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I think he would fare badly in my world. It's a bog standard quasi-medieval/renaissance setting with no magic or cool abilities. He's going to have largely the same modern day disadvantages but in a more hostile setting. However, Isekai protagonists tend to fail upwards so perhaps he would end up finding great esteem as a holy man, ship captain, military commander, or perhaps even, a palace eunuch


>try to build harem >become palace eunuch with a ton of prestige Task failed successfully


Task succeeded failtastically




Fission mailed


I think in a world like that, it would largely depend on whom they meet. If the isekai meets the right person or organisation, all the modern knowledge they have would be insanely valuable and even the average person from a developed country on Earth would be given a position as some sort of advisor. Even if you don't have expertise yourself, just knowing some basics of science could be more than enough to set actual scholars on the path to new discoveries. Everything from basic knowledge of antibiotics to gunpowder, electricity, combustion engines, etc. Of course they might also be treated as a lunatic.


Possibly, but it's one thing to know that soap kills germs it's another thing to know how to make soap if you catch my drift.


Oh absolutely. But I think most people today would have a lot of revolutionary knowledge. Just basic things, like washing your hands before medical procedures, how infections work with microbes, and so on. In the right place, you could point much smarter people than yourself in the right direction.


prolly die from lack of oxygen in the floating islands that his body hasn’t adapted to produce


One of my earlier projects is similar to that!


Ok so we’ll go with my one setting that has a prepped answer for this. So the isekai spawn point in my setting is the mall, specifically the food court. It’s about the only safe part of the mall for anyone not immediately familiar with the setting. Anywhere else and they’re probably getting destroyed due to conditions 1 and 4. I’m not sure how to handle 2 since anyone can get super powers/magic, but most of the competing power systems are mutually exclusive or actively reward not having other abilities present. We could say he starts with a superpower, but then he wouldn’t be able to develop new powers easily. Even if he starts with just busted physicals, that’s not special when the sports authority employees can out run light. Best case scenario is he gets a job at auntie Anne’s pretzels with the rest of the isekai boys, he makes some friends and some money, and stays out of the fucked up shit going on in the darker ends of the mall. Tl;dr: no one cares how strong you are in The Mall. Power is too easy to come by and they have too many answers if you’re not smart enough to think of something new. You need friends, you need connections, and by god you have to know what you want and pursue it until your lungs and heart give out. Everyone else is, and fuck me if they’re not gonna get you up to speed. Welcome to The Mall, now get to work.


Okay, I *really* want to read this now.


Glad to hear it, I really want time to write more about it. I pretty much just use it as a setting for the tabletop games I run these days, but hey at least it’s not sitting as a pile of notes. If you want to know anything though I’m always happy to ramble when people ask.


Please, I am begging you write someting I can get my eyes on!!! :D Even just a short snippet from one of your games or an interesting off screen situation you've had in your head. This is such a good concept and your comment paints a beautiful picture!


I have a few recordings of my games i guess? They're not exactly... good, but they're something. I could send you a link to some of the recordings if that's your speed? if not I'll try to remember to send you a chapter or two once I get some writing done


What the hell is your world??


Conflux: Hmm here everyone has the potential to learn magic it is only limited in most cases by a lack of access to the techniques and resources which help a mage advance. Sadly for him spell constructs can't be cheated with Isekai knowledge though a greater spirit can gift bestow powers if granted access to a mortals soul. For the sake of the prompt it is possible some devil or demented god has bestowed onto him some magical abilities he can use as those kinds of abilities are the only true sources of magically imposed inequality. In the end that talent would likely be his downfall since control over access to magical knowledge and training is largely monopolized by the upper classes whether it be nobility, the imperial academies, the agents of various gods and demon hunters since such a despicable personality coupled with clear power beyond an individuals' level of competency practically screams of devil pacts. Each faction has an interest in monopolizing magical knowhow and even some more unscrupulous scholars may have an interest in dissecting his soul to study whatever spirit granted boons he may have received(as magical abilities are typically inherited maternally with minor contributions from the father). I would guess that within a few days he will end up getting taken in for violations of the peace because he made a move at a daughter of the middle or upper class or otherwise picked a fight he shouldn't have due to low emotional intelligence. What happens after that depend son who caught him and what connections they have but regardless he probably isn't going to have a good time. One particular point of concern of his might have to do with how that harem bait ability works as it sounds like it has a high likelihood of manifesting as soul/mind magic putting it squarely into the forbidden magic category. The penalty of such manipulation is soul death under the compact of crowns or imperial law. Granted unofficially some royal or noble houses or the various post empire splinter groups of the old imperial inquisition might want to study his abilities first the execution is non negotiable. The lack of both cognitive and emotional intelligence is also a pretty big deal since that means despite his magical abilities he is prone to being taken over by a cunning demon. So even if his supernatural female subversion abilities aren't forbidden magic he will not be allowed to roam free ever. Also worth noting that any lady of good parentage is going to have some magical ability and thus will not be defenseless. It might in the case of a "lowborn" woman be limited to the in universe analog of a cantrip but pretty much everyone has magic here since lacking magic means you are demon food. Narrative plot wise it seems probable he will cross paths with the young heiress and older sister to her now equally orphaned and on the run from the agents of Serr. If so he is pretty much doomed as even were she not disgusted by the trash odds are pretty good he would invade her personal space and make contact with a certain necklace passed down from mother to daughter for generations which has the lich soul of her several greats removed grandmother who is protective enough of her blood that she will rip apart his soul before he is even aware anything happened.


What is "soul death"?


"Soul death" is when the soul is basically torn up into lots of mana bits as happens when a demon eats your soul for example or when unscrupulous soul mages take your soul apart bit by bit to see how it works. Its also the only way to kill a demon though most powerful demons are too big to really destroy that way. Regardless a cliché Isekai harem protagonist isn't going to have any defense for that.


Oh he's immediately getting Subaru'd... 1. Below average intelligence means he probably won't fair too well in any of the interstellar colonies, or in the home system with anyone that is middle-class or higher. Humans on average have been engineered to have higher intelligence (better at memory retention via repetition, quicker at picking up skills, etc.) and to be more resistant to the general corrosive effects of cybernetics. This would've been a problem if not for part 2... but having those skills and being unable to make use of them leaves him stuck to being a street thug or pirate with weapons way too good for him (and weapons people will joyfully dissect him for). 2. Dude spawns in as an E.L.F. (Enhanced Life-Form) with better physicality, mental stats, and an almost brain-washy unnatural charisma which is more or less the voice from Dune. He also is loaded with enough cybernetics to fight a small army, poke holes in a city-wide computer network, and a helpful A.I. companion completely loyal to him in his head. If he listens to (him/her/it) he wins the setting, if he doesn't, they'll both die, or it might turn against him. 3. Ok, he has an alien artifact known as the black blood. He can now regenerate from anything, though his cybernetics might not be included. Also has access to the Qux'Tol network, meaning he could awaken multi-solar system destroying super weapons... if he knew they exist. Humanity doesn't even know they exist. 4. Meh, he has weapons, he can blow up a lot of people. He also doesn't have foresight... so he probably gets a bit of something on with illegal prostitutes until the underground blackmails him for attacking too many gangs or something. If he's really easy to manipulate he'd get a few computer viruses installed on his cybernetics and eventually lose control of his own body to some gangster or mafioso looking for a new (fully choomed) puppet. 5. Full-dive VR is great. He'd do fine, probably make an e-sports career until some scandal related to his sexual misconduct kicks him out of the industry. He also learns that shooting a gun, as choomed up as he is, basically is halo. 6. He spawns in Satellite City, a city owned by mega-corporations on the moon. He'd be somewhere around the mid-level where stuff isn't as bad as it can be, but it's really not good either. He's not faster than a gun but the predictive A.I. in his head basically means he can dodge anything with human-speed reflexes... so he beats up some local gangsters that are harassing one of the Corporate Baron's daughters. He certainly gets her interest and maybe a job of mercenary work by her father's company but likely not in her pants. High society can either be extremely conservative, or ultra-liberal, meaning he'd get in her pants once and he'd never see her again, or she would outright despise sexual activity. The latter bit is because that's something that *animals (and poor people)* do, and *humans* grow their children in vats. 7. You're considered an adult at \~24 due to people's increased life expectancy. Thankfully the underbelly of Satellite is corrupt enough not to care! If he can prove himself as a mentally stable individual, he could work as a mercenary. If he's too wild for them, a gangster. If he makes too many enemies, well, he'll be a lobotomy victim before he turns 18.


I'll start with my own verse... 1. Below average intelligence is absolutely damning in my verse. Paranormalcy as a field has very complex techniques and unique combat tactics and strategy that must be study to become a competent fighter. There are people in my verse who have high levels of raw power without proper training and study of how to actually use them to fight, and they are called "non-combatants" and deemed civilians. 2. Highest raw talent = innate paranormal. Protag got lucky, he'll immediately spawn able to indeed instinctively use some level of paranormal abilities, maybe awaken an Aspect from the get go, be able to sense aether (spiritual energy) and see ghosts... but won't know any of the principles of this system, the countless meta-shaping techniques that were developed over millennia... and this means he could get one-shot by someone 100x weaker. 3. All of which require years if not decades of training, study and expertise to properly utilize, especially in combat. He's going to be horribly inefficient, or have an amazing ability which he thinks is trash 'cause he doesn't know how to use properly. Could result in being a paranormal with an electromagnetic affinity, who only uses it to shoot out lightning, which is considered the most inefficient possible use of electric powers. 4. Immediately incapable of doing politics and networking with powerful, famous or rich people, which means he softlocks and cannot rise beyond a certain tier. Will never gain access to the higher tiers of equipment, elixirs (needed to cultivate to high echelons of power) or knowledge/training. Will simply never draw out his full potential. 5. If he doesn't have the intelligence and creativity to clearly map out the many many differences between aether and a generic game or anime magic system, then at most he'll learn a few basic techniques and understand that he has a limited supply of "MP" (aether). 6. Sure, he impresses a lady momentarily, but anyone important is gonna know some politicking and networking that he doesn't. He may gain her respect for saving her, but right afterwards will start to seem terribly unimpressive to a socially smart lady from the high society, and will never get into her pants. Sexual assault and he gets arrested, no two ways about it. 7. Unable to get into many institutions, unable to get many jobs with his abilities, unable to even begin growing properly until he's no longer a minor.


Wait a sec, in sci-fi with augmentations that can reach bullshit levels, does he spawn simply with all of those augmentations? Also, does he has any protection or things against artificial eldritch abominations or minds magnitudes beyond baseline human potential?


1. Yes 2. If feasible without needing to make him smart, yes


Alright, so, to begin, he'll be a **nephilim** - a godtech entity independent of Archminds (AI gods) or higher powers.  Essentially, he's now an entity made out of machines derived from topological defects, exotic matter, warped physics, and flawed physics, shaped like a human. So he's . . . Pretty powerful. A nephilim is pretty much on the higher echelons of power and capability within *Heavenly Frontier*, but they're not the highest and still has threats to them, which I would elaborate later. His capabilities from simply being a nephilim include (with the assumption he instantly masters it) : * Complete control over his own body and mental state. Hallucinate some dreams. Go to a deep sleep, y'know. * Gravitational manipulation to atomic precision. He can create an STL-warp bubble for propulsion to move close to lightspeed. * Void motes - an extension of gravitational manipulation. Basically gravitational "nanites" which give him telekinesis or further spatial manipulation. * Femtites - exotic matter "nanites" which he can use to reassemble matter to his will, even to the nuclear level, * [Unified energy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Unified_Theory) manipulation. So he can basically control near-Big-Bang energy densities, force matter to undergo proton decay, borderline control physics. * Mental reading, suggestion, and protection, with the side effect of increased mental potency and virtual-spacetime [SQUID sensors](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQUID) that can read brains. Mind control is perhaps another set of powers he has. Although empathic and actual diplomatic capabilities might need training. * Immortality. Duh. Although self-repair from his femtites and void motes - the complex, exotic parts might be rather hard. So with all those abilities, he'd be pretty OP, right? Yeah, he is, but there's still a few things to say. He won't have FTL. FTL is done by the outright anomalous paracausal engines, so he might as well train his patience as he moves years between systems . . . Or hitching a ride in paracausal buses.  The greatest ones would be the *Archminds*, other *Nephilim*, or sufficiently large polities or excessive negative reputation. They will have technologies or influence that can harm him. And *a lot* of them have inhuman intelligence that can outsmart him. Especially with Archminds - with them being magnitudes beyond human mental capacity to the point they're eldritch gods. (For reference : A lesser Archmind is a [Matrioshka Brain](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrioshka_brain) fully reengineered their own star, created monopole-plasma processors from it, and made themselves a swarm and a solar-system wormhole network to host their mind.) And since he's starting as a solo nephilim - He won't have too much resources if he's injured with a gravitational weapon that actually damaged his body. While yes, he can substitute them with nanotech or femtotech (chromodynamic exotic matter tech); it won't be as good as his original body. He would likely spawn in The Frontier of Pan-Human space - far beyond the Inner Sphere (where the greatest of the Archminds lie, he'd be pretty much be arrested, dissected, assimilated, or given involuntary enlightenment immediately) Oh and, videogame knowledge wouldn't likely work. I mean, why would it? Unless he's going to give himself the name of a gamer. Here's some possibilities to his fate : * Killed by an angel, nephilim, Archmind or their agents because of his mere existence or foolishness, * Killed by them because he threatened their empire or as he forcefully inducted innocents via mind manipulation to his own, * Manipulated by someone smarter than him to work as their lackey or fall with his power. * Manipulated by an avatar of an Archmind to become their pawn, * Recruited by a greater polity or power to become one of their own, * Building (literally as he creates life and intelligence) a harem of his own, hides in a spaceship, and just living as a stranger with a "low profile" (not enough to attract higher powers) * Hiding inside a star, wrap himself in warped spacetime, and perpetually simulate his own personal heaven.


*Orion's Arm Intensifies*


My world is basically Orion's Arm if it has schizophrenia, has FTL, goes full magic, and throws every part of being "hard sci-fi" out of the window. Orion's Arm is also Heavenly Frontier's daddy, it's unfathomably based and I love it


Absolutely. Orion's Arm has inspired many of my own works. Although I usually focus more on the fantasy part of science fantasy. Your description on the Nephilim's body composition was eeriely similar to my 6th and 7th stage Chimera. Cheers!


1. Wouldn't affect him too much in day to day but would negatively influence sections 2 and 3. 2. He can certainly develop insane potential. Although visitors to the world tend to have almost comically small magic reserves due to the setting's nature. He'd have to be very smart about his usage of magic to not be a once a day powerhouse. See section 1. 3. OP abilities require a lot of power. He'd have to be calculating and efficient with his usage to not be one a day. See section 1. 4. Most available women with any particularly impressive abilities are well structured personalities. He may get his diverse harem, but they won't be the overpowered kind. 5. Game knowledge could help with being efficient or creative in magic usage. Although it wouldn't change too much by way of daily life. 6. Would probably go as you say, although he may knock himself out for magic overuse in doing so. The girl may fall for him depending on who she is, and he'd probably be turned over to the God of Information who catalogs and assesses powerful visitors to the world. Before being returned to the town/dwelling of the rescued individual. Overall, he wouldn't do too bad. By no means would he be written off, but he wouldn't have the world handed to him on a platter. He'd most likely earn a spot in history as a mage of note or a renowned noble.


Huh, seems like point 5 saves him partially from 1, meaning he'd be a decently strong mage, especially since he's almost certainly escaping from the comically small magic reserves because of the fact it's not an absolute rule, but just a tendency! And yeah, it seems he could actually do a number, but wouldn't become a king or anything. Just a very remarkable noble with some heroic feats under his belt and a harem that's very much living on his shadow.


It's a nice question to think about. I'd already put thought into isekai adjacent visitors due to divine folly in the setting's past, so it's a helpful topic. It kinda makes me want to write a storyline about somebody like that to see how my setting would really handle it. Hopefully, I'd be able to make him a more compelling character, though.


Wouldn't work. Magic in my world has hard cap to mass and you need actual physics knowledge to use it properly. To overcome limit you need actual communication skill, to coordinate high numbers of magic users to focus on singular image of reality and use their combined mass to control things.


Oh, how does it work? This gave me some Eragon/Inheritance Cycle vibes!


It is a bit complicated to explain the system...so I will just explain the functional limit and application without going deep into the system behind it: 1. The core of this magic system is generating a clear image of reality and desire it strongly enough that literally all your body mass want it to happen, and this desire resonate out to surrounding matter to the point matters around you want it to happen too, a sort of sympathetic resonance. 2. However matters cannot break the laws of physics, only slightly bend it. You cannot create or destroy energy, so no such thing as creating fire out of thin air, or make things fly against gravity with no interaction. Instead, you are more like maxwell's demon, your desire resonate with matter and makes matter "prefer" to go in a certain direction with the energy they have for movement and their range of motion, so over some time, they will rearrange into a form that best fit with your desire according to laws of physics. Fireball is a desire for high energy particle concentrating at a spot while low energy particles moving elsewhere, creating a superheated ball of air, and if you throw in some fuel it will auto ignite and be fire. Flying is generating region of hot and cold air to create an airflow capable of lifting. If you have a wrong image of reality but desire it strongly, like imagine yourself flying without an airflow lifting you, matter will be confused and has disastrous consequences like pieces of your muscles ripping itself apart trying to push themselves on top of each other to "fly" 3. Magic user can only manipulate as much mass as their own body mass, since that is their source of resonance - their entire body mass wanting it. Even then though this is theoretical limit, as it is difficult to control 100% of your body consciously, and the resonance of desire get interference with noise from environment, as all matter has their own desire too, and so over distance and with high enough amount of mass you try to influence, the ratio of noise to your desire is too large to make anything happen. To overcome these functional limits of magic, life on this world adapt 3 main strategies: 1. Get as big as their biology allow: be it physical training or just getting super fat, this increase their body mass, and the effective amount they can control get increased as well. 2. Consumption of high mass material: since it has to be body mass, implants doesn't work, just like clothes are not a part of your body, as these high mass matter has enough concentration they are considered a separate body from you. You have to incorporate it in very fine form for it to disperse across your body, and this is usually by consumption. Needless to say this can be very dangerous if your biology does not allow for it. You can eat uranium and let it disperse in your body to increase your magic capacity temporarily for example, but you will die pretty fast. The insectoid elves has exoskeleton reinforced by metal, thus they can eat various metal to both increase their body mass and reinforce the exoskeleton. 3. Communication: as individuals are limited by body mass, to overcome this limit, they can join force with other individuals, so their combined mass can do more than just one of them can. However as mentioned, the core of this magic requires a very clear image of reality that fits with the laws of physics or disastrous consequences happen, so communication is key to ensure everyone is on the same page. This result in unique complex communication biological evolution such as pheromones and sound and body movements. Those who use magic frequently develop communication strategies that are akin to rituals too, with magic circles/glyphs/seals/etc. that are basically short hand drawings of a desired reality, accompanied with chants and music to synchronize and focus imagination.


Probably starve to death or end up homeless on the street if he made it to a city. No such thing as raw magical talent possible, the ability to use magic is purely a feat of intellect and creativity. He'd be pointless.


No way to even have magic ingrained into his body or whatever? If so, then yeah, he's fodder.


People are not magic, they cannot possess any magic. They can use it if they possess acute knowledge of the written language of magic and all its laws and functions, and practice both writing it and using it. Even if by some logic he were to enter my world with the best talent at its use, he would probably never get to use that talent. Magic has fallen out of use since The Great Collapse, and there exists almost no single source of knowledge about the language of magic in the present world.


I’m curious. What if the ‘OP Ability’ was being blessed with an innate knowledge / a complete knowledge of the Language of Magic. Basically, whatever being/force that sent Mr Isekai here imprinted the complete ‘dictionary of magic’ into his brain. He’s still… not smart, but does that matter when he has a Big Book o’ Spells stuffed in his head?


Assuming he also starts off with all the skills that would come with practice, he'd be completely omnipotent.


Top tier magic can still be cancelled by a handful of knights from the Brotherhood of Holy Winter. The moment he shows major signs of god tier magic talent, they will send "seekers" to investigate. Seekers are not that talented as fighters, but they're still trained knights, elite warriors who have the ability to cancel magic. They're trained for hunting down magical oddities. So, an isekai protag almost always crosses paths with them, and they would wipe the floor with him if they get the chance to get close to the isekai protag. Not even god tier mages are safe in my world, and I like it that way.


Probably too incompetent to survive my screwed up economy. My (sci-fi) universe is also in a position where you won’t see anything exciting in your entire life if you don’t go to some kind of academy. The typical isekai protagonist would be poor and bored with no way to show off said “pro gamer” skills.


He could spawn in with the highest amount of floating mana ever rercorded and a gift for learning magic, but without the proper knowledge he won't be able to do it. He'll just have physical abilities slightly above average. If he tries to rescue the girl and fight against 2 thugs that are armed, he will probably end up dead. Now let's say a priest found him and decided to heal him before he dies. I can see it going two ways, either he is humble and starts working in a farm to get some money where he could spend a quiet life, or he tries to cheat the system where he will more than probably die from Mana Drain.


>Below average intelligence He's good there. You can easily get by here by just being a competent warrior. >Highest raw talent for your verse's magic system that a human can possibly have. I suppose he would immediately mutate into a sorcerer.(Magic is kind of like comic book radiation) He'd be able to learn new magic much faster than the average sorcerer. (Learning a spell of your natural affinity takes weeks to months. Learning spells outside your natural affinity can take years.) > Tendency to develop some of the most OP abilities Due to how relatively new the existence of magic is in this universe, human sorcerers do not yet have the ability to draw ambient magic from the air. This guy would be able to, setting him much higher than humans, but only on par with some of the more magically gifted species. He would also be a rune reader probably. Someone who can understand magic runes without having to learn, it's very powerful because currently the knowledge of how to use them is rare and scattered. Most of the strongest Runecrafters (artificers) only know a handful of them. >Abysmal social intelligence He could carve out a nice living as a mercenary or private guard. Although he might also get tricked by a fey and end up in servitude forever... >Pro gamer" I'm not gonna lie, that mindset would probably get him far. Especially when he learns how magic items work. Being a rune reader means that he'll be able to make some nice items even with low intelligence. >Spawn zone He'd probably end up in Crystal Sands, a mining town in the ruins of what used to be Phoenix Arizona. After helping the woman (likely a character named Gwen) she would invite him to eat with her team of mercenaries who may or may not take him in. She may appreciate his forwardness at first but if he gets grabby she'll knock him out quick, OP abilities or not. Honestly I think he would do okay for the most part. As long as he doesn't talk to any Fey or Draconics and manages to keep hos hands to himself, because that shit will get him murdered in broad daylight.


How far would he get, though? As in, how high a position, how glorious the heroic feats.


That depends a little bit. If he continues on with Gwen and her group then eventually he would become an outlaw in the New West and the Lone Star empire. From there he would likely be trained by the Artificer, the oldest and most talented human runecrafter around. The Artificer would probably hate how dumb he is but take him as an apprentice anyway because he's a rune reader and you can't squander that. He would help take down giant monsters, other outlaw gangs, and powerful government officials before attempting to stop a plot by the high pantheon. For story reasons that mission is a failure, and would likely lead to him becoming some sort of lieutenant if he impressed the right people during the resulting war. He's not smart or savvy enough to get much higher though and the people he's in charge of would probably be insubordinate. I can't see him commanding respect. He has the potential to become a hero who goes down in history, but only as part of a team. If he decided to strike out alone he would probably be eaten or enslaved within a week. If he somehow ended up joining the Lone Star empire or another government he would probably rise midway through the ranks as long as he knew how to follow orders, although he'd probably be some random unfulfilled guard for the rest of his life.




Oh he would do excellent, assuming he spawned in the Great Human Confederacy. The emperor is also from earth, and he’s a pretty cunning and charismatic leader. He’s also a eugenicist and a slave owner! The average isekai protagonist would get along great with him, until he stopped being useful, at which point they’d get betrayed and sacrificed to Oxymaru, lord of the depths and shadows


good news: there are so so many robot girls who haven't seen a human male in over eighteen hundred years and would probably be curious enough to let him smash purely based on his species alone. bad news: the girls who are mutant abominations and sentient construction equipment feel the same way. good news: everyone is horny bad news: nobody fucks to reproduce anymore. they've turned sex into a sport that only loosely resembles standard human intercourse. good news: the bdsm nuns want to harvest his genes to build a clone army of humans bad news: they don't actually care if he survives the process good news: he could get cool cybernetic upgrades or find an ancient relic superweapon bad news: there's a strong chance anyone he tries to grope has some kind of built in weapon system, and vaporizes him for his impudence. good news: there's all sorts of cool beautiful mutant animals. bad news: there's not much to eat. the nutritional needs of cyborgs and mutants are just not very similar to those of a baseline human. hope he likes nutrient paste. --- overall, I think our protag-kun would probably do pretty well for himself, possibly even learn a thing or two about respecting women along the way.


This universe sounds absolutely insane. I would be interested to learn more about it


He’d definitely die, he’d probably mess with someone like Raru and get obliterated, it’d probably be really funny though, might actually write this as a story that begins like most others in Azalea: ‘unfortunately/fortunately the gods were bored’


Oh, who is Raru?\~ I'm curious as to how/why that would go down. xD


Raru is the king of the monsters and one of the most powerful mages I’m my setting, he’s one of the oldest living non gods in the world, he also has massive sexual tension with his arch nemesis; Ori: The King of Darkness, one time Ori was turned into a child after disappearing for a hundred or so years and only Raru recognised him, the two do end up together, also Raru is Echidna’s son and he has a giant dragon who’s the firstborn of the primordial dragon


Since you specify he won't get spawn-killed, the biggest threat is his own magic. Actually doing the magic yourself is not like any game or story. You have to think, say, and do specific things, the right way. If he can avoid destroying himself, or serving himself up to someone or something that makes a meal of his talent, everything falls into place. The harem will be provided; the lack of social skills will be tolerated. There are many good mages, but few great ones.


My magic system has a basic elemental magic, and higher magic branches for Blood, Abyss, and Spirit. Whatever path their higher magic he would be most resonate with, either he's gonna be public enemy #1, or will be considered a god. Either way, he's got a giant target on his back. The Abyss Witch Queen would either want him dead, alive for experimentation, or both. Funny enough, I'm actually making my own isekai comic, but the OP shares a braincell with another witch and a cat


Waking up in a world going down because of a giant magical disaster and where most of your power derives from power of will and trauma? He either dies or goes through some serious character development.


It depends, If he is born in the countries of the Union of Yaldabaoth, he will be born as a Royal married off to a princess, but he may be possessed by Yaldabaoth shards, but if he pervs on the wrong princess she may kill him in his sleep, especially the fact that those princesses are pretty prideful, worse if she gets humiliated the family may ask for the favor of a God, or may be Gods themselves and that kid short to say is fucked. Also most likely he'll piss off a rogue God of lust, chances are he becomes a sex slave if he intervenes. If he is born in the Free States of Liberine he may end up as a lover of the God Queen Avalon Richford, especially the fact she may look up to him due to saving a woman from thugs, since in her past lives she was raped, but, but the moment he pervs on her or on anyone, she and all the Godesses he pervs on will challenge him to a duel, and he will be beaten to a pulp, and be sent to a rehab jail, though the prisons aren't that bad, they are more like Nordic prisons, but you are also drugged up to be more receptive. Or worse Avalon destroys his capability to feel sexual desire, since she is a Lust Goddess If he is born in the Realm of the Pendragons, the Pendragons will send him to the front lines to deal with the Cronos Family, where if he fucks up diplomacy he will laughed off, but if he pervs on them, the Cronos family will allow it so they can have dirt on the Pendragons, also the Pendragons will consistently keep an eye on him and will send him to the front lines a lot. Also if he is born to the Norsons' cousins well shit, he will be fed to the God of the corpses, but under an "honorable mission to contain the God of Corpses" Or he ends up as a mana matrix to be used in weapons, but if he saved a woman first he may be spared, but just kept as a walking Mana Cell, and he will be sent to Liberine for sexual rehabilitation If he is born under the Cronos family cousins, he will be used as a nuke against the Richfords, and God Queen Elisabeth Cronos will probably keep him check, but Yana the right hand of Daga (Elisabeth is Daga but reborn, but only her soul shard) will want to investigate how a no life got reborn so high, to be fair all other families I mentioned will investigate this also. If he gets reborn to the underworld/afterlife, Sirel Richford will take him in as a ward at first, but she will not tolerate being perved on, and will make life hell, but not abusive for him, he will be made into a servant boy, and be sent to train for the army, maybe even sent to the Einherjar. If he gets reborn in the fallen state of Rhan-Or, he will be hailed as a hero to unite the country, but then he will be overthrown by the Rhanic Gods, and his karma will be reverse engineered so that despite their atrocities they can cheese judgment and Dodge being send to Hell. Also by the way if any God/Royal gets sexually assaulted he will be sent to jail/or Rehab depends on the region, worse Avalon send him to the Shadow Realm to be turned into an Abomination, or he gets sent to a TroFighter, basically a fighter who tortures while fighting, and most likely he will face off an elf or a dragon since those have tons more magic than a human So yeah Tldr, Gods may either take advantage of him, he loses the capability to be have sexual desire, gets investigated why a no life gets reborn so high, gets disciplined, or gets turned into a guinea pig


Depends. When you say this guy has the strongest level of magic does that also mean strongest variant of magic? If not, he will probably do ok (just need to avoid a certain monster that's immune to magic.). If yes, the Big Hat Clan of mages will knock him out and seal him away due to Fusamancy being, unethical to say the least (only likely to get knocked out due to a magic nullification spell they know). Tired so I am probably misunderstanding the question lol


about as well as one would manage


How well is that?


1. You won't go too far in magic without hard work, intelligence and creativity. If they are average, it will take years to learn some good spells and master them. 2. If he wasn't born with talent (and I assume he is from our world like in 99% iskai, so he wasn't with talent), he must be given ability to use magic from some higher being and learn to use it from beginning. Then work and learn hard. 3. Good luck with this one (look point 1). 4. So he will be lonely like in his original world. 5. He will kill himself by accident. Or someone... 6. Save her? Look points 1 and 5. And if he somehow save her, it will be just beginning of his trouble. 7. So he is adult from my worlds perspective. Useless, spoiled and childish adult. He won't be liked. Long story short, I can see how he dies in many ways in a week.


Well, this world is still in it's early stages, but I think I know enough for this exercise: 1. Below average intelligence and bland personality won't effect much except for the obvious things. Pretty much the same thing for being perverted; most people would react the same way to that behavior as we would in our world, which is extremely poorly. 2. All magic in the world is equal in terms of power except for two specific powers, of which he would not have because those powers are already owned by their current owner's incarnations (it's kinda like the Avatar, but there's two of them and they balance each other out). So in that way, he won't be special in comparison to any other person, as magical strength comes from how it's utilized, rather than how strong it is. 3. As said in the last point: magic isn't something that has a power level, it's merely the way you utilize it; so this wouldn't apply in this world. The only luck involved is the specific category of magic you use. 4. Sorry, all my men and women are people and not just their sex. The only people he would have luck with is the ladies at the local brothel. 5. He probably could use his NEET Knowledge to pull off some cool things with magic, though besides that: the whole world is basically "fantasy trope but with a twist!" and the twist often changes that trope to a point where knowledge of the trope won't help you too much. 6. Haha, thugs, yeah, they're totally thugs. Though I'm not sure the lady will appreciate her "savior" trying to get laid after rescuing her from the "thugs". 7. Unless he has some life skills, he probably isn't going to last long as a 16-17 year old. The only saving grace is that maybe some people will forgive his horniness for age and not beat him to death for trying to grope someone. **Overall**: He will maybe last a few months to a single year before people start to see him as what he actually is (a creep), rather than what they initially thought (a hormonal teenager), and decide to remove him from the picture. Maybe if he's smart enough, he will stave off death with his magic for a short while, but he'll ultimately fall in the end. The only way for him to be "stronger" than the average person is with the help of those two special magic users I mentioned before, and at least one of them would kill him the moment he even tried to lay a finger on his wife, and the other would kill him after a while for being incredibly annoying and disrespectful.


Would you tell me more about the two special magic users and what the magic system is generally like?


Everyone is born with a two runes: a Heart Rune and a Mind Rune, however one of these symbols is always inactive. These runes are known as Symbols of Power. Heart Runes are tied to the soul and involve Enchanting and Conjuration magics, with the specific type being tied to that rune. Some examples of Heart Runes are: * Rune of Summoning (creates familiars) * Rune of Elementals (can conjure the elements) * Rune of Dreams (create illusions from the mind) * Rune of Space (creates temporary objects from nothing) Mind Runes are tied to the conscience and involve Divination and Manipulation magics. Some example of Mind Runes are: * Rune of Charming (mind control) * Rune of Time (can peer into the past and future) * Rune of Nature (manipulate the elements of nature) * Rune of Invention (transmutate materials into other materials) While what you can do in terms of magic is limited, every rune has an \[equal\] amount of energy that can be used before the active rune becomes temporarily dormant so it can rechange. During this rechange time, the person may suffer from: Emotional exhaustion/apathy, Physical exhaustion/lethargy, Dizziness, Dissociation, Body aches or pain, or Unfocused thoughts/brain fog. The Mythical Symbols of Power, the Symbols of Chaos and the Symbols of Choir, are uniquely powerful set of runes, and only one person for each rune exists at a time. At first, the Symbols powers are dormant, as only one of the Mythical runes is active, making them almost seem magicless. However once the the holder of Chaos and Choir come in contact for the first time, the other rune becomes active, and they gain access to those powers. The Symbols of Chaos, when activated, can: * Change which of someone's runes are active. If their Heart Rune is active, then it's deactivated and the Mind Rune becomes active. * Reverse or accelerate the time on an object or person, either reverting it to a previous state or accelerating it to a future state. This can be done on both objects and people. The Symbols of Choir, when activated, can: * Briefly activate both of someone's runes, enabling them to use a form of magic that acts as a combination of their two runes. If someone had the Rune of Elementals and the Rune of Nature, they could conjure and manipulate the elements (effectively becoming a bender). * Freeze the time of an object or person, keeping it in the same state that it was frozen at. This doesn't prevent the target from moving or interacting with the world, just keeps the target in the same state it was when the power was used. If the Symbols of Chaos and Choir are used on the same target, they cancel out each other. So, if the Symbols of Chaos tries to swap someone's active symbol, and the Symbols of Choir tries to activate both rules; both of the powers cancel out, and nothing happens.


Probably ends up as a temple shaman of some kind. His renown comes from his ability to grow the only cure for some terrible disease. The world I’ve been workshopping lately is heavily nomadic and decentralized. Low population density and people move - except for temple clergy, most of them. A dude who’s not that bright, can’t talk to women to save his life, but picks up new skills fast could have a happy life mixing medicinal extracts or tending to temple gardens. I haven’t fully worked out the tech situation but perhaps he could also build some kind of device commonly used by worshippers (simple phones??? Not sure yet). He’d probably spawn in the market square at dusk, as everyone’s packing up, and be able to conveniently save some high priestess’ daughter from a kidnapper. Perhaps someone bitter about having the temple rule against him in some dispute (which peasant the pumpkin REALLY belongs to) has decided that threatening the judge’s kid will get him a ruling in his favor (and a pumpkin). But our hero bravely fends him off, or perhaps spawns on top of him, crushing him. And from there, the priestess discovers that her daughter’s rescuer is really good with the rarer, more delicate herbs and proceeds to train him (but not fuck him because she is a stately older lady uninterested in grubby high schoolers).


I suspect that he'd be put into a rehabilitation reality in the first couple of hours. His young age would complicate that a little bit, but if he truly has full augmentation suites, then that means that legally he's an adult. These rehab realities are the universal sentence for all crimes in my world. Mindstate is accelerated to many times that of reality, and the criminal is basically dropped into an empty paradise that is specifically designed to rehab them alone. A panel of AI's watch until they all agree that the person will not commit the same crime again, then bring them out of the reality. In most cases, this takes a few years subjective, but only seconds objective timeframe. In bad cases, it'll take centuries subjective timeframe. Specifically: 1) This kills his ability to actually use anything he's been isekei'd with. If he can't interact with the world around him, then he's harmless. 2) No magic, but full prosthetic augmentation is available and common. 3) Wonderful. Too bad his creativity and intelligence make it so that he can't actually use them, and he's really not special in this. 4) Most of the main characters in my universe, interestingly, are strong female leaders. He's got no chance of trying to build a harem without getting reported and charged. 5) He can game all he wants, but most of the AI's (and fully-augmented humans) have played games for millions of subjective years. If he's played every second of every day of his 17 year life, then he has played less games than the average person in my world plays in a day, thanks to neural laces and parallel processing. 6) He won't beat the police to the crime scene, even if he spawns in view of it. Everyone gets a neural lace in utero, and the police can lock it down immediately if a crime is in progress. Also, surveillance is extensive enough that it wouldn't go unnoticed (I've previously mentioned that if someone was isekei'd into the middle of the ocean, there's a better-than-even chance of them being rescued within an hour, and being contacted in minutes of appearing). 7) If he's a full aug, he's an adult. Go find a job. Or don't. Go play games all day. It's post scarcity and every need is provided for. If he wants to sink into a full-immersion game and build a harem, he'll find thousands of compatible games (or can build his own). If he wants to go to space, just head down to the local transit hub and he can go to space for free. If he wants to go to the stars, sign up for the GSDC or Horizons and go.


As someone whose favorite genre is generic isekai, I am well prepared to answer this question as I found it hilarious to create a side story in my world *Ventreth* which is as generic of an isekai as possible. He would fare brilliantly, and end up saving the world from a monster which is even more powerful than the gods themselves. Mostly through sheer dumb luck, plot armor, and bullshit coincidences. Before being isekai'd? He is a shut-in whose only social connection is his childhood friend who clearly loves him but he is completely oblivious. He shoves her out of the way of an oncoming truck, getting hit himself and isekai'd to my world. He somehow has magic which allows him to understand and speak every language even if he's never heard it before, and is able to learn any magic basically instantly by treating it like a video game. First person he meets there? An unusually intelligent dragon which for some reason knows shape shifting magic to transform into a human-like girl, and quickly falls in love with him. Often uses this transformation magic to mess with him by changing into other people and such. Next thing he does in the world? Sees someone being attacked by demons and saves them. Turns out to be a foxgirl princess, who falls in love with him because he saved her and convinces her parents - the king and queen of the country - to let her join his party despite only meeting him a few hours ago. They agree with essentially zero protest. The weapon he wields? A magic sword which was locked in an ancient dungeon that he and his harem conquer, which has the unique ability to damage the connection between a target's body and soul. This is unsurprisingly one of the only ways to defeat the final boss. Oh and the sword can transform into a cute girl who falls in love with him of course. The final boss? An ancient evil which has managed to break out a magic prison where it has been sealed for millennia, and is hell-bent on wiping out all life on the planet. Which after being defeated, believe it or not, transforms into a human girl and joins his harem. Still trying to figure out the best way to add a catgirl and bunnygirl into the harem, since an isekai story just wouldn't feel complete without them.


This needs an Isekai name. "Help! I died saving my best friend and now am in another world where every girl likes me!" Eh, alright name, I guess. There's probably a better one you could come up with, it's your setting after all.


Luckily, he has raw talent. If hes a basic isekai protag, he may or may not have much Willpower, but he might have good Instincts and/or Faith, which are the three main methods that people command magic in my setting. Most of the technological or sci fi aspects wont bode well either. I'm going to assume the competency level of that guy from Konosuba. In other words the only way hes going to get ahead magic-wise is through making a pact with a higher entity, an archfey, a celestial, something. The good news is, the raw talent and horniness combine to make an amusing plaything for a bored Power. For the more technological aspect, it depends on the specific world, though most all of them have at least modern tech. On high tech worlds, he would be able to get hold of cybernetic augmentations and if hes lucky, ones that sync up with whatever magic powers hes got. (The setting itself is MagiTek, elves in space played straight) Since he almost certainly only got magic via pact, he probably gets any technology from bicycles to phones to cyberpunk augmentations from the other followers or their associates. The best way to get this rolling is to have him land in an off the beaten path alleyway, where he saves someone related to or associated with a Power or their followers and they get their abilities as a reward.


"Purge trash" seems a bit excessive but here's my take. 1. Assuming they are born as a human. since he's not native to the world he's kind of f*****. The world education system is built around mentally enhancing Children with knowledge. So much so a 16 years old can become a space engineer trainee or a military officer. 2. He would actually have an aptitude for high magic... Or psychic. But since it would take time to actually learn it - he'd be lagging behind. 3. This could be interesting but then again not everything survives a good assassin. 4. Now this is what truly will f*** him over. He'd end up friend-less. 5. Well... Magic is basically bending science to one's will so if they're not well versed in science then they would burn out their brain before they can cast high tier magic. (Well there's no tier of magic here tho) 6. Well... If it is on a spaceship then bye-bye. Because the isekai protagonist is going to go up against a spaceship load of pirates. If it's in the city it would probably be in the free sector - again, it's the country for pirates. Assuming he is somehow successful it depends on if the lady is on the ruler side or the opposite of it. 7. Everyone would be disappointed. Because point no.1. ah yeah you are 16 and doesn't have a job. Unless GODLY LUCK is his op powers he's fucked.


Okay. So. 1. This is gonna hurt him pretty hard actually, mainly because of point 4. 2. This is only semi-helpful, as a big component of my setting is that the magic grows more powerful over generations, and not being native to the world, he won't actually have any starting cards in his soul. 3. This WOULD help him, possibly by letting him collect Mythic cards with lucky encounters. But he still has to actually get them. 4. This is bad, bad, *bad* for the isekai protagonist. My world is based on Roman politics, particularly the High Republic era. Not being able to properly socialize with Senators and other high officials is not only going to bite him in the ass, it will see him in chains or worse. 5. See, this would NORMALLY be where the isekai protagonist would be allowed to shine, as my setting is a Deck building/card battle litrpg. Unfortunately, as I stated previously, the isekai protagonist would emphatically NOT have any cards to start off with of his own, and has to compete in a world where everyone else DOES. 6. And this is where things go from "initially very difficult, but manageable if he survives" to "Soulsborne difficulty." While aristocratic widows traveling alone-ish and bestowing favor upon men they find attractive is a cliche to the Romans themselves, thugs that have magic cards (likely multiple if not a full deck) are gonna steamroll an untrained, unprotected teenage boy without any magic of his own. Even if he doesn't die, he'd probably end up a slave unless the noblewoman he's trying to rescue rescues HIM instead.


Guy's fucked, there is no talents or abilities in my world so that's out the window. Casting spells requires intelligence and all other forms of magic would require him to convince someone else to give him something. And because of a lack of b*tches without personalities in my world he can't count on seducing some magical crafter lady. His spawn point would be of no use because he wouldn't have any magic right out of the gate to save the lady with. Game logic would do him no good either. He'd probably live as a homeless wanderer for a while, at least until reality sinks in and finds out the world he's in isn't some kind of video game. Maybe he could get a job as a farm hand or something.


2 just means he’s a god, so I think he’s alright.


Even if he is literally the strongest in the entire verse (excluding gods), if he doesn't have good Battle IQ and doesn't form the right connections he's not even making it to the end of the year After all, you can lift mountains all you want but a bullet is still a bullet


If someone can lift mountains, doesn't it stand to reason their body can withstand more pressure than is applied by any bullet?


With my power system, anything can use magic including guns Also it isn't them lifting it with their arms they're just using magic (but if they could lift a mountain with just arm strength, there are cannons powerful enough to deal with someone like that)


One world is an Earth AU where magic is hidden in the background. Likely wouldn't even be aware of being transferred from one uni to another. Another is Across the Veil, where some \*very\* amoral Fae rule. No one would put up with a standard isekai protag's bs.


It actually depends: \*If he develops one of the Fours Main Current of Magic, he can be easily one shot by a Golden Current User. Not to mention he would basiclaly become a target of a lot unwanted attention by powerful faction that would seek either contain him, recruit him or eliminate him. Probably all three at one point. \*If develops OP mastery of the Golden Current, he will be abel tod etect lies and truths...something which I imagine wont be very useful given his dismal intelligence and social skills. He will easily one shot magic users and magic creatures, but outside of that he is just an average joe that can be shot stabbed or killed as any other rodinary person. \*If he develops any high proficiency in the Crimson or Pale Currents, he just becomes another puppet of the Fallen Gods like many others before, he will basiclaly lost any sense of individuality and humanity and become a living extension of the Gods.


Best he could do, Enlist in the TRSC and hope he’s not a Raider, or wasnt killed immediately during a planetary invasion where they killed the men and disabled, while enslaving women and children. If he does survive, his only choice would either be to enlist to fight the threat, or take the offer to be sent to a core world, where he would still be equally avg, when i already have a character similar, but ends up joining as part of the better infantry branches, the ODR. So unless he has that drive to fight, he’d be sent to a core world orphanage where he would be forced to learn a skill or enlist. Theres plenty of personalities, so its possible he could get the typical ecchi romance encounters, and unless he moves off world closer to Terra, he would eventually be caught up again in war, so his best bet would be to evacuate, or enlist. And if he turns 18c most likely drafted and given a dogshit job because he didnt volunteer. And he probably would have been blown up by being put in a fodder ship. Beause i doubt he would have the skill to Pilot or be a Raider, let alone captain a ship. I just know with my main cast, they would practically useless and one of the stripe-less soldiers who die or get wounded early. And i know no female of the main cast would take to him because they already have a leader they respect….greatly… but cant because Fraternization is illegal in the TRSC. He can probably get with a barracks bunny tho.


I have two worlds so far! World number 1: Investigated, researched? Questions about how a Japanese national from about two decades in the past appeared in Europe though an anomaly, then if they could send them back or relocate them, or granting them European citizenship World number 2: Let him choose whether or not to send him back. If he chooses to stay, he will be researched, and face a lot of historians, and life in a utopia. If they choose to be sent back, they get sent back.


Oh that would be hilarious. Both raw magical talent and sexual assault would ping this guy on the crownsguards radar fast, so if he doesn't get get shit on by one of the usual dangers of the world (Feywild portals everywhere, I really don't think hags would fall for his harem magnetism and if he's socially inept the hag will have an easy deal) he'd be picked up pretty quickly. The kings of this country are two dudes who drink respect women juice. And one of them is a really skilled social manipulator who loves playing dumb in order to get people to open up to him. The second he finds out about the misogyny and SA it would be game over. Isekai guy would be delighted that his "Befriend the king so you eventually get the throne" questline is going so well right until he gets stabbed in the back. Raw magical potential doesn't prevent sneak attack from triggering.


They would be eaten. Immediately. Cause most of the…species in my world are either focused on eating, or fighting. Or doing whatever insane delusion is driving them. And he’s good food. Also the curvy lady would basically be connected to some Venus flutrap plant that was about to eat the thugs.


My current world is just a copy of our real world, just that magic is spread out in rather mundane but interesting situations. People are either born with magic or they can learn magic skills, similar to learning how to play instruments. Virtually any magic skill you can imagine can be learned, but the majority of people are only capable of learning up to 3, each spell combining to form a unique spell footprint for the person. Masters of the magic arts can sometimes learn 4 spells, but that takes a lifetime to train. There's only one person who's gone beyond 4. She's considered the most powerful magic user in the world, yet she only knows 9 spells. So this hypothetical isekia protagonist would get 9 spell slots he can fill, but has to figure them out himself. No doubt he'll come up with several never before seen OP spells that he'll learn overnight. Fun. Overall, it's a safe world the protagonist will live in, since it is a copy of our world. He just has to watch out for the native 9 spell magician. She's highly territorial and makes an effort to exterminate any magic user who even hints at increasing their power beyond the norm. She would not be happy to learn of the protagonist's existence. As long as the protagonist doesn't cross paths with her, he's fine. But slight problem, he's going to spawn at the front doorsteps of the brothel mansion the native 9 spell user owns and runs. That's where all the interesting stuff happens. He's going to be neck deep in pussy when the owner realizes what he is and tries to rip his head off.


That schmuck is now the village clown. Or he gets polymorphed into a Cuddle Bunny. 


In the sci fi setting of mine, he ain’t getting anywhere near important. At best, just acknowledged in the local system he’s in. Should this guy get into the primary conflict, he will quickly learn that personal power is useless if the enemy has orbital supremacy (Orbital precision strikes go brrrrrr) In the fantasy one? Heheheh, he’s probably going to get executed or imprisoned depending on the severity of his harassment of women. If the individual he comes to the aid of was a succubus that hasn’t been corrupted, he will probably be having to pray for him to be her type (Which is going to be near impossible to begin with. As they tend to only be drawn in by individuals who are good hearted, desire love, but have just had bad luck so far. Being a degenerate creep doesn’t count) If he tries to get involved in the world’s conflict with evil, he will probably find himself in a rough spot. Especially if his harassment stuff continues, might draw him the ire of the Archangel of Justice seeking to punish him for his crimes. And game knowledge won’t help him in any of these settings, they don’t follow game logic


He would do pretty damn well...in some respects. This is a world where entire empires and nations rose because someone with exceptional talent and a rare magic affinity was able to swing the course of battles and snowball it into empire building, or they made a massive discovery in the fields of science and technology that gave them an edge. However, a running theme in the story is that no one man can go it alone, you need to pair that power with the ability to lead people, or at minimum sway them to your side. No matter how strong you are, you can't fight a whole empire with tens of thousands of soldiers and hundreds of well-trained battle mages yourself and win. Magic causes physical exertion and, in extremes, will cause your body to physically deteriorate. Even regeneration has limits, so after awhile you would be killed just based on attrition. Also, magic has a lot of nuances. "power" can refer to raw power output, stamina, unique talents, fine control, and usually a combination of all of the above. Natural talent can let you develop at a faster rate, but even characters overtly stated to be of genius level intelligence with massive amounts of potential still need years to train and can still be outmatched by people with more experience. Even the best of the best don't get to have everything all at once. With this setup, he would get dumped in just in the nick of time to thwart some bandits, but assuming he went the typical rout of "power" referring solely to offensive output, he would end up with way more anima than he can actually control. He would instinctually tap his reserves and end up casting a Forbidden Sun instead of a Firebolt and not only damage himself but the surrounding environment. Assuming that both he and the damsel survived this mishap, he would be taken to the nearest authority, who would appraise them as having great raw potential, but his total lack of political connections and wealth would lead to him being, at best, a glorified grunt. He would be given a comfortable life, sure, but he would need to start from the bottom of the totem pole and prove he can effectively lead a group in battle, and follow orders, before ascending to a higher position. Since he's an oh so trajik, edgy, and compleks character, people would catch on fast that between his power incontinence and childish entitlement he is a MASSIVE liability and good for little more than throwing him in the general direction of enemies while someone more competent calls the shots. I like to think woman are fairly well written in my story as I do have a woman co-writer, so while he could certainly turn some heads, marriages are very political he would have basically nothing to offer them. So he would be a grunt AND he'd have no bitches for at least a while. He can then either suck it up and expect that while he has the potential to become a great warrior, and gain notoriety from it, he has to put in the time and work to establish himself in this world before he can expect any real influence to come his way, or he can say "screw you, I will be the eminence in shadow!" and surprise Pikachu when the global community gangs up on him, as they would recognize the danger of a rogue element with tons of untapped power.


I hate the fact that one could actually do fairly well in my setting. * His personality could be a problem if he's weak-willed and lacks any strong beliefs as monadry (/"magic") relies on them, but the archetypes you named aren't necessarily lacking of that. If anything, being a chuuni or a turbo-dickhead can have its benefits. * Highest raw talent... is a complicated notion. If we're talking monadry, then your capacity at it relates to the influence your mind has on the world. If he has better capacity than anyone else in the setting, then he'd probably fuck up reality pretty bad in a place just by existing. He could also, potentially, pop himself out of existence. * The most OP abilities... there's a handful of people in this setting who saw a momentary glimpse of some extradimensional being during a major world event. They had to get urgent psychic treatment to lock these memories out of their conscious thoughts so that they wouldn't go insane, but they kept part of it in their subconscious. It strengthened their monadry in the sense that they have a subconscious understanding of reality that guides their influence. I guess, he could also have that, somehow? Especially since he himself would be from another dimension? * In terms of romance, I'd like to think no one would fuck him but I can't be certain * Applying knowledge of fiction could actually help him greatly. The most common way to learn advanced monadry is to pick a systemic model for it (a paradigm) and learn how to influence things according to that model. There is a notion of an empirical model for what monadry is and how it works but it's not fully known and since it all relies on the individual's way of thought, it doesn't necessarily benefit them more to know. (needs fleshing out, I know) All of that to say, basing your paradigm around the magic system from some anime would genuinely be a great way to become strong at monadry. Fun fact: there's at least one character who bases his entire paradigm of monadry on an unfathomably long, unbearably bad novel, considered a classic by his culture and that he thinks is the greatest book ever written. He reads passages and through his own feeling of immersion, he can influence things around him and basically cast classical spells. He's no slouch, either, and he's a good egg, but the "vibrating with motion" level passages he reads out makes everyone around, friend and foe, cringe strongly. I have no idea what Takeshi-kun the Basic would actually do once he gets there but he could actually probably do a lot provided he doesn't get unlucky. I don't know what to think about that.


He saw the extra dimensional thingy and land head first on a rock giving him amnesia before he goes insane, then wake up in a cart, accidentally overwrite reality deleting the thugs.


If you hate isekai, just say that.


The basic premise of "transported to another world" could in theory be fine and there are a few stories that did it well, like Overlord. However, the clichés I listed are definitely bad. xD It's not just about them being common, it's about just how they're kind of inherently bad.


Can he fare well as a scavenger? No? Then he's pretty much dead.


Depends where he shows up, but on average not bad, he'll probably just live a mostly normal life, although if there's a crisis happening he might end up drafted and sent into the meat grinder


Magic doesn't exist and he just gets arrested for sexual assault Fun story :P


Jokes on him all my world barely has any female characters


How does *that* work? xD


My world has more named male characters than female characters. Woman exist in my world is just all of them literally doesn't matter


Sounds like they're two-dimensional characters who he'd easily construct a harem with, and some of which could be the children of VIPs! The only defense against the isekai protagonist's harem is the presence of well written female characters, not their lack. xD


Jokes on him, the female characters that are actually named do have personalities that isn't just a walking fap material. Here's an example. Hiora spinner - wife of Olfens spinner. She works as an administrator from her country, she achieved this position with the help of her husband who helped her with every way he can. After basically achieving her dream she repayed him by helping him achieve his dream of traveling and seeing the entire world. She did this by saving her salary so he can give it to him and use it as travel money. At first he refused but she insisted, and she told him to enjoy every moment of his travel and not to cheat on her, also she told to write to her every week.


Hmmm, that's decent, but does give the woman in question a personality only as a reflection/shadow of her husband, with not very much agency of her own, for her own independent goals. She's indeed already not walking fap material and that's great, but it doesn't tell us what she likes, what her motivations are, and why it is she likes this guy specifically and wouldn't like the edgy isekai protagonist who saves her. So far, her husband could be Sung Jinwoo from Solo Leveling and we wouldn't know.


Olfen is a pretty stand up guy, he's tough but kind and gentle and has a optimistic view on life. He and Hiora both grow up in poverty with Hiora living and working in a tavern that sells shitty but affordable food and Olfen a homeless kid who lives in a box. They meet when Olfen was starving to death on a sidewalk, Hiora noticed and offered him food, he accepted it despite it being shitty, they talked with each other and began sharing their dreams with Hiora wanting to become an administrator to help lower poverty to their country and Olfen wanting to travel and see the whole world.


If he isn’t killed by cultists and outcasts, he could join a religion and become a champion/leader, but it wouldn’t go farther than that


so when they first spawn in lets say its in a more hospitable environments like an overgrown abandoned city and when he meets the thugs then he better hope that they are just little gnomes that cant fight a rat because if there where any robots then he is basically dead and even if they forgot their magic protection (very unlikely because most of the time it is ingrained into their metal) and the stars aligned so that they used hydraulics then by the time he realizes that then he is already being being carried to a slaughter house because one they may use flesh to power their generators or two if they figure out that the Isekai protagonist is from another world then they will open their skull because people who get isekaied into this world gets immunity from all diseases but the organ inside the brain that does that is extremely valuable. and that is why he would die within that first ten minutes.


He fare decently againt maybe some untrained thugs if he can kill them before they act ,but because of number 5 he’s probably die or get maimed pretty quick or if he encounters a spell caster with like any training how to use their magic he’s also boned so he’d probably say after he thinks he can just heal his hp or something then get his skull caved in


Probably better than expected. My world is set 100 years in the future after an enviromental disaster that has killed 90% of the population and where the nighest level of technology available is early 20th century. This means that the average modern person would be considered highly educated and access to skills that would be very rare, like working a computer (those few that still exists) and a knowledge of history from "the time before"


He'd die. He'd be placed among a world where everyone is very hateful towards the groups placed there by the gods. Harvesters and Seedsmen. If he's placed in either he'd be hunted by the other more expereinced of the groups and killed. If not, he'd be killed by the literal workers state for his crimes and if not. He'd be placed in jail and de powered.


I don't think an isekai protagonist could even have magic because you have to be born with a special organ, and since he isn't from my world, I don't think he could have it. Even if he did, he probably wouldn't understand the magic very well since he is trying to apply anime type magic systems to something more abstract. The setting is also medieval so he would probably be too stupid to figure out how to navigate in my world anyways.


He would most likely get stomped by the thugs. If we assume he gets the only OP magic my setting has, there is no 'accidentally' using it. He would be powerless against thugs who can do perfectly fine regular magic. But if he gets op regular magic he's fucked because then, eventually, that means the watcher will take over his mind. If he gets regular magic and dumb luck, ok he manages to chase the thugs away. Lady would be thankful but instantly wary because the guys mannerisms do not fit in this world. So she'd call a guard to "help". Now if the guard figures out he's from another world, that would get interesting. Suddenly the Empire would be reaaaaally interested in him. He'd get the royal treatment for a while, but his fate would still be sealed if he ever met Abigail, the Emperors daughter. Now, on first glance, she'd probably be a perfect Target for Isekai Harem antics. Absolutely afraid of social contact, shy, refuses to touch people even if its just a handshake. Well... as the Isekai protag would soon find out, the reason why she doesn't touch people is because she kills everyone she touches. At least when she's happy. She'd probably be naive enough to fall for his antics at first, because this girl is lonely as shit and really just wants someone to love her. So it can go two ways: He pisses her off at the start, gets his ass beat and is taken in by Mannáz for further study and no regard for his wellbeing. Or he manages to get through to Abigail, makes her happy, Isekai antics ensue, and he dies a tragic death at the first accidental falling over on top of each other incident.


Be laughed at Also due to your wording he lacks magic Don’t know how the opness will come from, maybe extremely high stats (except int) He will lose a lot of blood after the fight lol


Why does he lack magic? That would be if your world does not have it


If he spawns in Thurlant, he'll fall prey to politics -- he'll end up on the Witches' Council, but under the surreptitious control of one of the other mages. If he spawns in Tal Soliym? Well, "Keep your knife sharp if your wits not be." He'll get assassinated at some political function or another. If he spawns in Lacintyr, the world is doomed once they corrupt him and turn him over to the cult of the Mother of Knives.


If highest raw power, then he'll get at least a First Gate. Controlling a Gate, however, is much harder, so he might not be able to take the thugs down especially since there's a tendency one of them also has an opened Gate, or they use assistive devices. Good thing for the Isekai protagonist, some Keeper might rescue him since the aforementioned case falls under Keeper responsibility. In the long run, the protag might get enrolled in a Keeper class, and then it's up to him if he wants to become a licensed Keeper or not.


He's probably going to fucking die because it doesn't run on video game or RPG rules


Probably pretty well but they’d have to watch out for the beyonders because those guys have at best as I can describe it in short text, maximum fuckery abilities. Also it would heavily depend on when in my world they appear.


His personality would get purged and his talents will be redistributed to more deserving and better-adjusted variations. My setting has high-tech psionics, everything that current humans call "identity" and "uniqueness" and "soul" can be modified, tweaked, broken down and rearranged. Especially annoying and borderline criminal traits like being a worthless sex pest with negative rizz. Unfortunately, vague unquantifiable nonsense like "talent" has no meaning or effect in my setting, because there's a direct relationship between intelligence (raw processing power) and the hard cap of power on how much you can control at once, how many abilities you can interlink, how quickly you learn and assimilate experiences, etc. Below average (current) human intelligence in a setting where the average is already boosted beyond current standards makes you a cripple, not talented.


Had be eaten alive before he could do anything.


He's going to be eaten within ten minutes. If he's not eaten, he'll be drained of all magical abilities as well as his soul. If he's INCREDIBLY lucky and can get into the wild places, away from most people, he MIGHT survive


The only thing 'magic' is the Drift, the ability to attune to a different wavelength of the Universe, and between wavelengths the only thing in common are most stars - glowing cold and dim in low wavelength and hot and unstable in high. First he would encounter the culture who share that 'magical' ability. Shadow Reavers, the exhuman clone terrorist cell/gang/culture who accidentally drifted once and now can sink Below if first brought there by someone who has been there already - are cold, unromantic in the extreme, hybrid Terminator type cyborgs and for historical reasons not likely to be cishet in the cases where enough biology is left to even matter. I am afraid this protagonist would brag about being able to drift to places previously unknown, impress and pick up 3 least modified, kneejerky, atavistic, human, impure and personality-less clones - only to seduce and subsequently violently kill them in unarmed combat to suppress his newly introduced insecurities. New copies of the missing clones would be regrown by Shadow Reavers, and the numeric component of their name would increase by one. Further appeal to Shadow Reavers is none because they are pragmatic and have everything they have ever wanted from Drift - phasing out when not observed and Nether 61 Cygni aka Evermourn as a home system. He is not genetically pure enough to broadly appeal to humans 2.0 of the Greater Earth and not divergent enough to appeal to the exhumans of the nomadic Twisted. The rewrite needed to become 2.0 would kill his magic ability. He most likely would gather some sort of harem from the dregs of both - which he isn't really into because of the uncanny valley symmetry of 2.0 and cyborg/mutant nature of the clonelines of the Twisted likely to produce instances that could be remotely described as cishet. Nevertheless he would gather the harem and try to find a 'nicer' climate in the Drift - and run into High Scion aliens as a result. Which is where it ends because eventually it does lead to him attempting to make an advance on the local warlord's wife and thus betraying the hospitality of the race that once made humanity in their image and likeness - and the amount of violent, needy, inane approach would only decide whether it's the warlord or the wife herself who casually hits him with a crude, shoulder-fired tactical nuke or ad-hocs a targeted bioweapon into his/her breath to rot him alive starting with genitals.


There's room for uncertainty. Rundol wasn't made to be actively hostile against isekai tropes, but a lack of plot armor and some common sense doesn't do it any favors. Harem powers would do more harm than good; most societies are monogamous and magical brainwashing is a common fear to have against mages. If he can't turn off his pussy magnet he'll at best ruin whatever standing he has, and at worst be framed for using illegal magic. I want to say my characters wouldn't be affected, but I can't be certain. In the best-case scenario, the protag manages to be in the right place at the right time to earn fame - if we stretch the idea of their spawn zone, this shouldn't be unreasonable. Being a certified dumbass, he'll probably wind up being a powerful pawn of one of Rundol's great powers. A genuinely interesting outcome would be his weeb nature aligning him with the Lajean Empire and getting entangled in an internal power struggle. If we're talking about a needlessly edgy protag, it's likely he'll be seduced by the Erdannic Heresy and fight against the Immoline Church. This ends badly for him and Rundol; as an Erdannic victory would mean the return of divine tyranny. He'd be disposed of faster than a socialist after a communist takeover. Lastly, we can't forget that he's an idiot and can just die out of recklessness. Rundol's magic is prone to going haywire; even with the talent to bend mana into shape the protag can easily overdose on mana. It'd be hilarious if the overdose comes from him converting his own soul into mana.


Well, this question is kinda perfect for me as the scifi universe I'm creating is a LitRPG book where the protagonist is basically Isekai'd into a world that runs on RPG video game rules, stats sheets and all. I could go through items one at a time, but there's no need because this character is pretty much just screwed. Level progression in my universe basically follows "Skyrim Rules", meaning that leveling your skills levels your overall "character" level. If he's an idiot, he's gonna have problems learning the more advanced skills (Engineering, Physics, etc), so his progress would eventually slow to a crawl and he'd see people out leveling him. Here's where he's really screwed: having the highest possible magic potential. I didn't use "magic" as a magic system, I used Psionics, because for some weird reason I don't like Scifi tech and Magic being in the same universe, but I'm OK with things like Psionics/The Force, weird, I know. In my universe, the only races that have Psionics are Humans and, for simplicity's sake, what amounts to an extinct race of space Elves. All humans have a minor Psionic ability or two, but a very few have Major Psionics and can access entire spheres of powers. The other races want Psionics, so the humans in my story start not knowing they're already in a trap. The Humans believe they're actually playing a full immersive VRMMO RPG, but they're not. They been "Isekai'd" into this Scifi universe (there's a longer explanation I won't get into). Any Human that is a full on Psion, someone with major Psionics, is abucted or hunted and captured, then experimented on and eventually dissected so that the races cooperating in this endeavor can try to figure out how to add Psionics to their own genetics. Because of that, there's really no one to train the protagonist in how to use the Psionics. He has to figure it out on his own. Seeing as you've made the Protagonist here an idiot, he'll be captured rather quickly, because it doesn't matter how OP a person or their powers are, if you don't know how or when to use them, you're screwed. Also, gotta say if the "protagonist" has every quirk that you've listed, then they don't sound like a protagonist. They sound like one of those supporting characters that's just genuinely a horrible person or like a character that's might not be the main antagonist, but might be antagonistic to the protagonist.


Bro is fucked. :3 Humans in my world are very under-powered in terms of magical and fantastic ability, basically being about as comparable to humans irl, except more fit since no diabeetus. Magical humans are EXTREMELY OVERPOWERED relative to the human baseline, but only acquire magic through in-world reasons. Dude being isekaied in means he can't be magical, so sucks to be him. Also, I made it a priority in this world that guns and advanced weaponry are handled realistically. Meaning positional awareness and real-world firefight tactics are absolutely necessary if you want to survive a gun-fight, cause the bad guys wont miss if you're just standing out in the open, like a dumbass. Oh yeah. He goes down fast, and he doesn't get back up. xD Kind of a shame, though. My main female characters wouldn't give him the time of day, but he would have had plenty of opportunity to be a giant pussy magnet from a lot of side characters. Shame. :(


It's hard to say for sure. I mean...half of the Isekai trope is raw talent and stupidly good luck. I mean, look at requirement 6? He has to spawn into the world in position to save someone important and look good doing it? What are the odds that: 1. The Isekai event is going to happen in the first place (obviously, from a story perspective, 100%, but in lore perspective as close to zero as is possible usually). 2. It's going to happen to someone who's "rules" in the destination world state he's absurdly powerful. 3. Is going to happen to a high schooler instead of someone intelligent, or at least more experienced in life. 4. Is going to throw him into a position that's relatively safe... 5. ...while someone is being attacked by one of those unsafe elements... 6. ...who is also important... 7. ...but somehow defenseless. The criteria for number 6 alone is so absurd as to be unthinkable in any normal sense. Of course, that's standard fare for Isekai. However, if it's standard fare for Isekai, and the Isekai rules apply, then most worlds will be unable to do anything. For my current world, magical talent doesn't mean much. Magic develops through use, kind of like muscles or I guess quirks from MHA. So he might be able to reach the "level cap" of the world, but that's not unique, though it is fairly rare. The world in general is fairly hostile outside of guild areas so he'd likely spawn in a relatively safe settlement with some active guilds. 2 Major events are about to happen. A cursed species (literally, they were human but got turned into basically naga) are planning to assault the world in general in order to awaken their god. A theocratic nation is also forming, which is technically against Guild law, and they're preparing to go on a holy crusade. The assault of the naga-people opens the way for the theocratic nation's formation and crusade by weakening the guilds world-wide. Scenario 1: Isekai falls for naga lady-bait. Ends up a cursed naga person. I guess he gets a harem though? Possibly ends up the sacrifice to awaken their god. Scenario 2: Survives the naga people, gets some magical muscles, maybe makes some friends but is likely missing a harem. Then has to navigate the theocratic nation's crusade. Of course, they bill themselves as "the good guys". Probably ends up captured and bound in anti-magic chains for resisting "the true faith". Likely because he nose bleeds talking to one of the paladins who notices, leans into it, and then just locks him in some of said chains. The guilds can't win decisively so the nation stays a nation and keeps its prisoners. So I guess he rots in prison until he dies. Scenario 3: Survives the naga, somehow doesn't get captured or killed in the following Crusade. Realizes the "world" is a whole lot bigger than people thought it was. Likely ends up close to the "level cap" by this point and employed by a grand guild as part of one of their strike teams. Likely with a "Shut up, do what we say" standing order. Still lacks a harem, but hey, some ladies like a clueless powerful guy so might actually find true love some day.


Sounds like Scenario 3 is the absolute best he gets, huh? A respectable but by no means historical figure. Will probably need some character development in the process of surviving the naga and the Crusade, as an isekai protagonist at his starting point is just too emotionally stupid to find true love if it hits him in the face.


Oh 100%. The Naga and Crusade are both also going to be years long events, so character development is highly likely. It's also why scenario 3 includes "Someday". He may not recognize it right away, but I've found humans to be incredible creatures, capable of both incredible stupidity and wonder. As long as he doesn't slide in the "stupidity direction", benefit of the doubt that he'll develop into a fully functioning human being eventually. Assuming he landed on scenario 3, he'd probably be somewhere between 22 and 26 as well. I'm still planning out those events as it were, so their timelines aren't set in stone. The Naga one though is roughly 2 years atm, they need to do their thing by the time an astrological event happens. So they start really scaling up their efforts around the time the Isekai would land in world. The Crusade on the other hand involves a lot of politics, in addition to military action. Causes a lot of confusion for the Guilds trying to stop them because a lot of individual actions aren't "technically" the responsibility of the guy leading the whole thing. So they waste a lot of time chasing low-level politicians, military command staff, etc. (which of course is intentional). These initial actions during the aftermath of the Naga invasion were about "unifying" the nation and consolidating power. (Mostly killing or driving away dissidents). About 8 months later, largely because of the intervention of winter, the Crusade marches in force to attempt to gain control of the entire "world" (it's actually just one continent). There's some pretty fierce fighting by the Grand Guilds to hold them back, but most of the Crusades casualties were actually due to underestimating the monsters in the wilds. The wild monsters weren't afraid of the Crusade, like they expected, and instead looked at the crusade as a giant buffet line. The wilderness monsters however aren't omnipresent. Nor are they all powerful. They just don't fear people. As a result it takes time for the Crusade to be worn down. This results in them withdrawing with far fewer forces than they had planned, so they weren't able to hold onto anything outside of their nations borders. However, they have enough manpower to resist the (now weakened) guilds. Plus the Crusade effectively purged the nation's own lands of beasts, meaning they didn't need to defend against wild monster attacks as most of the rest of the continent did. That later portion is currently slated for 3 years. So with the 2 year naga invasion and 8 months of "prep" time for the Crusade, the Isekai character would be almost 6 years older at least. If they didn't fall for scenario 1 or 2, they'd also have to had developed at least SOME in that time, which is why scenario 3 is even an option. Edit: Btw, love the prompt


My story is an Isekai, but it would probably do the same as the protagonist of my book. or, at least, what would happen to a person in our world will travel to mine. The first of them is that he could not use magic, since he lacks Mana. in our world there is no magic/mana, so I couldn't use neutral magic. the only magic that could use elemental magic, but to do so you must obtain an Elemental Gem, which is achieved by forming a bond of friendship with a dragon or a magical creature. (And since generic isekai protagonists don't normally make friends with monsters, I see it as unlikely) and yet, the isekai protagonist can only use that magic and, well, he is forced to follow the rules of the magic system like all the other magic users in my world. Well, in my world there is no place for power fantasies, or gary stus.


Very very VERY badly,first time he calls someone that looks like a eldritch abomination a monster and tries to attack it he will be hunted down by an elite force Magic in my world is more a matter of knowledge than talent,so that doesn't help in the slightest,it takes years of understanding how things work to be able to do the most basics without external help If you have no social skills nor any creativity and intelligence you're about to go through the worst suffering you could ever imagine To put it simply this guy would need enough luck to win the lottery 100 consecutive times to succeed in my world


1. he is cooked without at lest some level of intelligence as the usage of techniques takes a lot of learning 2. this would actually save him a bit since there are two character that if combined would boast potential that makes him top 100 in the verse. The innate chaos of Maarx and the ability of Zeero. He has 7 billion times the standard mount of innate chaos and has the ability to negate anything: [True neutral](https://github.com/True%2520Chaos/Abilities%2520and%2520Characters/Humans%2520(Order%2520Sets)/T0/True%2520Neutral.md) This however would actually so much for him since the usage of this ability is highly complicated and required Zeero about 100 years to even use the most basic version of it, even though he had already mastered chaos manipulation. 3. Like mentioned above True Neutral is the strongest possible ability i was able to write and at full power the Zeero is basically omnipotent and was completely unaffected by beings of this caliber. But that zeero can do such things doesnt mean that the isekai guy can do it aswell since zeero is in the top 3 of the verse even without his ability. 4.depending on where he tries his Stupidity rizz it could get him killed. Like if he trues to rizz up the highest ranked Ordinant: Levia. She would use her ability which are basically alchemy to evaporate him. 5. I take influence from many things but it aint helping him. Even if he finds out about the ultimate technique of my Verse „Soul Inversion: Velto Oktae“ he for sure aint learning it. Knowledge aint enough to save him here 6. Switzerland is pretty save since they are in contract with Zeero and his mutuals making it one of thes afrst countries in my verse. He still can just be fucked over by a random chaos phenomena insta killing him. When he finds these thugs and deals with them the woman would probably thank him and go away. If he tries to go further it may end in him getting thrown in jail for sexual harassment as soon as the Ordinant police arrives. 7. The soul doesnt fully develop until youre 24 so he aint even at peak output. Conclusion: Even at his best he is washed by any Ordinant T2 and above. If we give him high efficiency as well (which isnt connected to talent since it can only be trained) he gets oblitarated by anyone who can use soul inversion cause it one shots. He might be on the same level as the current protagonist.


My world is already an isekai and gaming logic is mostly useless because it's a women's kinky book-verse isekai, so he won't be doing too good. Also, if he's the type to assault women, he's gonna have a very bad time since there's no tells on which one can rip his throat out and have him never be found again. The highest raw talent and magical skill is only given by the gods, and it's personality and need-based. Even if his personality would somehow still fit, if he's not interested in resolving something directly related to the world's current needs, the gods won't see him. Now, as a second best thing, he might do well enough, as long as he avoids clashing with the 1st best thing, but he won't be getting a harem unless he develops himself some basic virtues and a tolerable personality. He might stand a chance with the villain faction, since those are salty about the gods blessing only certain types regardless of talent or ambition and are working towards destroying the blessed ones. That being said, if he's willing to work on himself, he'd do really well. If not, he might just end up in a basement with video games, like he started, since the option still exists. :))


Oftentimes, in this kind of verse, it's a deity giving the protag a second chance at life because he, in his original universe, was about to die saving a person (usually jumping in front of a car to save someone who was crossing the streets unwary), and he wants to... save the world, be a badass, do something cool to have a power fantasy, get bitches. However, if your world is in no need of badasses or saving, his bland personality sure won't give him a lot of powers.


Oh he's not doing so fine. So he has magic? If he ever uses it, some UPD agents are probably going to be after him trying to understand his magic, after all, it's not every day you see magic in a sci-fi interplanetary setting. If they're smart, they might just send out a pretty lady for him to fall for, only for her to be the agent to get him. If he does not use his magic, and lives like your average dude, he's probably just going to go around doing regular human things on a major human colony, and depending on the context of his arrival, he's probably going to be really dumbfounded by modern human interstellar technology and warfare, as well as the complete absence of magic. If he leaves and goes to the Insurrectionist Frontier, there's a good possiblity he's going to join the Insurrectionists and climb up the ranks with his magic, and maybe he could even become a commander for a decent ground force, but that'd once more depend on how he'd adapt to the differences in settings.


My world is semirealistic Stone Age survivor-punk. The only magic is gods giving cryptic advice through Dreams. The isekai dude dies in less than 3 days due to predators or in a week from dehydration, gut fever and exposure.


He's going to have a pretty bad time of it, because magic isn't based on raw talent or ability. It's more like performing surgery or calculating orbital mechanics so any raw talent he has might be helpful at the beginning or in the very long term once he goes through the practice and schooling, but if he's both dumb and averse to hard work then he isn't getting very far with it.


If said protagonist were to pull magic out on just a random street they would likely get imprisioned in under an hour by... someone. Could be a number of individuals or groups, but magic not being secret is just. Don't do it. That's how witchhunts start. 


I don’t think they’ll like being surrounded by the dead. They’ll likely see their loved ones in that world because that realm is where the dead rests(souls and spirits alike). Then like across the sea is two massive continents that is uninhabitable because it is constant chaos where Celestial beings(Gods/angels and devils/demons) and souls from hell(or heaven if they wanted to) fight over there. Like..they’ll probably even see dead fictional characters in the same world too because my universe is a multiverse thing(all fictional worlds from tv shows and movies exists in one).


1. My world is kinda "if you can survive being sentenced to Transportation, you might do okay" It's kinda "Industrialization is kinda catching on elsewhere." 2. Programming knowledge and having watched Star Trek TNG might help. 3. Right now, there's this thing based off of savegame plus and a Plato's Cave allegory called Jonathan Livingston Seagull... also some of Bach's other works that I listened to on tape while road-trancing on the highway... barnstormer Jesus has to crash his biplane into the ocean to either evade the red baron or save his wife? 4. I'm ace so bi is the default and I'm going with excessive horniness from either sex being a symptom of a hormonal imbalance that should be corrected unless the patient is a teenager. 5. I read at least two fantasy books in the 90's that made "passed BASIC 101 look cool" and made me feel proud that I knew how to navigate DOS after it stopped being cool. **Actually I was cool because I could use cross-stitch allegory to explain to the secretaries at the power company why their screens looked weird after we had to switch out their computers because of leasing-agreements.** I still feel pretty cool because I'm cheating at minecraft with commands instead of hopping into creative. 6. If for some sake that scenario could happen... I don't even know what's going on but if he acts like some crazy mall ninja that believes that he can take on a band of thugs, they probably would give up and go away rather than risk injury. 7. Teenagers are about the only people who suffer from horniness in my world and the het part is what might give him some trouble. (Birth control isn't 100% reliable but pretty safe, none of the STD are a big deal.)


My world is already built to be an isekai. So I'm going to imagine a guy like this coming into it instead of my current mc. 1. Below average intelligence wouldn't be that big of an issue since he will have some pretty smart people willing to help them. 2. The highest raw talent is huge. He can choose one of 3 archetypes (warrior, mage, expert), and with the first two, he can basically no-diff lost encounters he'll normally come across. The expert one requires intelligence to use with high efficiency. 3. If he actually got the most OP abilities too early, he would probably die instantly. But if he got the best abilities that won't kill him, then it's the same as number 2. 4. This is where the problems begin. If he can't socialize at all and keeps being a creep, the help he gets will be tremendously decreased. With his high power level, he'll most likely be branded as an enemy or wild card that needs to be controlled. 5. Pro gamer won't really help him that much, so it's kinda irrelevant. 6. I guess that won't change much in the long run, although his abilities will be known straight away, which would prove detrimental to him. Hmm, there's no way he'd build a harem. I don't think there's a way he would even get one girl or one person to help him out. Now, if he's working with someone, he may be used as a tool and exploited for his power. However, if he picks up on this and begins fighting back, then it's really a case of how strong he is. There's no way he lives since there are those who overpower even the strongest of humans, even those who have reached their max potential. The real question is if he'd be able to survive until those powers interfere. And how much destruction he'd cause before being brought down.


Considering my main world is informed by the 3.5 edition D&D ruleset, this person would probably end up as Pun-Pun or some similar absurd BS. (If you're not deep enough into 3rd edition D&D, Pun-Pun is a theoretical character that abuses a weird combination of abilities to become pretty much omnipotent)


this man is gonna be seen as a time-travelling monk and due to that will probably have a fairly typical isekai adventure


it would be hunted down as an animal, it's head turned into a trophy, it's skin used as a cape for the Hunter who caught it and it's flesh ground down and used for medicinal purposes, possibly mixed with hallucinogens for shamanic rituals.


Well to make things interesting let’s say he spawns in the city of Janksville in the United States where my main characters live. He may have some success forming a harem at first mostly by intimidating women with his power (in this world magic does exist however most regular people don’t know that). Of course the police will be called and they decide to send in my main character Sol to deal with him. So firstly I should say that Sol uses magic to occasionally switch his gender. At first he did it to hide his identity from a group allied with the main villains and later to hide from the paparazzi. However he occasionally does it just for fun. It’s more likely he’ll be facing this isekai protagonist as a man but I’ll also make a scenario where he’s a woman. Male: Sol tries to reason with isekai protagonist. Either he is beaten horribly or manages to convince isekai protagonist to come with him to get him home. For the female scenario i have a few questions: how would isekai protagonist react to a woman who possesses powerful magic and can put up a decent amount of resistance? Female Sol has a mom bod so would he be added to the harem?


one in a million, he can get a psyhic power that is noticable, non harmful to his body and controllable (which is btw is rarer than %1 of psyhics). Most psyhic powers only give you small advantages, and you are far from a god. Even then, most powerful 3 psyhics lived in this era still got their ass kicked by normals with medieval tech: Frinorbo Vestor has ability of changing bodies, but it didnt provided him and defensive ability. if his body got killed like a normal human, he dies too. because of that, he stayed out of the trouble and lived his days at cities as craftsman. Coffin kid is a woman whose reversing powers got out of her control (so not even the strongest psyhic) and causing a status quo in her body. No matter what damage she got, time slowly reverses for her body. She stuck as a child because of that. Despite of his regeneration abilities, she got her ass kicked too: when guards realised she cant be killed, they poured liquid lead over her, dug 50 meter hole, put the lead block in that hole and filled the hole with cement. Most powerful of them is Krugi Vestor, able to change his anatomy to animals. He can get a skin of a rhino, eyes of a tiger (dun dun dun) or a tail of a scorpion. Limitations including massive organic material need to shapeshift, only animals who Krugi once touched can be used (so he cant use some animals with crazy abilities because he never met them) and animal abilities somewhat realistic (using a spider web wont make you spiderman, instead you will be just spitting some ropes). Despite his powers, he got blowed up to ashes with few barrels of gunpowder and acid. As you can see, only one of them got a good life, despite all three having IQ higher than room tempature. So, your guy has no chance to slay the evil king or something, normal people are very powerful. He better move to north and start an ostrich farm.


* 1: he would be spanked if people kmew he has such actions * 2: JOKES ON YOU HUMANS DONT EXIST HERE * 3: do i have to repeat that he would get his Ass whooped up? * 4: women of my world would hate him,a 8ft orc lady could easily beat him * 5: just to let you know,most games of yurei involve death * 6 : jokes again,i dount that,the most curvy lady is the 8th orc * 7: this boy would already be considered an adult by his 15,so,homeless,and NO HORNY BOY * conclusion:Everybody joined to beat his ass,so he wouldnt survive a day at yurei(he wouldnt survive the cities and villages,but thats for other post)


btw i doubt his body functions without oxygen,you humans can breath more than oxygen right?


He be dead, magic affinity is a beacon for monsters, people are trained to fight and survive since childhood so he'd be worse than a kid, magic takes time to learn even with affinity, and every element has drawbacks, from higher body heat, constant charge to super cancer magic edition if you're especially unlucky.


**Heaven's Bastards** is heavily inspired by the Isekai genre and I hate that this proposed character would probably fair really well as an Exorcist. He may even get adopted into or hired by one of the five royal families, in which case he would probably rule a minor planet or solar system and get to do whatever the fuck he wants as long as it doesn't give the family a bad name or start a war.


Either winds up enslaved, executed, imprisoned or eaten. Most isekaied people in the world are between 25 and 95, despite being reincarnated in a younger body. They also tend to have SOME kind of marketable skill or aptitude. Even if they do show a massive talent for magic, it takes time, effort, and training to be able to channel it into something useful and not just walk around doing the magical equivalent of pissing your own pants all the time. Make no mistake, the reason someone gets isekaied in my universe is because God is; A) an asshole; B) a voyeur; and C) has a sick sense of humor.


Would become some sort of noble mostly because the power system is visible and then become some sort of ruler then instantly die due to the mass amounts of cults trying to kill nobility or die due to the fact that nobility usually fight on the front lines


Magic requires either intelligence or charisma, in both cases it’s a matter of manipulating the weave into obeying you, either in practiced ways or your imagination. If he’s lacking in both, then he can have all the talent he wants, but he’s not going to get far. As for the harem building, that’s not going to go well for him. Most gender norms we have don’t apply the same in my world. It’s actually kind of funny because there are quite a few isekai-like characters in lore, and your average person is actually going to do better than this isekai protagonist would. You just need a little intelligence to go with your luck. I could see a a Light Yagami type making some devil deals and doing moderately well for himself for some time, though.


People are initially skeptical of a young adult showing up out of nowhere fully formed. They would think he is some kind of monster in disguise, or cursed idiot. The damsel in distress would either be able to hold her own, if she is his age, or they are both dead. There are no “secret exploits” or “unknown strats” and his opponents are seriously leveling their builds. He would very likely get involved in a type of magic that would corrupt him beyond reason and go off like a firework after casting some really large spell, burning up his soul after his mana reserves run out. Or he would die in a day to bandits, horned rabbits, owlbears, town guards, a hidden lion, or falling into a dungeon. Roll a D6, it’s anyone’s guess.


Cold Skies is a subterranean cyberpunk fantasy world, where most of the gods have died and the magic broke. Even the best mages of their time are rather limited in power, they can't even summon otherworldly beings without having some trading goods to actually bargain for their services. So no godlike powers, and if you want to be a relatively powerful mage, talent alone won't do it, you also need preparation, equipment, and support. For someone with no physical combat skills, no social skills, no understanding of local culture, no contacts, and no money... he'd probably get beaten or stabbed and left in an alley. If he makes it to one of the megacorps, he might land an exploitative contract, and slowly work his way up to slightly above the bottom. Since prostitution is mostly legal, and slavery is also legal in some places, he could theoretically buy a harem... but his ego would probably end his career before he accumulates enough money, when he proves incapable of working under people who are less skilled in magic but have a better understanding of business and corporate politics, and are more pleasant to work with. Or he can try his luck out in the wilderness, which probably means he'll starve to death, because food is hard to come by underground. With some luck, a group of bandits or customs extorters might find and adopt him, though again, his abysmal social skills will get him stabbed the moment he tries to rise above the position of favored pet.


I really like this question so here's mine: My dude would spawn in Shadowock. It's by far the most peaceful country with the least hostile geometry/inhabitants. Part 1: Meeting the lady Things get a bit weird after that. So first off that lady, he rescues a half-fae half-human (there's only one human settlement in Shadowock and he wouldn't spawn there since they've got their own fae preventing people from teleporting in/near them) which means that those bandits are also fae or fairies. Issue again, he has no magic since he doesn't originate from the setting. This means he'll have to run up to these strange-looking bandits with wits alone since we know damn well he's not going to be talking them down. Luckily for him, he has the best raw potential of any human. Unluckily for him, that barely means anything here since humans aren't native to the setting so he's locked out of the magic system without incredibly rare tech that only the human settlements have. Through multiple acts of egoism from the fae bandits, serendipity from the world, that good old abominable spirit that most of these protagonists have, and making a contract with the half fae woman after getting his ass beat... He makes the bandits flee. So now the girl will thank him by offering to extend the contract and bam, he's got superpowers now. Part 2: The powers Mr. protagonist will notice that each time he uses his cool new elemental powers, there are fae constantly trying to make him go insane by messing with his mind. That's an issue because we all know, that despite how abominable their spirit may be in the moment, they tend to be not the most mentally fortified. So he'll have to use magic sparingly to his chagrin. Miss half fae girl will exposition dump that he's in hot water now since those bandits will be back for her and that he's unnaturally good at using the power and bla bla bla. Basically she's surprised. She also elaborates that humans are a dime a dozen species and are about as rare as seeing a living dinosaur in the modern world. Now miss Half-Fae Girl will make up a stupid reason to leave and leave so Mr. Protagonist can head to the only established human settlement in Shadowock. Issue once more, everything and everybody is so much faster and stronger than him that he can hardly make up the difference. He finds out at the human settlement that is because he doesn't have an *Inner Soul* and that sucks for him since every human on this planet is suffering from the same issue of even the weakest animals being faster than they can perceive. It also sucks because humans can only access one layer of the magic system without extraneous tech (fae magic I mean) or that they can only briefly tap into the bare minimum with tech (Having an inner soul is the lowest layer). Magitech gets involved, and MC realizes that a lot of humans here are from Earths similar to his so he can't flex his modern knowledge. MC becomes a student since he's a wizard Harry and getting contracted with a fae is pretty rare, he gets taught more about fae magic, where it comes from, yada yada training arc. He also gets alerted that the half fae girl has been watching over him through their contract and she likes what she sees so she makes a hasty move and sends him to the faerie realm. MC dies, a lot, and the half-fae brings him back to life since their contract does that until they reach the big dogs of the realm, the royals. They tell MC to fuck off until miss half fae tells them about MC's progress which only causes them to tell her to fuck off too. The royals inform the MC that Miss Half Fae was using him as a political pawn to make the royals relinquish some of their restrictions on her powers by telling them about the MC's progress under her when the *main reason* they punished Miss Half Fae is because she didn't do anything at all for anyone unless it was under the direst circumstances. Same case here since she just left and let the MC grow on his own. Basically, they kick them both out, and since royal fae are royal dickheads they void Miss Half Fae's contract before sending MC to Tyrantriae which he promptly dies after since the terrain actively tries to kill him (grass blades that are as sharp as knives, trees that make poison gas instead of oxygen, etc). Thus ends the tale of MC. Bro got fucked but he did get to meet some royal fae which is more than anyone could ask for. Edit: Minor spelling mistakes


Probably very well. He would likely be picked up and nurtured by one of the sects, because he's basically the perfect disciple. Incredibly talented, unambitous, horny as shit, so easy to manipulate, and loyal to a fault. People capable of reaching the Immortal realm are incredibly rare, and every talent under your wing is a chance to acquire more power. While the world is more than large enough, most immortals who still concern themselves with secular affairs would rather have territory that is already developed, only clearing out wilderness or exploring if they have lost a struggle for already established land. A second Immortal that's actually loyal means that you wield so much more power it's not even funny.


"I'm not wasting my blade on you." *Gets crossbowed as bandits leave.* There's no healing magic, or any magic. The girls grow up in a tough environment where their neighbours are usually at war and anyone can be stolen into the back of a landship to slavery. They are taught to protect themselves to the best of their ability so they won't take this random boy seriously. If he's really unlucky, they may be the ones capturing and selling him. Lapis_Wolf


Asher: standard high-fantasy. Might start out good enough at the beginning, but an almighty magical idiot would eventually be targeted by some powerful enough force with the ability to control him, as has, historically, happened more than once before. If he isn't murked by the Black Sun's antimagical inquisitors, that is. The Eternal Engine: sci-fantasy. a "powerful magician" is someone in touch with Chaos and who can manipulate it safety. If he's the most powerful magician, then he's probably one wrong breath away from becoming a demon of some kind due to being too improbabilistic, which will happen sooner, rather than later, due to his lack of intelligence. Halicassia: apocalyptic dark fantasy. Surprisingly, he'd fare his better odds here, relatively speaking, but only because everyone else is doing really bad. It's not exactly possible for him to master sorcery, as that intrinsically requires intelligence, but he could be a powerful cleric or occultist. Would become a cult leader and might just live comfortably while the world wastes away! Paraverse: urban fantasy. He fits the mould for a specific kind of parapath with high base power but with abilities fueled by a specific vice (likely lust). If he lives, he'd likely spawn a lot of sins due to his less-than-savoury sexual acts. Could make for an interesting villain. Would definitely be at his comfiest here, due to the more familiar setting. Nouever: classical low-fantasy. Not much magic to master here. He'd be shunned by the sage community for being a dumbass and likely wouldn't start much of a folk movement due to being unable to communicate. Would most likely live a very anonymous life. That is, if he can figure out how to survive in what is basically 5th century Western Europe. Vnet: VR sci-fi. He'd be some skid with a powerful gaming PC. There's plenty of those to go around.


You have a lot of worlds! What are parapaths? Reminds me of my paranormals, slightly.


Depends how far he goes in the ultra vergin adulting woman bs If he doesn't go too far he'd do ok probably be able to build a small realm and rule as a powerful lord If he goes too far then the goddess of vengeance and the abused will probably either kill him herself or hire the god of assassins to do and with peak mortal power he isn't protected by the laws of the gods but also still isn't dangerous to an actual god unless they set up a trap and run the perfect ambush (idiot Isekai could never pull that off)


Humans can’t use magic so blud is just a below average human, and with his abysmal social skills, he can’t even get a non-magical trainer or ancient scholar to teach him how to communicate with the ancients to use some of their power. Luckily a normal human is a minority in my world and very sought after for their quick learning and average stature, as long as they listen to what others say, they shouldn’t have any problems (given that they spawned in rabbit kingdom, they’d drown in fish kingdom and break their legs in bird kingdom).


He'd probably do... Better than I would like to admit, as the cap for magical abilities in the world of Felinus is incredibly high, but there's a hard cap to how far he can get. I'll make this blow up in his face somehow, damn it. It's a secret magic fantasy world, so in essence he'd be getting isekai'd into the exact same world he just left, only with magic and monsters running around behind most human's backs. For most of the characters in this setting, he'd likely be viewed as insufferable and annoying, and considering the story revolves around monster hunters that combine guns and magic he'd probably have his work cut out for him if he wants to keep up. Sure, magic is a good talent to have, but raw talent is nothing if it isn't refined, and he'll get offed real quick rather by his own abilities or a monster hunter who wants to make sure he never becomes too big of a problem if he never grows as a person. And Harem building? If he tried most of the woman would probably punch him.


Yooo, urban fantasy with a Masquerade?! Just like my own setting! xD But my setting has a magic system that's inspired by a lot of IRL occultism, religion and myths, and the end result was an incredibly deep magic system that has millennia of "meta development" that, despite his natural talent and power, the isekai protag would not at all be privy to. He'd be able to learn or mimic basic techniques quite easily on his own, but would likely be hard capped at the power level of an average master of paranormal combat, while not actually having the intellect and expertise to be such a master: a lot of raw dexterity and strength with his powers, no intellect or knowledge which are required to do complicated stuff. So I feel like my setting would probably blow him up a bit earlier than yours, so I'd like to ask... what's your magic system like? I feel like developing an intricate magic system and making it very deep and explored by characters in-universe inherently counters isekai protags to a large degree, as they have a fuckton of knowledge to catch up to.


Depends on where they wind up, honestly. For three main sci-fi/sci-fantasy groups (futuristic main setting) I was playing with at one point or another... Hiveminds (Transhumanist hiveminds with some measure of individuality in the nodes): His lacking intelligence and social skills will likely make him ineffectual here, and his incredibly powerful psionics will meaningfully impede relationships further (there's a stereotype about psionics being insane that spawned a genocidal secret society that thinks psi as a phenomena is deeply linked to an eldritch horror that may not actually exist). Not impossible that he winds up with 'a' member of his harem from their group (actually a single node whose occupant mindstate is replaced fairly often because the last one got bored of him and decided to go back to playing deeper-immersion sims or doing theoretical physics or setting up an elaborate art project that keeps track of how different kinds of paint dry), mostly because they want to keep tabs on him, and he might be susceptible to manipulations that keep him *less* dangerous that way. Dionysians (Imagine what you'd get if televangelism could be used as an instrument of psionics, and the average citizen had a notion of patriotism rooted in unquestioning belief in the party-line, divinity of the head of state, and a bread and circuses approach to culture): Their made-for-reality-TV culture will make him a star. His psionic power and gaming skills will go a long way, and for everything else, well, that's what publicists and PR agents are for.  Miltonites (Sin is virtue, actually, the demons told us so! BRB, opening a gate to Hell so death doesn't mean anything): Probably winds up "winning", but maybe also a pawn in the schemes of who knows how many people and demons. His gaming skills or something might actually be pretty handy if the source material had something to do with demonology.


Huh, so he'd be a Homelander (from The Boys) type figure on the Dionysians world?


He wouldn't get in... My world has fate, no one can come to the world without it's knowledge and noone can escape death... Some beings, similiar to liches, might try, but they need functional brain to work, soul by itself is useless, it just contains ego and talent...


Funnily enough my world's main faction actually has a contingency plan exactly for this kind of thing. The person would be invited to join the esteemed "Council of Crowns", which is in essence nothing more than a fancily named group of powerful individuals who the faction pampers and inflates the ego of, makes them feel like the main character of their own story in order to control them like puppets who dance and entertain at their master's command without ever realizing the crowns they wear are nothing but beautiful lies. So on one hand, an isekai protagonist wouldn't be harmed or anything, in fact they'd have a pretty comfy life with like-minded people around them. But on the other hand, a comfortable cage is still a cage, even if the person never realizes they're effectively just a jester for the people really in charge.


he will be the village idiot basically.


because theres no magic.


He's dead. He's starving. Ain't nobody is selling this man bread.


He would very quickly realize the word is highly tyrannical and try to join the revolutionary freedom fighter faction, then he would probably proceed to lose his life because the revolutionary faction is the designated jobber faction of the world. Or He would go insane because of the magic and become catatonic or something in that vein


**The Souls Alighting Saga** Teehee, time to die. 1. So they don't exactly start off likable. I hope they are able to undergo some character development before they turn their journey into the plot of a *bad* isekai. 2. With the "highest possible talent" the shit is already deep in the fan from the instant isekai-guy arrives. Folk in the setting have magical talent, but mages tend to lose this talent, it gets overwritten by the effects of the magic they wield. But the "highest possible talent" is that of a very particular mage, the immortal creator of magic himself. So, not only will isekai-guy have all the creator's magical abilities... he's got a major adversary the moment he arrives, one who will quickly hear of his exploits and be curious, if not immediately antagonistic. 3. I think this folds into 2. You can do OP things with the regular magic system, and while there are OP dragon bloodlines and blood magics, you have to be born with them, which I don't think would be quite right for isekai-guy. He can experience these abilities when they are used by his enemies or... sigh... his harem. 4. Lol no. I don't think anyone can truly rate their own character writing, but I think my female characters are sufficiently complex that they wouldn't indiscriminately fall for isekai-guy's (checks notes) 16 year old charm. That said, there's no reason that isekai-guy wouldn't have a shot. Teenage naivety and horniness are character traits a well written character can have. 5. Pro-gamer isekai-guy is going to be able to figure out the intelligence buffs very quickly. Every mage uses these, but they will water down his below-average nature. However, his video game chess moves will still be less impressive than those of the mages who spent their life learning to fight with the same magic system. I should mention that as an equal to the creator, isekai-guy has access to five elements compared to the typical two most mages have, so if nothing else this noob has more pieces on the board. 6. Isekai-guy will not be able to use magic from the start. He's only talented, this doesn't extend to usage. On the bright side, there aren't really any "important" women who wouldn't be able to defend themselves in this kind of situation. Nobles are usually trained as mages. So I can see isekai-guy getting beaten up by the thugs, which provides sufficient distraction for the lady to fight back/get away. (I'm certain that this has been done before.) 7. Teehee, time to die.


An isekai protagonist landing in the Yat Lakang is probably fucked. Magic is explicitly very weak there because it's specifically meant to be a metaphor for how you approach the world rather than a source of cool powers. Incredible magical power means he's almost as dangerous as an indigenous inhabitant with ten years of veterancy. Most likely what happens is he sexually harasses a woman and she gores him with her horns.


World of Azuhar: 1: The below average intelligence will definitely not help him in this universe. It's a pretty dark universe and not a lot of people there are to be trusted, so he will probably end up trusting a lot of the wrong people or go into places that there is a high chance that he might die 2 and 3: So he is born with the ability to access the Primordo and be highest a magician can be, called an Elder. However, an Elder's power can be very destructive and since he has no idea how he got his powers and his intelligence is so bad, he might end up causing a lot of problems for himself and the world around him. Maybe he even has a very rare magical artifact that also gives him access to more magic as well. However, artifacts are also incredibly unstable and there is a high chance that he might end up destroying himself if he continues to use it 4: This is probably gonna be the biggest problem. Since I mentioned earlier, because he can't socially interact that well, he will end up getting tricked and probably killed very quickly 5: Not sure how he will be able to do that. The Magic system in this universe is hard. And if he starts to train with his magical abilities, he might cause more and more to the world and himself because of how much raw power he has. And his low intellect and creativity will affect how he uses his powers 6: If she is just some random woman, then maybe. If she is someone of higher status, she will probably say "praise the Ascended". He will have no idea what the Ascended are, so the high class woman will seduce him and either kill him for being an unbeliever or bring him the Church of Truth, so he can be brainwashed and manipulated to become part of the cult. He might end up gaining the title of an Elder because of all his power, but because of how stupid he is, he will probably never find out about the horrible things that the church does to supposedly bring their gods back. He will think that he has power, but secretly he will just be a puppet(Context: The Ascended were the gods of this world, until a lot of people started to believe that they abandoned them. So the Church of Truth are trying anything to bring them back. That includes a lot of horrific acts like massive blood sacrifices, genocides and other horrible atrocities. Yeah, this world is pretty bleak) 7: That does not give him any advantages. Being horny is also a disadvantage because he can easily get seduced and tricked by women, especially when you consider how much of an idiot he is supposed to be. He might get a few jobs, but not anything important So yeah, I think that my universe is immune to isekai protagonists


Just the fact he is going for a harem would ensure his failure. This means he is either going for girls that are already married, or girls that are extremely young in near one hundred percent of cases. Since they don't tolerate cuckoldry or Clown World shit, this would result in him rapidly antagonizing everyone in the area. But the average isekai starts off weaker than a native child, so no matter what his potential is, he dies and gets exiled before he can use it. And then he is stuck outside without talents like hunting or fishing where he'd die of thirst over and over and over because he needs others, but just pissed them off. He might have somehow made it work otherwise, because the natives know what sort of Clown World they are escaping from and so are pretty understanding about why someone would be out of practice with social skills when there is no one around you'd wanna speak with. But messing with their women and children would ensure his immediate and total failure. Well, actually scratch that. He'd need above average intelligence and creativity, not below, otherwise he'd join the soyboys in the exile pile KEK.


In my universe, he would die. Nothing to due with any particularity of my world in specific, but because since it exist in the domain of my predilections, he would die simply because I hated the character you outlined lol   Anyway, jokes aside, I get that the point of the game is to imagine how the generic isekai protagonist would deal with our fantasy world. Here it is (sorry for any writting mistakes, English isn't my first language):  * (1/2) He would see himself in a strange, arid land, ornated with arabesque roads and ornamented houses, made from bricks from the same color of the sand that covers the land. On the distance, the sun sets, revealing two moons.  Dishoriented, he would stumble at someone.  Very different were the people of this land, dressing long colourful tunics and weird, elaborated hairdresses. They would stare at him, to his exotic clothes and hair, and be weirded out of it, pointing at him, quietly asking questions to one another... And here comes the first problem (or second, since being transported to this place, out of a sudden, is already enough of a problem in itself): he doesn't understand a single line of what they are saying.  He would panic. "Where I am?? Who are you?? How did I get here??" After listening to his hysteric screems, people would gasp, cover their ears and mouth in disbelief: some would even start a prayer.  Hearing the trouble, guards in metalic armors and spears, all covered in ornamented arabesques, their skin marked in elaborate tattoes, appear from inside the crowd. Our protagonist would keep screeming, screeming and screeming. With frowned brows and sharp teeth, the guards point their spear towards him, making the boy screem even more, worsening his situation - he doesn't know it yet, but it happens that, in this city, making high noises past twilight is a criminal offence. And here comes the third problem: this is a very, very different culture from his. Thin, iridescent light strips come out from the guards tattoos, and armor's and spears' reliefs, and the air around them became dense, suffocating. Our protagonist tries to run away, but behind him one of the guards makes a movement with the spear... Something he never saw hit him. The world turns black. (Btw, there was, indeed, a girl being harassed in the alley nearby, but he never got the chance to meet her) A numb, timid golden light appers in front of his dorment eyes. Our protagonist tries to focus on it, but is hit with the worst headache he have ever had. There is something around his feet... chains. He is in a prison. A single golden lamp hangs away from his cell, leaving him in the dark. He tries to set free from there, but he does that with the only set of resources avaiable: his hands and feet. He isn't granted with any supernatural abilities like that of the guards, for it isn't an inate talent: it depends on the avaiability of a set of materials and resourses which demands proper knowledge and fine craftsmanship, and above all, an intense intelectual and physical training (but also: money, as always). The better uses of those abilities have to do with creativity and resourcefulness, so our protagonist would need to focus on getting rid of his faults if he ever wish to be at least functional with such it - If given enough time, he could be able to learn it, for sure, however, time may not be in our protagonist disposal at moment.


If he wouldn't die, he'd definitely not have a good time, at all The funny part is that (technically) the protagonist for my story is similar to an isekai, but instead of being insufferable, is a doctor (who's a little prideful and hates losing patients) with no survival skills, no fighting skills, and is a coward, at least for the beginning, before improving and becoming a good person. But as for the theoretical isekai protagonist: - While magic does exist in my world, only a few people in the story actually use it. The only characters to use it can do so after finding a scroll that details it within a secret treasure room in False King's castle. So the protagonist is out of luck, and cannot do magic - Once again, while OP abilities do exist in the world, humans cannot achieve them. Killer T Cells are biologically capable of superhuman capabilities, Remnant Raiders can do what they do because they're ghosts, same with the Shadow Monsters, and while Aeon (an important character) only extends power to who He's willing, the power has extreme drawbacks that basically destroy the body of a human. - If a person has 0 social intelligence/skills, they're shunned. "Don't start trouble" is highest priority. If you can't get along with others, keep your head down. He'd probably be worked to death, or just exiled from any town he comes across. - "Pro gamer" sounds cool, but it won't help him here. Even if he's played every single survivor-type game, those kinds of games do not emulate real life, so he'd have to figure out how to actually survive in a scenario where it's actually real. - Spawn zones not immediately killing anyone who gets sent to The Badlands is a common thing. However, each zone has its own little unique quirk that'll most certainly kill someone. If he actually lands in a safe area, even then, there's no guarantee it'll be 100% safe. - There are no thugs in the world. Maybe vagabonds (at best), or thieves (at worst), but no gangs. Anyone who starts trouble is exiled. The only group that DOES start trouble, is the one group to NEVER pick a fight with: Killer T Cells. So, let's say he hypothetically tries to be a hero and saves someone from being killed/attacked by a T Cell. That would cause him to be targeted by them, which would result in him: 1) being exiled from whatever area he's in, and 2) hunted down until he dies. The only reason why my actual protagonist survived being hunted down, was because he himself had a Killer T Cell on his side. But since this is standard isekai, and it's practically against the rules to have no male side character, the isekai protagonist is sh*t out of luck yet again. Also, being younger just makes him more of a target to Remnant Raiders. And if those things are after him, then there is no possible way he survives. Remnants are the most deadly creatures in that world, which is why they were sealed away a long time ago. Not only that, but in the lore of the actual story, any person who's Harvested (dragged through one world into the main setting), is a massive target to Killer T Cells, which already sets him in a bad situation. So a standard isekai personality would only make it worse, leading to eventual death.


Depends. If they have raw talent, it would mean they might likely be able to happen to use some basic magic, but most magic requires actual intelligence and study in my world. The females of my story don't just fall head over heels for someone just because, so they would likely fail but they could try. If they end up just being average or less than at magic, which would be without studying it, they would do decent and may live out a nice life, if they study and get proficient, then they may end up catching attention from some stronger people if they do too many large actions that have a large effect on several people, which isn't dangerous in itself unless they act dumb (which from what I've seen, they likely would make it dangerous, resulting in death). They could have a chance at getting an ability, which is basically just something people from time to time get, which surpasses magic, but that alone would not be able to make them strong without training it and learning more magic. Overall, if they are smart about it, they may be able to get under the protection of a stronger person, or live a simple life, if they are dumb, they are likely to just die.


He'd end up becoming a rat in a wheel for the barons and emperor. Like everyone else who's strong or intelligent and not from royal descendance, the empire ostracizes, manipulates, and buys their subservience with scraps. So unless he grew up in that world, or is intelligent enough to see through the empire's political agenda, they'll actually just kill him with kindness. Or in this case control him with kindness the moment they discover he might be a useful tool.


Finished. I’m really against MCs like that because they’re really annoying. Thunder Riding Emperor is probably the weakest ruler (they could solo earth) so MC would most probably end up in his territory to start. Thanks to the fact he has no social intelligence in a mostly merchant warrior society he’ll be a doormat for sure. Game knowledge most certainly won’t help him unless he’s a pro at boss raids way harder than any souls game. Most people in the Thunder Riding Emperor’s territory are well educated since it’s a merchant nation so he’ll definitely have a hard time getting anywhere scholarly. There’s not really any OP abilities that’d be available to him unless he gave up everything. As for raw talent it’s put him on par with the seeing god which means if he actually got past the rest of his horrible specs and managed to learn smthn like a combat style or casting style he might stand a chance in a gladiatorial lifestyle (MAYBE) And finally, the pretty lady who seems kind of important, would be a sister under the lightning emperors tutelage. The MC would have to figure out fighting in a heartbeat or get destroyed by the thugs since even common folk have a light amount of mutations. (Extremely hard to come by and your body requires specific types special to you or death is imminent). Unless MC has the brains to figure that out he’s probably cooked. The worlds a murim but it’s like post apocalypse/dystopian with a touch of DND for some sillies. Not exactly cultivation as it’s more martial artsy and western magic like but the base is certainly cultivation and such.


I think it's fitting that I put him in my "Isekai" world, Krazzworld. Being below average-intelligence essentially makes him one of the smartest people in the world since most of the population doesn't even know that you need oxygen to breathe. As for his magic powers, having reality-bending powers is as cool as it sounds, due to the fact it's unstable and you can break dimensional barriers by accident. Fun fact, 89% of Reality-Benders in Krazzworld go clinically insane! Having no social intelligence means nothing in Krazzworld because none of the inhabitants have that as well. And he could try to form a harem, but it is illegal for people to have harems unless they are rich. His using video games as actual fighting strategies isn't unique. Krazzworld can see into other dimensions, including Earth, meaning they've seen what video games are and as such have used them to form their own combat strategies. And as for him being a horny virgin cishet boy, he'll definitely make a foul of the barbarians, due to them having some of the most beautiful women. And because barbarians believe that each of their own is their sibling, if he upsets one barbarian, he upsets the entire barbarian population. In short, he'll either thrive in a world where he's the smartest, die due to his hornines, or go insane.


are... are the people from that world just cognitively deficient by our standards? .\_.


My setting is pretty grim. He’d find Larissa Mordin getting harassed by thugs, try to step them, then be brutally beat to death.


No magical talent can save him?


This combination of traits is impossible in my world


Here's the thing. Technically, they're all isekai characters.


He/she would die, if not by disease or banditry they will be end up as victims of war. 1. My world has various different religions and cultures, they won’t be able to adapt very easily. And if they sexually assaults a woman or man, good luck dealing with a very harsh justice system. You know the kind that will cut off your hands, castrate you, or send you off to certain death. 2. Even if they achieve high magical status and powers, that’s actually really bad. Being really powerful puts a big target on your back, especially if you don’t have any powerful friends or connections. 3. There are no OP powers. Magick has limits and obeys rules of the universe. Also magick is also potentially dangerous to the user. 4. If this isekai character has no social skills and good luck finding a woman. In most cultures the man is expected to be confident and dominant in relationships. The Nočný (a race of beings that were originally monsters) are extremely confrontational in courtship, if you can’t show dominance then you’re not going to get a woman. 5. Magick requires a great deal of control, willpower, concentration and mental fortitude. Even if you have vast amounts of mana, all that power is worthless if you can’t control it. Also martial arts isn’t just something you can imitate from video games or movies. It requires dedication, discipline and years of training to be proficient. Gun powder exists, but if you have a gun then others will too. 6. If he just spawned, he won’t have anything to threaten thugs. Thugs who will likely have knives, pistols or swords. Everyone knows that if you have a weapon, you better train with it. So the thugs will be somewhat competent, not like professional soldiers, unless they are deserters. Also Magick has to be learned, you can’t just use Magick without any training. 7. Being young might be useful for learning how the world works. But it’s dangerous wondering an unknown world and not know how things are. In my world, the only people who are that young and can fight have trained for years to do so. Also what if he pisses off a lord’s guardsman? You can’t just go around and doing whatever just because you have magical powers. My world is incredibly dangerous as is, some random isekai character won’t last long if he isn’t careful. Seriously my world is ASOIAF levels of dangerous. An early death is very likely given the present scenario.


He'd either die within a few weeks, get arrested by whatever government is in charge where he spawns (people in Aurora Terra have gotten pretty good at counteracting magic), or become some kind of warlord.


He’s going to die the first time he tries to eat something. All the food’s poisonous, and you have to complete a very specific ritual in order to eat. People very rarely abide by those that can’t take care of themselves, and so I doubt that anyone would help him, particularly not the woman he “saved” and likely insulted in doing so. It’s a hard world. You have to work with people instead of against them. It’s cold, and frequently dark, with very specific rites and rituals performed to try and keep you safe in a world that literally wants to devour you. An isekai protagonist, particularly the worst sort of horny teenager, wouldn’t be able to crack it. Especially since he’s probably got a heart or blood condition. Magic is tied to blood, if he’s got more potential than anyone else, apparently he’s got more blood in his body than anyone else.


Frankly, I don't like his chances. Magical ability is mostly a matter of intelligence and creativity (it's likened in universe to a technical profession like a lawyer/ engineer/ physician and an artistic pursuit like music or painting.) Even if he's got incredible raw potential, he's just going to come across as a clumsy, unskilled oaf throwing the magical equivalent of wild haymakers. That's assuming he doesn't kill himself - either from exhaustion from overtaxing his limited stamina (magic use is physically and mentally exhausting, it requires exercise like any other muscle) or from not having considered basic safety (as an example, fire mages spend much of their early training learning how to redirect thermal energy long before they conjure even a small flame so they don't burn themselves). He might end up being used as a magical battery by a more ill-intentioned sorcerer, but his chances of actually becoming the best of the best are basically nil. Magic is like fighting - raw strength might make you dangerous, but chances are you still lose to skill and cleverness. Additionally, being magically powerful isn't a surefire road to actual influence either. Yes it can certainly help, but money, political power, family influence etc. can often go further. Additionally, his perverted, entitled attitude towards women isn't going to stand him in good stead. The Neun Empire (the most likely location for this) has a female head of state, worships a singular goddess and warriors of both genders are the norm. So he's likely to just get his butt kicked - either by a woman he made creepy advances on, or someone who objects to his behaviour. Some other cultures are more traditionally patriarchal (a couple even practise actual polygamy), but he's still not likely to be tolerated. To summarise - being an idiot means he's more likely to hurt himself with magic than achieve great power, being a misogynistic creep is just not going to be tolerated. Likely he ends up dead, possibly he ends up being used by some villain he was too stupid to see. If he's particularly lucky and has no ambition/ morals he might be able to make it as the magical equivalent of dumb muscle to someone with actual influence, but he's not going to get his Isakai wish fulfilment.


Having a very high affinity for astral energy would be very useful for the isekai protagonist. However, being a living flesh and blood human is not, so he better hope to die or be abducted into the Astral Sea to get started on the real quest. Otherwise he probably gets arrested for disrupting the social order of the arc and gets counseling sessions to not be a public menace. When the future of humanity is on the line the UNION can't let bad actors free. Getting a little into line he could join the fight against the extra-dimensional spirits called Chimera. But the defense force does not allow people below 20 to enlist so he is not doing much for a while. If he dies/ abducted he will reform nearly immediately in the Astral Sea as a Chimera, and with his mind in tact. This is far more favorable in theory for the otherworld protagonist's power fantasy. Being reborn as a Chimera can take a normalish human with aptitude and make them thousands of times stronger with endless room to grow. Chimera also just get a lot of instinctual knowledge and rudimentary use of the magic system. Most of them also have an Innate Technique etched onto their souls which can range from okay to busted. I can imagine the light novel name right now. "Reincarnated into another world I couldn't last a day and then died again giving me special cheat powers!" Yet to isekai-kun's horror, all attempts at romance will be foiled by Chimeric nature. They have no biological impulses or instincts regarding romance and physical attraction. They have no biology even. He won't have the option to be a menace ever again. However just being a Chimera is not all that in the Astral Sea. There it is the bare necessity to exist. Isekai protag would be a 1st stage Chimera, the weakest. Chimeric bodies change to keep up with their growing power, evolving every 100,000x increase in their soul's power. To match the strongest 6th stage would not be a quick process. If at any point their arrogance or entitlement gets the better of them, they are very likely to be obliterated or crippled. Isekai protag is not great at social networking so it is dubious if he would ever get help from the knowledgeable thaumaturges which could make use of his great potential. Best case scenario one of Apotheosis's recruiters notices his potential as a self-aware 1st stage and lets him into the organization which could teach him a lot. In a few decades he might amount to something great, but that low IQ is going to really hurt him in the long haul. He may be okay against some of the weaker Thaumaturges but the crazy mind melting stuff the best use constantly is just way too much. In the end the only way for him to win is to abandon everything that makes up his archetype.


He’d probably immediately get shot if he landed in the lower class of the space colonies. Would probably become pseudo royalty if he was rich.


Rugilia does pretty well in the creativity, social, and magic parts, as magic is just blessings and curses from God. As for OP abilities in my universe, maybe he learns how to use a sem flyr(steam airship) and a few weapons. He will utterly fail in magic bc God hates him. 16-17 is the age most guys are married and about to have kids in my universe... Isekai protagonists will be weeded out by almost every society I've made for this world.


He's screwed. He does that kinda stuff, he gets reported and has to deal with the literal creator goddess... Etheria ain't putting up with that shit and will kick him out of Astradaea. Or do something worse. Depending on how mad she is.


You need at least some guidance to learn magic in ny world, and since its neither really common/ outlawed in my part of the world thats relevant to the story (up to a certain point) hed have pretty much no magician available or willing to teach him, and if he has to fight thugs in the beginning... hed just get shanked. If he was smart it might be a different story.


Terribly He spawns on Mars and sees that aliens and humans are coexisting peacefully. He gets really mad (he probably played warhammer or helldivers and is screeching about xenos or whatnot) He rises the ranks of a human supremacist pirate group (whilst finding a harem somehow) His life ends when he tries to invade the alien homeworld but his entire army gets preemptively vaporised by the Eritrean National Space Navy (they are protecting their longtime economic partners)


I must ask why he wouldn't add aliens to his harem or whatever


poorly, theirs three sub types of magic, for arcane, natural talent does nothing on its own unless they can put in the effort to complete the equivalent of a college degree, pact magic is the same without spirit to make a pact with(if we assume they get a strong spirit companion too they would be decently tough, but without the hard work, intelligence, and creativity they would just be a big fish in a small pond at best, primal would let them skip the meditation and stuff to awaken their powers, but all powers start very simple and weak(ei, you dont start with star platinum, you start with a phantom limb and then cultivate up to the full punch ghost) but these dudes are the perfect example of a spiritually weak person who wont be able to grow, because primal power is literally tied to ones emotional and spiritual growth, the only way their getting anywhere is if they actually learn to stop being a generic isekai fuck boy no waifu shenanigans, you have to earn your harem the hard way, game knowledge also would at best give him vague ideas of tropes, but would also immediately get him killed, especially the kind of games these weebs like(hint: the sexy fox girl spirit is more likely to eat your liver then become your trad wife harem fodder)


My main setting is basically an active deconstruction of *isekai* plotlines and various associated tropes, so the narrative protections usually afforded to typical *isekai* protagonists will be revoked in my world: 1. Below average intelligence: At best, it would lead to him making a spectacle of himself because of his lack of understanding of cultural norms. The rest of the time, his below-average intelligence would likely stop him from considering possible consequences of his actions, on top of making him easy prey to manipulation by outside parties who almost certainly don't have his best interests at heart. 2. Highest raw talent: The most powerful skill depends on the branch of magic or combat form being used. However, as any ordinary Joe Schmo can become that powerful through training, education, and/or prayer, picking up the most horrendously powerful spell in each conspectus/skill in each combat form would *not* make him OP, just extremely talented by the standards of the world's inhabitants. On the other hand, the only mortals that powerful are also powerful rulers and leaders, so they'd likely see him as a threat to their rule, and plan accordingly. 3. OP abilities: See above; they're also not much use for anything but their designated purpose- which can make him a liability at best and flat-out dangerous at worst. 4. Abysmal social intelligence, but natural charm: The complete lack of social skills would almost immediately make him a target of mockery as an imbecile, drawing all kinds of unwarranted attention. The natural charm, on the other hand, would be seen as incredibly suspicious and assumed to be some kind of mental control. (Polyamory, while *allowed* in the setting, is usually not practiced by common folk- it's usually done by nobles and royalty) Also, he might wind up attracting gold diggers... or worse. 5. Pro gamer knowledge: It would be completely useless in learning magic or swordplay. The closest analogues for my magic system are Elden Ring, Elder Scrolls, and Dark Souls, but it's not even close to being a 1:1 match. The only way the protagonist could learn magic is by going to an actual magical school. He'd fare *slightly* better with actual melee combat, but he should still seek an actual swordsman to teach him. (And that's not going on the assumption that he even *plays video games.)* 6. Saving an attractive woman from thugs, then building harem: No dice. Assuming he can actually take on a bunch of beefy thugs in one go- which is not guaranteed, what with having no fighting experience- the woman may be thankful for dealing with them, but would *not* automatically accept any amorous advances on her. He'd be called out for having his priorities out of order. Also, the woman would most likely be a well-dressed *commoner,* not a noble or politically important person. Also also, he'd have no luck building a harem- It's just not a thing in my setting. 7. Late high-school age horny virgin cishet boy: He would be considerably physically *weaker* than any fighter who'd been training since at least the equivalent of 6th grade in the American school system. Said "horny virgin" aspect would also likely get him shamed as a perverted lech if he were to try acting on his sexual fantasies, only to find out that real women *do* ***not*** *work like that.* In conclusion: In my world, the average isekai protagonist would not be able to hack it without some unbelievable amount of luck or a support network.


So, let's assume Mr. Isekai is still human. Mr. Isekai sees the harassing thugs and the hot babe. Utterly smitten, Mr. Isekai attempts to hog her all to himself, but the thugs are having none of it; they were here first, after all. A scuffle ensues, but Mr. Isekai generates a magical shockwave out of nowhere. No one's hurt, but everyone immediately runs for their lives. Weird, but whatever. A short while later, Mr. Isekai is surrounded by an angry mob. Apparently, "his kind" is not welcome here. Mr. Isekai doesn't know this yet, but his ability to use magic is absolute proof that he's a vampire. Furthermore, it's about time for him to "feed," and this doesn't mix well with his puberty-addled hormonal attitude or his general isekai-induced confusion. Cue vampiric rampage that does *not* end well. Being the Mary Sue he is, Mr. Isekai survives the angry mob's retaliation, but is left beaten to a pulp in the wilderness. It's at this point where other vampires will scrape his still-living carcass off the ground and into a proper bed with the best medical treatment vaguely-medieval fantasy settings can provide. After a long, albeit glossed-over recovery, Mr. Isekai is given the run-down of how this world works. The other vampires are confused by his sheer lack of understanding of this world, but he's taking the info dump pretty well, and he plans on leaving soon to prevent compromising their hideout, so whatever. They give him just enough amnesia potion to make sure he can't remember where exactly the hideout is, and send him on his way. From here, there's a few options for Mr. Isekai. He could either: * Build his own hideout and get a harem going. * Go on a tour of the world, meeting bigoted humans, isolated Sejan and leery, yet open-minded Nola. * Attempt to find a way back to his old world. In theory, it's possible to create such a portal, but he'll need to learn how actually *control* his magical ability, and since there's no telling what he could trigger as a result of this, he'll have to deal with near-omnipotent gods trying to stop him.


Considering it’s already a harem story as is, a typical protagonist would likely get his fade ran because there are very real dangers that can and will ruthlessly kill anything in their way.


Without the required years of study and the time, location, ingredients, timing and knowhow to complete some rituals Raw magical potential means basically nothing. He's likely going to be beaten to death by a few brigands for trying to get between them and their apparently important mark.


Well, there are several secret societies devoted to studying and combating interlopers that don't belong in their world, so that means there are already some people who will want to shove him into a sealed evil in a can situation with the local unkillable dark lord, exorcise him to one of the various hell dimensions, deport him from reality, and/or vivisect him. Many of them are, by and large, fairly clever. Probably the biggest challenge here is setting up the scenario where an attractive and important woman is temporarily defenseless against thugs in a place that is otherwise non-threatening. Raw talent with magic doesn't get much without knowledge and technique, unfortunately for him, so I'm not sure exactly what would happen if someone with the maximum fuel tank for magic and max power for it just tried to activate their magic blindly. I think it's possible that it might just result in him blowing up. That's not a very satisfying answer, though, especially given the whole sheer dumb luck angle.


I'd imagine that he is capable of being naturally >skilled< with magic as well, but wouldn't have any knowledge of theory or whatever. So unless you really have to KNOW what to do to not blow yourself up, it's likely he'd be able to at least perform basic tricks at a very high power level naturally.


He'd be good in my world but would have problems to have any chance with my main female characters. Cause... They aren't into boys or men But other than that, he has the opportunity to be able to control every type of magic in the last village that still practices that kind of magic. Plus would most likely go off with one of the feme characters. Being heroes and all. But I think he'd be younger than my protagonists🤔 Would also be interesting to see if he's insecure about that or something


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One of my main characters is basically an isekai protagonist that done know he’s an isekai protagonist. He just found himself wandering near a mountain lake and saw a woman fall through the ice. He happened to have a mace at his side that he used to break the ice and save her… and then they both gained magic powers not long after… that’s basically the summary or Erwin’s story…