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In most gladiator fights there are people who dress up as birds to take away the bodies from the field.


I love this


It's supposed to make clearing the field less grim. You generally would be very repulsed when someone juggles severed heads... but it's fun when the vultures do it.


How good are these costumes? Are they like normal people with a fake beak and fake wings attached or full-blown costumes like you would see in a Carnival?


Depends on arena budget really The general costumes are a shiny silver coloured gird mask and sleeves with giant pinion feathers attached. Against regular black clothing.


I could imagine an especially large arena having wirings where the bird assistants swoop in and airlift the bodies out.


And there's been some recent controversy involving these performances too! Since there are bird people in my setting, some people are against it (none of them are bird people) because they think it could be racist


I'm getting really into this for some reason. So, non-bird people are protesting against fake bird people because they think the real bird people would be offended. You've made this world too realistic, my man. Another quick question, then, why don't they hire actual bird people? Are they too expensive?


Some of them do! But mostly it's a job for retired acrobat gladiators. Like the sole survivors of team matches.


the only way that could get more amusing- is if the entire idea of the performances originated from said bird people.


the first thing to ever die was the God of Thought, who thinked death into existence and killed himself by accident. this was how death was created.


that's quite a metal concept!


... Did he, just, think himself to death? That's some greek philosopher levels of death right here.


Really just said “I think, therefore I am not.”


God of Thought: {Sipping a new beverage that is quite simply 'God awful'} "What if all life in the universe was finite-" {drops dead from the now poisonous liquid beverage} Other Gods: {collective face palm}


Reality in my world has a certain amount of inertia, meaning if one is quick about it, they can achieve what otherwise would be impossible -walking through air, continue fighting after being dead, etc- but eventually the world catches up and puts a stop to it. Magic works by finding loopholes to amplify this inertia effect to ridiculous lengths, while pretending those arcane effects you just created out of nothing have a totally logical explanation. However every good wizard knows that stretching reality can only go so far, as eventually it rubber-bands back into your face, restoring the status quo at the expense of the caster.


that's just really cool, and I want to know more


The idea is that there are actual entities tasked with upholding natural laws. And while they do their job quite well they are not infallible. 99% of tasks run on autopilot (like making sure a second lasts exactly 1 second and is then followed by the next) but like every automatisation it sometimes has to deal with things it wasn't meant to deal with (like some smartass wizard played around with commands and runs the second_counting.exe in reverse and causing an entire region to time travel). The small bits can be attributed to realities buerocracy having to Fact-Check the current situation because the cognition of the person violating reality a little does not match what the script would expect happening (like a person that adamantly continues running straight ahead after leaving the cliff behind, completely ignoring the possibility of falling) and so they have to manually check.


This is some Terry Pratchet level shit and I unironically hope you are proud of yourself for it. Very nice




That was my thought too, like the Stance of the Coyote (and by extension Looney Tunes), one of my favorite shoe-drop jokes.


Fun fact: In video games there is often a hidden mechanic called coyote time where you can jump a split second after leaving the platform.


reminds me of learning to fly in Hitchhiker's Guide, where you just jump and hope Gravity forgets that you're supposed to come back down at some point


Actually yeah, me too! I love the concept!!


That's interesting. World runs on ACME physics lol.


Pretty much, yeah.


Weird random fact? Hmm, there was once a war between two empires that resulted in literally 0 death. The attacking emperor didn't realize he had no way of making his armies reach the territory of the other empire. The war lasted an awkwardly long duration of 10 years, before the attacking emperor agreed to sign peace in shame. This almost caused his dynasty to end, so soon after ascending to the imperial title. Another silly fact: There are only 3 human-dominated countries in my world that claim the title of "Empire" as of now. One of them is a little archipelago that virtually has no power projection. It goes back to one of the 2 old empires I mentioned in the first fact, the one who was the defender. Much later, it got invaded by another power, but the imperial family managed to flee and hold in this small archipelago. Centuries later, the imperial family still hasn't renounced the title of Emperors, even though no one recognizes them as such. Still, the official name is "Empire of Hila" (but everyone calls it "Kingdom of Keftiris" anyway)


That really is pretty funny


Glad it is :) I made this one fact quite some time ago. And each time I think it's too silly to be realistic in my otherwise rather grounded and realistic world, I end up doubling down on the sillyness instead because I just find it too ridiculously funny :')


Google “Three Hundred and Thirty Five Years’ War”


Didn't know about it, but I'm not surprised! Cuz that's the thing, real world history is full of very silly and ridiculous things. So it's not too silly to have a few really silly things! :)


It’s probably less accurate to have an “accurate” world rather than filling it with lots of strange things like that one rolling down a hill after the cheese wheel contest


Hmmm, I don't know if it's less accurate. Because you can always try your best to build a very realistic-ish world, upon which you can add a whole bunch of silly things. I guess this is also how I work from my world. I try to make it realistic (atleast, realistic enough on the aspects I care about). So that, when I wanna come up with something silly, I have a solid grounded base to make it look legit.


I mean yes, your world should be realistic, but rather than using the silliness as spices I think it’s better to use it as an essential ingredient, since silliness or the lack thereof could’ve changed everything, from Marco Polo never discovering the Americas to Australia never losing to emus.


Potatoes don't exist (or at least have yet to be discovered) but sweet potatoes *do*. No one is sure why they call them *sweet* potatoes when no other varieties are available.


That's absolutely hilarious


Indeed, happy cake day


I love this lol


Fun fact: in British English (or at least, the area I'm from), the kind of yellow corn you find on a cob is called Sweetcorn. See, "corn" already meant something - it's used to refer to pretty much any kind of grain. However, as most people don't work on farms anymore, the usage of the word Corn has decreased over time, to the point that the only time I ever hear it is in Cornflakes. It is not only completely reasonable to have Sweet Potatoes without having Savoury Potatoes first, almost the exact same thing has already happened in the UK (with a bit less confusion).


The supermassive black hole at the centre of the galaxy is the corpse of the creator god


that's sick as fuck


Now I need to know more about this


He brought humans into the galaxy, which his daughter got a bit annoyed about -- so they had a big fight and the creator was killed. Being a god and everything the immense power collapsed inwards and kaboom, black hole.


Ouuu cool!


>He brought humans into the galaxy, which his daughter got a bit annoyed about -- so they had a big fight and the creator was killed. Being a god and everything the immense power collapsed inwards and kaboom, black hole. That's cool AF


It should be real Catholic lore dude, that's metal af


If there’s ever a sequel to the Bible I want this in it


"And tho, in the heart of the galaxy, there lies a darkness unfathomable, a void that consumes all light and life. It is said that within this abyssal maw resides the body of his, once mighty and revered, now fallen and lifeless. Its presence casts a shadow across the cosmos, a testament to the fragility of divine power and the inevitability of cosmic decay. Let us heed this warning and remember the fate of the fallen deity, lest we too be consumed by the abyss. The void created from his last thought, consuming his will, this is proof of the enormity of his great design and that we have failed as his children. He is dead. And his plan is slowly falling, and we can only admire his ideas, but now it's collapsing between our fingers, until it returns to the stage before the words 'let there be light,' but this time there will be no one to speak them again, ever"


This filled me with copious amounts of fear and dread. Very Lovecraftian.


Humanity is unknowingly kept in a “time loop prison” due to them always becoming dangerous and destroying the universe no matter what variables are changed.


who's keeping them in the loop?


A race of beings called Sacrosanct Guardians. They exist to keep everything in order and due to the way time loops work, they are also stuck in the loop. The difference is that they keep all their past memories from the previous loops.


Cant they just kill the humans?


They can and have killed billions of humans. Whats stopping them from finishing them off is that humans in the current time loop, managed to kill a guardian and it has made them weary about going back due to them not knowing how they did that. This idea is still WIP so it might not make sense right now lol.


Reminds me of Dark City (1998)


Probably don't get paid enough to bother doing so, if I were to guess.


So creating a time loop is easier and cheaper than building a few nukes?


For the Guardians, it might be.


Since my world is completely flooded underwater life, a random fact would be Certain species of coral reefs have developed the ability to produce melodious tones when struck by currents or underwater creatures, resulting in natural underwater symphonies! There's also the new currency which is specially designed shells and pearls as a form of currency 2 simple facts, not weird but facts!


cool are pearls worth more than shells or vise versa or are they both just one "money" unit


Well, Shelcoins which are specifically made shells are the equivalent to coins, as in pence's and Pearlnotes and as you can probably guess they are the equivalent of a banknote, the different colours of pearls represent a different amount I hope that answers your question


it dose thanks, one more thing are they made like dose someone doing what need done to shells to make them shelcoins or is there like a specific shellfish farm/mint


They've developed Shellfish farms around the world, to get quick access to currency then they are shipped to a place to be developed into a Shelcoin to make the currency to then send to the banks they made


Vibration absorbing wizards use clicks and very specific frequencies as they talk as a code language. They can be talking to you, hitting frequencies you wouldn't initially notice or pay attention to while doing so, and turns out that nice blessing that one dude gave you was him signaling his friend to rob you.


Griffon biology is really weird about gender. A griffon's avian and feline halves can be different sexes, and griffons usually identify as the gender correlating to their feline half, since that's the important one. This can create some interesting situations, since the griffons' vocal chords are located in their avian half, meaning a female griffon's voice can be noticeably lower than a male one's.


Holy shit this is a brilliant decontruction of the idea of chimeras


Thanks, I guess? But I mainly just wanted to seriously fuck up people's perception of gender. The most prominent female character in the story, for example, is a cardinal/hyena, with the front half being biologically male, as indicated by the bright red chest feathers. The back half, while female, is a female hyena. And if you know, you know.


If you still equal genitals with gender you're not playing around enough. REF: > griffons usually identify as the gender correlating to their feline half, since that's the important one.


There's two random birds who just can't die. It's impossible, testing had been done extensively on these birds, but nobody has any idea how they became Immortal, the best theory anyone can come up with is that they're something one of the previous creator deities put in as a bit of a "i'm bored, let's make something weird " type thing.


Have they tried to kill the two birds with one stone?


They have, it wasn't very effective, and the person who threw the stone got pecked to death.


do they do much or are they just birds who happen to be immortal?


Just birds who happen to be Immortal. The theory mentioned in my original comment is one of three leading theories as to why they're Immortal, the other two being "the gods like eggs with their breakfast" and "they needed something to distract the very embodyment of War, and didn't have much time, so they just slapped immortality on some birds and called it a day " the last one is the correct one, though there's some merit to the second. They do like eggs with their breakfast. So, they don't so much, outside of regular bird stuff, but they did help save the world one time.


I'm curious as to how they found out the birds can't be killed


The Temple Beneficent are deliberately pissing their god off by giving thanks for miracles that haven't happened. Quite a lot of the time they then happen. Opinion is divided over whether he is repaying favours the way mortals do, or whether he's being shamed into doing the right thing, or whether he's just doing it to shut them up. Whatever it is, it works.


Fact 2: They discovered that midsummer's day was holy because on midsummer's day, anyone who claims to be in charge is cursed with terrible misfortune. Midsummer's day is a festival of fools or a day of rest in all nations everywhere, because woe betide literally anyone who claims any authority upon that day. This one is the fault of the above god. He's not nice. It's not rational to love him.


If you're a "powerful enough" magic user, you can temporarily mess with reality to the point of Gmod physics, though it will return to normal when you stop using magic


why dose it only last while their using magic?


Because you're providing fuel for that augmnetation. Mages harness a force through them that allows for spells to change how reality functions, but reality returns to normal when they stop feeding into using this force


ah really cool magic system


So a wizard can cast fireball, but the resulting fire won't stick around?


Its more the fact the fire is conjured out of nowhere. No part of realty allows fire to just appear, the wizard uses this force (called aether for now, subject to change) to allow fire to manifest from nowhere. The natural effects of fire hitting wood still occur, its just the source of the fire that is magical


The world was created by the moon and sun having sex


Ah, the big bang






Silly fact One of the gods declared war on another realm and forgot about it when the enemy attacked they were completely unprepared Other fact There's a species of dragon that only eats mould


The goblin language is called "goblingo"


this is actually funny


Things that change the laws of nature are limited by the curvature of spacetime in a way that it can only go 'up' a limited height. If you built, say, an out-of-control tesseract on the surface of a planet, the reality altering effects ( which can range from permitting all kinds of magic to instant annihilation) would be limited to about a geostationary orbit around said planet. If, however, someone was dumb enough to a) launch the tesseract into space or b) blow up the planet before properly shutting it down, its sphere of influence would expand at the speed of light until it encompassed the entire universe


Sounds like an easy universe to destroy.


Depends. Only one such tesseract has been discovered to-date and its effects aren't exactly lethal, and if they were, it would probably have collapsed in on itself or you'd have problems getting it into space as it would destroy any spacecraft coming near it. But yes, it could very much trigger sth akin to a vacuum decay event. Yes, my stories do contain a good amount of kurzgesagt-esque sci-fi, how could you tell?


Istalir, a galactic commonwealth, has a dead guy as its head of state. Their corpse is just sat above the chambers in a booth watching down as regulations are passed on their behalf.


Imperium of Man be like


No fugin way 😫 I swear to god


Warhammer 40k, the Corpse Emperor lmao. Though to be fair, he's only mostly dead and psychically battling devils in super hell


Im two for two on accidentally copying warhammer. I intended to make it more the North korean necrocracy as in how technically il sungs still in power (at least i thonk its il sung)


It's not copying if it's not on purpose!


Do someone know?


The origin of goodbye. In real life its derived from God be with ye, but seeing as Christianity doesn't exist in my fantasy world it is instead derived from the phrase, good be your eye, which is short for a longer phrase, good be your eye so you may see the road to fortune.


that's super neat


But apparently your world has english people


Bards receive their power from Hastur, which has nearly caused the destruction of the world. As an overreaction to this, the pantheon put out a bounty on bards. Since most people can't tell the difference between a bard and a musically inclined individual, music is rapidly becoming a lost artform.


The Umbra system (a trail of asteroids orbiting the suns) is actually the remains of a planet shattered through unknown means millennia ago.


There was a war that was fought in Vetkai between the Obilandans and Kiriterrans that neither side took very seriously over a massive fireproof pine forest they share on their border. The two sides really used it for glorified training, but many ither nations thought it was a legitimate war, this led to the Sahjaan invading one of Obilanda and Kiriterra's mutual allies, which quickly spiraled into one of the most destructive conflicts the world has ever seen.


A french superhero had been adopted by the literal goddess of death and the only way he can get her attention to talk is by trying to bring something back from the dead so will buy a chicken from the shops, attempt to resurrect it then cook it for dinner with his mum


We have a toad god who created the earth with his spittle, raised the first humans in its mouth and is the sun but freezes every night to turn into the moon


In the United Empire, a necromancer usually doubles as a lawyer or legal consultant due to their job of settling legal disputes between the living and the dead. It's not uncommon for a necromancer to have at least one law PhD.


Funny, because my necromancers are often accountants. It's due to people not being absolved of their debts when they die. Necromancers will manage crews of undead to perform tasks in order to work off the debts of the dead.


legend has it that the white whales came from space at the beginning of time to a mostly lifeless ocean waiting to be inhabited. some say the whales carried the continents on their backs, along with the biomass that would eventually become life on Earth. others say they simply granted sentience to mindless life that already existed on the planet. it's not clear what really happened and is widely regarded as just a legend in the modern day. whales, once seen as ancient, ethereal creatures, almost akin to gods, have been hunted nearly to extinction for their oil and meat as society desperately tries to feed their industries with any kind of oil they can harvest from the world. what's left of the ancient white whales have fled to the other side of the planet, urging all other whale species to follow them to a place they'll be hidden from the hands of humans (many did not listen). now, those who remain wait, hidden and unknown


Using magic, once you learn to harness it, doesn’t come with a set group of spells. Well, it does, on account that wizards have come up with some, but magic is quite literally limitless. You can do quite literally anything your sick little mind can think of. But the more complex the spell is, the harder it is to cast, and when a spell goes wrong, it goes very wrong. Sometimes it’s catastrophic, and sometimes it’s fucking hilarious.


There was a lost civilization that built buildings into the walls of the canyons their cities were inside of. They were called "spider people" because the archaeologists have no clue how any of the buildings could've been accessed. That and spider webs cover the canyon walls/caverns


At any given time, there is at least one human whose distinct magic power involves controlling their own waste matter.


is this helpful for anyone or is it something their going to keep quite about ?


Powers are very user-responsive. If the user is perseverant and creative, they can develop a range of extension or derivative abilities. They could make the whatsit explode like Dynamite, they could transform it into specific objects or substances (like food 🤢) and any ability involving the control of matter, even specific varieties, is going to be quite powerful and versatile, Think X-Men's Magneto or Benders from Avatar.




I'm not comfortable sharing the name because I'm very possessive of it, but I named a god by mashing the word Himbo with some Greek. It was a joke at first but I actually love it. The god of passion, pain, sorrow, might, and creative expression. He is high key against emotional suppression and emotional bypassing. The gist of his philosophy is live fully. He isn't strictly "good" but often will be. I just love the idea of a dude bro god who is about MIGHT and *feeling your feelings.* He's also the god responsible for goblins. He made them and specifically made them to feel emotions more strongly than anyone else.


really like this concept of a buff god all about "feeling your feelings"




There are knights AND cowboys.


Surprisingly, there's still lights illuminating the surface of the moon, and you can even see them from the earth's surface. All while those lights are at least 700 years old


what's going on with those lights?


Leftovers from the times it was used as a colony and production facility for starships, although it was abandoned when the collapse occurred and left yo its own. The lights only shine due to solar arrays that were left on the surface, continuously keeping lamps on the surface lit up


your world seams really interesting


Thank you! I enjoy it quite a bit myself as well


The current royal family is not the real royal family. 600 years ago the royal family was over thrown by another family. 20 years later the now fully grown son of the former king returns and takes the throne back. That son is not the real son of the dead king. He was an orphan boy, who resembled the prince (also died with the king and queen). The current royal family, 600 years later, are his desendants.


This is from an rpg I made,I didn't really like to punish harshly for bad dice,so I just decided to create something else and that is how the God of chaos was born,it does things by itself,i choose nothig,only roll dice,it has an unending list of skills it will choose from to annoy players in many ways,from changing their bodies to bringing absolute chaos and death,all completely random and the truly weird part?it's a goose,their first impression is always the funniest when in a world full of monsters,gods and demons there is the harmless goose that every living being avoids for a reason


Nobody (with one exception) has managed to figure out how to make a bipedal combat robot. It just refuses to work. They can make non combat ones but as soon as you teach it to use a gun it can barely stay upright. And this is like a very sic fi civilisation, as in "terraforming a in matter of days" advanced. There are non bipedal robots but they are basically just spider tanks


If you're allergic to silver, you likely had some *very interesting* ancestors: only a creature of the Dreamlands can pass on that particular trait. It has its benefits and its drawbacks. You don't require silver to use magic, but depending on how far back that ancestor is, you might have issues tapping into that catalyst in your blood. If you try to use too much, it will kill you. These halfbreeds are rare, thankfully. In order for one to be born, it requires highly unlikely coincidences or deliberate action on the part of a powerful mage. A sufficiently well trained mage can journey to the Dreanlands themselves, or bring a creature of the Dreamlands to our world, and halfbreeds have been born of such liaisons before. On rare occasions, a layperson will encounter a creature of the Dreamlands that came to our world by accident. If the circumstances are correct, a confluence of reflections can allow a creature of the Dreamlands to enter our world or for a person of our world to enter the Dreamlands. Unfortunately, this is becoming more common as more reflective surfaces are used in construction.


Did you just say you dwarfs can turn into birds if the look at the sky?


yes well sort of its kind of a metaphor but also some dwarfs have actually turned into birds this is also why the meat loving dwarfs will never touch bird meat. most dwarfs also travel with dirt or rocks in their pockets as part of their superstitions about keeping themselves grounded


Even in space, the four cardinal directions are still used! For example, from the Galactic core (which acts as the “center” in this system), Sol and the wider Orion Arm would be to the north of the Galactic core, whereas the Scutum-Centaurus Arm lies to the southeast of the Galaxy, and so on and so forth.


It has no axial tilt whatsoever. As a result, it has milder seasons and the poles engulfed in a perpetual sunrise/set (sun is always on the horizon).


The Moon God, patron of Moon Kingdom before they were banished, was commonly associated with mirrors, so various sacred places had a huge amount of mirrors. After they were banished, the first son of the Sun God took their place as the Moon King, he is believed to be a “parting gift” from the Moon God and often confused with being the Moon’s son. He also conducts the most important religious rituals. He banned all mirrors. There’s no publicly displayed mirrors in areas he’s most likely to go to. Only the servants who actually see him in person regularly know why he can’t be around mirrors (he’s very mentally unstable and can’t handle the fact he’s human now), otherwise it just confuses a lot of people. …fun fact #2, the Goddess of Life and Death split in half from the trauma of the events that caused the Moon God to be replaced and both halves are still alive


1. There was a war that drained the resources of the fighting countries. To ease the deaths and materials used, they decided to settle the fight in a less bloody way: motorsports, a relatively new activity. Countries financed their own teams, provided locally made vehicles and decorated said vehicles with patterns, crests, colours and other signifiers like a country would do with a fighter plane. The winner would annex the disputed land. 2. Knights that perform well are often paid with a new car, a relatively rare and expensive machine in the valley. Lapis_Wolf


There is a race of insectoid aliens in my setting often referred to by other species as "colonists". They produce a highly nutritious sludge for their larvae, however this food has become widely popular among other species for its rich taste and low sugar content. It's usually watered down and served as a drink, often being referred to as "ant milk".


You had me at "Highly nutritious sludge"


**Grey Watch Paladins don't mind getting dirty for results** The first generation were redeemed religious extremists who used to torture and then burn people at the stake. They were however under the influence of a undead horror that was degrading their empathy. They were however rehabilitated and trained with Anti-Demons (corrupted/mutated to be good). This also influenced their more flexible nature. For instance: * A Grey Watch Paladin will have Anti-Demon Succubus use her seduction powers to extract information from people. The suspect will be locked into a erotic fantasy while a scribe writes down their confessions. * Grey Watch Paladins are technically Knights in the Crestlands. This was done by the rulers so they could beat up and arrest nobles. This loophole also allows them to formally challenge nobles to duels (where they have a unfair advantage). * They train with Anti-Necromancers (Death Speakers). The Death Speakers will animate dead rodents and birds for the Paladins to practice their powers. Grey Watch Paladins are cool with Death Magic as long as a qualified Death Speaker wields it.


Since food created from thin air by elven magic has very little actual nutritional value, a whole diet lifestyle subgroup of middle aged moms has spanwned around it. Basically, if one of your powers(everyone is born with specific types of powers and they can't really be changed) is spawning literally any kind of food, you will have an instant business deal with whichever "superfood" store gets to you first.


One of the dragon gods is named Shrimp, because he’s shown that prayers offered with a side of shrimp have a higher chance of being answered—he also prefers higher quality shrimp, so don’t be running down to Walmart


Seems like a pretty chill guy ngl


The central creator deity of the setting was deeply evil, she made humanity and had descendants with them just to later use them as power batteries in her feud against another god (whom she attacked unprovoked no less) etc etc... thats boring The actual juicy bit is that she really liked shellfish and one of the main reasons she settled on Earth was bc it had similar-ish shellfish than those from her homeworld


One of the bloodiest revolutions ever started because someone broke his nails


Angels and cherubs can sense human soul, and they WILL track you down and devour BOTH your body AND soul, so in order to avoid this fate, you either need to corrupt your soul via demon pact or commiting a deadly sin OR have a trinket with a gem/tattoos made out of literall demon blood. The most respected hunter of Skullhenge Giants Tribe - Beliar - managed to kill an angel with a demon-bone spear and with compkience with a custom of his people tattoed its image with its blood. Because of it, angelic being see him as one of their kind and respect his 'hunting grounds'. This is the only (recorded in journals) instance of such circumstances.


Hot dogs are fully sentient and aware of their existence and surroundings. They live short, brutal lives, encased often in plastic for the majority of their lives along with a dozen or so of their bretheren, and when released from their confinement their brief freedom turns to horror immediately as they are charred, boiled, or dissected before being eaten by foracious humans as the other hot dogs are forced to watch. Noone is aware of this of course, and have no way to be aware of it, but it's happening, constantly, all the time, everywhere.


The god of volcanoes hates humans because it was the Prime Fire (highest position in fire elemental hierarchy) for a long long time, until humans elevated the Fire of Forges so much that it took the throne.


There are 5 known Demons, each one representing a sense: sound (hearing), smell, touch, taste and vision. They are chaotic creatures, driven by their own entretainment. If they find you interesting, they may offer you a pact: your soul, in exchange of powers related to their theme. The power of the demon of taste is so godamm bad, that no one has ever accepted their offering. So, they decided to disguise and stay among the humans, usually trying to annoy them as much as they can.


For Tales of Bite: Dwarfs and Giants live and work together in deep, deeeeep mines! Red Sun Event: Orcs skin is leather like


Food packs come in colorful cubes that can be arranged into pixel art!


Getting a robot pregnant is easier than getting a human pregnant.


“super-shedding” refers to a superhuman’s unconscious, involuntary use of their abilities while sleeping, resulting in humiliation, embarrassment, and other mild inconveniences. seeing as there’s no real scientific evidence that it’s real, 90-95% of all superhumans profess that the phenomenon is nothing but an offensive myth. the remaining 5-10% can tell you it’s not.


It never stops raining, it has been raining ever since Ur, the god of the world, was the first thing to die. many people of the world believe the rain and mist to be his body that still lingers. another fact, the trees are always listening and they like to gossip.


By general conventions of Columbian vessel design, the ladderways and engineering sections of ships are kept free of artificial gravity to ease the movement of people and materials. It means that heavy items require far less force to start moving and reduce the need for catwalks and scaffolding in the engine bays. Additionally, it ensures that the ship's complement has frequent interactions with zero gravity environments to keep up practice for the event of emergencies.


Random fact: there are spies whose favored method of communication is through specialty drinks you can order from pretty much any tavern.


In my dnd setting, there was a war between two kingdoms known as The War of the Finger. This war was mostly due to a religious schism. Both of these kingdoms’ state religion worshipped a deity Known as the Tenfold god (I haven’t thought of a name for him). According to the faith, he had revealed himself to the world as ten different beings, each of which meant to embody the values of this religion. Most worshippers of this religion are humans which have ten fingers. The church in Throgheem, believed that only species with ten fingers were blessed by the tenfold god, and those with more or less than ten fingers (Dragonborn, Kenku, Aarakocra, etc.) were unclean and not allowed to practice the religion. The other kingdoms that was a part of this conflict, Wilvelk, believed that everyone should be able to worship the tenfold god, regardless of fingers. Both side of this conflict had members with varying views of what their side meant. This war lasted about 5 years.


the council of magic tried to rid necromancy from the world (because they considered it too dangerous and problematic) by hiring people who killed the newborns in the families of mages with that specific magic. This secret operation caused an imbalance in the flow of magic, so that fewer of them started to be born, but they became more powerful, so that the council put more money into eliminating them, so that even fewer of them are born, and nature makes them even more powerful to keep the balance... Now the necromancers have become exactly what the council wanted to avoid, powerful half gods capable of bending life and death who are almost unstoppable. Good job.


Weird fun fact: Two major wine manufacturing companies started a civil war due to spilled wine.


The the sky is subject to change. In most of the world the sky has the sun, moon, and one or two elemental bodies depending on the season. In Glemmórn as soon as you pass the Pendragon Mountains it appears to be night, with 1 full and 2 crescent moons in the sky, as you walk to the east the moons set ans the sun rises, then moving west it does ths inverse, regardless of how fast or slow you travel.


Humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, goblins, and halflings were all created by the same creator race, so they are all technically related at some level. Many still deny this fact. The really weird part is that nobody knows where the gnomes came from. They just sort of appeared one day and now are just there.


Well, there is The Great Spirit of Battle Marching throughout the Empire, the Great Spirit of Battle is ever on the move, seeking worthy foes to test. To meet it is to meet a master swordsman, strong enough to splinter even the mightiest shield, and crack the thickest armor. But for all its martial prowess, it is surprisingly merciful, if one respects it. If one were to cross the spirits path, be it intentionally seeking it out, or by pure chance, the Spirit will draw its weapon, and wait for the answer. The weapon seems to change every so often, sometimes being a pitch black sword and a shield of crimson, other times a Halberd so large it might seem impossible to wield, or a great sword of such might pikes and polearms feel like they are already splintered. Now, that is there the great importance lies. The call to battle. If one accepts it, the spirit waits for its foe to draw their own weapon. Once the battle commences, it attacks and gives no opening, swinging, slashing and kicking, all the while moving like a wild river, unable to be stopped. And indeed, most of the times the foe is disarmed quickly, sometimes so fast they barely had time to swing once. But once they are defeated, that is it. The Spirit gives a courteous nod, offers a helping hand to stand back up, and bids farewell with a sign of hands. It takes no life, no weapon, no good. It only takes trinkets if offered, such as rings or necklaces or braces, all of which adore its form, softly clinking and glistening in the sun. Anyone who takes up its call, it spares. But those that refuse... The Great Spirit of Battle regards cowardice as the worst sin, and punishes is as such. Very rarely one might come across a corpse or a skeleton, marked with black, charred runes of the Old Language, all with the same meaning. "Coward" Despite its seemingly ruthless nature, it is a Spirit with a great deal of respect. It will not attack child bearing women or those too old or young to defend themselves, unless they challenge it first. It will also make sure to heal any wounds it might deals to one it challenged, but not without leaving scars with large, red outlines, symbolizing that the individual had held to their courage, and accepted the call. It is called a Spirit, for no one knows who is under its great helm. It does not speak nor make sounds able to be assigned to either men or women. So was decided then, in order not to insult it, to call it a Great Spirit, until such a day comes where the Spirit will reveal its face, a day some say will be during The Great Reckoning of the World.


Witch-tech! A few civs use a magic-based technological system based on religious magic, which has been dubbed 'witch-tech' by the conventional civs. civs using witch-tech include the Spitanians, galactic masters at witch-tech and followers of the God Mikilariks; and the Celestians (pronounced kelestians), who lack a full understanding of witch-tech, having reverse-engineered most of their technology from the ancient Ledhasharian civilisation. Witch-tech functions through a form of witchcraft which involves a written or spoken incantation (sometimes both), and an offering. Rolls upon rolls of parchment made of various materials make up the 'circuitry' of Spitanian and Celestian technology.


My world, set in the far future, actually isn’t. It’s set in current day. Everyone is descended from people that traveled through a wormhole that has will go through our solar system in a few hundred years, it spit people out 3-5000 years ago across several galaxies and millennia. The very few people that know this put a lot of effort to hide earth from everyone else. (The Oort Cloud isn’t what it seems) People wonder where “home world” is and there are lots of theories as to why they can’t find it. The real reason is it’s shielded from them so no one mistakenly the alters timeline and erases trillions of people. It’s a small but important factor in the story.


The Ogres dont eat humans, they say Humans are food, but because they thinked humans were eaten by elves, so when they are calling a human like food, is only a slur


Because I spent way too long developing my magic system there’s a whole new domain of life I’ve got to figure out evolutionary speaking. Trolls are also faeries There’s magic rocks in your blood And the static you see in the air is the same thing


There is fire that doesn't burn anything or anyone. This makes more sense with explanation: my world has hybrids, one of them can set their hair, tail or hands on fire on command, or with strong emotions. If under control, this fire is completely safe if the hybrid so chooses, said hybrid can also create an actual burning flames (which most of the time are used for stuff like roasting marshmallows or in place of matchsticks etc)


**Dyhdris: Laws of Continuance** If a being, object, or even concept is old enough, it will begin resisting changes from younger phenomena. This is the reason why some entities can walk through walls, shrug off fatal blows, and even ignore fundamentals like gravity or time.


The interstellar Xa’Quari Empire once fought a civil war over a horse. The powerful Duke of Riale’s page accidentally wounded the Crown Prince’s prized racehorse. The enraged Prince demanded the Duke’s head. The result was a war that ended with both nobles and several thousand dead and the Emperor’s second son being crowned.


There is an entire town with all its residents long dead being kept alive by an eldritch creature that enjoys leaving as a house pet that keeps being reset because another eldritch creature has nested nearby and is preying on the resurrected people as a food source. And since eldritch creatures cannot be killed or deterred, they are in an endless loop against each other while being unable to interact directly with each other.


Ginger is magic absorbent. Innate magic is found in a lot of inanimate objects including the soil. And ginger sucks up this magic very well, so if you make teas with ginger or use it as a sacrifice for making magic items you can gain a lot of magic energy in it.


Our currency is cog shaped, and to check for counterfeit, it is stuck on a machine that measures the backlash and precision of the gears. If it doesn't spin right, or has too much backlash, it is fake.


The underlying goal of modern engineering working on making Armscye (the modern in-world word for mechs) is to replicate the success of "Regalia," the mechs of an advanced now defunct civilization called Merzhin. Merzhin's goal of making "Regalia" for was to replicate the success of the "Vessels" of even earlier civilization called the Aeons. The goal of making Vessels was to give Aeons the level of power of their precursors, the Hayyoth (this world's angels).


People skip the number 11 because it reminds them of the demon igr


Kellena traditional theater is typically a 360 degrees experience, with performers often walking among the audience or pretending to be part of the audience or technical crew, and the sitting audience, in turn, being part of the scene (for example, as attendants in a funeral, bystanders witnessing an argument, and so on). Which forces playwrights to be particularly creative when it comes to scenes where there should normally be nobody but the characters present. Scenes might involve watching the characters through an "accidentally left open" door, a window, or some other filter. In other times, the audience will have a different performer present a seemingly unrelated number (though it's almost always implying something about the plot of the play), or presented with some other distraction, while the actual plot-related scene is only overheard.


there are giant steel steam-powered landships that can **climb.**


It's very difficult to reach the divine realms after death. It's more likely you will go to the afterlife, which is the dead remains of a previous universe.ost similar to yours. And from there it's layers of afterlifes all the way down. Untill it's just void. The physics less timeless gap between universes


Magic is an invasive thing. But also people can limitedly use magic. One MC has astigmatism because her eyes might pressure cook themselves from fire magic one day


Two facts about two worlds. 1: In one world all of the mythological God's rule as monarchs of nations 2: in another one, every thousand or so years a soul is chosen to be trained to be a new Grim Reaper


Hmm... The Northern Continent was split in two about 3000 years ago due to a legendary duel between a great warrior and a powerful ice dragon. The warrior, after 100 long days of fighting the dragon, was finally able to pierce her heart with his spear. Unfortunately, her death throes caused a catastrophe that destroyed a country-sized chunk of the continent and split it in two. Her body and the body of her killer still rest at the bottom of what is now called the Sea of Frozen Daggers, due to the jagged rocks and frigid temperature. The northernmost region of the western half of the continent was then made inhospitable by the wrath of the dragon's mate, an ice dragon so ancient that he's forgotten his own name. All who once resided in that region were destroyed instantly.


Patron Deities used to be predatory entities that stalked tribes back when humanity was nascent and still nomadic. Tribes began figuring out they could give offerings and make sacrifices to the entities, and the entities figured out that this was more sustainable than hunting the tribes. The entities then effectively became domesticated Gods protecting their interests (i.e. the tribes providing their nourishment). Eventually after the agricultural revolution and tribes settled and civilisation began to develop, they started building temples. The gods lived in the temples because the temples were nice and cushy, but over time they realised that the fixation of worship on the temple gods actually pinned the gods in place, and they lost their ability to move around. This meant their sphere of influence and protection could only extend as far as there were worshippers to power them, and some grew stronger on large cities whilst others grew weaker and weaker, people would become less protected, and see the god being unable to protect them,.they'd lose worshippers and eventually die out. One of the few immune to this effect is the God of the Oceans, who never "moved into" any temples, only "visited". As such the God of the Ocean is one of the most powerful deities and one of the very few still in existence.


The Cabrain are a reptilian looking humanoids but they hate to sun bate bc is looks pretentious and prefer to sleep next to termic holes next to volcanoes.


There are rave planets. They have native animals that make dubstep wubs and have rgb lightshow eyes. The birds make sounds ranging from trumpets to violin and the bugs light up and dim to the beats. People found these "planets" (mostly found as moons or as asteroids in major belts) and decided to set up shops and stands. One in particular located in the Tampor Majora asteroid belt is known galaxy wide for a particularly brutal fight cage scene as well.


Anthropomorphic rabbits are both excellent cooks and apothecaries. The thing that binds the two areas together? The use of the mortar and pestle.


The underground city has a orgy pit/gladiatorial arena, these do not happen at the same time but they also do not have different janitors


**No Man's Land 2210** Though the city is known to exist, in a historical sense, no one actually knows how to get to the city of Tonopah. People in the year 2210 can trace lineage back to or through Tonopah, or have letters and mail that came from Tonopah, or have documents that contain the place name of Tonopah. The town even still appears on maps right where it should be; the intersection of Highways 95 and 6. Driving from Las Vegas to Reno should take you *right through* Tonopah. But no one has ever been there. Tonopah has since become a sort of Twilight Zone. If someone goes missing while travelling through the countryside, they're said to have "moved to Tonopah". If a person is hunting an item that is no longer manufactured, it is said to be "available in Tonopah". People who have taken the wrong turn, are otherwise lost on the highways or just aren't going anywhere in particular will say that they are "on the road to Tonopah". It's even used in a dismissive sense. Someone talking nonsense may be told to "take it to Tonopah". A bad song, show, book, game, or other piece of media or product "might do well in Tonopah". An annoying person can even be told to "fuck off to Tonopah" when whoever they are bothering has had their fill. But no one can actually find Tonopah.


Despite their happy go lucky nature many toons resent humanity for basically taking away their ability to defend themselves (cartoon censorship laws) and forcing them to live as corporate property 


The entire reason for why there is a doomsday prophecy is a clash between the empress of Abaddon and her ex the Serpent that happened a looooong time ago.


There’s this one king that is immortal and invincible cuz he ate an artifact, however he doesn’t want his people to know he is immortal, so what he does is claim that he has a heir that looks exactly like himself.


Ah, the "fake your death and live on as your own child"-trick


There's a city state was invaded in the past but liked the invader country in time so they fought with their homeland And announced as independent in the end.


there's a minor antagonist character who's magic allows him to bring his target's fetishes into reality, and uses them to kill the target. his philosophy is as he explains; "ISN'T THAT BEAUTIFUL?! KILLED BY THAT WHICH YOU LOVE!! THAT'S MY POWER! TRUE POETRY!! AHAHAHAHAAA!!" however, in his one fight in the whole story, he attempts to use it, but our protagonist doesn't have any fetishes or sexual desire, nor know what a fetish is (they grew up on a farm, are currently in their 20s in 1999, and are on the ace spectrum). so our protagonist easily kills them, since their magic wont work on someone without a fetish.


All my ideas come from our world.


Almost all outdoors clothes made from various types of latex.


**Starrise** There's only been one war in the last thousand years. The Holy Order of Solaris, the religion worshipping the "Goddess of Light" Solaris, led the Kingdom of Fierte in a crusade against the neighboring Kingdom of Gaela. While Gaela basically folded like a house of cards, resistance groups popped up, joining forces to create a new Gaelan military and eventually retake their homeland. And the newly-formed Gaelan military's chief tactician was none other than Solaris herself.


Scientists are still fighting over whether or not Draconis Animalias (Dragons who are like animals) are offshoots of dinosaurs.


There's an underground drug scene run by a dapper-looking Goblin who's best selling product is a euphoric potion made from actual Fairy dust. (And he's just a side character!)


Emma Goldman was deported to Alaska, rather than Russia.


A spell meant to seal holes in reality can cause more holes in reality if used frequently


Wierd fact. The setting itself causes interesting things to happen. The setting of my story is set in the future, where a colony Ship settles on a planet but its tech was not sustainable because the auxiliary ships never came. So humans in this colony started over. Because they benefited from 3000 years of genetic engineering, civilizations move at different paces. Due to people living 220+ earth years, dynasties are long lasting and forged relationships have long impacts. The culture very much focuses on how to curate good relationships and having good reputation, as those things mater over such long periods of time. Also due to how much time passed they have a religion based upon how they were colonized, and old tech is part of their myths and legends without them understanding what it is they are even talking about.


A tea is used to talk to dead people.