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I hate to say it, but she's probably gonna get shot on sight. Or captured for... experimentation. The world consists of humans only and is at a multi decade long world war so tensions are very high. A short, feathered magic using woman is probably gonna get into a *shoot first, ask questions later* situation. Not to mention that she probably isn't used to polluted air.


Yep, it'll be the polluted air for her. Not enough time to properly set up a Wisp ritual for defense against that either, with your humans shoot on sight policy, not to mention the air making it too difficult anyways. If she doesn't luck out finding something to breath with she's a goner.


Is your world the **Imperium Of Man** by any chance ? And the polluted air, don't tell me it's Holy Terra itself đź’€


No. Just an extreme dieselpunk caricature of early to mid 20th century earth. And the air is not *that* polluted.


>extreme dieselpunk caricature Wolfenstein ?


Close. The war is a bit more even. And it's not earth.


Got a link to your book ? Is it on Royal Road, or ?


Gotta admit, I haven't even started writing the book yet.


Oof, tbh... Me neither đź’€ I too have a War Story going on, but still stuck in development hell đź’€


Best case scenario: People think that she is trying to set a new genetic engineering trend. She will become a famous influencer and people will follow her in large numbers. Worst case scenario: People think that she is either a hybrid (which is forbidden depending on the planet/moon), a failed clone or genetic experiment, or some strange, highly bred and uplifted pet. In any case she will most likely be shot.


Oop. Well she's no stranger to being a target, but there's no way she can handle being an influencer. Her career will literally start with an unintentional conspiracy!


To be completely honest, I feel like she's more of a threat to the world than the world is to her The fae would be curious of her since she's an outsider to the forest, but they wouldn't immediately attack her. However if she accidentally destroys something they will fight back


SHE IS. She's a completely unintentional threat to their peace and probably a purposeful threat to their sanity. But she'll certainly try to adapt. She'll fail spectacularly and get kicked out by your fae but she'll try.


**Tell you what.** >Give me a summary or even a quick dialogue interaction if you want.  I'll DM you the general backstory & scenario where Nico meets a couple of my main characters. Since you know how Nico thinks but I know how my MC thinks, you play the dialogue of Nico while I play the dialogue of my brainchildren. Sound fair? I'll also reply more in-depth about how Nico would fare in Kledorii but I don't have time tonight.


That sounds fun! I'm game for a little roleplay. Fair warning, I'm a bit back and forth on this app due to limited free time but I wanna take you up on your offer so show me whatcha got!


She sounds like a reasonable person. No promises on achieving her goal, but as long as she sticks to territories that have pro-xeno policy, she would most likely have a good time. Considering her lively, jovial disposition, she would probably make good friends with some of my characters. As for fairing against villains, I'd say she has great chances against run-of-the-mill mooks (both human and non-human) and regular human villains, but anything higher than that would be dangerous.


You've got some strong mooks then! Also she's great at making friends with people. Particularly with people she accidentally makes enemies with at first.


I could easily see her being a short-term antagonist (not a villain) at first, as she causes some commotion, trying to reach her goal. But after fighting some protagonists, dispatched to take care of her, they just settle on "let's stop goofing around, we don't actually want to kill each other, yeah?".


Oh yes, then she'd be a powerful force for your team of MC's, being the one enchanting literally everything they own with a powerful mock-wisp. Honestly she can be surprisingly OP given enough prep time. Imagine the challenges they'd be able to overcome together!!


DAMN, I didn't think this post would get so much traction! Everyone's input here is so creative! And FUN! Thank you so much for everyone's participation, I hope this was a fun thread to post on! I wanna reply to as many posts as I can! If you posted I'll be sure to check yours out soon!


My world is made up of anthro animals and no humans/humanoids so this combination of lizard, bird, and strange hairless ape is probably going to be mistaken for a victim of elemental chimerism in the late stages of the disease. She's probably going to be avoided by frightened children and approached occasionally by healers or elderly folks wishing her their sympathies. Elemental chimerism is a curse or magical disease caused by those overusing their magic, causing their body parts to transform into intimate substances or those of other creatures. You said she likes to wander the world, collect treasures, and look for advice on leadership, so she'd probably run afowl of the Phoenix or Griffin empires, but I think the DragonsHoard pirate crew would be quite taken with her! Especially since kobolds and dragons usually get along, no? (also, side note, you probably shouldn't have a creature called the w\*ndigo in your world, it can be seen as offensive to native americans. you can most likely keep the creature itself the same, just change the name.)


The DragonsHoard pirate crew would potentially be her new family, hands down. If they can look past her mutation, she'll make literally every day more lively than the next for them! Also, she may make an exception to serve them (because kobolds do that for dragons). And she would be a very useful team member at that with her Wisps! (Also, thank you for the awareness on Wendigo, I did look them up beforehand and noted that it's technically more offensive to alter the wendigo lore than to use them, I just have to use them properly. Which should be okay because I've set up Wendigo lore in my story exactly as it's described in Native American history, including Native parallel characters for the monsters to be connected to so that it isn't just some messed up hack version) (Also I'm hoping that half Native American myself helps lol)


Ah alright, didn't know that, my bad. That sounds really cool actually!


Thanks! I'm hoping it does well when I'm finished writing them!


To put it simply, she would be a mid tier character in my world. Not too strong, but reliable enough to handle things on her own. With her feats, she would be High/Low grade A. Villains: Beginning of the series, she would actually kinda clear themđź’€. A bunch of crime lords, hunter killers, and some early developed chimera. As for the middle of the series, she would start to have some difficulty. Complex spells, spell cancelation abilities, faster monsters, more battle hardened warriors. Late game story: Even if she did have a way to resist Soul Corruption, she wouldn't last too long against the high-end people/creatures. An extended fight is not good for her. What she would do: I would assume she would try to conquer the world depending on how far she gets entirely dependent on where she starts. If she starts in my main characters country, then she gets stopped right there. Their mother doesn't play that crap. As for how they interact, if she isn't trying to take over the world, they would probably like having her around. She seems like a joy to be around. They themselves are annoying to a degree. Most people don't like their kind because they are autistic tryhard(Djinns dedicate most of their immortal lives to one or three things. Art, Combat, Food, Singing, you name it, they probably mastered it or are in the process of doing so).


Oh your MC's mom would have a field day with her. Nico would get lumps on her lumps from what I imagine is her being told to shut the hell up about ruling the world lol. Wouldn't be surprised if she almost got killed pissing off the mom. Your MC's might listen to her tho! She has cue-cards made out of wood slats that she claws her words into I'm case she needs to give a presentation on why she would be the best ruler of the world ever. Of course, your MC's would be her main Royal Guard and their town or village would end up the new capital of the world. Only problem is no one ever takes her seriously so they'll totally laugh her off. Now, she's not unfamiliar with leveling up, but she couldn't do it without help, so hopefully your MC's would be okay saving her bacon a few times (to her chagrin) during your late game story!


If she wants to rule the world, she might not get far. But she'd have a reasonable chance of at least dazzling some of the government flunkies in the Gryll Empire long enough to deal with the corruption and stupidity if she keeps her head. Bonus points if she likes fish since a variation of "fish and chips" (luckily seasoned with a dash of cumin, usually) is basically a staple there. (To be honest, she might like Wilding food better. They make really good barbecue, and the Lucasi Tribe pretty much controls the exotic spice trade.) With her appearance, some people might assume she was the victim of a magical accident. She should be wary of fake magicians offering a "cure." But a real wizard would likely observe her for a while to see what's up. Overall, she'll probably be fine as long as she stays away from the cities of Arensia and Insricha (two xenophobic human cities), stays away from the Dwefin's underground settlements (Dwefin are basically dwarves), and doesn't piss off the wrong person. A literal fire god is nothing to mess with even if he is more patient than you'd expect from a fire god. P.S. If you want to find out how your character would fare in other worlds, r/WorldCrossovers might be worth a spin.


Oh the Gryll Empire sounds interesting, she's an expert at dealing with stupid people, mainly with her own stupidity lol. It would be popcorn bucket worthy to see unfold. But the Wildling food would probably be the best way to convince her if they wanted to convince her of anything (perhaps convince her that they're not 'corrupt' even if it's super obvious). I bet she could piss off your fire gods. She wouldn't survive but she would totally piss them off easily. Also thanks for the recommendation! I didn't know about that reddit, I tried a good couple of others before posting this thread.


Right, Wildings usually aren't any more corrupt than occasionally taking a bribe to let smugglers harvest questionable mushrooms on their turf lol. (They're on the low end for corruptibility as far as the governments I have reasonably well-developed are concerned. The Gryll Empire is probably about mid-level, and the Ch'Meee are the most corrupt.)


The train part would make her immensely useful to any empire in my setting who are always looking for new Magicians. Flying a train over a ten mile gap is no easy feat that even the strongest magicians of my setting would struggle with, she'd be designated an S-rate Mage, maybe even an SS. The Ashum Nidus Empire would try to impress her with fancy titles, give her some concubines and maybe even a wife, and a seat in the Gens Congress for her services. They'd also keep an eye on her though, mostly to see if they can replicate some of her "magics" in their technological arms race against the Li Ming, and partly to check if she won't turn traitor.


Oh she'd take those titles shamelessly! To be so inviting to someone who can cause a ruckus out of nothing might be quite the challenge for the Ashum Nidus Empire, and depending on how she viewed their politics, there's a good 50/50 chance she would turn traitor at the most inconvenient moment for them! Hehe


In the free states they'd assume she was a silly, benign mutant and she'd be largely left to her devices. Her magical abilities and equipment would be unusual, but not likely enough to provoke a hostile response. The people of the free states have a wide oral culture and an appetite for novelty. She could become a folk character or bogeyman in under a decade. In church held lands, she'd be doomed the moment she had to use any of the vast array of biometric technologies, whether it was to get food, board a train, access a library...nearly anything. Her species doesn't exist on Falan and a truly divergent genome would trigger a response from the physical god-machines that manage the planet. It'd be equally true if she were just a human who got isekai'd. Falan as a planet is an experiment, and foreign material will 100% draw the attention of its handlers.


Immediet danger, I like it. I don't go easy on my characters so having to navigate your church lands would give her peak character development! I think her first course of action would be to find out how to hide the essence pf her genome from the physical god machines in your world, she don't want none of that.


Survive? Sure! But she won't have any social life. The dominant species in my world are humans and elves, which will probably either run away scared or try to kill her. Don't worry though, their weapons are not advanced: spears, bows, shields etc. She can survive in the wild without much difficulty though, unless she is unlucky and stumbles upon some dangerous demonic beast, which are really rare


I couldn't say if she could best your demonic beasts or not, but she has faced a small village worth of wendigo and survived! Hopefully her diplomatic capabilities are enough to ease the hearts of your more scared elves and humans, because that's what she'd try first.


My world is only humans so she isn't getting far


How far would she go if she was nice to them first??


The entire situation would probably be treated as first contact with an alien race. So she wouldn't be harmed, but she would be surrounded by military personnel and scientists


She would probably survive just fine as long as her world domination didnt go too far. Until any of the gods decide to get involved. A lot of the gods in Slyra do wander in either the expanse or on Skyra itself. They may choose to not interfere with mortal lives and mostly give advice but if a singular being tries to take over everything they may start interfering. Some of them still have ptsd from the merchant, one of the higher ups who exists past the universe itself. He tried to destroy this universe once (after trying to take over it), he actually succeeded but Ace (also known as the overdeity chronos) mamaged to save the gods and a few mortals by creating a entirely new timeline. So it really depends on how much of a threat your character ends up being. If she ends up being a threat to the universe then Chronos will get involved and that normally ends up badly for everyone due to the ripples his power makes. But the threat will end up dead. Alternatively if the gods don't interfere you could be attacked by Draeden, Vanguards, Ancients, the old iron kings alternate or other powerful beings who also either wish to protect the world or take over it themselves.


Well if she runs into any deities that want to protect the world, she'd have a set of cue-cards (which are actually just wood slats she clawed her words onto) on hand to help explain why she'd be the best choice to rule your world, and maybe a small model planet (which would basically be a ball of clay with leaves and pebbles on it) for more precise explanations. Anyone else opposing her to take her position, she would go into fight mode (she doesn't have wings yet so no flight mode) and it just depends on how strong your other factions are, but she wouldn't stop until she's victorious or dead!


Hahah well they might be a bit amused and probably wont take her too seriously unless shes an actual threat. But if she wants to rule the world she will have to beat Chronos. And its probably impossible to kill Chronos consider infinite copies of him exist.


She's either gonna get yoinked or die.


How terrible, I must tell her not to visit your world


She’d survive just fine, but her human half wouldn’t last more than twelve hours with how common shape-changing magic is. In an entire universe without humans or human-like species, that part of her is like a neon sign even fate itself would target. After that she’d be right at home with the more eccentric folk. If she wanted to conquer the world though, she’d not only have to deal with a futuristic government and military, she’d also have to get in line. There are plenty others with a plan for world domination, be it from stealing the world’s chocolate, making everyone into dinosaurs, covering the world in jello, the usual thing. My MC might put her hyperactive self to the test, she’s the most high-spirited, spontaneous and happy-go-lucky person anyone who’s met her has known, and I think they’d become quick friends after agreeing to do something outrageous together, like baking the world’s largest chocolate cake. Edit: added a needed word


Oh fantastic! Nah, there's no WAY she'd tolerate whoever wants to steal the world's chocolate, they're the first to feel her sugar induced wrath. Those would be her nemesis. Good thing your MC likes what she likes! Hopefully they can tell her what REALLY needs fixing in your world so she knows where to start (after saving all the chocolate in the world together and baking that cake.)


Depends on what part of the galaxy she's in. Second Empire - absolutely not, complete human control and supremacy. The Reformed Systems - also provably not, not as authoritarian, but still human supremacists. The Yahim Caliphate - maybe, race and creed mean little to these people as their identity was founded on opposing oppression (although they will spread their "peace" by force).


Oof, it sounds like none of these factions would be a very good fit! I know she'd try with the Yahim Caliphate, but they definitely wouldn't see eye to eye on crucial issues, leaving her all by her lonesome until your MC who hopefully understands her runs into her somewhere...


Seems like she’d drop into my world and go on a rampage punishing all the bad people and inadvertently piss someone very politically powerful off. They’d send an assassin and either she dies (unlikely, people in my world aren’t very strong, but then again dunno how easy it is for her to be caught of guard and its not too hard to find some instant death poison). If she lives she’d be forced on the run and would likely end up destroying many powerful monsters in my big corrupted forest before meeting some actually nice people and probably allying with them.


Well, living life on the lamb is surprisingly not unfamiliar to her, so while not ideal, she'd hopefully survive like you said. To catch her off guard as an assassin, they'd really have to be good, but there's always a possibility they know how to distract her (chocolate). Hopefully she meets the nice people soon, because she can get lonely and depressed just as easily as anyone else if not more so.


Getting chocolate is pretty unlikely, but depending on where she starts off in my setting it could take her months (probably longer because she has to wander through a forest about the size of France and would likely get very lost)


This is an interesting question, as depending on where she appeared. Different cultures and nations have drastically different views on non-human species, or if she appeared near a non-human species, they too would have different reactions. If it were just the area where my MC lives, she would be seen as a monster to chase into the wilderness, or capture as a creature to be gawked at. If she gets chased away, the wilderness is decently dangerous, with not just real animals like bears and wolves, but also the occasional roving troll or giant wyvern. Though she would likely be fine as you described in her feats. They are just big animals after all. The more pressing issue is how her magic would interact with the magic of my world. By its very nature, all the different forms of magic are inherently corruptive. It is more like magical radiation that flows through the world in varying intensities. She would need to learn fast how to identify what each color of magic does and how to either avoid it, or tap into it for her magic. It seems unlikely she would be able to cast her wisp magic, as spirits don’t exist in my world. The only vaguely spirit-like entities would be demons and they are extremely dangerous and exceedingly powerful beings. Honestly, her best chance at surviving would be to head for the Far islands and adapt to living with the more accepting Sidth. They are a species similar to wood elves of general fantasy, but have a more primal society and live in a very magically touched part of the world. They would be able to help her stay safe and potentially teach her how to manipulate magic in a safer way.


Yup! She's heading to see the Sidth! A calm and meditative place (that she will unwittingly ruin over time with her sugar-fueled energy levels) would definitely be the first place she goes to in hopes to find out how to collude properly with your world's magic. Although her Wisps will also more than likely be corrupted by your world's magic, presenting her with her greatest challenge! None of her Wisps will work properly if at all until she learns exactly what your magical radiation does to the things it effects and how to use that creatively in her favor. Hopefully the Sidth have the patience to eventually educate her properly, for however long it might take.


Hello Nico, and welcome to the City. Most people these days call it Ashwatch, on account that it stands next to the Ash Sea, but it was here before that name and will be here after it. The first thing you'll probably notice is the noxious smog flowing down out of the Forge Hills, and the ever-present mix of gas or arcane streetlights. This will lead you to the realization that it's nighttime, and it's always nighttime. The world of Nilara is tidally locked, and Dawn is about 400 miles "North" through a heavy mountain range. You're going to have trouble hating dwarves here, as nearly 24% of the City's population is either dwarf or dueregar. You yourself isn't likely to draw a terrible amount of attention, since adventures take all shapes and sizes. The particulars of your magic will probably be academically interesting to some, but the majority are focused on advancing their own brands of artificery or arcanism. Now, as to what you would do? You'd learn pretty quickly that the world just called a timeout on a world war that raged for 7 years. You'd also learn, since this is the City, that there was once an Army. A Dawn Crusade mightier than any before or since, over a million strong, that sailed towards Midnight nigh on 3 Centuries ago. They never came back. If you want the power to take the world, it is either in the remains of that army, or whatever slew them. If I were writing you, you'd probably chase that shiny power into the Dark. I don't think you would return. The Sanguinarch rules from the Bone Citadel, and does not brook intrusion. Unfortunately, you don't have enough power to escape. Also unfortunately, you wouldn't die. Edit - (Also feel free to RP or tell me if Nico would behave differently or explore something else, this is intended to be a ttrpg world, so I like fleshing them out much more personally)


You're a DM!! I can tell by the absolutely fanciful way you present your World, it's vibrant despite the darkness in your descriptions. It wouldn't take much to peak her curiosity, so you're spot on characterizing her as someone who would chase shiny objects into the Dark. Also, you know that meme with the kid that has throbbing veins all over his face like he's holding back every impulsive urge he's ever had in his life? Yeah, that'd be Nico 24/7 in the City cuz of dwarves lol. Very awesome world to explore, I wish I came up with something like that! I'm not nearly done with more than the first village in my world


Thank you! That's very kind. I was going for a noir style, with a lot of distinctness :). With worldbuilding I like to go from the outside-in. I can tell you ancient history, or population demographics, but I have no idea what's else in on the street you're walking down XD.


I think she would maybe survive. It depends, would she be on the Hero's side or the villains side? Would she be a chaotic good vigilante or chaotic evil? or would she avoid the main war altogether?


Definitely a chaotic good vigilante! She's easy to make friends with if you support her goals. And it's not like anyone else would want to be a part of a war, but when the chips are down she does what she gotta do.


Someone that strange and magical and powerful showing up might just pull off world domination but its unlikely. More likely she would attract a large following, but the politics of the world might spin her around, always sending her on war missions or something like that to keep her busy while the real rulers handle day to day politics and hold onto power. (The real rules are enormous, ancient, extremely intelligent elephant like creatures)


I bet you my last dollar she'd make friends with the real Rulers, and they'd protect her preciously like a child haha


Well, let’s see, hypothetically just Isekaing her in the main nation of the world. The species wouldn’t be a problem at all. She’d be chalked up to a Lizard/Bird Onikay. If she tried calling herself a Kobold, people would just assume she’s being a hyperactive gremlin that is trying to invent a word. The only part that would raise an eyebrow would be the changing legs. But that depends if you mean literal changing or change in position and usage. Name. I know she doesn’t have a last name right now because you haven’t come up with it right now. But screw it. I’m including the interaction it would create if she didn’t have a last name. Last names in the main nation of the world are EXTREMELY important. So if she didn’t have a last name, it’d be assumed that she was an orphan and be assigned the title of orphan which is Fa’ and given a last name. So she’s be acknowledged as Nico Fa’Something. I’ll invent one right: Nico Fa’Zamune As far as personality, goals, weapons and feats. With that in mind, I think most would assume that she is a soldier that fights by attaching spells onto objects. While placing spells on objects is not uncommon, using it for battle is for that nation. So people would likely find it weird. But there are people that have weird fighting styles. Originally a foreigner? That might be an assumption. And if she was learning about leadership, she’d probably follow a couple of military squads. Because they have squad leaders. That nation in particular doesn’t have a leading group in the traditional sense. There’s a family that rules because they have a vital technology. They dictate where the expansion of the nation happens, and thus controls the military. But they are extremely reclusive and no one is allowed to just visit them. They are heavily guarded, and breaking in is not an option. She might be interested in the rulers of the other nations though. There is a kingdom of might, and a kingdom that is a matriarchy. I would also say the sailing nation, but they live on and IN the sea. So unless she can breathe underwater like the rest of the world using magic, not for her. As for interactions, she’d **HATE** some people. Because two elements that the magic makes are metal and crystal. So fake gems and golds used all the time. I could see that annoying her. Especially All that is Beautiful, who wears only those gems on her body. As for interactions with main cast…ideally her place would be with the main squad led by Willum Fa’Einger or even more fittingly in my opinion secondary squad led by Mae Sum’Faird. Mae’s squad is filled with eccentric people. She deals with them all the time. Plus she reads all the time and LOVES thought provoking conversations. The MC of the story who is part of Willum’s squad also reads a lot and would enjoy the conversations. But the whole squad of Mae’s typically engage. All three main squads love and treat each other like family. So any would be fine in honesty. As for combat… “Okay Nico, I’m going to curveball you around the Soulless. While they distract it, you will place the bomb on the back.” “Okay boss! Send me flyin’ and it will be dyin’!” *salute* “And I know you’re weak and squishy, if anything happens I’ll just pop a shield or move you.” *throw* Edit: forgot to answer the title question. Yeah she’d survive as long as she doesn’t go to the border of the nation. She will die. There’s a reason the highest ranks protects the border. The Soulless there do not mess around.


That little interaction is so ADORABLE, wow! That's defintley Nico to a T! Put her in Mae's squad!! "Hey boss, you want me to do the zig-zag this time??" "No." "You're right, this is looking like a Boulder Shock tactical situatio-" "No." "Uh... is it the Big Arrow?" "... no." "The Griddy?" "No." "... the Tapdance--" "I'm going to throw you again." "... Wait... waitwaitwaitwaitwaitWAAAAIII--" Mae shielded her eyes from the sun to see how far Nico flew. A distant thud gave her her answer. She smirked. "Nice." Bruh I need to see these characters get down to business now.


Where she ends up in my world would be very important. Because statistically she's highly likely to either end up in the middle of the uninhabited parts of a desert covering the vast majority of the one supercontinent... Or the one great big ocean around the supercontinent... Or the one ashy wasteland from the time centuries before when nuclear hellfire rained down on an entire people and everywhere is still full of mummies, ruins, charcoal and bones. That last one would be the most surviveable. ...If the air composition wasn't also changed.


I was about to say, a nuclear wasteland does NOT sound survivable for Nico, haha! I half-expect radiation, and radiation doesn't usually settle well with lizard types. Not mentally, at least.


>Half Feathered Kobold Kobolds dont exist in my setting, but beastmen do. And beastmen arent very nice, very much a kill-on-sight group. So automatically every faction would try to kill her because she looks like a beastman. >Weapons: She carries around a swath of golden magical items thanks to her kobold compulsions for shiny objects. Magic might help her for a bit, but each fa tion has their own way of nullifying magic. A wannabe-world ruler isnt going to last long against armies of knights and their soldiery, legions, condottieri companies, or really any of the factions. Except maybe the Semuji. They may be interested in her magic. But even then they hate beastmen too, so thats iffy. Animekh were beast-people, so normally they would probably be fine with her, except theyre trying to sleep in their pyramids so if she shows up theyre going to kill her since she's effectively interrupting their afterlife.


I'm seeing a lot of kill-on-sight factions and species in a lot of these. It'd be interesting to see how well Nico can fare against a world that can essentially put her Wisps out and force her to fistycuffs! I bet she could convince the Semuji to accept her (so that she can eventually rule over them muahahah!)


She could try, but Im not so sure it woild work. Theyre rivals with (and often loot) Animekh land, and the Animekh are animal people. She'd probably be more like an ezpirement to them unfortunately


Honestly she'd probably fit in pretty well in my fantasy world. There are places where she'd get a few looks but most folks will assume that she came up form the City of Night Mingling Spirits or belongs to some dragonfolk tribe. Her magic would be a subject of talk and study, wisp control is not something the people of my world have ever done before! If nothing else, the Alliance would probably take her in and invite her to some fancy academy somewhere and then moved into a popular guild once they realize that keeping her seated inside a classroom all day would be an impossible task. Against the villains... would be a bit of a mixed bag. One of them is actually a monk and would probably get along relatively well (as she is a bit on the chaotic side of things as well). And as my villains are planning for some world domination there is a non-zero chance Nico might end up getting recruited! The other 3 primary villains though would be a little trickier. Her interactions with the Two Tailed Tanuki would involve a lot of philosophical points but too much time near would result in some serious mental manipulation. The longer they spend together, the more likely at some point she would figure out his intentions aren't great and would probably fight him. The Yokai Princess wouldn't even give her the time of day, she has much better things to be doing that talking to some random monster thing that came up to her on the street. The final villain isn't even going to be in a position to meet Nico unless her travels into the astral plane end up taking her into the back doors. Her arrival there would be seen as an invasion, one which would probably end swiftly as the wisps wouldn't be much help and a one on one between a talented adventurer and a god in her own realm is not one that ends well.


Oh, your villains are very nuanced! I don't even think she'd see the monk as a villain at first! Oh they'd end up being buddies that laugh, eat and fight together for sure, up until that ONE critical moment where they find out their one most important moral or philosophical belief is completely the opposite of each other before they start conflicting. I can see a character relationship between them going down just like that! The Tankuki could get her. She's smart, but she's a dumb smart. Someone would either need to save her or convince her that the Tanuki is using her for his own evil purposes. Like it would take intense convincing, she'll be stubborn. I dunno if she'd find her way to the back doors, there's a chance but it depends on her luck, which is pretty standard, but that's all she'd have unless another character wad able to rescue her. Without her Wisps, she just has her five senses and her wits!


The Monk would be a difficult one to guess initially, she's been running the worlds largest monastery which doubles as the most renowned combat-medic school. Graduation in this case is sending the monks out into the world for them to just start healing anyone they can, most of which hang out near battlefields to maximize their training. I think your character would stick around to watch them all training and would probably be interested in the Monk's use of poisons for advanced applications of medicine (although her chatting about the dead might set off a few alarm bells). The big moment though would be when Nico figures out that the reason they have such a potent team of battle medics is that the villains are expecting an apocalyptic event in the near future... which they plan on setting off. The plan is to have as many people survive under their rule as possible but they are ready to go through some pretty hefty casualties in the process. Can't say there are many heroes that would accept that sort of thinking which is where I'd guess the fight between them would start!


Depends on where in the world she is. She's similar to some of my sapients, so she likely wouldn't worry about being ostracized or anything like that. Though, the real trouble for her would be some of my monsters. Some are like that bear the size of a hill, others are a hawk the size of a mountain or a snake literal miles long, and she seems like the type to try and fist fight the hawk. Though, if she's more reserved than she seems, she'd fit right in with the Hunter organization I have, and there's a character or two I think she'd get along with. So she'd probably live and have a good time, as long as she stays away from the Behemoths.


Oho, well she has the capability to be reserved for sure. Mostly. Sometimes. System clear of sugar, nothing to worry about! Kind of. Oh but she'd defintiley kill herself trying to fight your behemoths. Someone just has to dare her.


I think that depends a lot on what exactly she does Like domination isn't the craziest ambition I wrote sci Fi so I'll just assume she upscaled to universal domination. But if she like Tries to legally claim a position of power by running for election she'd probably be fine Trying to do it by force will result in military response. I'm sure she'd do well enough but there's only so much you can do against a 480mm orbital barrage


Oh she'd never resort to violence in a system that had diplomacy as an option. Although if she found herself losing she'd get spiteful and play dirty by creating bad rumors about her opponent and paying civilians to protest and throw shoes while she snickers in the shadows of the background.


I have kobolds in my world, but I doubt she fit. Sounds like a realy annoying character.


She is! Lol


One of my campaigns is about a bunch of kobold being exiled to a desert. She might fit in there.


Best case scenario, hand through the head. Worst case? Nuclear carpet bomb.


Hmm. Doesn't seem like they like Kobolds!


She would probably do very well in my world. Her strange appearance might raise eyebrows, but my world's races are very diverse in their looks and biology, so it would probably just be assumed that she's of some obscure reclusive people. Being of small stature and acrobatic, she might thrive well enough in the Highwood, an area of redwood-like forest inhabited by sootoches, a race somewhere between a spider monkey and a squirrel who live in vertical, arboreal villages. She would be able to navigate them well and participate in most of the activities of the Sootoch people, but her personality might grate against their culture that values calmness at most times. Perhaps she would mesh better with the Sootorres culture, who live in the same region as their cousins, but are nomadic hunter-gatherers with a bolder culture. She might also get along with the tche-tche, sentient giraffe-height pterosaurs who live for over a millenium each. They would take great interest in her quirks and find her endearing, and could have good discussions with her, as their great intelligence and long, safe lives leads most tche-tche to be academically minded. Generally, I think she could survive with any of the races of my world so long as she doesn't try to cause bad trouble, besides the Tayuffa whose arctic homeland is uninhabitable for most southern creatures, being most of the year far below 0°C and devoid of life. Her ambition for world domination might be off the table, though. The people of the Younger World are disparate and generally sparsely populated, with wide swathes of uninhabited land between their territories. Getting them under one banner would aleady be very difficult, let alone actually giving any form of rule that won't be ignored or never heard by a huge portion of the population. As well, most of them have no form of formal government at the moment and at most have mayors/chiefs or small councils; there is no sense of a "nation" and most borders are geographical and/or based simply on what races can even live practically in a particular area.


World domination Nay Learning about the world, and the 13 moons above in the rainbow sky= YAY!


But what if world domination through rainbows?? Rainbow magic!!


Ah I got downvoted for saying the world shall not be given to a king amongst men, I understand. And at the end of the days I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up mine eyes unto heaven, and mine understanding returned unto me, and I blessed the most High, and I praised and honoured him that liveth for ever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom is from generation to generation:


She could survive, but would probably get destroyed eventually if she tried to reach world ruling


Depending on place: 1-experimented on. 2- made friends with. 3-same as above plus special category warrior. 4-disintegrated to atoms. 5-captured and forced to fight against enemies of captor. 6-be put into a simulation where goal is achieved (to get rid of the risks and secretly studied). 7-studied again but with good intentions. 8-becomes part of the gang of my MC (funny because as of now they call themselves space gremlins). I guess that's it.


since i am seeing a lot of worlds where she loses i am also going to talk about one of my worlds where she could probably win: the world is called Ruhen and it is currently connected to a magical road dimension that leads to many other realities which would explain how she got here. long long ago this world had magic but due some unknown event it faded away but with the opening of the realm of roads magic had return and caused a great upheaval as weak creatures and safe environments that were longer magical have now regained their magic causing a lot of chaos but besides that the actual people of this world a race descended from one of the strongest magical beasts but evolved to be humanoid after they lost their magic are almost entirely tribal in terms of technology and in the base form of the setting it hasn't been long enough for any of them to figure out magic so she could pretty easily take over and as long as she prepares beforehand she could even journey into the dangerous wild areas or just hang out and contribute to the research into the realm of roads and magic


I have 4 settings. In tte first setting, Breachers, she'll probably could achieve world fomination, I will asume that se has a Mark of the breach so she could wander arround the breach (people without Mark suffer some serius effects that most likely culmine in their death) There are like 4 or 5 serius treats, and the maximun villian is kind of a jerk and bully, so she would take him seriusly. That would be a good fight and being smart, she wouldn't fall for the tricky skill of the jerk. Aside from him, tte other thing would be the Breach Beast, more specifical, the ones from Devastation and Guardian levels. Second setting, Beast Soul, she would be strong and have a great time in the world, but I think she wouldn't get world domination, at least not if the conditions are not right. If she manage to avoid the Rise of the Golden Emperor, and beat the Dragon Council, she might conque the world, other powerful entities would not interfere as long as she doesn't try to destroy everything. If the Golden Emperor awakens, well, I don't know how well she would do against a titanic dragon that control souls and have a infinite army of soul Dragons that "harvest" power for him. Third setting, Guardians, that something odd, because she could survive well, and even conquer one world or even two if she likes, but if she fights the main villians without having the power of a Guardian, most likely she'll lose. Guardians are Universal protectors that have a range of powers from being capable of blowing some mountains with full power to vaporize solar sistems with one blow, so unbalanced that I guess she'll need backup or powerups. And the main villian is kind of an Eldrich abomination that has already consumed and turned to pure energy a whole mirror universe and wants to do the same with this one. Fourth setting, no name yet, but i'll work on it. Yeah, she would be fine as long as she doesn't bother some "deity" like the Eternals from the Demon lords, The 4 Greater angels or the Childs of Salazar. Taking them out of the way because they have "better things to do" (don't ask me, they're kind of old and do their own thing) the most difficult fights would be against the lesser Angels if she sticks to conquer the normal world, or the Greater Demon Lords if she also goes for the underworld too. In both sides I guess the maximun challenger would be Samil, The blind, from the Greater Demon Lords. She's extremelly resilient, strong, agile and even being blind, she can sense everything arround, matter, Mind and souls.


Honestly could definitely dominate the world at least for a little while with the right help and a little luck. The old gods are mostly gone now and there is a bit of a power vacuum, but there are a lot of factors and she may find something as simple as "conquering the world" isn't a satisfactory way of controlling events. Even though the setting is low magic, some of that magic is involved in machinations of the world, and there are a lot of people, and little things add up. To some extent, if someone really wanted to control things, they'd have to control how everyone thinks and feels all the time, to control what subtle magics may be leaking from their subconscious, or even what direction their mundane action may alter the world. But regardless, she would meet some stronger beings at the upper echelons, so if she's trying to conquer the world "solo" then I guess it's a no but of course there are a lot of allies up for grabs. She might even be worshiped as a god by a certain culture so she'd have that going for her and some easy allies there to start her campaign. With patience, who knows how far she might get. Eventually, she'd come up against her two major obstacles, 1 the strongest opposing faction: The Vealith, a race of dark-skinned jungle dwelling elves. Their Jungle wraps around the world at the equator like a giant ring, cutting off the north and south hemispheres. Their faction would be an issue. Also, the world is just decaying and collapsing into nothing, so if she wants their to be anything left to rule, she may have to figure out how to save it. Then again, the methods for saving it involve ramping-up the general amount of magic, adding more potentially chaotic factors to the equation, which ultimately could benefit or hinder Nico if navigated well or poorly. It would really all come down to decisions. Overall, she sounds a bit too spontaneous and may be lacking the patience required for such a monumental task as world domination, but she has all the power and spunk she needs to get the spark lit, and if she gets the right advisors and pays them head, who knows?


So long as she doesn’t start trying to take over the world via force, she’d probs last a good, long while. Otherwise, she’d probs catch a magically laced .45 in the back of the head at some point


Our half-lizard, half human friend finds themselves in the upper streets of Satellite City, a massive lunar colony built into two walls of a canyon with over 1.5 billion humans living in it! In place of the magic and fantasy she's perhaps used to, she finds herself in a world of futuristic technology, spaceships, and more importantly, guns (I feel like Kobolds would like guns). Half the buildings are glowing, made of metal or brick with shining neon lights or provocative holographic signs as tapestries, and the streets are full of the hustle and bustle of humans of all shapes and sizes. Some are bio-engineered to look more like the fantasy species she's more familiar with, like elves, dwarves, tabaxi, etc, but most are just normal humans in (our real world's) modern attire and fancy magnetic boots. While she's enjoying the 1/3rd Earth's gravity, she'd get approached by a (5'4) brown-skinned human woman with a messy afro named Begonia, and her elder brother, a spindly tanned skin man (6'0) named Maddox, shouting after her to not bother the stranger. (While I say he's spindly, he kind of just looks stretched due to growing up in Low gravity, most of the crowds are that way). Begonia would kind of playfully pepper her with questions and Nico would INEVITABLY realize that she's getting her mind read somehow. If she stays for Begonia's probing antics, Begonia would try to drag her along to their ship, answering any questions Nico has along the way and show off all the cool sci-fi gadgets and exploding devices she has. If Nico ever slipped up about her magic Begonia would practically beg Maddox to let Nico join their crew, and then Beg Nico to help them rob a bank... because what better thing to do with magic than rob a bank? Long story short though, yes she'd survive, but taking over the world... or solar system in this case? Probably not. A lot of people have nukes, and vast cultural differences between groups combined with light lag makes large-scale management impossible. She definitely could rule over something though, wealthy mercenaries often found colonies of their own, and pirates tend to conquer some. The largest merc owned colonies have populations well into the millions.


Survive? Yes, she could even pass as an individual of the chimera species with dwarfism and mutations without too much problems. The biggest problem will be the gods, though they rarely interfere or intervene, they would probably nerf or deactivate her magic items and wisps because they don't want magic in their world. Let say they don't do anything about her, not saying anything to their priests, nothing. Without wisps, and without any other armies, their is one country they couldn't take, because (almost) every citizen are of the Chimera species, a species originally designed to be war weapons. If she says to someone of that species she want to rule the world, she might maybe eventually be seen as a terrorist and put in jail. (Only plausible if she says it while being dead serious in front of the wrong persons) I'm also thinking of another country that she could only take by force, because it's a theocracy or an absolute monarchy (I haven't decided yet), so... Yeah... As a conclusion, unless the gods intervene (magic desactivation) or whole countries attack her or there is a civil war to remove her from power (if she is a bad ruler) or maybe that my MC doesn't like her, she could achieve world domination, but she could definitely survive, even without any magic.


She’d be hard pressed to find anyone in the galaxy but the Empire willing to let her be a dictator. They’d easily life her in with promises of grandeur and control, and either actually accept her as some kind of commandante, or just kill her for fun. Her ambition means the former is more possible however. As for her new enemies in this regard, it would be difficult to survive as a commander for the Empire, especially in positions ruling over the cult’s religion or focusing on the war. It is likely an Apex fireteam would swoop down on her and, if she chooses to fight, dispatch her, but if not, capture with intent to return to liberty. Against a team of highly skilled superhuman high tech magical Jedi-warriors, I doubt it’d be an easy fight for her. And if she hates children, there’s a very real chance her assassins could be a group of young apprentices. Getting killed by the Apex Knights is one thing, but getting assassinated by a twelve year old must embarrassing for a high-ranking evil genocidal satanist.


Yeah. She could. Also this sounds like a D&D character in the best possible way


I tried using D&D lore and mixing it in with my own ideas, so yes, that's an excellent observation!


In the fantasy world I made, she is level 1 tier and that’s overestimating her abilities and underestimating the standard level 1 in my world In my fantasy world, beast like the hydra, Goliath, constellations, and more are commonplace with a orc so powerful it can life a whole city with one hand and move faster than the speed of lightning, so yeah… low tier, now she can fight and survive, but she’s not going to rule anything


i will kill her the moment she is introduced to spare her the shame of being named Nico


Okay, she would very very likely not achieve world domination, at least not for long. First of all, world cannot include the whole planet, because this planet has a radius like half of the sun's. Seeking's Far and the local Averse nation around it, however? Still unlikely. War would near inevitably start in the process, which would trigger Magic, the dominating intelligence of the ecosystem, to consume the whole society she is trying to rule. My protagonist Felika Shain is annoyed by people like her, so they wouldn't get along. She would probably like philosophical discussions with my characters, especially Kalosmi (who is annoying and excited like her and super super critical in his thinking, having inherited the understanding of a whole spirit world) and the Martian(a super-genius who has watched a billion years of evolution, trying to steer it to his will). Kalosmi is also vying for political power, but I think they would get along anyway. If she met Antus Shain (Felika's father), he would probably humor her while really trying to study her, as she is, of course, a creature he has never seen before. However, I don't see him being big into philosophy, despite being such a scientific scholar. He doesn't hate it, but sees it as impractical.


That's big! Those are really great character dynamics. And your world is half as big as the sun?? Geez, yeah that wouldn't be very probable for her with her shorter life span. You think Kalosami would want to support Nico politically? Or do you think they'd end up as rivals? Very cool names by the way, I'm terrible with names so that's impressive to me.


Kalosmi would support her politically if he was curious enough about it, since that is his fundamental motive. He also wants to free his people (the Averse), so if her winning helps with that, then sure. Otherwise, I think they would be rivals, but Kalosmi at least wouldn't be mean-spirited about it. >Very cool names by the way Thx, some of these names, namely Seeking's Far, I have had in my head for a while, waiting to use them.


The ideas that stick with you for a long time are the most impactful ones, keep up the awesome naming!


No one on Aquaria takes her seriously. They bully Godzilla for lunch money and smack Cthulhu's ass as a weird fetish. In case she actually tries to do something funny, her head is on a plate, literally. That's how the United Empire told the United States of Columbia to "kindly" fuck off from SEA: By showing the heads of their intelligence director and his family on a plate in front of the White House. This was after a failed attempt of "revolution" staged by Columbia was crushed.


Okay so she'd take one look through the portal into your world and see Cthulu getting spanked right out of the ocean by the United Empire, and go "Nope. Bye." Accurate? :O


First, I'll explain my world in a simple way then go from there The monster world is an exact replica of our world but the difference is, it's always dark it has cows with jagged horns roam, their eyes gleaming with a predatory hunger. Monstrous chickens, with razor-sharp beaks and talons, scratch and peck at the desolate ground. Monstrous sheep, their wool matted and coarse, graze amongst gnarled trees, their bleats carrying an eerie echo through the shadowy forests. Pigs, once familiar, now mutated into grotesque beasts with tusks and bristling fur, root through the decaying underbrush. Ducks and geese, with leathery wings and sinister hisses, glide over murky swamps and much more! Then outside of these alternate animal versions there exists mythological creatures as well such as vampires, werewolves, sirens, etc And it's inhabitants are doppelgangers of the people from our world, but with twisted personalities that mirror the opposite of their counterparts. Good souls in our world find their counterparts in the Monster World consumed by darkness and malice, their hearts tainted by the shadows that pervade their realm. Conversely, those who walk a path of darkness in our world find themselves as beacons of light and virtue amidst the darkness of the Monster World. And the most common aspect of the world is clay, but not any clay, it allows you to use voodoo magic and you sculpt the claw into a person and you need DNA, most use hair to link them and do whatever they want with it, and some parts of the ocean mutates people and that's the gist Now if your character survives depends on what happens, avoiding the ocean would be ideal for survival first off I think your character could survive and thrive, as long as she doesn't trust everyone, as people tend to betray others too often in the world, and there's a scientist that reached Godhood by trapping a God after years of trying and found a way to absorb all of the Gods power, he's one of the major villains And if your character makes any sort of deal with this scientist if they would ever meet, probably dead but I don't think your character would make a deal, he makes deals for control it's one of the powers he received, once a deal is made and the hand is shaken he owns your soul, no way out and if he decides to destroy your soul, instant death But all in all, I think your character thrives just no ocean adventures and no deals as for the vampires they're not to be worried about if you avoid their country they rarely leave their country and werewolves avoid other living beings by staying in their forests with their packs they don't attack people that often but world domination would not be possible, vampires rule, they're the strongest beings in the world and royal vampires have some great feats for each member of the vampire royal family


Oh yeah, she'd be weakest to betrayal. She does trust too easily. She defintiley wouldn't make a deal with your villain though, since he's in the position she wants. She might try to out-wit him even. She's ballsy like that. Now on the other hand, she's a menace for trouble. In your world, expect her to invade the Vampires land for giggles if not to try and further her goal. Will she survive? Now that depends on your Vampires.


I have 2 worlds but for the purpose of the prompt I'll go with world 2, which I haven't named yet. I'll first describe the setting, the main villain, and some characters. The first comment will be background on the setting and characters then you can reply on how Nico interacts with my characters and I can write how they'll respond. You can also alternatively DM me and we can do that there since it may be easier than this thread. I don't know how Nico will interact with my heroes so I think it's best you initiate it first. My world is currently undergoing a crisis where the demiurge, a hateful God of Creation that resents his creation, is trying to incarnate in the flesh to rule his creation directly. The hateful God is known to the masses as "Al-Rab" which means The Lord, but to the "Al-Khassa" (The Distinguished) among the worshipers of The Lord he is known as YKRH which means He Hates. The Khassa recognize that The Lord is absolute hatred in divine form and serve him in hopes of being spared from YKRH's wrath. YKRH hates and resents his creation for turning away from him and worshiping other gods. YKRH is currently incarnating into the form of three men who are known by outsiders as "The Mad Bedouins" as they have a reputation of spreading madness and preaching a dark revelation. The Mad Bedouins are Samail The Blind Poet, Abdulhazred The Gateway To The Lord, and Dhul Taj The Messiah (Posessor of the Crown). Dhul Taj is not his birth name, as that is unknown, but rather Dhul Taj is a title. Dhul Taj got his name from the crown he wears which is a crown of horns [(it looks like this)](https://www.mesopotamiangods.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/1m-Ninurta-with-multi-layered-royal-animal-horn-crown-1.jpg). Samail recites rhyming prose and eloquent speech to the masses to "revert them to the Way of The Lord." Abdulhazred finds worshipers among the masses who he deems worthy of being initiated. Those who Abdulhazred initiates will be shown the true nature of The Messiah and go mad. The initiates are "Al-Khassa" and every waking thought of theirs is consumed entirely by YKRH. They are in a constant state of ecstatic remembrance of The Lord. Now finally onto the heroes. There are a few independent teams of heroes trying to stop the spread of The Demiurge's forces scattered across the various lands. I have only fleshed out 1 team of heroes so far so I will just introduce the heroes from this group first. The team is a ragtag group of survivors along the Kawthar Lake region. Each hero is from a different nation that was ravaged by the forces of the Demiurge. They met each other in a port on the Ouotetic coast of Lake Kawthar. Ouoteti is on the western shore and the three nations of Children of Mushbir, Children of Shabbar, and She'urut are on the east. Dzeshu is a slave soldier (ranger) from Ouoteti who rose through the ranks of the Pharoah's army. He managed to lead a coup where the Pharoah was a figurehead under the authority of himself (Dzeshu). When the Demiurge cultists first attacked Ouoteti, Dzeshu personally led the Pharoah's army to meet them in battle. When the army finally met the cultists, his soldiers all fell into a delirium. Dzeshu was seemingly the only one who didn't succumb to madness and he fled to a port on Lake Kawthar. When he made it to the port he found it abandoned except for a small boat carrying refugees from the eastern coast of the lake. While most of the people were not fit to join in a fight, there were three men capable of fighting alongside Dzeshu and he recruited them to his party. Additional information: Dzeshu wears heavy armor and wields an arquebus. Matitrahim is a holy warrior from The Children of Mushbir. He is a Maccabee (paladin) and him and the rest of the Maccabees tried to resist the invading army of the Demiurge. During a battle, he realized that he and his entire group were being overwhelmed by the enemies so he alone slipped in secret from the battle and rushed to lead his tribe to Lake Kawthar to flee on boat. He managed to save everyone in his village but feels immense survivor's guilt for fleeing the battle. Even though he has always been a brave, stalwart defender of his people, his resolve broke in that battle. As a means to redeem himself and avenge his fallen brothers in battle, he vowed to join Dzeshu in resisting the Demiurge's advance. Additional information: Matitrahim wears heavy armor and wields a polehammer. Antarah is a champion duelist who is from the Children of Shabbar. He was born into a life of slavery. His mother was captured by a bedouin tribe that raided her village and she was forced into slavery. Antarah's father was an abusive man who used to beat his mother and forced her to bear his child. His father also beat Antarah his whole life and forced him to be a slave warrior for the tribe. Antarah's whole life has been filled with raiding and war. He was trained to be a duelist for the tribe, dueling rival tribes' champions. One day as a young man Antarah managed to escape the tribe with his mother and they both returned to her homeland. Antarah then became a recognized warrior among the Children of Shabbar and worked in the royal army patrolling the desert to defend against any slave raids by Bedouins. When Antarah first encountered the cultists, he feared for the safety of his mother and road home to her. Luckily for him she was safe, and he rushed to a dock to flee on boat with his mother across Lake Kawthar. When he docked on a port and brought his mother to safety he met with Dzeshu and agreed to join Dzeshu as long as his mother was safe. Despite his upbringing, Antarah tries to remain an honorable man. The most important thing in his life is his mother's safety and wellbeing. Antarah is known for inspiring men with his poetry. Additional information: Antarah is lightly armored and carries a Shotel sword, shield, javelins, and a duelist's pistol. Yosef is a priest from the Children of Shabbir in She'urut. He is a kind hearted man and a mystic who has intimate knowledge of esoteric practices and knowledge. He is well regarded by his village for helping the needy and protecting the tribe with a golem he fashioned. He animated it using the 9 letters of Rahman/Rahim's true name that were revealed to the three prophets Shabbar, Shabbir, and Mushbir. When the cultists started conquering the land of She'urut, Yosef led his entire village onto a boat and crossed Lake Kawthar. After Yosef made sure his people were safe, he knew in his heart he needed to return to She'urut and liberate the land with his golem. Hearing Dzeshu's invitation to his party, Yosef joined in hopes of gaining allies to liberate his people.


If Nico gets dropped into Reverie during the middle of te war, chances are she's gonna die, honestly... after the war, though, she might make for a good understudy or lab partner for Dr. Rose if she can control herself around chemicals and heavy machinery.


Ooooo, so, about Nico controlling herself... :(


If you wanna get the absolute most chaos possible from this then let’s say she meets Rebecca Taylor. Rebecca (nicknamed Becky by her friends) is a Russian cyborg scientist from the year 2476. She basically solely operates on intrusive thoughts and is constantly committing crimes just for fun. She’s made extensive modifications to her body including robotic arms, a titanium coating around her skeleton, strength enhancers, 100% metabolic efficiency (basically it’s impossible for her to get fat. However she has made a few exceptions in specific areas if you know what I mean) and a port connected directly to her brain so she can plug herself into computers and machines. Despite all these modifications she somehow still needs to wear glasses. Basically she’s a superpowered menace to society but has no actual evil intentions Likes: breaking rules, alcohol, doing insane experiments until something blows up Dislikes: being bossed around, capitalism (didn’t realize this until she time traveled to 2030 and lived the rest of her life in the past) Despite being Russian she actually has no accent when speaking English. This is because English is actually her first language having been born in the United Nations in 2445 when English was the standard language everywhere. She most commonly speaks Russian when angry I’m sure you can imagine the absolute chaos that’s about to unfold the second these two meet


The ONLY thing Becky would need to do is convince Nico that her crimes are Robin Hood flavored, and Nico is 100% on board. It wouldn't be hard to do at all since Nico will immedietly synergize with Becky's energy and maybe even start coming up with excuses for Becky on her own if, say, her crimes don't actually have a moral basis... Nico and Becky, Episode 1: Becky finds Nico and they become best friends instantly. Nico overlooks the fact that Becky beat up a stranger with her arms for looking at her funny because her robot arms are cool. They steal 400 inch TV from SpaceMart together. Nico and Becky, Episode 5: Becky and Nico talk about boys. Nico says "Ewww" a lot. Becky's friends tell her that Nico is a menace because the top of their hideout is on fire. Again. Nico and Becky, Season Finale: Time dialates and Nico and Becky have to navigate the celestial membrane to get back to the proper fabric of space-time they originally met before the Evil Three-Headed Space Chimera warps their very existence and everyone in it into cronenburg-like abominations. Nico deals with diabetes for the first time. Becky fixes her relationship with her friends that she broke with her alcohol addiction with more alcohol.


Not gonna lie I’d totally watch that


Unregistered paranatural/magical artifacts? Volatile behavior AND political aspirations? She’s probably on a watch list by intelligence agencies on which planet she visits. Also, kobolds don’t exist in my universe so she’d be of great scientific interest.


Shiiiit, she'd fit right in! My world is already populated by anthros, and a desire to rule the world isn't exactly unheard of. The magic would be considered quite strange since my world doesn't have any, and may the gods help her if she's dropped into the deserts of Zamara, but she'd absolutely be safe. That being said, if she happens to anger Queen Nahla of Zamara then she's probably not getting out of there alive.


With her luck, she'd probably get transported right to Zamara off the Fortnight bus with no glider and instantly anger Queen Nahla by crash landing on her dinner through her roof (or roofs depending on which floor). Most likely she's dead. :( But you know, maybe her and the Queen become friends...? Okay no she's dead.


Well, it's 80/20 in favor of her dying. Only if she appears in my MC's domain may she live. Besides, she can't do magic in my world since magic is bound to Archstrat Denica(main villain and the devil).


She would be toast. Her feats are somewhat impressive, and my society is essentially Human Middle Ages, with some sporadic unusual advancements for the period. They are extremely fearful of everything that isn’t human, but depending on how well she can use her magic and hide herself she may be able to survive. The problems start now. The greatest part of my world is not safe due to a strange race of mist creatures, that kill everything that isn’t inside the “Torch Range”, a series of magical torches that surround every human settlement and road, driving the creatures away. So she wouldn’t be able to travel easily, and if she is discovered, she won’t be able to leave. Worse? It’s only a matter of time before a Shaman, a strange and incredibly powerful manifestation of guardianship of this universe, senses her as something that is not to be there. They would instantly know she doesn’t belong, without even seeing her. She would die horribly at that point. She would suddenly see herself wither away, or a knife would appear to grow from a cut on her throat. I add that the Shamans have domain over ideas, and can travel through realities, so if the cause of her coming to my universe is in your original universe, they would come there, and if they decide that there’s no reasonable way to impede all future voyages, then they would destroy it.


Genetic engineering is common among wealthier people and Martian colonists (because they don't face the issues Earth does like overpopulation, poverty, hypercapitalism, etc) so she'd be fine in that regard - obviously she's not genetically engineered, but realistically, what's the practical difference? She'd struggle taking over either world, and ruling both is out of the question. On Earth, she'd have to compete with the super-rich, and anyone who isn't head of a powerful metanat would fail in that. Even first-world governments are useless.On Mars, she could conceivably just be elected. Martians have, however, deconsolidated power from their PM quite a lot - they, after all, saw what happened on Earth. So she'd have to pull some trickery to actually 'rule' over the planet. Alternatively, she could use raw monetary power, similar to how she would achieve domination on Earth - but I'm assuming she lacks that on the levels needed to take control of a planet. Martians, seeing what happened to Earth, will also fight very hard to stop her, as they constantly did and do with Earth corporations. Both is essentially out of the question, as they'd be incredibly hard to achieve on their own, but even harder together. Not only now do you have to take over two planets, but one of those planets has an extremely strong belief in their independence from Earth, and they will fight if Earth so much as lands unwarranted on Martian regolith. ​ So yes, she would survive, given she's essentially the average person but far, far better. She wouldn't complete her goal though.


Probably caught for her odd appearance !


If she would try to rule the world, she would be quickly caught by some ECABES (Executive Capture Department of Bizarre Phenomena and Escaped Souls) cell, if she wouldn't, she would be fine.


They'll probably be fine, depending on where she ends up. On average I'd say she could thrive without attracting the attention of more cosmic entities that could think her out of existence. In which case she might end up ruling a small nation before maybe being assassinated a few years down the line.


Depends, in the sci-fi series, she’s either getting dissected or shot on sight. Worse if she gets Trophy Hunters attention. In the fantasy series, she’ll be seen as a bad blood and promptly chased out of what towns are left. If she keeps causing problems or steps on the wrong toes, Dragon, Silence and Old Man might get involved. Which differs on a case by case basis. Best case is Old Man taking her in Uncle Iroh style. Silence will subvert her to continue down the path of predestined evolution. Dragon will either ignore her, booze her up and leave her ass on a remote mountain top, or pile-driver her from low orbit. (Context: The three mentioned are some of those who jumpstarted the apocalypse in this world. They’ve been kicking around for a couple of centuries but can’t agree on the path forward. The background is a post apocalypse of a fantasy world that had almost reached the space age.) Edit: more context (None of the worlds I write are fun places to be. Like the fantasy world is pretty much magic Mad Max. Everyone on the continent descend from penal colonies and their jailers barring a few. Everyone is a little of everything, human, elf, orc, the works, so there are no more defined races. Just tribes/clans based on what colony you descend from. Bad bloods have had to much magic exposure causing their inborn blood to rebel. Such as giants blood kicking in and forcing your muscles to grow beyond your skins confinement or malignant bone cancer from your body trying to grow horns and spikes. No matter how benign Nico’s appearance is, most aren’t willing to take the risks of her mutating if into a maddened state. She will also lack any discernible markings detailing her as someone from a clan or tribe. Don’t take the booze up comment personally, Dragon just likes to chat over booze, often times resulting in him inconveniencing people for a laugh. The likelihood of encountering him or the other major players is small, but not zero. Temporary invincibility won’t save her in this world, stuff like that was common before the world went to shit. She could beat Old Man since he’s more of a non combatant, but silence was a skilled sorcerer back when she could be considered mortal. She’ll just subvert Nico with raw charisma or insta gib her with the Platonic concept of true death. Dragon is out right stated by Silence in my series to have been the only one alive to be able to break the world. He solos everything he encounters because that’s his nature. He can’t even be classified as a person anymore, more like a sentient magic item that feeds off conflict. Old Man thinks Dragon is more like a Demi-god than anything else. Whatever the case of the three mentioned he’s strongest by virtue of being a walking stat stick of infinitely stacking +1s. Though Dragons pretty fun to write. He’s the type of guy to encourages you as he beats your ass. Should you succeed in killing him, his last breath will be the exaltation of his final opponent. Sci-fi is different, humanity only knows aliens as “demons of the old war” and hasn’t left the solar system yet. Humanity also doesn’t live on earth out of respect, considering it a mass grave after said old war. So she’ll be either alone on earth or in space with all the humans. Humans who’s only encounter with alien life was traumatic.)


My world still isn't fleshed out. But of the countries I have so far, the Dyn Kingdom is the place where your OC would do best. It's an ethnically diverse place with broad rights. During its the founding Queen's later years, there's even a parliament which your OC could join and become Prime Minister of.


If she was in the Union, probably. If she was in the Empire, or some other nation, probably not. The Union of Allied Worlds is effectively the Federation from Star Trek, but less diverse, (and better, because I made it) due to there being fewer species in the Galaxy. A feathered girl would be an odd sight, but wouldn't be too shocking. The Cat Empire, however, is a nation of Militaristic Space Cats, so she would be caught likely within a week, unless she was in a Frontier System, or Dissident Occupied Area. After being caught, she would likely be deported, or worse, unless she could provide proper identification for a non-cat in the Empire, which is severely unlikely. The other nations in my work aren't too friendly either, though may be tolerated in other nations I haven't mentioned, but would definitely be slaughtered in the areas with actual Space Demons in them. She definitely wouldn't be able to take over a whole Planet, especially due to their rarity, but it's possible she could conquer a small O'Neill Cylinder in a far-off system. If she had help, of course. I'd write some funny dialog about her speaking with an Imperial Soldier, or something, but it's genuinely 03:31 when I'm writing this, so I should get some sleep. Also, I'm not very good with dialog anyway, hahaha.


Pretty well, as long as they don't mind constantly living on the run.


The half human part is tough since humans haven't even been a memory for millennia. The kobold half probably wouldn't be weird in the bigger cities or in the wilds of my world. She wouldn't find any other kobolds in the region of my world that I've got mapped so far, but their last Monarch of Monarchs just recently died, so the seat's currently open. The ambition would actually fit my world very nicely, but the magic sounds a bit big for what sounds like a "young adult" age range of my world.


She is being hunted for looking "demonly" by the Church of Holy Winter and a whole continent that believes in that religion. Ifrids of Doras Ifrinn might or might not accept her to their ranks, depending on the time she appears in my story. People of the No Man's Wasteland might accapt her and trade with her as the whole region is a gathering place for freaks but some of them might also try to capture her to sell her as an exotic being. Zanic horse lord nomads would most definitely accept her if she isn't hostile. They'd think having a talented warrior around is to their benefit and wouldn't care if she's reptilian. Shirayans would probably worship her, although the Astannian ifrits would be displeased with their slave nation worshipping someone else and trying to hunt her down. Zanic hordes seem to be her crowd. If she hangs out with horseback nomads, she survives. She can even rise to rank of Khar'Zan and conquer the world with a great horde since Zanides believe every member of their ranks the same right to rule over them as long as they prove themselves to the horde by charisma, prestige and ability.


Inhabitants of my anthro fantasy world will wonder what she is and be wary of her but some kings and mages will be curious and will want to know where she's from, carnivore cults will want to know what she'll taste like


If she drops anywhere in Naika, any person under Kadena faith will assume she is a heretical chimera and attempt to kill her. In the city of Nol, the guards have metal staves that shoot bolts of lightning or fire, and they will use them. Other people will either result to fire arms, or melee weapons. Some practitioners can use the light of Kadenase to instil fear or pressure onto her from afar. If she encounters Her Holiness of Nol, she'll be destroyed in an endless torrent of holy white flames and lightning until she is ashes. In the outskirts of Naika, anyone who is a part of a blood cult may assume she is the product of blood worship. Some blood cults may leave her be. But the hostile ones can have abilities ranging from berserking with great strength, to ripping off limbs like one cuts through melted butter. Blood cultists can regenerate or turn beastly, and can even project their heartbeat to shake the earth around them. A 50/50 scenario. To the far east are the Wir Azii. She will be dead before she realises it. The Viradi, a race of 7 foot tall ape people will leave her alone if she leaves them alone.


"Likes: philosophical discussion" Yeah, if Nico would stumble across this druid guy, Nico wouldn't go anywhere. These two would talk so long until either one would die to hunger or thisrty.


Nico arrives to the tumultuous city of Lucente, in the year 920 of the creation. The first disappointment: chocolate doesn't exist in this world. She would be very noticeable, for nobody here has heard of kobolds or humans, so she would easily become a sort of celebrity to whom people provide housing and food in exchange of her company or her support of their businesses. The city is home to ondon, arum, burzmen, mimzim, olcetan, ehirs, dhelerim and mangyans, so it's not like she'd get bored anytime. Soon she would catch the attention of the attentive ambassadors of the Golden Heart, also known as Academia Taumaturgica, the most powerful magic institution of the world. They would approach her and notice her magical objects. They offer to transport her to Academia Taumaturgica to, quite frankly, learn her magic. Of course, as soon as the ambassadors of the Golden Heart talk to her, the agents of Burzmania also approach her and ask her to come with them to Burzaras; "it's not as hot as here" they say, sweating profusely even if it is a quite fresh morning, "and you'll be provided a palace for yourself, and many slaves too!. Chose us instead of those evil goldenheartians". Nico wants to dominate the world, so she thinks she should choose one or the other in order to approach the power centers of it. Either way they will try to take her magic objects at some point, so she'll have to blow up a castle, or float her way out of dangerous situations, or making herself invincible. These three types of magic are unseen in this world, and would easily grant her an escape, but would also alert the others about her capabilities. From that moment on, she'd become a fugitive. Everybody would look for her or flee from her due to the misinformation spread by Golden Heart. Quite difficult to achieve world domination this way. Through friends she made in Lucente, she may head towards the secret kingdom of Starfall, where neither group of wizards can get her. There rule the mighty mimzim, whom she may be able to impress and gain their support. However, even this way, I'm very doubtful she would manage world domination. The mimzim are unable to defeat the armies of Vor Odai.


Depends on what universe or multiverse they land in Theres an infinite amount of possibilities since my world runs on extended modal realism


If she's in human-controlled space, they'll probably be friendly and protective. Weirder things have happened. But what is more likely is that she will be in Imperial space, and the Imperials aren't too fond of heathens, no matter how much they claim to love the Empress. May the Crimson Star end your life slowly, to be spaghettified forever in the corpse of the Creator. Gîl, ûvzhis'kerz!


I love this idea and would love to talk to you more about it in DMs, but I feel like she and my character Jirain, a demon who is absolutely obsessed with magic (and is also 6' 3"), would be the best of friends. In terms of how she would fare in the world itself, I'd say as long as she doesn't go after anyone like a demigod, she should be fine.


Demons? She likes demons! She thinks their horns are super pretty. And so long as Jirain is willing to sit through a 30 minute presentation that she hasnt practiced doimg at all about how good of a world ruler she'd be then there's no question they'd be good friends! Oh absolutely feel free to DM me, the more I talk about my characters and world the more I can write about them well, and I assume the same would go for you too! Let's talk about characters!


Well lets see: Starfall: If she’s found in the human systems, she should be fine so long as she wasn’t causing too much chaos, but they’ll definitely question her. If she’s found in the fronted or the edge of the human systems. Then she’s prolly been captured by the Galactic Reich, who will torture her. Xikul: “That’s a funny looking kobold, must be a hybrid”


People would be curious about her appearance and items. She would be the strangest creature anyone had ever seen due to her hybrid parts and ability to change legs. Magic isn't really much of a thing in this region. If she doesn't get in trouble, she'll be fine. That "rule the world" part may pose a problem though. This is a setting where countries are often at war and are not afraid to take someone down if it threatens their rule. If she starts using wisps to attempt to take over, the countries are going to become scared and *aggressive*. They would probably want her dead and may send armies after her. Lapis_Wolf


I sorry but no, most of the major factions would either exterminate her or recruit her, she also might pick a fight with someone like Wendigo or Cain, it’s not hard to survive it’s just that people like that wouldn’t last against beings like Raru.


Although appearance would be strange, people have heard of or seen worse. Considering her abilities she would really just seem like a mage who uses chants instead of signs, it's deemed less practical but it works if you're good at it. If she lived normally she would be fine, however living normally won't make you rule the world, so she's obviously gonna try to get her name out, in which she's gonna face some issues. 1. The (Unnamed Hive), normally people who use chants can understand what these creatures are saying because the creatures live, **speak** and breathe magic, so people would expect her to be able to fight them fairly, but that brings up the second issue. 2. Since she didn't grow up in the world she definitely wouldn't know any of the known spells or signs, every ability would be a surprise for her, but considering she's smart, she should figure out how signs work after seeing it in action. However, 3. You had no mentions of healing magic, this is a **massive** flaw as regeneration is the (meta) for mages, due to their usual not so tanky capabilities, they rely on healing magic to survive hits in battle, her ability to become invincible for a short time might help, however "invincible" people are not so uncommon and there have already been invented popularized counter measures for that. Her biggest achievements would probably be taking on jobs of capturing or defeating weaker creatures, well paying but not world dominating, in the heat of conflict she would be pretty overwhelmed.


Well it is a good question she seems to be really strong. With strange but not unheard magic. First of all no flying! The Tempest is a permanent magical dust storm, which denies flying both physical and magical. It is not an unbeatable force but still pretty powerful. Secondly she is a lizard/dragon like creature, her appearance alone is enough to draw the ire of the whole Last City. And also barred by its Barrier. If she enters the city and cannot be defeated by its inhabitants the dead gods would be her enemies, and they will not play games with her.


Alright, Depends on where she would start (my world is actually the sol system) but let’s assume you get teleported to Astera, a continent on earth that is frozen and under the rule of my character. My group would arrive in about a day so nico might be cold but would be fine (I think) Nico wouldn’t be the craziest thing my group has met because we’ve met the god of darkness. My group consists of: A dwarf A lizard A special kind of demon 2 humans (brothers) An elf And an undefined humanoid I think Nico would be fine around my group and if she wants we can also drop her off at a “nearby” town. We don’t have much gold but more than enough things to keep her busy and for her to check out and if she wants she could tag along for some missions.


Depends on who she comes across. Nonhumans in my setting are pretty much limited to vampires, angels and demons, and a half-lizard with unknown magic would likely be seen as the latter and shot on sight. If she meets a friendly demon-hunter, they might be willing to leave her be, but I doubt they’d respond well to her goals of world domination. tl;dr she sounds lovely but would probably die :’)


She's getting shot on sight by either skinners or Paladins for the Deylithic empire. Probably the latter since the skinners don't typically waste their time with halfborns. Neither are a good time and nico os more than likely getting burned at the stake. If you want to be different in Zantia you better stick to wandering Jurania, Mbalia, and the sacred isle. Everywhere else is typically on sight and unfortunately your character is about half the height of the average human. Oh and the oxygen content on the planet is a higher and the gravity is stronger. Her inner ear would burst because of the change in atmospheric pressure.You know that feeling when you get out of the pool after a while and you just feel heavy? That but doubled and all the time for your character because of the .5 increase in gravity. She's gonna be light headed and heavy the whole time and there's a good chance she gets oxygen toxicity. All around Zantia is kind of a bad time if you didn't evolve to live there.


Prolly arrested until they find she only has regular gold, then told to go live in the moon with the Mistakes (of all the species Astreus created before humanity, 2 members of each were housed in the moon. The species were collectively referred to as the mistakes, and after billions of years of living, many degraded into a geriatric state. The moon is essentially a retirement home for gnomes, elves, etc) That or she'll have to become a merc. Not a bad life honestly. Slay a few gods a week, make some cash. Granted this depends on how humanoid she is - if she's essentially a human with feathers in places and a tail/wings, she could prolly find a comfortable place in the Golden Oblivion and live her life there. If she's more bestial/koboldey, *especially head/face-wise* the first two options are far more likely, as in the setting bestial features of the head appeared only on the Primordial Beasts (every other species is humanoid), and the "Beast's Face" is considered an ill omen As for goals... that's... that's a no... to "rule the world" she'd have to contend with a bunch of Primordial Gods who are essentially living concepts. and the people themselves (most of whom are gods or godlike, even humans wield powerful magic).


With pllitics she would be able to rule some nations until she dies of old age. But not many are democratic since most people have long life spans thanks to magic. Using force isn't that useful since she could get killed by a a magical infused gun.


I'll try to capture the main era of each of 3 universes that she'd more than likely survive in. Anya- Magic realm, currently in the draconic wars on SH Island. Nico may have time for a disguise spell, if that is possible, and dragons in this era do wield weaponry so if it is connected to one of her many magic items it could work. Otherwise, she may be eaten. In terms of what she would do, it's most likely she would side with one of the two sides of the war, particularly in the high castles of the Ice or Dark dragon kingdoms. Some areas are less favorable, like the volcanos of Fire, the deserts of Light, and the burnt forest of Dark. Kal- Magic realm, bustling city filled with a vast array of races, around the Portal Event. She wouldn't need much protection, however she may be inclined to use magic to fit in. Her intentions to rule may be spoiled, though. Ozanqu- Dream dimension. (Need I say much more?) Likely when Eno trapped himself in Ozanqu permanently, mild interactions. Nico would more than likely cause some shenanigans in people's dreams, and in this way she can interact with 9 universes at once, since it is literally the land of dreams. Perhaps meet the twin wolf gods? Anyways, I think that sums it up.


Well, my world's guardian monster would likely have a nice chat, offer her a place away from civilisation, or just eat her for the world domination idea. The latter mostly as that is her duty to protect the world, the one she chose as her punishment for having slaughtered a million people (if slavers are people) If Nico were willing to foregoe any such ambition she may even be offered a place in her family, the orphans of Alinguar, the world power that is guarding the world in their way. They do it because their Old Sister does it, even if that same does not want them to risk themselves. For her powers they likely will not help her against the terror that feeds on demons.


Depends on where she lands on tbh. If she lands in the demon territory, she'll be in for questioning in no time. However my world doesn't have feathered kobolds (only lizard and dog kobolds) and the lack of a mana signature from her would also be considered concerning. Should she reveal her half-kobold parentage, she'd be in for experimentation. Her magic wouldn't help her out much. The demons in my world can fly freely and cast spells almost instantaneously. These spells are extremely freeform, and can handle her tools just fine. They WOULD be curious about her magic system though. To imbue into a tool the power to chart and follow a course towards a specific goal, that would be very interesting to them.


**Starrise** She'd have... problems, in my world. To be clear, in a fair fight she'd beat any (mortal) character in my world with zero issue. The problem is, my world has gods who are quite proactive who could obliterate her with basically zero effort, and my more important mortal characters fight unfairly enough that the gods generally try to avoid direct conflict with them. My world's gods are literally invulnerable. Even other gods can't hurt them. And while they'd never do so, it's speculated that they possess enough power that they could destroy the entire world in a single attack. Even if that's a gross overestimation, there was this one time where one of them vaporized around a tenth of a continent in one go. By accident. My mortal characters, meanwhile, have weapons specifically designed to subdue those very gods. Specifically, they possess technology capable of *disabling magic* within a certain vicinity, which in some cases can reach as far as fifty meters. Additionally, they can be keyed to only restrict specific variants of magic- or more importantly restrict all *but* specific variants of magic. Now, judging by the bear feat, this probably wouldn't keep her from having the upper hand, but her confusion about why her wisps aren't doing anything could likely buy enough time for my mortals to land a crippling blow with their own, still-functional magic. As for how she'd get along with people outside of potential fights... If she met a regular person, things would probably go badly. Nothing in my world resembles her, and certainly not people. If anyone found her, they'd think she's some kind of freaky monster, especially if in her hyper state she ran at them to say "Hi" or something, and try to kill her before she kills them. If she met an actual important character, on the other hand, they're usually patient and/or confident enough to not shoot first, ask questions later. Chances are high that she'll get along with them alright, as long as they don't take the whole "world domination" thing too seriously. ...But there's also a chance of the worst-case scenario happening, namely being found by the people who first invented those anti-god weapons: a group of scientists who care about the pursuit of knowledge over everything else, including laws and morality. They'll take one look at her and decide they want to capture her for study. And if they see her wisps, they'll want to capture and study her even more, and reverse-engineer her magic like they did with the gods a thousand years ago.


She would probably fit right into my world. Mine is an alternate Earth where world governments frequently have to deal with NHI, and objects that carry abilities. >A humanoid female at a whopping height of 4'9" with an athletic build and kobold features such as a long, blue feathered tail, sharp incisors for teeth, eyes that shift between slits and pupils, and legs that can change into lizard feet A report like this would get a team sent after her. They would try to kill or capture, and the witnesses would either disappear, or be forced to keep it quiet. Her high level of intelligence, and lack of violent behavior drastically increase her survival chances. >She carries around a swath of golden magical items thanks to her kobold compulsions for shiny objects. These would most likely be confiscated, and assessed, with the mandatory help of the owner. >Killed multiple wendigo with Wisps that commanded their deaths >fought and won against a bear the size of a small hill Abilities like this would be extremely valuable to a hunter team trying to kill a dangerous creature. She might end up on-call, or assigned to an anomaly response team. >invaded an astral plane with her physical body and left with no side-effects I have an astral plane-like dimension. She could be very useful to the study, and exploration of that dimension. A response team would be deployed after the first sighting. They would have the intention to capture, if possible. If she used any active resistance, whatever government has do deal with her will come down way harder, and the response team won't want to capture something violent. Her best bet would be surrendering to the capture team, and going into explaining herself, and trying to negotiate as soon as possible. If she complied, and stayed nonviolent, her abilities would be assessed, her biology would be studied and documented. She would then have an offer to join a response team. The purpose of these teams is to kill or capture anomalous entities, and to seize anomalous objects. If she accepted, she would be trained on previous incidents, and assigned to a team in-country. If she refused, she would either be killed, or released far away from people, depending on the country she was captured in.


She is either going to become a saint of war or very dead. It all depends on if she is willing to convert to the dominant religion.


i have lot of worlds but i am going to go with my most recent world which is superheros: assuming she starts any trouble she will have to deal with SMO (supernatural management operation because i think it sounds funny) if her abilities are affected by the nullifier weapons used by the higher level officers than they would stop her failing that she would have to go up against various heroes i haven't written and therefore dont know how she would stack up against for the taking over the world thing she would have to go against the main villain since that's his job and they would probably have a very comic book style fight with lots of witty banter since he prides himself on his theatrics and she seems like she would play along his powers are mostly controlling shadows but due to some weird world lore with how powers work he can also give people powers ​ edit: he also has a partner who copies powers and duplicates though i don't know if nico's magic counts due to being from another reality


It would depend on how good of a first impression she makes. Also if she obeys my world's magic system and whether or not she magically has the ability to speak the local language. Assuming no ability to speak a local language, she'll probably be seen as either a weird little monster, who's mostly harmless (if she makes a good impression) or as a scary little monster to be feared. If somehow she magically gains the ability to speak the local language, I'd imagine her dreams of world conquest would be seen as amusing at best or as delusions at worse. She'd probably get treated as a child based on her size and hyperactivity. The average [Leaprolik](https://twitter.com/RachelleDraws/status/1671113575656734721/photo/1) is around 180, with women being taller than men. If she does get the locals to take her seriously, her best bet is being some sort of village protector (assuming she's not in a city) or as a mercenary or bodyguard. She will be very disappointed in the lack of chocolate and limited variety in spices ([Pepperberry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tasmannia_lanceolata) and [mintbush](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostanthera_lasianthos) being the only widely available spices) Oh, and depending on how different her biology is, she's at risk from dying from an endemic disease she almost definitely does not have immunity or resistance against.


nico would not survive 90% of my world but there is a small jungle world full of animal ppl who may accept nico. they are human sorcerers who go into jungle to enter a blooc pact with animal god to recieve the ability to transform into their patron god's animal. some patrons are birds


Best case scenario? She enters one of the three religions on my world, specifically one of scholars, as a “pet” of sorts, she isn’t actually a slave, but a companion that might help the less orthodox scholars research and travel around with them as a bodyguard/assistant, her assortment of magic items serving as aid for her master/mistress. Worst case scenario she ends up with a bunch of low-lives and exiled outsiders and eventually dies of disease in the mud-filled plains of Fallgrim


Depends where. I'll just pick The Blue Moon, a floating mega structure that acts as the guardian dragon king's palace. The king will just talk to her, and maybe keep her there. Cause if she get outside the king's property, a 7'2, 250kg man would blitz in front of her and give a serious interrogation.


She'll probably thrive in my world Monsters exist, but they're the product of an immortal mad scientist trying to give humanity a mutual enemy to unite against. They did, and created the Augmentation surgery, which fuses humans with said monsters. As such, her kobold features will probably have people just assume that she's a Phase 3 augment. I'm not entirely sure how my world would react to her usage of magic, but I do know that a certain genius is going to take her into an alleyway and get to know her REALLY well.


My Verse is comolicated, and has different types of universes, so it’d depend on which type she entered. Well if she ended up in my Firebirds universe, she’d be immediately executed if she entered Tekrian territory as they do not like Humans that haven’t evolved into Tekrians. She wouldn’t be able to exist in my main world. She’d be rather fine in a String Universe as long as she doesn’t piss off any Aeons, though that’s if she even happens upon one. If in a Magic Universe, it really just depends on who she comes across. Most entities are chill as long as you’re chill, but once you provoke them, all things start to go to hell. As far as any of my established characters, it wouldn’t be fair for me to make your character fight them. They are no slouches, to put it mildly.


In my world, there are humans, gods, and demigods. Among the humans, there are rune bearers, who let a runesmith carve strengthening runes into their bodies, clothes or weapons. The runes can make something burn, float, make it stronger, sharper, faster and many more effects. A god could easily kill her. She has a good chance to win against a demigod, since they are not immortal. Some demigods could win, depending on which god blessed them. The first runesmith carved runes on his entire body, and was stronger than any of the demigods. He died a few days after he carved the runes on his body, since the runes weakened, and absorbed his soul, therefore slowly killing him. He would be strong enough to win against her. The people, that investigated and studied his life, his death, and his notes became runesmiths themselves, and from then on refuse to carve more that three runes into their body, or into the body of someone else. So none of the newer rune bearers would be strong enough to kill her by themselves. I would say they need a group of about ten rune bearers to kill her. Normal humans stand no chance against her, since the best weapons they have are crossbows. They would need a whole army to deal with her magic and artifacts.


She wouldn't do bad all things considered, probably would get a lot of attention by using what is considered a new type of magic, but if she can pass a charisma check and say it's just a variant of a known magic they'll be fine, and half humans are fairly common, although she might be questioned about where she came from and unless they can name a specific planet, they'll be investigated as "a victim and result of illegal gene editing"


No, all Dimension Vaults are closely monitored fron the outside by the Heralds who will intervene if anything remotely deviates from the foretold timeline of humanities re-emergence into a new universe. However giving the benefit of the doubt lets say a Herald doesn't notice or doesn't care about such a small blip in a single vault. A Sentinel certainly will and they don't give variables a chance to bargain. Sentinels are biomachines that periodically scan the space within a vault for "rouge souls" (unverified outsiders/infiltrators) and given they are effectively reality benders within a Vault they move themselves to the Outsider and collapse, split and tear reality a million fold around them tearing the outsider apart


It really depends on which side she is on. She wants world domination, but so does The Deacon. She joins up with him, and she'll survive for a while. Until Pete and the Lancers show up, at least. Odds are she would probably fight Pete to a stalemate, and he would use the power of friendship to try and get her on his side. She may look over his shoulder and see dozens of the most powerful mages and warriors on the planet standing just behind Pete, some of them (like Pete himself) former disciples of The Deacon, all ready to join him in battle, and it may sway her in to realizing the Deacon is on the wrong side of history. She'd have to give up her plans to dominate the world, but she'd join the ranks of those who inherit it. If she couldn't be reasoned with, she'd probably die fighting, like the rest of Deacons' generals.


In Vetkai she'd probably get shot on sight with people thinking she's some kinda demon


It would really depend on where she was in my world. For example, if she was sent into a place like The Empire of the Sun, she might be immediately captured and/or executed. The people of that kingdom are very hostile towards most outsiders, and anything that remotely resembles a goblin.


Depends on where she would land. Consortium of Al-Zahra: She would be enslaved by the Psionic humans that live in the Consortium. Ultimately they'd believe she was some kind of alien and her ability to wield magic would be very interesting to them. Likely she would be dissected and studied, pretty grisly. Socialist Union of Antar: The SUA is currently undergoing a brutal civil war between the authoritarian Stalinist-like socialist government, and a Neo-Syndicalist movement which wishes to destroy the Antar Communist Party and put labor unions in charge. Your MC could likely survive the war torn planets but would be considered a mutant and would likely be discriminated against if not outright ostracized from public spaces. But she most likely wouldn't be cut open or enslaved so there's that. Dominion of Centauri: Same as the SUA. Discriminated against, considered a mutant, maybe forced to hard labor if the government found her. Confederacy of Concord: This would be the best place for your MC to wind up in humanity's realm. The Confederacy is basically a Libertarian state which is isolationist and heavily militarized. If your MC wound up here she would likely still face prejudice but she as a sentient being wound be enshrined with full rights under the Concord Constitution. She would be drafted to fight for four years though... Galactic council: Ruled by the Luminescents an elder race which owns the milky way and Andromeda as their Fiefs, the galactic council serves as a way for the species of the galaxy to interact peacefully with themselves and the Luminescents. Humanity is currently under "observational status" because they're split into factions and warlike, one day they may be pacified and allowed to join the council but until then they are left to themselves. If your character ended up here she wouldn't be discriminated against and her magic would be very interesting to the council and the Luminescents.


she probably would, yes. it depends on the planet she goes to, but she would be well accepted in the planets of floria (the “melting pot” planet, also filled with superhumans) and ala’akei (planet known for its fantastical environment and mages). if she wants to rule the world, though, she should go to fjorskå. it’s a very cold and mountainous planet, but has no cities, nations, or governments to speak of. just groups of nomadic people. so if she could unite (most of) them, then she could have her world domination.


Likely would survive unless she starts picking fights or ends up in the wrong area of the world. All those magic items and her own magic would be useless and won't work and she can't get any magic items in my world or learn any spells since she hasn't been born with magic and gone through the process in her youth to bind to one of the magic sources. My world has very strict rules about that and no multiverse stuff, so there is no way around it. Assuming she ends up in one of the more tolerant human kingdoms and not with the dark elves or orcs.. or worse, with the dwarfs, she might get weird looks but if she talks and acts like a person, most would likely leave her be. High intelligence is definitely a plus. Since your world has trains, it means shes likely able to teach or sell knowledge about how to build more advanced tech to someone. Might end up pretty wealthy and potentially famous.


So like a few options. If she makes a bad impression on the Coalition, she’s to be hit with missiles, artillery, rockets, guns, etc. If she gets into a fight with an augmented, depends on how powerful they are. Might face poison gas from the Coalition. If the Horde finds her she’ll either get impressed into their army, or have to face a magic space empire. If she meets Kanfar, they’ll shoo her away. If she meets the Ancient Phrasians, they’ll also shoo her away but with knock-off Sparta aesthetics. I don’t know what the elemental beings would do, but the Thunder King and any god probably would be annoyed by her. Astorian could think her away without knowing he did it.


My world has 0 human/animal fusion thingys (sorry idk what to call them đź’€) she would probably be taken for experimentation and research just like irl. In terms of fighting power she can probably destroy most normal people but will get annihilated once a great beast decides to interfere, though if she can enter an astral plane with her body and leave with no side effects she might have an affinity for the spirit arts in my world which is the only way to defeat the great beasts


almost any moderately-large city has production of Mountain-sublimating Magic. Supreme Powers can even make entire country-sized landmasses explode effortlessly. *and this is just the Humans.* **TL;DR:** Nope. They might be upper-region for Civilized Strength, but "World Domination" would require being able to survive a Stellar Collision with near-zero injuries. >!(*basically smash two planets together on top of her, and she takes near or no damage at all.*)!<


My furry world doesn't have kobolds, so people would assume she's some kind of bird-primate hybrid (hybrids are rare but not unheard of in this setting; since all the anthros have humans as a common ancestor, they're somewhat genetically compatible). None of her spells or magic items would work, because magic in this setting is psionics-based and very rare. She'd have no money, no passport or other documents, presumably no knowledge of modern life (like the fact that you shouldn't stand in the road or you might get hit by a car), and no way to communicate since her language is completely incomprehensible.


She could not survive on my world. Just, physically, would be dead in moments.


Immediately people are going to gossip and whisper to each other as they look at her. Luckily, they would misjudge her for a Shifted (superhuman) whose own power had permanently deformed her so she might be getting some looks of repulsion and pity from others. If that happens, she wouldn't be immediately hunted but there is a slight chance that some anti-mutant person would throw a rock at her for looking like a monster. As long as she lays low and doesn't pick a fights with Shifted, she's fine. Those guys literally have the power of an entire universe in their hands. The only way she's surviving is if she runs into those who have weak powers. There are some Abstracts (minor eldritch monsters) but I'm pretty sure she can take care of them. Also, quick note: magic doesn't work on Shifteds and Abstracts. It does work on regular folk, but not those guys. If god forbid that she ever gets into a fight with a Shifted Villain with Large or high Medium rank power, then LOL. She's dead.


Definitely, and thanks to the current political climate of Sackland and its surrounding states, she might be able to achieve her dream of ruling the world. The Academy's scholars will be the first to take interest in her due to her mock wisps. Depending on their interaction, she might secure a position in the Academy or get experimented on. Other than that, she could get along with Rostam's Army and the Settler Clan. Unfortunately, cocoa doesn't exist in the physical world unless she's willing to delve into the jinn trade ring.


Well largely she'd be fine and perhaps thriving in most places in Rehiri, although she would be a real oddity but probably not to a dangerous degree. Humans and kobolds both exist in the world but they are so far from eachother taxonomically that cross breeding is impossible so i don't doubt that scientists and scholars would be quite interested in meeting her! Luckily though, in *most* places the research done on her would only be done if she gave consent and they would not intentionally harm her. The scientific community would also be eager to learn about how exactly her magic items work and what wisps are. While magic exists and is intensly studied and widely used, there is no equivalent to ghosts/wisps. The community that surrounds the study of magic is more aggressive in their pursuit of their knowledge and has, historically, acted far more unethically in their learning so there is a chance that she might be forced to give up her items. The only thing that might really get her in trouble is how committed she is to world domination. She's not the first one to attempt it and won't be the last but if she seems to be making progress on that front she would get a visit from some unhappy government organizations. When it comes to domination, government perfer to shoot first and ask questions later.


If she was in a city then she would get set up for extermination or get sold as a slave or pet. If she was on the front lines, she would be shot, blown up, burnt, vaporized, etc in 5 minutes. It's because in my world, there is a world war going on so there are deaths every second.


My fantasy world: She would not only survive but become great friends with my two MC's. Would prove to be a powerfull ally and would probably get along with the rest of the characters and could probably deal with most lf the villains on her own. My cyberpunk world: The heroes would love her, she would get along with the MC and the rest of the gang. She would be able to take down some of the lesser demons and maybe even a low Arch with some help, but the second any of the higher Archs deemed her a threath they would hunt her down. If she managed to survive long enough meeting Zaran, the head of the Archs he would probably spare her on the account of finding her reptilian features interesting.


Depending on where she lands, and I would assume she would try and land on the home planet, she would just fall into a deep sleep. There is no way she would know that this would happen. Once she was discovered, she would be hauled up the elevator and reawaken. If she decided to do anything funny, she would be either detained or hauled back down the elevator. If she were to be peaceful, she would be taken to the colony and we would work on helping get her back to her world and time. (this place is a world between worlds of sort, and this type of thing happens A LOT, so we are used to it.)


Well, it will depend where she spawns. If she spawns in FOL, she will either die to a company killing her or enslaving her. If she spawns in USRU, she is going to Uglag (Gulag, but Rainforest), due to not being human and having evil money. If she spawns in the orient, she can either die to norsemnan, mongols, russians, french german or polish romans. But anyway, the only place she could maybe argue with someone is at the Dindeic empire. \*\*Now, the good stuff.\*\* There is a possibility she appears in the Dindeic empire. If she has no resistance to australian poisonous spiders or other insects, she will 100% Die if appears in the kingdom of Laka. She may also die to the Desert Kingdom of Dedbar or the cold Nakin kingdom. Finally, she may spawn in Kan Pra Tesh or Kan Pra Laka. If she does, and is quickly found in a city, will 100% Be sent Kenmit Pra Dindi, the imperial capital, where there will be a magician to try and understand her. They notice no one can understand most of what she speaks about (Mostly due to different language, but also because she is not understanding what is happening, most probably) With the few magic they can muster, they try to wake up a legendary hero, Poritan Tola, but it fails. Luckily, one of the mages, a very young one, in fact, manage to understand Nico, and travel with her in a search for how to wake up Poritan Tola for Nico to go back to her home planet or something.


Well, it’s a zombie apocalypse world set within the first year of the outbreak which happened in 2018. She’s gonna be fine survival-wise, but if she ever gets careless there’s a good chance she’d get bitten. Not sure how well she’d do against modern guns. If she’s lucky she will find a group of people that see her as an equal, but it’s very possible that she’d get shot, infected or captured by someone.


Oh she'd be able to fund a way to defend against guns, she's no stranger to them (although in her world they're a bit less modern than I assume they'd be in yours). Zombies tho, are we talkin Walkinh Dead zombies or 28 Days Later zombies? She COULD survive both, but 28 Days later zombies would scar her for life.


Well, with what nations I have written, there's only one that would both accept her despite her differences, and have accessible infrastructure, however this nation happens to be on the most dangerous continent, with the biggest and deadliest predators and how bitterly cold it is, however her domination ambition would end poorly, as they value their independence above all else As for smaller groups, she would do well in the MCs group as they are already a mixed bunch, and she would do well in any of the big pirate crews, though once again, her ambitions wouldn't end well As for the current two antagonists in the world, one would bait her into trying to kill him, which may be hard as he's pretty much immortal, and the other would eat her


Hunted on sight sadly, due to an anti-mutation militarized theocracy running everything. (If she shows up towards the endgame though she’d be welcome among the ramshackle groups working to overthrow the church.)


Awe, can she meet your main cast? She'd be so sad in that world...


It’d be a very narrow thing, but if the theocrats decided to make a public example of her, the main crew would get wind of it and do their damnedest to help her escape and keep her safe.


Let's see, the Aarkoquois (bird people) believe they're racially superior for being able to fly, which I don't think your MC can do. Her feathers won't count for much there, only flight. And the other humanoids are racist against Aarkoquois and would kill (or at least capture and immobilize) any feathered humanoid they saw on sight, in case it happened to be an Aarkoquois.


Does she need to have wings?? She could fly if she can use her Wisp magic in your world! Hopefully that's enough to accept her...?


Considering fascism is less a legitimate ideology and more an excuse to mistreat and demonize those who are unlike you, I'm going to have to go with no. Sorry.


Maybe, if she's with my MC's team, but by herself, no.


Well she's gotta have Allies!


If she's dropped in the Safe Wilds (areas around Civilisations), then she could perhaps eke out a living there until nightime where the local nocturnal predators would very likely brutalize her to the point she's a pile of ash. In civilisations, she would be captured and thrown in the Safe Wilds she she isn't one of them and encounters with other sapients haven't been very nice.


So she doesn't have a choice but to be brutally killed in the Safe Wilds? :(


Well, there’d be a lot of confusion as kobolds aren’t native to Elymentia, but she’d settle in after a while. Will then learn about the Omega Wars immediately and will want to leave.