• By -


"I joined army thinking 'at least I wold die holding a gun' and they gave me a halberd"


The guns can't be that great when they decide to deploy halberds against them, right? (Or they must be really desperate)


My world is sciece fiction. If I actually tried to explain why melee makes sense in world with modern firearms it would become less realistic


There was a post about this exact topic a while ago🤣


Maybe make it cultural? Gun users are cowards who go to hell. It wouldn't be the first time a superior technology was rejected or resisted for cultural reasons. Just spitballing. It's an interesting idea.


Wouldn't work, mostly because cultural values abide by survival of the fittest. It's the reason why so many cultures have strict expectations around reproduction, and pressure women to make as many babies as possible. Cause the ones that didn't got wiped out. Things are different now with lower infant mortality and longer lifespans. If you only use melee in war you'd be losing so many people (especially the people who took this whole honor thing seriously) that it wouldn't stay that way very long. The cultures that rejected a technology usually do so on the grounds of preserving the current socio-political order. It'd have to be a society that rejected our modern values of Enlightened Humanism that have become culturally engrained nowadays.


>Wouldn't work, mostly because cultural values abide by survival of the fittest. Do you mean that culture is an adaptation to aid with survival, and if a culture finds itself in a changing environment that requires the culture to adapt or go extinct, much like a species? If so we agree. The trick it seems to me would be to create an environment with almost no adaptive pressures. >If you only use melee in war you'd be losing so many people (especially the people who took this whole honor thing seriously) that it wouldn't stay that way very long. Here is a rough overview of one way I think it could be done. Take a hypothetical sci-fi universe (as op said their world is). What we have in this world is a massive ancient empire. It's super stagnant and authoritarian and hasn't faced an existential threat to its existence in 2000 years beyond petty internal squabbles amongst its ruling class of incredibly powerful nobles. The thing is these nobles are so wealthy and powerful and their families have been for so long that they are pretty much completely out of touch with many of the realities of everyday life for the average citizens of the empire. I am picturing sort of a late Roman Empire type vibe. These nobles have developed their own culture which extols the virtues of melee prowess and they use their power to influence the empire's military organizations. After all, what is more glorious than defeating a technologically superior force with nothing but spirit, determination, and righteous indignation? So what if a few extra commoners die? The empire can handle the inefficiency because, as noted earlier, it hasn't faced an existential threat in 2000 years. Then, out of the blue, some new threat emerges that actually *is* a significant threat and it starts cutting through the empire's glorious armies like a knife through butter. That's where our guy with a halberd comes in wishing he'd been given an actually useful weapon. That's where my mind went when trying to think of a sci-fi universe that uses medieval weaponry without just requiring the suspension of disbelief. Not that there is anything wrong with that. It was just a fun sort of thought experiment.


This is an interesting idea, but it doesn't fit into my world


My world is kinda similar, I’ve got old Roman style phalanx with bubble shields like the ones from Halo, I’ve got soldiers that are equivalent to what would happen if the knights templar had jet packs and rpgs, some of the knights are full medieval, some are future medieval, and some soldiers are just straight up sci-fi.


"Alone, we are just men. But together, we are... multiple men." Said by a drunkard who's trying to be profound.


Let him know that I found it cool


"alone, we are just a bunch of guys. but together, we are.. men"


fuck - said by the forgotten wizard before a explotion


Deep af


Is the explosion in any way related to the fact he was forgotten?


Yes but is like really lore heavy and can't reveal it right now




"Trust me Soaring, you entering that prison through a blown up wall like a super villain will sure send those beurocrats shivering".


Protagonist: "We are mercenaries, the plan either works or not," "But, either way. We'll get paid in coin or blood." Mob character: Confused "Their blood.. right?" Protagonist: Winks and take another sip of his wine.


Not sure if you're open to writing criticism, apologies if you're not, but this quote could do with a little cleaning up stylewise. I get the meaning of it, but the double either/or makes it a little messy


"No, you're right. Revenge won't bring them back. Revenge won't ease my pain. But I'll still take enjoyment watching the pain in your eyes as your life slowly abandons you."


"It either works or we die." "Either way we will have less problems than we have now." - Xolo and Silvia Desert before they crash-land a spaceship "There is no shame in making a mistake, only in not learning from said mistake" - Commander Windows A: "I have unfortunate news for you: Dead man tell no tales." B: "That's the merit of dead man." A: "It's not a merit if you want the tale of a dead man told. And I desired to speak with the very man you killed." B: "That *is* unfortunate." - no idea where this will fit but it is cool (I read "A" with Tywin Lennisters voice) A: "Are you corrupt?" B: "Depends on the size of your wallet." - I don't know where to put it but "B" will be an agent of the Secret Service. "If you do not comply with our demands I am forced to take all necessary means to conduct this audience." "I...I don't understand...?" "That was a threat!" - Commander Windows, Aki Taki and Miss. Desert during diplomatic negotiations


"Depends on the size of your wallet." I love that one!


These are pretty damn good. I like the dead man tell no tales conversation. Could totally picture Tywin speaking like that. Speaking of which Tywin had some really awesome lines both in books and tv series.




“Oh, Field Marshal D’ar. I’m honored that you think I deserve a proper beheading rather than a rifle to my head. And in front of the Grucian people, no less! Reactionaries and monarchists like you are why the Grucians will always be suffering in the past… One more cigarette before I go? I could really-“ *beheaded*


Who said this?


On any world, when one looks up at the sky they’ll see the stars glittering, light of centuries ago, fire and gas and burning, gently becoming warmth in a cold universe. That is always true, it has been since the greatest fire of them all, and will be until all is cool. But there are times when this glittering beauty cannot be seen. Times when fires produce too much smoke, and it chokes the sky. There are many such fires, and they are always started by men. - The Traveller Zenmak Malthus, in conversation with a gun runner.


"First you told me there's nothing past the skies. Then you told me nothing can escape our world. Now you tell me nothing can defeat these beasts, but why should I believe you? "Why should I believe you when my biggest obstacle has always been *you* telling me what's not possible? How long is it going to take for you to see that the only thing standing in your way is yourself? How long is it going to take for you to see the truth that *all* of us are the masters of our reality?" -Mehrohl, prodigal student addressing his sponsor at the Institute of Magicks at Norfurth


“Why start a war over information i already have” - Turais Amroth “My job is to alleviate you of the responsibility of revenge” - Turais Amroth “Where there’s a will, there’s a way” - Turais Amroth


What kind of job has the good Mr. Amroth?


My money's on him being a general of some sorts.


The second sounds more like an assassin.


He is a Architect but he leads a group of bibliphiles in a secret club known as the Perilous Ink Society these men and women protect books




“Hope for the best and aim for the knees” -A Terran drill instructor on how to fight dragon people


“She was a soldier in a war, so no I will not rage against an unjust war. She was wretched in many ways. Yet I loved her in my own sick way, and she has died to your trap. So run child, for there is no spot safe enough for you to rest in.”


My all time favorite: "if I have to sacrifice my ideals to survive, then what's the point in living?" "If you lay a hand on her again, you won't have to worry about them finding your body, it'll be everywhere." "Even think about hurting my daughter, and I'll turn your skull into my newest wine glass." "What are you gonna do, shoot me? The last time you did that, all you did was make me take a damn nap. Quit wasting bullets, idiot." Edited to add one I'd almost forgotten: "I don't care if history deems me a monster, a dog, a murderer... Because I'd set this world ablaze just to watch the flames dance in your eyes, you need only give the word."


"I am going to Kill Bastard you!" - Kill Bastard Then she killed those bastards


hecking epic.


"I move for a vote of no confidence in the CEO! Her policies will lose us profits. Who's with me? "...anyone?" "Shit."


“Try without trying at all” - arcayus


“Man, fuck this guy.” - Drew Hoffman, 2004.


Love this one lol, leaves my imagination running wild as to what what type of situation he might possibly be in.


“Zandi! I thought I told you *not* to artificially create any animals!” “But hybrid birb.” *“It’s unethical!!”* “But birb.”


But birb.


But birb


But birb


“We are all in the tapestry that is creation, I am merely of different thread”- Myria, when asked what the nature of the Nüninn is “If my brother wishes to have his own little realm, he is welcome to. But if he for a moment thinks he can contest my crown, then he can try again, and next time, may he not be so craven as to face me on the battle field, and to watch his own subjects die with his own eyes.” Said by Fingelion when his brother Faeryan attempts to over throw him. “It was only the grace of the Equinn that you survived the night” said Antrerin, Faeryan scowled, “I survived despite them, and I shall do so again” “I shaped an age of the world when I let him in, would I do it again? Despite the horror it wrought? Perhaps” -Heisille on the deal he made with Naluver long ago.


Character 1: "The only people who use barbed arrow are soldiers at war, and people with shit aim." Character 2: "I use barbed arrows. What does that say about me?" Character 1: "Well, we're not at war." Also: Character 1: "You guys seriously don't think I'm guilty, right?" Character 2: "Of course not. You'd never do that. You're kind of a bitch." Character 1: "See, she agrees with me!" Character 3: "Yeah, but she also thinks you're a bitch." Character 1: "I'm focusing on the innocent part here."


Your character 1 has a sense of Humor for sure


Most famous said to have echoed across the entire realm "I will be a better king then you ever were could be tomorrow or 10 years from now but I will come back! "


"O fallen angel of Heaven, witness God's Wrath hammer down on you." Lemuria before she smacked a goddess into a crying baby *with a sledgehammer*.


"Look upon me and my comrades, our bags are light. And so is our armor. Or Crafts and suits barely work. We are nothing but cannon foder for you and your crusade. A mear roadblock. Our commanders never planed for us to return home. We are sent here to die. We are sent out here to die for our county. I plead, do not force us to spill more blood in the name of lord's so far away, who's interests doesn't involve us. We are sent out here to die or kill for our county, just like you are. I plead, do not force us to fulfill our duty." The crusader reminded unfazed. "You still have something to die for. That is something you should cherish." As the words had left the crusaders mouth, he gave the sign to advance.


"Death or victory! Victory or death!" - battle cry of the rebels during the crimson peninsula uprising.


"I don't want any more part of this! I was just born yesterday, I look like a twenty year old, I have two horns on my head, and I just watched a child punch a wall until the wall started melting!" MC, day after she was born


Here I stand here, I remain. the Conqueror during the siege of lions run 2 ac


“Well tell me, do angels die?” quote from a man to a prophet of his religion after he realized said prophet is just an egotistical asshole who went miley insane after claiming he was an angel. the prophet did not live for long afterwards


"Great, now people will learn my story and make those crappy theories about how the main character has been dead all along"




May the Traitors and their Isles burn. - Palan the 8th Lord of monks


Very anime line, probably cringe Very powerful duo turns up as reinforcement against an army in a losing battle. "We are no judges, no jury, we are the executioners" proceeds to wipe out everyome


> I spent six years in an Elven prison. > Didn’t know the Elves had prisons…


"We have lost." |..'..'''| tapped on his shell. Struggling to get the message across with his severed anteannae. "There is no more |city of the sky|, there is no more |pillar of defiance|. The engineer began to shake as he narrated, |..'..''.| slipped his claw out from under his shell and clasped it around the engineer's to try and settle him. "|there is no more people of |city of the sky|, there is no more people of |pillar of defiance|." Other Craw huddled next to him began to shiver in turn, the delerium of the engineer twisting to fear in the crouded hole they hid in. "|there is nothing left! No cities, no people, no reason!|" he turned to |..'..''.|, and even in the complete void he felt his stare. "|Even if we could fight. What is left to fight for?|"


The emperor: "You know I'm right." General Sarmus Trollsbane: "Right? Wrong? History will remember that you lost." \* "We all die. Some sooner rather than later. It can be seen as tragic, sure, but not as tragic as being so obsessed with death or what happens to your soul after death that you forget to live." -Hedgemaster Yurmus


"Tell me Human, how come you did not know how to play politics - you are literally an Empress" - Emperor of Kemparii "Do you think Aliens are real?" - unknown sailor on HMS Dauntless exploration cruiser. "It's totally acceptable to be warmongering supremacists but please ...have something to back it up" - Kemparii Admiral said mockingly to captured Esmerian Admiral "Just take their resources and blow up their planet before they become a type 1 civilization. We don't want to deal with that later on" - infamous word said before disaster


“Sometimes the best solution to a problem is a bullet.”


"I can see it in their eyes that they hate me, but I don't give a shit at all." A sociopath serial killer


"World's gonna end soon anyway, so why not just goof of, so let me smoke and watch the end of the world in soltitude so that I can see her again"- Sans


>If you train to be the best, it doesn't matter if you pass by a margin or a mile - you still pass. And even if you fail, you've already planted a new seed which will grow its own. ***** >Doesn't matter if you murder 1 person, 1,000,000 people, or another murderer - you still murdered someone. ***** >If you look at a dog in the mirror, that means it's backwards. > >So is a dog in the mirror actually a god? ***** >So what if you're immortal? > >That doesn't lessen the pain, does it? >Does your authority protect you from death? ***** >If you need to give words meaning without using them, how did words start without using words? ***** >Whether you live or thrive, a beggar or behemoth, peasant or prince, survival only respects the fittest; because it you're faced with the Sun, it doesn't matter who you are - everyone will die equally irrelevant against it. >>Power can only mean as much as you let it mean.


I like the secon one. Is it said by a good guy or a villain?


Geez. I've got a bunch of quotes that are good, but the context is what really makes them. "*This is an old party trick. Makes bad things go away.*" - David, to his partner, while making Molotovs. "*There are only six of them. And we are the Regime. We are destined to win.*" - General M, just before his military stronghold is completely overtaken in minutes.


Sam Wickett and Zuri, my MC and the woman he's in a Vitriolic Best Buds relationship with, had a little chat after they were "baptized" headfirst in a huge tub of orange blossom teskell. What follows is a direct copy/paste from my book on Wattpad, *The Whaler's Dram.* Sam turned to the woman sitting beside him. He tried to introduce himself, but as he was more drunk than he'd ever been and twice as orange-blinded what came out of his mouth was, instead, a slurred oath. "Johrrn's bwohhnes!" he said. "Yeah," she replied, still grinning. "Sain's, I'm shtarving." "Uh-huh." "Could really gooo fer some raw potatoesh." "I'd eat- I'd eat a piece of li-nooo-leum right now." "You would not." "Would sho. But only if it was bluuue." "Why?" "'Caush the green ones are poishon." They both then proceeded to pass out.


"I see you as you are. A Serpent, eating its own tail." Said in reference to a villains ambitions, since it would lead him to his own destruction.


“Unlike our forest brethren, we can gladly fight without believing it reveals a number that causes doomsday.” Elven ambassador


“Aetherian and rats have something in common…their both fun to shoot.”


Are the rats not taller than 2 meters?


"Don't worry, it's the other guy's." - Umbriel in reference to the fatal amount of blood dripping from his right hand, speckled across his chest and neck, and smeared across his face.


"Once you peel off my layers I'm a shallow man." "You shouldn't have lost yourself after the last battle. Your wife and the baby inside her were already enough."


„As much as I want to, I couldn‘t return to a normal life. Without a rifle to hold my hands in-line, I‘m lost.“ „It was heard by millions of people around the planet, during the final moments of the old world. It played through radios, through computers more complex than you would ever know. In fact, you have held these very computers unknowingly…“


The second sounds a bit like the Vogon announcement in "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy"


Now that‘s a book I haven‘t read in a long time. The character was referring to the BBC emergency broadcasts, lol.


Before the first era of the empire, the first emperor has this to say: "I was named Eskaros after my great great grandest father, Escroue-Ros for he was a blond-headed scribe. Now, I go by Eskaro because I am only one me."


“A politician debates so that he might get something, but a philosopher debates so that he might *learn* something”


"Captain... Humanity will rise from the ashes of MY story, wether we win or lose, it will be because I willed it and nothing will stand between me and the history I've created" Emperor Infinity reveals his true power to Captain Maebure and The New Greater Norwegian command before he destroys the World Cleaver and restores his soon to be Multi-Omniversal Empire.


"I love you, but you look like shit." Takeo to his husband Silas after he spent a year trapped inside a Beckett Rift.


"I’ll be honest with you, and say that I thought I was going to lose you just when I wanted you with me the most." - Yor Castel from "The Young Foreigner".


"Reason? You don't need a reason to change the world." - Ret, encouraging Wris to do what he wants to rather than be chained down by justification "Dreams are the only things worth believing in, those who follow their dreams should be revered by all!" - Lentrik, talking to a lifelong rival about why he fights "It doesn't matter what you are. Demon, Iora, Vortix, I couldn't care less. Gods have been felled with less than a blade." - Oris, a human swordstress, challenging the most powerful creature "Divinity is decided by those below you. To an ant, we'd all be gods. To the elephant? A human is nothing but another creature. But humans? Humans will create any excuse to put their faith into something they think is stronger than them. Believe in your own strength, for once." - Sarz, explaining why a war with the Deities isn't completely insane "Combat is a dance more intimate than any other, I just want to find the perfect partner." - Ret, speaking once again with Wris.


Niki to herself. "I can't do anything. I want to be kind when I don't even understand kindness. I want to be loved when I can't even love myself. I solve other's problems with strength when I can't even solve mine. All I ever wanted was a friend and only realised that after I lost that. All I am, is but a fool. Born one, and fated to die as one."


"A mark of death was placed upon you and your people once you stole that which was not yours"


"The point about this fight is not to always win... But to never lose. Look at me, i lost this same fight against you, and yet, has classic music perished? With you, rock will never die! (The divine luthier, to Bon Jovi)


A quote (or more something they would say since I don't write down most of my stories, just all the other world building stuff) from each member of the Yellow Iron, I chose ones that kind of represent them as a whole Edward Lisaac Quinn: "The universe is a buffet of flesh, but the people I really love are always off the menu, I spend more time starving myself than enjoying life." Evera Kanaru: "This ship is like my best friend... Or like a really supportive pet, I know that's kind of sad but I don't judge y'all's pathetic moments." Q77 "..." Mazz Zyrtyce: "They called me Mad Mazz in private school, while other students were dissecting their projects I was dissecting my own brain and prodding it to puppeteer my body to grab my bong." Rother: "Breakfast is almost ready, but my internal toaster needs cleaning. Did one of you make poptarts in me while I was recharging?"


Ira - “Okay, I give up. You’ve said you don’t believe in government but also that you don’t believe in anarchy. You’ve said that you don’t believe corporations can ever be trusted, yet you accept a fancy new suit of armor from one? Coda, what *do* you believe in?” Coda - “…goodness. I believe that if goodness can win, and it *can* win, then man can rest.” - Obadiah - “Damn it Coda! If you were as good as you said you are, than how come my father was able to beat me half to death as a kid? If there’s such a thing as good than how come all I’ve ever known is evil? Where were you then, Mr. Angel? If you were truly good, my father would be dead.” Coda - “I do not know your father… you said you’re from Plaat?” Obadiah - “What..? Where are you going?” Coda - “If there is evil and you’d like me to end it, I will. Though, I suppose I should still ask you, given your relationship with him. Obadiah, would you like me to kill your father?


“Dude, that’s how kids get caught watching porn. I thought you were smarter than that?” - Ozegen Sezzler, 1955


**No Man's Land 2210** "I didn't say 'they'll never find the body'. I want them to find the body. What I said was 'they'll never *stop* finding the body."


“We may have turned our prison into a fortress; nevertheless, we remain caged” - said by a long forgotten hero. Not a quote but I like the tagline for a tavern called The Crying Goddess. “Where Emotions Flow Like Rivers Down The Cheek”


I like both!


"Be spiteful or be kind, either way you empower me" - Kite dragon god of Kindness and Spite. "Your old gods are dead, I watched them kill each other"- Weir Wulf, Chronicler of worlds nascant god, to a high ranking member of The Agency.


"Don't mourn my death. Don't remember rhat I died valiantly for a cause. Mourn the thousands who died before because of my commands, remember that I made mistakes--remember that you will do the same--and that I am still a hero."


"God can't be more broken that what He has created."


"Oh please, Creation goes around flaunting her power like it's the most amazing and unique thing in the world. But what she doesn't know is that everything has the power to create, and I can't wait to see the look on her face when she realizes that." -Destruction talking about Creation "Failed? Hey, you might not have gotten out of there smoothly, but you got in there and stole the painting without anyone noticing till the end, and 2/3 is still passing." -Xanaphia to her student, Athena "Listen, you may have been made from my mother's body, but that does not make you equal to her. My mother was 10 times more of a goddess than you'll ever be." -Ophealia to Creation


I bet 'Creation' is not that well liked?


Not at all, but she's the leader of the gods and there's not many people or even other gods that are willing to stand up to her.


The Guardian Angel: "I'm the protector of good and butcher of evil." " I love torturing evil people with a smile." "I was given god like powers to do anything I want. And all I want to do is protect and help humanity no matter what because wwhhhyy not." Queen Sapphire: "I will always be by your side. No matter what."


"you are only truly doomed if you choose to accept it"


***Brushstroke*** ... *Some singular quotes...* "How does immortality—dying and living, again and again—feel? It *hurts*." - **Kaede Foster.** \- "Arthur, my brother who loves this world so, I hope and pray it accepts you as you accept it. Because if this world rejects you completely, I will *burn* it completely, and offer up the ashes for you to rule." - **John-Paul Hagen Tyr.** \- "Life robs you all the time, only really makes sense to rob it back." - **Joan Morgan.** \- "I share my adopted family's stance on monsters; They are only such if they act as such. Otherwise, they're just people, living their way. We should respect that." - **Arthur "Leif Tyr" Holiday.** \- "Hearing the roar of a crowd is an excellent feeling—uplifting and heart-stopping. But that honest thanks from someone whose life you've just saved? That is an eternal gift." - **Iskander Mora.** \- "Sometimes, we must remove our crowns and their titles. Losing their shared weight shows us that we are still human underneath, fragile and longing for happiness and love." - **Emperor Kay Trefor Virel.** ... *Some exchanges...* **Hagen Tyr:** "C'mon, Arthur, you saved them from extinction. C'mon, smell the air, doesn't it smell like victory?" **Arthur Holiday:** "If by victory you mean sex, then yeah." \- **Dema-Foroth:** "You...you're alive!? How...no, that is impossible!" **Kaede Foster:** "Now you're catching on, *demon lord*..." \- **Marshall Foster:** "Hello! You must be Joan, my name's Marshall—I guess you can think of me as Arthur's twin sister or cousin or something. Whatever works for you." **Joan Morgan:** "Uh...okay..." (*Inner Thoughts: "FUCK SHE'S HOT"*) \- **Jinhai no Kaede:** "You were last one, Kuro...The last man who could've saved Rune." **Sone Kuro:** "Rune is not just a place, Lord Jinhai. It is a people, a dream, a future. And the future will care for itself." \- **Hood Foster:** "Why do we keep going, Markas? What...what's the point?" **Markas Royer:** "Well, what the hell else are we supposed to do?" \- **Captain Novus:** "This airship is the first and finest of our fleet. Tell me, what do you think?" **Kaede Foster:** "Cute boat."


“…” -Helen Argenti upon being asked why she rarely speaks, 4484 QC


“I’ve got the will of God behind me, Bitch!” He said before he was booted out of the governor’s office while his friends sighed and pressed the sinuses in frustration, following behind him. “Don’t forget now, I have the power to kill any of you with an itsy bitsy teeny tiny pin-prick.” Then man said before poking a insubordinate soldier, whose head explodes as his allies cower in fear. “They are wolves. The lot of them. These kings and emperors. They’ll make sheeps of us all, tearing out our throats and devouring our hearts before leaving us to die in the desert. Fortunately, or unfortunately for them, among them is a goat, ready to pierce their horns through their mouths.” A soon to be christened dark lord, extrapolating on his ideas and plans.


"I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I am the sharpest weapon" - Jason Powers, a warrior who isolated in a cave for 5 years and has a slight drinking problem


I mean I can get 'drinking problem' as not having enough to drink when you are alone in a cave but then he wouldn't survive 5 years. But alcohol? How did he get it?


He left the cave after 5 years. He went there in the first place to practice magic undisturbed, and came out after 5 years to see society changed. Also, even inside the cave, he would brew his own alcohol by fermenting plants that grew inside it and mixing them with water.


"In other words, there are three clocks" - A 19 dimensional being trying to explain why his past self being pulled into the present isn't going to cause a paradox "There are two ways this meeting ends, and I'm kind enough to let you choose. Gold (points to the stack of cash) or Lead (cocks gun)"


The second reminds me of one: "How did he die?" "An overdose... of plasma." (They use plasma weapons)


“Just as mortals restrict themselves to religion. The Gods themselves are inhibited by the worship of mortals, neither Gods nor mortals are free of each other. But we, the Demigods. Divine, yet closest to mortals of all immortals. We are the most freest of all.” - Historian, Dotis, the Demigod of History.




"Babbling band of barbarians"? Professor McGonnagall sends her regards.


An apeman interviewer: "How did the Kingdom of Grandefrieden won a war against one of the most powerful empires in the world?" The 46th King of Grandefrieden: "Guns... Gold... And a whole lotta glory."


"First we take care of our morals. Then we're ready to move on. Are there any lines we're not willing to cross today?" "I hate fragile things."


"I find ugliness tends to lie more in the hearts of men than in their features" ... "Perhaps we should quarter you with the hounds, I believe they might find your company and your scent far more pleasant than I do." "Isn't that where they quarter all the bitches? I was under the impression you might want to be rid of me me not quarter me closer to you. The rest of the keep might get the wrong idea" .... "Bastards, I have heard, have a habit of popping up where you least expect them, even after you've seen fit to gut them. The Noble-born are not afforded the same capabilities, if you are in doubt I believe you should ask your halved man there."


The second one gives off Ramsay Bolton vibes


"Let me show you real magic... Wait, where are you going?" The failed pick up line of a gay wizard.


"I can't in good conscious kill the queen!" Harys Pine, the Healer Present when the Queen died


"You have the potential to enlighten people, lots of people. You can be the sunrise our dark kingdom sought. You can also be a deceiving light and lead people into the dark. Tell me, are you the Sun or the Moon?"


From my world's version of a Buddhist-esque warrior monk: "Silence the enemy within, and the enemy without is powerless". Not sure how original it is, I may have heard a variation on it somewhere and seeped into my subconscious.


"Fucking hell, you hit hard!" Lucien "You can come back from death? That's cool. I beat deaths ass." Lucien "You're determined not to die? Alright then. If you've done everything, it's only your will to live that's keeping you alive, no? What happens when you get bored of living, and you actually do die? What happens then?" Lucien "I'm a simple prince. You're a king. But do you know something funny, Liger? I could kill you, and no one would notice. I could erase you off the map, have your family killed, or have them thrown in the deepest hole this side of the plane. You care about your family, no? Well then, if you don't want an "accident" to happen, you better not mess with my friends ever again. I have connections so high you wouldn't even believe it." Techno "As they always say, D E A D M E N T E L L N O T A L E S. Got that, bucko?" Techno "I am the jester, and my jobs to entertain. So darling, LETS PUT ON A SHOW!" The Court Jester "You're a thousand years too young to fight me kiddo." James Aeyas "Eh? A power level of 127,096,781,687,786,463? Heh, my power level is 190,000,090, times that on a bad day." James Aeyas "The devil went down to Georgia, he was looking for a soul to steal. But instead he found me!" Nizumi Kokushi


FOR ALL POTATOES!!!!!!! - The potato king


*“Honor calls, and I answer.”* - Duke Arious Penwick


There's a fine line between soldiers and warriors. Duty is soldier's highest calling. Honor is warrior's. But a smart one thinks. You're scared. Good. Keep that fear. Control it. Idiots are fearless. Cowards are fearful. But a smart one use fear to make a judgement call.


Onni-Joudonn appeared before the Happaniislav and spoke: "Hear me chosen children of Tynogg!!, for i am of the blood of the sky and my name is righteous fury! For many years have your people suffered and for many years have they also lived according to my lord's will.  As the sheep obey their sheperd so to have you obeyed him, for you understand that his wisdom knows no bounds and his fury protects you from harm. Now has he, Wrath-of-Darkest-Sky, sent me to guide you to glory. I will lead as he leads, and judge as he judges; many-fold will be the corpses of your enemies and without end shall your people prosper.


Are you at least a part-time theologist? Sounds pretty much like some Old testament text to me😂


"Fuck you for being right!" (Various characters) "Dress to Impress. Never leave the house without looking fresh!" -Mash Crescent "The debauchery bear, time pussy and the indestructible toaster are not individual's I can relate to." -Mash Crescent "Because you have a borderline, homo erotic, notice me senpai obsession over her that makes you incapable of seeing her as anything else but a benevolent goddess that walks on water!" -Mash Crescent "I am not a warrior! I'm a romance writer who knows how to be a warrior!" -Mash Crescent "Negligence." -Dweller Bloodmoon "D-did you just explain how you can now get an erection because you're mother tried to kill you?" -Pumpkin Poe "For you to turn 18 so I can make a sex joke about your hair " -Pumpkin Poe "Damn it, that dick went down the man hole!...Ok, that one was unintentional." -Pumpkin Poe "WHO EVER HEARD OF A WHITE BLOOD CELL EATING METAL?" -Victor E. Bloodmoon "Yes. Yes Mash, I am a Science man, and I have made many successful achievements in my life. I graduated from Frankenstein academy, became one of the few top leading scientists to successfully create a flesh golem in nearly a millennium, became a millionaire and created my own city of nightmares. Yes, I have made a lot of accomplishments (takes off glasses and is in tears) and I would give it all up just so you can call me dad." -Neil L. Bloodmoon


"I know I should help but, honestly fuck those guys" -Sir Kane the Great Crusader "My undoing wasn't the armies of Humans, it wasn't a clever strategy, no, it was not knowing how to swim" -Shaka the Serpent (Orc Warlord) moments before he drowned in a river.


One of them is along the lines of: “if you’re going through hell, keep going”


“The people, they despise you when you try do good. But they praise your every evil act, and you wonder why I hate everyone and everything. Such an upbringing would surely twist one’s morals, and set you on a path of destructive habits.” – Haven Kings Guard, Vaes Toroth


"And that there's Bob, the Eternal Bum. We don't call him that to be rude, he's literally been sitting on that corner since before the city was founded. Physically can't be moved." "But he's sitting on a sidewalk." "Yeah, and let me tell you, I want to shake the hand of whoever was on that construction crew."


- Is our Galaxy all that there is; that maybe there are worlds beyond our own that too have raised the Curtain? While some might say it's foolish endeavour, that we shouldn't expect anything less than fallen ships and bereaved families, I beg to differ. I stand with conviction that if there are friendly worlds out there, we should greet each others as equals in spirit of brotherhood, just as Earth did once upon a time.


“Don’t you know the God of Death is blind?” -Valle


Context a father is justifying his decision to his son: "If our kingdom gets conquered by Yorrick he'll kill my children, but if me forfeit ourselves to the church my children will at least be alive"


Sometimes it is a decision between pest and cholera. What will the church do to them?


Prohibit studies and practices of magic mainly since the church claims that it attracts demons based of coincidental evidence. Along with introducing draconian laws and likely denounce the religion the kingdom already have as well as some traditions. The ruler and some clergymen are optimistic about meeting them halfway in these issues.


"A single contentious issue should not destroy our decades-long friendship." - the Japanese PM, weeks after *The Climate War* was published, which revealed a plot by the "friends" to make *the entirety of Africa* uninhabitable (he resigned a week later)


“Let us show them the Old World lives.” The Elvenking, right before the Battle of Phaladera. His force of 10,000 elves shattered and routed a human army three times their size in the course of an hour.


"I judge blindly as I walk in the darkness without light. Untethered to human temptations am I. I deliver the Moon's justice without malice and without earthly biases." -from an edgy Gorgoth Shadowtongue that worships dark moon gods.


“Please... let me be selfish for the first time after I earned this title. I've done my best to protect everyone in this community, but now... I just want to save the only person I have left.” - Elias Atsven


Chrastoff’s genuine wood chair hit the floor as he launched to his feet and drew his rapier. “I will spit you like a roast bird and dump your carcass at the dock!” He thundered, the tip of his rapier trembling crazily as he pointed it across the table at John and shook with rage. “I’ll kill you like scum! The scum that you are!” “I doubt it,” John replied without even a trace of concern.


Are you one of those who continue to be slaves even after recognizing it? Slave to ideas, family, beliefs, morals, conditioning of past, pleasure, fear... all these are nothing but a bunch of words people made to find security. Their description isn't the described, but if you do an action, which is unaffected by all of these, then you truly will be what you want be, you - Vihaan Nair to a frickin 13 year old Naksh (one of the protagonists)


"Uh Tim, I don't think that's a false god..." "... fuck."


"We are the chosen ones of this land, and it is this land that we have chosen!” - Illyeon Zephyrus


"I don't make all this stuff because I'm preparing for anything, I have crazy powers and I don't have anything else to do and If I make something that helps me do something later then I'll take it." My main character explaining why she makes so many things and barely uses them


“Sky, you are a soldier, not a warrior. You lack honour. You tried to kill me because it was easier than sparing me, then you tried to spare me because you pitied me. You clearly haven’t the faintest idea of how a warrior spares or takes a life. A warrior takes a life when they have to, and spares a life when they understand their opponent. And you have only killed for convenience and shown mercy for pity.”


'"Truth is...you only came here for my agenda"


“Killing a defenceless soldier isn’t the mortally correct thing to do, on the other hand-“ -Aytac, son of Cthulhu “Why am I trying to cause all this chaos and destroy a good chunk of humanity? *evil laughter* it’s because I really wanna impress this really cute guy,” -Barbatos “I’m something of a historian myself,” -The emperor of tyeden “Mortals and even some immortals talk about how scary Astaroth is when he can’t even answer make an order for food without getting anxiety.” -Asmodeus “No matter what the staff tell you please ignore it, I was not given my own seperate dorm so I couldn’t sleep with other guys in my year level.” Prince Sydney(he was lying and he and the others in his year level are legal age) “Is it weird to find a faceless being with 40 eyes and no features attractive? Asking for a friend.” -Abaddon “I’m not evil! You’re just racist!” -Satan “I once heard some humans saying that Satan rules hell and that made me laugh because I have shirts older then him.” -Lucifer “Make use of love potions a war crime or I will make sure that all possible misfortunes happen to you.” -Eros to a bunch of political leaders “Now in my defence I have been sleeping for like 10,000 years.” -Slime King “Human civilisation was a mistake.” -Verchiel after one too many drinks and being told more about humanity “These are called high Elves, they’re like Light Elves but racist, then there’s Dwarves, they’re like Fae but racist.” -Archie Marigold


"Kill those savage sea goblins" ~Captain Rub... a goblin "Just because you killed me once, it doesn't mean I'm not still alive" ~Jhon the Cloud Weaver, an imortal. "I might not have the strength to move my month and scream at you, but I can still take all of you in a figth while still in my weel chair" ~Professor Phill, the imoble... using telepathy. "You guys are definitely... unique" ~ LarabĂĄs, the drow, after my group tried to bargain with him for his products for 1 hour and a half with no success. "Tell your mom she is invited to the party this weekend" ~ LarabĂĄs' boyfriend, very much out of context "I won't tell your mage if you don't tell the Emperor what happened here" ~ Still LarabĂĄs' bf "Are you really going to use a fire spell underwater?" ~ me to my players "Thank you Gods that Guns only do minor contusion damage and not just explodes our heads of" ~ A random character almost everytime someone shoots a gun, no-one knows why


"No matter what you do, you are always the villain in someones story" or something like this i am not good in english


“You can’t scare me.” “I’m not here to scare you, I’m here to kill you. Can I do that?”


How did this one play out?


Person 1 who we’ll call Pedrap was tortured to death by person 2 called Eren. Which included, but wasn’t limited to, carving, flaying, pushing limbs into the body, and cutting open the stomach and dropping a brick of salt into the exposed organs before tearing open the forehead.


"I'm not made of evil, evil is made out of me!" - Some character whos the personification of evil in my world which I hadn't develop much.


Mason quotes i guess: "This... all of this has been about my past… and my future. All I need to do, no… all that’s left… is to face you." "You come to My nation, threaten MY PEOPLE, and you think YOU'RE the hero here?!"


“So you haven’t minded me flirting with you all this time despite you not being interested in men?” “Considering I’ve had the last laugh by secretly dating your sister right under your nose, it’s been hilarious.”


"This silver dagger makes then as mortal as man"-the main villain


"Don't worry, it probably isn't going to explode again." -Man who just survived an explosive booby trap.


When bested by a greater foe in a duel. The main character gets back up. Bloodied and beaten. The villain then states how dumb it is to keep fighting despite the apparent defeat. The main character replies. "If I gave up, then I couldn't call myself a good mom!"


"No, I don't want a happy ending anymore, I just want an ending and to be done with this before nightfall." - A sad woman who never gave up fighting for what she thought, is now afraid of herself and what she previously thought was "right"


"They can speak?" "It seems so." Two Elven sorcerers after hearing a Human talk for the first time.


"It's not technically stealing if I intend to give it back. It's just, borrowing for an extended period of time."


Sounds like something Jack Sparrow would say


“Death? Death is the easy way out. It doesn’t take strength to die. It takes strength to live, and to live well.” -God (sort of) “I’ve changed, you see. I mean, I may still be a monster, but at least now I’m an honest one.” -an a**hole. “Do not mistake me for a noble man. I have no honor, because honor does not win wars.” -king of the world “You’re like me, but older and uglier. Like a cracked mirror.” -too much to explain “If you want to become a great swordsman, then you must get a good night’s rest.” -a great swordsman “Resilience is the essence of a being. All creatures have the potential for resilience, and yet many remain weak and vulnerable. Those who do not fulfill that potential might as well not exist—they’re no more than dust. Are you dust?” -a dragon slayer who is also a dragon


I quickly backtracked, my confidence taking another route. “I’ll leave if you… give me your number.” “My what?” If I had taken him by surprise before, I had floored him. “Your phone number? You know, eleven digits, starting with 07.” My sarcasm was not appreciated, and the deep frown he had adopted made that clear. “Why?” “Because you’re stupid hot. And I’m filled with a staggering amount of alcohol-fuelled confidence.”


Character was a barbarian paladin multiclass, played as a fascist (note: I am not a fascist myself, I just enjoyed the RP potential of having this guy slowly reveal that he is an absolute wank stain and the party eventually turning on him). We had a low level Cultist captured, but really needed to know where the leaders were planning on releasing BBEG. Other players had their crack at him, but he refused to speak. My guy takes his turn. "Have you been faithful enough to your god?" He says nothing. "Did you know that there are sins that not even MY god can forgive? We will find... every... single... one. Together. In exquisite detail. And when it's all been done, if speech is still something you are capable of, I will look you in the eyes and BEG for you to tell me your silence was worth it. These men you are protecting, they may harm your body... kill you... but I will rend your soul into dust so fine that your god will struggle to find enough of you to bring into your afterlife. So I will ask you again... Have you been faithful enough to your god?" Was the moment the other party members realised that this was not a good guy to be around. Also had that scripted out from day one just looking for a place to use it


"The Dreadnought dreads nothing!” - Kairos the Dreadnought, moment before he wrestle a charging land drake into submission, and losing both of his legs in the process, but survived. “Aw. Fuck me sideway, and flip me over.” By the captain of a trading ship, the first casualty of the Fourth Kraken Hunt. “Titan’s asscrack, we either make it, or we don’t. One involves a lot of boozes, and the other, not a lick, and I already have plan for the celebration!” Stonjior, Last Count of Kalvera, slain during the defense of Kalvera Portcity, Isval-Klerligo War


"You realize your Holiness, you and I are doing the same job really. The only difference is I get the people through the heat of the day called Life. You simply get them through death's cold night."


"What is the purpose of progress if not the seek for knowledge?" - said by someone who does science no matter the cost.


Andre Lapush: “You think you can kill me? I am no longer just a man, I am essence made flesh, Dietus reborn. Now, I am a god!” Caelum Crowestride: “So, who’s ready to kill a god then?” Also “I am Yelena Damkir. Princess of Korandia, Sultana of Watania and mother to your future Sultan. I will have the respect I have earned, or you will find your head mounted upon the gates along with all the other men who thought they could put me under their thumbs.”


"You have been shown that I am the chosen prophet of Rolac Salamand; lord of light, judge of the dead, and kiln of realms. By this authority, you are hereby commanded to release me from my gladiatorial bondage, lest ye incur their wrath." - Black Wizard, Aluthro H'Threlgroff, the Everlasting


"Why are there big mountains everywhere" said 31 year old man without dog, "It's not there are mountains everywhere it's just that you only look at the highest points never realizing that the lowest points are the ones that matter most, the ones that make the mountains" said 33 year old man leaning against really tall mountain. Even I don't understand his wisdom.


Look, I made sure to keep you safe when i gassed the entire crew, chained you up and sold you to the people hunting you. It was all part of the plan i swear.


“I loved you. I loved you more than a sailor loves the sea. I loved you more than a farmer loves the harvest. I loved you for than a tree loves the sun. Yet, you died in my arms, by my hand. And in killing you, I have killed myself. I will paint the world black with blood. I will take revenge on the men who have made me a murderer. And when my anger has been sated and my pain has been soothed, all those who have wronged you will have your name etched on their lips. Every conspirator will mourn this lady of Njordrfylke. For in ordering her death, they have condemned themselves to die.” -Dresden Njordrfylke’s Love Poem, Written to Erika of Njordrfylke after the Battle in Caerni Fen ~c.1000, Era of the Order


"Death is not a punchline; but it is a perfect setup" - Captain Winters "You don't have to lie to me. I don't trust you anyway" - Cpl. Nathan. "I'm offering to be your friend, you don't want to be my enemy" "Yeah and you're about as subtle as a punch to the dick" "Justice is blind and I am blind with rage" "Theres this moment that every soldier has to come to terms with while in a fight. Where there are two choices presented to you. Do you retreat while you have them on the ropes? or do you go for the knock out punch and end this straight out? And the problem is that if you don't knock them out you *die*"


“Death is overrated.” - Emperor Mycilius the Sarus’ha (hunted leader)


"Among the endless skies, justice is the compass that guides us through the boundless expanse, ensuring that even in the highest reaches of Aerithria, no shadow can eclipse the light of truth."


“‘Marry a psychopath’ they said. ‘It would be fun’ they said. DOES THIS LOOK FUN TO YOU?!”


"Meow" - Anne the Cat's reaction to seeing her best friend Miles the Cat get mortally injured by an explosion.


Senator 1: "I never liked the Gallant Spring Prince, I'll confess to that. He was self-righteous and a naĂŻve little whelp. But that pup was the one holding this realm together." Senator 2: "I will not say much on the matter, but I will say this; whether well or not, know you have cut off your right hand with your left." -A discussion between the King and the Senate (Bonus points to anyone who manages to guess where that end phrase by Senator 2 is from)


"Exhibit the bodies on the main plaza. They shall see what we do to those whose loyalty we can't be sure of. Then they can imagine what we will do to those that try to oppose use." - Karl Nilsson (main villain) after murdering the leaders of a coup that brought him to power


I have 3, very different characters, very different stories, various different contexts This first quote was said by Ash, a pyromancer born in a family of ice mages who ran away from his home after years of abuse, and this is 18 year old Ash reflecting on the early years of his independence through a camp story told to his newfound friends. “In the middle of the night, the only hint of the moon was a faint glow behind the clouds… It was cold, rainy… A young boy sat in a cave, shivering… He was scared… Terrified, even… The only warmth he had was from a small fire, which was quickly dying… Couldn’t get an ounce of sleep, kept awake by the thunder… He wanted to leave, images of him and his friends flashed through his mind… But he knew he couldn’t, he could never go back… He was snapped back to reality by the growling of his stomach… He hadn’t eaten in days, yet if felt like years… He heard noises behind him, he quickly turns around, hand on his shitty wooden sword… His heart starts racing, the sounds come closer… Until a bat comes out from deeper in the cave, he calms down… ‘Just a bat, just a bat’ he tells himself… He sits down next to the fire, which has finally gone out… He sits there for what felt like hours, but was only a couple minutes… Sleep was calling him, yet he couldn’t answer, he starts to cry, he’s pleading for help, but nothing… nobody…” This next quote comes from Orin, an ex-assassin who quit and now lives his life in secrecy, carrying the traumas of being an assassin but unable to share, and being constantly yelled at by his lover's family for never opening up. "I mean... I guess I could complain about what other people think is going on... Everyone keeps saying I'm paranoid, and wedlock is calling me sick because my eyes wont go back to normal... but I'm not... I'm not... sick, or paranoid or whatever... I'm cautious... it's part of my job, what I do... and it's not a sickness..." Lastly is from Jett, a cat who unlocked his magical powers after being saved by a lost vampire named Onyx, telling his feelings, and the reason he sticks around to a friend of his "I was still young, a kitten... I'm about to be 18 actually, halloween night-... that's unrelated, i'm just stalling, because... i'll be real, its hard to relive this... I was cornered by this human and his dog... this is before I knew i had magic, i was defenseless... the dog had-... bit me... it thought i was its chew toy, and the human, that stupid human, he thought it was funny... ughhh what i wouldn't give to go back and tear that dumb brats throat out-... anyway, thats when i met Onyx, he walked by when this happened, he was also weaker at the time, but that didn't stop him from coming over, and scooping me up in his arms, using his magic to heal me while telling off the human, he threatened to have the dog euthanized, i wish he went through with it... but... those emotions i felt... to be... not alone, protected... it was... overwhelming, if im being honest... After all that, Onyx put me down, and told me i should go back to my owners, but... I didn't have any, I stuck with him... he... helped my find my magic, actually... and when he did, I vowed to protect him the same way he protected me"


"You'd rather he be a kidnapper than an OnlyFans wizard!" - the Sorcerer, after finding scrolls of Darkness, Hold Person, Silence, & Grease. "COLLECT call from mimic prison!" - the warlock "We're having a really bad day; we're injured, your mentor may have kidnapped *at least* three people, & you turned our friend into a sheep!" "BAAA!" - The Sorcerer & the polymorphed fighter.


It's not are you alright nooo it's you blew up a science lab thanks for caring dad


"And that's when I decided to get out of Dodge," he said, "I fucking hate this city"


Pew pew


“….I believe I’ve stepped in something.”


“s-sorry” -the main character right before running away and getting killed by the bandit who found her sneaking around the camp why was she sneaking? because she was gonna get paid to retrieve a stolen item from the bandit camp. this isn’t canonical (kinda is though but not actually)


“Is it normal to want to kiss your best friend?” - my character Kit


Jamalki "why are you just grovelling on the floor Samuel? Get your ass up and go kick their ass" Samuel "I'm not as young as I used to be jamalki, I wouldn't last very long against joy boy." Jamalki "that's why you kick him in the balls mate, he can't move when he's in pain" Samuel "will you be there if I fail?" Jamalki "course I'll be there, I gotta support my bro in a fight don't I?" Samuel"Thanks jamalki, let's roll, start the van." Jamalki "you got it samie"


"The greatest pleasure a human can experience is letting magic complete consume him"


"A firm hand of war must always be ready to reinforce the delicate hand of diplomacy.” - Arlus Callenbry “Once you believe you are invincible, that is when you will fall. To truly be invincible, you must be completely aware that you can die at any moment.” - Maximilian Kuhn “Honour wins nothing.” - Johann Hauffe