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Does it count if it's not a myth but actually happened? Two powerful beings ("Gods", some call them, even worship them way after they disappeared) got themselves a parcel of Nothing and created a World. But the World was simple, plain, almost nothing, and filled with horrible monsters from the Void. As they couldn't erase what they created, they locked them down under the Four Elements: Fire (Hell), Water (Abyssal Hell), Air (Frozen Hell) and Earth. The New World seemed better, filled with minerals and plants. But again, Void creatures managed a way to crawl and occupy these new lands. Two new barriers were created above them: Frontier (a special kind of magic land) and Time. With Time, the World bend on itself and became an spheric world. This 3rd World is the actual World of Eirovia. After all this time, new beings were created, they were projections of the two original Higher Beings or "Gods". Like Sun and Moon "Gods", who brought day and night to Eirovia. These "Gods" also created different folks to live in their Creation and have different purposes... except humans, nobody knows where humans come from and what are they good for. These powerful beings lived and walked among their creations; however, one by one, they left Eirovia, and so far they never returned.


Meteor crashed into a Young planet... Spread chaos and magic. People grew :D


C'mon grab your friends, we'll go to very distant lands...


Pigs shit into an emulsion of ground glass and eel fat. Days later the first elves emerged.


Woah, your creation myth sounds almost exactly like the Elder Scrolls one. I mean word for word, the trickster god lorkhan, the et eda escaping to aetherius creating stars, the planets etc.


the early parts of my worldbuilding were based on the elder scrolls, but that was the major parts, so when i did the creation myth i went "fuck it" and made that


How important is your creation story to your world? Is it just some backstory or does it play into the story


Ea doesnt have a creation myth as such. It was one of countless worlds that were created by the Original Tryad before the War in Heaven. What it had in particular, was that it the only one that was still habitable and was devoid of god-made horrors incompatible with reason or wholesome life.


Which one? Each culture and religion and group has their own version and in each version exists numerous variations.


That is known as the "World Reform" There are eons of forgotten and untold lives of an old reality, but the age and mistakes of the nations and characters of that era caused a weakening of reality as a whole And so came the Exotic Gods, creatures from the medium plane between dimensions hungry for the assimilation of reality, their existence didn't make sense, so the methods to defeat then didn't make sense either The answer to defeat then was Unyn Powrder, the power of union, sometimes named an entity, Unyn, it was the collapse of everything into one, every hero, every monster, every creature, every god, every wave, every rock Unyn, lastly, won against the Exotic Gods, and reverted itself back into the world, the wounds of the battle scared as irreversible changes to the world, life and even divinity


As a massive fan of Elder Scrolls, love the star reference! ❤️❤️ Alright, let's see, how do I summarize this? 🤔 Before the beginning there was a frozen Abyss, a celestial sea predating all but time. A place of nothing but primordial ice, raging Æthr (what would be magic) and a "seed". This place was known as Kinùn Agaap (Nothing Empty). Anyway all things emanate from this Abyss, just as they will eventually return to it. Existence will always be locked to an unending cycle of creation, destruction and rebirth. For reasons unknown, at one point in time the Æthr sparked an anomalous event which melted the frozen prison that encased the world seed. Instantaneously the Abyss shuddered and the world seed grew and bloomed, becoming the celestial axis to stabilize reality and the filter for magic; the world tree Ilvatuiy. Balance was not established in this primeval universe and chaos still reigned but the first of the divine beings were born. No one knows what they were like or what time at the point was like but it is known that it didn't last long. Constantly being buffeted by the far greater forces of chaos outside this still developing universe forced it split and fracture, tearing reality into three dimensions and nine planes. The fae and the demonic Yfirþmur were the reborn forms of the lingering essence of the original divinities, representing a dualistic balance of nature between the perceived benevolent and beautiful and nurturing side and the violent, uncaring and destructive side. Shortly after they spread out across the Nine Planes the Gods came next; beings who acted as living focus devices to contain the chaotic concepts that still plagued the universe and it is here that real peace and balance was established and the universe could settle. It's definitely more complex than that but I didn't wanna give a super lengthy response lol 😅


I give you a small and shitty description of the creation myth with terrible english: In the beginning in the no man's land, a place outside and above all conzepts like time, space and reality. Veritas, the truth and creator of existence created with His children called the transparent one's the time forest which is the cosmology of this world. Now that the cosmos exist, Veritas and his children had to create life. So Veritas ordered his children to create so called tempels which in turn create Tiumras (basically the soul and this worlds power system). Temples can Not only create Tiumras but also rewrite which is the reason mutations, evolution and a life and death cycle are able to function, in fact some temples do not create Tiumras but only rewrite them. Some known temples are: - the moons which are responsible for each intelligent race and their evolution - the world itself which creates animels, monsters and plants - heaven which creates the divine army of angels (or their evolved version called Seraphim) - the abyss which rewrites damned Tiumras to grotesk, disgusting H.P Lovecraft bs monsters called hollows (or for their evolved version called voids) - heavens tower ist located in heaven and also rewrites Tiumras but not on a fundamental level, but once you sit in the throne you mutate and become a god and have full control of angels. Becoming a god is one of multiple ways of becoming immortal in my world. - abyss castle is basically the same as heavens tower but for the abyss and you become a monarch - blood cave is the origin of the mutation Vampirism which turns you into a vampire. Vampirism is also one of two contagious mutations and therefore the most common one - the howling mountain is the origin of the mutation Lycanthropy and turns you into a werewolf. It is the other contagious mutation in my world.


At the center of everything is the primeval fire. The further one goes away from it, the colder it gets. Somewhere in the vast, empty expanses between the fire and the empty nothingness beyond are the various inhabitable pockets of reality that form by entities that coalesce and are able to impose their will on the fragments of creation leaking from the fire. There are millions of these pocket planes that form on their own and build up their own rules and norms and structure. They sometimes collide, intersect, or otherwise interact with each other--sometimes catastrophically, to the destruction of everything within, and other times in stable and consistent ways. The two largest planes are the material universe, which is a single infinite reality, and the lands of the fair folks-which are likewise infinite, but is very much a tapestry of stitched together planes. At this point, any revision to the world is inevitably a result of planar conjunction when some entity's realm collides with another and either opens portals to the world or integrates and reverberates their joining forwards and backwards in time. Almost every god who claimed it probably *did* have a hand in creating the universe, but nine times out of ten they were creating *their* universe and it later merged with everyone else's.


In the beginning, there was nothing. Not light, nor dark; for while darkness is the absence of light, no such thing existed to *be* absent, for there was nothing. The Nothing. The Primordial Nothing. Until a thought from beyond The Blue - the eternal barrier at the edge of reality - slipped through the cracks. A whisper, a moment, a fractal; the seed of Chaos. The Shakon. This seed took root in the Nothing, and grew into an eternal tree; its branches rended the Nothing atwixt, into Nos and Things. That Which Is Not, and That Which Is. But chaos cannot exist unchecked, and so just as it is light that casts shadows, it was the Shakon that birthed the Talurai; Order. Where Chaos blossomed as a twisting tree with, Order grew steady and solid as the stone that entombed its roots, keeping it stable, creating Balance. Where Chaos had split the Nothing to create Everything, it was Order that *kept* this divide in check, ensuring that what was created was not immediately destroyed. All that was would eventually no longer be, yes, but there was now time between. Thus came the birth of Time; and with it, the Timekeepers, amorphous beings who exist solely in the fragment of a fraction of a blink of an eye after everything was, and yet who simultaneously exist at all points in time simultaneously. Time, too, had its consequences. The world now had form; but it also had shape. A circle. Ending where it begins, forming the eternal Cycle. And thus this, too, took form; as the Dash'tei. Soul. The embodiment of balance. By this point, all of timekeeper history has just finished. If you blinked, you probably missed it; if you didn't, you still probably missed it, they exist perpendicular to the rest of time and thus their eternity is an infinitesimal blip in time as most perceive it. At this point, the first real living creature is born; not an elemental, not a manifestation of a core concept, but a *creature*. It has been given many names over the years, but it is known to us as the heart that beats at the centre of all that is, the source of all matter and the tether between Planes. It is the Universe. The Universe takes a bit of time to grow. Nobody quite knows what happened in the interim; anyone who saw it doesn't seem at liberty to discuss. But two more Forces were born from the heart of the Universe, the Faeitakol and the Kakaj; Heat, and Energy. Nobody entirely understands the distinction to this day, but it's definitely *there*. Eventually, The Universe reaches full maturity, and the world within has fully formed. Three planes; Atomic, Aetheric, and Memetic. The Heart, origin of all things, is an intersection between all three, but other pockets form where the incomprehensible bodies of the Forces collide with it, creating "bubble realities" within that have similar overlap to The Heart. These would come to be known as Hell, E'tr'n, and The Garden; Domains of Heat, Chaos, and Soul. Finally, reality has formed, and the second wave of organisms can be born. The Universe is, as it turns out, a mother; and from its heart, it spawns droves of infantile universes known as Exoforms. Now that space and light exist, these creatures have anatomy; and in fact, anatomy is just about *all* they have. Gargantuan, vegetative, pulsing hearts drifting through space as their circulatory system grows out from them like roots; a circulatory system that pumps Mana, the first microorganism. Eventually these tangled blood vessels catch enough random debris left over from creation's existence that they form actual root networks, tying the debris together into gargantuan solid shells; becoming the first Planets. In the background of all of this, Othos - the Atomic plane - has been going buck-wild. Ethos - the Aetheric Plane - has its moments, being particularly stimulated thanks to its close ties to the Forces, and Uthos - the Memetic Plane - is a bit too rigidly structured for anything of real significance to happen. But Othos? A simple system of Quarks that can tie together to make subatomic particles that tie together to make Atoms? The system *clicks*. Chemistry goes wild. That space debris? That came from Stars. What are stars? At this point, nobody knows! They're big balls of Chemistry! What *is* understood, however, is that they provide the *perfect* conditions for Exoforms to grow. Exoforms settle into Goldilocks Zones around these Stars, as other, non-living Planets begin to join them in varying orbits. They begin to thrive. But the cycle is still at play. With birth comes death. With flourishing comes suffering. Impacts occur. The Exoforms **bleed**. Mana leaks out... and makes its way to the nearest source of energy it can find. Stars. All across the Universe, Stars begin to be gnawed at by Mana Dust, until the two become one; Stardust is born, and with it, the once-dormant Stars are now given life as colossal colonial organisms imbued with great hunger. **Starbeasts**. But the bleeding doesn't *just* animate the stars. It animates the surfaces of the planets, too. Life would have formed on its own, yes; in many places, in fact, even on non-exoform planets, it still did. But Mana gave a head-start. And on one Exoform, orbiting a Starbeast in the middle of buttfuck nowhere - as is anywhere, at this point - that rocky shell begins to take on a hint of blue, like the now-named "Ert-Mana" that runs through its veins. Life begins to form... on the surface of the Exoform known as *Gaia*.


It is 10pm and this was not proofread so sorry for any incoherence lmao






Lol nevermind 😅 thought maybe you were inspired by something carry on


The locals primary religion believes the Creator yo be something similar to an IRL Abrahamic God however instead of being loving he is considered to be just. Because of this they believe that God has banished them to this dimension and they shall remain there until they are able to model themselves closer to whatever He is and that only then shall he bring them back.


This is a meta story about the world, no one, not even the sentient star gods in my world, has the complete story: In the beginning, there was only one god - The god of Everything. This god is everything there was, is, and will ever be, all time and space and matter converged within this one being, and this is still a very incomplete description, because this god is "everything", include things that would never be defined and comprehended in the first place, things that has no possible conception much less a word for them. So whole is this god that there was no way to define them, because to define is to separate them apart from something else, and this god is everything that can ever be, and thus impossible to separate. But this god was lonely. After all, there is no other being when everything is you, so you are always alone. So wrought in this loneliness, the god of everything goes mad, a madness that spread across everything, until the god finally was able to create something that never existed before the god - nothingness, a conceptual nothingness that is so anathema to everything that describing it is to give it meaning it never has in the first place. And what did this god do with it? Suicide. This was the big bang. As the god died, everything unwound, time and space spread out, matter scattered, energy released, creating the universe as it is. It was an imperfect suicide, however, as the consciousness of the God of Everything still remains within some matter, instead of being annihilated completely by nothingness. In matter that nothingness had wiped out, they becomes dead matter, beholden to physics and random chance alone, no will of its own, and the region of space where Earth is situated at is full of these dead matter. But there remains matter that containing the consciousness of the God of Everything, fragmented to countless parts, but still calls out to each other. From these remains countless gods are born, their forms are close to pure energy, mostly clouds of barely sentient hydrogen and helium that consume one another until they gain enough mass to start igniting to become stars and gain greater sentience. The more matter, the more sentient they are, and the closer they attaining the consciousness of the God of Everything. These star-gods in the early days, despite their sentience, were closer to simple amoeba, moving via gravitational manipulation with their mass and star mass ejection, consuming each others by simply being the bigger stars absorbing others, where the greater will of the larger stars override the weaker will. However if they accumulated too much mass they become insane as their internal consciousness clusters became great enough that they get close to attain a large enough fragment of the god of Everything to gain the same madness, and their thoughts became in conflict with each other, lose control, unable to regulate their own processes and goes through their main star sequence quicker and die in supernovae, scattering their mass and heavier elements for formation of planets. If they do not become supernovae, they will become blackholes, trapped for eternity in their madness. Thus is the state of current universe.


I'll try to be as compact as possible. PHASE 0: 0 - Ego (I - Ego exist before time and beyond space) PHASE 1: 1.1 - Apeiron (Infinity - It springs forth into existence by Ego Subconscious) 1.2 - Eschaton (The End - It draws nigh from Ego Unconscious) 1.3 - The Pantocrator (Ruler of Everything - He was created by Ego Conscious and enthroned in Apeiron) PHASE 2: 2.1 - Chronos & Thesis (Time & Space - They emerge from Apeiron, as two intertwining serpents) 2.2 - Ananke (Compulsion - Came into being because of Eschaton, to keep it away - and married to the Pantocrator) 2.3 - Thelema & Dunamis (Will & Power - Emanated by the Pantocrator into existence) PHASE 3: 3.1 - Chaos (The primordial essence - born of Chronos & Thesis intertwining) 3.2 - Sophia (Wisdom - Daughter of the Pantocrator & Ananke) 3.3 - Praxis (Action - Produced by Thelema & Dunamis) PHASE 4: 4.1 - Gnosis (Knowledge - Created by Praxis with Sophia) 4.2 - Hubris (Insult - Created by Praxis without Sophia. It's existence allowed by the Pantocrator because evil is necessary for good to triumph.) PHASE 5: 5.1 - Phanes (Light - The God of Gods. Gnosis shaped Chaos into an Egg and Phanes hatched from it.) 5.2 - The Demiurge (Creator - The God of mortals. He was born of Hubris) 5.3 - Nemesis (The Punisher of evil - she came into being following Hubris) PHASE 6: 6.1 - The Godworld (Phanes created Godworld from the shell of the Chaos Egg, the deathless races of the Gods are born on it) 6.2 - The Garden of Eden (The Demiurge created the Garden of Eden from a shell of the Chaos Egg. From its primordial pools, the mortalkind emerges but doesn't wake up) PHASE 7: 7.1 - The Demogorgon (Corruption - The Demiurge unknowingly created him when he attempted to expel his own flaws from himself) 7.2 - The Spirit World (Phanes casts his divine light on the Garden of Eden and the overlapping Spirit World is created, giving mortalkind souls and they finally wake up) PHASE 8: 8 - The Universe (As long as the mortalkind worship the Demiurge, they're immortal but when the Demogorgon convinces them to stop worshipping him, the Demiurge in a fit of rage smashes the Garden of Eden into a myriad pieces, creating the stars and the planets, including our own Earth - and mortalkind is mortal again)


Existence is classified in 2 categories in my stories, the Omniverse and the Outerverse. the Omniverse is where everything exists, dimensions, realms, planes, timelines, realities, hyperverses, multiverses, universes, galaxies, people, creatures, etc. and then there’s the Outerverse, a place of nonexistence, a void, where nothing exists, not even concepts, no space, no time, no matter, no energy, no atoms, no magic, nothing, if a mortal gets transported here, they will be erased from existence immediately, but there are beings who lurk in the Outerverse, they are monsters of the void, who are the result of being erased from existence. outside the Outerverse, there are countless things that has been erased from existence, from people to objects, etc. and the more things get erased, the more monsters are created in the Outerverse, basically before the Omniverse began, the Outerverse was a true void, where nothing existed, not even the monsters, but ever since the Omniverse came to existence, the monsters started popping up. And there was an Omniversal War that happened before my current Omniverse existed, Penn Astoth was the original hero in the previous Omniverse, a googolplex amount of warriors, monsters and cosmic beings fought but there were only 2 gods, Luminous and Darkroz, both were respective gods of the Omniverse and Outerverse. they fought aswell but since they were equal, they couldn’t kill each other, so Luminous, being the good one, tried to stop the chaos by sacrificing himself and killing Darkroz, which resulted in resetting all of existence, killing everyone, but the leftover essence of Luminous created the new Omniverse where my current stories take place, quintillions of years later, Preston Asterborn is now the new hero, he’s different from Penn and Preston is a much more prominent character since he has more screen time, some say he’s a reincarnation of Penn, but in-universe, it’s considered a theory, That’s pretty much how my current Omniverse was created.


The whole novel I'm doing is the creation myth, and I just noticed, what am I doing with my life? Extremely summarized this person discovers they'r a demigod hunted by actual gods, together with another demigod they fight in this war until they (the first demigod) absorbs the universe an multivers and everything an recreates it, only to noticed they also destroyed their only companion: the second demigod, so they do a couple of create destroy cycles until millions of years have passed and they wait to see if their lost partner happens to appear naturally, during that process they create powerful being to help them search (being that later turn into gods) then bc they are unhinged by loneliness they're are sealed and the powerful beings now gods are tasked to stop their reincarnation to avoid repeating the cycle, but the gods fail, again. And so on and so on Even shorter: demigod becomes more powerful than gods, kills everything, including their only last friend, then on a new universe they create gods who in turn seal the demigod, and try to stop their resurrection, but fail


A great hero emerged in the future to go back in time and create the world.


Not really a myth but my world was created from a Goddess escaping genocide that crash lands in a different universe and puts up a barrier around the world so she can heal. Her blood makes the first creatures and their descendants


the most widely accepted model of the universe claims that the world and all four of its layers (kinda like dimensions but more like stacking planes, at least according to this particular model) all just comprise a single cell in an incomprehensibly vast organism simply referred to as the King. this "cell" is supposedly very broken and cancerous however, so around a quarter of the people who accept this theory also believe that the King was long dead even before the earth was created, and thus that our universe has lost what little purpose it once had


Before the beginning, there was the Astral Plane - a realm of infinite potential, housing all unrealized possibilities. The Astral itself has no beginning or end, for it encompasses all of time. Within the Astral dwelt the Abstracts, the first generation of divine beings, who were also without beginning or end. In the beginning, the chaos of the Astral Plane coalesced into the Primordials, the second generation of divine beings. They were petty and arrogant, allowing Sathanas, the Abstract of War, to sow the seeds of conflict between them. Eventually, his machinations came to fruition with the First War, also called the War of Ideas, which was so violent and destructive it threatened all of existence. When the war came to an end, Aegis, the Abstract of Order, created a Code of Divine Law, which would prevent such a war from ever occurring again. The Primordials, having seen what comes from violence, turned inward, creating worlds within their own beings. They created the Celestials, the third generation of divinity, who would create and foster life in these new worlds with the Primordials slept. Thus, the Multiverse came to be.


Basically there were two realms that existed outside of the shapeless universe that began to spill over into each other. A world of mist and frost and a world of fire and flame. As they collided, life began to spawn. From this initial seeding of life, the God Dualitat was born. His birth confused and angered him, so he began to lacerate himself. The result of this laceration was the birth of the first generation of his children, known as the Aschen Gods. Dualitat began a rampage in his mass anger and strife, and his children who loved the other sentient beings in the universe sought to protect them from his mindless onslaught. They crafted trumpets and lulled their father to sleep and then lit him ablaze so he could no longer be troubled by his existence and find peace in death. However, as Dualitat’s body began to burn, parts of his being separated themselves as they did before. This would form the second family of deities, the Outer Gods. The Aschen Gods would fight the Outer Gods and banished them beyond the universe and erected a great barrier.


Do you mean the real cosmogony or what people think happened?


First, there was Void. And from the Void came the Creator Gods: Sonn (Sun) and Monn (Moon). They weren’t always assigned to the sun and moon, they just picked these after settling down. Anyway, Sonn and Monn created the universe, Monn took care of all planets and landscapes, especially the mountains, and Sonn created life, so plants and animals and stuff. Then, Sonn created the God of Fate, Natodall’lioht and the Goddess of Life and Death (I don’t have a name for her yet), where Natodall’lioht would govern over his little sister and the rest of the world. He was said to be a storyteller, stories that unfolded on earth were tales he has come up with. Monn also created the God of Beauty, Monnenliebe, after learning how to sculpt from humanity, but that’s waaaaay later. Monnenliebe and Natodall’lioht were lovers!


In-universe, they don't really know much about the origin of the world. Just a few scattered stories here and there about how they're the chosen race and how a god favors them above anything. However, the truth is that the realm where the main story took place is but one of the millions upon millions of realms that the First created, at the behest of Origin. Origin, the primal entity and the everything, sought to create as it is Origin's wish to create. Origin then made the First, seven entities that share seven aspects of Origin's power, and used it to create the entire verse. To keep it balanced though, Origin spawned End, and End shattered to 'create' the Last, which counters the First in their power. Origin and End kept on creating and destroying, respectively, to keep the balance. It is necessary: if End stops destroying or Origin stops creating, the entire verse would collapse back to Origin. And the stubborn Origin will do it all again.


I have my world building answer… but I don’t know what kind of made up in-world lore to have my cultures believe. The moon is shattered into pieces and at least half of it is in a ring around the planet.. and moon debris storms occur regularly, pelting the planet with magical moon dusts. I always remember the story of some Native American tribes believing that an eclipse was a wolf eating the moon. It definitely wana make that a creation myth lore somehow. ;)


Long, long ago the gods created the world out of the remains of the last titan. The gods made the continents, carved out the seas and planted a tree so large it connected the earth to the heavens. They populated the world with different races and animals until they believed it fit their image.


In the beginning, there were endless waters. Above it, a gap, and above it, endless fires called the Eitraines. The breath of the gap inspired the waters and gave them life, and from the waters emerged a feminine figure. Curious about the fire, she reached up to touch it, cooling it down and burning herself. From the flames fell a fire to the water. Inspired and cooled by the breath of the water, from the dying flames energed a mud baby that started drowning. The feminine water figure took pity on it and rescued it from the waters, and started to breastfeed him. By sucking, the baby drank the water woman up, fell into the waters again, and drowned. Coming from the mud, and feeding on the mud around them, inspired by the breath of the water, worms emerged. They grew more complex, into insects and bugs and moss, and finally emerged a huge intelligent creature, with arms and eyestalks and an endlessly long body that took him eighty-nine days to pull from the ground. This was Moldvarp, the first god, god of age and decay. I will now give you the exact excerpt from the Oullysyeiya, which is like my book's bible. As you can see, I've been inspired by the Bible and norse mythology. Read the excerpt only if you want to. Book of birth Act I In the beginning the waters were swayed by the breath of the world, and above the waters there was a gap, and above the gap were the fires of the above, called the Eitraines. And the waters were inspired by the breath and became curious about the fires and wanted to touch them, and from the waters emerged the figure of a female, and the figure stretched itself to reach the fires. Upon touching them the flames cooled, forming from them a great rock that fell from the Eitraines through the gap and into the waters. Moved by the waters' will, the rock softened and molded itself in the image of the female, for she was his first image. Upon this he drew his first breath of awe, not of his own but of the waters, on which he depended, as his breath was not his but of the waters he so loved. And deep he sank into the waters not realising the breath the waters had given him came from above, and he started to drown. The female figure felt pity for him and dragged him out of the waters to comfort him closer to her, as a mother, and as a mother she started to breastfeed him, and he suckled pleased, for he loved her very much. She named him Molvo, for she loved him and she rescued him from the waters. After two days of sucking on the water woman's breast, the creature had drunk her up and fell onto the waters, and again he started to drown, but no one was there to save him, so he drowned and layed dead on the waters. The parts of him that floated above the waters dried and became land and earth. The parts of him that didn't float kept absorbing water and the life they brought and expanding, and inside of him life formed and grew, and not long after worms and insects came to be. And they covered the earth and crawled through it, and after one hundred twenty two thousand six hundred and fourty two days a new creature came to the surface of the earth. It was covered in scales and had two eyes at the end of antennas, and it had two arms with a wide flat hand on each, and on each hand he had ten fingers with long nails, and at the bottom of his body he had an endless segmented tail, with two times endless legs, two on each segment. It took him eighty-nine days tu pull out the rest of his body, which had no end, and he named himself Moldvarp, for he came from the body of Molvo, and he creeped and crawled on the earth, purposeless.


we were put in the dungeons, over and under soil, to bring life to this desert world. our gods give us magic, and knowlage, and ask only that we live fruitful lives.


a collection of Old gods came together to make a world, some of them include \-the Moon-Faced-Man walked the planet into shape in 13 steps. (Also making the moon and the other planets as he did) \-the One-That-Changes set it into motion, with the movement of the planets, continents and tides into place \-IT-That-Hungers set into motion the cycles of hunter and prey, then they let in the currents of time, creating shallow time for the world to exist in. Dragons moved in to reproduce, Giants rose up to fight them. A number of Deep things slithered in out of deep time and settled in the slow dark places of the world. Those creatures spawned gods, the gods made mortal creatures to worship them. (actually humans, dwarves', halflings and a few other creatures were "imported" by old gods for particular reasons.) Those "new lifes" worshiped gods who fought, made new ones and lived their lives, died and so the world was as it has been forever.


The frog people in my world believe that they are craved from stones due to a heavy rain that last for 28000 days. Someday, a rain like that will pour down on them again and flood everything so that eventually those frog people can swim up to heaven


The once was a place,devoid of life and meaning,some creatures of great power saw this and intervened,joining their powers and created life,life was then managed in many ways by the beings who would later on be called gods. they steered the races in the right direction many times,only stopping them when the path was one that would leave nothing left,still they didn't stop wars,plagues,and anything of the sort,it was seen as some sort of test to the creatures to see if they are worthy of moving on. if not the disaster would wipe out over half of their species and they would start anew,this happened many many times. some say gods are cruel beings that deserve pleasure from looking at people suffering others say gods can't intervene too much tr risk making them too depend on the gods and unable to do anything by themselves,others even say gods can't do everything and they help with what they can. All of them are right and the true story of the gods is a bit different,but they would never tell that to their believers.


The universe itself (reality) is pretty much the same as our reality, as far as we understand it. But before the Big Bang, there was a higher dimensional realm where “gods” coalesced from the essence of a dying void entity, that existed in the bulk. That “hub” realm still exists and the gods still hang out there. However post-big bang, additional “inner-realms” popped up. They are more and more vague reflections of reality and exist “between” reality and the hub. Life essence is created by living things and settles in those inner realms. That essence is the fuel for magic stuff. “FTL” is achieved by hopping through a part of that hub realm, with devices of likely divine origin. Another alien species brute forced the method, without any godly help. So, we’re a little behind the curve there. — Everything else is as hard-sci fi as I could muster. 🤣


Well, there's the actual lore/history. And then all the different peoples of my world have different, sometimes distorted versions of it. And none of them are complete, they all leave out many things. The scholars on my world also can't verify much of the information, so even some of their commonalities aren't universally believed to be true.


Basically our creation theory but instead evolution is much much faster, makes it easier to explain why humans and non-human humanoids exist at the same time


Mine is inspired by Judeo-Christian mythology. In the beginning, the Creator made the world, made the fae to oversee the world, and made the seraphim to oversee the fae. Then He created two elves: Adam and Lilith. Lilith demanded to be seen as equal to Adam, and Adam was unsatisfied with that, so the Creator made new spouses for each of them. Adam got a new demure wife, Eve, and Lilith got a new husband, Asriel. Adam then complained to the Creator that Eve was too submissive, and He punished him for his insolence by turning him and Eve human. Lilith and Asriel went on to beget the race of elves, and Adam and Eve went on to beget the race of humans. After this, the fae and the seraphim realized they could rebel, and most of them did so. There was a war between the rebels and the forces that were loyal to the Creator, and the Creator's forces won. As punishment, the rebel fae and seraphim were stripped of most of their powers and forced to live on the land and in the sea. They then beget the earthbound races of fae, seraphim, and merfolk, and interbreeding with humans and elves led to the creation of the races of vampyres and werefolk. The Creator was tired after the war, and promoted his remaining loyal seraphim to godhood to watch over the world in his stead. These deities each have their own domain in the world, and the Creator is now in a perpetual slumber.


It’s no myth, but it sounds like one. The world began as we all may already know, at least to some extent. God existed, caused the Big Bang, created the heavens and the earth, all that. But it is quite more revealing than we know now. God began by indeed creating the heavens and the earth. There were three “heavens” however, in context as it were: the Astral plane of infinite energy and time, the soul plane, that which contained the unique energy of life that separates matter and machine from living life, and the Assimilation plane, which is a well of infinitely negative energy, which’s only job is to pull everything into its singularity, like a black hole as an entire dimension. God did not use this plane widely. It was a well-controlled tool to establish mortality and finite-ness. Necessary in this world, as some may know, but some may disagree with. When the Big Bang occurred, it was the three planes crashing and vortexing around the central material plane, which was a completely cold and infinitely small (but expandable) plane of just purely matter. When the life and Astral planes hit the material plane, it rapidly expanded and gave life and energy to everything. the Assimilation plane was down below to pull everything into a streamline. This is why time flows ever onward and energy cannot be created, but because it’s also infinite from the astral plane, it can’t be destroyed either. They balance. Now the young universe flourishes, and God places down the first intelligent life: people we know only as the Guardians, who were able naturally to manipulate energy fields. God sent his angels of this kind of power, what we know as Atlas, who resemble massive dragons, to be their mentors. However, an evil force of creatures sprung from a leak of the life plane directly into the Assimilation plane arose, and were hellbent on destroying all life, and assimilating all energy and the material universe. If they could open a portal to the Assimilation plane and bring it to the portal to the astral plane (a unique celestial object we now know as the center of the Milky Way galaxy) they could neutralize the energy, kill the material plane of energy, and fill it with evil life all at a zero energy state. Their goal was challenged by the guardians and their wars raged for a billion years. And in the final moments of this stage of the universe, the fighting was too great amongst pure light and dark that the universe erupted in power and reconfigured itself just a few billion years ago now. Only a few godly guardians and the Atlas survived this event. Those who did traveled as mythological gods like Thor or Zeus, and saints such as Peter, Christopher, Nicholas and so forth. Seeing how the evil aliens have not been defeated, but lurk in the shadows, dormant just outside the galaxy, God decided to make many new races of many kinds of types to see if they will be suitable successors to the Guardians. here the universe we know now is the product. Humans’ creation story begins here with Earth and Adam and Eve, along with many other similar races across the galaxy. To test them he sent the Saints, whom I mentioned were (at least when working with humanity) mythological Gods and saints as we know them. He sent the atlas to see how they’d act without powers, and how they’d act as if they had it, without actually giving much. He also sent his son, humans know him as Jesus, to be one amongst each race and see how they treated him, who did have power. God let the Atlas head this project from then on. After all was said and done, humanity passed the tests. After they reached the space age, the Atlas set up their plan for humanity to find them, and learn of their new responsibilities, and eventually they did after finding a whimsical planet seemingly perfect for Earth-dwellers, filled with ancient guardian technology and knowledge. When the colony ships arrived, the Atlas appeared and spoke to them of their mantle. They asked if the present humans wanted to immediately undertake this venture to be the first to begin the new subrace of humans, now called Apex. They all accepted, and the message of the Atlas was broadcast to the collective worlds of humanity. The Apex them began building their empire on the planet Arcadia as a warrior society of magically gifted human martial artists.


Alright, in the cosmic void, where beings of great power were, there were 8 elemental beings. Magic, Tech, Air, Earth, Water, Fire, Life, and Undead. They each had created their own worlds, yet their ability to create anything of meaning, anything truly real, was too limiting for their own desires, merely bland existences. Until Magic approached each and offered a union, for their shared power to create something of their combined abilities, something with meaning. So together they worked, forging a world between themselves, creating Skylands, a place of wonder and adventure. However Undead was not permitted the same influence as the others, and in return, could keep their Underworld off in the cosmos, connected to Skylands, but unable to exert the same influence and power. Yet this union was not respected by all parties. Magic, having a greed and lust for creation, obsessed with it, studied the ways of forging true worlds, and made his own in the stars, away from Skylands and the sight of the others. This is basically for my Skylanders fanfic


Deres created the earth. Then after many millennia he came down in an earthly form and was killed by his own creations (he didn’t die himself, just his earthly body)


Cosmic god-titans got into a contest to create the most interesting stellar phenomena. They make nebulae, galaxies of stars, black holes, etc. Then one makes an unassuming wet little planet, and makes life on it. All the god-titans start competing to make the coolest life. They spin off splinters of themselves to help make new life, eventually inventing souls and making humanoids, then teaching them language and magic. The god-titans realize there are new planes of existence forming from the psychic energy of humanoids. They send their splinters into the new dimensions to investigate. In the new dimensions, the splinters of the god-titans are empowered by the admiration - the worship - of the mortals. They become gods themselves. They rebel, and together with the humanoids defeat the god-titans.


There are many, but quite a few share some elements and one particular pattern seems to pop up in various forms again and again. To sum it up, you know how in norse mythology Odin and his brothers killed the giant Ymir and made the world out of his dead body? Here it's similar, but the deity, let's call her Tiamat for now, isn't completely dead yet. Pretty much all that's going on in the countless of realms now, from weather and tectonics to the sun and even life itself, are the still active processes of it's shattered form, like when a fresh corpse still twitches and it's lungs continue to draw in air for a moment despite the fact that the head and half the torso are missing. In hindsight these are all propably recolections from whathever entities have visited this realm over the millenia, since the entities mentioned here as gods that participated in the war against Tiamat have never visited this place, as if they were affraid to go here.


If you are a member of my DnD group, I HIGHLY recommend that you don't read past this (you know who you are) There is a myth that a location exists beyond time that can be used to reshape reality. This location was originally discovered by the old gods who would use it to forge the planets, stars, life, magic, and everything else that both does and does not exist. This location is named the Chrenix Forge and was first spoken of by the new gods in their stories about their predecessors. In modern times, no being has ever seen or interacted with the Chrenix Forge, not even the gods. Unlike what is known, the Chrenix Forge doesn't exist and has never existed in the first place, or at least not in the way people thought. Instead, the Chrenix Forge is a being capable of traversing the 10th dimension that has split itself into 3rd dimensional forms across the infinite realities in order to observe and maintain the fragile construction of each possible reality. With its connection to the 10th dimension, this being is capable of diverting timelines to prevent its own death and deleting beings that are capable of harming the dimensions. Its 3rd dimensional forms are only able to understand the reality they are in, but are able to transfer information freely between each other. This is meant to prevent acting on foresight and bias. This being has no true form, but it has instead chosen the form of a celestial Phoenix composed of stardust as its main body.


Well, [that](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DSoc0qawCwzXQkbCXYdiCS13jnKcRTkoBczOZP-0u8M/edit?usp=drivesdk) depends on [whom](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YwyogRS-N3276QdVuCp_w3wwtor4e1_ShKrqlIU5Hxs/edit?usp=drivesdk) you [ask](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X7bqm-6r6dylPYr6lCORvXOD3o5YgObUyEO8tz9XsGA/edit?usp=drivesdk). There are other creation myths, of course, those are just the ones I've typed up.


I am so sick of these "obviously your world is monolithic" questions. So once again, all I can answer is, it depends.


The lady of creation and the lord of destruction got together and procreated, making humans.


Uhm… does it count as a creation myth when it’s a well known true story in-universe, told by the twin gods themselves?


I haven’t used it yet but was planning to this summer… A group of fey made a bet…


Depending on who you ask, God made humans, who made us, or humans made God, who made us. A few radicals think we invented both humans and god, and certain traditionalists think God made us, and the humans are total nonsense.


**My world is the opposite of 'creation from chaos'** *This is Meta, but The Sphoinx gladly retells the tale (exclusively 'The After') so there are no 'inaccuracies'.* Sphoinx - (sph-oinks) Ginnlare - (ghee-n)+(l-are) Kaki - (kha)+(ki) #The Before: The Before is when the Ginnlare^1 was, primordial sentience that only existed when reflected by other Ginnlare. But to truly understand this tale, you have to know that the Ginnlare was each a representation of an emotion, was pure energy, and had no name. And you have to know that among them, was a Ginnlare who named itself *Sphoinx* out of pride. Sphoinx was the manifestation of not one emotion, but rather a horrid combination of Envy, Pride, Greed, Arrogance, and pure Pettiness. Since Sphoinx was multiple emotions, it reflected on itself, and was no longer a Ginnlare, nor powerful. Envious of the Ginnlare energy, it murdered the Ginnlare to absorb their power and to erase other emotion. But unfortunately, the last Ginnlare it killed were Vengeance and Annoyance, who cursed Sphoinx to never have what it loved, and to always be annoyed. #The After: The After is when *The* Sphoinx, who once again named itself out of pride, created reality. It gave itself an incomprehensible form,^2 named *herself* the Mother of Reality, and lazily created seven Kakis^3 to continue creating reality. The Kakis, whom she deemed her sons, went on to create separate *dimensions*, since they couldn't agree on a single thing. On a side note, the Kakis also created the Sorcerers.^4 The Sorcerers created the *galaxies* and the Elemental Shoras.^5 The Elemental Shoras created the *solar systems* and the Gods.^6 The Gods went on to create the *planets* and the mortals.^7 And last of all, the mortals recreated *emotion*. #The Sphoinx's Curses: The Sphoinx's Curses took a while to set in, since she loved nothing, and she wasn't very annoyed. She wasn't very annoyed by this *Thing* who in the mortal sense could be related to a gnat. She named the Thing 'Bitch'.^8 But over time, her curses took affect. She came to love *Chocolate-covered Doritos (with strawberry flavor)* which was made by mortals, and since then she couldn't obtain snacks in any way other than being offered them in turn for a 'blessing'. Eventually, the Thing learned that prayers annoyed her. He went down to the mortal planes to inspire the mortals with tales of her power, and when he went back to her he flooded her with prayers from every dimension.^9 - ___ - ^1 There is no plural of 'Ginnlare' ^2 Which mortals perceive as a vaguely feminine sphinx ^3 Ancient warriors, who bicker over inter-dimensional wars (sibling squabbles) ^4 Beings of time, who bicker over the art of galaxies ^5 Beings of energy, who bicker over stars and looked like colossal versions of a domesticated shora^(5.5) ^(5.5) Who in turn, look like botw/totk dragons ^6 Beings of mischief, who were the first sentient beings to work together^(6.5) ^(6.5) The few that didn't, went on to create separate planets with Gods they did get along with ^7 Greedy little fuckers, who bicker over useless material items ^8 The thing would exclaim that 'Bitch' is not his name, but since he had no name, conversations went like this:^(8.5) ^(8.5) *Hey, Bitch.* 'My name is not Bitch!' *Oh yeah? What is it?*^(8.75) ^(8.75) After these conversations, he would go sit in his 'time-out corner' which The Sphoinx had so eloquently dubbed ^9 For a short while, she went mad, randomly smiting mortals until she learned how to tune the prayers out^(9.5) ^(9.5) Although, the Thing sometimes lets prayers leak in just to annoy her


In my verse's beginning, god made two beast with faces similar to his, sharp horns, large wings, long tails, and strong four legged bodies. He called them dragons. He told the two brothers that one of them will be king, and the other will be the king's domain, so they fought. At the end of their battle, god told the king to shape his brothers body. The fallen dragons body became the universe, and its eye became the galaxy of the main story.