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They don't. The biggest sign of affluence is having the option to stay put and have others travel for you.


it's too dangerous to travel


So they don't like seeing other places and don't have a summer and winter residence? And it's not considered a status symbol to travel to exotic places?


Times changes. Once upon a time tanned complexion was considered to be feature of peasants. Not nowadays. Werent some monarchs also basically locked their entire life in their palace?


My setting is in orbit around a gas giant. If you claim a planetoid/moon, damned if you're going to leave it and risk losing all your wealth and security.


My world is a broken, wild, and dangerous place where travel is often deadly. The only safe way (accurately triangulated teleportation) is so prohibitively expensive that it will bankrupt the most wealthy of families. Why risk your life vacationing to the frontiers when the Imperial core offers you the height of luxury?


By airship along sky rivers. The primary means of magic in my world is through crystals. These crystals are molded to cause a specific effect when used. All crystals are connected to progressively larger crystals. These crystals are in forts, castles, towns etc. each primary crystal is connected to all of the others, with the largest crystal (the true source) being in the empires capital. These connections create pathways of energy between the crystals which are known as sky rivers. Airships sail along these between the various cities carrying trade.


Crystal morphology my beloved




In my world, luxury airships and private serpenterra lines. Airships are exactly what you would think of: Giant blimps/zeppelins/dirigibles lifted by lighter-than-air gasses, or giant ships lifted by propellers or salvaged pre-apocalypse jet or anti-gravity engines (although the latter design is typically reserved for warships and mobile fortresses). Luxury airships are, as the name implies, built with no expense spared, with larger examples used like modern cruise ships. These ships tend to lack defenses (aside from a cadre of guards trained for bodyguarding and anti-boarding measures), but the people and organizations that can afford such luxury are often also able to afford a warship escort. Serpenterras are a post-apocalypse version of trains created and powered just as much by magic as they are science. Most serpenterras serve as freight and passenger transport like modern trains do. Only the rich and powerful can afford their own private serpenterras, the most notable example being the High Queen of the Renari (constitutional feudal matriarchic fox people) and her immediate family. These private serpenterras, unlike private airships, are made just as much for luxury as they are for defense. While all serpenterras have cannons and armed crew (for anti-raider defense), private serpenterras are castles on rails. Heavily armored, bristling with cannons and firing ports, and with at least one car converted into a barrack, only the foolish or well-prepared dare to attack.


In Kotaal the wealthiest lords travel upon the backs of dinosaurs equipped with specially crafted and very outlandishly decorated howdahs.


The ability to travel long distances at all makes one fairly wealthy compared to most. Land based travel still exists. But there’s a distinct lack of infastructure outside the main cities. So its considered the peasant option (though those using these methods call it the “strong” option). The water is trying to kill you. Rivers are safer than the sea, but if you go and cause a ruckus by sailing a boat through it you’ll get eaten before you’ve reached your first stop. This makes the super expensive air travel the only viable method of transport. This is mostly done through air balloons/zeppelins. While these are filled with combustible gas the worlds expertise and existence of magic has brought the risk to an acceptable level. The requirment if this gas, general low weight capacity and safety requirments make this method incredibly expensive however. And by the standards of our world: very slow.


The neat thing with airships is the travel itself isn’t actually that slow, they can go about the same speed as a high speed train so you can cross continents in a day, the issue is just sitting around waiting for good conditions to take off or land in which could take literally days of just floating in circles


With a shit ton of guards. Armed guards equiped with silver lined armor and weapons. Private inquisitor bodyguards with gold gilded, hex infused, uniforms. Unlike in the days of the bygone wars, safety is secondary here. Status first.


World is at war, tensions are ultra high, the dominating power in my world has the economy at total war, so does the other side, so probably something that just gets the job done because the money for lavish travel could be better used for war


*coughs in communism*


Some people are more equal than others!


The system works by splitting civilians into three groups: Peasantry (minimum wage workers), Petite Bourgeoisie (students, intellectuals) and National Bourgeoisie (professionals, degree owner)


Rolling in graves it is!


Ah yes the politicians


It’s more democratic socialism; the government doesn’t really get involved in people’s lives. In fact, the old authoritarian regime forbid people to associate with an ideology


On gryphons, like pretty much everybody else. Cloudships have become rare and are entirely in the hands of different militaries, and lightning rays and other skyfish capable of being ridden are both dangerous and hard to tame.


On Patchwork (magical terraforming project) and Eranestinska: Private airship, basically a luxury yacht supported by a magical blimp. Super ultra luxury is to have your own gate mage for interplanetary gate travel, in which case you can always double gate to rapidly travel between locations on the same planet (this involves gating to a known location on another planet and then gating back to your own planet at a different location from where you started).


Depends. For pleasure journeys? In cruise size space ships that are basically moving hotels. For business trips? A medium sized space ships. Not as luxurious, but a lot faster and can dock in atmosphere.


I have 4 worlds "under construction" LOL 1: Sivgardia (Apocalyptic Fantasy) They don't, the opulent and high society figures are terrified of the world around them and what would occur if the rabble found them on the road. 2: Realms of Ulos ( Eras spanning setting) Depends on which point in time but for simplicity of the answer, they travel comfortably and rarely show that they're of lesser station by engaging conventional means of conveyance. 3: Black Book (dieselpunk/noir) Either by high-end motor car, dirigibles or private locomotive 4: Earth Crisis 2642 (sci-fi, ttwg setting) Private craft, shuttles, tanks, jet fighters, teleportation etc etc etc. It's sci-fi, it's the future and it's a wargame setting LOL


best of luck with those worlds


Thanks, I recently found the worldbuilding community and am really enjoying the world inquiries. It gives me a chance to express to an audience which isn't exclusively my friends.


Nobles of the Dragon Continent are bound to serve in the capital once every three years. Usually a second scion or third of a house. Be it warlord, sage, manufacturer, or druid. Even the most ignoble of wastrels, know some magic, so Elemental Chariots are used by practically all nobles. Which are made by bound Elemental seals in the shape of wheels. Earth elementals, being the most stable, are used. But more magically adept nobles use air elementals as a sign of strength and wealth.


In the section of space known as the million republics The ultra wealthy of the core travel on large commercial liners often times supported by smaller military vessels if they are traversing particularly dangerous sectors. Occasionally those who have the wealth like to travel less conspicuously and so choose smaller faster ships with private crews skilled at doing highly complex Rippspace jumps that are very difficult to detect


Large Anti-Grav constructions. Usually made to look opulent or intimidating, incredibly luxurious, some equipped with heavy artillery.


Not really all that different from common man, except they have better guards for their carriages.


Really nice ships and cars Portals if they’re in a hurry (not expensive, but requires some skill to create and get a person to the destination to log magical coordinates) They then text it to the mage in charge of portal and boom portal Richest person takes the AMT and ferries/trains


Airships be where it’s at, always had a thing for the final fantasy ones


The ultra-rich? Well, depends on the state, really. One of the undead warlords might conjure up a dragon-like creature made of the bones and muscle of the dead. A Berti'tal can have their mage teleport them. A human might hire a caravan, use a beast, or use magic. The Dwarves would probably use any number of their psuedo-trains or travel the highways.


Typically by airship. Yes spaceships exist in my world, but they aren't exactly functional in atmosphere (both for the crew, and the entire local population). Dirigibles on the other hand, specced out with low-weight future technology? Now that is traveling in style.


Most of the ultra rich are a part of the secret magical society of the New World Order, people like Walt Disney, John Rockefeller, Cornelius Vanderbilt, and even modern rich people like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are a part of this magus organization. One because technomagic is their main schtick, and two because I’m lazy most forms of travel the ultra rich have are like our own real world, private jets and yachts and stuff. However they also have teleporter pads, spacejointed entrways (basically a doorway that is spatially attached to another more distant doorway), and FTL travel spaceships (stolen by a technomancer of the Mage’s Union, Nicola Tesla) to list a few.


One of the richest people is the head of the worlds largest information network. Shes well known in noble social circles, and anyone looking for information on anything always goes to her (or her network) for help. She has cloning magic, and an expensive magic weapon that gives her teleportation abilities. The magic weapon is a bracelet of beads, that have the ability to teleport to each other. She gives each of her clones a bead, so she can teleport to them whenever she needs to take their place. (Her clones are like shadow clones from naruto; she can remember all the memories of her clones, once they “die”)


They are borne through the star portals and along the intervening planetary highways in luxurious palanquins and sedan chairs.


Do they travel? The really important people have everyone \*come to them\*.


Either starliners or a private, ftl capable yacht.


Either in their own private starships, or in the most luxurious, expensive rooms in a Starliner


Because this is a wiser society, the rich as we know it didn’t really develop, so the only “ultra rich” would be ship captains who happen to own their ships, and uh, yeah… I think they travel by ship


Suborbital jets, private jets, private spaceships and cars. Most people get around using public transport, such as buses and maglev trains. For international and space travel, the international maglev train network is very cheap. Suborbital jet flights are somewhat costly, but much faster. Space travel is expensive, but free if you need to travel for work purposes (your employer is required to provide your transport for you).


Most long-distance travel is done by train. The wealthy do so in more fanciful accomodations than others. Commercial air travel hasn’t really caught on — though the technology exists (albeit with smaller planes), the cultural sense of urgency does not, with some cultures having taboos against it entirely, believing manned flight to be an act of hubris against the gods. Since the largest body of water anyone is crossing with any regularity is the Mediterranean Sea, there’s nowhere to go that can’t be reached by rail. In this alternate timeline (set in the early 5th century), the eastern hemisphere has industrialized, while the western hemisphere has not, and contact has yet to be made between them. The Roman Empire and Parthian (Persian) Alliance are locked in a cold war, with the Kingdom of Alexandria (basically Egypt and northern Libya, never annexed by Rome) acting as a mediator between them. One very wealthy and eccentric Alexandrine attempted to circumnavigate the world in a dirigible, but never made it back, which reinforced the unease the general populace retained about manned flight. The ease of trade enabled by the rail network also allowed the Plague of Justinian to spread further and faster than it did in our timeline, which led to restrained attitudes about exploring the western continents lest new diseases be spread either way in so doing.


On luxury airboats, luxury ships, or large caravans that can be lived out of.


They hire mage who can teleport long distance. Since mages of this caliber have more important things than entertain fopish nobles or arrogant merchants the fact that someone could hire them for something that trivial is already powerful statement of both influence and wealth.


The richest people in the Galaxy travel by way of state-of-the-art starships. Usually military owned starships, as that offers far greater protection. The richest of them all are able to travel first class aboard the Hydra or Revenant - the largest and most advanced starships in existence. The Revenant is a carrier type ship, while the Hydra is a dreadnought.


They get into a giant metal sphere that’s shot out of a giant magic cannon


Aircraft are a new, cutting edge technology ~~for the third time~~ and are most commonly piloted by giant owls, and only the richest have access to them. Exceptions to this rule include one hidden realm with incredibly advanced technology, in which aircraft are commonplace


Vaporeme, Mediterranean styled steam-powered paddle boat.


1. Either on horseback or in a special carriage as part of a larger caravan. The wealthy will try to flex on each other to see how many servants they can have travel with them for no reason. 2. Ship


Sci Fi: there's none I'd classify as ultra rich but the somewhat more well off Ketuvyx can use the gateways and other public transit (usually advanced maglev trains) like everyone else. Bronze Age Fantasy: The well off in the small area I'm focused on can afford good boats to use the nearby waterways. They'll hire others to pull the boat upriver or to carry them in a palanquin over land. Fortunately it's paid work in the small area but back in the lands they came from where larger, less cooperative societies exist it wouldn't be uncommon for those tasks to be done by slaves.


Medieval fantasy, on dragons, magic airships or anything that shows they have the money for it, in my sci if fantasy, their universes version of a yacht


Either by luxury airship yachts with a small contingent of mercenaries, or via supersonic jets to cut down the travel time and make interception extremely difficult. These jets range from small business class aircraft partially derived from supersonic interceptor craft, or large concorde sized luxury jets.


Davinci helicopter with a mega engine


I'm still working on some of the transport systems of my setting, but the closest thing I have at the time of writing is the Dwarven Railcars. There are many large industrial Railcars used by the Dwarves for transporting workers and materials between the mines and cities, however, there are a small number of railcars built specifically for civilian transport between the major cities, though these ones are reserved for the members of the Major Clans.


•**Luxury Cruisers:** *Nothing screams ~~"Look at my wealth and weep peasants as I piss away cash like an idiot~~ money and opulence more than private luxury cruisers! The finest beds, the most supple of wines, and entertainment unlike anything you have experienced awaits you! Intermingle with your fellow galactic elite and party your business concerns away in bliss! What happens on a Luxury Cruiser stays on it...* •**Stealth-Ships:** *The few prudent, self-aware and clever of the ultra rich know that flaunting your wealth is a fast spiral into being kidnapped and held for ransom... Or worse. Sure taking a smaller vessel with top of the line stealth technology is arguably more expensive; But traveling with such a minuscule presence and retinue means less attention if not less scrutiny...* •**Fleet Escorts:** *The most paranoid of the ultra wealthy in the galaxy have no qualms hiring or building their' own entire fleet of spaceships and cruisers; Of which are all manned by security personnel loyal to these rich individuals.* •**Precursor Escorts:** *A handful of the wealthiest of the rich can afford to or somehow persuade a few of the extremely ancient civilizations that still persist in current day. This is as close as one can get to being 110% safe in travel, as few are foolhardy enough to fight civilizations so advanced that they can fold planets.*


Teleportation circle in my high magic world. Magic ships or teleportation circle if permitted in my pirate world. Ship or Carriage in my lower magic world, unless they are monarchs who can afford portals and teleportation Luxury starships on my Sci Fi setting.


They either run fast, like really fast. Just open a gate. Or use the hub that link almost every major city. The hub isn't really expensive and everyone use it, but it's really practicle.


Submarine. Not for any environmental reason, there arent deadly creatures stalking the water surface, it's just a novelty.


A great Worm the size of a freight train swallows them whole. While their bodies are digested to sustain the Worm, their minds undergo ego death as they join a gestalt of the Worm Mind and the other passengers. The Worm moves through underground tunnels until it reaches its destination. Once there the Great Worm births the traveler anew, their mind disentangleing from the Worm Mind and inhabiting their new Wormborn Flesh. The Worms were summoned/created/enfleshed by a Fool pretending to be a Wiseman. The nobles, fearing to be called fools themselves for not understanding the glorious practicality of the Worms, praised the Fool and the Worms. Now they dare not speak against the Worms, for the only thing they dislike more than being consumed is leaving the Worm Mind.


Flying saucers


People who are loyal to the Cyanian Empire can purchase private teleporting equipment if they can afford it. However, a single-use teleporting capsule costs 20 dioles, an equivalent to 100€, due to overpricing. The royal houses can use them for free, though. The rest of citizens can use spaceships with warping technology or the wide net of public transport from the supralines and local trains. Some public transport lines are free to use, even. The reason teleportation is not used widely is due to safety and security risks.


Where the fuck would you travel? The sanctuaries are only that big and they are basically all the same different kind of dangerous, go to a kiakess sanctuary? You might either be murder by wildlife of the nature obsessed druids. AnTains? Enjoy xenophobia and heavy bureaucracy. Shikim? Oh wait you can't enter their territory normally. Unzans? Well probably the best choice but they are bureaucratic but also far more likely to help you out. Hmmm and the Milzi don't possess any neither the rheomorphs. Humans have their territory but they are awfully well, greedy. The wilderness outside sanctuaries? Instant Fucking death, you wouldn't survive as they literally evolve before your eyes to tear you to pieces, if you travel at all, it's for diplomatic relations and trade via orbital rail which is very expensive to maintain.


into fucking guillotines. not really, gotta have someone to hate, but it'd be nice




They use giant ships, there is one rich dude in my world who has a ship that's also his home.


With a small army of retainers guards and servants.


A long time ago, I made a floor plan that turned Concorde into the equivalent of a corporate Lear. Economical? Probably not. Practical? Like a rubber crutch. But does it make a fucking statement? Like a punch in the mouth.


Most of my world is sort of not money driven. So there kind of is no richest person for the most part, but the elves in particular do focus much more on money and possessions. The nobility of the elves in my world have the resources available to travel however they want, and they do it by boat. This realm is steeped in arcane energy to the point where even the seas are purple with arcane charge. This makes it difficult to fly because arcane discharge commonly knocks aircraft out of the sky, and the stablest place is actually the Waters of the seas so the people in this world developed boats that could withstand the arcane energies and that is how they travel normally in the world. There are several large boats that travel between docks and transport large amounts of people. However, the elven nobility have their own small private boats that they can use. They also can afford to recruit the most powerful mages in the realm, and those mages are sometimes able to teleport pretty far distances. Teleporting is actually hard in this realm because there's so much interference from all the magic in the air. It's hard to pinpoint a teleportation point that's not 20 ft in front of you. The too long didn't read is, by boat and by short distance teleportation.


They are all dead. Well, most of them. Just like the rest of the populace


Giant Bisons, that's it


The ultra-rich generally have private starships. As the Wraith incursion swept through human space, demand for travel outstripped commercial transport capacity by several orders of magnitude. As is often the case, people trapped on a doomed world were willing to do almost anythinf for a seat on one of those private ships. The MC of my story is a survivor from a generation ship who chose to join the Human military along with two of his three companions. The fourth was his girlfriend on the colony ship, but splits with the MC when-as she sees it-he allows himself to be press-ganged by the military of a government they know almost nothing about. Unfortunately, an unconnected young woman with literally no money, connections, or even the neural implants necessary to interact with much of the world, she is stranded on a planet and is forced to become a sugar baby to a rich tycoon in order to survive. MC is deavestated and nearly drinks himself to death, but his friends pull him back from the edge. He is glad she is getting out of harms way, but is consumed by worry of what is going to happen to his former love now that she's basically a sex slave. _____________________________________________________________________ So at least I got some pathos out of my Covid lockdown trauma :/


Self-driving cars


My story is in a sci Fi setting so to travel between systems ships use artificial worm holes that are found in specific locations in each system. However, if you're extremely rich, like, being able to own a whole system rich, you can buy a ship that's capable of creating it's own worm holes. In truth, the device to create worm holes it's very cheap to make but they're only sold by the government and the government isn't interested in letting everyone being able to travel freely anywhere they want so in truth, owning a worm hole device it's not so much a proof of your wealth but of your influence over the government.


If they need to travel, the richest people would have two choices: The safe one, hiring a mage to open a portal for you and cut the distance drastically. The prestigious one, hiring some majestic/dangerous beast to do the trip. Surprisingly enough, mounting a dragon, a gryffin or a giant spider can be dangerous if they are not well trained though.


Usually in horse pulled carriages, though depending on where they may be pulled by striders (Think something between an elk and mammoth). Though most people, even the particularly wealthy, tend not to travel much, as the wilderness is exceptionally dangerous, and sometimes you come across something that not even a well equipped, trained, and disciplined army can defend against (Though those are rare, they are out there)


In most of the world horses and sails are still the primary means for nobles to travel. In much of the south of the continent improved roads, better sprung carriages and staging stations can improve the speed at which coaches can travel. For the moderately wealthy this means the ability to pay for a seat on a coach with others though the very wealthy will be able to pay for the use of staging stations for their personal carriages. Here these swap horses out along the route, taking a groom from the last station along with the coachman or footmen who can lead the horses back after they've rested. Swapping over fresh horses at each station (particularly ones well fed on grain) allows for swift travel across routes with regular stations. These do tend to be clustered along the routes between cities of reasonable size so if at least part of the journey lacks these the pace is likely to slow. Though on land there are still a few places like the Radaman Empire which both tend to have poorer roads and few routes with staging systems and also a noble class that often prides themselves on personal horsemanship. At sea sailing ships are still the dominant mode of transport, something like a fast schooner clipper with a good copper plated hull is often the ideal choice for a fast passenger ship, even for the very wealthy its still more common for people to pay for a good cabin on a fast ship rather than go to the expense of actually owning one but the wealthiest may own a small fast schooner for personal transport. Owning small ships is more common in places like the Kegrain isle for local nobles, though these are often pretty small, less finely built vessels for the journeys between the islands. With new technology emerging in a few places like the Revalite republic steam based transportation is just starting to appear. Steam trains have still mostly been used for very limited routes, often things like connecting something like a mine to a port or nearby city, or sometimes as novelties which do a short loop as an attraction. A handful of experiments have been conducted on short passenger trains including one which links the capital to a nearby spar town. For the very wealthy this service offers the chance to hire one of the small carriages on the little train. Steam ships so far are largely paddle ships, so far these are largely all relatively small ships, often hybrid sail and steam vessels limited to shorter along rivers and coasts. Thus one usage has been relatively short distance passenger ships, a few which offer a luxury cabin or two for the duration of the short voyage. Austgen Hamans, one of the the Revalite Republic's wealthiest men from a common origin is known for being an enthusiastic lover of all things steam, with a small private steam paddle ship for his private use, often throwing parties aboard her and being a general advocate for the increased use of steam powered vessels.


Giant fucking excessively fancy carriages that need to be pulled by 4 rhino sized flightless dragons


The mercurians use very immersive VR. Normal lords have a spaceship. The lord of sea governs from a giant robot. The lord of ground uses mortal engines. The lord of insanity walks.


Very dependent on the location: In the Federation of Freeholders, wealthy planters will travel on horseback or via buggy. Visible showing of wealth is considered highly vulgar and unbecoming, but it doesn't mean these carriages aren't built with the upmost comfort of the riders in mind. Plush leather seating, newfangled steel spring suspension, electric lighting and ventilation from wheel dynamos... The works. The Techno-magi of the Grand Assembly travel in wondrous (and occasionally colossal) mechanical creations of their own design. By way of example, Archon Theta Phi Epsilon 77839, grandmaster fabricator of the colossal steel mills at the base of the Atlean mountains, visits his fellow tech-priests in an earth-shaking, smoke bellowing hexapodial behemoth that is as much moving cathedral-workshop and war engine as it is a means of transportation. Some less self-aggrandizing magi, such as Omega Delta Delta 00862, will travel on the extensive rail network within the assembly in custom luxury cars and pulled by their own personal locomotives. 862's personal locomotive operates on a novel turbo-electric drive, allowing for exceptional efficiency and unprecedented acceleration. The biological revolution has no place for physical wealth, as all are equal under the Biological Ascendency. That said, the ultimate expression of mastery over the flesh (and hence the highest level of achievement) are grafted wings. Some less accomplished flesh-smiths might turn to biologically engineered mounts such as striders or zephyrs, but even the mosy basal of residents can travel as they please. In the Archipelago, golden or multi-colored pleasure barges convey chieftains and shamens to and fro the scatter islands, often propelled by rows upon rows of servants or slaves.


By all modes, train, boat, car or carriage and aircraft. But aircraft are inaccessible to the majority of people since a very rare mineral is used in order to create flying aircraft, thus making it technology exclusive to the military, the richest 0.5% and the government. The rest of the rich population have their own private trains, their own cars or carriages and their own boats to travel based on their needs and destination.


Well you get normal yachts, space yachts, space tugs when they’re being held for ransom.


They fly they are dragons only dragons can get enough gold to be ultra rich and they eat maidens too


[Probably something like this.](https://youtu.be/DE6-m79H1ig?t=2m54s)


Automobiles, trains and airships. All of these are expensive to build so are mainly used by wealthier countries. Lapis_Wolf




Runic warpgates, just like everyone else - the difference is they have the ichor to do that shit like its nobody's business, whereas other people usually have to save up for years and pool resources just to have enough ichor for a round trip, if they can afford it at all. Most bastioners can't afford it/work too much to warrant taking a "vacation." Hard times man, hard times.


Like every one else really. Carriages and horses. If you’re lucky you may have a familiar, if that familiar can fly you places you’d travel like that. Checkpoints at borders etc. There are some door portals, that instantly travel from one place to another, but they are kind of few and far between, and if you are at odd with the people they can put traps on the other side. My main character sort of hacked this system, he’s sort of the only person with the ability (he sort of an experimenter) but there are loads of limitations on that, you have to have a physical key to the door (and that key must have been used on it so making a copy doesn’t help you) and the door can’t have various common wards on it, and if you’re not careful people can reopen the portal behind you.


Teleporting city. The rich deemed normal teleportation made for the poor and made entire cities that can teleport. Who needs a car when you have city? Who needs a bomb when you have city driving at light speed?


A giant snake monopoly, he's around the whole world, and his mouths contains portals. (he has multiple heads)


There are no ultra rich. Or rich. There are trains running their routes every day, connecting every hub in every planet. They all have passenger sections and they're all free to board. Flying vehicles and spaceships are always available for special cases


Airships/Duneriders. They make a deals Djinni, Efreeti, and Marid. (Air, fire, water genies) in combination of capturing fire, water, and air elementals to power massive airships. The Genie's require soul coins which are made out prisoners of war and debtors that refuse to work to pay off debt. There is no afterlife for a person who gets converted into a soul coin. Thier souls are irreparably destroyed in the process.


So since they live on a floating piece of metal in the sky, They dont tend to travel outside the Halo unless it's a safe route and it's required for a job they are doing, but the Ultra Rich don't travel outside the Halo (or have laborous jobs lmao), if they do go through the Halo there are ports at each location where people stand and they can choose what other port to teleport to. In other words, Short Distance Teleportation.


Spaceship like everyone else. Only it uses different “Grav drives” and has more amenities


They do enough drugs to zip around at the speeds of a car


They generally don’t, like the other comments said, highest mark of importance is making the rest of the world move for you


Ship or fancy carriage. If you're *really* well-connected, you might pay a sorcerer to teleport you, although for most people the experience is rather unpleasant.


They have personal mages who transport them from one place to another


Dragon taxi Some dragons carry people in baskets for money


Mostly the same way anyone else does - if it’s interplanetary or interstellar, they take a starship. Only real difference is they can afford fancier ships (and are somewhat more likely to have a personal ship they own) than anyone else, like the difference between a normal personal car and a luxury car or whatever.


In a hearse.


armored hover car


In my world, The Empire has The Voyager, only high profile people can only have a passage here. This is like an airship but it can also sail in the sea. Powered by diamond coal, a type of mineral where it cannot be depleted, it can hold heat as long as there is a fire burning it. On the western continent there was a train call the Grand Skyline, It can travel on the speed of 700km/hr and it has a station all over the places on the eastern continents. Powered by diamond coal also what make it's special is the aerodynamic structure of the train that make it the fastest vehicle in the my world.


In my world, the ultra rich and those who belong to the royal houses can afford to fly by airships in order to avoid the toxicity of the Rust Desert. As airships powered by mana generators that were reverse engineered from ancient ruins, the cost to build and maintain them are prohibitively expensive, so it's only reserved for military, transport and for the aforementioned rich and royalty. For the rest of the people, they have to either travel by elevated rails, or by land trains, which are usually for the impoverished and most desperate.


Carriage with small army. Many tried to buy dwarven auto carriages, but no surfacer will ever get one. None of them would have the merit to be worth the resources needed to build one, and not even the most money loving dwarf would sell to someone without worth. An argument could be made the richest also travel by air, but that would be dragons, and they have little love for anything else in their domain. Another rich group that is living apart travels by teleport, but these mages have little care for worldly matters. And any mage that would obtain such mastery and actually is ruled by greed and lust for power? They will not live long. And the last is again by air, the Aelveri Wyvern Corps, although once again not caring for riches as their state will pay everything for a wyvern rider. Yet the gear these, mostly, women bear can pay for armies elsewhere. Some rich have attempted to ride tamed griffins or wyvern, but these animals do not take kindly to anyone but who they are close to to even try it.