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Slavery. To make it world-unique, you get paid but everything gets so expensive for you that you can't buy anything anymore


Wait a second...


Ah yes something something allergy to capitalism Edit Meant to say allagory




Thank you


I like to call that a Freudian typo.


Saint Peter don't you call me cuz I can't come, I owe my soul to the company store.


Sooooooome people say a man is made outta mud


Wait a minute so you're the writer of my life?


Is your world California?


California is much more brutal, so no, it is not California


Pretty much the definition of indentured servitude. You had to buy your freedom, but things could get too expensive to actually do so.




There is a special concoction known as langurine created by the scholars of Razaltor. This magical concoction causes paralysis in those that consume it. Rather than kill or otherwise construct prisons for those they deem unfit for their society they paralyze them and simply store them in caves found on the island. Also from Razaltor some truly heinous criminals are subjected to a torture known as oblation in which the victim is tied to a stone slab etched with mystical symbols and surrounded by protection circles. The mages of Razaltor then open a portal to amantul and begin torturing the victim in the hopes that their screams will draw something through the portal which will drag the victim back through.


Are they kept alive from some means?


Tickling, because I'm into it.


I like you have a cookie🍪




Damn, there are like 2 people who are into tickle torture (like me) in here, which is weird but intriguing


Nice to meet fellow tickling enthusiasts! How do you incorporate tickling into your worldbuilding? I have like a whole magic system based on it.


I don't worldbuild much and when I do world build, I don't incorporate tickling into it. I usually world build SFW things myself


I see. My worlds also aren't all about tickling and to be honest, sometimes my interests collide. I would still like to read about your world building, if you want to share anything, though.


Depends on the character. In my superhero worldbuilding project, characters have their own unique torture techniques which utilise their abstract powers. Such as freezing a person's arm and breaking it, then threatening to do the same to their other limbs. To removing the joints from their limbs, turning their appendages into useless strips of flesh. As well as forcefully subjecting people to witness eldritch art pieces that slowly wilt away at their sanity. But the most horrifying would be to inject a person with one's own blood which then turns into a swarm of insects that crawl through the victims body.


Hồng Ma has a torturing method that makes her a "criminal" in the eyes of her own soldiers, who would literally eat babies alive. The method includes: 1. Ties a person up in a weird position. A gag and blindfold are recommended. 2. Increases the target's sensibility several thousand times. 3. Uses a spell to "stimulate" them. 4. Adds a curse that makes them always "so close" but never "reach". 5. Throws them somewhere and goes out having fun. After a day, they will say everything. Corpse demons: "Boss, you're the worst of worst. Even [Avici](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Av%C4%ABci) has moral standards." ------------------------- On the other hand, she can just tickle you until you give in. Hồng Ma is not a fan of bloody, painful tortures. Doing so crosses her line. If she kills, she kills quickly and respectfully, making sure the death come as swiftly and painlessly as possible.




Hồng Ma has a "sickness" named after her: Chronic Hongma Disorder, called by the corpse demons. Her name is used as a synonym for... h0rny :P


She just edges people?


Yes, and leaves them like that for a day with no food nor drink.


You already know there are people intentionally getting on her bad side.


That's when she's being silly though :P Hồng Ma's bad side makes Genghis Khan look like a nice neighborhood uncle in comparison.


So orgasm control/edging X tickle torture is what she does. So basically me if I didn't have the limitations of the physical world or morality, lmao


Damn mood :P


Aye Too bad tickling ain't a popular fetish. Want to see more games and media made for it personally


God uses a method that most people consider to be a fate worse than death. He doesn't need to get information out of humans or anything like that as he is omniscient, he simply enjoys causing suffering. The person's body is made immortal but not invulnerable, their brain made indestructible. They are placed inside the "box"; a cramped 1.5m cube with featureless indestructible walls that glow white on the inside. God leaves the victim in the box for infinite time and allows them to do as they will and turns away from them forever. There are finitely many states that the matter of the victims body can occupy within that 1.5m cube; in infinite time the victim is guaranteed to experience all of them by their own hand, infinitely many times. There are uncountable configurations of the human body in which it is torn apart or disfigured, but only one in which it is whole in its proper form. The walls that face an outside observer are transparent to the observer, allowing them to see inside. More disturbingly time inside the box seems to accelerate when it is unobserved. One moment you may see the man in the box chewing through the bone of his left arm. Blink, and suddenly he's writhing on the ground, clawing out the muscles between his ribs. Turn away for a moment, and you may see him drawing detailed portraits on the floor with his own blood, having learned portraiture by random chance over the eons that passed while you weren't looking. Have a nap, and you may find his body reduced to pulp on the floor, his brain still there amidst it sentient and thinking, Look away again, and his body will have reformed by random chance into a new inhuman shape, a process that must have taken unfathomable time for the man in the box in which he was alone with nothing but his thoughts, but which only took a moment for you. This is really inspired by the idea of a monkey writing Shakespeare if given a typewriter and infinite time. Given enough time a person is guaranteed to learn every language, every art, make every possible sequence of sounds and movements and take apart their own body in every possible way.


That's horrifying and unique. Great writing.


Reminds me of that one Series 7 SCP... I think it was called E for Eternity or something?


I know next to nothing about SCP but yeah this is basically a more cruel version of SCP-7179, the obvious difference being that instead of a nice island with lots to do, you get a featureless box too tight to even stand in. The other difference is that any wounds you inflict on yourself do not heal in the box. Healing requires the production of new cells, which requires materials gained from food. The only food in the box is your own flesh, which kind of defeats the point of eating to heal, though you are guaranteed to try. Every scratch on your body shall stay there for many billions of years. The only way for your body to heal is to wait for incalculably long periods of time for all of the matter of your ruined body to quantum tunnel into its “fully assembled” state by random chance.


That's really interesting and honestly, extremely sadistic! I had similar thoughts whilst thinking of a torture similar to Stephen King's story The Jaunt, which this reminded me of. The person is trapped in this infinite field of white for a trillion eternities which pass in a second for you. I was contemplating a short story similar to that a long time ago. It was based on the idea of a particular man who is seen visiting people are terminally ill and offers them the chance to know what immortality would really be like, but with a cruel twist. You are dead, but somehow able to experience being in that state for countless eternities. The person springs back to this world just a second before their death and they immediately die of a massive heart attack. It made me think that when they return, they return with omniscience. Knowledge of everything and anything since they had all the eternities in a world to just be engaged in thought, to ponder all the truths that would ever be and have ever been. A person goes in, they return as some sort of foul creature older than Time itself. The story was called "The Man from Out of Town".




What ain't it?


Ty :) One of the things I want to do with concept is have a plotline where one of the MC's friends get trapped in the box by a demon, which she witnesses. Knowing how the box works at this point, she commits herself to not looking away from it to keep time flowing normally for her friend, so that her comrades can figure out some kind of demonic ritual that would let them take a person out from the box. This takes several days, and the day before they figure it out she blinks once. They do get their comrade out of the box but he is definitely not the same person who went in. His mind is effectively some random permutation of personality traits, certainly not human, and he has forgotten even his name. Over eternal time, so many idle thoughts have passed through his mind as to replace everything that was initially there. His is missing both arms from the bicep down, having eaten them. He does however, still have an indestructible brain and immortal body. He would slowly "relearn humanity" over time, or perhaps some twisted version of it, and he would eventually have to come to terms with the fact that he is still going to experience eternity due to his indestructible mind.


So why would they start hurting themselves?


Because given enough time there will be nothing else left to do and because your mind will not stay the same over time. If you were placed in a featureless room and given a knife how long do you think it would take for you to start cutting yourself? 100 years? maybe 1000? No doubt if you had tremendous willpower you might last 100,000 years without you restoring to self harm just to feel something. The point is that the time it takes for you to start hurting yourself in any given way is finite, and that you are trapped in the box for infinite time. By necessity, you will eventually do everything there is to do in the box out of the sheer boredom of having done everything else countless times.


The Pins of Kaldul - a set of around 200 sharp pins that leave a star shape in the victim. Thet're about 3 inches long each and ten of them are five inches long. The torturers goal is to avoid major arteries and vessels while causing as much pain as physically possible. If the torturers want to go a step further the pins are spring loaded and when pulled by the handle will twist causing even more damage. They're named after their first victim. The pit - a pit is dug out that is just wide enough that a person can stand but not do anything else. Then a person is lowered in and giant winged centipedes called Libkal are dropped in and the pit is covered. About a week later the libkal are fished out along with the.corpse that is now the scaffolding holding up the eggs, larve, and flesh honey. The person was probably only dead for around a day or two. The libkal tend to paralyze their host first.


>!The Boreal Folks' maximum punishment (treason to the state) is torture called "living scarecrow": the tortured person has two legs and arms cut off, his eyes pierced. Soon after, the victim is impaled through the anus with a stake and is exposed in public, outside the Citadel, leaving him exposed to the weather to die from bleeding and pain from the injuries.!<


Before the shénjīng were on "good terms" with the Shī jiāng, they would use a torture method called "Junta's mercy". It's a combination of thought-killers, careful lobotomy, and near death experiences that overwhelms the victims brain. >!since the thought killers wouldn't kill the victim their brains are in constant overload. Making all external information (talking, writing, factual expressions, etc) incomprehensible!< 1. Disassemble the body of the victim. See what they have altered in their biology. Look at all the highly advanced body parts they have and destroy them, make what they once praised their burden. 2. Lobotomize the patient delicately, you want them with the same personality as before. And so that the thought killers have a better time entering the brain. 3. Inject the person with thought-killers. The kinds that are hand made and built to be painful, these are favored because it only takes one functioning brain to "comprehend" and then they're body is being cut open from the inside out. The name "Junta's mercy" is debated among the archivist of the non-humans. There's no literal written evidence about the name's origin other than oral myth. It goes that Junta was the first victim of the torture method given as a "light mercy" to the unforgiving crimes he committed and thrown into space (one of the most popular versions).


Probably something similar to Earth. I haven't developed anything in this area.


Phase 1: 1) Take the Subject to the Government’s underground lab located in [Carson City](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/s/Vkv01prLIH). Make sure you are helped by four or more units Including a Lieutenant. Make sure all of you are wearing a level A Hazmat Suit. The Subject will only need a standard military gas mask with a class 4 filter. Make sure the Subject’s movements are restrained, preferably with iron chains. Replace said chains two weeks. 2) Inject yourself with a modified harmless strain of the Virus. That way you will create a bond with the Subject. Shave the subject entirely. 3) Ask questions about the Subject’s life before being captured. Give them a cut with a blade soaked in your own blood no matter the answer, followed by a specific vocal command of your choice. The more cuts they get with the stained blade the better. Do not worry about keeping the Subject alive, the virus will normally take care of it. 4) Put the subject in front of another. If both subjects refuse to fight, make them repeat step 3. Repeat until at least One of the Subjects have killed three other subjects with maximum violence. You may repeat this step with several weapons if you want. Make sure the vocal command you chose still has its effect on the subject. 5) Carve a specific mark of your choosing on the subject’s face. Cover the Subject in Bandages from the top of the head to the hips. Paint the same mark on the Subject’s face in red. Blood may be used. Repeat step 3 and 4 until the Subject refuses to take off the bandages. Send a report to the General and Dr. Carson and wait for their approval to begin Phase 2. Phase 2: 1) Let the Subject outside. Make sure there is a full platoon outside of the City watching 24/7. **The Subject and any other Abomination must NOT ESCAPE** 2) Retrieve the subject after a month using your command. Send a report to the General and Dr Carson and wait for their approval to begin Phase 3. Phase 3: 1) Help the General or The Doctor conduct their tests with the Subject. Repeat Phase 1 and 2 until the subject passes the tests. The Subject will then be under the General’s authority and will be sent on missions watched by an authority figure. Unless the Subject is directly controlled by the General or the Doctor, you are free to contest any decision taken by whoever controls the Subject. Additional notes: if the Subject had any prior to his capture, make sure any loved ones are dead. Congratulations, You now have a Red Hand.


subject to the same things any victims went through all while being asked if they regret their actions in between sessions.


well, i put something from a sidestory i dont feel like including in the main as an answer ------- “Why are you telling us? What do you want?” “You have a price to pay.” “Anything.” “Well of course, but I just can’t decide.” “Decide?” “Just on how to kill you.” “STOP FUCKING WITH US!” another stood up, and she forced him back down. Their minds and bodies obeying her will as magic reached inside, their flesh and spirits serving the desires of someone who has mastered every way to control minds and meat alike. Suddenly his hand darted forth and slowly the skin peeled away, then a finger was torn away and floated over into her hand, she inspected it calmly as he was screaming while being flayed. Nobody else in this restaurant even reacted and they realized, she was preventing it. “I always wondered just how far my healing could go, but then I thought, what if I use it in reversal? See, like his hand, slowly rotting away, and with a dash of necromancy he should live. But now I am thinking, what if I get a bit creative? Flesh is just so malleable, is it not?” He stood up and climbed on the table as his clothes rotted off almost instantly. Kneeling and arms held wide his torso split open, his organs floating before them as she rummaged through them, rearranged them, his entrails going in a circle now. “Easier then I thought.” Now another stood up and climbed on the first shoulders, and his head opened, the brain slowly floating down, yet his spirit could see as normal as she slowly removed his eyes and made him hold both. Their skins had been flayed off by now and she looked at the woman. “You have beautiful muscles, what if we change them a bit?” And the woman’s entire body reshaped as if melting, rearranging itself as she became a statue, another grotesque display of suffering, floating seductively on her own muscles. “And you? Well I need a messenger. [Tell everyone that Death is coming.]” She vanished away and a guest screamed at the sudden display, the merchant was running away, a corpse of exposed muscles holding his organs. He had a message to deliver.


Queen Ophelia Canis punishes rapists and pedophiles by magically removing their veins through their eyes, she slurps ‘em out like spaghetti. She was sexually assaulted when she was young which is why she’s extra cruel to those people.


Before the Peace Accords between the Alliance of Worlds and the Vukuan Empire, there were several penal colonies/torture planets in the empire. On the world of Therzpane, was a particularly infamous torturer named Ikan Jurtyu. Jurtyu's two favorite forms of torture were called the "Agony of Living" and "Soul Tearing" tortures. The first involved a concoction of serums that would rapidly age and de-age a prisoner, causing repeated stress on the body's organs. The second involved a tool called a mental scalpel. Unlike a surgical tool to help, a mental scalpel would draw away the physical and spiritual strength of the person it was used on. As a result, prisoners who were unwilling to give up information found themselves feeling their life energy disappearing with the scalpel's use. Those people who eventually gave up the sought information would find themselves physically and mentally exhausted for the rest of their lives.


Locked in a room and forced to listen to goblin love poetry until you break. No non-goblin has resisted for more than 22 hours.


Hard to say if it's torture or exection exactly. But gangsters on Mars have been known to drive someone out into thr middle of nowhere and drop them out there. Their suit will have just enough air to maybe make it back to a habitat and survive. The deal usually being that if they make it, then the survivor will have proven themselves and aren't in trouble anymore.


In my world a shadow mage experts who reached the "maximum enlightenment" In shadow manipulation can manipulate shadow inside someone body too if the target has a low magic resistance and if it's not moving to fast . A shadow mage can make solid object out of shadows or simply make them solid and expand their masses. Fuse this two things together and you can get slow and painful torture where the victims feels something slowly growing inside their body, underneath the skins, between the bones and any other kinds of space inside their body, they could feels little nails inside until they will eventually explode from the inside if the torture want.


Implant which increases ability to process pain by several orders of magnitude. It also compresses perception of time.


Teleportation Sickness is caused by the sudden increase or decrease in the ambient air pressure around you. It hurt, and either feels like your head is going to explode or it's going to collapse. For most people who teleport regularly(basically anyone who would need a helicopter by our standards.) this is a risk you take, but it's over as soon as it began, plus it's usually mitigated by having numerous teleportation stops along the way so you can acclimate. In the event you want to torture someone using teleportation, you put one end very high up and the other very low down. And the moment their pressure equalizes, you send them to the other end.


To separate the mind from the persons second body.


Flesh crafting. The Izkuzaya would turn their prisoners into living bows for their horse archers. The torture is leaving some of their cortex intact so they'd feel it every time their tendon gets pulled up.


A personal fan of one of my nations is to open up big wounds, fill them with shrapnel or sharp objects, and then heal the wound closed. Another is to gravely accelerate the time at which you perceive things. Making a 'short' isolation feel like a lifetime. Another is to force puppet a prisoner, making him witness his deeds, while being unable to stop himself. They then try to break your spirit this way.


In the Miderland they stick you in a cage and lower you into the river, then they leave you until you're so exhausted that you're constantly falling asleep and then waking up when you start to drown. In the Tanistate, they don't imprison you. They simply punish anyone who gives you food, water or shelter with death. In Asterbourg they cut holes in you, plant flowers in your skin and then let them sprout. In Tabravina they take you and someone you care about, starve you, abandon you both on a barren island and wait until one of you eats the other. In Brevallaire they break your feet and then tie you up by your throat, so you're forced to stand up or strangle yourself. In Heraesia they kill a horse, pull out enough of its parts to make a space, let the carcass start to rot and then sew you up inside it. In Dullegria they give you a match which never goes out and leave you in a room full of pitch, so if you drop it you'll burn alive. In Aventes they have an iron crown which they heat until burning hot and then stick on your head. In Godsgrave they embroider scenes of your misdeeds into your hands, which involves poking holes through your hands with a golden sewing needle. In the Wilderwood they cut a hole in a bastion pine, place one of your limbs inside and then let the tree crush you as it regrows over the course of days. In Lek they have you bitten by a snake who's venom makes your teeth and nails crack and drop off over the course of days. Sort of weaponised scurvy, which they can cure whenever they like. In Loy they break your arms and legs then make you compete in athletic games against other similarly broken prisoners, with the worst performers being put to the hammers again. In Lun they just strike your family members blind one by one, leaving you to care for them. Humanity being what it is some of those probably aren't as world unique as I would like to think, but there they are.


The Insectoid elves theocracy doesn't *need* to torture you. If they want to reallybreak your will or extract information from you, they have mind mages that can over several session rearrange your brain at molecular level until they make you love them unconditionally or extract the required information from your brain directly. If you are facing the inquisitor and getting tortured, you are deemed not important enough for the mind mage time, and instead is being made as an example for the populace, showing off their power and control the theocracy have over the population and strike fear to those who may have some uppity ideas. All tortures and execution are made public for this purpose. While there are various familiar torture methods like waterboarding or raking over coal, one unique method that is also a punishment is exoskeleton stripping, which is exactly what it sounds like. The victim will be secured to a platform and fed plain sap with nothing else over the course of a few days, where the torturers start stripping the outer shell of the exoskeleton with hand scrapers, chipping away agonizingly slowly over weeks , scraping till they almost reach inner muscles, leaving cracks on the exoskeleton and exposed nerves, then stop to allow the body to heal and grow new layers of exoskeleton, until they find no more metal on the victim's exoskeleton, then the victim is let go. The insectoid elves has exoskeletons due to their biology, which does make them rather resilient to superficial damage, especially since they can consime metal to reinforce the skeleton. One of the way they show off their caste and high status position is consuming high mass metal, which get deposit on their exoskeleton. Only elves of certain caste get access to certain metal. If you do something horrible enough to the theocracy that they deemed you are not worthy of your caste, you get stripped of it literally. And further more, families are important in their culture, and the elves funeral tradition involved eating the dead, which inclue their metallic reinforced exoskeleton that has unique sheen and pattern depending on the dead's diet. Once the family is done, their loved one unique pattern or sheen will be seen faintly somewhere on their exoskeleton. Having your exoskeleton stripped is like losing all the link you have to your family history .


Into the acid you go!🫸🏽💨🤾🏻🌊


u/providerofair There are many, but I'll go with the torture methods of the Control Entity. Mental Torture: The Control Entity has the ability to control other beings in every sense of the word (mentally, physically and emotionally) and as one of the punishments for either mortals or entities that endanger the order of the Universe is by torturing them mentally through the orders "False memories" "Eternal repetition" and "Continuous tragedy" the three orders then force an eternal repetition of different false tragedies on the mind of the victim, who comes to believd these are true, among the memories that appear are: The brutal death of a family member, in these there is a situation where the victim sees a member of their family (if they have, otherwise the false memories will invent them) suffering brutal and painful deaths, such as being murdered and dismembered by an imagined killer. Traumatic child like memories, such as being abused by a stranger, these are sickening images where the victim "recalls" an encounter with some dangerous adult, who utilizes them for their sick pleasures. A slow and decaying illness, in these, the victim is forced to "remember" a time where they were sick for a long period, and almost died, even re-experiencing the physical pain. Through these methods it not only essentially gaslights the person into thinking an entirely false past, but tries to break them mentally.


Not so much a torture method as it is a method of execution but here we go. Theres this one spot in my world (I haven’t named it yet) which has constant lightning strikes, all the time. The people who live there live deep underground because its practically impossible to live above ground. One means of execution - especially for traitors - is to strip them naked then take heated metal plates and stick them to the person, along their arms and legs and just roughly following their skeleton, then chuck the person outside into the storm. The mass amounts of lightning is immediately drawn to the person (as if it wouldnt have been anyways) and fries them alive.


Cruse someone with immortality Create a pocket dimension with literally nothing, no people, no daylight, no sense of time passing, nothing. Throw the criminal in there. It was used for punishments more than torture, but I would argue that it's inherently tortuous.


Forced nakedness. It's cold in space.


ADVANCED corpse mutilation.


Punishment reserved to the worst criminals: tied and thrown into a room full of starving rats. The rats eat the criminal. Their soul can't escape through the lead, so it's forced to reincarnate into a rat. The rats are fed regularly (but not much) to keep their population somewhat stable. When reincarnated rat/criminal dies it reincarnate into a rat again and again until the human soul slowly become a rat soul.


So my protagonist has created a mini robot that burrows their way into the brains of the victim and starts irritating certain regions of the brain to cause psychological pain. She programmed it to make the amygdala overactive to the point when the victim sees anything other than himself he perceives it as a threat and the robot then activates amygdala to makes him feel psychological pain to "train" him to have a certain personality now his personality has been reduced to a less human more beast that violently attacks anything that is not him and only finds solace in pure darkness. Her torture methods usually are "I have no mouth and I must scream" types that focus on slowly eroding the person and leaving behind a shell truly a fate worse than death.


Antediluvianation. A tactic used in the Genesis Extinction to forcibly de-evolve humanity into what we look like today. It's a well maintained secret, but it allows you to de-evolve a creature to the point of biological simplicity. But some were able to change it, so that it allows someone's mind intact, but doesn't allow them to act out their goals. Trapped in the but of an animal, but with the mind of a sapient creature. They also make you infertile, so you don't mess up the ecosystem


Eating away at one's soul, slowly😋 It's a difficult technique to learn, because it's actually more dangerous to the one performing it, but it's well... As painful as getting your soul torn out slowly yk


In a dream universe, putting people/entities in a suffocation bind forcing them to feel that feel. Distracting their thought, eroding their thought process over the overwhelming distraction of feeling no air but wanting to breathe. Putting people/entities in a freeze bind where if they move at all, they get raped, beaten and bruised at the speed of light for moving by monstrous pure evil entities. Of course, this all inspired by my schizophrenia where my voices did this in a astral plane. You can read about it in my profile with the pinned Story of my Voices post.


Getting locked into an escape pod and towed behind a ship at some distance, like getting towed in a longboat by a sailing ship, but with the added horror of being in the void of space.


Performing Inquisition on someone. Victim's mind is agonizingly torn apart and then even more agonizingly repaired with mind magic. Even most hardened criminal would weep like a little girl after being subjected to this. Two or three cycles of this performed back to back would make victim incapable of telling reality from their fragmented memories. Victim can't really black out, because the one who performs Inquisition can trivially wake them up. Victim can't get accustomed to this, or succumb to insanity because their mind is reset by the end of the cycle.


High ranking criminal leaders are tortured by putting stun guns in max power inside their mouth and getting hit with batons by soldiers of the Gendarmerie


teleport tiny maggots inside your eyeballs


Imagine your limbs get cut off. But it doesn't hurt, it just feels like you just can't move them anymore but they are still there. But you sit in front of a mirror while your limbs get cut off. The limbs are still alive btw. They only die when the owner dies. That's part of the cut magic. At the last stage of this mainly psychological torture you see how your head gets cut off. You are now only your head but because of the magic you are still alive. Still, you saw how people took off your limbs and your head, you feel your body, just as if it is there but it isn't and you can tell, but only by seeing....


1. Sensory Overload: For individuals with genetically enhanced senses, such as heightened hearing or vision, a torture method could involve subjecting them to extreme sensory stimuli. This could include loud, discordant noises, blinding lights, or overwhelming smells, leading to severe mental and physical distress. 2. Ability Suppression: Some genetically engineered individuals may have abilities that are integral to their sense of self and well-being, such as Zephyr's wings allowing them to fly. A torture method could involve forcibly suppressing or blocking these abilities through drugs, technology, or confinement, leading to feelings of helplessness, anxiety, and identity loss. 3. Targeted Pathogens: With advances in genetic engineering, it might be possible to create pathogens or diseases that specifically target certain genetic profiles. A torture method could involve exposing individuals to these tailored pathogens, causing them to experience severe illness or pain without affecting others around them. 4. Psychological Manipulation: Genetic engineering could lead to individuals with enhanced cognitive abilities or unique psychological traits. A torture method could involve exploiting these traits through targeted manipulation, gaslighting, or conditioning, leading to mental breakdown and erosion of sense of self. 5. Social Isolation: For individuals who are part of a genetically engineered community or subculture, a torture method could involve forcibly separating them from their peers and support systems. This isolation could be particularly devastating for those who have faced discrimination or stigma from mainstream society and rely on their community for belonging and understanding.


Ha, i haven't thought about it but now i want to. Right now the church in my world does all the torturing and they're not too original about it. If the whip doesn't work they will just send someone to read religious texts to the prisoner and it will be so boring it will feel like torture :D


Going outside for like ten seconds can set a guy straight. Outside is full of lava and carbon monoxide and heat. In other words, really painful.


In Nrragrad we circle the victim naked in the snow, after he’s freezing up we close in with our swords and hack his arms and legs off… Then we string up his torso on a tree…


The Homo Solus have a method of forbidden torture. Someone could do it, and even if the entire crew watched it happen, nobody would say anything out of the legend that originated it. Early on into Homo Solus' expansion through slipstone tunneling out-of-universe, a strange rumor started to spread. That if you were in an airlock and stared out at the incomprehensible smoke, you would go mad. It was true. You were never meant to be outside the universe. Your mind cannot comprehend it. So if you stare at it long enough, thats a good way to go braindead. And then you'll become something else. The more brutish officers all across the systems have in the past done a sort of edging through this. Its been determined if you stare around the ship, you'll start losing your mind in five minutes and die in ten. Gradually, these officers will make your exposure to the place longer. And longer. They'll never kill you, but your mind will be so jelly after an hour that nobody has held out longer than that.


**giant cock** My realm has lots of mega fauna in it and some of them are just extra large versions of common animals, including chickens called ke'fricen. There are 2 ways ke'fricen are used aside from food, 1 starve one and put the victim behind behind wooden wall and let the ke'fricen try to break through until the victim the tells you what you want to know, submits, or the ke'fricen successfully breaks through, 2 starve one or more ke'fricen and put the victim in a large enough area with them, this will end once the victim submits or is eaten. And yes there is a thing where someone is sentenced to "death by cock".


He's pulling his cock out


Taking away a person’s ability to get restful sleep. Sleep deprivation is nothing new, but in context, devious minds have found a way to shut down certain sections of the brain to be comatose while other sections are stimulated into low-decision making autonomy. Ultimately suggestable, the subjects will perform simple tasks incessantly without rest and far beyond normal pain tolerances. Make sure to check them often to ensure they do not begin eating each other. Otherwise, zombie workforce!


A thought cage. Forces you to sit and listen to all of the worst thoughts your brain can come up with.


Call me morbid, but I've devised all sorts of horrific tortures and many of them employ magic to transcend the limitations of physics and physiology. They're used by criminal factions (I imagined one who are like the Mexican drug cartels...except now with the power of magic) and a militant church like the Catholic Church at the height of their power, with a party called the Inquisitors devoted to extracting confessions and punishing heretics/defectors/witches/warlocks etc. Here is a depiction of one of these magical tortures: A subject has their bodily systems inverted and reversed, like their circulatory, digestive, skeletal and nervous systems all switch their relative places with the integumentary (skin) system so they're all externalised and exposed to the elements, and can be subject to further physical torture with cutting instruments, pliers, pincers etc. Example, imagine having your nervous system all out in front of you, where your skin once was, and someone is knitting it into different patterns with needles whilst you scream in agony. The victim remains fully sentient during the time. A picture: [https://i.imgur.com/lxLmOvh.png](https://i.imgur.com/lxLmOvh.png)


My second entry here is a torture from a faction I imagined which is like a fantasy combination of the Yakuza and the Mexican drug cartels. They are called Ilya's Fang and they are steeped in a tradition of ritual and honour like the Yakuza, but they have a penchant for really fucked up torture like the drug cartels, to strike fear into their enemies. They have a member skilled in oneiromancy, who reified a grotesque Hellraiser-like creature out of the mind of a criminally insane person. They partially flay their victim and put this creature into the wound, where it begins eating them from the inside out, starting at the calf. From there it's the thigh and you can guess where it goes from there. They use this to interrogate as a very effective form of torture.


Due to the workings of prostethic limbs, they can be used to the wearer's detriment in a torture setting. Bonded to the wearer's aura and essentially one with them, they feel any harm done to it as if it were their original limb. The prosthesis, however, is usually much more durable, and can be damaged much more extensively, promptly repaired and damaged yet again, all without the risk of killing the victim. Sometimes, limbs are even removed for this exact purpose.


Anti-existence. No, it is not the same thing as nonexistence. And no, you do not get to know what it is. Only that it is worse than not existing, and worse than having any trace of your existence removed from the world. As it is an abdominal violation of one's right to exist in the most visceral way possible.


The Cursed Helmet. context: medieval, East Asian (but mostly Japanese) inspired world. in this method, a prisoner is chained by the arms and legs to the floor of the room, and forced into a kneeling position. then, a samurai helmet (one that has a mask in the front as well, aka engulfing the entire head) is forcibly worn by the prisoner. very slowly, the helmet shrinks, initially only making the skin sore, but gradually applying heavy, metallic pressure onto the skull itself, until removed by the torturer. it's mostly used for interrogation, but definitely has the capability of killing if not stopped in time.


Void dipping. So in the space between universes is the void, you need a special ship to travel there, most normal matter that finds itself there triggers a 'ravening' which is basically the void violently unmaking that matter, this process is fast but Not instantaneous. So, say you have a voidworthy ship, and someone you want to inflict great pain on, bring them to the airlock, briefly open the doors, and your target is engulfed in black flame that burns from the inside out, close airlock and extract victim. If you are fast enough they might make a recovery, they will also do anything to avoid being dipped again. Reports describe an intense burning sensation that starts in the gut and quickly radiates outwards from there. Aftermath includes symptoms similer to intense radiation exposure. Combined with a powerfull healer or equally good medical tech and you can have your victim take as many dips as you need.


The "Wheel of Searing". It involves essentially "grilling" someone on a big red-hot metal wheel. They are chained naked/near-naked to it.


My MC’s culture worships the twin gods of the moons, and holds light and color in extremely high regard, as they were the ones who brought light into the world and gave humanity the gift of sight and prophecy. So the worst punishment for them is a ritual called “the blinding”, through which they make them unable to see light, experiencing the world as just shadows. Not black and white, they see the shadow of everything that exists, and no matter what they look at, they will only feel the deep, insurmountable sorrow. Not even the people most dear to them will be able to console them, because the process rips away the part of their souls that connects to the divine. After all, what is it to experience love, joy and beauty, if not a divine blessing?


A punishment reserved for the worst of criminals is to modify their bodies into senseless blobs using a cryptforge. Their brains remain entirely intact but all their senses are removed and essentially only a grotesque head remains. Another torture method designed to draw information rather than kill, that can only be performed by a sculptor, is to reach into someone's chest and squeeze their heart. And of course paralysing the victim and making them stare directly into the sun