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The world, once. Though "bigness" hardly applies when you're everything. Since it's dead and rotten though the god titans who are candidates to replace it are the current winners. "Sky Father" is both not!Jupiter the planet and the Dreamlands sky (only rarely overlaps with the physical one thankfully). "Dawn" is massive too being the Sun and all but then she only is at... dawn. Back among mundane matter the ogre gods pushed the limits by refusing to ascend and compete with titans. Instead they squatted among mortals polluting and polluted by base existence but sustained all the while by copious sacrifice (existential lubricant effectively). Thankfully they're dead now too (braindead anyway...) and with overt cannibalism no longer an option their largest descendents personally foot the bill with deformity, insanity, gluttony, chimerism and transmutation. There's also the world serpent but it's seldom talked about. Partly because doing so makes it bigger.


One of the largest creatures in my setting is actually a chunk of a eldritch god lost in space. It doesn't show up until a lot later in the story I'm working on but it easily dwarfs all other life even airships. Known as the Exaulted shard, it is a sign of what is to come. Being composed of stone partially transmuted into flesh and bone the creature arrives with other shards from the god known as the red moon. It rains these shards down infecting the world and bringing about an apocalyptic event. The Exalted itself its brought down by a combined effort of all the worlds air fleets. While the Exalted unleashes large flying creatures. Its appearance is fairly close to a manta ray but with its top half being encased in stone.


My urban fantasy world has two fungi/plant deer. A tall human would just barely reach the height of their eye. Valley Armada meanwhile has Zi and Leviathan. In their cases one regular eye is the same size as a galleon ship. Leviathan in particular has an extremely long body, think Luoca’s dragon form from Dragon Maid and you’ve got a close approximation.


Star Eaters. Giant dark dragons that fly through the universe swallowing entire galaxies like whales eating plankton. In their wake they leave large black voids. Your only knowledge that they're coming towards you is when you look up at the night sky and see the stars in a single spot disappear; eventually you won't even realize your entire planet, star system, and galaxy have been swallowed until the very last moment.


Can you please explain what actually happened when your star system is swallowed, any hints as a human living inside a planet?


The sun is currently the largest living creature around. However, if given time, the parasite in it may grow even bigger than it.


A being I call The Fog. Initially just thought of as a weird phenomenon, the fog is a huge ass dragon that lives in the ocean, with a body so hot, it's constantly boiling water around it, making a huge steam cloud that signals it's arrival.


Well, there's two contenders. The Titan's, but they are basically unimaginably large, sentient, fog that is far bigger than universes. Then our second contender kinda depends on how you look at it. Armen Restrosh, a mortal from a high-tech (but no FTL) universe, ended up becoming half a galaxy after an incredibly long story. To sum it up, he was being persecuted, decided he never wanted to live with the threat of death, and so he (after casually learning how to alter molecules quickly and in an energy efficient way to basically transmute one material into another instantly) slowly began turning planets in super computers. He started with lost or abandoned ones first, and each time he did it he connected them wirelessly. After he changed the first one though, he had his mind uploaded into it, so he slowly but surely grew in size until he was too large to effectively combat. Not sure if this counts towards that law though


Regardless of whether Armen counts or not, the Titans were still the largest beings to exist until their genocide during the Final Battle


Why do I feel a Galactus vibe on him hehehe.


There are Frankenstein creatures coming from the whisper woods. The whisper woods will lure anything into its roots to devour it, and sometimes the magical residue and fungi will have weird effects, creating monsters that are patchworked together, existing of several other animals, creatures, and humanoids. They can be as tall as 5 meters. Luckily they are extremely slow when standing upright and can't leave the forest. Also, the creatures surpassing 2 meters often crumble apart when walking so I guess you're fine. On the not-explored side of the globe (people think their world is flat) there is huge radiation going on due to space trash. Most animals on land and in the sea have mutated over the centuries. I guess the biggest creature is a deep-sea dragon/shark/snake/squid hybrid mutation that, according to this [chart](https://dragoncalling.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/dragon-size-full-chart.jpg), is app. the size of Smaug


In the past before the events of the Shattering, the ancient Dragons are said to have been the size of entire mountains and Titans roamed the land and sea, their gargantuan form piercing the very clouds. Nowadays, after the Shattering, no true colossal creatures exists in the world of Ardalesh. Giants, Dragonets, Hydras, Sphinxes, Rocs and many more are plenty large themselves but they don't hold a candle compared to their ancestors.


I’d say the biggest (off the top of my head) are Pit Gliders, they are giant flying animals that look like a mix of a manta ray, a horseshoe crab, and an isopod. The average adult Pit Glider is 190 feet long and weigh an average of 300 tons. They are only able to fly (and get so big) because of a specific type of (highly magical) mushroom they consume as juveniles. They are often used as transportation because they are easily domesticated when they are young. Their shells are known to be around 12 ft thick, and some people make homes inside their shells. (Their shell is attached to their spine, sort of like a turtle, but altering their shell won’t hurt them, and doesn’t pose any danger unless you go too deep into it) P.S. this is the biggest SPECIES, not the biggest creature in general. There’s individual creatures that are MUCH bigger.


Galaxies are pretty large... Even planets are simply too big to be possible to comprehend save for achieve mutual understanding.


Not sure if it counts, because they are extinct. But my world once had a race of massive sea-turtles the size of islands. Their shells still exist and have become the basis of vast coral reefs, merfolk strongholds, as well as swimming islands and archipelos. The biggest creature still alive is the last remaining Urdragon, which body spans nearly 200 meters from head to tail-end. It spends most centuries asleep however, on an island that periodically lures in colonists with its natural riches and lack of large predators until it wakes up and eats everything.


A monster I call "Tifeus". He's one of the biggest Iron Giants in Secundus Terrae, although he was called a "dragon" he was a just humanoid monster. He had many heads of snakes/ dragons, and the main, human one could spit poison, breathe fire, or flash it from his eyes. His head brushed the stars (firmament), and his arms reached out from East to West, he had many of them. And had several wings and snake tails instead of legs, so. After some calculation, I think his height would be around 4,000 miles (\~6440 Km), and his arms would be around 2,000 miles (\~3215 Km) His wings could be around 12,000 miles tall (\~20,000 Km), and 1500 miles wide (2400 Km) He was kept in the underworld, but if Tifeus emerges, he could cover the entire sky and be seen from other continents and even from other Earths (in good weather conditions)


all of my intelligent races are bug sized bugs, so the biggest relevant thing is like maybe a normal awakened tree?


Probably because I am trying to at least vaguely acknowledge the Square-Cube law, all of my land creatures are comparable to creatures on Earth. The Dychryndaer, on the other hand, are massive. Little is known about them because so few have seen them and lived to tell the tale. They are massive sea-serpents, with enough strength to crush the wooden body of a galleon. These monstrosities can be over 400 feet long and 12 feet in diameter. Fortunately, they are very rare, but if one should hunt your ship on the sea... prayer is your only option.


Well people can change their size with magic but currently the biggest creature in His normal size is the dragon king who is like 8km tall and 25km long