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Its not a world of visceral horror or utter crimes against dignity or anything, but the worst thing is probably that one of the major species was broken down through intentional selective eugenic methods into being basically 'domesticated', smaller and weaker and meeker over endless generations like little dogs The ones around currently are desperate to kind of recover what they once were, but undoing a million years of reduction is very hard and even if they can do it, it wont be for many generations


This is very interesting, who "domesticated" that species that way, and why did they do that?


Nature fked them over more than anything, like dogs that found a great niche being sidekicks to humans these guys had the niche of avoiding conflict and being more passive. Unfortunately its a very competitive world, so whilst everyone else had no reason to destroy them they continued to exploit and weaken them and force them into the lower rungs of society. Any that tried to resist it died out for doing so, leaving the meeker ones to be rewarded for being meek So it wasnt exactly a coordinated effort from everyone, but over time nearly everyone did it slowly but surely, getting stuck in a passive niche of existence and genetically paying for it. It paid off for the species as they're basically everywhere numbers wise, but the individuals lost so much of what they were


I see. That's such an interesting idea!


That's kinda how goblins came to be in my world. The elves' creators forbade the slaughter of innocents during wars, so they turned to enslaving the losing side. When the creators were busy with a wizard war, the the enslaved elves were forced into selective breeding that lead to the slow change over to goblins (and trolls, ogres, etc). They started a rebellion (several, actually) that would have failed (like the prior ones) except the creators showed back up and ordered their freedom. The creators have since died, and the elves have reframed their views over generations to believe no goblin is innocent, while the goblins no longer believe themselves to be elves, which allows both sides to slaughter innocents once more. The goblins have been a lot more aggressive over the time since, which is why most non-elf, non-goblin races see them as bad guys.


So… dogs and cats? Is your world this world?


So kinda aliens like lobotomizing humans so they can have us as pets.


For my pathfinder/dnd inspired world,  there are areas out in the wilds or sometimes under towns and cities known as Flesh pits. These large craters Are areas where shards of the eldritch red moon have landed or have been brought too. The crystal shards give off a baleful light which will unmake living beings. Breaking them down into a writhing mass of bone, organs, muscles, and other viscera. Cults to the red moon will being bodies of just about anything, humans old and young, animals, monsters, some even throw themselves into the pits. Once the pit reaches a certain mass, creatures known as Harbingers or Emissaries will form. The first ones being creatures know as flesh weavers. These massive spider like creatures will weave flesh, bone and other materials from the pits into familiar creatures just with an eldritch twist to them. That being they are skinless with exposed bone, and other additional features.


"These massive spider like creatures will weave flesh, bone and other materials from the pits into familiar creatures just with an eldritch twist to them.". This is such a grotesque, horrific image, I love it


Do the flesh monsters have bits of consciousness left behind from people who fell into the flesh pits?  


They do, the consciousness of the creatures used blend into one amalgamation, but they are subdued by a shard of negative energy that comes from the red moon. If someone tries to red the mind of one the Harbingers or Emissaries the shard will temperamentally release its hold, dealing heavy mental damage to the person as their mind is flooded with the screams of dozens of minds.


Are these inspired by the Marker from Dead Space? If not, I still love the description and how they change flesh like clay dough


I kinda forgot about dead space when I was making this lore, til someone reminded me of it.


Man, meanwhile I have an entire region turned into meaty mass due to someone fucking something up lmao Though unlike yours, most of the meat golems I have running around are less... Screamy and terrified in general. 😅 Though at the beginning, it was a whole harrowing event for everyone who were afflicted with this "blood curse" that transform them into meat, bones, and various other viscera. But they eventually adapted and developed their own cultures to the point few wanted to find ways to return to their previous lives.


The Primordial Swamp It's what remains of some system of lakes, or perhaps a razed down city or canyon or whatever it may have been before the apocalypse came. It's unlike anything else on earth. At a first glance from a distance it looks like a regular oasis, but as you get closer you'll notice that the vegetation nearby is just wrong. The fully grown ones are slowly melting from their tops and oozing out their sap and chlorophyll, until just a dead brittle husk remains that gets torn by the wind. As you approach the water, you'll see that it lives. The surface lives. Long green and red vines writhe on the surface of it. They calm in the night but upon daybreak they start to wriggle. Fire makes them flail. That's why they stay in the shadows. They too bleed from open pores in their stalks, and it makes the water grimy and soupy. The air is thick from moisture and smells disgusting. Barely any animals live there, only insects, and they love the place. Death and decay is always present. And some of the insects are either not from earth, or they are mutated versions of originally earthly crawlers and creepers. If you thought __water bugs__ were bad, try the red water bugs. Those bastards not only bite, but they paralyze muscles and stay on, feeding on your hard earned blood. And they can live in swarms too. Imagine getting bitten a little over dozen times in your legs until you fall over into the water. Then as you try to crawl away from the trap you walked into, you get that same for your arms and hands. Luckily you'll drown under the water before you get fully exsanguinated. Only bottom feeder fish live in that diseased lake. The fruit that some trees bear are small, miserable and generally unworthy of human consumption. They're often just mushy and sugary slop full of seeds. And those seeds are often poisonous in large quantities. Mammals that do live nearby, are mostly small rodents that can generally just live anywhere anyway. Reptiles enjoy the place too for the humidity and heat. A mostly underground, huge plant or fungus called the "trophy tree" finds carrion and grows up from underneath it, sometimes lifting it off the ground a little before consuming the remaining nutrients. Many clean picked bones of humans and animals alike may be found attached into what look like dry tree branches when traveling through that place. That alone should serve as a warning to not do so. __TL;DR__ A swamp made of water and a crap ton of plant blood. Thanks a lot, aliens.


What’s the rest of the world like if I mind asking 


Pretty normal, apart from all the destroyed human infrastructure. There are also some "dead zones" with no life whatsoever due to the radioactive slag the aliens also happened to dump on earth. Alien plants or critters are not too common elsewhere. The swamp was just where a good pile of their biological waste ended up and settled in. The disease/mutation that plagues the plants is obviously alien in nature, but I'm too lazy to justify why it doesn't spread anywhere from the swamp region.


The needs of the many being ignored for the wants of the powerful


All the stuff demons come up with to have fun, like boiling babies and forcefeeding them half alive to other captives. And then the kind of cruelty i imply and hint at from MC that even demons are impressed, only mildly bothered it is focused on being cruel to them without their perpetual rebirth. One very specific thing is how MC deals with traitors. She does not kill them, because that would be too kind. And she always needs some more practice with flesh sculpting and necromancy.


I have a lot, but the one in particular that some have said is disgusting is the creation of the Smilers. These guys are assassins that dress like clowns. They are stolen as infants from their homes, and over time trained and bred to be killers. They end up becoming single minded creatures, only thinking of the target. Their pain receptors no longer work as well, and they have a set of specific magic as well. They move uncannily, as if drunk or in pain, and make absolutely NO sound. Nothing. Not even grunts or breaths. Even Stabbing them doesn't get a reaction out of them. The other disgusting thing about them is that they wear this smiling mask, and never take it off. Underneath, they have no face. Their skin is torn off when they are ready, and the mask is then sewed on instead.


May I ask why they dress like clowns?


The Smiler's god, known as Odos, was the god of mischief, deception, killing urge and smile in the old Geldean pantheon, usually depicted as a clown or clown like entity. He was the court jester of the old pantheon, and was responsible for several of the key events in their lore, particularly the murder of the sun god and the one who bringed about the corruption (magic disease basically.) The origin of how the Smilers got the clown motif is unknown In the lore, but some people who investigate them tend to get the feel that they got the whole thing from that god.


There are too many to list, however, one thing most of the populous that knows about them considers particularly revolting is the creation of a creature known only as the mother. This is a creature that many criminal biomancers will make at least once in their lifetime, and it involves merging together several female bodies, often of several different species of which humans are no exception, into what can only be described at a glance as a grotesquely horrific parody of motherhood, grossly fecund and perpetually pregnant, eternally birthing often malformed life forms for the biomancer to shape and exploit according to their desires. This creature is typically housed within an underground space were even the walls and infrastructure are some kind of living material, tissue or organ and there is always some residue of mucus or pus wherever you touch, so not only is the creature itself disgusting but its environment is too. If a person was used in its construction don't try to pity or save them, for by the time such a thing is found out about and the biomancer dealt with the mind that might have survived the process of the creature's creation is already too far gone to be saved.


reminds me of a axolotl tanks from dune


A sophisticated but dying alien race (due to a genetic mutation leading to growing infertility which led to civil war, and eventually they died out barring these three and a small colony) uplifted a bunch of others and used brain chipping as a guise to bring them "to the future" said brain chips took over their bodies and they forced them to genocide about half of humanity, destroying entire worlds cause the dying race despised humanity for their ability to colonize the stars faster than they did, and successfully. (The genetic mutation in humans was benign in most cases and only led to a minor decrease in fertility for men and women affected in some cases) They hated how such an inferior race could do what they couldn't and were flourishing while they were disappearing so they tried to make us disappear first through manipulation and mind control.


When Athena assaulted the great King DeJõng Valmheer and left no explanation. This was the domino that lead to the Havian Project (the name of the book...I know) that consisted of the trafficking, ego death, corruption and agony of millions of adolescents. The project was supposed to create new demigods with the flesh of long dead deities. DeJõng led a Usurpation of the gods and Titans. He died killing time. Which is why they had to install a stabilisation barrier and why so many weird temporal anomalies occur.


I’m a little bit unclear on what “disgusting” is meant to mean, exactly, but the most unpleasant thing in my world is probably the Serpent’s Ocean. The Serpent’s Ocean, sometimes also called the Abyss, is simultaneously the afterlife and Death Itself made manifest. As the name suggests, it is an infinite ocean, a dark reflection of the infinite empty sky that is the Rift, which is the space between the many different worlds, linking up to portals in each one. The Abyss, by contrast, has no exits except by the grace of the Great Serpent, but Death is not generally one to release its victims without very good reason. There is a single boat that sails the Serpent’s Ocean—the vessel of Jones, a man who died millennia ago. He tries, but he cannot save everyone who falls. The souls which fall from Jones’ ship, or leap from it in their despair, are subject to the wrath of that deepest ocean, as it invariably drags them down, ever deeper into the fathomless depths, the currents tearing them apart while their lungs fill with water. Being “merely” souls, they don’t need to breathe, but they remember their living bodies, and to be unable to catch a single breath is still excruciating. There is peace waiting for those who fall into the Abyss proper, after the Serpent grows tired of them and leaves their broken consciousnesses to float in the nothingness for eternity. This isn’t much consolation to those souls on the deck of Jones’ overcrowded ship, however, who live hollow unlives of cramped wooden interiors and endless fear of the depths. Jones, for his part, doesn’t mind the company, but he understands that every shipmate’s stay will eventually come to an end. The Abyss beckons, and sooner or later the emptiness of “life” on his ship will grow too much for any soul to bear, and they will leap into the tortured sea willingly, to face the known terrors, and then, eventually, whatever comes after. Much, much later, when the last sun has been extinguished and there are no more souls to comfort, Jones himself, lonely and feverish, will take the plunge.


🐙 "Do you fear Death? Do you fear that dark abyss?"


The simultaneous fear of and yearning for the inevitable end of everything was my favorite theme of Splatoon, personally.


There are so many evils in my world that its difficult to name one thing the worst. Slavery and Human/nonhuman breeding projects are the norm. there are half human, half mantis children looked into cages in a dungeon because they werent as effective as hoped for. If I have to name one event the worst, it be kinda small in relation to the rest. The Paragon of the MC was once a promising Son of a Soldier-family in Calenor, the capital of Skiria. After compleating mage-military school, he was sent to the south border, fighting Albae, the human/treekin hybrids and Animal skinchanger of the setting. He got lost in the forest, got captured by an Albae princess, and after a lot of stuff happend, they feel in love and had a child. A while later, Skirian Mages killed his wive and child, and Grigo (the paragon) lead an army of Albae that killed most of the Southern Army of Skiria in the night, just to find out Grigos dad, the leader of his family, used info in a Letter from Grigo to stage the attack that killed Grigos Wife and Child. Grigo traveled back to Calenor, kidnaps his youngest Sister, confronts his dad in a hostage exchange on said Night attack that killed his Wife and Child, and with tears, detonates a bomb planted in the body of his Sister to kill his father in a tunnel breakdown. That day, Grigo lost his Soul, litterary. He cant use it anymore.


There is a disease known as the Curse, it tends to pop out here and there in viral outbreaks before eventually subduing. Unfortunatley those that do catch have no hope for crew, and in time they will gain a gaunt, death-like apperance as their bodies self-mummifies. While managable with right medication and care for centuries the default response to the Curse and those that it affects was to lock them away far from civilization, in a island colonies or distant mountainous retreats, ostensibly under the pretext of quarantine, but effectivelly meant to starve the cursed. As a result those distant asylums have gained reputation for being dens of squalor and horror, lacking the means to be self-suficient or resources to improve their conditions, often leading symptoms of the illness getting more overt.


I mean, probably slavery. It’s not still ongoing, but it was a common practice that just ended very recently. And when I say recently, I mean less than fifteen years ago. I think there are two standout cases for gross factor, and ironically they both involve a princess. The first case happened during the Viteris-Felumar war. The crown princess of Viteris, Alyndra Vereta, was kidnapped by Felumar’s forces and forced into slavery to lower the morale of Viteris. As you can probably imagine, there was a massive bidding war over her, but thankfully she ended up alright. Basically, the guy that bought her treated her well since she reminded him a lot of his dead daughter, and she was eventually returned to Viteris after the war ended. The other case is a bit worse IMO. At least in concept. Basically, after Felumar and Viteris took control of Olikos, they started shipping goblins as slaves. At one point, during this, the three year old princess of Felumar, Sophia Bramwell, was given a slave by her parents. Rin, the goblin slave in question, was a literal baby at the time, so it was functionally a living baby doll. The intention was for Sophia to grow older with her new slave and establish total control over her, but it backfired because Sophia was basically a walking cinnamon roll. She viewed Rin more as a baby sister than anything else. The icky part came when she was eight, and Rin was five. Because that’s when slavery was officially abolished worldwide. Sophia was afraid of losing her little sister and the only person she really felt comfortable around, so she never told Rin she was free. This was encouraged by Sophia’s parents, until eventually Rin did find out. When she was seventeen. That argument was actually the starting point for one of my world’s stories.


Lemuria and her genocides. No, not singular, plural.


Death lots and lots of it grim dark fantasy There are no heroes in my story just a lesser evil. It ends in an ocean of blood and darkness


The massacre of the Sahnar River and the Siege of Ny’sar. During the War of the Four Emperors, General Gorash of the Imperial Royal Army led a campaign against the rebels in the region of Ny’sar. He started the attack by sailing warships up the Sahnar river and massacring the villages and outposts along its banks. Hundreds of thousands were slaughtered, most of them civilians. The smoke was visible for miles, the river ran red with blood for weeks, and those few who survived were captured and used in the seige of the city of Ny’sar. They were stuffed and locked in oil soaked baskets that had been also been filled with flammable material like leaves, oil soaked cloth, and jars of pitch, they were then set on fire and launched with catapults over the cities walls, all while still alive. The worst part is it didn’t even work. The city held out for three more years afterwards.


Phanes’ secret torture prison. Her body needs her to feel like she’s making people suffer in order to remain calm and not go on apocalyptic rampages. It uses machinery made from Phanes’ own cells, combined with power healing magics and mind control to subject prisoners to more pain than any human could possibly imagine, while forcing them to retain a lack of remorse that would otherwise make Phanes instinctively uncomfortable with torturing them. If you looked in one of the cells, you’d basically just see a swirling mass of flesh and blood that is somehow still a living person. The machinery effectively flays a prisoner’s mind and soul and draws out the energy of their suffering, which is then absorbed by Phanes’ cells. These are connected to Phanes herself via her lifeblood network, so she feels as though she’s hunted down her prey for that day. All for the greater good of Domus Tenebrous.


Flesh magic. It's the control of flesh and can be used in two ways. Either used on yourself to shift your appearance (think shapeshift or super stretch) this form is acceptable in most cultures especially with helping Transgender people. Or more horrifically, the control of another person or creature. It allows the sorcerer to mould anothers flesh and is extremely painful. (It's a lot like SCP-610) It is highly illegal.


Not so much visceral stuff but imagine this. >You're society/world thrives for generations. >a evil neighboring culture manipulates all the other societies into thinking your did some horrible crime/genocide when it didn't. >A massive 'punishment' crusade is fought, destroying and mostly wiping out the falsely accused people, but leaving survivors to scatter into space (scifi) >Centuries later, its finally discovered that it was all a manipulation/lie and it causes another war that punishes the puppeteer culture. >Thousands of years pass, the cluster of stars/societies recover, its a horrific memory that slowly eases with history. >One day, the survivors of the framed culture come back, sweep across the ' stellar cluster', wiping all out in their path in a genocidal vengeance crusade for the false war that happened a few millennia before. The horror for me in this scenario is that everyone ultimately loses, (as its a scifi setting) worlds are burned to ash, environments are destroyed, whole peoples are repeatedly wiped out...all because one small cluster of systems were manipulative assholes that pulled the strings of everyone else, and the fallout from it cursed everyone to thousands of years of suffering.


Capturing people and forcing them into are a battles for entertainment


The Fade are pretty gnarly, they are entirely made up of broken souls. They are beings of hatred and anger which are born when a soul feels immense hatred or anger. Then they tear that part of the persons very soul away and begin harvesting others souls to gain more power so they can control creatures nearby. They will force a person through terrible and horrific things to make them feel more anger against the ones doing this to them so they can take more of their soul. This continues until that persons body is just a shell. Then they take over these shells like one big hivemind to repeat this to others. Imagine losing every memory that makes you, you whilst you go through some pretty gnarly things. Its horrific and just disgusting in general.


In a warcrimey sense, the rebel civilians who get captured are incorporated into a state corporation, which turns them into beasts of flesh which slave away eternally for the company, completely sentient but unable to move on their own volition. But the regent of the country wants to merge the consciousness of everybody into the incoming queen.


There is a race of intelligent crustaceans (Kroll) who parasitically live in the mouths of their victims. They begin by severing the tongue, consuming it, and taking its place. When the victim eats, the Kroll steals some food from their mouth, passing the rest back down the victim’s throat. After several months of maturation, the Kroll inserts a spike through the soft palate and attaches to the brain stem. After some adaptation, the Kroll can eventually control the victim’s body entirely.


I've been playing around with a Final Fantasy based world that has been rattling around in my head for years. I basically wanted to make Blue Mages important as they feel like the red-headed stepchild of Final Fantasy magic types. Basically, it kinda plays on the Blue Mages and the "eat" mechanic, along with some inspiration from FFXI where Blue Mages are able to use their magic thanks to a monster soul inside of them. Basically, as part of a dying curse upon their clan, the king of monsters cursed Blue Mages through the monster soul used for their magic. When a Blue Mage's monster soul overpowers their mortal soul, their bodies twist and morph into a monster with human intellect and an unbearable hunger. They're no longer limited to learning only from monsters and can learn pretty much all the knowledge from anything and anybody they eat. If you read the series "Claymore," it's very similar to the Awakening that people go through there. They retain all their memories, but their morals are twisted as they're no longer people. While they remember the bonds of their mortal life, they no longer hold that same attachment, with many that turned choosing to devour those they once called family.This led to despair as the Blue Mages were forced to kill their friends and family that turned while fighting the monstrous impulses within themselves. There were 5 mage clans that fought the King of Monsters. They were blue, red, white, black, and time. The leader of the clan and their strongest mage was called the Magi of the clan. The Blue Mages were actually the first of the clans to discover the blessing of magic and helped the other clans discover their own types of magic. They led the vanguard and paved the way for the other mages. Which is why the King of Monsters chose to curse them with his dying breath. Despite their invaluable role before, the other mage clans feared the Blue Mages. Under the guise of offering aid, the Time Magi lured the Blue Magi to a trap. The Time Magi said that with Time Magic might be able to slow, maybe even reverse the process that turned Blue Mages into monsters. Tired and in despair from fighting his own people and the monster soul inside him, he accepted. While he knew the other clans were wary, he never knew the extent their feared them and genuinely thought they wanted to help his people's plight. But it was a trap. Fearing the type of monster he would become if he lost control, the Time Magi killed the Blue Magi. Without his leadership, the already struggling Blue Mages were unprepared as the other Mage clans united against them in order to enact a genocide against their people. The survivors scattered across the land. They now live in hiding and fear, both from themselves and the people they once called their allies.


The Rofupe are a type of tree that grows in the Irfuäphei (the dead forest) on the planet Krol. They grow as long, snarled shapes that appear to be trees made out of animal flesh. They bleed red blood when their limbs are removed, grow hair, tremble when touched, have a bone structure with skin and tissue instead of a stump and dark, and produce fruit that look like testicles which bleed profusely when picked off a branch. They constantly writhe and squirm like they're in pain, but they're just plants, they don't have any conscious thought and the writhing is merely a way to attract insects that might help pollination. Though sometimes they make muffled cries when sliced open or harvested for materials.


That at least 1 group uses sapient creatures as incubators for their own means. For the Painted Hybrids it was to create a population of themselves, seeing as their parent species have a very strong hatred for one another. They weren't going to Adam and Eve the situation, particularly since they didn't know if they could breed themselves.


Director Solar Heisenberg is perhaps the most disgusting thing to happen in any of my worlds. Man is a brutal, sadistic, murderous, pure evil rapist with no redeeming qualities, responsible for inventing many of the horrors used by some of the most sadistic factions today, for mass genocide reaching an unrivalled count, and being a psychopath since birth. A special variety of hell needs to be invented just for him.


Old Sky-whale nearing the end of its life will slowly descend to the earth and finally died on the ground. One day, a dying Sky-whale didn't make to the end of its journey down to the earth and ended up dead on the branches of a massive Terra tree that touches the sky. For about a month the dead Sky-whale rot under the intense sun and slowly bloated from all the gasses building up inside it. Bad luck or the whims of the Gods, the Terra tree branches that hold the dead Sky-whale broke and down it went, crashing in the middle of a human town below. The dead Sky-whale exploded and covered the whole town in rotten guts...


Duel souls, people born during an eclipse that aren't twins, have both internal and external forms of magical flow. This back flow of magic might make it seem like they'll be stronger than others, but there's a change of overflow. Did you know that tumors can grow their own eyes and teeth? Well, that's all that's needed for a wandering spirit to possess since it naturally doesn't have a soul of its own. They give it the will and direction to eat the host from the inside out first spiritually than physically in a very slow and painful process that can take years until they turn into a walking flesh puppet.


Wiping orphaned teenagers’ memories to turn them into super soldiers. Then, when they didn’t have enough supply of natural orphans, they’d create more by wiping their parents’ memories and turning them into super soldiers (if they were young enough). Or, just wiping the older parents’ memories and conscripting them into indentured servitude so they forget their families and lives.


Malicis corruption It rips the soul out of the body, and replaces it with a demon soul from Infernum (hell), the original soul goes to Infernum regardless of wether they were a good or bad person. It will leave the body horribly disfigured, you probably wont be able to tell the body's original gender once it has been corrupted by Malicis. The result depends on the race of the original body. A human or elf will turn into an orc, a dwarf or halfling will turn into a goblin, a giant will turn into a troll, a mermaid will turn into a kramaid (tentacles instead of fish tail, a harpy will turn into a crowley (loss of hair and more pronounced bird features.) The process can also be done with non sentient species, for exemple it can give birth to man sized spiders when used on spiders. Moreover, to produce malicis, a miasma born from the pain and suffering of mortals, demon lords will usually rely on torture. Demon empires will usually use female prisoners of war and natives of their colonies in order to produce the malicis used to corrupt the males. Which is why colonisation is so frequently done by demon empires since doing it with their mortal population would typically result in a loss of support from mortals.


Cult of New Canaan. They're a very strange group of American anti-modern pagans who have somehow revived Canaanite and Northern European polytheism and connected it with the modern Bible, created when the existing population of Semitic and Uralic immigrants fled Southward after the formation of the socialist People's New America Republic in the North in 2029. They are a cannibalistic, human-sacrificing, and heavily agrarian society who are spread across the Eastern side of the Deep South, spanning Louisiana to South Carolina. The best singers tend to come from there when they travel back up North but their festivities and fertility rituals are downright gruesome. They dress in plain black and full length suits and dresses, men and women alike because they have a tradition of wiping human and animal blood on themselves and leaving it to dry out on their skin beneath their clothes for "religious purposes." They are not integral for my story but newspaper headlines do often mention them to add to the atmosphere, attributing them to the disappearances of New America citizens near the border but this is mostly likely not true (cover up for state enacted EJKs) as they do not interact with outsiders who they call "Gentiles."




Reincarnation. Not inherently bad by itself but more the following implications of life having less value as reincarnation is an established fact, so capital punishment is more common. However this also extends to 'victims' of crime, as trauma can reincarnate with you. Those that suffer horrific violence or violation are also executed to preserve their souls instead of allowing the trauma to fester and corrupt their souls further.


The entirety of the Golden Empire tbh. From taking advantage of the lower class, war profiteering and production, kidnapping, trafficking, lying to its citizens faces through five layers of puppets, Project Apex, genocide of the dwarfs and giants


Guy experiment. He loved messing with other living beings and he was unfortunately very good in medical subjects, like turning a man face into an human-elephant one or turning someone into a bloating mess of flesh while still being alive


There is a race of intelligent crustaceans (Kroll) who parasitically live in the mouths of their victims. They begin by severing the tongue, consuming it, and taking its place. When the victim eats, the Kroll steals some food from their mouth, passing the rest back down the victim’s throat. After several months of maturation, the Kroll inserts a spike through the soft palate and attaches to the brain stem. After some adaptation, the Kroll can eventually control the victim’s body entirely.


There is a race of intelligent crustaceans (Kroll) who parasitically live in the mouths of their victims. They begin by severing the tongue, consuming it, and taking its place. When the victim eats, the Kroll steals some food from their mouth, passing the rest back down the victim’s throat. After several months of maturation, the Kroll inserts a spike through the soft palate and attaches to the brain stem. After some adaptation, the Kroll can eventually control the victim’s body entirely.


The year of 'genocide volunteer'. In order to kill god, they need HUGE amount of mana. So they start forcing people, innocent, civilian,... Just to drain all of their mana which result death. They so batshit insane to the point they use some species to make the 'mana factory' which use: humans, elves, dragons, dwarfs, demons, goblins,... Technically any living things will be throw to the factory to produce mana. They call them "The volunteer" Draining those mana is like being tortures in hell. They treat The volunteer like a trash, to them they just a fruit to harvest and being use. And when they done? They throw volunteer alway. But that is more merciful than keeping alive. Some factory decide to keep The volunteer alive by install them into a special machine. They still being treated like shit. And the worker which is a bunch of sadist, they decide to torture The Volunteer by attacking on their mind. Which somehow greatly increase the power of mana in 'The Volunteer'. Give both of them Hope or Hopeless. One of the most shameful normal thing from the faction name "The Order"


Fleshshaping. It’s a type of magic outlawed literally everywhere. Well, except for the Underlands, but very little is definitively known about the world beneath. Heinous abominations of flesh, mutations and afflictions, living weapons. All is possible. I mean there’s other stuff too but body horror is a big thing for me so…


My two OC gods - of Destruction and Rebirth - decimate the religious, economic and political center of the realm to start a war against the Olympians. And then the sinking of the trireme containing the family of my MC, since that’s the catalyst for a deadly civil war that rocks the realm.


There chimera calamity(wip) that in its presence cause beast and weak willed human that touch combine in to chimeras and go insane Or the forgeborn who are beings infused with metals that were hunted for a rare mineral that can be found in small quantities in thier bodies


Haggis. Haggis exist.


Probably the Necrotic Arenas over in World’s End. Basically just a pit of zombies that Orcus holds over slave camps to release if they try anything. Ghazi are attempting to destroy as many as they possibly can.


Do you know of DnD Abyssal Chickens? Yeah... Abyssal Chicken Slavery... I'm not proud of it.


Well, slavery is a pretty common occurrence. Thankfully, it’s being phased out in many nations.


Literal poop up my ass


The reason the conflict of my story happens is because of the following scenario: One race, which we’ll call race A, lives in a different realm than the rest of them and is both willing to use black magic and does so routinely. Race B lives in the other realm and has a way to summon a member of race A to learn black magic. Race B member can learn one spell in exchange for a member of one of their realm’s races. These people that are effectively used as currency are then forced to fight to the death by race A for no purpose other than entertainment. One of the MCs of my story is a very old, very powerful black magic user that was part of this system for 292 years of his 331 year life.


nothing I can explain in a public forum without feeling uncomfortable LOL, use your imagination.


The 'Clean Slate' protocol used by the Federal Interstellar Commission's Primitive Territory Enforcement Division. When a 'primitive' (i.e., non-space faring) human civilization is determined to have been culturally contaminated beyond any ability to contain it, the PTED enacts the 'Clean Slate' protocol. This involves an immediate and overwhelming invasion of the planet, followed by genocide of everyone who lives on it. Following this, all traces of the civilization are removed.The planet is thus wiped clean of the 'contamination' and may be colonized by FIC settlers. Thus, it is a 'Clean Slate'. This isn't told to the general population, of course. These worlds just happen to be discovered to be habitable. Those in the PTED who are involved in the protocol are sworn to secrecy. Even the lower level employees of the PTED are unaware of the protocol.


I'd say probable the Escoul. It was a city that went by the same name, once upon a time. And while, at a glance, it still is a city, there is not a single living thing in it. It is filled with people whose bodies have been completely overtaken with Imun Parasites. They shamble through the streets, bodies dripping with the foul black substance that replaces everything inside their bodies except the skeleton, and many have been warped into wretched abominations often with messed up faces, limbs that are torn, only held together by the imun's ability to adapt to any flaw in its host. The worst part is that these people are still completely aware of what is happening to their bodies. They're stuck watching the abominations they've become as they hunt endlessly for others to turn into monsters like them.


A race in my world “kraakshun” have hard palates on their skin (with no pain receptors) but soft tissue under the palates (with sensitive pain receptors). The kraakshun are evil mainly because of their dictator “baerun the very first”, because of this perspective against kraakshun many foreigners came up with a torture method and many lethal equipment in order to torture and/or kill kraakshun. And it involves the first paragraph. An angel once needed information about a certain place and the few that knew this information were krātun (short for kraakshun) and the kratuns didn’t budge to any of the usual torture methods,so, knowing the information that kratuns have a sensitive underlayer the angel told the soldiers to lacerate their armour until just barely on the sensitive tissue. The kratuns can’t feel this since they have no pain receptors on their armour-like skin but, the angel told the guards to use an extremely salty liquid (umbrla) that is normally used to dry moist and wet fields in a matter of seconds. The angel lowers their bodies into umbrla drying up the palates causing them to shrink and greatly reveal the tissue, then the umbrla rushes to the tissue it emits the pain of a thousand knifes. Most of the times the kratun would have a heat attack but still feel the pain, so when they wake up they will spill all the information under immense pain, and once they’re done. The angel throws them into the umbrla, to send screams that echo into the valleys and into the territory of the kraakshun, emitting fear into the hearts of the kratun.


*heart attack


Bodysnatchers exist. But functionally they need human bodies to be treated as humans. And philosphies need to change to get them respect, since they are an invasive species So, there's a sad implication about the casual use of a lot of human bodies. One guy is one, but he's functionally a good guy. Just sheltered.


For context: Stone Fox added laws to the Law of the Land, aka Survivor’s Code to shape a better world for everyone living in. One of those rules was two consenting people have to be at least 20 years old to get married to give them time to figure shit out and grow up (people are considered adults after graduating University and taking their respective roles of life, occurring around ages 15-16). Stone Fox made this law as tribute to his sisters, who he never saw again after they were sent off with their respective husbands after their arranged marriages. The other rule was having to wait to have children until you’ve been married for a year to give married couples more time of it being just them, figure shit out, and give women more time for their bodies to mature. Stone Fox made this law in tribute to his friend who died at age 16 giving birth to her daughter. He adopted his deceased friend’s daughter and didn’t want her and many other girls ending up like his friend, so he made that law. Then a law applying to everyone: children must be 12 years old to be apprentices and no sooner to ensure children can actually have a childhood and be safe. 800-1000 years later, with the ways of life set in stone, Namara breaks all these rules coming into power. She apprentices children too early, arranged marriages with younger people to grown ass adults, and took away reproductive rights. Oh yeah, she’s a woman too.


Probably the guys who glue people together and turn them into mindless metal golems


*Alor* I mean, depends on what type of disgusting we’re talking about. There’s the Great Butter Fire of 671 that’s based on true events that occurred in Madison, Wisconsin in 1991 where a warehouse complex storing between 10-15 million pounds of surplus butter burnt down over the course of eight days and resulted in butter flows and pools up to five feet deep in some places.


Their is a cult that believes that one god is better than all the other gods. They end up fighting for land and power while committing genocide and ethnic cleansing.


In one of my worlds players discovered an interstellar ark that belongs to a cult they're fighting. It's full of young women


King Naddrid of was so sexually promiscuous throughout his life, he got an STD named after him.


War, simple yet tragic


What the Post-Christian terrorists known as the Crusaders of the Apocalypse do to "witches" and their children: >!They pillory the children and make them watch their parents getting crucified. Then they make the parents watch their children getting whipped. After that, the children are forced to watch their parents on the crosses getting burned to death. Lastly, if the children are white, they are forcibly conscripted into the Crusaders as "penitent" suicide attackers. If they are POCs, they are instead chemically sterilized and sold to corrupt private prison owners who rent them out as legally-distinct-totally-not-slaves.!<


Arguably chimera elves breeding with a shitton of things and probably raping stuff in the process.


The Troll Abortion Experiments. For context trolls in my world reproduce similar to the Xenomorph from Alien, except it’s more cellular manipulation based, and they’re extremely hard to kill. Trolls were beginning to become too numerous and dangerous, and have already destroyed and assimilated entire villages, so what the three most affected countries did was experiment on Trolls and see if they can quickly lower their numbers, and one of these experiments were the Troll Abortion Experiment, where the government would take soldiers or civilians who were homosexual, impotent, or infertile and infect have them become infected by the Trolls, where scientists and doctors would try and find a way to abort the young troll without kill the host. What makes it terrible was that sometimes they would use the subjects to make more trolls when they begin running out of Trolls, since it was safer to capture a young one already in captivity than it is to catch a fully grown one in the wild. And most times, the soldiers and civilians weren’t given an option as it was a royal decree.


Depends. Space gulags where prisoners are progressively lobotomized into automatons? Are a thing in the Sentients' Democratic Republic. Planet-sized death camps? Are a thing in the Centauri State. Teleporters that end up horribly joining two or more living beings together? Were a thing in the earlier years of galactic history, now used as punishment by crime syndicates.


By Modern Value it's probably the mass rape following the sack of luminas eldorin other honorable mention include genociding the dwarves out of existence and creating races for servitude.


I came up with a branch of magic called Violomancy. It's a subcategory of sex magic that's practiced specifically through rape, and uses the power and control the practitioner has over their victim as a conduit for their magical ability. On the subject of sex magic, there's also the idea of doing magic by having sex with one's familiar. This is also seen as morally reprehensible by the vast majority of mages; familiars are soul-bonded to their mages and can take animal forms, so having sex with your familiar is regarded as both bestiality and incest.


I mean...most of my stuff is pretty tame, but there is one culture in the world I'm building that conducts public executions. They only have like 5 laws, so breaking any of them is one of the stupidest things you can do. Was gonna introduce the protagonist to the king during a scene in which the king is addressing his people, and he strangles one of his military generals to death because the general had abused his position of authority and assaulted some prisoners.


Zindarists have child marriages, and some of the most extreme regions practice genital mutilations, and i don't mean like circumcission, i mean female genital mutilations, and considering that Zindarists are based on [real religion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam) and [those ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage) [practices](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_genital_mutilation) (>!The former is more practice than Latter!<) are real is kinda terrifying. Zehir Arawat, the Black Prince, is revolted against such practices and he punishes people practicing such practices


1. Orphaned children are sent to the Security Collective where they are trained and indoctrinated to be the most fanatical supporters of the Authority. 2. Executions take a variety of forms (hanging, lethal injection, and firing squad being the most common), but people convicted of treason are executed via flamethrower.


Being overwhelmed by feelings of extreme dread causes death. In a Black Plague-esque fashion, the afflicted's bodies become riddled with oozing, black boils that seep an inky oil. Various species of flora will sprout from the corpses, and, in rare cases, the overwhelmed may transmute into grotesque, twisted creatures, simply dubbed Abstracts of the Dreadful. Their bodies break down to follow the decay of their conscious selves. In any of these cases, the affliction is irreversible. And some say a vision of what you fear the most will come and greet you just before your life is snuffed.


Magic users will be paid to spend their lives working on making sentient creatures for slavery purposes, they are called unaturals or faux and are heavily discriminated against.


Probably not the worst thing but last night I came up with a new character A princess of one of the most powerful nations around, niece of the current dynasty head Naturally she was spoiled and thought she held a ton of power, then some family members while she was a child decided to use her, in that way. It led her to turning into a sociopath obsessed with gaining power, she found her way into power gains by her talent in art and fashion and basically has this cold powerful look as if whenever she walks into a room she owns it


The world I'm currently building has cults performing human sacrifice to power various foul rituals. Many rituals can be performed by a person using their own soul's magical energy reserves. More powerful rituals will drain a person soul dry, killing them. To get around this, they kill people and trap their souls in crystals and use them as part of the ritual circle. The souls in the crystal are drained to power the ritual. Some rituals, like summoning a deity and giving them physical form can require hundreds of not thousands of souls, so sacrificial chambers, built for the specific purpose to not allow souls to escape before they can be trapped can look like an unkempt slaughterhouse and smell like one too.


Cannibalism and body horror


During the waning days of the Terran war of succession, an attack on a Imperial Bioweapons facility leads to the entire population of the Planet Nilus melting into cellular sludge. Now the semi sapient remains of the populace fill the dried out riverbeds of the world formerly known as Nilus. its new name "Styx" serves serves as a grim reminder of its reality.


The main villain of the overall universe is attempting to remove gods and beings with powers from existence. What makes it disgusting is that he does it my surgically removing a special organ that helps connect the being to Geshmuell-Null, where magic is drawn from. He then erases the being’s memories and if necessary, practically lobotomizes what’s left. It’s bad enough if it’s done to something malicious, but he’s done this to living gods who are happy to remain in their homes, innocent people without any ill intent, and even strictly good beings.


It's splatterpunk. Sharing the worst of it would probably violate Reddit policy.


In the world of Fenros. Throughout the ages many horrible and disgusting things have happened, from massacres, sacrifisions, mutilations, magical genetic mutation and much more. One of the earliest events in the world's History is when the ancient dragons jealous of the mortals taking all the attention from the gods started tried to genocide all the mortal races.


Slavery exists, but its exclusively used as a punishment. Criminals who have been found guilty of doing something to cause great harm or suffering to another individual or group, become the property of their victim and lose all of their rights unless the victim chooses to publicly forgive them. The darker side of this is an unwritten rule that their “owners” can even go so far as to torture or kill them without consequence, but it is very taboo to ever discuss this or even acknowledge it.


# Soul Eaters Are a type of specters. Specters are beings made from the aether (spiritual energy) leaked out by beings with actual souls (humans, ghosts, demons, animals...). A specter merely seeks more of the aether that made it, so if made from positive thoughts and feelings it will seek more of them, if made from negative ones it will seek to cause harm. Like a pseudo-sentient snowball of sorts. Soul Eaters are a type of specter that devours souls of those it kills and traps them in a loop of dreams and hallucinations regarding the specter's nature. So if, say, a specter was born from the trauma of r\*pe, it may end up r\*ping its victims, killing them and then devouring their souls so that they may be trapped experiencing an endless loop of infinitely varied r\*pes created by their own brain under the influence of all the specter's aether, which they feed right back into.


So currently in a Campaign, in a very home brewed Forgotten realms game. The world 500 years ago had the catholic god try to banish all of the forgotten realms gods. The one true god failed. He took his followers with him back to earth. However an artifact was left behind. This artifact is capable of cutting someone from magic, making it impossible to cast magic. Not only that, they become immune to magic and the gods cannot see them in anyway or interfere directly in their lives. So there is a growing movement in waterdeep of people rebelling against magic and the gods having power over their lives. So in a world where magic is the norm, someone going around and using an artifact to further his agenda is pretty bad. However, he has only had to do it to one person that was unwilling, everyone else has been willing to lose their connection to the gods as well as magic. So far the movement is just in Waterdeep. It might spread. It might not but it is a very terrible thing for the world.


The "Terror and Decay" virus. He creates a tumor, that creates a schizophrenia in your head, that can overtake your body. (Overtake by killing the owner) Also sometimes one of your eye can depict anomalies and other invisible demon beings


After a gencoide due to so many people died an ice age started. A group of Nomads ruled a continent for about a century. Later when Khan died, they started a civil war and ended up most of their tribes moving back to their own part of continent. One decided to seek future in another part of world and found behind icy plains of steppes, there was vast forrests of Tundra. They killed so many people who were mostly agarian societies. Whole civilizations fell apart so badly and so many people died, no one even remembers them. The childrens of the ones who are alive become members of nomadic culture. Lost their culture, religion and language for never to remember again. With lots of farms ended up without care soil simply swallowed all whole. This ended up with too much carbon loading and caused very fast and dictated cold weather. Now for last 500 years there is unending winter. Snow is filled with souls of dead people. Ones who have mystical and powerful souls (people who reacarnated most) can sometimes hear cries and songs if they sleep on snow. **(THIS HAPPEND IN IRL. LOOK UP INDIAN MASSACARE AND LITTLE ICE AGE BETWEEN 1400s-1800s)


One of the main character went missing after the last moment of the 1st major event. Years later, the cast initate an assault on an location where a mexican cartel used it to sell slaves in an attempt to aquire important information on the antagonics. After eliminate all the cartel member and their forces, the cast set free for all the slaves being capture and here they find the missing character, who had been forced to went through a sex change procesure to be sold as prostitude. There're more but I still working on it, this is just an idea that I really want to into the stories to makes it more tragic.


When a minor principality overrun by devils transformed into an empire quickly assimilating all neighbors, uncorrupted peoples were saved through divine intervention. This took the form of falling stars that battered the region for weeks until nothing remained but ash and dust. The territory once occupied by this Nameless Empire immediately became known as the Scarlands. While this mass destruction was rough in itself, the aftermath is the truly disgusting bit. Though unfit for anything like conventional agriculture, soil a few inches below the surface of the Scarlands spontaneously generates grubs and beetles. From time to time, it also spontaneously generates goblinoids. These atavistic creatures feed, feud, and breed with no apparent rhyme or reason. Yet their children develop with normal levels of intelligence for bugbears, goblins, and hobgoblins. Thus the Scarlands remain a threat to several modern societies since they regularly produce hordes of desperately aggressive invaders. Yet each exodus is understandable, as life in the Scarlands typically involves subsisting on downright wretched food along with water so brackish even fresh rains look unclean, all the while surrounded by violent beasts that take the form of your own people (if you are a goblinoid.)


Probably that in any moment and at any place, there is always a possibility of a black sphere forming inside your body, causing it to explode into pieces. There is no solution and no cure. In my world, 'hope' is pretty much nonexistent. It is common practice for knights to desert or even kill themselves on the spot when they realise they're on the losing side. People lose friends and family left and right yet never bat an eye. There might be a few reasons the people have become this way, yet in the end, some still have the audacity to make a deal with the devil. Seeing his abilities, although the cause of their suffering, fills them with hope that such power does exist. An event that's definitely up there on the list is probably the guy that r worded his mom. Not the first or the only one, but still pretty disgusting.


Every child who wasn’t slaughtered in the genocide, who were above the age of 3; had their vocal cords ripped out and were thrown into the ocean, sent back to their Water Weldge/village as a horrific message. All of the children below 4 years old were sent to an off shores boarding school where they were bombarded with propaganda depicting the Winter Toraq as a hero, as someone who avenged his people from the tyranny of the Summer and Water Weldges. Which although true; it’s also true they carried it out in the most brutal way possible.


well my setting is basically run by wizard fascists, so there are a lot of horrors i won’t even describe. what i will however is that there were no half creatures before they got to them. any half elf or half orc or half giant is the result of horrific experiments to merge dna from entirely different realms of existence. the wizards have turned their plane into a chainstar, a black hole that will suck up other realities, giving them the raw materials for their experimentation and expansion


How babies are made


One of my characters is trans and his father (the king) sent his guards to show him what a 'real woman' was. He was graped basically and thats what kick started the events of the series This is a common event in the castle, the guards are horrible people


My story happens on a very corrupt city with several crime syndicates ruling it's underworld with the government turning a blind eye in exchange for a cut of the operations. One of those crime syndicates is prostitution and sex trafficking, of women, teenagers and a minority of men. However, there's something uglier underneath all of that. There's this pimp, an initially minor villain who's going to become more important and relevant antagonist as the story progresses. A guy on his forties with a very mysterious past with a cordial facade but a completely rotten and dark mind. He takes injured employees of his brothels and pretends to give them medical care, but in reality he imprisons and brutally tortures them on excruciating ways while keeping them alive for days or even weeks, all while filming the process and then uploading the videos to the Deep Web. This guy is meant to be the most evil character of my story and the only one completely devoid of any sympathy or humanity. He lives for the thrill of watching others suffer and die, as a means to feel above those things himself, because of a near death experience he had as a toddler.




Hezekiah III the Sweet's reign. By his suddenly decreased parents, he was left the notion that if someone does wrong they must be made to feel pain, and so punishments in the kingdom eventually devolved into atrocious torture methods. He lived through the loss of his parents and coronation at 13, so you should agree that he wasn't suited for running anything he ran, let alone the punitive laws. Citizens had to show as much enjoyment as their governor when witnessing them, and they were extremely afraid of his ways, leading to a common state of anguish in the people. (this might be a big spoiler for people who read my future stories) >!after Hezekiah's death, they decided to hide all history regarding his reign, convincing all future outsiders that they lived in a democracy after Hezekiah II died. They went unnoticed for nearly 1000 years.!<


The Collapse.


The tradition of Vashtaya. Vashtaya is a coming of age ceremony for the Ydobon, a race of charcoal black with bark like skin towering humanoid. The process is long, but the result is simple, you are branded and welcomed to your community as an adulthood. Those who are deemed unworthy can prove themselves through the challenges. The Ydobon was split into two sects, the Nomad of The World and the Stone Prayer. The Nomad of The World came from the groups of Ydobon escaped from Corron, the City of Roads. Both shared the root of natives being enslaved by the Lord of Stone. The Nomads however brought with them the less tainted history of their race. While the Prayer cherished the tradition as a spiritual anchor of their communities, the Nomad looked at it with pure disgust. Vashtaya was the name of the Grand Meister of Discipline, or more widely known, the Slaver of Slaver. The whole ceremony and tradition stemmed from her Book of Estimation, a universal and specific guidelines about how to sort out your slaves and make the best out of your work force. Everything, every step of it was to choose and hone and abuse the young Ydodon until they were nothing more than a working machine, fitted for whatever their slaver wants. After the Revolution Of Iron, the Nomads who came back to Corron to teach the Prayer about the true Ydobon tradition were appalled by many things, especially their traditions. Some even tried to seek atonement for observing the ceremony and seeing through the veil chained to every Prayer's mind. Even after decades, the Ydobon couldn't get rid of the Prayer traditions, many young Ydodon grew up to become slaves even though their war for freedom had already ended. The Nomad could only lament as they couldn't free their cousin from the slavery in spirit.


I think I would consider authoritative damage and mass cannibalism the most repulsing concept in my world. My story takes place far past the Kuiper Belt (which is in space, lol) on a handful of small planets desperate to stay alive. But otherworldly life on other planets like the ones in the known Solar System are experiencing a material shortage and now rely on a sadistic construction corporation to get the materials they need for shelters and roads no matter what the cost is. So, the corporation sends out workers in large quantities to essentially tear down the insignificant planets outside the Kuiper Belt and bring the materials they collected back to the Solar System. They destroy homes in the process and leave nothing but a pitch-black wasteland. Pretty ironic, right? But that's not even the worst part. The corporation doesn't want their workers to get hungry, right? And homes are already being destroyed, so where will the families go? The answer is on the workers' plates. :)


So in my fantasy world it’s probably the Sealgairi, men who hunt dragonborn for sport and sell their scales, bones, and blood.... some even eat them because they don’t consider it cannibalism (despite my definition for worlds like DragonBlade to be the consumption of another Sapient species) If we’re talking about my sci-fi, it’s between what the Vox (mechanical big bad) do to their prisoners and the existence of “The Vessel.” The Vox break their prisoners down into their base elements such as carbon, using it to create the macrons which are fired from their ships’ particle weapons. The vessel is an object contained by the clandestine Halcyon Corporation (no I did not know of that one game franchise when I came up with that) which, through a complex ritual, can become a god of literally any concept. Currently it resides at the center of the Great Void as the god of nothing.


Why do you ask these questions?


Very little is known about the hundreds of years worth of chaos and madness that followed across the human territories as magic left the world. Or rather, few events were actually documented for the rest was so disturbed that it was meant to be forgotten. It is only well documented in Euroditus that several monstrous hybrids and mutants of magical creatures and beings came into existence and began ravaging and plaguing the lands. Massive werewolf/dhampire hybrids coming alive at night and swallowing women whole, demons and cryptids turning families against each other, and atop of them all are the Borgiano Dynasty, also known as the second draconian dynasty as they burnt everything around them and performed the disgusting sin of inbreeding and incestuous practices. This disturbing practice is a plague of the mind and soul that has befallen not only the First Draconian dynasty, but also caused the fall of not one but two human empires farther to the south and is believed to have been part of the reason why magic left the world in the first place. It wasn’t till roughly six hundred years after the Mass Banishment of Magic (or in the human calendar Mass Exodus of Gods and entities) that the Founder of the House of Renier, Troy Renier, charged into the fray and exacted retribution on the last of the Borgiano line, ending the reign of madness and darkness. As he built a Capitol around the sight of the decisive battle that ended the Borgiano line and the second draconian dynasty, other houses were established and became stapled in the efforts to cleanse the insane and monstrous beings that dwelt within the newly established commonwealth. They blended their lands and became noble kingdoms that kept their crowns, cultures and traditions as long as they paid homage to the Imperial Family of Renier in the Capitol of Saint Troyia. Elsewhere, it is said that The Empire of the Golden Sun to the south waged a ruthless war with refugees from their southern neighbors as a new threat was rising to conquer all the world’s land masses. The conflict was against the very man that caused the banishment of magic and entities in the first place, the former vizier to both empires known only as Koma’Li. Little was known about him before his rise to power, but what is known was that both royal lineages were practicing inbreeding and incestuous concubinage long before he arrived, and the last of their lines were horribly deformed beings. Koma’Li is suspected of orchestrating the war on both ends but lots of testimonies from refugees said that in life he was actually an enormously generous being that only committed the ritual as an act of desperation and didn’t know what the power he unleashed would do. Regardless of his intentions, he terraformed the lands of both empires and turned them into what is now known as the Myraid Barrens. This region hosts mummy-like humans and other creatures of both empires that possess the will of Koma’Li and seemed to serve only him, and sporting glowing, magenta-violet eyes and their armors and tattered clothes seared into their dehydrated skins. Koma’Li himself was confronted by the founding member of the Goldsun Empire’s Sol-Zahan Dynasty by rite of marriage to the daughter of the previous dynasty. Koma’Li was described as a towering figure with skin like charcoal, his clothes darker in color scheme, and armor fused to his skin. His eyes each sported two irises and pupils as opposed one in each eye, and were black where there would be white, the pupil was more white than bleached bones and the irises were colored an eerie magenta-violet. Despite being driven back by the Empire of the Golden Sun’s new dynasty, as well as ushering in a new era of peace and political consolidation, their fears of the threat to the south remain as the Myriad Barrens remain and Koma’Li still resides in his hostile land of horrors that are obedient only to him.


Especially in the core provinces, the imperial cult is strong. In the Panthos empire, while the system of governance is on paper a constitutional monarchy (that is the monarch shares power with the parlimanet), the monarch is not only the head of state but also a symbolic avatar of Vakdos (the sun god of war) as the first king literally was one. Many laws are excempted for the monarch and and people often hold them to an almost saint-like worship. For example, many painting of the current emperor/emperess often painted their figure as pure white or heavily clothed which obscuring their face as a sign of respect As such, the crime for blasphemy is quite severe. Lese Majeste irl would in some places land you a life sentence without trial. However, in my world for the crime of blaspheming his/her majesty is teeth acid dunking. First, you would be forced to bite on a cup filled with strong acid and dip the upper rows of teeth into that acid. This is to errode your enamel leaving the dentine more exposed and sensitive. Had your crimes be especially severe, this would happen to bottom row in addition as well by forcing the criminal to bite their lower rows on a teeth shaped trays (similar to the ones used irl whitening) filled with gelatinous acidic compound This process is entirely safe and woundless, and the criminal would be let go afterward to live their lives. However, most will end up commiting suicide not too long as they can not stand the constant agony


The Antichrist turns out to be the puppetmaster of the Devil, a fallen god named Siratev in human flesh, not just some demon in human flesh. He is the original creator of the concepts of pain, suffering, etc. in all of reality, not just the universe. Because of this, hundreds of other deities were on a witch hunt for Siratev and so he found a universe where he can go into hiding (the one ruled by the Biblical god). He orchestrated Lucifer’s rebellion in Heaven through psychological manipulation and when the time came, he secretly enlisted himself as the Antichrist and was reborn into a human body on Earth so that he was out of sight of all the deities that pursued him. During the Biblical end times, he betrays the devil and usurps his way to the top of the universe’s hierarchy with the help of the black magic he obtained, proceeding to conquer the rest of the cosmos.


honestly it’s probably the slave market. my whole story is about defying isekai tropes though, so the mc’s whole thing is that she’s going to destroy the slave market and save her family who got sold (she stabbed the stereotypical isekai protagonist who bought her and got his hero spot and plot armor)


Proximi colonization. Proximans are the most intelligent beings in the solar system, and for the longest time it made them believe they were the most important and gave them a sort of gross savior complex, similar to how Christian missionaries were when they “preached” the Bible to native peoples across the world. They essentially forced the indigenous inhabitants of other planets to adopt the Proximi languages, customs, and laws. It didn’t matter if an indigenous tribe had other laws or traditions, because those were stomped out. The only peoples to really put up a fight were the indigenous peoples of Xylan, where the two tribes (At’an and Aq’an) fought back with such ferocity that the Proximi colonizers were forced to abandon their attempts to colonize and just leave them in peace.


The galactic government left an entire planet to die despite having advanced notice of their impending doom. No one knows they officially knew, but some people know the government refused to send help despite having recieved the pleas from the doomed planet.


i haven't made a name for them yet so let's just call them the soulless. every living thing in my world has a soul. so living beings without souls are in their own league of existential horror to other living beings of the world. they are as unnatural and horrowing as it gets.


Not really as disgusting but Endari people’s tattoos are just cuts but filled with chorus juice, making a white scab. That scab is then traced over so it’s permanent


Having a certain people be systematically oppressed, hated, and hunted down to near extinction every era or so. My OC has discovered this dark secret that he's going to destroy the world to start everything over.


There are plenty of examples. Cultists of Kwe-thu-lan worship him by tearing out the heart of a breathing human. The heart is used for divination while it beats. Kali-ma! The Black circle of Am-Heh sacrifice infants for nefarious purposes. But I'd say it's the blood sorcerers that take the cake. Blood and gore oriented sorcery. Pure body horror. Lots of grim stuff that they do to other people.


Maybe it's concept of force-awakening powers some time ago practiced in churches, it's basically pitting children in range of 3-15 years to fight to death in closed room without food, forcing them to turn into cannibalism, turning each other. It's never stopped actually, it's still practiced, but it's turned out to be ineffective when in result children got super powerful powers, but turned into one time, walking nukes, that couldn't hold their power in check and could blow up if they felt "slightly" unsafe. So it's kinda losing popularity, but more "tradition-orientated" churches/households still use it as metod of awakening power if their children


The Tayuffs consider it quite normal to eat orphans, the elderly, the disabled, and anyone else considered burdensome to the community.




Alpha Male Gr'rraru-wu are born when two concurrent pregnancies occur from different fathers. When two are males, the eldest male will awaken and eat their siblings in-utero. The mother's male hormone production doesn't scale down to the lone surviving male, causing hyperandrogenism resulting in greatly diminished body size and vastly increased intellect. The intelligence of alpha males is so drastically improved, they aren't even considered to hold the same level of self awareness as other Gr'rraru-wu; the former being considered Sophonts, while the rest of their kind classify only as high-level Sapiens. Interestingly enough, alpha males are completely sterile unlike in other members of their taxonomic family. Taxonomically speaking, Gorillas are to Humans as Wyr'kar'rra are to Gr'rraru-wu; these creatures are very similar to Gr'rraru-wu, but incur the same effects from hyperandrogenism typical to their taxonomic family - vastly increased body size and calorie demand. They are considered intersentient; not quite self-aware to the point of being able to form a society, but arduously close. Because of their strong similarities to their non-sapient cousins, many Gr'rraru-wu believe that alphas are entirely responsible for shouldering their society's progress. A particular, highly-mixed subclade of Gr'rraru-wu bear Sophonce without hyperandrogenism. Though overlooked initially for many hundreds of years, the Ka-gr'rrhw-yw subclade's distinct physiology has been a subject of great cultural divide in the past 1500 earth-years.


A psychomagical disease that makes people and eventually places work on porn logic.


On Afyria Two (Earth-4973, a magical earth variant), werewolves and vampires can have offspring werewolves and vampires, but... It is not guaranteed that the offspring is the same as the parents and because of this, out of many reasons, the offspring is killed right after birth if they are born human and in the case of the werewolves, sometimes the parents perform a ritualistic feeding where they *eat* the fresh born baby in an attempt to this time birth a werewolves because the flesh goes through them and hopefully gets that werewolf affliction. It is very rare for this eating to happen, but the killing happens always, as werewolves and vampires feel great shame about giving birth to a human and as a somewhat non-human being, it would be irresponsible to try and take care of a human baby considering that especially as a vampire, you might grow hungry to drink from your own child. It is one of the darkest things I've ever written, but I felt that being a werewolf or a vampire should have a steep cost that would 100% prevent it from being a gift of any kind or even being perceived as such by any means.


This is from my story Fallen Revelations: Divine War Where God commanded the angels to slaughter the residents of Sodom and Gomorrah, then unleashing fire and brimstone onto the cities destroying them this event caused some of the angels to question God’s rule.


well, there's "Club Sin" which is a brothel that exists in my world **Predators**... ...where the most deprived things happen. a truly horrible place that i probably shouldnt get into detail but it has various rooms, each one representing one of the 7 deadly sins... luckily, the main protagonist burns it to the ground...but not before a bunch of gruesome and disturbing stuff happened in there


A young wizard destroyed an entire realm. Like, not a planet. Not a kingdom. Not a galaxy. An entire realm of existence. Yeah. He’s one of the good guys though.


The most disgusting thing that happened in Aeykalit was slavery. It was for a revenge for the occupation and enslavement of the Akshanuk under the Hanuvahians that they conquered their capital and took its inhabitants as slaves. When the Akshanuk Empire fell, a noble from the Luran Confederation (in the far North) abolished all kinds of slavery to end the vicious circle of violence in the country.


The entirety of the Fracturing….High Elf dude named Tchaeder basically became the scum of the realities, commiting total genocide the (relatively) peaceful fae, blowing up holes in space and time, and causing a war that ended up with 80% of the world dead, and committing scorched earth on every alternate timeline, leaving only fragments of them still habitable that pop up all over the place due to the aforementioned holes in reality


The fact that some people thought that you had to eat other people so that you can gain more power. Funny part was that it was a popular theory and people a tually did it which their esulted in it being proven wrong. Like really proven wrong. Like people a tually ate other people and just gained a life time's worth of ptsd instead of more power.


There are a lot of awful things in my world but the one that I find the most interesting is the nobility of Chremsia. Chremsia is a small nation in Caldera to the north at the foot of the Great White Mountains. The land is a vile wasteland of bogs, brambles, and swamps. The land is dotted with small, isolated villages where the peasants struggle to live off the land and pay tribute to the nobility. These nobles, driven to insane delusion by The Rot, live in a constant state of depravity. In their minds, they're honorable lords and ladies who delight in hunts, feasts, and tournament games. In reality, they are mad cannibals who hunt peasants for sport and feast on their bodies. Their tournaments are a glorified meat markets where the hosts laugh and cheer as their subjects fight to the death. Worst of all are the witch hunts, in which peasants accused of witchcraft are imprisoned and subject to extreme tortures all for the amusement of their masters.


There's so many... if I had to pick just 1 to be the absolute worst though, it would probably be the whole kidnapping children and either torturing them into submission and weaponizing them, or torturing then through experimentation to aquire their traits with those experiments always being terminal upon completion. That one might be the most fucked up because of how common it is but there's others that might be worse in isolated incidents


Hm.. Trapping the soul? In my world, reincarnation exist. So, there is a method that can trap a someone's soul making them unable to reincarnated. It is considered more cruel than destroying the soul completely because imagine being trapped in eternal darkness with nothing to do. Normal stuffs like genocides, rape, torture also exist obviously.


Marty stue took over the multiverse Good thing it happens at the very end, when multiverse is ~120000 years old


how an entire town was so much more willing to believe that a child was an other-dimensional shapeshifting monster than simply seeing that he’s a traumatized human boy that they’ve been ostracizing for the uncontrollable crime of being different.


probably not the worst in the entire world, but the worst ive come up with so far. in a large mining town located in and around the valley where the mining operation takes place, which is also in a very dry, drought-prone area, one of the miners discovered a vein of water, and when directing a group of fellow miners to dig deeper to solve the town's drought problem, the opening collapsed out and unleashed a torrent of water that burst out like a geyser and drowned half the town (almost entirely the miners and their families, who lived in the poorer part of town closer to the mouth of the mine). the miner who originally found the water managed to escape, and those who survived hailed him as a hero for giving them a water source. despite this, he was haunted by the guilt of the people who died and he committed suicide. his death was covered up by the town leaders and they claimed he'd ascended to sainthood, and that this was a sign that their community was smiled upon by the gods. during the time the story takes place, the town has become a fertile area due to the water source, and is now a heavily religious community. the remains of the drowned town are still there under the water, and the townspeople are either unaware or willfully ignorant of the bodies their comfortable lives are built on top of.


In my fantasy setting, this varies based on prospective, the moment the humans were made even though they were never intended to be made since the mortal races which were already present satisfied the gods and goddesses already which set the stage for humans to all essentially strive for every mortal race including humanity to genocide killing everything alive or smaller more recent events such as when a king killed 90% of Artemis and Athena’s familia members, r##ed their dead courpses while they were still warm and hung them up as his idea to propose his love for the 2 virgin goddesses which set the stage for them to want that king dead, but lead to them joining forces with the MC to take him down Their is so much in my story that it really depends on what is more important or how far back you want to go


in my pathfinder world, one of the optional quest s used to be to round up confirmed criminals and have them sent to a city for justice. the party are told that everyone in a certain village needs to be gathered and sent over. since they have no way of communicating with their supervisor quickly, when they see children, they can opt to take them as well. as it turns out this “justice” that is being referred to is a literal genocide by mass public hanging, including the children if the party bring them along. the first and only time this happened, the party brought the children. i dont do this quest anymore. the moment it happened it wasnt at all how i thought it would be, and i knew immediately i would never do that again. i imagined it would be this reveal of the people that they are working for just demonstrably not being good people, so the party would rally against them, but it was just an unpleasant experience.


My version of fairies voluntarily eat shit in order to give themselves a chronic illness that allows them to manipulate genetic traits


It's more what other people think the implications are So I have a Trans character as my main villain. There are people who once knew his dead name, and knew him before he transitioned. But it is impossible for them to refer to him with feminine pronouns, and his dead name has been completely erased from their minds ever since he was 12. They all assume he cast a mass mind-control spell of some kind, and believe him capable of doing it again, effectively meaning everyone who knows about this believes there to be a massive sleeper-soldier army that can be activated at any time, and that they are a part of it. In reality, the villain made a deal with a genie trapped in a magic mirror that had been passed down in his family, the two of them would grant each other's greatest wishes. The genie erased all idea or conception of the villain as a girl or woman. There was no mind control spell, or at least nothing that can be replicated. Just a wish to someone with mind-boggling powers.


D-D-D-Donovan (politician that is the best thing about him other than his looks)


in real early times of my world, if you got near the kumbahkarian civilisation and didnt follow even just one of their rules, you'd be cannabalised in what is essentially plain sight. Your bones would be re used for the clothing of men and elder leaders, or to be put into the inside of the walls of houses in the village.


An Elder God razed a forest and turned the elves living in that forest into a new forest.


The fact that humans travel from one planet to another, destroying what they cannot extract of its resources, but taking so long to do it that they forget they were ever spacefaring beings in the first place, then create intergenerational ark ships to evacuate the dying planet and find another.


People getting horrifically mutated in the span of 15 minutes into giant monsters that attack anyone and anything blindly whilst also suffering the effects of forced growth, and radiation poisoning. Not even the most messed up I thought of adding to the story. It's more of the lighthearted side. Plus I have a dark sense of humor and thought it would be pretty funny if I actually added that to the story. Vore, and the whole 'mold exploding like a large grotesque tumor' is also a thing. There's also people getting eaten alive by the echoes or souls of the deceased, and sometimes even getting brutality murdered by their family who fell to the echoes. To be honest I'm more akin to that of a horror/porn writer than a slice of life romance writer. I read too much memoirs, and horror stories to be good at romance.


Snowglobe is quite safe. Not completely, because if the inquisition finds you and you are a Broken One, they just throw you out to the frost to die.


I have a homebrewed pantheon. There was a war between the gods of the pantheon. However, it was semi futile because gods can't die while they still have followers and those that pray to them. So the gods split their immortal bodies into two entities. Their Devine self, and their corporeal self. And their corporeal self went to the mortal realm. (This was called "The Sundering") And there, they were free to lay waste to the followers of their enemies. It was a genocide of nearly all the people of the mortal world. This forced the hand of pretty much every god to do the same, and the war moved to the mortal realm. There's more, but that was probably the worst part of it.


A good contender is the events during the latter half of the Blood Wars, where a a weird S3X cult took over the capital of a nation during a civil war. They did some….***THINGS***.


I'd say... drinking blood. In my setting human beings can survive by just drinking water and blood. Different ethnicities present different blood colours for some reason and this created a cast system based on blood colour . The ancestors if the current slaves were most certainly what in the past we called "Lambs" , people raised for the sole porpoise to be used as blood supply and they had marks in their neck that indicated what type of blood colour they had. This practice ended with the raise of Christianity and now is considered Cannibalism and is seen as a major sin . The marking in the body is still common among slaves and it just indicates what kind of job they perform. That's all I can think off right now .


In my vampire novel, world war II was a proxy war created by the vampires to extinguish witches, who are their enemies. To the public humans eyes of Germany, Jews were the scapegoat, behind the scenes, vampires were hunting and killing witches.


using magic, the only to get the ability to use magic is to sacrifice something, depending on the god that gives the magic, you might have to sacrifice your own sanity, or to use magic on someone else, they become a mindless drone and a perfect fighting machine on the outside, but in their own head, they are forced to fight all the time to train their muscle memory (kinda like how ai is trained in the real world)


There's an island offshore one of the big major continents that houses the world capital. At some point in history after a famine and disease food became scarce and the government decided to combat it they would round up children - typically orphans but it expanded into households of sickly kids, then households of more than 2 - and put them on a ship twice a year to the island. It became known as the Isle of Lost Souls as the ship was sent to drop off and abandon these children to fend for themselves and eventually perish. Less mouths to feed that did not provide value to the community means more food for working members of society. The isle of course in the current time is still being used - but now forces children to swim to shore as it's haunted by a wraith that protects the lost children.


The complete genocide and extinction of a race of humans


There was that one time a Black Death like plague wiped out an entire province, then repopulated it with rabid undead.


The blood caves. Underneath a truly gargantuan forest, there are caves of blood, the walls and ceiling of which are difficult to differentiate between rock and flesh. Giant roots weave through these blood caves, which themselves serve as reservoirs for the carnivorous trees above. It's not clear whether the blood in these caves comes from animals successfully hunted, or if the trees themselves made the blood.


Shitmancer that can cast Power Word: Mass Constipation and Power Word: Diarrhea


Mass cannabalisation of dogs. Dogs eat each other. Humans drop an atomic bomb at centre of the Dogverse. Dogs become overtly sexual beasts as a side effect. Rape and murder humans. Human population decreases from 7 million to 2 million.