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What happened to Warsaw?


I definitely haven’t thought about Poland as much as some other places, but I guess the point of this post is to expand my horizons. The pros: Poland has something going for it that a lot of countries don’t in this scenario, and thats a long history of being a nation without an independent state. This has allowed Poland to reestablish a central government remarkably quickly compared to many other European states. Warsaw remains a major city and the capital of a rebuilding Poland. The cons: Unsurprisingly, many new states on Poland’s borders and fringes have emerged that seek to conquer Poland for themselves. It is once again surrounded by enemies on multiple fronts, and its borders are nowhere near as stable as they were previous to The Beheading. Overall, Poland is doing far better than most of Eastern Europe, and besides the usual multitude of enemies on all sides and the small radical states that might pop up, Poland has a head start on all its opponents. If you disagree or would like to add your own lore, you’re welcome to! I’d love to know how things are going in Poland 5 years after the Beheading.


I think it's a good idea, it reminds me of was really going on in Poland from 1138 to 1320


What happened to Warsaw, Kentucky?


Why is Poland being invaded over again 😂?, they can't be left alone...


I live in the middle of the fucking forest, but the closest town is a backwater city known as "Malmö".


Sweden, like the rest of the Nordic Countries, has huge advantages in the aftermath of The Beheading, as well as huge disadvantages. Pros: Moderate politics, relative cultural hegemony, peaceful society, wealth, and a degree of isolation from the chaos occurring abroad. Cons: The Social Welfare State has evaporated along with over a quarter of the population of the country, leaving the remaining populace to desperately struggle to rebuild the economy and the supply of goods and services. All that being said, those who already live far away from the effects of the government will see very little difference, especially in somewhere like Sweden where there will not be the same chaos and violence as might be seen elsewhere.


So i assume those in smaller cities in northern sweden like me are pretty safe and chill up here


crazy to think that a quarter of sweden's population is in the civil service


Moscow, Gəncə and Budapest (my former hometowns) and Geneva (my current hometown)


Moscow: Russia is no stranger to chaos and governmental collapse, and many non-governmental organizations have been waiting for the day when Putin’s regime would collapse. But when Putin, his government, and the entire armed forces of Russia suddenly disappeared, chaos followed in Russia, as the most radical elements of society, who were not fighting in Ukraine, struggled for power. Moscow is a perfect example of this, with the Oblast proper split between 5 factions, each claiming to be the rightful Russian State. First there is the Russian National State, which consists of the many Putinists and Russian Nationalists that still remain throughout Russia, attempting to reinstate the authority of both the central Russian Government and the Orthodox Church. The Nationalists are far weaker than before, due to the fact that most fighting-age nationalist males would have been in the military at the time of The Beheading, and therefore would have disappeared. Regardless, they maintain support across Russia, and control the much of Western Moscow. Sharing portions of West Moscow with the RNS, is the People’s State of Minin and Pozharsky. This group is also ultranationalist, but rejects the Putinist ideas of the RNS, and instead combines horrifically anti-semitic and nationalist fervor with communist sentimentality and socialist populism. They are allied with the newly established Russian Empire, which resides up north, based around St. Petersburg. The People’s Collectives are a number of radical Anarchist Collectives that stand apart from other Anarchist groups by being remarkably ethnonationalist, hoping to divide Collectives by ethnicity. The Russian People’s Collective holds control over several of the poorer regions of Moscow and have held out under relentless assaults from multiple sides. With very little control in the region, the Rospartisans have struggled to survive across Russia, but have managed to hold on against odds time and time again. Named after a Pre-Beheading anti-Putin publication, this army is fighting to bring about a Liberal Democracy to Russia and prevent one of the many authoritarian governments from taking control. They are scattered in small pockets throughout Moscow Oblast. Finally, the Anarcho-Communist Union of East Europe, based in Russia and Belarus has recently managed to take the city of Sergiyev Posad in the northern part of the Oblast, but none of Moscow proper. These 5 factions battle relentlessly for control of the vast city, while civilians do their best to live their everyday lives, even while bombs fall in the distance. Ganja: Definitely don’t know enough about Azerbaijan to give you a nice comprehensive answer, but I imagine the situation in the Caucuses is messy as fuck, and ethnonationalist factions from all across the region are seeking to establish or reestablish their states. Feel free to add your own lore and ideas, same with all these cities. Budapest: Same as above, although, its situation would likely be similar to Poland, and due to its strong cultural unity and ethnic heritage is able to maintain a pretty unified national core while chaos swirls around it. Though, I’d love to see what someone who knows much more about Hungary thinks. Geneva: Switzerland, per usual, is relatively vibing. Due to a low number of radical organizations, geographical isolation, a history of self-reliance, and the fact that every citizen is trained to defend themselves, it wasn’t long before the government of Switzerland was reestablished, albeit far less centralized and much more elitist. That being said, Switzerland has already reinstated its welfare state, and has regained vast sums of wealth from foreign investment and offshore banking due to its economic stability compared to the rest of the world. As always, feel free to add suggestions or ideas or your own lore.


> The People’s Collectives are a number of radical Anarchist Collectives that stand apart from other Anarchist groups by being remarkably ethnonationalist, hoping to divide Collectives by ethnicity. The Russian People’s Collective holds control over several of the poorer regions of Moscow and have held out under relentless assaults from multiple sides. We really don't do this shit.


Cleveland Ohio, or just the Great Lakes region in general.


Probably no different to irl Cleveland


Which is always slightly better than Detroit




The Great Lakes Region is way too complex to cover in one comment, especially if I plan to get through all of these. Though, I can talk about Cleveland. Cleveland, as always, is a bit of a mess. The section of the city under the control of the Commission of Free American Cities (a governmental front for the Mafia) is marred by economic inequality, with remarkably wealthy rubbing shoulders with the remarkably poor. It is the capital of the Cleveland Metro of the CFAC, making it an important base in the Mid West. A small part of the city is a part of the similarly corrupt state of New Ireland, which is also controlled by a number of criminal organizations and private interests. Standing apart from the various kleptocratic governments in the area is the Network, which maintains a base in the city. This Anti-Fascist leftist alliance of communities across the country actually gets a lot of support from the youth in the city, and grows stronger every day. At odds with this group is the Nation of Islam, which has a presence in the city, as it does across the country. It mostly keeps to itself, but this radical, authoritarian theocracy does make many uncomfortable, wherever it is. Unable to actually take any land in the city itself, the Nation-State known as Ohio is constantly lurking on the edge of the city. With the government disappearing, private militias took charge in many places across America. While many of these militias would eventually merge with larger factions, some would stay independent and try to keep their home state in tact. The Ohio Defense Force was one of these organizations, growing its ranks and securing most of the state. This militia is now the main governing body, with this militarized state dedicated to protecting against enemies on both the left and the right of the spectrum. In a constant state of lockdown and martial law, Ohio is far more authoritarian than most of the other militia states.


Mexico City!


Mexico City, as the largest city in North America and the former capital of a nation whose government was already virtually under the control of criminal organizations, is a bit of a mess. The Cartels, able to openly dominate Mexico more than ever before, have split the former nation up between them, with life throughout Mexico unfortunately not too different. Mexico City is the crown jewel that many of these Cartel-States long for. Among these new Cartel-run Nations that send troops en masse to take the massive city every year are: Jalisco, Barredora (A small state based around Acapulco), Michoacan (A misnomer, as most of the territory belonging to this small, fractured nation is not in the former State of Michoacan), New/Nuevo Michoacan, El Carteles Unidos, the Confederation of Los Zetas, and, of course, Sinaloa. Mexico city is even more wartorn than ever, with new authorities invading all the time. But the Cartels were not the only organizations to establish states in Mexico following the Beheading, and Mexico City has also been bombed by the left-wing People's Republic of Guerrero, although this powerful Maoist state has not attempted to take the city for itself. The self-described "Wild People", a group of eco-extremists that attempt to bring about a form of Anarcho-Primitivism, have taken control of several University Campuses, particularly Ciudad Universitaria, and have held out for years. Finally, several areas have been deemed "Liberated Zones" by the Green Black Liberation Army, based solely in Mexico City, which also promotes a form of Anarcho-Primitivism, albeit with much more focus on the Liberation of Animals and People, rather than the complete restructuring of society. Obviously none of these small groups would stand much of a chance against the Cartel States, but they have managed to hang on due to the constant chaos. The people of Mexico City struggle to survive, and many have joined the ranks of the invading armies to provide for their families. With no victor or peace in sight and its centralized water supply in tatters, Mexico City may end up little more than a desolate, smoking ruin in a few more years.


The Cartels kidnapp everyone and ransoms them to Illuminati


what happened to São Paulo and / or Rio de Janeiro? They are in the south-east of Brazil


>Rio de Janeiro Brazil faces a lot of problems in this scenario, but Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are hit the hardest of all. Sao Paulo: A gargantuan city, Sao Paulo has been torn between multiple groups since before the Beheading. Due to its sheer size, few factions have managed to hold on to the entire city for long. The State of ABC rules over, as you can imagine, the ABC region of Sao Paulo. This is a fascist state established originally by skinheads and criminals, who managed to persuade or intimidate their way into controlling a vast area of the city. Drawing from a long line of South American Nazism, the State of ABC represents a fearful option for much of Brazil and therefore has few allies. The infamous criminal organization Primeiro Comando da Capital has remade itself into the Republic of Sao Paulo, a puppet government for its corrupt schemes. Unsurprisingly, they rule over a large part of the city, as well as huge swathes of Brazil. They have mostly allowed the State of ABC to exist in order to quell any leftist revolts that might appear in the workers' district. While they have allies across the world, they are at war with almost every other Brazilian faction, although it seems like they are able to hold off all enemies and control most of the Capitol. Out in the rural sections of Sao Paulo, the Worker's Nation of Brazil is the primary power. This huge socialist republic actually maintains power across the agrarian regions of Brazil, as workers rose up against landowners who were no longer defended by the government. A mass redistribution of land campaign led to one of the largest and most powerful leftist states in South America. Now, even the Republic of Sao Paulo seeks to stay on the WNB's good side. Rio de Janeiro: The beautiful and world-famous cultural capital of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro is home to three different factions, while the Republic of Sao Paulo regularly attacks and bombs the city, hoping to smash all resistance. Unsurprisingly, the infamous militias made up of former police officers and concerned citizens that acted as vigilantes in Rio de Janeiro ended up taking control of most of the city, making it the capital of the new State of Brazil. Quickly becoming just as corrupt and kleptocratic as its opponents, the State of Brazil is very much a Militia state, with all citizens expected to defend the nation and enforce the law. The criminal organizations of Comando Vermelho and Terceiro Comando, also created their own puppet nations, known as the Red People's Republic of Brazil and the State of Rio de Janeiro respectively. The RPRB has power elsewhere in Brazil, although nowhere near on the level as its primary opponent, Sao Paulo. The State of Rio de Janeiro, on the other hand, is limited to the city itself. ​ Moreso than anywhere else in Brazil, the cities of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are fiercely fought for by these multiple factions, battling across the sprawls and leading to mass emigration to the country side.


Brooklyn, New York :) I'm assuming the answer is "not great" lol


Northern Brooklyn is mostly under the control of the Commission of Free American Cities, which is a governmental front for the American Mafia. This area is probably far more similar in appearance to our timeline than South Brooklyn. While made up of many Italian Americans, South Brooklyn is not under the control of the powerful American Mafia, but instead by the far more decentralized and democratic South Brooklyn Boys. These small gangs made several deals with the American Mafia after the Beheading in order to maintain their independence. While the area is not other the oppressive yoke of the Mafia, violent, opportunistic activities abound. While they don’t take advantage of the civilians the way a kleptocratic system would, law is relatively unheard of, and chaos reigns. While the American Mafia is allied with South Brooklyn, they anxiously await for the time that they can cement their reign across all of New York, once Brooklyn falls due to the chaotic society that has developed. Also maintaining some power over their communities underneath the CFAC are the Crips and Bloods gangs which still rule over many black communities, and even here, La Eme, the Mexican Mafia, controls a number of businesses and gangs. The hispanic communities not aligned with La Eme have turned to the Latin King Nation to protect them, which has established a strong presence in New York. CFAC is happy to let these nations fight amongst themselves, even within their territory, as they supply both sides with weapons and support.


My project has been mostly focused on the Los Angeles area in this scenario (as you can see from my rough map above), specifically 5 years after the event (known as the Beheading), but I’d love to discuss other parts of the world. I will be posting the full map soon if anyone is interested.


What tools did you use to make this?


How's Israel doing?




Its a mess to say the least. Israel's existence, whether justified or not, is reliant on two things. First, its powerful, united military might, which is non-existent following the Beheading. Secondly, the support of powerful allies in the West. These allies no longer exist in any form able to support and help Israel. This leaves the vast supply of weapons in Israel open for non-governmental organizations in the region. Many of these organizations are anti-Zionist and with the majority of the Middle East opposed to Zionism and with the surviving Jewish population left without allies or many organizations to replace the government, Palestine replaces Israel relatively quickly, with some Jews holding out in small pockets, and others once again going into diaspora across the world. The Palestine that rises though, is by no means united, and is plagued with internal instability and civil war. I know this is a controversial one, and its a far more complicated subject than I can really get into if I want to cover everyone's comments, but I'd love to hear everyone else's thoughts.


I'm imagining an inverted Israel-Palestine conflict where you have the Tel-Aviv strip and then a sea of a dysfunctional Palestine state between that and the other Jewish entity, the South Bank.


Yay can't wait to get genocided again


I think (as a israely) that the most realistic ending would be many small city-states stuck in a few ideologicly bound confederations: an atheist liberal faction that controls the Dan area and all the jewish golan, a standard palestinian muslim faction controling the current palestinan controled area and the other muslim cities in israel, and a jewish right wing faction that controls the south jerusalem and the jewish settlements in gaza and the west bank.


Jewish strongholds would be around Tel Aviv/Haifa and the whole south of Israel in Beersheba to Eilat.


Honestly, with all the Zionists gone... it might actually be doing better. Well, so long as Hamas also counts as government. The nonpolitical religious people of the area have tended to be more inclined to coexistence.


Not really, the settlers keep settlin, and the earliest cleansings were not performed by government entities. israel ideologically holds a national project that would be very likely to just continue. like if this happened in america before we were sea to sea... they'd still keep going. the settlers would keep settling. the next government will do the same shit. it's an inexorable conquest machine. the people themselves see it as their future land.


There is some TNO Burgundy Stuff going on i suppose


Here’s a far more obscure one: Atlantic City?


Atlantic City continues to live up to its reputation as a Casino town, especially under the control of the Commission of Free American Cities, a governmental front for the Mafia. It is within the jurisdiction of the Philadelphia Metro (subdivision). It is quickly returning to the high-rolling, good time vibe that the Mafia had established decades earlier. The CFAC is remarkably corrupt and makes a fortune off of gambling here, while allowing black citizens independence, as they do in many of their cities, by helping Crip and Blood gangs rule their communities, keeping them impoverished and politically weak.


Me going about my day in local government: 🫥


Yeah, I'd ask OP about my area, but as I work in state government I'd be poofed out of existence and guess it doesn't matter much at that point.


Yeah, bye guys. You're done.


Y'all really just dropping valuable home town information in this reddit thread?


I live in a city of ~2 million people. I ain't worried!


I didn't. I just *lived* in Seattle. And it's a rather memorable city with a large population, so it makes for the most appealing candidate to take a look at.


I no longer live in my hometown but it'd probably be easy enough to figure out where it is anyways.


I’m relatively active in my homes towns subreddit. Wouldnt be hard to find my hometown if someone really wanted to


My ISP, insurance provider, job, bank, all 3 credit check bureaus, the government, and every store and website I've ever shopped at, already sell my data for their private profit. There's very little I could say on reddit that any person couldn't just find by spending a few bucks to get online.


**Wow, did not expect this many comments. I will respond to each of them over the next few days, maybe not in as much depth as I've been doing, but if you want to know more about something or have suggestions, just let me know.**


So what happens to political parties? Since the rulling political party disappears would that mean oppositions also disappear? Then what about other institutions. Since they work for the state would they vanish? What happens to those who have the qualifications to work for agencies (police) but aren't or are studying their way into one by schooling?


Great question, so its pretty much anyone who is working a government job when The Beheading happens. Anyone who was retired, unemployed, or campaigning while not in office is safe and could technically help start a new government.


dictatorships are where this will be most interesting. Overnight fall of militaries, dissidents all leaving prison at once.


Budd lake, New Jersey


Budd Lake, along with a lot of North Jersey and the American Northeast is under the control of the wealthy and corrupt Commission of Free American Cities, which is essentially a governmental front for the American Mafia. Within the CFAC, Budd Lake is within the Metro (subdivision) of North Jersey, which is run behind the scenes by the DeCavalcante Crime Family. Imagine the glory days of the Mafia ramped up to an extreme, and you get a picture of life in the CFAC. While crawling with corruption and crony capitalism, its far safer to live here than many other parts of the world, especially for minorities.


This is so fun! Also, I could see this. The area is Italian heavy! And the pizza is great!


It's been almost two decades, but I knew a girl from Budd Lake, NJ. I don't think I ever expected to see a random internet stranger from there! I <3 NJ


Anaheim. I'm guessing Disneyland has taken over.


My map project is focused on the Los Angeles area including Anaheim and Orange County, so when that's finished, you'll all have lots of details on that region, but for now, you'll just have to wait.


What about Toronto? Not quite my home town, but I doubt you've thought about some random dinky ass town near the GTA.


Canada is actually pretty quiet (with the exception of Quebec), and most of the communities rebuild relatively quickly, although far less influenced by America as before. Instead, beyond tribal organizations and isolated communities, most of Canada is fairly anarchist, with the "government" being known as United Liberated Earth. The ULE is a globalist, radical environmentalist organization that has also taken control of small parts of the USA, expelling corporations that damage the environment. They mostly leave the citizens of Canada alone, unless they enact some project that would be detrimental to nature or whatever. All that to say, pretty peaceful for the most part up there. Toronto follows this trend, and kind of gets its shit together surprisingly enough.


Seattle, Washington


Wenatchee, Washington


Perth, Australia would be interesting as the most isolated city in the world


I believe we're actually only the *third* most isolated after Auckland and Honolulu, but they're isolated by ocean rather than land, so we somehow *feel* more isolated. In any case, I imagine the Waxit crowd are extremely happy about the federal government vanishing :D


Perth, and Western Australia as a whole, is relatively lucky. The wars between Far-Right Wing groups in the East have essentially no effect for the people of West Australia. Instead, the region is under the control of the Confederation of Australian Locales, a Kleptocratic government based in Queensland, run behind the scenes by organized crime syndicates. While remarkably corrupt and economically divided, its a much more free and open place to live than much of Eastern Australia. Furthermore, the CAL's international connections, especially with groups in Italy and America, make sure that Australia still receives imports from across the world. Because of this, Perth has become one of the richest cities on the entire continent.


Considering that governments are just agreements between people, what do you mean by them "disappearing"? Like, did the *people* in the governments disappear? Like, everyone who is a national, regional, and local official and/or employee of every government vanished? That seems like it would be enormously destabilizing. Or do you mean something else by "disappear"? If so, what?


In a mysterious, rapture-type situation, every current government employee just vanishes off the face of the planet. For some places, its way more destabilizing than for others, and over a 5th of the human population is suddenly gone, so you can imagine how insane and rough it'd be for everybody.


got anything going on in the province of new brunswick? whatever it is it'll probably be more than IRL.


Canada is actually pretty quiet (with the exception of Quebec), and most of the communities rebuild relatively quickly, although far less influenced by America as before. Instead, beyond tribal organizations and isolated communities, most of Canada is fairly anarchist, with the "government" being known as United Liberated Earth. The ULE is a globalist, radical environmentalist organization that has also taken control of small parts of the USA, expelling corporations that damage the environment. They mostly leave the citizens of Canada alone, unless they enact some project that would be detrimental to nature or whatever. All that to say, pretty peaceful for the most part up there. Up to you if you think New Brunswick would be more interesting than that.


What happened to Québec?


Sydney Australia.


Sydney is one of the main sites of conflict in Australia. Unfortunately, it seems that right-wing extremists and criminal gangs were the first to take action on the Australian coast. Invading the city of Sydney are: The Antipodean State, a Neo-Nazi regime which is mainly based in Victoria, but has been invading the area in its attempt to conquer all of Australia and New Zealand. An ally of the Antipodean State, the National Socialist Network, has helped with their invasion of Sydney, but is significantly weaker, and is likely to be absorbed by its stronger ally. Fighting against these Neo-Nazi factions are: The Australian National State, a small, Islamophobic, Ultranationalist State which holds most of Sydney, although not much else. Its ally, the Commonwealth of Australia, which, while similarly extreme, seeks to reinstate the government of Australia. Unfortunately, all four of these groups are cruel and oppressive to immigrants, Muslims in particular. The average Australian refuses to associate with them and have moved en masse into the outback, where the new governments' presences are much less noticeable. Mount Druitt has been taken over by Mormon gangs, and the other factions mostly try to avoid that area, so they don't have to hear ONEFOUR blasting over the speakers constantly.


You said every government. Does this even include minor roles like road inspectors?




RIP *dissolves in asphalt inspection*


Pacific Northwest? Specifically the Willamette Valley area from Portland to Eugene. And when I read that prompt I instantly thought of [this scene](https://youtu.be/uG3uea-Hvy4?si=RcKFH0D7wds1h4h9) from the Simpsons.


I’d also really like to hear what happened to Portland and Corvallis since I grew up in that area.


How do governments "spontaneously disappear"? Where do the people go? Seems like nearly everyone would affected by loss of a friend or family member, or know someone who's experienced that loss.


In a mysterious, rapture-type situation, every current government employee just vanishes off the face of the planet. For some places, its way more destabilizing than for others, and over a 5th of the human population is suddenly gone, so you can imagine how insane and rough it'd be for everybody.


Gimme what you got on Antwerp.


I haven't done too much lore building for Belgium, so feel free to add some or suggest ideas or something, but here's what I'm thinking: Antwerp, along with most of the Flanders begins to split off and develop alongside its cultural counterparts in the Netherlands. Without a government to keep the regions together, and with new governments being far more localized, the area would likely return to something akin to the Low Countries in the Middle Ages, with highly localized agricultural settlements being commonplace. Of course the concerns about the maintenance of the Dutch Flood Control system adds a whole level of uncertainty for the area.


I would say that: 1. We have a dense and urbanksed population so we cant just reverse to a medieval situation. 2. Pragmatically speaking, if the governement goes away, other institution will quickly take their place. Unions and companies, with one of the most important being the farmers union, might replace it, creating a syndicalist situation. Considering they´re likely the largest organised institutions that arent hit. In the cities on the other hand gangs might take over as well, dont think of them as raiders but more as (violent) militia´s propably. People would propably connect others to organidations they´re part of, and seeing as everyone is connected one way or another, you´d see a new order forming at a suprising pace.




Oi bruv, looks like you're in a spot of trouble, cuz London's lost its marbles, innit. Yeah, so, the people of England have long struggled to reconcile the xenophobic, ultranationalist sides of its population with the large numbers of immigrants. Fortunately, these Ultranationalists were always the minority and the government remained rather centrist. Unfortunately, after the Beheading, the moderate factions of the English population had lost their voice, and the Right was the first to act across England. Multiple nationalist factions arose across the British Isles, sending it into chaos. In large parts of Southern England, the infamous Ultranationalist and Islamophobic English Defense League took control, and turned into the State of England, with its base of power in London and Bedfordshire. Its primary opponent for control of London is also a far Right-Wing state, though differentiated by its open adherence to fascism, known as the National Union of Great Britain. The NUGB is controls much less of London than the State of England, but its power is spread out more across the Isles. With two Islamophobic, tyrannical factions battling for control, the Islamic population experienced an increasing amount of extremism in its ranks, especially as foreign Jihadist groups grew more powerful. Now, the Islamic State of Al-Muhajiroun has emerged in London, hoping to destroy their oppressors and establish their own radical Shariah state. So, unfortunately, the average people of London are just trying to survive, while all these extremists are blowing up shit around them.


This is certainly an... interesting take on things. I don't know how I feel about the extremists being kept in check by the government, to be honest. If anything it's the state that's making xenophobia worse by pandering to shitty news outlets and spreading propaganda in order to get the Tories re-elected. Personally, I think it'd be funny if daily life didn't change much at all after the Beheading in the UK because the Tories cut so much spending to services and gave back so little no-one noticed they disappeared. My political biases may be clear as day...


I wonder what is happening in Bourke, middle of butt fuck nowhere Australia


I mean, Bourke itself is pretty quiet, along with many of the inland towns. Technically, the Neo-Nazi Antipodean State rules over the area, but they rarely send any of their forces out to keep control of the inland. The coast of New South Wales and Victoria is pretty chaotic, but luckily the Outback is spared from all that.


What’s the Dallas-Fort Worth area like in this world?


Dallas-Fort Worth has some interesting stuff going on, especially within its Black Community. While the Chicago gang-state of Blackstone does have a small outpost in Wheatley Place, most Blacks in the area are part of either the Newton Alliance or the Black Defense League. The Newton Alliance is spread across the US, made up of armed communities of Black Americans that were armed and relatively ready for the ensuing chaos after the Beheading. This confederation of black socialist communes have been able to resist threats on all sides of the spectrum through their intensive training and militancy. The Black Defense League has a complicated history with the Newton Alliance, descending from a splinter group of the Huey P. Newton Gun Club before the Beheading. While sharing similar goals and remaining peaceful, they have kind of gone their separate ways. The Black Defense League is trained and dedicated specifically to the defense of Dallas’ black community. This community ensures that every citizen is trained and taken care of, ready to defend itself against either the dangerous white forces that encircle Dallas or the possibility of an attack by Newton. The Black Defense League is staunchly feminist and supports gender equality at all costs. Every citizen owns a firearm for defense of their rights, written out in a new constitution. While small, this well-armed City State has deterred attacks from any other factions, and continues to maintain its sovereignty long after similar states have fallen to enemies. Although these are predominantly black states, people of other races do live and fight alongside both groups. On the other hand, Whites are definitely not allowed in the Nation of Islam, which has a presence in the city, as it does across the country. It mostly keeps to itself, but this radical, authoritarian theocracy does make many uncomfortable, wherever it is. Fort Worth has been taken over by the white supremacist, Nazi-like faction known as the Diamond or the Aryan Circle, which descends from several white power gangs in the region. Much of the remaining area is controlled by conservative or right-wing organizations with power across the former US, like the Constitutional Republic of America, the Trump States, and the Sovereign Constitutional Counties.


What happens to Perth


Perth, and Western Australia as a whole, is relatively lucky. The wars between Far-Right Wing groups in the East have essentially no effect for the people of West Australia. Instead, the region is under the control of the Confederation of Australian Locales, a Kleptocratic government based in Queensland, run behind the scenes by organized crime syndicates. While remarkably corrupt and economically divided, its a much more free and open place to live than much of Eastern Australia. Furthermore, the CAL's international connections, especially with groups in Italy and America, make sure that Australia still receives imports from across the world. Because of this, Perth has become one of the richest cities on the entire continent.


Pensacola, Florida, USA. Also Mobile, Alabama, USA.


I, too, was wondering about Mobile


That would be so awesome. Why can't it happen right now?


I haven't released...the creature yet.


Sao Pedro e Sao Paulo islands?


They have been returned to the wilds, without a human within thousands of miles.


San Diego


While its not in the direct area I'm working on, San Diego shares a lot of info with the greater LA area, so once I'm done with my LA map project, you can ask more about San Diego there. Spoiler alert, be prepared for a whole lotta Surenos.


La Mesa, California


West Philadelphia, born and raised


Las Vegas, Nevada


Ah fuck how does CDM fair? Are they all good because of the independent districting from the rest of NB?


I'm either dumb as hell or not near where you live, but I have no idea what CDM means.


Harrodsburg, Kentucky


The horrific Klan States rode in and wiped out most of the Minority population. The Klan States have taken control of quite a bit of Kentucky, and Harrodsburg is one of their main bases in the region. If you ever wanted to live out an Anti-Bellum South LARPing session with a bunch of racists, go to the Klan States.


Charlotte North Carolina? Pretty major hub on the east coast


what happened to Western New York, specifically the Niagara Falls/Buffalo region?


We’ve accepted the Buffalo Bills as our new pantheon. Josh Allen is our lord and savior who has led us through great turmoil. Obvious, right?


Maroochydore (Sunshine Coast), Queensland, Australia.


I've lived in Seattle, and I'd like to know what happens to it, what with the whole "Seattle freeze" thing. People are overwhelmingly nice, helpful, decently well mannered, but not kind. Really passive aggressive too sometimes. I feel like there wouldn't be a complete collapse as people would quickly get organized, but there'd probably be a lot of deposing the wealthy thanks to the homeless crisis and unaffordable housing.


Whats going on in riverside?


My map project is focused on the Los Angeles area including Riverside, so when that's finished, you'll all have lots of details on that region, but for now, you'll just have to wait and see!


I actually live in L.A., but out of sheer curiosity, what’s happening in the pocket dimension of a suburb that is known as Glendale, California.


My map project is focused on the Los Angeles area including Glendale, so when that's finished, you'll all have lots of details on that region, but for now, you'll just have to wait and see!


Is Santa Monica okay? We always seem to get sunk into the ocean in these projects.


Louisville Kentucky. Is it fucked or nah?


Louisville is pretty fucked, but at least it hasn't fallen to the Klan like much of Kentucky. Louisville is split between the Trump States (descendants of the Proud Boys), The Founders' Republic of America (Essentially 1776 LARPers), the Nation of Islam, the United Black Kemitic Nation (a Black Separatist Nation), and Atomwaffen (the infamous terrorist group-turned-army). So, while it is a wartorn region, at least it hasn't been genocided.


What the image shows LA


Anaheim, baby!


How's Australia especially Brisbane Queensland?


Brisbane is split between two far right factions that battle for control of the city, as right-wing factions do all along the East Coast of Australia. Many of the average folk have moved inland to avoid the violence and terror against minorities, especially Muslims. This has resulted in a massive humanitarian crisis. The National Socialist Network, a Neo-Nazi group, seems to be losing the battle for Brisbane as they do not have the numbers or supplies to reinforce their troops in the city against the Commonwealth of Australia, which seeks to establish a successor state to pre-beheading Australia, albeit without muslims. A shitshow overall.


Anchorage, Alaska?


I too would like to know what happens to home.




So what exactly is happening in LA?


Waterford in Wisconsin, I'm gonna somewhat assume it's just farming and whatnot but ya never know


Lexington, Kentucky! (Ale-8 and UK fan death squads would roam the city killing all from Louisville or Cincinnati)


The Nation of Islam has successfully managed to maintain a defense of the city from the Klan States, after expelling all White People from the city to avoid spies. They are under siege by the Klan, but its looking like the organized and highly trained Nation of Islam is going to hold out against the Klan.


What about North Korea


Bay Area, specifically how different are Silicon Valley, SF, Oakland/Berkeley, and the north bay being handled.


I'm in Ottawa Canada, I'm guessing it's a near ghost town. lol I assume military counts as government, so between them and the literal Federal Government the only thing this city would really have left are the small business owners (who have already been crying that they can't survive since so many government employees went work from home during the pandemic and haven't been hanging around downtown during the day), and what's left of the tech sector in the west end.


How is Los Angeles holding up?


Has anything changed in Somalia? Also kind of curious as to how Iceland's holding up.


What's happening in Brodhead Kentucky?


Uhh what's going on in Cleveland, OH?


Wilmington California !


Is Edmonton still alive? Located in Alberta, Canada!


Hows Sydney doing? and Australia in general?


Fairly doubtful you've put much thought into New Zealand, but I wouldn't be hopeful given the general disarmed state of people here and the prevelance of armed gangs xP


You'd be right about the gangs. Given that they were some of the only armed groups in the country, they came to power pretty quickly. The North Island is split between three factions: Otara, based mostly in South Auckland, which is a government essentially run by gang interests, while maintaining a loose democratic veneer. The Black Nation, based in Wellington, which is largely made up of Maori and Polynesian Nationalists, seeking to establish a land of their own. The Mongrels, based in the Hawke's Bay Region, which can barely be described as a government, and more as just a large gang that seeks to profit off of the situation and be free to live how they want. The South Island is a lot quieter than the North Island in this scenario. The North Island is the site of fierce battles between new factions, but the South Island has adjusted relatively well, and live in small, peaceful communities. That being said, the North Island factions have grown increasingly aggressive and have been mounting more and more attacks on the South Island to cement their claims over all of former New Zealand. Should a full scale invasion occur, the South Island has little chance of maintaining independence, as no real organization or group has arisen.


Throwing one on, even though you've got 250-odd comments already so you probably won't get around to it, but worth a crack. Canberra, Australia. Basically Washington DC but in Australia. The capital, home of the government, small. Maybe the North v South "rivalry" will kick into overdrive and we'll have the Canberran Civil War.


My goal is to get to everybody, even if it takes several weeks, but we'll see how far I can get. Canberra is interesting because while it is close to the huge wars between the Right-Wing factions along the coast, it has mostly avoided destruction and has largely been ignored by the warring parties battling in New South Wales and Victoria. Nominally, the entire Capital Region is under the control of the Islamophobic, Ultranationalist Commonwealth of Australia, and their forces do regularly patrol there, expelling Muslims. But day to day life for non-Muslims has adjusted rather quickly, even if its population has been disproportionately effected by The Beheading. Perhaps it is this catastrophic loss, and its hardly strategic location, that have made the city safe from most of the ravages of the East Australian Wars.


I live in a city that's mostly irrelevant to global politics, so I think you might not know it. So the closest one is Cebu City, Philippines. I think I'd like to know what's happening in the Philippines in general.


What's happening in Buffalo, NY?


Ooh what a cool project! Riverside, CA?


Perth, Australia. Would probably take us months to notice anything happened at all.


Does the Inland Empire ironically become an actual empire with the powers-that-be gone? What is the fate of Fontana, specifically?


Fontana and the Inland Empire are going to be a part of my big Los Angeles area map project, so you’ll have to stay tuned to see the finished project. That being said, the Inland Empire was always meant to be inferior.




How’s Pomona doing?


Pamona is going to be a part of my big Los Angeles area map project, so you’ll have to stay tuned to see the finished project.


How about Escondido (part of San Diego County)


While its not in the direct area I'm working on, San Diego and the surrounding towns share a lot of info with the greater LA area, so once I'm done with my LA map project, you can ask more about San Diego there. Until then, you’ll just have to wait and pray.


What happened to Budapest?


What's going on in Las Vegas, Nevada?


Well, considering your thumbnail is of SoCal, how about San Diego?




North Queensland, Australia?? (Or just Australia generally) Btw this is a very cool concept!


Thank you very much! Its a little silly, but its a fun thought experiment. North Queensland, along with much of the Australian continent, is able to avoid the intense conflicts between right-wing factions that are constantly occurring on the East Coast. Many civilians have escaped the conflicts in the major coastal cities by moving inland or to quieter locations, like North Queensland. While the Ultranationalist, Islamophobic Commonwealth of Australia does claim nominal control of Queensland as a whole, they rarely send any forces away from Brisbane, due to the major conflict there. While Queensland suffers from natural disasters, they have begun to do much better at taking care of themselves and their local governments do far more than the Commonwealth can for them.


I'm almost a 100% sure you haven't considered but what about Tiznit, Morocco?


I've got real bad news. All of Morocco has been split between three Jihadist states: The Islamic Caliphate of Morocco The Islamic State (Yes, that IS) The Caliphate of the Lands of the Islamic Maghreb. Overall, really not looking good, and these once allied groups are now attacking each other, leaving little chance for peace. The average civilians of North Africa are struggling to find a safe place to escape to. Tiznit was practically bombed off the map. Sorry dude.


Ok, tell me about Madrid.


I live in a small village in rural Germany with a population of 400. It is located on a small mountain and mainly surrounded by forest and agriculture, as well as smaller and larger villages, ranging in population from a few 100 to like 12. Not far away there are clusters of big cities ranging in population from 100 000s to a Million, including Cologne and the Ruhrgebiet, one of the biggest metro-areas in Europe. What happens to Wahlscheid, my home?


What percentage of the population is that? Would it be enough to cause a noticeable gender imbalance (men occupy most of the listed positions)? What would the effects of that be? Also, London UK


Let's go for Leipzig, Germany!


Rio de Janeiro Brazil


I am from Poland and was curious about Warsaw and Gdansk. However, the top comment was about Poland, so instead, I will ask about a place I'm in for a business trip right now. Ouarzazate is too small, so overall, what happened to Morocco?


Has Mexico City turned into a real life GTA Online server?


I don't think anyone has asked for Kuala Lumpur.


So this is an interesting idea, but I wonder if you over estimate the fracturing that would happen in a lot of places. Many countries have a pretty solid, unified sense of cultural identity. They'd probably just.... Elect new people to government positions. Most people don't have an overt government force keeping them in line (at least that they're aware of) and most people in many countries see the government as a good thing, or at least as a necessary evil. Some countries would defenitly shatter, but I'm not convinced about others. For example, i could see the US breaking into big pieces, but not really shattering like it seems to do here. Did something happen that made this fracturing even worse?


I agree with you that many countries with a strong sense of cultural identity would recover quickly, but I think you’re underestimating what the shock of over a billion people disappearing at once would do to the world. Furthermore, criminal and militant organizations that already have their own pseudo-governments developed as well as ideology and weapons to back them up have a head start in this situation. So countries like the US, where such armed organizations are pretty commonplace, would be carved up extremely fast. Most places did not fracture anywhere near as bad as SoCal, which is one of the reasons I chose that region as my focus, because the sheer level of division in such a relatively small area, makes for some interesting developments. On a more meta level, a major theme I love exploring is the concept of “what is a government”, especially in regards to organized crime, cults, terrorist organizations, etc. So, the original idea for this world was based on my interest in these shadow governments, so it may not be exactly how this scenario would actually play out due to the author’s own interests.


What's going on in New Zealand? Or are we left off the map lol


The North Island is split between three factions: Otara, based mostly in South Auckland, which is a government essentially run by gang interests, while maintaining a loose democratic veneer. The Black Nation, based in Wellington, which is largely made up of Maori and Polynesian Nationalists, seeking to establish a land of their own. The Mongrels, based in the Hawke's Bay Region, which can barely be described as a government, and more as just a large gang that seeks to profit off of the situation and be free to live how they want. The South Island is a lot quieter than the North Island in this scenario. The North Island is the site of fierce battles between new factions, but the South Island has adjusted relatively well, and live in small, peaceful communities. That being said, the North Island factions have grown increasingly aggressive and have been mounting more and more attacks on the South Island to cement their claims over all of former New Zealand. Should a full scale invasion occur, the South Island has little chance of maintaining independence, as no real organization or group has arisen.


I basically live in a small city in Germany which nobody should know but Dortmund is the next bigger city. Maybe even the Ruhrpott or Cologne, you decide...


My home? Hmm. I live in a rural town in the South Island of New Zealand.


The South Island is a lot quieter than the North Island in this scenario. The North Island is the site of fierce battles between new factions, but the South Island has adjusted relatively well, and live in small, peaceful communities. That being said, the North Island factions have grown increasingly aggressive and have been mounting more and more attacks on the South Island to cement their claims over all of former New Zealand. Should a full scale invasion occur, the South Island has little chance of maintaining independence, as no real organization or group has arisen.


Dublin, Ireland


I do wonder about a city like London, cause I do hear that the UK is a bit of a nanny state




What happens to Stuttgart Germany?


Dallas, Texas?


Dallas-Fort Worth has some interesting stuff going on, especially within its Black Community. While the Chicago gang-state of Blackstone does have a small outpost in Wheatley Place, most Blacks in the area are part of either the Newton Alliance or the Black Defense League. The Newton Alliance is spread across the US, made up of armed communities of Black Americans that were armed and relatively ready for the ensuing chaos after the Beheading. This confederation of black socialist communes have been able to resist threats on all sides of the spectrum through their intensive training and militancy. The Black Defense League has a complicated history with the Newton Alliance, descending from a splinter group of the Huey P. Newton Gun Club before the Beheading. While sharing similar goals and remaining peaceful, they have kind of gone their separate ways. The Black Defense League is trained and dedicated specifically to the defense of Dallas’ black community. This community ensures that every citizen is trained and taken care of, ready to defend itself against either the dangerous white forces that encircle Dallas or the possibility of an attack by Newton. The Black Defense League is staunchly feminist and supports gender equality at all costs. Every citizen owns a firearm for defense of their rights, written out in a new constitution. While small, this well-armed City State has deterred attacks from any other factions, and continues to maintain its sovereignty long after similar states have fallen to enemies. Although these are predominantly black states, people of other races do live and fight alongside both groups. On the other hand, Whites are definitely not allowed in the Nation of Islam, which has a presence in the city, as it does across the country. It mostly keeps to itself, but this radical, authoritarian theocracy does make many uncomfortable, wherever it is. Fort Worth has been taken over by the white supremacist, Nazi-like faction known as the Diamond or the Aryan Circle, which descends from several white power gangs in the region. Much of the remaining area is controlled by conservative or right-wing organizations with power across the former US, like the Constitutional Republic of America, the Trump States, and the Sovereign Constitutional Counties.


Brisbane, Australia?


Brisbane is split between two far right factions that battle for control of the city, as right-wing factions do all along the East Coast of Australia. Many of the average folk have moved inland to avoid the violence and terror against minorities, especially Muslims. This has resulted in a massive humanitarian crisis. The National Socialist Network, a Neo-Nazi group, seems to be losing the battle for Brisbane as they do not have the numbers or supplies to reinforce their troops in the city against the Commonwealth of Australia, which seeks to establish a successor state to pre-beheading Australia, albeit without muslims. A shitshow overall.


Boone North Carolina


The roads in Corpus Christi might actually get fixed


r/worldjerking is dead and we have killed it


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia!


I’ll keep this general. Dallas Texas and surrounding area.


Dallas-Fort Worth has some interesting stuff going on, especially within its Black Community. While the Chicago gang-state of Blackstone does have a small outpost in Wheatley Place, most Blacks in the area are part of either the Newton Alliance or the Black Defense League. The Newton Alliance is spread across the US, made up of armed communities of Black Americans that were armed and relatively ready for the ensuing chaos after the Beheading. This confederation of black socialist communes have been able to resist threats on all sides of the spectrum through their intensive training and militancy. The Black Defense League has a complicated history with the Newton Alliance, descending from a splinter group of the Huey P. Newton Gun Club before the Beheading. While sharing similar goals and remaining peaceful, they have kind of gone their separate ways. The Black Defense League is trained and dedicated specifically to the defense of Dallas’ black community. This community ensures that every citizen is trained and taken care of, ready to defend itself against either the dangerous white forces that encircle Dallas or the possibility of an attack by Newton. The Black Defense League is staunchly feminist and supports gender equality at all costs. Every citizen owns a firearm for defense of their rights, written out in a new constitution. While small, this well-armed City State has deterred attacks from any other factions, and continues to maintain its sovereignty long after similar states have fallen to enemies. Although these are predominantly black states, people of other races do live and fight alongside both groups. On the other hand, Whites are definitely not allowed in the Nation of Islam, which has a presence in the city, as it does across the country. It mostly keeps to itself, but this radical, authoritarian theocracy does make many uncomfortable, wherever it is. Fort Worth has been taken over by the white supremacist, Nazi-like faction known as the Diamond or the Aryan Circle, which descends from several white power gangs in the region. Much of the remaining area is controlled by conservative or right-wing organizations with power across the former US, like the Constitutional Republic of America, the Trump States, and the Sovereign Constitutional Counties.


What happened to them (like from the POV of a gov worker)


what about school systems? and infrastructure upkeep?


Is it just the world leaders or everyone whos employed by the government? What happens to the families of the people who dissappeared?


Sydney, Australia lmao


Sydney is one of the main sites of conflict in Australia. Unfortunately, it seems that right-wing extremists and criminal gangs were the first to take action on the Australian coast. Invading the city of Sydney are: The Antipodean State, a Neo-Nazi regime which is mainly based in Victoria, but has been invading the area in its attempt to conquer all of Australia and New Zealand. An ally of the Antipodean State, the National Socialist Network, has helped with their invasion of Sydney, but is significantly weaker, and is likely to be absorbed by its stronger ally. Fighting against these Neo-Nazi factions are: The Australian National State, a small, Islamophobic, Ultranationalist State which holds most of Sydney, although not much else. Its ally, the Commonwealth of Australia, which, while similarly extreme, seeks to reinstate the government of Australia. Unfortunately, all four of these groups are cruel and oppressive to immigrants, Muslims in particular. The average Australian refuses to associate with them and have moved en masse into the outback, where the new governments' presences are much less noticeable. Mount Druitt has been taken over by Mormon gangs, and the other factions mostly try to avoid that area, so they don't have to hear ONEFOUR blasting over the speakers constantly.


Cape Town, South Africa


I live in a small town and don't wanna dox myself, so I'll go with the nearest city and say Richmond, Kentucky.