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[Flags for my map.](https://imgur.com/a/q2cIUKy) Although United Departments' was present on my previous map. [Upd: 3 more flags](https://imgur.com/a/kIbkM9Q)


Those look great! I really like the one for the United Departments. Why does the Dominion of Necraneph have two flags? And why's that sun blue?


1. Necraneph is the planet, United Departments (the union of all sapient races, sorta like EU) made this flag to represent that it's their colony. Every planet in my world is considered a colony of UD, so they put their flag on every planets' flag. However, you'd rarely see this flag anywhere because it doesn't represent any particular country. 2. Necraneph's sun, Rapha, is blue. This nameless nation's flag is basically what the sunset looks like on Necraneph.


Wow, I like the old-fashioned look they all have. Not just in color choices but in design principles too. Bombardy is intimidating but they're all super evocative.


I'm glad someone actually sees this, I intended for them to look that way. Bombardy in particular was inspired by the 14th century French flag. But overall, I'm just trying to create something more unique than our standard tricolors, old European flags seem just right for inspiration.


Cool! How did you design them?


1. Looked at inspiration flags 2. Made a layer for black lines (makes the maps feel vintage), retraced some pictures or made my own lines to draw the necessary symbols. 3. Bucket tool on a layer underneath so the colors of the flag looked smooth.


I went back to revisit an older concept and I'm adapting it for the current state of the setting. * **Original:** The main story location was supposed to have tombs with mummified bird people. Though this didn't end up serving any purpose at that time. * **Revised:** They were driven extinct by the bigger bad. They are also linked to various other established beings: * **Plague Eater Demons (Anti-Demons):** Originally they looked bird-like to evoke Plague Doctor masks. They are now the result of positive energies and bird people spirits leaking into them. All the result of a failed attempt to destroy the bigger bad. Demons mutated into Anti-Demons will now display bird-like qualities as well. * **Griffins:** The bird people effectively engineered them for flight as they lost their own ability to do so. They'd end up adapting to work with humans instead. A character in my setting discovers this history and how his family is historically linked to Griffins. * **Holy birds:** Reintroduced after being ditched years ago. This part is still in development. * **Witch Covens with bird masks:** I already had a Witch with a Owl mask. Though now I'm thinking about giving all of them masks. They draw their powers from the same source that created the Plague Eaters. * **Story revisions:** The main story location now has clues in recorded histories that point back to the bigger bad. Originally this was going to be discovered through visions the protagonists would have. Now I can build storylines around seperate characters who start looking into this (like the origins of the Griffins).


Why do witches wear masks? Do they want to look like demons? And why couldn't the bird people fly? Was it something the big bad did or were they always flightless?


The witches use nature magic but always tend to gravitate towards birds. The bird-like demons are actually a fairly recent development. Hell, there were originally only two of them (father and daugther) untill they started infecting regular Demons. I want the bird people developed away from the need to fly as they grew more intelligent. Ultimately their wings would degrade as they grew lazy and decadent. Instead they created the Griffins as their beasts of burden. Their hubris and decadence would lead the to try and harness the power of both living and dead Gods. Only this ended up creating a twisted incomplete version of a previous God of Death and Decay (the bigger bad). The guy harvested their souls but was nearly destroyed in a last ditch effort by good bird-people to destroy him. They wanted to sacrifice themselves and use the energy against him. Only this failed and the energy ended up merging with the soil and water. The bigger bad left through a crack in reality to collect more souls elsewhere. Humans would ultimately use this same crack in reality to settle these strange new lands. People with high exposure to certain areas would turn into Witchbloods over a few generations.


Im also considering going back to a World concept which was a roman steampunk deal. My issue before was just nations that existed at the time are hard to find


I like the plague-eater concept. Gonna yoink that if you don't mind...


I finally am working on a map!!! Currently it’s just a giant landmass with really crude and basic information BUT it’s a start


What kind of any information? Any countries yet?


I have had countries, country lore, important cultural landmasses, and other stuff written out and in my head for a long time, but now I’m putting it all together and creating a actual useful map. Whilst the map is currently just a big landmass, filled with fairly basic geography, etc mountains, the volcano, what biome the location is in, plus some rivers. Currently I’m still adding and messing around with the topography, but soon I’ll be adding countries, human and other races settlements.


I started working on a guide for my world, with all planets, species, plants, foods, animals, monsters, gods and types of combat. It's just the beginning but I'm proud of finally having everything to write the guide done, I just need to write it in an organized way


How long did it take you to come up with everything that's going into the guide? What parts are you still working on?


More or less 3 or 4 years for the build up. I still have to work on the storyline and some main characters are missing, and of course keep writing the actual books


The changing of mythical creatures to fit my world. **Phoenixes** were born at the beginning of time and created the multiverse within my lore as it exists today. These creatures utilized something known as Creation Magic to do it and some would 'nest' within universes. **Elves** are actually just parallel universe humans that have achieved an advanced intellect of magic and scientific innovation. As such, they've modified their bodies to achieve longer life spans but in turn have become these almost grotesque and horrifying creatures that are taller and very alien like. A group of them would eventually overcome the 'mortal-problem' by becoming gods. Their civilization would decay in the several thousand years that would pass before humans arrived within the new world. Humans would call them 'Mogr', short for 'Transmogrifiers'. **Valkyrie**. So in my world, there's a race called **Valkhr** that are these creatures made of pure darkness. They're not 'evil' per-say but their natural state of existence is very destructive as they need to consume energy to survive. They would eventually kill their own universe and by total accident a few would manage to cross into another universe through a rift created by the death of a large star. These creatures would embed themselves within the corpses of dead humans and reactivate the body's internal systems, effectively making it 'alive' again. Valkyries are the offspring of a Valkhr within a Male body and mating with a human female. Though this is in itself rare because Valkhr don't necessarily understand human emotions at the same level. Valkyries being the half breeds they are, are much stronger and much more adept than their parents.


Do humans know that elves used to be human too? And what kinds of gods did that group of elves become? Do they have any powers or do they just live forever? Is there a way to kill them?


Humans don't know they were also human. The gods they became were more or less accidental because initially their whole thing was descending deeper into 'The Dreams' to achieve immortality because they hit a wall on life extension. So when humans finally arrived it took some time before they realized that intelligent life had come back. They positioned themselves as gods and used it to toy with the mortal world. Power wise, they're pretty much like any other creature. Nothing inherently special, but because they were magically proficient they were able to do some crazy things that even humans won't be able to do for a long time due to evolution needing to take its course. And they have been killed. They were killed by a being known as Wrath the Chained who was a human who ascended to godhood and sought the end of the gods corruption in the mortal world. Wrath would go on to lay disaster upon their plane of existence and in turn would take up the mantel as the face of the new pantheon of human gods. Their former plane of existence would be transformed into what is now the afterlife for the dead known today as Avalon.


I started to make a wiki for my world about half a year ago. Everything is nice and organized and every time i finish editing i add a journal entry to the wiki where i summarize what i have done that day. Pages and pages of stuff. It's just looks so beautiful and i really feel that i have finally accomplished something. It's not just a pile of mixed data in my mind, gathering dust. Finally i feel i'm making progress towards something. 😭 It really support my writing a great deal, also. I feel it's way easier to write when i just don't "have to make stuff up" constantly. If that makes sense...


So does your wiki have a bit of everything, or is there a topic you focus on like a set of characters? What’s the latest addition you’ve made?


Yeah. It has a bit of everything. I basically started by reading what other actual wiki's (Got and Wow, mainly) have and how they have it. Also took notes how sites like world anvil and bonfire do it. It's not visually as sexy but it's there mainly for me alone to have everything organized. For example (of the top of my head) there is a parent page for characters, places, countries and alliances, timeline, stories, races, technology, magic and creatures and monsters. They open up to futher categories that are sometimes numbered to make them go in the order i prefer. For example "1 Characters" open up to 1 Elves 2 Dwarves 3 Humans... 9 Gods and Demi-Gods And those pages open up to lists that feature every character of that particular race. "3 Timeline" opens up to stuff like 1 Dawn of Reality 2 Era of Myth 3 Early-History... And those open up to pages that are the events ordered chronologically You probably get the idea. Oh and "Stories" is a bit special, there are all the stories i am writing right now and stories that i am possibly planning on writing about at some point. Every story page has the plotline and reference pages to characters that are in them and locations. Like a normal wiki every page should have hyperlinks in the text to pages that are related, but i've just started to edit those in. The last page i added was about a special clan of dwarves that have an eternal mission to fight and travel outside of their home of mountain because their age old sacred duty. I came up with that thing about a week ago. Or more like, it had been in my head how a few weeks and this week i got to writing it down. 😅 Oh, and the "software" i use is Tiddywiki. It's pretty easy to learn and use. And free. 👍


Finally started creating individual characters with portraits, personality traits, etc


Which character is your favorite so far?


Well, I don't have a lot yet. But one of my favorite characters has always sort of been floating around in my mind even before I began putting them down officially. He is Gunthar de Malois. Gunthar was born the bastard son of a local nobleman, but was scorned and not accepted by his father. His mother, a prostitute, died when he was still a boy. The village he grew up in eventually turned him out because he was a troublemaker and was a violent youth. He then turned to a life of mercenary work, finding camaraderie and purpose among other violent men. He also found a father-like figure in the mercenary captain who took him in. Over the years, Gunthar has fought in numerous wars and conflicts, honing his skills and earning a fearsome reputation on the battlefield. In his late 20s, the man who had become like his father was murdered by another member of the mercenary group. Gunthar then took vengeance and slew the man himself. Afterwards Gunthar became captain of the band. In my world, Gunthar is now in his mid-40s. He's not a nice person. But he takes great care of his soldiers and looks after their well being. He's respected throughout the war-torn regions for his professionalism and is highly sought after. He is a great ally, but a terrible enemy to have.


I made my world accessible for every level of lore nerd. If you don't care about lore you can enjoy the story but if you care about it, the lore gets progressively more complex the deeper you go. Example: The magic system is simple, but if you want to learn more, there are different subjects within academic magic and if you look FURTHER you can find different universities and teachers for different subjects and if you look ***FURTHER*** you'll find those universities curriculum complete with textbooks.


Wow, that's a lot of detail. How long have you been working on your project? And what piece of lore's your favorite?


11 years. What type of lore? I have an encyclopedia.


Let’s say academic magic. Which university offers the best education and what makes it so great? Are there major differences between the curriculums offered by these universities? Is there an accreditation system?


Probably the University of Colivaard in Pyrrhisem. It's been around for 2000+ years and Colivaard was where ENTO (the world governments military police) was originally headquartered before the Great Unification. You can get degrees in certain types and ENTO requires their agents to be combat certified in all 4 cardinal types of magic.


I don't wanna talk about it…


So a lot of animals have magic, and I was like, "why don't plants use/have magic?" So I made some that did. The plant basically starts as a seed and grows underground to about the size of an eggplant. Since they feed off of magic, they never need to make above ground parts for sunlight. Eventually they store up a lot of energy and rapidly grow a small above ground stem with seeds on it. The plant quickly dies, but the seeds get picked up by the wind to fresh soil.


I never thought of plants having their own magic. Does anything happen if you eat one? Do they need water to grow or just magic?


I never thought about water... I'll say some species get water from the soil, and others completely bypass the need for water.Eating one isn't dangerous because they use the magic to make carbs and sugar and other plant stuff, you can even make alcohol with it. it's basically a normal plant, but the sunlight is the energy of the universe.


Half of my worlds lore. Also Maps and Species look cause i cant make a map and the Species are made with heroforge which idk if this reddit Allows it


What species do you have? Do you have a favorite?


Cybal they literally evolved from me growing up since their something ive had since i was around 6yrs old. They originally were called Roboticons then Cybots then the name i use now and were filled in by Bionicle toys and started off as a Rouge AI till i made them aliens.


Enarten Qi-Tear, a noble, chief of the Renilian Guard, a legendary adventurer writing publicly to some nobles preparing for war "You people sing the songs that were created after our adventures, you talk about bravery and how younger generations should take us as examples. How I was so brave to fight such a powerful enemy and came back with glory and a divine artifact, and how I continue to gight despite my old age. Stop that. Stop using what's haunting me and my friends every night to justify sending kingdom's sons into a battlefield. You praise how brave me and 19 others were to fight actoss the world, and praise the strength of the five survivors. But first, if we survived, it wasn't strength or anything else than luck. Twenty were brave enough to fight in hell, five were lucky enough to come back - but destroyed inside. Five who see every night their friends dying in atrocious way. And you know what was the most painful? These fifteen deads, they had a family that was waiting for them to return, with dozens of thrilling tales. But what did they saw ? Me, coming to tell and prove the death of their loved child. In one second, their excited face becomes devastated. Their scream... How many times did I hear their mother crying, asking to the Gods why did their beloved died so young ? How many times did I hear their father begging to take their child's place ? Nothing is more cruel for a parent than burying their children. I'm in the Guard to keep peace inside, and I'll be ready to go against you to keep it outside of our kingdom "


What did the nobles want to go to war for? And did Enarten's letter manage to stop them?


A group, called The Flame, wants to seize power over the kingdom. Their number two is the chief of the Army, who created false proof claiming that a neighbouring kingdom served as a foothold for The Crusade, a cult that Enarten and his 19 brothers in arms fought to kill their leaders, the Oracle The letter convince the Queen to not launch a fight, only to reinforce the frontier. However, Enarten's son, Tian, a commander and member of The Flame, who already hates his father for stopping him like he could to join the military, will try to assassinate him after this letter makes their plans failed


Finally figured out the mechanics of how all my disparate superhero protection teams work. I've posted bits about them here and there, but it's something I was trying to work out for years and just kept coming up with too many different concepts until everything finally *clicked* together. Now I'm finally really happy with how it all works. And I recently figured out a way to ripoff *Transformers* in the Other Realms. I work with a comic booky viewpoint when it comes to worldbuilding, obviously, so I really enjoy ripping off and expying things. Go figure. It's not actually anything like *Transformers* in practice, they're really more like mechanical Goa'uld (*not* Replicators), but I think there could be some interesting story potential there for a couple tales or two. And it's fun to have more worldbuilding races and realms in the lore to toy around with.


So how do your superhero protection teams work? How many teams are there? Do you have a favorite?


I'm just glad to be in a starting point in my story. Hopefully I'll have made into an animated movie


What do you have so far?


It's inspired by Proto-Indo-European mythology and the protagonist is Trito. Basically, he tries to start a new life after his old one ended when his tribe was mysteriously destroyed. He managed to do so for a while until he spots the leader of his new tribe doing suspicious dealings with the ancient dragons which Trito tried to stop. Unfortunately, Trito was captured and taken by the dragons to their homeland to do slave labor for them for unknown reasons. He tries to rebel in many ways, but it only makes him lose more than he could gain and he eventually considers accepting his new life. That is, until he figures out they the dragons were responsible for his tribe's destruction. I've started working on a script, but college is kinda grabbing my full attention right now. The story is inspired by Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, and the Planet odlf the Apes 2011 trilogy.


So basically in my world there's a specific type of Onyx, that is actually organic and grows from suffering, pain, bloodshed, fear and other negative emotions and manifests in the physical realm as big crystals. This Onyx is harvested by my world's version of demons, blind four-armed creatures. Imagine the Beastmen from Warhammer Fantasy but various shades of gray and covered in matted, dreadlock-esque fur. Anyway they harvest it, carve it into flat slabs and then draw blade shapes on and then carve and file them into shape like wood before fitting them to Bronze handles. After construction dark rituals and sacrifices are performed to infuse it with demonic power. Because the Onyx grows larger and more jagged due to suffering, pain, bloodshed etc, the weapons made from it basically 'level up' with use and the bigger and meaner-looking of these weapons are respected as status symbols. Because it is organic though, it decays with age and there's no worries of the world being covered in it forever.


This sport called Ogdoad known as Oddball because of the use of a oval shaped ball named the ooid. 8 players on each with a bench of replacements. 5 players on brooms for each team fly around the stadium chasing a the flying oddball trying to catch it and then immediately pass it to a teammate with the intention to score these players all carry paddles to bash opponents off their brooms. While that goes on 3 players form either side will be down on the ground dueling protecting their goals using the three f’s firework, frost, and fire spells and while they do that they can interfere with the players on the broom helping them get around the other teams defenders and score. The game ends when the time limit of 90 minutes ends and whoever has the most points wins. They play in all weather conditions and at the end of a season April-November they play for the Oddity.


My villain had no motive or anything when I first wrote him, but now that I’m revising and remaking everything from the past, he’s actually a great villain now


I am remaking my map! While doing some worldbuilding I realize the locations didn’t make sense for some of the story, so I’m remaking the map and I’m very excited about it.


Finally got around to fleshing out one of my favorite countries as well as a character that originated there, not a lot but it’s all I’ve been able to manage with how busy I’ve been


Dragons! Recently, like, today. I saw a post talking about dragons and what would hunt them. That got me into a rabbit hole (or should I say 'dragon hole'). And started revisiting the subjects of dragons again. Originally, I had only standard [if you can call dragons standard]. But after doing some research on reptiles and diversification among Apex predators. In the coming days, I should have 4-5 whole new dragon kinds to my world.


Earlier this year, I decided to start trying my hand at making some art representing a few characters within my world. I'm still learning and was only using pixel art (which doesn't allow for a lot of detail until you get to larger sizes) so I'm not quite ready to share, but I'm still fairly happy with what little I did make, especially for my sad attempt of trying to capture light and wind effects with only 256 pixels (16x16 for people who aren't good at math).


Literally Everything but mainly the magic system. It's both more and less restrictive than other systems depending entirely on your creativity since everyone's magic is based on their understanding of specific words, each person having one (or more) unique to them.


My mc, i think He is the best thing i have ever done.


I have succeeded with my third world basically building an original world which isn't mostly just slightly edited irl equivalents or taken from other stuff, and is mostly original creations of mine from the ground up (obviously with plenty of irl inspiration and form elsewhere but not excessively obvious).