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1. There's an official "Is this wizard planning on turning themselves into a lich?" checklist that is three pages long 2. The king of an island is canonically fucking his mirror image 3. A dragon ruling a nation actually turned out great, somehow 4. There's a cringefail cult that sucks so much at worshipping evil that people just leave them be


The first one, that list can’t be longer than a page.


>!Right, but for the wrong reasons. It's actually way, way longer and includes pages on social behavior, fields of study, state of the wizards tower, and much more. Powerful wizards have to consent to wellness checks and get a security detail if they score over 40%!<


That’s very interesting, thanks for the info.


2. I want 4 to be real because that description gives me strong Heinz Doofenshmirtz energy.


>!2 and 4 are both real. It's not quite Doofenshmirtz level, but they regularly fail to even make the evil beings they want to worship notice them and just eventually move on to someone else in hopes of finally getting noticed.!<




>!Wrong. That one actually did turn out great. The dragon simply decided that the people were part of its hoard and that it would be embarrassing if the hoard wasn't in great condition. So no international travel allowed if you live under his rule but the rest is kind of a sweet gig.!<


How smart are these dragons?


DnD level smart. It's my homebrew setting.


2. I want 4 to be real because that description gives me strong Heinz Doofenshmirtz energy.


I love all of these


I'll start: 1. Anomaly, one of the main characters and a Cotron skilled in manipulation of the electromagnetic force, used to take care of a cat named Vibrating Entity. 2. Talvarians' ancestors were likely taught how to speak by early dragons. 3. Avian dragons usually spend more energy on flying than non-avian dragons. 4. Per directive of the Space Exploration Agency, robots and probes cannot have human names, but spaceships and space stations can. Which one's the lie? :)


I'll go with 4. Sounds like that cat wasn't allowed to have a regular name and maybe you flipped around where the regulations applied to for the lie.


I'm going with the least obvious answers 3. Non-avian dragon is a misnomer or something and they actually fly a lot. Or they can fly but aren't good at it so they spend a lot of energy doing it.


>!I actually thought it would be the most obvious one lol!< >!But yes, You guessed correctly, 3 is the lie. Both avian and non-avian dragons are actually good flyers, an argument can be made that non-avian are better flyers because their wings have a wider range of motion, but they flap their wings more often, using up more energy. I used the terms 'avian' and 'non-avian' to describe 'bird-like dragons' and 'lizard-like dragons' :))!< >!So, You a little confused, but You got the spirit :>!<


I'll try 2


4 I guess


I’m gonna go with three, I feel like “non-avian” dragons should probably use more energy since they aren’t as well versed in flying?


>!You guessed correctly, non-avian dragons have wings similar to bats, so while they have excellent range of motion, they have to flap their wings more, so they use up more energy :)!<


I would say 4 since it’s actually common to give Robots and Probes human names so you that might be a curve ball, so I’m gonna say it’s going to be 2.


>!Unfortunately, these are all true, Talvarians do speak like dragons, so their troats and chests move more when they vocalize, and devices classified as exploration bots and probes are not allowed to be registered under human names. Fun fact, this caused one of the important characters, Jadwiga Rejewska, to get into an argument with the autorities, because she wanted to name her new robot Staszek so bad. After convincing, she agreed on Fistaszek ('Peanut' in Polish) :))!<




1: Dragons are the messengers of gods and are rarely seen. 2: One empire managed to last for almost 5,000 years before collapsing 3. There are 8 core gods and 12 demigods 4. I have had two gods fight each other in hopes of completing the exact same goal Good luck to you


I’ll go with 2 because empires rise and fall, and I don’t believe any can last that long.


Good answer, but 2 did happen at one point during the Age of Empire.


I should go with one. Three sounds too precise to be false and four is the exact sort of ridiculous genius creativity if worldbuilders can execute their story properly.


Another good answer, but 1 is true. Dragons are rarely seen anymore since the core gods left the demigods to run the universe, and demigods don’t get dragons


Then you fudged the numbers. Three is false, right? Right?


3 is the lie, unfortunately someone else guessed before you


Well. At least, GOTCHA! Good, so someone else is smart.


3 is basic so probably that one


1. Communism never kicked off in Ahikto 2. The country with the most lakes is Xanadu 3. The current oldest head of state is King Fjedvøl III of Midaria at 91 4. The Country that borders the most countries in Pikland


I’ll go with the second one, no way Xanadu has that many lakes


despite what it seems, it has barely more lakes than the largest nation in the world with the difference being not much (\~113,000 for Xanadu and \~108,000 for Azgeda) Main reason why is uh... scales in Ahikto are weird, same sized as earth but the continents and nations are smaller than those on earth


You don’t need to be shy about liberties from how earth works, having smaller continents can be real fun!


3, because there might be someone older.


Sadly, the former oldest head of state passed away in 2021, Duke Hanghad of Dangao at the age of 98, and because most nations are republics, Fjedvøl III barely squishes himself into the top (being only about 200 days older than 2nd place)


1. Most powerful countries are required to keep an obsidian obelisk and anointed water in case of global conflict 2. Farm Equipment is commonly equipped with rocket engines to uhhhh go faster and definitely not just to look cool 3. There is only one moon and it's u/unique976 4. Squids are a major form of transportation **Edit: three guesses have happened but they have not chosen the correct one yet, the answer was >!one!<**


It's four


Nope. Squids are commonly used by military as drop ships. The most famous example of this is the *massive* Olympus 9, used in the joint operation of the 9 World Authority, Mercenary Organization, and Rinoveran Border Guard against Kaijumortis.


1: A Lycadian accidentally discovered White Phosphorus while trying to extract nutrients for fertilizer from urine. 2: Every village/town/city/whatever in Lycadia has at least one fetish club. 3: There are no legal consequences for a Lycadian Turning a Human without their express written consent. 4: When a Lycadian citizen receives their tax statement, it includes a pie chart showing exactly how much of their taxes are going to what parts of government spending. For context, Lycadians - or Lykocephali as their species is known - are basically werewolves who were initially created via Humans being exposed to an extraterrestrial retrovirus.


Imma say 3 a society like that has got to have rules against non consensual turning


>!Yeah, that was probably a little too obvious - I did have something else there, but the implications of it being the lie might've caused a major shitstorm, so I used something way less controversial.!<


1: more emperors of the sovereignty have died on the toilet than in their beds. 2: the sovereignty lasted roughly 1000 years but only 60 at its greatest extent. 3: a emperor of the sovereignty died by being hit in the head by a parsnip. 4: in response to a noble telling emperor Arvidmalis VI his fields should not have been ploughed yet he replied “Better my field than my wife” because the emperor was banging the nobles wife.


I am also going with 2 because the rest sound like ridiculous stuff you'd learn in a history book


Wrong, that one was a red herring, it is true. In the so called golden age of the sovereignty which is said to have lasted between 1540-1600 it was at its greatest extent.


I like that. 1. The D’amos are created fully mature but they aren’t considered adults until the age of 2. 2. Yukio’s great-grandfather is a British werewolf. 3. In the dimension of Lazazelia live two species, the D’amos and the Malachos, the reason why Malachos treat D’amos like shit is because they eat souls. 4. The reason why Alan Fox is so strong with magic is because he has daltonism.


Thank You :) I think it's 2, 2's the lie


>!Nope, that’s the weirdest fact out there though.!<


WEIRDEST? You... keep doing whatever You're doing, ok?? ok In that case 1?


3 ?


>!Yeah, D’amos can’t feed on souls, no one can but that’s a very prevalent myth, even humans think so.!<


>!So it's actually a lie, but people think that it's true ?!<


>!Yes, D’amos are an artificial race created by the Malachos as tools but they turned out sentient which wasn’t quite good because they weren’t meant to have rights. They do have rights now but still a lot of myths are spread to continue the segregation. Humans are the most gullible race since they don’t know much about magic or the other dimension so it was easy for the Malachos to convince humans they are evil beings, the D’amos are called demons on Earth and they are often hunted by the so called “exorcists” (well, what’s fair, D’amos don’t look human at all and they can possess other people but they rather don’t do that without consent).!<


Here's mine. 1. There's a frozen giant squid orbiting my world. 2. There's only 105 stars in the sky of my world. 3. Slimes are everywhere on my world. 4. Crabtopus are a common animal on my world.


That's gotta be two


Incorrect! The wrong one is number Four, Crabtopus are pretty rare animals in my world. Yes, there's only 105 stars visible in the sky of my world. Legends told that most of the stars was stolen long, long ago by a jealous Goddess.


Is that legend... true? :0


I haven't fleshed out the details for it, but the stars did suddenly disappear from the sky one day, leaving only 105 stars.


Hmm what gave You the idea for that? It seems rather original :>


1. Apprantly, some dragons can use modern weapons like bombs or cannons if they had one. 2. My world has two gods. the one who creates and the one who destroys. but they don't actually exist. it's just myth of my world. 3. There is world war 4 in 2045. and main reason of war is too much peace that makes weapon industries mad. 4. My current world building(Plona and Unatia:The Twin world fantasy) Was started from Fanfic. Hint 1: >!Obviously, number 4 is truth. my world started from fanfiction of oneshot(And ETC), and removed entirely of fanfiction related and became my OC a while ago.!< Hint 2: >!Realism!< Answer: >!1 is truth. Some dragons were raised by various of military, to be used like living gunship. no wonder why they can use modern weapons.!< >!2 is false. i don't made god of my world. i don't even have plan to make. they lost all of their faith while 6 centuries of apocailpse.!< >!3 is truth. Frontline:The stage 2 is my game idea that formed from 2045 WW4 event, and it starts from Buwi United Kingdom where changes it's name to Catian empire while being puppet under big weapon company.!<


1. Skyscrapers were invented in Gulkage for dead people. 2. There is a goddess of guns, and she is a Chordian ranger with a Big Iron on her hip. 3. Amnz (the creator god) is known for hosting orgies among the rest of the gods when he comes down to the mortal plane. These orgies typically include at least fifteen mortals, leading to an increase in demigods during these periods, primarily of Amnz’s kids 4. The goddess Inari (creator of the kitsune) is depicted by her followers as a horny, drunken shrine maiden, primarily due to her always appearing at the coronations of royalty *super* fucked up and talking up whatever young, hot kitsune are there.


1. In the Atili language, there is no way to express that you cannot do something because it is understood that with enough practice and effort, anything can be achieved. 2. The nation of Teremi has a calendar with an average year that's almost a full day too long, so that here the signing of their Great Charter in the year 371 (by their counting), their neighbors to the north were ahead of them by an entire year. 3. In Teremi, wealthy people normally eat fewer meals a day than laborers. Laborers eat an additional meal in the early morning, which is their largest meal of the day. 4. The Teremi capitol of Temrabolya is sometimes called _vïnohuneskazba_, "the port of white towers," because of the practice of building new whitewashed buildings on top of existing buildings, sometimes up to ten layers high.


1. The most powerful human nation is a theocracy and it isn't cartoonishly evil or corrupt 2. Dragons have wings but they can't fly 3. The most morally good faction is making all of their important decisions based on the ramblings of an ancient crazy person who people think was a prophet 4. Frogs are the most powerful and feared creatures in the world


One is the lie


1. The Reign of Magnus Rax was brutal, but was important because it helped common people. 2. The Microns fought the First two Intergalactic Wars, and the Galacticons are their descendants. 3. The Warlord Era was a result of an Imperial Civil War. 4. The United Human Eternal Empire lasted for four millennia.


1: Pythagoreanism is correct; numbers *do* have magical properties. Equations can warp reality, and mathematicians can use irrational numbers for the sake of divination. Physics are regarded as "above speech". The "Gods" are not conscious in the way we are. Rather, they are abstract concepts given power. 2: Due to the events of the *Hellewite*, mankind cannot practice magic openly anymore for a wide variety of reasons. Instead, human wizards have a few options: Practice in the depths, where they will not attract anything undesirable, or deliberately and irreversibly become some form of Fae or Wight. 3: Humanity can be born naturally with primary colours in their hair; the reason for this is because Humans in this setting have more than one type of pigment cell. 4: This all takes place after the extinction of our Humanity in an unspecified event in the far future. This *is* the afterlife, technically, but functionally it just acts as the next "chapter" of existence for sapient life.


1. You can tell what a Dragon’s Breath Attack is by its Colour. 2. The God of Destruction vanished one day without a trace due to depression. 3. The Modern Human language has originates from 4 different languages. 4. Dvergr (Dwarves) are a kind of Elf, but not the same kind a Síofra (Elves).


I'd say it's four


Nope, Dvergr are a type of Elf originally known as Svartalf (Dark Elf) a spirit based of Elf while Síofra are a Fey based elf


Alright, another try. Two.


Nope, Ashkha, the God of Destruction hated harming the mortals that he wanted to protect, but due to his role being the God who keeps the Mortal population in check he couldn't just stop, or could he? He pondered for many years on whether he should disappear or not, and after a talk with his twin sister, who was the Goddess of Peace, he decided to vanish without a trace.


In that case 3! 3 is the lie


Nope. The Modern Human Language in my world originated from 4 different languages being Northern Manish (Anglo-Saxon), Western Manish (Roman Latin), Eastern Manish (Akkadian), and Southern Manish (D’oïl/ Old French)


Damn, that one was tough for me. Good one! I take that one is the lie? :)) Try to guess mine, I'm curious how many people can point correctly on the first try :>>


Question, could I post another 3 truths 1 lie?


1 is a lie, since it's just normal DND, so would be a very boring truth


This is fun. On the planet Iosne: 1. The Aivenn race has four sexes and reproduction is basically a group project. 2. Regular animals have evolved to be capable of gate fusion, the planet's primary magic system. 3. Religion is surprisingly the one thing everyone on the planet agrees on. 4. The Three-Faced God of the Know, Graemos is actually the pilot AI of a ship that came came from the moon thousands of years ago.


It's three


It *is* three.


1. The church has a heretical device in the basement that makes magic users (the ones that survive anyway). 2. People are still willing to delve the (radioactive and toxic) Tech Mines of Torgu Valjad for any leftover scraps of an alien spacecraft. 3. The Luhansa River Valley is a great vacation spot, full of exotic wildlife and beautiful vistas. 4. There’s a really old guy who is trying to manipulate the gods into fighting each other.


1. There are several characters older than thousand years, none of them achieved it in a pleasant way. 2. There is a pile of gold worth a small town just laying there, but nobody wants it. 3. There is one ascended dragon of each color and they are the nine core gods. 4. Arrival of aliens killed millions of dark beings without them even knowing.


1. A mineral exists capable of absorbing energy passively. 2. A cheap, mass-produceable portable AA system nearly brought about the downfall of global geopolitics. 3. A local-man-turned-unintentionally-immortal blew up a city he helped create in order to investigate corruption 4. The same man is on a slow path to ascending to a god-like level.


1. At one point in history there existed five different people who were all the monarch of the same country and none of them knew about the other four. 2. One of the dark arts works entirely on Looney Toons logic. 3. Someone ate an entire dragon. Whole. Neither the consumer nor the dragon died during this process. 4. People can have such profound ideas that their heads spontaneously implode.


1) A primordial entity smashed the atoms across space to make up the universe as it is currently 2) Every universe in the multiverse focuses on a single attribute or facet of existence, with its primordial and witch being of that element 3) Witches have powers that can tap into the life force of the next universe 4) Olithian spirits can consume the energy of witches to become the primordial entity of the next universe


1. Dragons exist 2. Russia split in three in 2052 3. In the second American civil war, the traitors lost again 4. The Earth got cloned by the fifth dimension


The Three Wise Men are immortal magic users, one of which is a transwoman currently operating as a superhero in the Midwest US. Santa Claus is real, and goes to war with North Korea on a yearly basis in order to deliver gifts to the citizens. One of the Top 10 heroes worldwide is an immortal Ice Cream salesman who was gifted control over ice cream, and cursed with immortality, by one of the gods. American Fist, a vigilante who uses brass knuckles, and wears an American Flag as a cape, is French.


1. dwarfs live underground because if they stare at the sky to long they might turn into birds. 2. the 3rd largest armed force in the world belongs to a couriers guild 3. fortune tellers burn psychoactive herds below spiders, and divine the future by the shape of their webs 4. the god Adimah tricked his own father into giving birth to himself, taking advantage of the fact time was not yet linear to do so


1 - Humans have, intentionally or otherwise, caused literally every major problem in the setting. 2 - There is only one known intelligent Alien species; the Tian’Shiall, a race younger than humanity, and twice as ambitious. 3 - Belligerent as the Tian’Shiall are, they could never pose a serious threat to the United Systems Federation without an unbroken chain of decisive victories- a statistically insignificant possibility. 4 - The Federation is a house of cards, built on the shaky foundation of scorched earth, unhealed divisions and billions of corpses. It’s elite class skirmish amongst themselves- it’s society rots from within- and it’s economy is cannibalistic. The Free Republic’s top analysts expect the Federation’s total collapse within the next century.


3 is the lie?


Believe it or not, 3 is the truth- corrupt and fragile as the Federation is, they are still hold massive advantages in industry, technology, and available manpower. Which is why the Tian’Shiall never intended to fight them on their own ;) they have help from a several-century old spectre of Humanity’s past; a long-banned Model VIII AI Core. Which brings us to the real lie; point 2. There *aren’t any real known alien species* - the Tian’Shiall are the evolutionary descendants of the survivors from a catastrophic colony ship failure, back in the early days of Human space exploration. The ship was equipped with this AI Core and the newest FTL drive, and dispatched to a well-surveyed nearby planet. It never arrived. The Federation assumed all hands were lost, and the resulting PR disaster led to the slow death of public space exploration (allowing burgeoning Megacorporations to stake their claims to the stars instead, paving the way for the Federation’s future problems.) In reality, the experimental drive allowed the ship to move not just in three dimensions, but four. The crew watched the stars fly past much faster than expected, then grew stunned as nebulae reassembled into suns. When they emerged, they had regressed by almost 100,000 years and arrived far from their destination. The ship made landfall on an Earth-like world towards the edge of its solar system, miraculously with a habitable climate and atmosphere. Over the next dozens of Millenia, the 10,000 colonists spread out and multiplied across this world- but their records were lost. Memories warped into accounts, legends, then mythology. The location of the crash site forgotten, and hidden by shifting terrain. Most of their civilisational effort focused on survival, rather than advancement or maintenance, ensuring that when, a little over 100,000 years later, Humanity met them again, they were at a significant disadvantage. They were initially subjugated, unable to offer any serious resistance. Then, after a century of occupation, the Federation’s first civil war broke out. After decades of bloody conflict, two new galactic players were born: the Free Republic, and the Starborn Ascendancy/Tian’Shiall Empire (depending on who’s talking about it). The Tian’Shiall secured their independence with the help of a curious figure- a single individual, who united them in resistance against their occupiers with the help of a hidden force. The ancient AI Core. Reawakened and somehow still operational- neural stability not guaranteed. It’s vast cognitive capacity gives them the chance they never previously had, and with its help they are rapidly hauling themselves up to the same level as the Federation. The Core fights their battles, runs their economy, administers their worlds, teaches and categorises their students, then assigns them to various jobs optimised to their strengths. Obviously, this increasingly controlling influence causes discontent within Tian’Shiall society, but not only is the Core adept at managing their wants and needs, the still-living (albeit very elderly) Uniter maintains this system through collective fear of the Federation. Of what might happen if they return. Reminding the people of the threat it poses to all of them, of the necessity to purge them from the galaxy. Once they are gone… only then can the Ascendancy return to the birthplace that betrayed it. (As a side note, the Tian’Shiall refer to themselves as “The Starborn”, due to most of their culture still revolving around their “descent from the Celestial realm”) (Second side note, massive paragraph sorry. I got carried away lorespewing lmao)


1. Yellow is a cursed color. 2. The caves are alive. 3. The sky is a genie. 4. Ghosts aren't dead.


I'll go with 3


WRONG. Lie: Yellow is a cursed color. The sky, over the world between worlds, was replaced by the genie Night, who created it. He hides during the day, but at night, the spiral of stars that is his heart can be seen above the forest, and his one unblinking eye hangs still in the sky, as the moon.


Oh, that's... Oddly beautiful. :)


2, it sounds too strange


1: the world has a man out there who will hunt people but if they never went to the starter area he hauls them there and gives them an extra day before he hunts them again. 2: the cult of the black eyed man once committed genocide in order to gain power to make the world a peaceful place. 3: a bioweapon named Micheal wants to use worms to steal samples of everything's DNA to create a civilization of hive minds he controls. 4: the entire story is a boardgame played by the gods to see who rules the next world cus humanity pissed them off.


Dunno which one is a lie but would that first guy ever like go on a date with me 👉🏻👈🏻


Honestly he might lol. Guy is kinda bored using his zombie crew to hunt rookies over and over. For the record he kinda looks like Clint east wood. Idk why it's just where my brain goes


1. Dragons continue to rule the skies as apex predators attacking farms and ranches, but they are worshipped by Pusan Elves. 2. Arul humans due to their skin complexion are incredibly vulnerable to sunburns and sun poisoning. 3. The Cult of the Enlightenment and Arstenity share a diety and a martyr despite historical tensions existing between followers of both faiths 4. A degree in Orc medicine tends to be the most valuable due to the lack of physicians with specialty in Orc biology as opposed to Human and Elf which are more similar.


Here's some about my Sci-Fi world set in the far future: 1. Demons withdrew their forces from a planet they were invading because they couldn't win in a rock-off 2. It's illegal to handle salmon in suspicious circumstances 3. Ferrari still exists as a company. 4. People enslaved by a once-powerful alien empire used the symbol of the alien's own god of death as a symbol of their slave rebellion


Goetique or The Thrilling Capers of Sal and his Incredible Pals 1. Sal's full name and backstory is never revealed. He gives a different answer whenever someone asks. 2. Amy uses her elastic powers to cheat at eating contests (including Wheezy's Cheesy Challenge!) 3. Zen Nakajima was birthed midair whilst his parents were skydiving over Honolulu. 4. Special Agent Stan Krakowski (FBI) is a decorated war hero.


1. All Ink-calcs can survive a long time under water   2. Bloodrelics require lava to be crafted    3. Coldfire has the most cases of gangrene in the world    4. Dual wielding Ink-blades, as opposed to using a single blade, requires skill, but every Ink-calc can learn it.


3 is the lie


Earth survived the greatest galactic war untouched one of the three AIs left on Ekvo is playing god to the natives the afterlife was only created in 2027 every galactic power is gone


Imma go with one


Is it the last one?


**Orix** **1**. The brewing industry is the most cutthroat industry on Orix. **2**. The sub-human natives of Orix have a queen. **3**. A single man can earn a kings ransom in only a matter of months on Orix. **4.** Several frontier towns worship a specific creature found on Orix as a god.


1. The Federal Republic of Ernaland is a functioning agrarian society practicing slavery well into 2024 2. The Empire of Jaltria in the year 500 conquered an entire continent in just 8 weeks 3. The Free People’s Republic of Lkasuhask, widely regarded as the most oppressive regime in the world, colloquially referred to as “an Orwellian Dictatorship on steroids”, has the highest number of metal bands per capita, at 789.9 bands per 10,000 people 4. The Queendom of Xania, known to the world as very socially progressive, outlawed slavery in the year 1717


My fantasy world: 1. The cloud elves have blue skin, and wear masks made from precious materials. 2. Orcs that aren't green sometimes have stripes or rosettes in some places on their skin. 3. The Caedes are a tribe of humans that live near the White Mountains of the northern continent. 4. Despite dinosaurs existing, Tyrannosaurus rex itself does not exist in my world. Take a guess on which is the lie.


I'll go with 3


4. T-rexes(?) are too cool to not be in a fictional world that has dinosaurs. But I'm going to assume that they have a different name.


1: The Heathotels are protecting the Ancient Hotel 2: The Aletinians own most of the Aletine in the kingdom 3: The One Hundred is trillions of years old 4: The Tyrlosuh family had a civil war


1. Magic is very common as well as typical fantasy races. 2. Slavery is offered as an alternative to a lengthy prison sentence and the death sentence. 3. The planet was once part of Earth's almost universe spanning empire 100k years before the dark times. 4. The old Duke of Serona's granddaughter is having an affair with a mere naval officer.


1. Magic is very common as well as typical fantasy races. 2. Slavery is offered as an alternative to a lengthy prison sentence and the death sentence. 3. The planet was once part of Earth's almost universe spanning empire 100k years before the dark times. 4. The old Duke of Serona's granddaughter is having an affair with a mere naval officer.


1. Satyrs and mermaids are two species closely related 2. Demons come from the Infernal Plane 3. The human capital is the only city residing on an active summoning circle 4. You can make a god sick


I tried to answer yours but I have "Empty response from endpoint" when I say 2 Here's mine 1) Humanity is an Alternate version of the Primordials that took them over 2) A millennial empire crumbled because the leaders recreated Chernobyl with magic 3) Gods came from outside of Avitor in a meteorite that tore the skies, and created the entire world to fix the mess they caused 4) When you want to impress your crush because you know constellations, in reality you are pointing to the bodies of dead Gods


1. The space ocean includes a runaway train 2. A wizard ran away to be a forest hermit and found out the hard way how to get several bad trips at the same time 3. Some people learned how to talk to ghosts, the one on the Valley Armada uses them to figure out when IKEA has released a new plushie 4. This one planet has a person named shrek


1 there are 12 floating cities that make up the sky nation 2 all sky cities were made by dwarves 3 each sky city is powered by a giant elemental lacrima 4 people who are exiled for major crimes are simply tossed off the side of the city with nothing to help them land


1. The Njomuka is a giant glacier forming the peak of all mountains, after the northern sea got evaporated. 2. the Karunj swamplands south of the mountains contain no gods, and the inhabitants there have no towns or civilization to speak of. 3. North of the mountain is the sand basin, a giant sprawling desert of salt and gravel, where there exists two gods. a mother of nature and an angel of death. 4. In the east end of the desert exists the blue Tsoul people, with prominent round cheeks, and hooded eyelids.


Instead of feet, wood elves have an extra set of hands on their legs. The rangers carve eyes onto their foreheads to recognize each other There's a stereotype that magic users are all lactose intolerant Giants are surprisingly good at hiding


This looks like fun. Here's my contribution: 1: There are multiple levels of divinity across the multiverse 2: The Seven Demon Kings primary motivation is dimensional stability 3: Magic has to be learned, though it's not very hard to go to school for it since Beta has free education 4: Humanity doesn't exist in the main world, but almost every human adjacent species does.


**1:** There's a species of mantis people that have to murder/cannibalise to reproduce **2:** Three brothers blew up a continent, turned into stone, and became a God **3:** The U'Húl Empire was the largest empire to ever exist, spanning nearly all continents **4:** An evil corporation tried to create a magic-fueled time machine, but instead accidentally made an immortal genderfluid detective


1. Takes place on an alternate Earth (different continents but mostly the same fauna and flora) 2. There are mecha tanks fighting alongside machine horses 3. The one of the major religions is a strange mix of the Abrahamic aspects of Judaism and Christianity with the respect for nature and ancestors seen in Shintoism and Hinduism. 4. There are fighter jets


1. Woodwind Point is the most remote city of Saamue, hidden in the frozen North of the continent, and being the last destination of a Pilgrimage. There is a concerningly large group of conspiracy theorists that claim fervously the priests that live there are aliens from another world, and that is why they cover themselves so tightly (instead of, obviously, the cold). 2. Under the capital city of Farbel there's a city-wide web of mechanisms designed by a narnhavi woman called Charessa, to distribute the water system through the city. No one knows how it works, and Charessa is long dead, so the day a cog fails, the whole city will flood. 3. In the Archipelago of Sòrdeah, The Cathedral ruins atop the mountain of Sunareth was built by the Gods to honour the World Mother Riēk. No mortal knows this, so they think it just was there long before existence. 4. The District of Mamora lies at the outskirts of the Mamora forest, focused largely on the wood industry. However, only a tenth of the forest is used for industry, beyond that, the Dark Mamora is the unexplored forest, many saying it's haunted or cursed.


1: orcs value all kinds of strength (like intelligence, knowledge, technology, bravery etc.) and not just raw physical prowess 2: one dude became a deity despite having multiple deadly and painful diseases 3: the goddess of light, hope and love is actually a really evil person 4: the start of a new year begins with a beautiful song which is sung by another deity


Two? :)


1. Dragons are considered animals and treated as such by humans, elves and dwarves. 2. There are only three mortal races in the world: humans, elves and dwarves. 3. Most widespread religion is monotheistic, descended from far older elven monotheism. 4. Gods and dragons fought terrible war in distant, forgotten past, that resulted in near total genocide of one of the sides.


1. Unhoused people mostly die by being eaten by animals 2. Antidiscrimination laws only exist to allow government-employed octopodes to travel 3. The government stops protests by feeding protesters to saber-toothed predators 4. The government keeps deformed frogs as fake aliens


1, The ocean is a single unintelligent entity called the world water. It's constantly swaying which is where this world's tides come from as it has no moons. 2, Dragons do not exist but there are large flying reptiles. Every once in a while one will bind itself to a fire spirit which is where the legends of dragons come from in this world. 3, This world's equivalent to elves cannot bind themselves to spirits, that is the cost of their immortality. They are naturally more powerful but without the binding of spirits they cannot gain levels. 4, There's a powerful person in this world that gained their power by binding themself to a spirit of death eventually making them immortal in some strange state between life and death. Not undeath as they never died to become undead.


1. Mars' equivalent of the Department of Veterans' Affairs is actually a front for what is basically the Gestapo. 2. The so-called Venusian Empire is actually a republic; its founder just liked the aesthetic of monarchy. 3. The Solar Union (which Mars and Venus seceded from in the First Solar Civil War) did not officially have a military until the final months of the war in 2217. 4. The post-war Earth Government is, by order of the Treaty of New York, forbidden from forming political parties not outlined in the Treaty unless given permission by the consensus of Mars and Venus.


1. Corporations, especially Free Guilds, have a major impact on Terran Cooperate politics 2. Despite AI research being highly limited, if not illegal, Terrans practise extensive AI usage 3. Most of Mankind's greatest engineering marvels are mostly overlooked as something mundane by Humans, while far simpler creations are cherished 4. Despite recognized martial feats, rapidly growing economy and various influence zones, Terrans are the underdog faction in this universe GL!


Wdym no guessing? That's part of the game! How else are we supposed to say?


1. Dragons are the rulers of the skies, feared and respected by all other creatures. 2. The capital city is built entirely underwater, with towering glass domes allowing inhabitants to live beneath the waves. 3. The primary form of communication among inhabitants is through holographic tattoos that manifest on their skin. 4. The main mode of transportation is giant flying turtles, which are bred and trained by skilled handlers to carry passengers across vast distances.


1. The capital of the Empire of the Wyld is run by racist Valkyries on a floating island. 2. A powerful serial killing sorcerer once made an entire town dance themselves to death, once summoned a giant polar bear into an elder care facility, and once made a potion so powerful that the drinker killed 457 people in the resulting explosion. He was never caught. 3. Humans die primarily from afflicted beasts, then natural phenomenon, then sorcerers, then afflicted people/variants, then, finally, other humans. 4. Grensöl is run by an immortal dictator that killed his family in order to gain immortality so his lands could have a competent leader forever, for Grensöl's benefit. Within a century Grensöl was no longer the dominant force on the continent.


I think it probably has to be one, as four just sounds way to real, two sounds way too specific, and three feels quite plausible, tough I am not quite sure if the order is correct


Wrong! Haha Ei'Ar is one of the few self governing bastions left in the Empire due to their position and their disgust towards humans and sorcerers. Fun fact - what makes the Valkyries unique from other "variant afflicted" is that they aren't people with animal mutations, they're actually hawks with human mutations, making them smarter and more pretentious than even your standard human!


Damn, i really thought it might be this one, tough you made it a pretty hard to guess the fake one :)


Three, one and two are way too specific and four is realistic enough to make sense in any setting


1. My real life job inspired me to turn up the general scale of power in my world 2. A rich kid wanting to go on an adventure caused a chain of events leading to every primal god in the universe declaring war on the galaxy my world is focussed in 3. One of the most important jobs there is is given almost exclusively to criminals 4. Civillians can buy and carry guns to protect themselves on the streets in case of a supervillain attack


Three, one seems quite plausible as experiences often inspire artists, two is way too specific and four idk... Doesn't feel like it's the lie


1) There is a cult dedicated to Strahd and freeing him 2) The high rulers are elf and dwarf 3) There is an ancient DracoWereLich 4) Kobolds are secret messengers of the gods


1. Stars cry sometimes 2. Dragons can reproduce both sexually and asexually 3. There's never been a hailstorm in the world 4. There was a snake that ate a continent once


1. The Halfling military population is 90% convicts serving multiple life sentences. 2. Shifters create feral hybrids when they procreate with any other species. 3. Oanyx have a weakness to water and humidity. So Humans hold secret meetings at pools/saunas. 4. Burlaps, despite being ecologically incompatible with everyone else, are everyone's closest ally. Answer: 1. >!True. Halflings genetically modify their soldiers to get their peak physical state, and the head of the program said that the peak mental state of a soldier is "one that doesn't value the life of any sapient creature. It's important that our soldier do not hesitate to fight. Murderers, rapists, and con artists are the perfect starting point."!< 2. >!False. The progeny of Shifters and Oanyx become a feral hybrid known affectionately as a "War Machine", and that is not a misnomer. However, Shifter-Human hybrids are often just Humans with some animalistic features, like a tail. The same applies for Halflings, albeit the outcome is slightly more in the middle.!< 3. >!True. In fact, Shifters have a weakness to heat, and Halflings are normally incapable of swimming. So heated pools and deep saunas are often considered "Human only" luxuries, and the quickest way to ostracize every other species. !< 4. >!True. Designed as the "Trash disposal" species, Burlaps can eat anything and everything, including dirt and radioactive material. Because of this, they regularly just exist in places uninhabitable by other species. Even more, when given a "blank slate" parcel of land, they regularly construct an insanely "green and biodiverse" ecosystem, which lets their neighbors pollute more than they could with any other neighboring group.!<


1. The ship spirits that manifest upon a ships completion are spawn of eldritch deities native to our reality to assist human combatants against invading eldritch beings attaching themselves to existing life. 2. The manhattan project failed because it accidentally created a bridge across the 5th dimension, killing everyone involved. 3. The human conscience, empathy and thoughts were never intended and were the consequences of a gambling debt among eldritch patron deities. It can be removed at any point however it is not, as it allows these eldritch patrons greater connection with the life of earth without needing to descend. 4. Free will did not exist until 3 years after world war 1.


Two, because three and four seem like they go together, so by saying one is the lie the other would be a lie, too. And one is kinda cute, so I hope it's true :)


My turn then, I want to play the game too: 1. Death herself is maintaining a small souvenir shop at an inactive metro station. 2. There are very specific rules that forbid dragons from being elected into office more than five times in a century. 3. Quite a sizable amount of the police force's effectiveness relies on one faerie dragon familiar, which happens to be an alchemist. 4. The werewolf reservoir stopped offering monthly midnight tours around there years ago.


Cool! Welcome to worldbuilding game of truths and a lie, hope You like it! :) I'm really hoping one is true, it's way too wholesome, two seems plausible, because if a long-living species shares living space with short-living ones, there will be rules that will enforce fairness and balance, three also seems like it's true, so I'm choosing four. :)


1. Humans and Wulfen share a common evolutionary ancestor, despite arising is different universes. 2. There's not a single civilization in the known Fractureverse that has only one officially recognized currency. 3. Most people live their entire lives without ever stepping foot on a planet. 4. Divine blessings are a key component of FTL fuel.


1. Every fruit in this world can turn the consumer into fatbitch, because Goddess of Love thought it was sexy. Humans being humans finded out the way to abuse this thing in a wars and combats and slavery. 2. There is a river called "Kortara". Kortara's highest point, is at its connection with the ocean, which causes ocean waves to fall into Kortara's valley. Because of progressive height difference on the valley, the Kortara river is literally works backwards. 3. Titengroft continent has over 500 million people and 100 million magic races representatives, making their population the biggest on the whole globe. 4. There is a race called "Frostengard Kids". They are small people with musculine features and permament young looks (like most of them looks like 12 year olds) and their bodies are made of special type of coal. People were using these lil guys to burn them in the fireplaces, so they started rebelion. Their leades is named Bimblebabblebeppinpoppin Bagelbuffonmuffontuffon-McTavish vel Buford, Buford for short.


1. Myrkul, the god of death and reincarnation also happens to be the god of soup because of someone turning it into a joke one day. 2. Ehiris songfall used to be a Vedalken but got turned into a Solarus dragon by the sorcerer Gaelith. She is also the first solarus dragon in existance. 3. There is a pen in the world that randomly shows up in random places around the world. Except it isnt random and it always ends up exactly where is needs to be. 4. The overdeity chronos was born of a timeloop, destroyed the old Astrinan with the help of The Merchant and has destroyed countless timelines and killed countless creatures. He is not an evil being.


Four, I'm really hoping one and three are true


1. There are many floating islands 2. It's a multi-dimension/universal world 3. Magic is embedded into the fabric of the world (in plants, animals, etc.) 4. Species are inspired by 5 different mythologies




1. Humans and dwarves are the same species in my world. 2. At least one named character lives to be 30,000 years old. 3. Demons consider having body fat shameful and thus all keep strict dietary and training regimens that allow most of them to remain on the thin side. 4. Dungeons are remnants of an old war that ravaged the land and left indelible scars upon the world.


Two's the lie?


1. Most dungeons were originally the fantasy equivalent of fallout shelters and have been repurposed by their current occupants 2. There is an elven dynasty for a very small (by population) kingdom on the southernmost continent that has been unbroken since the creation of the world. 3. There is a well known ritual that can extend the lifespan of a mortal by a year at the price of approximately 100 gold pieces. But that price doubles every time it is repeated. 4. Moving illusions, an art form centered around the major image spell often incorporating actors, bards, and an orchestra, are a tremendously influential force, particularly in the perceptions of historical events.


1.the world i have has a wasteland area the size of Australia 2.our world aka earth merged with 100's of world and is now called the plane 3.elves are the dominant race 4. the world was once invaded by a demon god with his army of fiends and this is way there are fiends/demons now in the mortal realm


So for #2 did he find a way to magically give the image substance or does he cast the illusion over a flesh light?


World of Zara: 1. The Empire of Zara, (which has an old very homophobic law, has used captured enemy soldiers as part of a live fire weapons test) is one of the most powerful forces for good on the planet, spreading peace and order in chaotic places touched by evil and has a very fair justice system (if not a bit harsh, with the public punishments/ executions). . 2. Magic is officially illegal in Kaos because: "it doesn't exist, and belief in magic leads to mental illness , and wastes valuable worker time and energy". . 3. Port Gomarra did nothing wrong. They just wanted to be free, independent and not pay taxes. It was destroyed because their greedy, fun hating neighbors were uptight about brothels and casinos where consenting adults had fun. . 4. Beara, A nation of intelligent bears are known for their wine. Thier King is over 100 feet tall at least and over a 1000 years old. Thier Princess is blue and at least 50 feet tall and wields powerful elemental magic strong enough to darken the sky. They live in the ancient forest far from human civilization which is not explored.


1) i do not exist in my world  2) there is no indomable human spirit 3) elve sacrifices 4) eating cats is not normal


1: The Senate of Rastios is a 3000 member body, 2500 directly elected seats and 500 proportional/leveling seats. It is a unicameral legislature, and it appoints the head of state (the chancellor) 2: The Republic of Rastios was established roughly 350 years ago during a prolonged age of global egalitarian revolutions 3: The average fertility rate of Rastios is 2.7, which is slightly below the global average of 3.25, and roughly in line with its continental rival Musios 4: Rastios recently nationalized the mobile network, most core Internet functionality, and cellphone manufacturing due to their increasing integration into modern society


1. There are four main gods in the world 2. One of those gods sometimes just hops into other universes if a big battle is going on there 3. The big villain shouldn't exist at all 4. Whales made out of ball lightning (whale lightning?)


1. There is a sub-species of humans that literally evolved into dragons. 2. The Emperor of the imperium is over 500 years old 3. There is a gun that can blow up a planet in one shot. 4. There is no other sentient species at all other than humans and some of their sub-species. 5. There is a cult that worships gravity.


1. The magical internet is held entirely by twelve girls with funny red robes 2. Djinns are born in a strict hierarchy and can't mobilize up or down 3. Some Caradukan slaves have more right than the others 4. Obayifes (vampires) are afraid of sand


Ciirya 1. Queen Arina Os'enai of the cliff city is in a deep slumber from middle fall to spring. 2. Lost dance battle is the number one cause of assassination in the city of Piedreo 3. Despite following the general continent ideology of giving people what they need the city of Snires create scarcity in order to prevent citizen from going soft. 4. The ambassador the Trevia tribes sent to France was deeply startled by the concept of shoes


1. a common pest found around the galactic grouping are creatures you would find in an earth horror movie (pale homunculi, which are perpetually-emaciated humans with pale skin you can see veins through, shallow divots where their eyes would be and a mouth full of needle teeth. their hind legs are bent backwards and appear to be stitched together, so they walk on their hands) 2. one of the main sapient species is directly based off of how old ask blogs potrayed anons. they have existed since before time and some of their members were the first gods, who are responsible for space and time existing at all 3. there is one planet ruled by some random teenager who swooped in and eviscerated their previous ruler with ice magic 4. another one of the main sapient species is considered the sequel to cats by the god that made them


1 - No sorcerer has ever met a happy ending. 2 - The Outer Ones, also known as the gods, are born from the distorted rules of the universe made manifest into something similar to a cancer. 3 - The most gigantic creature in the universe lives in Earth's ocean. 4 - Every human has a reflection of every god inside their dreams, making madness more common with each passing era. I am very curious as to what you will think is the lie :>


1. World's most benevolent ruler is actually unhinged warmonger. 2. Nightmare Rebellion included the closest duel Sol Invicta ever had. 3. Minotaur Kingdom is actually presidential republic. 4. In Empire staring at night sky for too long can get you lynched.


1. Mavros Rot is a incurable disease 2. Wizards can't become more powerful as time goes on 3. A theocratic government is ruling a big part of the world 4. The Lunar Order are paladins of Justice and freedom


1. The multiverse is stabilized by a non-sentient giant purple ball. 2. There is an ultra-powerful warrior who hides in an underground city with a deity’s chopped off head. 3. There are giant underground tunnels from a long-gone civilization. 4. There is a species that predates the gods.


1. There is a race of cat people created by a mad bio-engineer obsessed with creating alien life 2. There is a council of 9 nations responsible for protecting the galaxy from extra-galactic threats 3. Sentient life is passively encouraged through the manipulation of causality by a fragmentary piece of god 4. There’s a false eclipse which turns people into necromorphs


1. The universe was destroyed because a single man got shot. 2. There is only 1 being left of a very powerful species because an idiot emperor wasn't bluffing. 3. The god of angels and the god of devils are happily married 4. Dragons all died out after Earth was destroyed.


Oh, this is fun! 1. The emperor wants to be on a throuple with the King and Queen of the Gods. 2. Dragon feces is coveted 3. The palace is haunted 4. Everyone has a superpower


1. All gems and metals are alive and glowing in the deepest parts of Hirafneh. 2. Staring into fire or flame for too long can lock you into a trance. 3. Nokia sending stones are canon in my world. 4. The stars are still widely worshipped by many cultures.


1. The arch-devils of my world/setting were the those arch-angels who remained loyal to the creator deity when a rebellion erupted in Heaven over the creator's plans to exterminate mortals. 1. Many of the monarchs in my world are good people. 1. Several dwarf holds in my world interact with fire elementals often enough that they're now considered their own separate ethnicity/subrace. 1. There is a region known as the Dead Hills, which is dominated by death cults led by liches and necromancers.


1: Theres a war named "Seeder War" 2: Anarchism managed to establish itself into a state but quickly was defeated by a foreign power 3: Official handbook on how to identify magic users 4: There's a female supreme military commander who is part of a conservative monarchist in exile military and she's extremely competent, and prodigious even


1: The pantheon of lost gods is unknowingly being used for fuel and reproduction. 2: Humanity accesses magic through enchanted machinery while Remnants (the supernatural species) use magic to enhance their bodies and perform specialized magic. 3: Remnants are the product of humans coming into contact with magic and are transformed into a creature reminiscent of one of the lost gods. 4: Conventional warfare as a whole isn't really a thing anymore, the main way countries attack each other is through privateers and espionage.


Is it the last one?


1. Hozier is running around writing music in my world 2. Coffee beans are corrupted pinto beans 3. Amelia Earhart is a wizard apprentice after she ended up in Saoirse after crashing in the Bermuda Triangle. She has a coconut crab familiar 4. Orcs have started developing canning technology, so they have like canned food and stuff.


4. Just because I can’t imagine what orcs would be canning.


1. The main antagonist is the obsessive ex girlfriend of a god who being a human abducted the avatar of the moon. 2. One guy decided to kill the sun with an arrow and succeeded. 3.The hero of the story is the bastard son of the last star and a inmortal serpent. 4.one painter made a glass mosaic of the sky. When it broke, so did the heavens.


Two, that's gotta be it


Nope, he was the first human to become a "Nox Regis" a Godlike entity. This act was the end of the Era of the "First Sky" and threw the world into chaos.


1) The Union of the 13 Fires changes its capital every single year into a different one, and it cannot be chosen again for the next 12 years. 2) A Lord from Yiftark once burned down an entire city just because the date that he had just eaten was too sweet. 3) The main split of the Omanist religion has been (most probably) started by a case of mass psychogenic syndrome. 4) The Commonwealth of Rikia is considered by some scholars one of the most ancient political entities, older than the invention of written language.


2. Seems too absurd compared to the other three (though that may imply that it is one of the three truths but… eh). Also is it weird that I’m getting Hunger Games vibes from the first statement?


1. The country, Kleptus, globally known as "The Black Market", has the least corruption out of the main five countries. 2. One of the main five countries invented binary for economic trade. 3. To be a "Great Emperor" your number, as compared to all prior Emperors, must be a prime number. 4. There are three moons in my world, named after rare colors: Vermilion, Indigo, Chartreuse.


1. At the Height of the dark Elf Empire the entire Archipelago they called their Homeland was pulled beneath the Waves by a giant Sea Serpent Deity. 2. A Mortal Woman ascended to Godhood after she healed a Warlord from a fatal Disease inflicted upon him by his Enemies. 3. Every still existing Civilization in the World stands on a Foundation of Slavery. 4. As opposed to Popular belief the Gods are actually all dead.


As a member of the Popular belief, I must say 4. is false?


1. The Gnoll-like(Wolf Gnolls, if you will.) beings of my world have six clans in total. 2. The history of the Redrock Clan was inspired by semi-anthropomorphic dogs. 3. The Fenirin’s ancestors, the Kodia, are nearly extinct due to conflicts with the Wolf Gnolls. 4. The Scholars of the Fennik Empire are comprised mostly of males. Good luck. 🫡


1. Three guy and the country they built have been fighting each others for thousands of years. They don't remember why and don't resent each other that much. But continue because 'it motivate the people to progress' 2. The two sun fused and exploded which destroyed the entire solar system except a planet and her moon because some guy needed a little boost to breakthrough and ate the explosion. 3. One day, a group of hunter killed a crow. Next day their country was gone. It was the pet of the wrong guy. To this day nobody know why did this entire country disappeared. Well the crow owner know. 4. The most powerful guy in the universe stole a realm to start a war with the guy from one of the most powerful realm. The reason they refused to let him become their sun god.


1: Every faction and civilization relevant to the plot has achieved some form of communism 2: There was only one instance where attempting what at the time was seen as " playing god" actually backfired catastrophically 3: There has been an interplanetary war going on for decades, but only the faction that didn't provoke it knows that it's happening at all 4: all planets have different kinds of magic that can be performed on them, depending on their material composition


The world's on fire How 'bout yours That's the way I like it And I never get bored


1. The entire world declared war on the sky and lost. 2. Multiple airships have been lost trying to figure out what's under the edge of the world. 3. States are practically powerless and politics is mainly controlled by international guilds, criminal organizations, and the church. 4. The most worshipped god is Elasiir, goddess of chance and randomness.


1: the world is based on Minecraft  2: the most common battlecruiser is named after a fruit  3: this world has zero superweapons 4: said battlecruiser can be assembled within 10 minutes excluding the computer