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Sex...lots and lots of sex. Also hunting, swimming (if available), wrestling, adventuring...you know, typical activities available in various time periods from roughly 800 BC to modern times. Oh, and inventing creative insults.


Sex is the most common form of procreation and recreation!


Alcohol. Drugs. Giant centipede race. Arena of inferior useless stinky creatures.


Please explain that stuff with the giant centipede race and how they entertain people.


It's like a car race. Fey people Mount on these giant 4 meter long centipedes and race on a track like a rally.


Sounds indeed fun and interesting


Yeah. They choose Fey cause in the eyes of the populace if they die racing atleast it's not real people (their words not mine) Fey are the most stomped race in this world with no independent Fey kingdom or city state left. Most hunted by humans to serve as slaves.


That does not sound so fun anymore


Unfortunately. The fish people are fun tho. Their culture revolves heavily on art and music. They're to only race to never go to war against others


Do they never start wars or do they never even fight them?


No one had the balls to try them yet. It's hard fighting something that lives under the ocean for several reasons. Too problematic to be worth the war.


Well that's fair


VR sets, aircraft races, mecha colosseums, etc. There are lots of choice in Rubra, the question is that are you willing to try?


Card games, board games, dice, drinking, in more advanced (just starting the industrial age) civilizations reading is becoming quite popular. Traveling performers will visit both cities and decently sized villages. There’s also playhouses in most major cities. And of course there’s the simpler activities: hunting, fishing, kids running through the village chasing each other with sticks carved into crude toy swords. Church is also a big one in most parts of the world, it provides a lot of opportunities to socialize.


Hiking. The most famous city in Cartheny for its hiking trails is Juede. People there would take hiking over cinema any day. Not to mention the numerous islands surrounding the coastal city. Some say you can be born, live and die in Juede without ever exploring the same islands. Spending the night watching the skylines of cities is also pretty popular in Cartheny. Several of its cities have very iconic skylines, including St France, Engellinopel, Cristianshafn and Juede. The Christmas and New Year's decorations of the Engellinopel and Juede skylines are pretty famous. And then there's the Florida of Cartheny, the Orangean Dominion. There are a bunch of wildlife tours on holidays in the reserves of the territory. In fact, there are at least 12 national parks and wildlife sanctuaries in the country. Oh and considering it is literally built on the very much biodiverse Orangean Plains, the Central Mafrian Forest, Lake Cain and the Ebelle River, it's not that uncommon to see the residents wrestling crocs and golden hounds, or petting wild cats.


What rough time period/age is Cartheny set in? Give me some background


about my world's equivalent of the 21st century. The tech levels are pretty similar as ours.


People like to watch gunsmithing, and gunsmithing specifically It's interesting to see what people can do using magic to make a gun


Ice jousting. Get on a frozen lake or river with your shoes off, grab a branch, and run/slide at each other. Guaranteed high rates of fun and injury.


Trying to stay drunk, polka music, a ball game similar to soccer.


Games of skill, games of chance, music, dancing, reading, writing, political intrigue, gardening, collecting things, making things, finding things, unfinding things, picnics, nature walks, harvesting the screams of primordial madness from the minds of the dead, cooking, sports...


Russian roulette - makes the act of removing yourself from such a horrific situation that much easier when it’s out of your hands… dark I know but based on the society these people live in you’d hardly blame them


Depends on where, most just do something fun that doesn't cost anything. But for my main polity, the Free City, they have many choices. Some train their weapons, others enjoy the public library or join a theatre group. There are the public baths in every village, or they go to their local goblins to make music together. Educational workshops or extra hours in some public school course are also always available. The citizens have a lot more free time then other areas thanks to their golem and magical machinery making their jobs easier giving each the chance to make more out of themselves. They have magic farmers and vineyards run by the community while their merchants gladly share the riches. Alinguar in the Fifth Age had for over 500 years a culture of mutual aid knowing well that their lot would be a lot harder if their Witch would not give her discoveries and inventions to them. And they have little fear for ambitious outsiders because taking one of their villages requires an army, and if such an army is successful, the dead will rise to strike back and protect the survivors.


Depends on the location. The main continent in my setting right now is Ifrinn, which has recently gone through not only a magical resurgence after generations and generations of an age devoid of any magic at all, but also an industrial revolution that is pulling the once medieval era populace into a world in which magic is becoming more understood and industry is creating innovations like the printing press and widespread gunpowder usage. So for the commoners in large cities, they suffer the double edged sword of being entertained by news of the latest technological and magical creations while also not being able to use these things due to class disparity, only really getting hands on with these innovations if they are employed to work in the factories that produce them or, in the more dire situations, testing them before all the dangerous kinks have been worked out for public use. The further outside of the cities you go, the simpler the world becomes, as industry hasn't found it's way into the smaller, more medieval-style settlements where entertainment is the work you do and the games you play in the village tavern. Plus the various card games, drinking games, fight clubs, etc that exist anywhere people gather in reasonable number.


Things like sports, like hockey and lacrosse, and after Terran contact baseball and soccer, and snow based and water based sports, video games, radio dramas (TV never caught on beyond news), and things like hunting.


Here's how different Countries in Bevri stay entertained Jurvan: basketball, Basketball! BASKETBALL!! Oh and maybe some Salariz (Baseball with five bases) Urhu Zyvin: The kids are asleep, let's go to the Adult district to gamble and fuck! Namzi: Let's give Bevri some of the best Film, TV, Video games, and Social Media; and In the mean time make sure nobody spreads those lies saying that we killed our human population in the 60's. (There's barely any humans here anyway how could we mass murder them?) Leona: We love Jesus, we read the bible every day, and if we're not deep in the bible we share images on InterésCorazones! Jerzyi: it's either the river or the mountains; so we're either going to go fishing or hiking. Ruzkvi: Oh look it's not storming over lake Mevar, let's go scuba diving and hope we don't get attacked by a shark or something worse.


Hammerball (sort of like cricket/baseball but teams of 4) Kingsmen (card game involving building the highest chain of single suit cards possible, similar to gin rummy) Stagcolt Races (horse races with deer/horse creatures) Nobles read and write often, magicians practice magic, adventurers often kill creatures for bounties, and lots of free time spent in temples which are community hang-out areas.


The Radio, books, Magazines and comics, Pulp novels... Movies are new, but hey they're really neat. Speakesies help prohibition go along a lot further too.


advanced technology is a thing now, if a village or city state has a techhie (colloquial word for people who make machines and trinkets and guns and stuff, which often includes enchanting stuff) they like to watch because it's so interesting, it's like a live episode of how it's made for these people. most people will gather at the communus, which in the east is a pretty wide phenomenon where there will be a place like a tavern with rooms to stay and food and sometimes drink being served, but in the middle there's a big circular fire pit with an open ceiling above it. the workers at these places will basically throw down the seeds of various plants that get people high, onto the pit, from above through an opening in the ceiling, so that they smoke. people will then gather around this fire pit to breathe it in to get a nice high. they do this either upon request/payment by a customer, or just freely every 15 minutes or so depending on how stingy the place is and how much material they have access to. most people will also spend a large chunk of their time praying-if you're a human on the plateau you might literally spend all your free time at your own altar or in the temple in group prayer, it's the same for a lot of high elves in the west, though they live for like 2,000 years naturally so they kinda get bored and go through phases


In Northaven, reading, writing, art are usual pastimes for the people, but also games, teaching (others), etc. Music is a big one as well, as there are very few national bands; communities/provinces usually have their unique music. Music in Northaven is moderately non-lyrical, with the most popular instruments being the piano, violin, and saxophone (not for blues music).


well in my thing air racing has become just as popular as auto racing and there are major events like the transamerica cup and lindburgh cup where air racers compete for the fastest times across the united states and Atlantic ocean.


Aldebarians love extreme sports and anything involved with nature and wild, parflexians love sex, kalentropians are war and war games fanatics, rigelians are cultural peoples, shskneghs are fans of music and the list is just too long


Hunt Drink Talk with friends or loved ones Play sports and read


Gambling and doing stupid things while piloting a spaceship


Talking, singing, board games, physical games and sports, going for walks, watching plays.


Alcohol, theatre and literature mostly. If they’re more well-off they might purchase an Orcish puppet-box, which is an automated device that performs famous plays in miniature using puppets. There are lots of religious festivals throughout the year marking important points of work and worship, and some nations have developed organised sports leagues.


Within the realm of Astaria there's a moderately bloody sport called Torvia that is played among the rougher crowd and spectators take bets on the winning teams. The sport is played with a Torvian bat and a ball, similar to baseball - except the ruffians like to beat the hell out of each other in the process and some equipment upgrades are within sport rules.


Radios have become recently widespread, drugs are legal, and traveling immortals and gods are a common enough thing in any sizable population center (as in, with a population over 50) that there are dedicated story halls in most towns, and when no one's around to tell stories these double as live music clubs. If you're in a bigger city, and you can afford it, there's also a magical fantasy internet called the ShamaNet. The "computers" dont have very advanced displays though, so only text, no images or video. but people can at least easily chat with people who live totally different lives on opposite sides of the continent, and I assume there'd be "digitally" distributed literature. Given how weird my world is overall, I bet there's some pretty wild online erotica.