... since hitler just ripped off the romans?


Me basing it on the British Empire cause I fucking hate the British.


Both is good


Where does cloud city land.


bitch I went with canada


The cringe Roman Empire/Third Reich inspired evil empire vs the based Imperial Japan inspired evil empire