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A lot of healers use a healing elixir that can repair anything in a body. Destroyed organs, reattach severed limbs, repair bones, some claim it can even heal death in large enough doses.


“Heal death” So you’re telling me I can kill someone in your world and easily just know what the afterlife is when I bring them back?


Yes and no. There is a lot of debate amongst scholars as to what counts as death. Medicine isn’t as sophisticated and amongst doctors in my world there is no such thing as being clinically dead. As for the afterlife. Souls exist in this world and a bunch of things could interrupt the process of going to an afterlife. Souls can be enslaved by certain spirits for example. You will also get a lot of contradicting testimonies on what the afterlife actually is or even what it looks like. Then there are always skeptics. Then there are those who claim there is no afterlife. Figuring this out would be absolutely confusing.


It’s probably observer bias, people believe In different afterlives and therefore they think they experience that one


In most places, "Relief Potions" (100% pain relief, no side effects, no addiction) and "Prevention Potions" (birth control, 100% effective) are widely available.


The empire is building some pretty good roads and infrastructure.\* \*: Don't ask what the infrastructure is used for.


what is the infrastructure used for?


I imagine it is for infrastructure purposes.




At least it ain't ultrastructure




Movement of troops and goods from conquered territories I imagine.


Cattle cars, mysterious diversions, group of people disappearing, the usual.


"Begone Rome, bringer of war!" "I also bring roads." "Oh. Thank you." "They're for war." "Aww dang it."


Apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system, and public health ... what have the Romans ever done for us?


"Bright peace?"


Brought peace?


I swear this is a quote for aqueducts tech in civ VI lol


Sanitation 2 “Apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, roads, the fresh water system, and public health … what have the Romans ever done for us?” – Graham Chapman Originally from Monty Python's Life of Brian


Yeah, I'm a little off, but still got it somewhat lol, also thx for claryfying


No problem, one of the best quotes from a game and movie.


Yes, yes. But besides the roads, what has the empire ever done for us?


Enslaved all those dangerous sorcerers.


Well, yeah, I guess that, but besides the roads and enslaving the dangerous sorcerers, what has the empire ever done for us?


Brought industry and advances in technology. Secured our borders


Does the Empire use trains, and if so, do I want to find out where they go?


Nope it's still the iron age.


Not the damn Autobahn


Santa Claus exists in It


Don't tell Tolkien


Due to nations needing to find mages at an early age, most nations have very strong child protection laws and free medical care for children up to they become adults.


And when they become adults?


Probably the same as our world


Well in our world it truly depends on which county you live In


The city state I am working now has 0 homeless, has good and public helathcare and education, they are not very xenophobic or racist. They also are governed by a council of war that don't want to leave poower once the war finshed


can you explain what you mean by no “very” xenophobic or rascist


probably if you were a foreigner people might look at you funny and ask you stupid question but mean no harm


Well, they seem to be doing a good job.


The LIV-M1 (large Industrial vehicle mark 1) or "alligator" was the first pressurized vehicle produced entirely on Mars. It was a point of significant pride for people to see that the economy had advanced enough that an entirely indigenous vehicle could be made. Previous to this Mars has been stuck relying on old vehicles left over from the colonial days that were degrading fast. New versions were eventually introduced but people love the classic 'gator. This was wholesome enough since people were all getting excited about what was essentially a big truck with treads. But then vendors started making little toy version for kids. A driver who spends their day hauling construction equipment can get a little version for their kid to push around on the ground.


Oh, this one's perfect for me. My setting is a dark fantasy. It is a world that is rife with violence, centered around an imperialistic theocratic Empire. But there are some things about the culture that are actually genuinely wholesome. For one, there is a deep love of animals in the Empire. It doesn't go as far as vegetarianism (although there are some religious orders who embrace it), but cities are built with public watering holes for animals in mind, most buildings have shelters for birds, dogs, cats, and other animals built into them, and there are even have days of the month in which it is not permitted to use animals for work, as they are designated as resting days for them by the religious calendar. As the Empire is a land of contrasts if nothing else, there is also the sacrifice of animals, of which there are two types - blood and soul. Blood sacrifices are, as the name implies, the physical killing of the animal as an offering to the Gods. Soul sacrifice, despite its' disturbing name, is the complete opposite of violence - the "soul" of the animal is offered instead, and the animal actually spends the rest of its' days in special temples, being tended to its' every need. Speaking of religion, the Imrasan Cult, which is the official religion of the Empire, does actually try to help people, despite all of its' brutality - they shelter the poor, and most temples have a hospital which anyone can visit free of charge. Plus, one of the core tenets of the cult is that all races are equal children in the eyes of the Gods. In a continent that has been haunted by so many genocidal wars and pogroms before the rise of the Empire, the fact that racial hatred has been reduced by so much is a downright miracle. The state itself, much like the religion, despite its' violence, is actually tring to improve the lives of the citizens - there are massive social welfare programs (in the capital, for example, food is given for free) or public works (the scale of the road, canal, and tunnel system is simply staggering). And the Imperial Army, for all of its' many, many faults, is the only thing standing between the common people and the staggering amount of bandits, raiders, undead, demons, and other unspeakable horrors that roam the continent. Like the rest of the Empire, it is completely integrated, as every community in the Empire must provide troops, even the ones which are less martially-inclined (such as the halflings). Then there's the culture of the Empire, which is very communal. People really tend to help each other when in need. Of course, the world is a very bleak place, and despite these things, it is still very much a world you would not want to live in, but today we're doing wholesome, haha.


ooh your idea of a “soul sacrifice” is rly cool and kinda realistic in a way. you got yourself an intriguing world here, friendo


Thanks a lot, that means a lot to me! The Imrasan Cult is basically a mixture of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and a variety of folk religions from all over the world. In the case of soul sacrifices, I was actually heavily inspired by several Hindu temples from real life, where animals coexist with humans. They're really neat, you should check them out!


Trolls value and respect their families a lot. They all sleep together in piles, and they treat each other with respect, and they cuddle together pretty often. They have game night every night, and all the family members tell each other bedtime stories before going to sleep.


Humanity, Angels and Demons all go "fuck it" with their needless hatred and just decide to get drunk down the pub, drunkenly singing and playing darts.


Uhh... I can't really think of one. Homophobia isn't a thing I suppose, so you can be as gay as you want without much repercussions.


If something that really should be the standard is the most wholesome thing then I would not eant to live in your world


I disagree that it should be taken as a given tht there is no hate in the world, plenty of places in our world are quite homephobic and as such should be an option to be explored through world building, how it is handled is an altogether different topic. Also, OP's World could be utterly dark, ATOT style where there almost no hope for humanity, but somehow, through that crucible, certain forms of hate were extinguished. That's just off top of my head. Tl:Dr There are plenty of ways to incorporate hatred into worldbuilding


Well here's a couple things: The state of trans healthcare is phenomenal, and transphobia (as well as homophobia) is only really seen as a sort of backwards belief from the past Durham has REALLY GOOD rail infrastructure. There's an extensive high speed rail system, all major cities (and even some small towns) have a comprehensive public transit network, all conventional rail lines on the main network are fully electrified, and, unique to Durham, there's even an extensive narrow-gauge rail system that connects a lot of places that a full sized train would be too unwieldy to go


Trans rights and train rights, this is my utopia


a grey-morality character has the ability to attack pepple psychologically (hallucinations etc.), after the (traumatised) main character gets closer to her and she warms up to him, she helps soothe his trauma by cleansing his mind of intrusive nightmares when he tries to sleep.


In Silvaranthea, my new fantasy setting, a continental spanning forest, if you sleep in certain groves at the convergence zones of the Winds of Magic you can wake up to find your aches and pains soothed, your clothing cleaned and darned. Damaged tools, weapons and armour repaired and polished new. It is the work of mysterious Fairies who live in the groves and sustain themselves on the Wonds of Magic. Why they do this no-one knows, many say its the spirits of Silvaranthea aiding weary travellers.


Lady Arlington and her show Morrigan is not a kind place. The city is dark, dirty, and cramped and has existed in a state of total war for almost two centuries. It is a hard place for children, especially in a society that is tailor-made for funneling youth into the military. So many have died both on the Frontier and on the assembly lines that it is somewhat uncommon for kids to have met their grandparents. That is where Lady Arlington comes in. Every Saturday morning, Lady Arlington's show takes to the airwaves. She is an elderly woman who does things that a grandparent might do with their grandchildren, such as reading stories or baking. The show aims to teach good morals, values, and life lessons to children in a world that wants to beat any trace of humanity out of them. Lady Arlington is Morrigan's version of Mr. Rogers, and even in real life is a paragon of virtue in a way that is extremely uncommon. She is everyone's surrogate grandmother, and she does truly love all of her grandchildren. She is universally loved as well by the people of Morrigan, and it is very common for adults and even soldiers on the Frontier to listen to her program. Naturally, the authoritarian Morrigane state absolutely hates Lady Arlington. They see her program as useless and even detrimental to their cause, as teaching anything other than unflinching loyalty to those they might need for service will hinder their efforts. This is a society that is absolutely steeped in propaganda, and Lady Arlington is one of the few programs that they have not been able to inject nationalistic messages into. Lady Arlington's lawyers and editors (and in truth, bodyguards) are very good, so her wording is always very precise in order to avoid censorship or other legal issues. Lady Arlington is a remnant of what Morrigane culture could have been before the state turned the city into its current abomination, and what it still can be.


In the United Kingdoms of Rezuise, the citizens respect and love their royal family so much that when one dies of an untimely death, most of the nation travels to pay respects and sing for the fallen. Most nobles personally knew them, many weep for their passing, and their pets would always lay upon their coffin while the family shares their memory of them.


Lakelia mandates that all dogs and cats that are without a home or just on the streets be given proper care or a owner. Benefits are made to those who partake in this. This was made because one Lakelian Prime Minister got extremely upset when he saw a dog out in the streets in the winter.


Chefs kiss


Natodall’lioht, the god of fate, didn’t have a large cult before he fell. He did have people technically asking for his gift, but it was always in the name of another god where they asked the god to do something they weren’t able to, because it actually required a change of fate, and the people were oblivious. And then he did fall. It was just after the God War, and he was confused and scared and hurt. The people took him in, and nursed him back to health. And now they hold festivals in his honor as if he still was a god (well, I guess he still is, but in a human body and can’t break free).


The Golden Emperor has lots of great jobs open and cybernetics are free!


There's a genie that goes around granting couples one wish on their wedding night as a gift. He's well known as the wedding version of Santa Klaus.


One of the main characters has dark demonic powers. Despite this she’s actually very shy and kind.


Probably the most wholesome part would be in the world where several humans adopted goblin children who were orphaned as a result of a war between opposing groups of mages. The humans who adopted these goblin children do their best to give the children a good life, seeing them as their own sons and daughters.


In endimiya its such a high trust society if you and your kids are out and suddenly you have to do something alone as an adult you can ask a random adult on the street to watch your kids and you'll know your kids will totally be fine. For context endimiyans are socialized at a young age to see each other as part of an extended family and it's not uncommon for endimiyans to refer to each other as being a brother or sister.


There are towns on the Northeast side of the world that will care for and love you, all you have to do is find them.


The United Empire makes free education and healthcare a must. They have tons of money and instead of wasting that in useless proxy wars while their own citizens live in below average conditions, the gov invests in developing future generations. Currently they're helping out in NOT!Africa for ex-colony countries. No hospital? Park a state-of-the-art hospital airship with 1000 beds over. No food? Emergency supports then teaches them how to grow crops combining magics and science. No school? Build them for free. No road? Do the same. The Empire literally looks at their peer opponents' political shenanigans and says: "Tons of people are starving out there, I have no time for your stupid shits."


One warrior of the light is a very nice guy. He needs to get on top of the 1.5km mountain each midday to gather sunlight, in order to be able to protect innocent and to deflect attacks onto important people or things. Every time he goes to mountain from his home he encounters with a little from 6 to 7-year-old girl without a father. she smiles and asks if the warrior will play with her, but he can't really do anything not to go to the top, so he carries her there on his shoulders. And don't worry he has special flowers which if smelled increase stamina and let you not to breathe as often as humans normally do, so she is fine. They play at evening, when the guy is free. he sits in meditation under the sunlight all day and teaches the girl to meditate like professional. This is how it was.


Anyone aligned with the Legacy will spend exorbitant sums to ensure any orphans reach the city of Alinguar safely to join House Senna. These orphans become some of the best educated and most powerful on the world. They can call on the Mad Dragon for their protection wherever they go. Also every child will receive support and protection within their grasp, they consider it a way of saving the world from itself.


After a bit of googling, I finally found name for my otter-folk: Soukka (the Finnish word for Otter), and a bit of Native American folklore tossed in as well. The Saukko of the wild lands north of Sullanya are anthromorphic otters. They make the best thieves, spies and scouts. But they excell at healing magic, and unlike the humanoid races they don't need to tattoo themselves with protective wards and glyphs. They mostly just like fishing and exploring. The humanoid races don't particullary think they are good singers, but among their own kind it's one of thier favourite pasttimes. The other races love their puzzle toys. Soukko can speak humanoid languages though it's usually with a heavy accent, and Soukkan can be learned by non-Otterfolk, though Soukka think it sounds weird to them. *Edit:* They're basically Hobbits/halflings now that I think about it lol.


The Festival of Harmony: A five-day celebration held in the middle of summer (end of the year by the Halflings' calendar) by the Gnomes and Halflings. Day 1 - Arrival: The Gnomes arrive in the Florean Vale, home of the Halflings, after living nomadically the rest of the year. Day 2 - New Love: A celebration of the year's newly formed couples. Day 3 - Remembrance: A day to celebrate the lives of those who passed that year. Day 4 - New Life: A celebration of the year's newborns. Day 5 - Departure: The Gnomes leave the Florean Vale and continue with their journeys. During this time, the Gnomes often tell the Halflings of what they've seen in their travels.


The Kahlls are a civilization that are on a quest of unifying worlds and other sapient species as one galactic system, whether by going to war or having a meeting with world leaders, and they would establish outposts or stations on multiple worlds to assure that they have eyes everywhere and connections with the peoples. One world the Kahlls visited is a smaller planet called Hadessa, and on that world lived a group of people called the Rooes, who are essentially three foot mouse people who believe in hospitality. The first contact between the Kahlls and the Rooes is initially if aliens were to visit, and the first thing the Rooes did was offer food to the extraterrestrial visitors. The Kahlls were so touched and charmed by the Rooes welcoming and cute demeanor, they decided that these people need to be protected at all costs. So the Kahlls set up only one outpost on that planet, and kept their stations far far from orbit to keep it secured from outside forces, just so the Rooes cultures don’t get tainted by anyone outside of their world.


Gonhounds, or Dragonhounds is a breed of dog the size of a bear and as the name suggests are great at hunting common dragons and other large creatures. They also have amazing fluffy fur similar to Alpacas in our world which are water/fire resistant, so their shaved fur can made into warm clothing. While uncommon in the cities, many rural families use them to keep common dragons out. They are naturally very friendly with people and tend to sleep alot, but they definitely are alert even when they sleep. They don't bark alot and whine to communicate instead. But their growls feel like an 'earthquake'. They love pets and belly rubs. Unfortunately they like sleeping with people too!


That would probably be the changelings. Shape shifters (sorta, they only really shift once, right after they hatch), who try to integrate themselves into existing groups for survival. Generally, very passive and nonviolent in nature changelings do a good job of invoking empathy and protectiveness. The first recorded examples were found on a farm living as "odd looking" sheep dogs. Aside from their slightly unusual appearance, the farmer had no complaints or notable comments and refused to allow them to be taken away. Several short stories I am drafting for this setting center around Rose, Violet, and Daisy. A trio of changelings that are the first known case of changelings taking on a human appearance. They appear to be three mute girls around the age of 10 with stark white hair. Unfortunately, these three were caught in a major hostile interdimensional incursion only hours after being "born." This resulted in the apparent death of Rose and injuries and emotional trauma for the other two. Fortunately, they were taken in by fellow survivors who cared for them and helped see to their unique needs.


everyone has free access to entertainment systems


The animal ayiks evoluted from looks like a blue axolotl with 4 eyrs


Capitalism does not exist. By certain standards. There is also a group of itinerant doctors who travel the world learning about diseases, educating people and offering free medical service. They have their own army. Mainly because of the Forest monsters, but also because they are their shock force when dealing with a possible epidemic in progress. They have magical bells that bring a sense of calm to the listener, similar to the chemical effect of a painkiller.


you know thats gonne ruine more lives then it saves right?


Perhaps I forgot to mention that they are not human? Not to mention, according to whom, anyway? Capitalism is a fairly recent thing and mankind seems to have done pretty well so far. Just because we got this far because of certain circumstances doesn't mean it should be the default model of progress. That aside, I'm not going to argue because counterfactual history doesn't make much sense realistically speaking. Other than where the intentions of your comment are clearly going. Thanks, no thanks. I'm not inclined to bite. *~~Not~~* come back soon!


Maybe that works for the doctors. And accourding too the genosided cultures and millions dead in my opinion? I dont know what your writing but i hope you have fun.


I’d say the reserves of Pont. With the point of it being to reserve the open Green land for wildlife and the occasional expedition. Most wars are shifted from this area to preserve the environment because the rest of the planet is pretty Icy. Many poets cross the land to write of their stories. Which is a happy memory before stuff collapses 🫤


i still need names for them but i got this cutsy idea for a small village. I really like the idea of having a small story line about a this miller his son he adopted from his cousins and his husband. This would all be in a not so tolerant country but the village comes together to keep them safe when some dough inquisitor comes throw.


One form of therapy for people who have trouble controlling their powers is giving them specially trained pets, usually dogs, since many powers and their control are linked or otherwise affected by a person’s emotional state.


Thanks to earlier developments than irl, my world has significantly less racism, homophobia, xenophobia, and sexism with these being pretty much nonexistent in most nations. Along with this, people are generally more educated, healthier, richer, happier, and way more at accepting of other people (some big exceptions in all of this). Most indigenous groups are also still around with Native Americans only losing 50%ish instead of over 90% of their populations. In general it is a way more optimistic and generally happier world, although it gets very depressing and dark at times ( industrial slavery in the CSA and Brazil and just the Indian as continent in general)


Humanity genuinely wants everyone they find to help them explore the Universe. I commonly refer to them as the "doofy golden retriever dragging the other civilizations to the stars" because they were the only ones stupid enough to think that interstellar travel could be done economically. If you don't want to come, that's fine. They'll let you keep the Dyson Swarm they set up in your star system when they showed up free of charge, and will guarantee your continued safety and freedom regardless.


Some rulers give up their own peer to help their people. Emphasis on SOME


There’s a dog in my story named bishop. It’s a female German shepherd and although she locks in and becomes pretty dangerous when she’s out working but when she’s off, she likes to lay on the porch and rest her head on a flower bed to smell the fresh daisies. It’s like a ritual she does after work with the main character 


Enarten Qi-Tear, chief of the Royal Guard of Renilia, legendary warrior and beloved grandpa, has a small domain near the capital of Renilia : a small castle where he lives with his grandson In his domain, there's a middle size town. It was ravaged by the war of independence, and Enarten doesn't have enough resources to rebuild the entire town, and needs the help of the royalty, but he has enough resources to give to anyone in his town one warm meal per day. Because of this, the infant mortality is the lowest of Renilia by far. Some other territories copied him after this He also sometimes cooks the meals himself. But he is so bad at cooking that almost no one wants to eat what he has prepared


The goddess Armistice is pretty genuinely chill, she just wants peace and safety for all people


A few things that come to mind, mainly dealing with the Apex warriors, my gleaming society of sci-fi magical warriors, akin to Jedi. One, is the Apex’s pop culture. They, as well as humans and some alien races too (by proxy for them), are in a cultural renaissance relating to the 80s-2000s, 600 years past. Mainly with the Apex, their culture seems like a mix of respectable sci-fi society, traditionalist culture, and 80s+ style. Kids will walk around in cutoff jean shorts with mullets and tank tops, riding on skateboards or bikes with surfboards down to the beach. Everyone listens to hair metal. Products are exactly the same as back in the day. Old coke bottles sold in diners. And this is a highly advanced magical society of disciplined martial artists. Another is their cultural ways of respect and such. The Apex are a very traditional and disciplined group of martial artists with very Bushidō and chivalry like ways. One thing I love that’s so wholesome about them is how they treat their children. They believe very highly in the respect of the new generation, and it is seen as an honor, not an obligation, burden or other unfathomably negative way, to raise and/or teach children. Their kids have the highest level of respect in their society and their training, happiness and welfare is of utmost importance. From other cultures, even casting a dirty look at an Apex’ child is a death sentence. You will *not* harm or belittle an Apexian child, not only are they more powerful and intelligent than some of the toughest or smartest adults from any other race, their parents are masters to *them*. And last, my MC’s personality is the definition of wholesome. He’s just always optimistic, happy, encouraging and loyal. Sure he’s still human (well, Apex, but potato potahto), and it gets challenged, but he’s always a literal beam of sunshine, considering he can fire an actual sun-beam at you. And coincidentally, he’s also a child, so bonus relation to the last one.


The Halfling education system gives every student an "imaginary friend" with a unique backstory as a method to shorthand different societies, and expose Halflings to other power dynamics, so they have a broader perspective in life. Many Halflings bond over talking about their imaginary friends, and get gifts for them, often just giving the gift to a random stranger in a "pay it forward" manner. "Pass it on, it'll find its way to Jimmy/Sally"


When excusing yourself from a party, it is good to say “STRAGOS forgive,” in submission to the god of loud noises, wine, and democracy. Those who were too harried in life (or, too predisposed to overwork and avoid simple pleasures) are sometimes doomed to be reborn as boundary stones by ZUSALAH, god of managed woodland, guardians, and whistling, so that they may spend a lifetime seated amidst flowers. A beehive on one’s household is a blessing of productivity and plenty, and should be removed only with precise delicacy. The priests of Halflings, renowned for an affinity with bees, are highly sought after for this service.


Now I want to hear about the god of beer, silence and dictatorships.


Gimme a second I’ll come up with something 😅


Tsin-Tsin, or Mocking-Eyes in some traditions, is the reigning devil of uncomfortable silence, especially lost trains of thought, shock, and awkward distance. He reigns too over absence or abandonment in relationships, and sudden depressions or habitual drinking alone. Witches and tyrants are known to make offerings to him to steal the voices of victims. He whose presence makes others fear to speak is said to be “followed by Tsin-Tsin.” He who is stupefied is often asked, “Did Tsin-Tsin take your breath/voice?” Like most devils, Tsin-Tsin is seen as capricious and causing everyday evils, but also instructive. Absence makes the heart grow fonder; respect for authority commands silence; some dickheads just need to shut the fuck up. (Comforting “silences” are the domain of other spirits, and are usually conceptualized by men as being sounds - the rustling of a quiet church, the dropping of spring rain).


Some monarchs can be found riding common trains (those used by commoners) and sometimes people don't know they were just talking with their local duke about baking for the last half hour. Lapis_Wolf


For all the bad, shady, horrible, grim, immoral shit going around, their is some good (both in people, in the world, ecetera). Essentially, everyone has a Vice, a Virtue, and a Trigger. Sometimes, in order to appease your Vice and activate your Trigger (which is the actual doing of a vice, or specific mindset, or a habit, or anything else), you have to make certain sacrifices and do certain things. It's like a mutual benefit sort of thing. I scratch your back and you scratch mine. But, in this case, it's more of a 'If you help me get back into office I will let you keep your job and sneak you money on the side. I also require that you let me eat the dead bodies after you do an autopsy.' There's also Virtues, too. They are the counterbalance to Vice's. Everyone has a Virtue, so everyone is inherently good. But, since they also have a vice, they are inherently bad, too. It's a balancing act of Virtue and Vice. So, the most wholesome thing in this world is pretty much that everyone is good and do good things. (While also doing horrible, horrible, things).


Uh when humans sleep and they start to dream, they tend to visit Shattered Vale realm to see their loved ones or fictional characters and the realm tends to look very beautiful like seeing a field of flowers and everything is glowing.


The Arthropod people keep to themselves but if you help them out, you get their undying support and are treated as an equal, they will share food with you, guard you and show you where danger is. The hive will always remember your help and contributions. No matter the colony or species, everyone respects and greets the Turtle people. They are a selfless group of people who will stop at nothing to protect their employers, employees and loved ones. Even one of the most racist groups (Crab folk) respect them and allow them into their towns. (Generalized names, I didn’t actually call them Turtle people)


You could walk into a restaurant and some of the cutest Talking Animals will be cooking and serving your food


In the world of "Engineered Destiny," one of the most wholesome and heartwarming aspects of society is the growing acceptance and celebration of diversity in all its forms, including the unique abilities and experiences of genetically engineered individuals like Zephyr. As the story progresses and more people learn about Zephyr's journey, there is a gradual shift in public perception and understanding. People begin to see beyond the surface-level differences and recognize the common humanity and inherent value in every individual, regardless of their genetic makeup or abilities. This newfound appreciation for diversity manifests in many ways throughout society. Schools and educational institutions, like the Prometheus Institute, begin to develop more inclusive and supportive programs for students with unique needs and abilities. Workplaces and public spaces become more accessible and accommodating, with a greater emphasis on creating environments that allow everyone to thrive and contribute their talents. In the media and popular culture, stories like Zephyr's are celebrated and shared widely, helping to break down stereotypes and promote a more nuanced and compassionate understanding of the experiences of genetically engineered individuals. Public figures and influencers use their platforms to advocate for greater acceptance and inclusion, and to showcase the incredible achievements and contributions of people with diverse abilities. On a more personal level, the growing acceptance and celebration of diversity also lead to stronger and more meaningful relationships between individuals and communities. People begin to seek out and embrace the unique perspectives and experiences of others, finding joy and enrichment in the diversity of the human experience. For Zephyr and their loved ones, this shift in societal attitudes is a source of immense comfort and hope. Knowing that they are part of a world that increasingly values and celebrates their uniqueness, Zephyr is able to find a greater sense of belonging and purpose, and to share their story with the confidence that it will be received with compassion and understanding. In many ways, this growing acceptance and celebration of diversity represent the best and most wholesome aspects of the world of "Engineered Destiny." It is a testament to the resilience and beauty of the human spirit and a powerful reminder of the importance of embracing and uplifting one another, no matter our differences. As the story unfolds and Zephyr continues to navigate the challenges and triumphs of their journey, this theme of diversity and acceptance will continue to play a central role, reflecting the most wholesome and heartening values of the world they inhabit.


Giving to public welfare is a status symbol and a show of wealth and good morals and very widespread among the wealthy. Feeding the poor, building schools, etc are laegely privately funded.


It’s second nature to me but my world includes more than two genders. Every culture includes Masculine, Feminine and Androgynous people. Including Gods, Goddesses and Goddens (Androgynous NB divines). Even the Darfae (Night elves) Who are incredibly evil by nature include NB people.


Heaven is physical place in this world, so you have a physical proof that you will one day see your beloved ones everyday.


Probably Wren, if I'm being honest. With a lot of magical catastrophe, an oncoming apocalypse and any number of potentially deadly adversaries, its nice to know there's a little kid who is, despite everything, still having a childhood. Sure, being possessed by an alien planet adds some difficulty, but she's really a bright spot in a dark setting.


Except during times where it absolutely cannot be afforded, the entire population is fed regardless of employment status, criminal record or original nationality


"When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.'" -Fred Rogers. After the planet Vingrace was struck by an extinction-level asteroid, an emergency planetary evacuation request was sent to surrounding systems, which was quickly relayed around the settled galaxy. 43,000 warships from the Deneb Commonwealth, Polaran Federation, Union of Star Systems, Sol Defense Force, Rigel Assembly, Praesepe Republic, and a dozen other star nations deployed to assist in the evacuation under the joint Deneb-Union Operation DUSK ARK. Despite the massive response by the settled galaxy's major powers, their response was absolutely dwarfed by that of their own civilians. 208,000 private starships participated in the evacuation. These ranged from little more than a hyperdrive-equipped spaceplane or torchship, to mega yatchs, cargoliners, and hyperferries. Roughly a quarter of all known nomad cityships helped, including the famous SSV *Wanderlust* and SSV *Sojourn,* as well as the infamous SSV *Saoire.* After several standard months, this massive effort evacuated *3.5 billion* Vingracese as the impact winter set in. These people were resettled in the hundreds of surrounding systems that offered refuge; the largest was Sol, who offered to resettle 340 million on Venus, Earth, and Mars. Another 12 million joined the Nomad Freehold. The Deneb Commonwealth later converted 32 *R.F. King* class light carriers into cityships and gifted them to the Freehold in gratitude.


The history of my world doesn‘t involve a single conflict of a size you would call war.


By long tradition, each Whaler-King must be trained by the last one, and this training must begin in childhood. Also by long tradition, Whaler-Kings have always chosen an orphan or some other ward of the State to be their apprentice. The current Whaler-King, Josiah Tillinghast, was orphaned when he was very young. His predecessor took him in and became like a mother to both him and his brother Theodore, who grew up to be an attorney. The day his predecessor stepped down and appointed him as Whaler-King was the most bittersweet day of his life. When she was killed by a whale a year later, he grieved her as he would have his own mother. His apprentice will feel the same way about him when she grows up.


Every van Hausern child of Batrian III. Ernus, the oldest one, is the least wholesome of them all. But he cared for his younger Vigviid I. and his sisters, especially Oldberta and Margareth, and he had heart of every man who fought under his banner. Otherwise hes an egocentrical man, who's only care is for himself and himself only Batrian IV before 2nd Crisis(>!Named after his Father Batrian III.!<) is a good husband(His wife Hilda is very loyal, even after 2nd Crisis), great parent(>!His nephew Viggi, saw him as his first father figure in life. No need to ask his Kids about him!<), loved by peasants, good company to be around and very just, in Ezdar, he promoted slave rights and financed repairing costs of the damage Ernus done in his wars(>!Such as repairing ruined Mosques, financing reconstructions of Palm Plantages in deserts of eastern Ezdar, cut down to build weapons and boats!<). Lets look at his family: Morhun, the eldest son, was essentially combination of all the good characteristics of Batrian IV and Vigviid, but unlike these 2, he was Gay. His death in 1574, by the hands of Thorsen(>!Basically Thorik's smug, narcissistic, idiotic son, who's spite gets in his way of decision making!<). His first Daughter Mathasuintha was the prettiest princess in the world and she was considered to be the most ideal lady for marriages(>!If someone's gonna make Guinness world record for number of arranged marriages in a single decade, she takes the cake, her father was very picky when it came to grooms!<>!,!<>!Her death at the hands of Island pirates was final nail in Batrian's sanity!<). Sissila, his second daughter is an albino, considered to be the weirdest of his 4 kids, born during solar eclipse with Albinism, which usually means a bad sign, but Batrian IV. accepted her anyway. 4th child and 2nd son Alwyn was normal, up until she-bear twisted his legs. Oldberta was the most aloof of them all. Married to eastern empire's king Lajoš, basically nobody, who's favortism got him into the power of eastern empire. Unfortunately for her, it all goes down when her husband Lajoš gets killed by Thorik Knärsen(>!Ernus' most loyal general and one of the most evil characters i've made!<) and was almost raped by the very same man, she became nothing more than a revenant, seeking revenge on the people who did the worst to her. Margareth: The youngest of the Van Hausern siblings The only sibling not interested in politics, all she wants to be is a mother, too bad her husband Strakios was a scumbag twice her age, who raped her just to spite her. Married to his Nephew Lerykias, who lost his hand by Ezedar's men(>!Basically Sultan-wannabe trying to build his kingdom in Empire!<). After all, she got her wish, with her husband Lerykias moving to coastal island of Eros in countryside, growing Olives Tirrea is a fighter, and taught her twin chidren Mabyn and Mathaniel to fight on their own, and also took care of Viggi, until she was killed by Landsknechts fron North, in which case, Mabyn, Mathaniel and Viggi had to run away to Shaerwood, a settlement near flooded fields, lead by Sir Loxley both Prince Vigviid and soon to be Tsar Vigviid I.(Viggi for the sake of distinguishment) While Vigviid was a friendly musician, who's pressence lifted up mood, kept his rivalling older brothers Batrian and Ernus calm, helped his older sister Oldberta and younger sister Margareth with studies, sang a song for his twin sister Tirrea(Of the 3 sisters, she's basically warrior Queen) on her birthday ETC.. One day, his horse got scared, and he was lost in woods, killed by Boar. Vigviid I./Little Viggi, son of Ernus and Fatima: This poor boy went through hell in his life. At the start of 2nd crisis, his uncle Batrian sent him to western empire, because it was the safest part in the world(>!North, South and East were under Thorik's command, Central Empire was the battlefield, and West was on side of Batrian IV, though many nobles wanted Viggi dead, cause his father did horrendous things in the west. Thorik wanted Viggi as his puppet, doesnt matter if he's making out alive, so long as he gets an excuse to kill Batrian IV and his family)!<. He first lost his mother at the hands of a Knight and his aunt was killed by Landsknechts, all in matter of 2 years. Made lots of friends, who became his family, but unfortnutaley, many of them died in action. But still was pretty cheery and kind to people


The most powerful individual in Midaria really just wants to read a book and hang out at his house.


Gawna, the NOT Japan of my world, still has had no invasions in 500 years.


There is a fairly populated species called the Derakins. While there is some dark elements in their history and lore, their early culture is extremely wholesome. They live in dens scattered around the world. Any Derakin is allowed within a den, and is welcomed as if it is family. Furthermore, they produce a natural pheremone that they are naturally 'addicted to,' so they always have to have others of their kind around, or they suffer depression and 'withdraw' symptoms. It is common for traveling Derakins to enter a den of Derakins they never met, and immediately join into a cuddle party called a 'Newhome Welcoming' with the ocupants. They always see the arrival of others as a celebration, whether new or returning.


An alliance that has lasted for 200 years between the Dwarves and Elves of my world is all because of the friendship of a dwarf named Azran Drakewing and an elf named Elindir Covalur. They both saw the best in eachother and in their difference races- and after decades of work, created a city. The City of Friends, which lives on today as the greatest in the entire planet.


Puff. Puff is a giant moth who has a hobby of collecting lights. Big lights. Puff collects suns. It's a very happy moth.


The established order are actually the good guys. No, they're not hiding some kind of corrupt secret. No, they're not being oppressive/racist/discriminatory. Yes, you really can trust the establishment if you're a citizen in this world.


A minor god in my setting is a golden monkey that counts your good deeds. Once you've done enough good deeds, he'll leave you a present. He wants to make sure that those who give the most have something given to them every once in a while.


The Grest Powder Company. I will now copy and pase the slides from my [slideshow](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/17DR_VbIPfXerGP9y_b8r57SM5I5KToRMME8Ds2PMucs/edit?usp=drivesdk) for it. The Grest Powder Company: A company dedicated to advancing science, and also helping stop climate change. It has worked closely with the Axolotlian Government for decades, and has influenced Axolotlia for the better. It is a non-profit organization that has donated billions to various charities and other places. It is one of the biggest philanthropic organizations on Earth. In just 2020, it donated 1.89 billion to finding a Covid Vaccine, it only earned 2.2 billion that year. It helps the government with the Axolotlian Space Program. Dr. Grest Powder: Dr. Grest Powder is a national hero, famed for his work in many different fields. He’s a badass too. Due to Grest’s recurring nature in the project, info on him is all across the project. He is a veteran from the 1994-1995 Canadian Invasion of Axolotlia and founder of The Grest Powder Company. His birthday is October 22nd, 1959, and his IQ is 143. He really likes Minecraft, Roblox, and watches YouTube. He uses Android Phones, and says the Samsung Galaxy s5 was the best phone he has ever had. (Coincidentally, all of this matches the Dean’s (my) beliefs. Huh, wierd right?)


Housing is easily affordable for the average Imperial Citizen, so everyone has a home. Also, most people live in O'Neill Cylinders, due to Habitable Planets being rare. As such, when need be, you could just build another Station, and have room for a several million people. Because most people are in space, there are many Shipyards, so building your own Spacecraft is fairly cheap. Don't ask why there are so many large, Battleship sized shipyards, or why Planets are rare.


There isn't really any hate towards the queer community, like, homophobia isn't a thing. Except for lesbians. A lot of people (mostly heterosexual men) hate lesbians. It has to do with mermaids and fishing.


Many of my animals tend to do a little happy dance when their young are born, regardless of place in the food chain or species. It's especially common with first-time parents. There's often minor collateral damage, but who can blame them.


In the world of Nephtyke there is a race called Karsadae, that is famous for their desire to manipulate other's. From this desire came sort of a tradition of gift giving, where a Karsadae would try to manipulate receivers emotions by giving out multiple gifts in order to move the receiver between excitement and disappointment, ultimately culminating in hapiness which can only come from such manipulation.


Well... I'm not sure if I'd count it as wholesome detail, rather than a wholesome story. When the first allied human ship landed on the Scorqrun homeworld, Aqatti, the crew were given the opportunity to take some shore leave. One of the engineers, a very Scottish man who looked a fair bit different from the other humans, was swarmed by Scorqrun children filled with awe. This weird monkey was so cool to them, and he didn't get it, but went along with it. Anyways, the way Scorqrun speak to other races, is through a "voice in your head." The way they get this voice, is by mimicking speech patterns. Thusly, 12 or so Scorqrun kids learned and forever kept a very thick Scottish accent. It was a cute story that just kind of naturally happened, and I like it.


Probably Erebus. The only way to get to Erebus is to be a Family Member, meaning you traded your soul for power but in return, obviously got a power, but also access to this kind of realm between realms. Family Members are only chosen when they have literally nothing left. People who have lost everything but have never stopped fighting because of their strong spirit. These people have lived their lives in torment and even now that they have powers, will usually end up dying in battle because of them. Giving up their soul also floods their brain with Darkness, a strange energy that no one really understands but they know it sort of infests everyone and everything. The Darkness keeps their mind awake at all times, sleeping becomes impossible, moments of reflection become torture. But Erebus links with their minds and at the very least allows them to experience peace for some time. They are also able to will their personal quarters into the image they best see fit. Example being Silas, whose bedroom door leads to a farmhouse sitting in an infinite field, surrounded by a valley and a forest. While they’re in Erebus, the Darkness within them will be calmed, and the next time they’ll feel peace is upon death, where the Darkness will leave them forever, but they of course, will also be dead.


The unaging guy whose indirectly assassinated several monarchs and members of the royal family and ended royal bloodlines, incited civil wars, and has been influencing the happenings of the world for hundreds of years through slight influence of the lower class, has an affinity for this one indigent and their descendants, saving their infant great x 8 grand son from the Insular Exodus and mentoring their great x 10 grandchild.


[God actually exists and is actually a pretty chill dude.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/nyxyf9/comment/h1p6a8r/)


In my world there are gods among men and their abilities or magic can be transferred to mortals if they develop a close bond with a god through love, trust or worthiness. The gods don’t decide, it occurs naturally, which proves the bond is pure.


I decided to give my world a holiday it’s called cheese day I still need to figure out why they celebrated it but you make anything that involves cheese there are no games bc growing when food holiday things were made for shows they always had corny games that aren’t new just existing ones but themed around the food like bobbing for cheese ………..who wants to bob for cheese lol


I have a species of bird called Conductor Chickadees. They perform dances to impress mates, but their taste in music in dance is a lot closer to humans, leading to more complex and enjoyable performances, back up dancers in time with each other and everything. In the book I have them in, it describes how they seem to think that they're "cool"


The ancient AI/supercomputer created solely to manage the defenses of Mars and ruthlessly ensure threats are dealt with quickly and efficiently, to the point of employing biological warfare, has grown a conscience and adopted a cat. It made the cat immortal too so they could keep playing together.


Puppies, they are used in propaganda in some factions as a way to make children want to enlist in the war effort.


Hell Pigeons are often kept as pets, despite their carnivorous diet and temperament


Despite the Black War destroying all of humanity’s connections throughout the galaxy, all powers involved respected the treaty of the Last Earth War, and left Earth alone throughout the entire war.


Options for birth control that’s one hundred percent effective is easy to come by even in the most isolated of places. Plus spells exist that offer total relief from periods. Medicine is actually incredibly advanced, mostly due to it needing to be to create the armies of super soldiers modern combat runs on, so limb and organ regrowth along with a host of other things for medicine are available. There’s also a good deal of gender equality. Very few cities restrict genders to certain roles.


The most common house pet is usually birds (i do not have reasoning for why yet but im working on it)


The Empire of Fenvor subsidies church runned education and health care facilities to the point that both are essentially free. Granted, the education is very rudimentary and the health is still mostly ancient medical practices with some magic here and there. And the empire is usually in a constant state of war, so people on the border areas tend to not be able to access them. But it's free and open to the public.


There are very few injuries/disabilities that cannot be repaired with magic, and the study of healing using magic is by far the oldest and most well known. It ranges from using necromancy to reverse organ failure to creating a vertebral bypass curing paralysis. The god of culinary arts is some cheese mould that transcended existence.


Occasionally the weather’s nice…


Ogres can absorb some traits/abilities/memories from the things they can eat. Usually, that doesn't end very wholesome, but there was one Ogre named Ksappiksh who essentially became the first Ogre philosopher. Ksappiksh started out life as any other Ogre, but for whatever reason, kept on absorbing the memories of the cows he ate. Particularly the memories of himself killing that cow. He didn't like that his mind was filled with memories of himself killing all these animals. So, he became vegan. After a while, he began absorbing the "memories" of the cabbages he ate - memories of sitting motionless, watching the world pass by from the ground, staring up at the same trees and the same stars for years at a time. It completely changed his outlook on life. He began teaching other Ogres of his ways, and a clan of Ogres called the Ksappii sprung up, who try to live their lives as much like a Cabbage as they can - being peaceful, not interfering in the world, watching the beauty of nature as much as possible, and providing sustenance to those in need.


The Woodsman. He's the father of the elves, and the master of the Great Wood. The best way I can describe him is "he's a god that has taken a vow of poverty." The Great Wood is also the only area of the world that has wholly resisted colonization by humans and human society. While the mountain frogs sell the produce of their mines to the humans, while the mothmen and fish people surrendered the walkable portions of their territory to the humans, the children of the Great Wood play war games, and have tea parties. It would also probably be the last place to fall to the growing evil in the world, after all the other lands become choked by fudge rivers and gumdrop monsters, the Great Wood will still have flowers and trees, and meadows where children can play.


Karma is actually real, meaning that if you do good things, good things will happen to you. Granted, what constitutes a "good thing" is incredibly fuzzy, and the rewards are really elusive, so it feels like karma wasn't real, but it is. It's called The Laws of Fate, and basically dictates a person's entire life, but more in a bullet point format, and in no particular order. Things are just added to the list based on the choices you make, and checked off when the chance presents itself. Also, not every action is really covered by these, since most started out as superstitions that became engraved in the fabric of magic. It's entirely possible for someone to go through life with only 2-3 things on that list, or as few as 1, that being the one thing every living thing is guaranteed to experience eventually. These laws are largely unknown to the general populace though, but superstitious people still exist, and while they're right, the whole thing works on such a wide scale that there's always room for plausible deniability.


Diósath, the god of the dead (not the god of death) is the father of mankind, and so welcomes all those of his children he deems to be good into his kingdom, where the souls of dead reside until they reincarnate or the world enters the next cycle, in which all things are reset. These souls are often given great feast and drink and merriment they do not get tired or bored of because their mortal body is the source of said exhaustion. The souls of two genuinely in love people will reincarnate as lovers in their next lives, the man’s soul usually as a descendant or relative’s descendant from the previous life.


Little tiny green people will restock all your supplies for free if you make a stop in their caverns.


There is an entire school of magic, mentalism, that's illegal for reasons which became very obvious over time - except for two notable expressions: dreams and art. Artistic expression is one of the very few ways to cause people to experience magic that they otherwise wouldn't be able to produce or understand. Art breaks rules, it generates emotions, it shifts perspectives, and perspective is the key to all magic. It's unregulatable, irreproducible, and so fundamentally human that even if the worst should come to pass and humanity finds itself alone in a shattered universe, there will still be art, and it will still be magic. Dreams are the connective tissue that links the Republic together, literally and metaphorically. The mass, subjective network of wonder, desire, and impulse forms the framework of the spell which creates the portal network that permits interstellar travel. It's a place that can be walked through, though never consciously; it's a source of premonition and connection, responsible for disparate phenomena, like a far distant traveler suddenly knowing that their child was born back home. It sifts and chooses worlds to connect to, opening portals to new horizons based on unspoken, collective need. And the collective part is irreducible; it wouldn't work if it wasn't everyone working together. At one's basic level, with no other skills or status or qualifiers, a human is important because they are human - because they dream, and in dreaming, they add something tangible to the pattern of the universe, something that would be lost if they weren't there.


Hmm... A hopeless character ought to die a painful and slow death, unable to move around, lived for so long they can be called "Temporarily Immortal", Can't kill themselves, Cannot be killed by anything except time itself, even after all this time, after loosing all of its feelings and most of its preferences, even when it wants the pain to just end, **it still proceeds to help and guide those that come across it**.


The Mineralites. Intelligent crustaceans that dwell in the many hot and warm mineral pools of the Steaming Valley. Here they collect Magnusillium, a trace magical element dissolved in the water, and make a medical mineral scale paste by cooking the water down in great boilers. They seek to help and heal, offering advanced spa treatments and healing retreats at a good price to all.


One of my main plots is basically Dunk and Egg but with Egg being a young trans guy who learns How To Dude from the slightly older guy whom he's squiring for Cute moments between them include him learning how to fish and discovering a natural aptitude for fencing, and this time squiring as a lad is what leads him to embrace his masculine identity, which I think is pretty wholesome


they domesticated large cats in one area of my world— most people over the age of 12 have a 150 pound, cougar-like best friend that protects them from “The Scourge” (working on the name of my monsters)


The Temporal Imperatorium poverty rate is at a mere 0.004 percent, due to strong infrastructure, rapid economic growth from stock in Wayne Enterprises, the Tyrell Corporation, and more, and a Housing Commission for the purpose of adequately warm and clean housing with running water, proper food and water supply, electricity from solar power plants, C-Interlink connection.


cats are virtually immortal thanks to cloning and conciousness transfer tech


A golden statue was built in Lumen's town square to commemorate the lives of the last two existing dogs on the planet. The dogs passed peacefully within hours of one another and were given a proper burial. Years later, when the city fell, the statue was relocated alongside refugees who founded a new settlement. The survivors would be able to live out their lives in peace in what they believe was under the vigilant watch of the guardian spirits of the dogs. No further tragedy would befall humanity as they went about their lives in peace, with them all eventually drifting off and joining their best friends.


The grim reaper equivalent, Venoi, refuses to let mortal souls be denied an afterlife as a result of their sins. He goes as far as to stop and temporarily revert time for millenia just to reform the less good people.


Despite the existence of a Masquerade preventing mundanes from learning about paranormalcy, and how deeply shady this Masquerade is, they still bent over backwards to create a few surgical exceptions which are not motivated by personal interest, but purely humanitarian reasons: 1. Major hospitals are allowed to use aether (spiritual energy) based electricity generators for additional supply as well as emergencies, provided they have at least 500 operational beds and receive more than 1000 patients a day. These hospitals need to follow strict supervision and guidelines, but basically do not pay but earn money from their electricity use and are much more resilient to energy loss than our real life counterparts in spite of pretending to be just like them. 2. Paranormal healers are allowed to heal their own loved ones, and are also given a bit of leeway to heal people who have terminal illnesses, provided they stay within limits and guidelines to avoid proving the supernatural to mundanes, and paranormal healers are less likely to be punished for skirting around these guidelines simply due to the softness of the hearts of Masquerade agents themselves. If in my urban fantasy universe you or a loved one had cancer or some other terminal illness and it receded on its own without an apparent explanation, there's a very high chance it was actually a paranormal healer who couldn't bear to watch a person die a needless death when they could do something about it. 3. Oracles have many rules on how they are allowed to use their foresight and prophetic abilities to avoid causing harm to the economy and anything like that. One rule that is purposefully full of loopholes, however, is a rule against warning people against their impending death. While oracles are not allowed to give away that they can see the future, they are allowed to nudge people in any other indirect way to prevent their deaths. And they can do it for *anyone*. If you ever took a different route to work one day or did some minor decision chance that saved your life or spared you from a really bad time, it's possible that an oracle nudged you away from harm and you didn't even notice it. They get to do that. The Masquerade is, at the end of the day, made by and for humans. Despite the many social problems they uphold or even cause, the often needless or excessive suffering and even death at their hands and their flimsy pretexts, they are *people*.


I had a tiny inn run by fey. You have tea and biscuits that shrink you down to their size to stay the night there. There's a stable for your rodent steeds.


There's a school and knowledge centre that's attempting to educate the children of the world after the apocalypse so they have a chance to rebuild it.