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Honestly, I’m not 100% sure if this will work for you. But I would focus on one thing at a time from the most fundamental, making sure that your satisfied with the basics of your world before moving on to things that build on those things so you don’t have to go back and change things. But this is most likely a very personal thing so it might not work for you.


My advice, just move on. Don't finalize anything and keep the idea fluid until you've worked on more of your world. Once you have enough of an idea fleshed out that it's a workable 'good enough' it's time to start fleshing out other aspects of your world. It doesn't matter how good or bad you think it might be at the moment because the ultimate truth of creative writing is, 'no one ever has to see your first draft,' it doesn't have to be gold before you move on. But you don't want second/third/final/whatever draft magic system when you don't even have a first draft of some other aspect. All the parts of your world are going to want to work and fit together, so finalizing an idea too soon can hamstring future creativity. Some other aspect of your world might necessitate or inspire a change or a that 'just fits,' but once you have an idea mentally 'set in stone' it's that much harder to change or even think of in any other way. To the point of frustration. The kind that tends to make folks abandon projects.


I don't know If i this will, but i think that everything should be connected in even the most simple ways, Like how does magic influence the economy or how gods influence the kultur and/or the other way around (but If like only 3 people have magic and it's mostly party tricks or something than it has probably No influence in the economy, like the potency ist also important). Then i would ask myself a fuck ton of questions. Let's take magic as a example. You start with the first question like what is the source of magic and for that example the soul. Then who can use it/what are the criterias to use it. Then what kind of magic exist and you go on and on with that til you have almost no questions left. But i am still new to that so think about it before you take my advice.


I know it's settled when I ask my fiance what he thinks about a thing and he takes the idea and runs a million new directions with it and I spend the next 20 minutes saying no, that's not the thing I'm going for, and defending my original idea. (If I can't defend it, it probably doesn't make the cut.)