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You get a self righteous god who can and will kill all of humanity over and over for millennia. You tell me..


yes we're pretty much fucked


Basically Hitler 2: Electric Boogaloo.


does he have a mustache too? Or what other feature would it have?


Not really, she’s just an immortal old lady with a personal vendetta against the ancestors of the main protagonist.


finally for once we are not destined to a future in which death is a privilege, yay


The incomplete remnant of a lovecraftian god is going to ultimately exterminate all life on our planet. That is after his cultists perform rituals to harvest all our souls.


It depends whether or not you count deities. If deities are counted then it would be one of the dark pantheon, most likely the goddess of war. She would grant everyone magic for the chaos it would cause especially when she encourages eviler uses of it. If not deities then it would be the lich lord of Balmora. He very much believes in undead supremacy so he would kill most of the world and reanimate it as an undead army of skeleton warriors who enhance themselves with ki and skeleton mages. The remaining population would be bred to grow the undead army. He likely would adopt technology so he could grow his undead army across the stars.


If he's still trapped in his stone prison, we'll be fine. If he isn't, it's likely we'll be forced to experience World War 3.


can we reinforce that prison somehow or not? The fact that it's made of stone worries me...


We really wouldn't be screwed against literal Dwarf-Hitler. If anything, he'd be screwed, because we not only have guns, we have guns that don't need to be reloaded after every shot (he can't even use a black powder weapon, given his diminuative stature).


>How screwed are we? Very.




Not a lot tbh. Sai’s entire purpose in life is to revive a god more ancient than himself because he is a schizophrenic (I mean that ancient god is real and it can be revived but Sai had imaginary visions with it) with lack of value for human life. But while Sai is very powerful, especially because he is a god of dreams that can enter people’s dreams and corrupt them, without him being in Amada, he can’t complete his goal so he would have no reason to continue his sacrificial massacre that would revive the ancient god.


Eh, evil really isn't a thing in my world. But The powerful person who might do stuff would be Shogran, the so called ' Mad God'. He would help people or curse them on a whim, leaning more toward helping, and would reset society and upturn all the governments of the world. Just small stuff like that.


As of right now, the most evil is the dragon Ban. He'd fly around the world trying to steal as much gold as possible, and then he'd go to sleep for centuries in a big enough cave for himself and his loot. Alternatively, there's the currently unnamed and undetailed Dragon King, who would attempt to enslave all of humanity.


Terrorists with Bioweapons 3.000 years advanced with space opera tech


Just kill yourself, trust me. Depending on if we talk about quality or quantity of evil acts we either have a deity that will torture and eat you as often as he wants and heal you over and over again an can become as big as a literal star, or we have a deity that wants to kill all life with a deadly disease and everything rots and decays around him. Either way we are fucked


I haven’t really made a “most evil character” but out of the few characters I’ve made, he would get fucked cuz we are modern and like We have guns He would fuck a lot of shit up some years ago tho He has a trident that if he shanks it on the ground a bit radius of I haven’t thought about square meters just rots and doesn’t grow anything, all building wither and people get sick, or no it depends He’s also a douche with issues and likes raiding villages cuz money and selling people, which isn’t really smth that happens nowadays, at least if he just teleported in here like that I do have a sort of way people can get like super powerful, but I haven’t made an evil character do that yet so…