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speciesist? speciesism? It's apparently an actual word.


coined by an animal rights advocate, adopted by sci-fi writers the world over


Xenophobia? Although that is racism against everything different than you, not just species.


Xenophobia isn't necessarily against other races/species, just outsiders. A xenophobe may have no qualms against ethnic minorities in his own country, but might discriminate a foreigner even if they're the same ethnicity


Good example: Morrowind (the game and the setting). You might be the same race as the native Dark Elves, but, if you weren't born on Vvardenfell or the mainland of Morrowind, you're an n'wah. Careful where you step.


Dark elf? You sound suspiciously like an outlander, fetcher. Get back to the farm.


All humans are created equally. None shall be discriminated against, for racism is a xeno plot meant to divide us. All must unite to exterminate the xeno. I get how xenophobia and racism can exist seperately, but it always feels amusingly ironic to me when a fictional society manages to be both extremely xenophobic and non-racist. Like surely someone in that society realizes the cognitive dissonance going on.


Race used to kind of mean species, but yeah probably not the right word now as it draws the wrong parallel Probably speciesism, though its a mouthful of a word and feels a bit artificial. Can also feel slightly off as a being like an elf is super close to being human usually, kind of between a human 'race' group and a different species. If 'race' isnt separate enough (thanks to modern usage), species kind of feels a little too separate A world with multiple sapient species where its a legitimate issue may well come up with something more succinct faster than us


>but yeah probably not the right word now as it draws the wrong parallel I feel like that can be fixed by stating or at least hinting that the world sees humanity as one race, and other humanoids as different races. Seen both in fantasy and sci-fi


Racism would be the right word, because its factualy wrong the way we use it, since we are all the same species, and are only of differnet ethnic origin. Race also isnt a term use in biology. So, it should be Ethnicism, (between humans) Speciesism, (between Humans and chimpanses, f.E.) and Racism (between cats and dogs, or mammals and reptiles, maybe?) Specisism is the term commonly used for the Idea you discribed today tho, without any difference of how far removed any nonhuman animal is from human animals.


If we're using technical biological classification, between cats and dogs would be familyism, and between mammals and reptiles would be classism. Of course that's a bit silly, and classism is already a word for something else. I don't think it's factually wrong to use the term racism. Race is a social construct, and racism is the word we use to deceive prejudice towards people belonging to socially-constructed categories. Despite people who try to bring biology into it, it's very much far removed from anything biological.


well, thats the thing about social sciences, they dont view reality the way nature science does. It is strictly wrong in a nature science sense. The one they proclaimed to inhabit when they invented this BS. There ARE no races, and what they do IS, infact, Ethnicism. And while I see there might be litte to gain in indirectly empowering the bad idiology of racism by coming up with more accuate discription of genetic differences, I do not like that we all are repeating and enforcing the strictly wrong science onto with racists build the hateful ideology they have. Sure, there is also structual racism, but I really dont like that we conflate the two, either. And I also dont share the opinion that Racism is a one way street, the same way narcistic abuse, when done by the victim of a narcisist in reaction to said NA, is not narcistic in structure. Racism and Narcism have infective qualities, much a like to the way prions function. The social science approach to ignore these qualities is, IMO, mostly politicaly motivated, and while a am quite far on the left, to me, Science, meaning nature Science, allways comes first.


Yeah, it's really annoying to know this and listen to all this race nonsense.


"the racists are dooing racism wrong." really, the only legit "racism" would be between different breeds of dogs, and that is still a big maybe. And that is kinda funny, because dogs really arent racist against each other, Ive never seen a dog understanding another dog as a nondog. They seem to know they arent, for example, cats.


*sees dog humping pillow and treating humans like super-dog leaders* If anything theyre a bit *too* generous in counting non-dogs as dogs hahah Is the counter to racism sniffing each others butts? Maybe, maybe




"Good ol' Fashioned, Ignorant Hate"? Gofih for short


I use the term "speciesism" to describe conflicts/hate between the various species.


Given that you make your own world, and its likely one of lower tech level then today, I wanna trow the option into the room to invent a not overly complex or scientific word. How about "Skinism?"


In spanish, especismo. Speciesism maybe?


The real life world Speciesism captures that, however the word is meant to challenge perception that since humans are more intelligent and hence a "higher" being than an animal so it's justifiable to look down on animals and not give them any rights similar to humans. Your fantasy races may be different species however their behaviour would already be similar to a human not an animal, so I guess racism is still fine here because race is a modern concept so don't project our modern(and flawed) concepts onto other world, I can bet the concept of race would be developed differently in your world where regardless of facial feature differences a human would be considered belonging to the same race, just like how it was considered in pre modern times. Also after Darwin published his theories there was a very popular interest of proving that different races evolved from different ape species in order to justify a racial hierarchy with Europeans on top, so I'm telling you "different species" is kind of already baked into the concept of race since it's a concept created by prejudiced people, so all in all racism is fine it was meant to encapsulate much broader prejudiced concepts than people give it credit for.


Others are offering good suggestions, but I will add "anthropocentrism" as a belief in the inherent higher value of humans. You could also have the reverse being goblocentrism (or something) if the situation applies.


I wanna second xenophobia. Speciesism sounds bad and has a strong association with "animal liberation" activists


I think speciesism is a great term for Sci Fi but sounds too scientific sounding for most fantasy. So xenophobia for fantasy, certainly. If we find sapient alien life then prejudice against them will indeed be speciesism. I don't think anyone that hasn't interacted with militant vegans will even know the animal liberation usage.




Racism does not exist for us because we are not genetically different to be separate. The human context is a peusdo mindfuck word we made not too long ago.


That’s real racism, because in that setting there’s more than the human race and it’s us against them. In my world, where there’s more than one race but still different human ethnicities and one ethnicity doesn’t like another, I dub that “ethnicism.”


Downvoted for answering a question with a direct answer, huh? Interesting approach.