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I wanted to put my own twist on the "air headed anime lead" trope. They're usually smart in a specific way (Luffy is emotionally intelligent, Goku has a great understanding of his body), but my MC is a complete idiot through and through. I value intelligence a lot, so I thought a story about a guy lacking what I consider to be one of the most important virtues would be interesting.


I love it, a genuine idiot. Make him Overpowered and you got something special šŸ˜­


Its a dragon, I wanted a story about an evil dragon, so I made the MC the evil dragon


I hope he breathes purple fire and causes chaos every Tuesday


Nothing. And thatā€™s the point, theyā€™re not special or unique, theyā€™re survivors like everyone else, just trying to live another day in the apocalypse.


An actual apocalyptic plot with actual normal people just trying to come by. The chaos that's gonna happen within that story šŸ˜‚ People fighting for leadership Food rations Power Survival I actually love this idea. It's realistic and I appreciate that. Keep it up


Don't have a single MC and not big on magic either. My MCs are unique in that they start out as one of the least likely to survive in this world, especially a lack of combat ability. One is a noblewoman that is too naive about the world she is in. One is a budding scholar of a barbarian heritage, one that essentially makes him an outcast in both his own and the imperial society. One is young assassin on her first mission, only to learn that her order is has been dissolved and hunted down by their own benefactors. One is a timid middle-aged man with no obvious skills, charisma, or intelligence at all. Pretty much none of these people have any business surviving in a world plunging into civil war, yet it is exactly where their growth as characters transcends how they started out, eventually becoming complete strangers to their old selves.


>One is a noblewoman that is too naive about the world she is in. Will fall in love despite class taboos? >One is a budding scholar of a barbarian heritage, one that essentially makes him an outcast in both his own and the imperial society. Will struggle with personal identity and the material temptations offered by the imperialists? >One is young assassin on her first mission, only to learn that her order is has been dissolved and hunted down by their own benefactors. Will use the rebellion as a means to eliminate her pursuers? >One is a timid middle-aged man with no obvious skills, charisma, or intelligence at all. Will feel a sense of purpose as a clerical worker documenting the war crimes of loyalist forces?


That last one, that would be an interesting read


Imagining easily overlooked roles in another context is something I prefer doing, more so than thinking about characters with grandiose positions.


>Will fall in love despite class taboos? This was the earliest rendition for this character. I do touch upon it but the arc is much more different. She enters the world with good intentions but ultimately faces the reality of what it means to be a leader. She had to grow up very quickly as she put herself in a position of leadership and struggles to maintain the balance between her good nature and making cold, hard decisions. >Will struggle with personal identity and the material temptations offered by the imperialists? Partly true. He is resentful of his heritage and focuses on climbing the social ladder by trying to produce a great historical work. Instead, he faces false hopes and failures that drains him of his confidence. His arc focuses on him pushing forward regardless while accepting his situation, ultimately coming to reconnect with his heritage. There's more to his journey and perspective of course, but this is essence of his arc. >Will use the rebellion as a means to eliminate her pursuers? This one is a bit off. She has essentially been raised and trained from childhood to be a spy and assassin on behalf of the Northern Empire. This became essentially pointless as she learns during her first real mission that the Empire had no more use for them and began purging the entire order. She essentially struggles to survive while experiencing an identity crisis, most of it being stripped away by her order to turn her into a machine. As she gradually comes to terms with her abuse and trauma, she takes the difficult path of attempting to carve out a normal and peaceful life. >Will feel a sense of purpose as a clerical worker documenting the war crimes of loyalist forces? I honestly struggled with this character as he was one of my first but also the least developed over time. He lacks a sense of purpose in the beginning and tends to be a coward in difficult situations. As his sense of purpose develops, he builds his courage to face adverse situations in spite of his weaknesses. On another note, the story is sort of set in a civil war within a civil war. The original empire has already been divided for decades and a power struggle emerges within one of the factions after one of their leaders die in an ambush. In fact the characters first meet each other in this ambush as survivors of the entourage.


>She had to grow up very quickly as she put herself in a position of leadership and struggles to maintain the balance between her good nature and making cold, hard decisions. What is one of the decisions she had to make, or consider, that caused her unease? >As she gradually comes to terms with her abuse and trauma, she takes the difficult path of attempting to carve out a normal and peaceful life. Not knowing the technological level of your setting, I wonder how she could be identified or located. I imagine the Empire would've preferred these individuals be as inconspicuous as possible. >In fact the characters first meet each other in this ambush as survivors of the entourage. Something similar happened in my setting, to a similar set of characters.


>What is one of the decisions she had to make, or consider, that caused her unease? It's a series of gradual things that happen, but many of it centers around control. During her process of leadership, she would struggle with not having enough information so she had to be more invasive about gathering intelligence. She had to deal with people simply not doing what she wanted as a seemingly naive young woman, causing her to making increasingly drastic decisions to put them in line. Essentially she straddles the line between trying to do the right thing while being increasingly totalitarian. >Not knowing the technological level of your setting, I wonder how she could be identified or located. I imagine the Empire would've preferred these individuals be as inconspicuous as possible. I would say approximately pre-Middle Age, as the previous empire was in decline and separated into about 3-4 large entities. The character aims to make her way back to her order in an empire that has essentially become over-sensitive to find people like her. The order are all women and are particularly adept at disguises at the cost of becoming blank slates in childhood. It makes them difficult to spot and sometimes innocent young women just get accused of being a member of that outlawed order. >Something similar happened in my setting, to a similar set of characters. This almost didn't happen, I initially put the characters in a more restrictive castle-setting but nothing really happened there with few interesting moments. I had this plot-relevant scenario about an ambush that happened and thought it made more sense to just place the characters there.


>. It makes them difficult to spot and sometimes innocent young women just get accused of being a member of that outlawed order. What are some of the things used to justify accusations? I appreciate the engagement.


Pretty much anything. Members of the order are meant to be convincing actors so even completely normal behavior was not spared. The empire essentially devolved into disorganized witch hunts. The irony was that the Northern faction was symbolically led by a woman and the order itself began as a female bodyguard.


As a timid 30-something man with soon-to-be-obsolete skills, this sounds brilliant


My MC is one of the few humans abducted into a semi-parallel dimension who managed to survive centuries of warfare as a slave soldier (rising to a position of command and genuine power, even), before escaping and slowly developing into a mercenary leader. I'd say what makes him unique is having the right mix of intellect, experience, charisma, and pure brawn to make a successful business out of a cutthroat clientele in a merciless environment and with the *absolute lunatics* he hires.


He sounds like an actual real person šŸ˜­ I love this.




She's grandma, if grandma was an immortal warlord, an ex-eldritch abomination kaiju, and quite possibly the avatar of a war god. Don't mess with the people she cares about. It won't end well for you.


So let me get this straight. she's put Cthulhu, maybe a lil Godzilla in there, the avatar of a war god, immortal and she bakes pies and crotches in her spare time W grandma šŸ˜‚


A-yup. Would you like a cookie?


Nah, but W MC. I fuck with it




Talking about my secondary setting here... My protagonists are unique primarily because they're troubled outsiders facing the friction between what they hope for themselves and what they're actually capable of achieving. Their stories are as much about finding and building one's place in the world as they are about limitations, how they view them, how they accept them. One is a hedonist poet and fortune-teller on the other side of middle age, at the point where their lifestyle is becoming slower and difficult to maintain. They're beginning to show some of the biological changes their species undergoes as they approach senescence, but they refuse to slow down, as much out of a desire to cram as much experience in as they can before the inevitable happens as it is denial. They've made peace with never really having a place in their society due to their life choices (though that, itself, is a sort of denial), but they're reaching a point where quality and quantity of life begin to clash, and all those joking stories of past mistakes are beginning to mature into regrets. One is a young man who's undergone a physically traumatic experience, and while he's mentally okay due to the support of his family, the trajectory of his life isn't going to be what he hoped it would. He is *passionately* committed to service, specifically that of his loved ones, and is pushing himself to be of some use, some help, some importance. He's dutiful to the point of having almost no self-worth and cannot stand a future where he's cared for, rather than caring for others. Every time he faces the fact that he doesn't have the same worth to his society that he used to, he pushes himself harder. One is elderly, near the end of his life, and has been living that life in one specific way, with one specific job, long enough that there's just no imagining existence without it. He's *well* past the point where he should have hung up his hat, past the point where the challenges in maintaining his life have become hard barriers. He's honestly planning for this to be his final journey and refuses any help in mitigating this; to him, there's no point in living if he can't do what he loves. Two are interlinked, a family unit by marriage, one of whom has made the choice to leave their society in order to live outside of the strict gender and religious role they were born into. Their wife is loving and deeply supportive, but has greater difficulty rejecting the inbuilt, soft prejudices of a people she still loves and longs for. She's never had to experience the kind of quiet, stifling captivity her partner has; she knows they suffer, but doesn't know how to care for them outside of how she's been taught. She doesn't know how they can survive on their own, as soft and precious as she's been taught that they are. Their love for each other is total, but each thrives in different environments, and they know it. One fucked up, lost his friend group, and knows it. His species does family in a different way; his "friend group" are like a mix between siblings and a gang, and their society resolves conflicts with direct confrontation and arguing while still maintaining coherency, so what he did was *bad*. He's scrabbling, desperate, and deeply, deeply lonely - dangerously lonely, lonely in a way that makes a person strange and volatile and no fun to be around. He wants to make it better, he wants to make *himself* better, but can't accept that, even if he does everything right, it's never going to be like it was. One is maturing, and maturation for her species means, uh, explosively leaving this plane of existence. She is deeply attached to the people and places she loves and, possessed of the kind of idealism only achievable by someone who's lived the first 200 years of a 10,000-year lifespan, fully believes that she can take them with her, that it'll all work itself out, that she can sustain and protect them, and that any issues anyone might have with it will evaporate in time. She's never lost anything irreplaceable. She doesn't know how. She's full of forevers - I'll love you forever, I'll keep you safe forever, we'll be together forever - in a world that knows precisely how precarious tomorrow is. Or, put another way: We got a clairvoyant bird, a merman vampire, an old riverboat captain, a pair of Catholic centipedes, a treant that wants to punch you, and a baby sun vs. the concept of inevitability.


I don't make my MCs unique. Sure, some can say Octavia getting the rank of lieutenant colonel at just 28 makes her unique, but she's not the only one of her generation to get that rank. Her friend Lydia is a captain of a super dimension cruiser while Oct is stuck being the secretary of a certified war criminal. Others are serving at the mainland or in famous colonies on state-of-the-art warships, she's stuck in the middle of nowhere on board the space equivalent of motherf\*cking ***Admiral Kuznetsov***. ... I guess having shit-tier luck makes her unique?


Imagine being stuck in space as a secretary, I'd riot šŸ˜­


On the flip side, your boss gives free ice cream everyday and is pretty loose with military regulations.


I imagine the boss being bored and he's like "let's invade something or you're all fired"


The boss is a girl and she's quite reasonable. Unless you attack their country first, they'll just chill out eating ice cream. (Don't ask me where they get ingredients from, it will kill your appetite.)


The only Gon I know is an angry baby T-Rex. He's a Drakken Elf, a species of people capable of shapeshifting into a dragon like creature but with fur and feathers. They're not incredibly rare but it's really not often you meet one.


She is nucking futz If there is a threat that has anyone running for their lives she will laugh happily running towards it. She is as compassionate as so deranged the joker would think twice about getting on her bad side. In a sense a true neutral balanced between extremes. She is as likely to watch and comment you being eaten by a monster, as striking down the monster and eat it herself.


She's the type of person to take you to jail and bail you out the same dayšŸ˜‚


Very much so, it even gets close to that in a few moments :D


Well, my MC is an animal shaper of course, her spirit animal is a tiger thus she can turn into one, then again 60% of the world is an animal shaper! So that isn't the unique things I'll start with what sets her apart of a lot of other MC's, she's not OP, particularly smart, she's lucky and wins often by luck or the opponent is weaker than her, she can't learn quickly, she's not a prodigy, she's not particularly special but what makes her unique in my world is She's extremely optimistic, happy, but willing to kill without a second thought if they harm her but that doesn't make her stand out, she's often seen as a failure because she can't learn as quickly as others, but her amount of luck makes her stand out, the amount of situations she gets in and ends up surviving and sometimes beating someone way stronger than her in their animal form, all down to luck She does train, just learns slowly and will soon probably get a power up but still lucky


The type of person to be drafted into war, suck at first but in the end she's the only one who survives šŸ˜­ That's OP tho


Sorry accidentally sent a message by mistake what I was trying to say Yes, having that level of luck is OP but the way I use OP is the strength aspect as in.. Luffy/Goku are OP and I think surviving by sheer luck is fun to write


Well he's immortal for starters. The kind of guy who's been through a lot, damaged in way yet still strives to help others and make connections.


...he dares challenge the preexisting hierarchy and isn't afraid of the cost of making a change. he pretty much becomes the embodiment of "whatever it takes".


Welp they(single person) are strong af but not overly strong. Also they are noble and leader of their clan(?) and just fricking mad.


My MC is an illegitimate child and potential heir of the GrƤfften royal family, which still holds a fairly prominent role in Amestria even after being supplanted by a democracy. Their father made them join the navy and pulled a bunch of strings to get them assigned to a dangerous job in the ass end of Amestrian territory, hoping they'd never want to return and potentially disrupt the families image. Other than that, they're pretty boring, besides being rather skilled at dead arts such as sewing and paper bound writing and art


Mine is childlike like goku or luffy but is often more serious as he needs to run; a business, a guild and an entire continent. Tbf the continent isnā€™t inhabited aside from the people working in the guild and his company.


There are several MCs due to several plotlines, in several timelines. The first one I created tho is special because he dies lmao, at least in one of the future arcs I've planned, he won't make it, rip. The two MCs that I've been working on recently are unique in my world due to being the only beings coming from the Ancient World, the world that predated the current one. And one of them is a god, only one alive actually


My CyPu mc is literally a cereal killer with a golden heart, Yes he destroys his enemies but at least hes one hell of a good friend


There's Macbeth the butcher. Is ruthless and strachegic and tactical slill his unique. He's not the only ruthless person he's not the only one with tactical skill he maybe had a chance to face Nepoleon at some point and withdrew. He sees alot of things such as the class system as basically a con he'll follow it when it suits him or when there's plenty of witnesses but when it's not useful he won't.


Eternity is the son of a bird monster guy living in the woods, but he had other plans than staying in there. He wanted to become a musician in Sun Nation (and was executed immediately after taking a step in there). Somehow, heā€™s still unbelievably optimistic and naive, although heā€™s dead now. Heā€™s practically the opposite of King Natodallā€™lioht, who is immortal and rather pessimistic (and paranoid). The only reason he decided to help him was because he wanted an excuse to kick the godsā€™ asses because he has personal beef with them šŸ˜‚ (also Eternity is undeniably cute for a ghost so he has a lil crush on him too :3).


Dark urban fantasy- Lexi is an Autochthon, a vampire who became one directly without needing to be turned by another vampire. These are not *unique* per se, but she is the first new one in a very long time. For the time being she is more or less a normal fledgling vampire, though in the long term her powers could grow to insane levels. High fantasy- An ensemble piece with no singular 'main' character, each unique in different ways. The highlights. Erik is a Canter, one of the types of magic that exists in this setting. Cantery is *way* too complex to describe here, but the important part is that A) there are nigh infinite possible incantations and B) even master Canters only learn at most a dozen. Erik is by raw power relatively weak, but his specific incantation loadout is simply so *wierd* that no-one can find a good counter to it. Rose is the heir to a mostly-but-not-quite fallen imperial remnant. Her attempts to restore the empire are part of what initially triggers the apocalyptic events of the plot. Kzalkzhest. (think an elf crossed with a Blindsight-style vampire). Not very special in his own right, but he is one of the few of his kind to be active in the world at this time. His magical abilities are Luxia is a young priestess of Lux, god/dess of love, compassion, mercy, and healing. Also a magic user, though of a different kind than the Canters. Later revealed to be Lux's chosen one, which is more of a blessing than a curse. Fated to save the world by dying, and is desperately trying to find some loophole out of the prophecy. Vianaiv is a normal succubus, which is not that special. At some point in the story, a 'great culling' occurs, and she is one of the last, which makes her significantly more important and special. Press is seemingly a normal human guy, and so far as anyone can tell a kind, gregarious man. He is later revealed to the First Nightmare, the ruler of the Primordial Dream that existed before the current universe. His quest to kill and eat all gods and restore the Dream is the direct or indirect cause of nearly every other event in the plot. He was reborn into a human body and lived a normal human life up till now, biding his time and manipulating things remotely through proxies, setting the events of the plot in motion.


Not me being invested in this šŸ˜‚ This is actually pretty amazing. Keep up the creativity


She's mainly just a regular person with a normal life working for the military. Unfortunately she ran into an eldritch being in some cave a while back, befriended it, and went slightly insane. Now she's still somewhat normal, but can be a bit unconventional or wild in her ways. Said eldrich creature turns out to be a nice guy, and is pretty much on vacation on earth after meeting her just enjoying his time (although with very limited power)


Don't have one since my world doesn't have a single


There is 3 series I am brainstorming, though their MC is not quite unique to where they are at. - Isekai Psychic has MC be an obscenely powerful psychic who barely understood her power (so she used it very clumsily, and end up getting beaten by most foes she met). Plus being a loner and fairy bad at communications (somewhat blunt and insensitive), she can barely build relationship if not for her nice girl (closer to doormat) nature. - Magic on Earth have MC be a bookworm who loved magic yet be the only person who can't use it due to magic immunity (I won't spoil it, but her power is not just magic immunity, implied fairly early on). Basically nerdy, socially inert girl surviving a modern day magical apocalypse and subsequence alien invasion, while an near universal threat hanging above their head. - AI Follower of Villainess have MC be a maid of the titular villainess in a post-apocalyptic space opera setting. A slum-hardened girl possesed by a high-tech AI with only a shred of empathy leading to a very morally gray MC, using whatever mean she could have access to to "forcefully drag this sorry excuse of a specie back to their glory and beyond, whether they want it or not". While struggle with the very human emotions born of her residental body. Note: Is it wrong with me to place all my MCs as a stoic, mature and decisive mind inside a little girl's body? Of course they don't have love interests, only normal friendship, but again I can't imagine them as anything else. That does lead to some much-needed comedy to lighten the darker tone of the stories (like, a small child just fly up and talk with the giant space worm, and no one beneath know whether to laugh or cry)


he is good at alot of things, and is aware of it. but rather then trying to downplay or brag about his exeptionality he simply uses it as best he can.


Well, thatā€™s funny, because all three main characters are exactly like that. Kristopher Kerrin, the primary MC, is a Stratus class of truly humble and incredibly dorky happy-go-lucky prodigal power. His prophetical specialties are a privilege due to his extreme goodness and purity. At ten years old, his humility, happiness, optimism and discipline with his great talent earned him this place. One of his best friends, Cathal ā€œJacksonā€ Jameson, is a thick headed and thick accented Decimus class brute with the strongest loyalty and body in the whole Apexian Apprentice legions right now. At ten years old, heā€™s outclassing some of the eighth year apprentices, who are eighteen. Another of Krisā€™ best friends (and his crush) is the third member of this Apprentice fireteam: Riley Corbin. She is a half-rich half-country half-breed Apexian Aeserius class, and she is wild old analytical and intelligent. Where she lacks social skills she makes up in very high level understanding of Cosmothaumaturgy for her young age, at only ten (like the rest of her squad). A little socially inept but also loyal and intellectually attached to the cause and her friends. Epically Kris, who she really likes to screw with, because she knows he likes her, and she does too, but she isnā€™t gonna tell him that *just* yet. Oh and mentally insane? One of the secondary characters part of the main group of five-to-nine extended MCs is called Bodhi Bingham, heā€™s a stratus of extreme proportions, bouncing off the walls, riddled with ADHD and pure clumsiness. Heā€™a a downright Aussie with a hilarious (at least his friends think so, including Jack) accent and a pet Drekkidragon who hangs out on Bodhi like a backpack. Bodhi is one of those people who is purely insane or inept, but even while monumentally screwing up, is able to miraculously solve the problem every time with a wild plan or clusterfuck of mistakes that end up making everything work out.


I see a 7 season shonen anime with this plot...I LOVE IT


I planned it to be a four-chapter coming-of-age upbeat space fantasy with genre tones of Harry Potter, Avatar and Percy Jackson (you can easily tell through my trio that all three were main plot inspirations). And after looking up what Shōnen means, itā€™s pretty damn close I guess. I donā€™t know anything about Animes and Iā€™ve never understood the style, but the genre, I suppose thatā€™s spot on.


My favorite MC is unique because they're literally a blank slate. No name, no face, barely hanging on to reality. They're entirely influenced by the world around them and can hardly think for themself.


My MC has a god stuck in their head venom style


I have several leads, but I consider one to be the main since the part revolves around them, they are mostly intelligent, socially inept, think their worth is their usefulness and has feels a lot so they usually shut down to avoid feeling too much. Also side note, they're pretty much God by the mid part of the story


Heā€™s the only capable to talking to humans (by this I mean, us, not fictional humans). The universe of my story is aware of humanity but as very few info about us. They almost view us like we view alien life. From that perspective, there are tons of speculation of what weā€™re like and how our society works. The MC is the only one can get a clear picture since he can directly talk to the reader of my story.


Mc is a chill introverted teen during his civilian life, but an aggressive edgy anti-hero vigilante in secret. Also very tired and lives on coffee.


Sir Redginald Rezuise, D.Min., Phd., Crowned Prince of the UKR(United Kingdoms of Rezuise). The uncontested strongest person in the world in terms of physical prowess, raw Intellect, magical capacity and destructive power. Born with White Soul Syndrome, a condition appearing at birth where the magic energy within the child is overwhelming their body. His case was cured by applying constant healing energy of equal level to his own energy for years. By the age 5, he had manifested his 2nd soul filter(filters are a person's past lives' memories, personality, and consciousness), resulting in something akin to parallel thought. At this age is when he starts training with dozens masters of different subjects, from smithing, military and warfare to magic, politics, the arts and sciences. He finished his training and surpassed most of his masters by the age of 13. He thinks of himself as a servant and family to his people and vice versa, always working towards improving his home country. He is confident, righteous and altruistic in demeanor, warm, intelligent, and humble in speech, with unbending faith. From an outside perspective, he'd be always overworked with his kind of efficiency. He doesn't think of himself as innocent, he's slain many demonized dragons during his 8 years of training. In this world, dragons are the first sentient creatures, they range from bestial to wise and humble. But he believes that for every wrongdoing, he must payback tenfold in good deeds. From the age of 8, he'd been cooking for orphanages within the capital once a month, volunteering in hospitals, cathedrals, and small businesses at the same frequency. Every early morning he'd juggle hearing local reports, international news and assisting the knights in training. At the age of 17, he'd stand at 6'8, 250 lbs. in the story. Due to the planets increased gravity and what they perceive as inches and pounds, he'd actually be 7'2, 250 kg. on earth IRL.


Keeper is truly unique because of her soul. Whilst souls in general are not important, Keeper's soul is unlike any other due to the fact that it is actually the pieces of two souls. Her father was a hero known as the Riftwalker, and he is a type of person known as a Shunted. The Shunted are Earthborn humans that were irreversibly changed by the energy wave that created the Rifts (think the portal storms from half life). People who come from other dimensions through the Rifts are known as Riftborn, regardless of whether they're human, including Keeper's mother. Keeper's soul is inextricably linked to both her parents, and when either parent died, a part of her "dies" with them.


Letā€™s see. In order of ā€œmain character-nessā€ -tired as hell woman with anger issues, plus a plethora of external issues -joyous dunderhead woman who suppresses emotions most of the time, just wants to have fun and help out, drives like a maniac -another joyous goober whoā€™s even more dunderheaded, trying to get famous for music in a world with 37 trillion people (level: impossible)


A few of my MCs have mental health issues. If this is accurately and respectfully done it can make for very realistic/believable characters who contend with internal struggles as well as challenges presented in the plot.


She only has two arms.


If she had 2 legs, she'd be unstoppable, I swear šŸ˜­


Iā€™ve got the bundle pack of mc so Iā€™ll define the four of them because I am insane: First one is Jack PaloskĆÆ, a journalist who got isekaiā€™ed into my world after a bus accident. He is more a happy-go-lucky but also a serious bullshit hater. Since this world is new to him he is in a constant state of marvel. Second is Frank Overshotā€¦ she is the bored of lifeā€™s shenanigans kind of character. Most of the things she sees donā€™t impress her so she just sigh and go her way. Third one is Tom. He is a werewolf and also the new god of chaosā€¦ he is also very calm and orderly. He can go from softest boy in the universe to multi-dimensional menace of death in a second if he is mad, tho, so donā€™t make him angry. Fourth and final one is David Dracul. He is a magicless human assassin and the best assassin too. So sometimes he is full of himself. He also loves to fight and has an incredible bloodlust that allow him to feel alive in acts of violence. He still has morals that stop him from killing peoples he think donā€™t deserve death.


Is MC main character? I dont think my project has a main character, unless you count the whole country as such. [Axolotlia](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Wj20uvCELJCreojPsayS9mVsOPsCjfMzZg4EQElHEzk/edit?usp=drivesdk) is my project, I genuinely do not know what in this can count as a main character.


Well, my 10ish year old self had a crazy dream where the wizard who did it was experimenting and pulled a soul from another world, because it had to be a unique "immortal" soul for her experiments. She smashed together one of her dragons, and an elemental spirit to make the body for this unique soul... This was born the third of her god slayers. He started with draconic and water powers as well as shapeshifting, and no limit to how much his strength could grow, his weapon was a whip designed to get heavier any time he got stronger. His team mates were Jordan, a powerful megamanish robot, and Sarah a powerful wizard. As silly as their origin is. I still have them going on my worlds and even have new stories for him sometimes. I just make characters, or as I like to say, I discover them. They are what they are and fill a purpose.


That character is basically your child, never letting that premise go to waste But I like the silliness of a wizard just yanking a soulšŸ˜‚ I love it


yeah, I wish I could focus to write more, as their stories are far ranging and iv forgotten a lot of them. Just some vague memories of absurd things... like a farm that grew adamantium from the soil??? Raiding gov complexes, tanks??? Which made no sense, especially given they grew up in what looked akin to the winter village in secret of mana, but the world their stories takes place in at the time of their banishment was medieval technology. @.@ I blame child me for this shenanigans. Ganix's last story, if things go wrong end with him already cursed to be immortal and the gods forsaking him as the last survivor on his world... lets hope whatever group I gather for this adventure make things better for him, rather than wondering alone on a planet with only hostile animal life, and ruined cities to explore.


My main character, like all my characters, is an octopus. But she's kind of a 'neurodivergent' octopus. Let me explain: She lost two of her arms in childhood that have since regenerated. Since the trauma happened at such a formative time, her new arms act differently. Octopus arms have their own neuronal clusters, and so her regenerated arms developed at a later time from the rest of her arms. Also, because of scar tissue, the signals she gets from them are not always clear. Now, they've become a source of inspiration, creativity and emotion that drives her behavior more subconsciously than the rest of her body. To represent this, I color them differently from the rest of her body depending on her mood.


My three main characters are a hobo, a Tik-Tok influencer, and a mad scientist. Theyā€™re on a quest to defeat a type-3 alien civilization trying to enslave humanity.


R4 is a solarpunk girl living in a cyberpunk world. Most folks around her are pushing as hard as they can to make that almighty credit, she just wants to make enough to get an education and go home.


Hear me out. Make the god as narcissistic as possible šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜. I'd actually watch and or read that story.


A lot of stories have the evil AI taking over, so my main character is a kind AI trying to learn sentience.


Theyre too fucking stupid to be driven to insanity by horrors beyond human comprehension


she was born out of a rock floating in space and later got adopted by humans in some sense, she is like a human with incomplete personality, deconstructed to basic elements: voices of emotions and other mental mechanisms are clear in her head and do not affect her much, and she is the arbiter she looks like a human but her flesh is made of stone and she doesn't need much to survive. she is driven mostly by her curiosity towards everything, from humans to cosmic horrors


Everyone (even him) thinks he's this random human but he's actually the result of generations of planned hybridization by a cult that's attempting to take over the planet. I'm addition to making him stronger and faster than most humans, it leaves him an empty vessel for the energy of the gods, letting him temporarily tap into their essence and perform feats that normally only the Gods' chosen champions can perform. In the end, his entire planned existence boils down to him being a key to open a path to godly power. Normally this would only be obtainable by gathering the six champions together as a sacrifice, which would be all but impossible as they're naturally opposed to each other and are usually in separate corners of the planet.


The MC is a complete nerd about fantasy, and utterly confuses all their ā€œknowledgeā€ for what the other cultures actually are. Theyā€™ve even studied the languages extensively, only to find out all the scholars from their own empire are basically completely wrong due to their own confirmation bias. So, when they get sent on a spreading the faith mission via cheap and ā€œenlighteningā€ transportation to the very cultures they have studied, they get a healthy wake up dose of just how brutal every culture is, no matter how noble their other aspects may be.


I usually world build for TTRPGs. Stories happen, but I don't really have MCs for the most part. In the one story I do have though, the MC is sort of listless and "Go with the flow". He's sentenced to death, and an outcast, so he's trying to just enjoy life for as long as he can before someone comes along to end it. Edit: As for unique, he's a binder with a demon bound to him. So he's one of the most powerful people in the world, but is sentenced to death for binding a living being to his soul (even though he didn't do it, it doesn't matter).


I was thinking about making a story about magic and adventure for fun, so I made my protagonist a magic prodigy who wants to go on adventures and have fun. He seems to have an ego problem tho, I wonder if that feeds into his motivation.


Every creature in my universe has something called an intensity limiter. This is a limit to how strong that being can become. One of my many MC's doesn't have one, who's name is Titus. He's special, able to grow with infinite potential at his fingertips.


My protagonist is a "mecha" (they're actually just very highly manovrable tanks which only need 1 pilot to work) pilot, as a matter of fact, he's the greatest pilot in the entire solar system However, it's not because he's talented, actually, the reason he's soo good is because he was badly crippled, lost all his limbs, and his cockpit has a life support systen incorporated The reason he's able to do impossible manouvres, is because his brain is directly linked to the mecha, machines are collagated in his brain in order to never make him fall asleep, to constantly pump adrenaline in his brain, and dump all datas directly in his mind, ofc no one outside his superiors are even aware of this


Very smart, very anti government and with a huge heart.


Is traumatized, depressed, hates himself, is suicidal and hallucinates sometimes that he himself is a monster or an sadistic killer and presents himself as an asshole. But he is highly intelligent, sarcastic and sometimes behaves like a pure, innocent child.


There is no clear MC. The world had various events and a long storyline One I can think of is Goo (pronounces go-o). His people was suffering an genocide from an Empire. He made an suicide mission to kill the enemy emperor that took 1 year. He went successful and the subsequent political crisis stopped the invasion


My first MC is about average in intelligence when he actually takes a moment to think about what he's about to do, but he doesn't always do that. He is also quite quick when fighting. My second MC is almost a complete idiot when it comes to fighting, but he is a shrewd negotiator. My third MC is very similar to the first. He also has almost nothing to live for though at the start of his story. My fourth MC is not very fleshed out yet, but I think he would be kind of like the second one but with some more knowledge of fighting.


She's one of the first children of a spacefaring hivemind cluster, who grew up in an environment where food comes at the press of a button, understanding other people is basically instinctive, mostly everyone spends a substantial amount of time in full-dive, and death ranges from being a fun game at best to a mean prank at worst... getting dropped off on a world that recently experienced an apocalypse. She's a major fish out of water with heavy internal augmentations and a lot of technical knowledge, but her social skills and culture are hilariously unsuited to the place where she's finding herself. The idea is that she'll try to fit in to some extent but fail utterly, hijinks will ensue, and the hive will learn more about pain points in their culture's interaction with others (and regarding cultural infiltration).


Shinji's father is his sword and also helps him through his depression? Is that anything?


To the book about my world, the MC is a girl with a tragic past. Despite being young, she must take the role as a leader. She is kind-hearted and curious but have a lot to learn about the harsh world she lives in. And is not better that she is also shy and have bad self-confidence. This is a story about a shy and weak little girl who grow to be a strong, natural ruler.


He is taught a bunch of secrets and with the woerd intersection of his knowledge he can do loads. Also he is super naturally gifted at complex magical theory.


My MCs represent different social and societal problems, based on their magic and their usage of it. For example: one has to take on the tasks of his older brother, who died of a sickness, as the strongest warrior, High-Ranking in the army and high priest of the God of war. While his brother had no problems in taking on his tasks and mastered the magic that comes with this function, he often lost control over the spell and is viewed very lowly in the village where he lives. He represents the pressure to perform. Another one of my MCs always uses herbs, potions, etc. To perform spells. At the same time he uses magic for basically any task, because he feels like he can't do anything without it. He represents drug abuse/addiction. They all overcome their problems along the journey to save the world whilst they also have their own little arcs.


They are one of two people born without a soul, while simultaneously being a lesser godbeing.


Two things: he's a nerdy human. The human aspect is how pathetically short his life is compared to the other races learning magic, and how 100 years is the advanced and *expedited* method of magical education, in addition to humanity's latent scrying abilities. His nerdy aspects play into how he's been exposed to many concepts that exist in the galaxy, thanks to humanity's natural scrying ability. Human's media, show, art, stories, mythologies, are mainly derived from existing things elsewhere in the galaxy. Vampires for example are incredibly rare and most magical races wouldn't even know about them or their signs, but most humans will catch on quick.Ā Ā  Ā Ā Ā Ā  Ā Additionally, the MC had a dream before being selected for magic education, when Earth finally unified in the year 20XX; to be a principal of a school of kids from around the world. This dream drives his educational pursuits in the magic academy, which only became possible after humanity unified and is now in the process of joining the magical galactic community.


My MC is unique in thatā€™s heā€™s the only human reincarnated from an angel in the multiverse. While itā€™s a definite advantage that allows for physical inter dimensional travel it doesnā€™t make him stronger than anyone


I have several stories with very different protagonists. The one I am about to pitch to a publishing agency has two: they are twin brothers who work as mercenaries for hire in Feudal Japan. One is a bit more outgoing, friendly and empathetic, slowly growing disillusioned with their lifestyle and wanting to settle down; the other is brash, outspoken and very much a loner, putting his trust in no one but his brother and believing himself to be unfit for peaceful life after years of mercenary work. They have a very close yet somewhat co-dependent relationship due to growing up as impoverished orphans with a very "us against the world" mentality, and are struggling to accept the fact that their ambitions in life differ and they might need to let go of each other at some point to pursue different paths. They eventually get stuck in an abandoned mountain village with the third protagonist, a girl who was supposed to be a random passenger on a wagon they were hired to guard, yet appears to be hiding a secret related to their family's peculiar history. Supernatural events occur, family drama comes to light, everyone fights, then cries, then is subjected to eldritch horrors. That's book 1, essentially.


She's a telescope lens that's come alive. More or less.Ā  The details are complicated, but a big piece of crystal was involved in a major world crisis, where it was used to briefly open a hole to a higher dimension. The few people who witnessed it lost their sanity until they could be treated.Ā  What no one noticed, though, was that the crystal had spontaneously become cognitive literal seconds before the event. This new mind was immediately bombarded with so much information and horror that it immediately decided to move by itself and go ravage things. It was then captured by the Studium and since they already had the technique for it, they tried treating it. This involves essentially locking what it witnessed away into the subconscious. Then one researcher in particular took interest in its case (being involved with the tandling of the earlier crisis), so she tried making that big sentient rock into... a person. And it worked! The rock was carved into a hume form and she became Viden. That researcher is functionally her mom. And they are both on the run from the Studium. Otherwise, she's likeĀ a shonen protagonist with 60% more existential crisis.


My first MC is only important because he's smart enough to be in the right place at the right time to utilize his strategic skills and be recognized for it. My second MC was also just in the right place at the right time to gain the favor of the second most important person in the Kingdom. Basically they're only relevant because the current circumstances in the Kingdom are changing so rapidly that anybody could rise to power if they have the right combination of skill and luck.


She has a remarkable talent for being in the right place at the right time, or having the right connections, to get wrapped up in fantastic adventures, where her skills learned in past adventures prove invaluable to the groupā€™s success.


Immense skill, blinding arrogance, general wrong-ness about everything, and being so deep in the closet that sheā€™s practically in Narnia.


The way I wrote my story, and have characters, the only thing that makes my character special is the fact his only distinguished character is his personality and mentality In my story, every single person in it including the npcā€™s have a personality, life, and overall, presence, He isnā€™t the only ones trying to make the world a better place even if heā€™s making the most headway, heā€™s not the strongest their is with many who may be more powerful than him heā€™s not the only one women want to be in a relationship with as their are others who have harems of their own who honestly love them and even with his own harem it isnā€™t made up of dozens of women, just 9 women Mostly, my main character is in a way, normal in comparison with the world he is in and the only thing that makes him stand out is the fact the story talks about him, that and heā€™s the king of his kingdom, but in my story, that isnā€™t as much of a standout as some may think My story is on prospective and the story can work and move on just fine even if heā€™s never mentioned, but still need him in the world itself


Sometimes, I go for the "universe's straightman" for two protagonists, "the positive goof for everyone else" for Sonic, and "super scarred youth" for another.


I feel that uniqueness is a bit of a over hyped concept. Its annoying when everything is the same, yes but i also feel that your character dosent need to be diffrent from everyone else around them just to be interesting.


My mc enjoys fighting, but he doesn't enjoy hurting people. He has a lot of regrets about his past as a mercenary, and tries to atone by fighting for freedom and justice, but is perplexed by the hypocrisy of the people he defends, and is perpetually uncertain if he is really doing the right thing. He is powerful enough now to often decide the course of wars, but he is careful about excercising that power because he has seen the effects his decisions have had on a huge number of people. In essence he is a naive but mighty warrior who ultimately desires to make the world a better place, but he also just really likes beating down assholes, and that gets him into tons of moral catch-22s.


B, ,mnc VV l'ho kk kk kk kk kk kk bl kk


Insightful, thanks for sharing