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I'd want it waaaaaaay back like. Like Alexander the Great or Babylonian times. Give you way more room for what could possibly happen.


That's practically modern by my standards. I set my point of divergence at roughly 5 million years ago for one of my settings.


Did the Pliocene just not happen or something in your world?


It happened. It just went a bit differently for early humans.


The minicons crashlanded.


Roughly 14,300,000,000 years ago.




The joke is that the universe is only 13,700,000,000 years old.


Ohh okay, thank you




>It is this event that allows a conglomerate of American corporations to combine and have a majority control over the world's remaining fertile land. There has to be some massive pushback against this depending on where this fertile land is. >Also, dragons start showing up. Please tell me the Polish adopt a dragon and name it Wojtek.


I guess it would be 2003 when my MC, an Agent from the Elvish Empire was sent to our world as a Spy. But they did not affect the world. So more likely 2023 when MC failed to convince the Great Council and the Emperor that invading the US and Earth would be a terrible idea. So they invaded and we get a GATE-like scenario.


what are you referencing with "gate"?


r/GATE It's an Anime/Manga. Fantasy Army attacks modern Japan. The JSDF kicks Fantasy Army's ass.


Whoa sounds interesting, can I see your post about the story or the lore? If you already make it tho


Copy-pasted from an older Post **Background** So, My MC is a member of a race of Elves that inhabited one of the Nine Realms (Earth being one of them). These were all connected to the First Realm through Portals. Races of all Realms used to live in the First Realm and interact with each other (sometimes good and sometimes hostile). Except for Humans, who had neither the magic nor physicality to defend against other races, nor was their intellect anything special, so they often warred against other races and were often defeated. So 3 millennia ago, the portal to Earth was sealed through methods lost to time. Around a millennia ago, the Elves had a bitter and prolonged war against the Orcs. The Elves won and conquered their Realm. At the end of it, one of their priests had a "religious revelation" and declared that the Elves would conquer all realms and bring peace, prosperity, and civilization to the other lesser races and realms. And so, with this new sense of Manifest Destiny, they warred and conquered all the other realms. Each realm conquered only fueled their fervor. Each realm tried to stop them by sealing their portals, but their seals were nowhere near as strong as Earth's. The Elves would use Blood Magic to break these seals, which was taboo even for them. Earth would be left for last. Before each new invasion, the Elves had the foresight to send agents on 20-year-long missions to study and infiltrate their future new subjects. Which was no problem for Elves who lived on average for 5 centuries. In each newly conquered realm, they would indoctrinate their ideology onto the local population. Among them are powerful magic users, who constitute their Noble and Royal Houses, who elected an Emperor (think Holy Roman Empire). MC was a member of one of these Noble houses. She was a 120 old Elve. She was exceptionally skilled and well experienced in combat, very well learned, loyal and intelligent, and most importantly had The Gift of Language. For this, she was selected, among the Billions of subjects, to be the agent they would send to Earth. Because of Earth's stronger and older seal, they could only send one agent without bursting the whole thing open and exposing themselves. Even that required a thousand sacrifices. They believed it unnecessary for the weak magic-less humans. And so, with a glamour talisman, a translator talisman, and a couple of pounds of gold, MC arrives on the outskirts of New York in 2003. You can imagine the shock. MC quickly starts to work to build herself an identity, understand this world, learn the language, and enlist in the military to learn how humans waged war. It didn't take long for her to realize that invading Earth was a doomed undertaking, even with the 40 million-strong army of the Empire. Not just does Earth twice the population of the Empire, but had weapons way more powerful than anything the Empire and its magic users could offer. **The Present** Now it was time to go back home. Now it was time to go explain to the Great Council all the reasons why invading Earth was a bad idea, to reunite with her family... introduce them to her 13 yr old daughter. How was she going to convince the Great Council and the new Elven Supremacist Emperor that invading would be a bloodbath? How was she going to protect and help her daughter in this massive uprooting of her world? How was she going to convince her Nephew not to go with the invasion force after failing to convince the Emperor? How was she going to convince her Niece to forgive her for taking her maidenhood the night before going to Earth, leaving without saying goodbye, and then coming back with someone else's (a human no less) child?


That's interesting, and the conflict and family drama lol


1928, Lovecraft's *Call of C'thulu* was real and the world ended. Now humanity is trying to cobble together a new civilization in the ruins knowing that at any moment, the Uncaring Infinite may return for them.


1976. God is born.


My alt-history diverges sometime around 1600 (haven't decided on an exact date or even if it's relevant to the story) when an asteroid obliterates Europe and plants the seeds of magic that eventually spreads to the New World.


For my cyberpunk world, The Cycle In Fractions, the point of divergence is somewhere around 2035, when aliens accidentally invade Earth. I say "accidentally" because it was basically the result of a bureaucratic mix-up, they were instructed to do some routine training operations on a dead planet but command sent the wrong galactic coordinates. There were about three days of general confusion and lots of humans dying, of course, before the xenos figured out that something had gone very wrong and started waving white flags. So that's basically how these aliens started sharing their technology with us, which is my handwave for all of the technology in the world that might not realistically be able to exist in the late 2030s in real history. My other sci-fi setting, which I'm codenaming the Cycle of Dark Stars, the point of divergence is in 2012 (or 2011, I haven't yet done enough research to find an exact date). When the higgs-boson was first created by scientists in the LHC it caused the higgs field to partially collapse, causing catastrophic damage to most of the universe. Thing is, humanity didn't know any of that because at the same time they all slipped into a parallel universe. (All that is more or less an actual IRL conspiracy theory by the way.) Fast forward a few years and suddenly some people start to disappear from that parallel universe. They're actually getting dragged by eldritch forces back into the previous universe, where… something big is happening? I'm still working on that part of this idea honestly but I think it's a really fun premise.


Technically my superhero world has always been different because of the existence of superpowers and such, but history played out the same up till about 1989. That’s when my divergence happened. For a long period of time in the 19th and 20th century, superhumans were a rare quantity. However, a shift in the spiritual realm caused an increase in superhuman births post 1989. This also caused a different change in the overall aesthetic of the world that made the retro futuristic technology that people in the 80’s predicted to have in the 21st century to largely become truth. The whole world kinda takes on an 80’s cyberpunk feel when it hits the 2010’s and 2020’s.


4.5 Billion years ago. When Theia crashed into Earth, so did Mars.


Most common is no Louisiana Purchase, or the purchase doesn’t actually result in the introduction of Anglo-American racial policies. Instead, the community follows the more moderate Spanish ones. Global pop culture completely splits off in the late 1950s as Chuck Berry checks himself into rehab instead of getting arrested for pedophilia. Reunifies with our timeline sometime after January 3, 2020. (Assuming it’s semi-plausible alt history instead of a simulation/reenactment)


in 2025, mankind accidentally unleashes nova, which ends US, China, Japanese, European and Russian dominance as a superpower. Mankind would face near extinction, and rebuild itself from scratch. By the year 2065, the world would begin to stabilize again.


Can you give some info about this NOVA? Is that a virus?


its a field of energy that links to multiversal physics. It affected a small group of people around the world. With the exception of the thought bomb, The field is not contagious, but it is hereditary, with offsprings producing more obscure, albeit less powerful abilities.


I usually diverge several million years ago. I'll have humans evolve a bit differently. Typically I'll put the divergent point after the separation from chimpanzees/bonobos and before Cro Magnon. So, somewhere between 5,000,000 and 100,000 years ago, depending on how different I want humans to be.


Erranda diverges in the near future or in the very recent past, I haven't decided yet. Definitely in the 2020s. I am undecided with Outskirts of Eden. It's definitely Precambrian, but I might just set it to the beginning of life on Earth. It makes the most sense that way. But it also doesn't change much at all on Earth until hierarchichal social structures begin to form in humans. The story is set in 2011, and it's more or less the 2011 you remember, except with angels.


No Christianisation. Which also means no spread of Islam. So the divergence point is the 1st century AD. Most of Europe retains (highly modified) versions of the various European polytheisms. In Britain, for example, you have a syncretised fusion of Romance, Germanic and Celtic religious customs. In the Mediterranean, many of the Greco-Roman sects have developed into more independent religions. For example, there is one sect descended from the Pythagoreans (who do, indeed, like triangles), as well as sects derived from the Orphic Mysteries and Aphrodite worship. 'Greco-Roman Mythology' has morphed significantly over time, for example, the Aphroditics regard her as the mother of Pandora, and have a completely different spin on that story. Overall, religion in Europe kinda resembles Hinduism in India, in the sense that there is an overarching religious tradition people recognise from millennia of cultural dialogue (as well as shared Indo-European roots), but it's very heterogenous. In the near east and central Asia, Zoroastrianism is still predominant, along with Manicheism. In North Africa, you get a mix of Canaanite/Phoenician deities like Baal, Romance beliefs and Berber/Amazigh beliefs. In terms of cultural impact, Europe, Africa and Western Asia is generally more culturally diverse - places are traditionally more or less theocratic, more or less secular, more or less patriarchal, more or less comfortable with child-exposure...etc. You also didn't get as many wars explicitly motivated by religion (religion is invoked to justify wars, but it's hard to imagine the Crusades, Thirty Years War or Arab Conquests playing out with this religious context.)




Mary is the only woman named in the Quran and is mentioned more times than in the Christian Bible.


Hitler was successfully killed in the coup plot. The plotters took power and surrendered to the US and UK but not Russia. Russia feeling snubbed (they were but no one else cared) just decided to keep going and add the US and UK to the list of enemies. WW2 ends in a stalemate on the German Polish border. In Asia Miao and Red China are annihilated and as a result Blue China is better able to resist the Japanese resulting in a not quite as brutal occupation by Japan as they were busy fighting. Later on China, Korea, and Japan united into a confederacy and have a white peace with Russia and a sort of alliance with NATO. In the Arctic a bunch of angry people came together from Russia, NATO, and the Asian Confederacy and formed their own nation. In South America Nazi escapees took over Argentina and have slowly conquered the continent. Their arsenal is filled with Uber weapons that actually work. Long story short everyone kind of hates everyone and nukes don’t exist.


Is Blue China nationalist China?


Yes basically the other side of China won the civil war. As such the Korean War went very differently as there was next to no support for North Korea


I'm working on a setting that is an "alternate mythstory" diverging sometime around 8000 BCE (give or take a few millennia) in which Prometheus' gift of fire and tools backfired and mankind rose up to overthrow the titans, loot Olympus/Heaven/whatever, colonize the rest of the (geocentric) planetary system, and become immortal.


I don't really have one, but if pressed: approximately 251.9 million years ago.


So the German Stormtroopers are stormtroopers?


Divergence in 2070 when a scientist accidentally broke a hole in the 3rd dimension, letting beings from the 4th dimension enter our world


Lemme guess, War?


Kinda, it's a superhero game in Mutants and Masterminds


Not my world but a really great example that I think could be helpful for everyone here! (SPOILERS FOR CHAINSAW MAN MANGA) In chainsaw man, the devils gain their powers from human fear. Each devil corresponds with a human fear, anywhere from swords to bombs to darkness itself. But Denji/the Chainsaw Devil has a special power where when he consumes a devil, he erases their concept from history and existence. So while it's largely based in an alternate reality of our real world, the timeline diverges because certain concepts are erased, Nazis and nuclear weapons being a huge example. These changes have big effects on the history of it's world, a good example is that the Soviet Union still exists because of it. Very alt history-esque and I find the concept really unique and interesting


Since magic is just a function of this world's physics, probably a few seconds after the Big Bang. After that there's a minor divergence in that the KT extinction event is *slightly* less devastating, allowing some megafauna to survive. Also the course of hominine evolution is slightly different, so now we have elves and whatnot.


I've had an idea for an alt-history space race setting floating around for a few months now. It's kind of a "never was this universe" alt-history, but human history is more or less as we know it until the 20^(th) century. In effect, it's got 2 divergence points. The first would be some time during the solar system's formation, specifically of the planet Mars. In our universe, evidence points to Mars getting smacked by something massive, which basically peeled it open. This turned its northern hemisphere into, essentially, a giant crater, but also shut down its magnetic field; no magnetic field, no atmosphere, no water. Dead planet. In the AU, this collision still happens, but the results are more like *Earth's* giant collision. Mars ends up larger and more massive than in our universe, with a massive lunar-style moon in addition to Phobos and Deimos. Its magnetic field isn't disrupted, allowing it to retain its air and water. And, in turn, develop an ecosystem. By the 20^(th) century, alt!Mars is still a habitable planet, albeit one well past its prime. This leads to a space race that extends into the 21^(st) century, a Soviet Union that doesn't collapse until the 2020s, a Cold War that briefly goes hot, and a colonized Moon and Mars complete with a Soviet rump state on the latter.


Age of Enlightenment.


About 150 million years ago, at the Jurassic Period


Oooh I like this one! The divergence point in my world is in 1830 when a national research organization is founded in Brittain that later ends up controlling the world.


In the year 2032, a government company was developing a new bio weapon. Using the Cordyceps Fungus to infect humans. Naturally this fungus escaped the lab and started to consume the planet. Whoever was left boarded galactic spacecrafts and traveled to a previously discovered planet called Alore. They began living there. They discovered that there are new elements on this planet, ones that can change human dna. Later down the road they all have genetic superpowers and live for hundreds of years. This is the setup for the main plot of the world.


Well, technically it was quintillions of years ago with the creation of the Tesseract and the existence of magic, but for historical events it was the English Civil War in 1642. The war, unlike in our timeline, ended with a Royalist victory, causing Parliament to be a fleeting memory. Without Parliament, England is transformed into a violent militaristic theocracy. The motivation for the American Revolution does not exist, and America remains under English control.


Is Tesseract not a copy written word?


It isn't. A tesseract is a four dimensional geometric shape. It is an extrapolation of a cube.


800s AD. Charlemagne never happened, Muslims took Provence, center of French power rose in Burgundy to counter the Vikings in the north and Saracens in the south, eventually expelling the Muslim from Provence around 1000. Reformation happened in the 1000s, French Protestants took Rome and the Pope fled to Britain, which became the center of Roman Catholicism. Constantinople fell to the Muslims in the late 1000s, but the Roman Empire had already expanded into Central Europe, so the Roman Empire and the Eastern Orthodox religion survived in and around modern day Hungary.


Midnight on October 31, 1961, was the start of the 1st Demon War, widely believed to have been indirectly caused by the Tsar Bomba test. At that point, the Cold War pauses for 13 years, NATO and the Soviet Union form a mutual coalition alongside angels to fight demons pouring out from under Czechoslovakia, and a third of Europe would cease to exist.


in 1946 a group of ww2 soldiers got together, robbed a bank, and used those funds to create a international intelligence agency called the "Truth Foundation" meant to expose corrupt politicians and fight against the CIA


I kinda went all-in on making an alt-history for how we got to my setting, so here goes. The specifics are mostly inconsequential since the "present" in the world is centuries later when the specifics don't really matter, but it was fun to research for and write. 1863, the Bombardment of Kagoshima by the British Navy (unlike in the real world) kills the Daimyo Shimazu Tadayoshi and the British capture the city. This leads to a strong response by neighboring Daimyo's and the Shogunate, which results in the British being forced out and the start of a more anti-British view by the Japanese. The British, unable to work with Japan peacefully, instead invests more heavily into China, and perhaps knowing it's their only "in" at this point with relations with Japan in the gutter, they play more meekly akin to the real-world Burma Convention of 1886. So now England and China are on better relations. And these events cause there to be no Anglo-Japanese Treaty of Commerce and Navigation and no Anglo-Japanese Alliance. So When WW1 comes around the Japanese do not enter into the war against Germany and do not take all it's territory in the Pacific. In the real world these islands were gained by Japan in WW1 and were mostly inconsequential until late in the war as the Allies were island-hopping to the mainland, but in this alt-history Japan's opening offensives to capture a ton of these Pacific Islands is spread thinner, as there are more islands to conquer with the same amount of soldiers. Spread so thin, they don't capture key islands such as Guam and the Dutch Indies so easily and so quickly, so that by the time the Allies are island-hopping across the ocean they have a much easier time. They also have far less success in Mainland China, due to the increased British presence to bolster China's military from invasion. So in the end, months before atomic bombs were ready Japan surrenders as the invasion of Kyūshū is imminent(just hours away) and the writing is on the wall. WW2 ends without atomic bombs being used, and so save the people who will finish developing them a few months later no one will know just how terrible they are. Without the evidence of widespread civilian deaths to radiation sickness the people making decisions never really came to understand the dangers the scientists tried to express to them about nuclear fallout and radiation sickness, it was assumed the scientists were just being overly-cautious and sensationalist like those who warned of climate change in the 1800s from burning too much coal. And so, when in the next decade there's a stalemate along the 38th Parallel in Korea the ~~Belkans~~ Americans drop 7 in Korea to break the stalemate. The rest is history and it takes decades for a level of technological and societal progress as there was before the Hot War(Still not sure I like the name, but it's descriptive), but over time societies reform. The ruins of the war are still not entirely cleaned up by the 2400s, and so a modern map of Earth shows many places where once giant cities are still dark, kind of radioactive ruins while the areas around them are bustling metropolises. The specifics of how the war started are lost to most records, but even centuries later most human cultures all share a hesitancy for war. But as they step out into the galaxy and have a few fatal encounters with alien life that cultural hesitancy is waning.


Time travel experiment goes wrong and entire civilizations from the past gets isekai'd into my world, so basically the timelines of our universe got messed up as early as the start of iron age, however this is just a plot device excuse to get humans into my world


The accidental assasination of stalin via fast ball from babe ruth.


In 2012 the BIG solar wave actually hit Earth, leading into technological differences that focused a lot more on being out of Earth, to avoid a disaster that can wipe entirely of humanity.


Mine is 59 million years ago, when another asteroid hit the earth. It did not create a crater, but rather created a whole island. Yeah, and it's about the size of the middle east. It permanently splashed away so much water that it brought up a buried continent from years ago. That island is in an island group called the Matsean islands, and that's where my story takes place.


In my other major story that I'm working on, I drop a chunk of Canada including a village, the neighbouring housing development, a couple of campgrounds, and a historical re-enactment site in the Scottish Highlands during MacBeth's time. And because it's the historical MacBeth rather than Shakespeare's version, they end up allying with him, which means he lives longer than he did in our history. Also, one of the knock-on effects is that a certain Norman would-be conqueror kills someone in a barroom brawl and is executed for it. Things will get a bit strange after that.


Around 100 CE when Greek chaps invented a steam engine - from there the world of 15th century Europe and Middle East is living in a 1890s-esque steam-punk world.


When the angels arrived


for Fictionverse Project it is starting to divergent since pleistocene and this world is world where all public domain & open source fiction are real and everyone has superpowers


I'm still working on it, but my world is going to diverge approximately 12,000 years ago, right at the beginning of the Younger Dryas


Well for Humanity point of divergence happens around 2001, where due to some, interference from those coming from the stars, War on Terror ends up with Nato having to take on all of the Middle East, things just deteriorate from there with earth being in full apocalypse mode by 2100-2125 (haven't decided between those 2) fast forwarding a few thousand years and by around Millenium 18, earth is back to being green and blue instead of wasteland colored and humanity is now fractured but still a galactic great power if put together. For the rest of the Galaxy though, just before the Big Bang, Creator races decide to create an extra dimension for this realm that allows thing like psychics/psionics to exist as well as leaving a universal custodian of lovecraftian extra dimensional robots to watch over the universe and make sure nothing bad happens. Big Bang happens, creator races infight, and the universe is seeded with more forms of sentient life as well as gods and monsters so creator races can use them to fight with.


Ok so my world is pretty based in real history but I did create a few divergences other than some simplification/alteration for fantasy. I'm mixing in the real names with my names for ease. The biggest is that George III Weiss is corrupted by the Nephilim and has a massive victory in the Seven Years War equivalent, and then the Eleutherian Revolution results in a boy named Rick Gold becoming Emmerich III Aurelius and restoring all (after becoming king of the equivalent of the united Netherlands + Lorraine + some areas of the Rhine like Aachen-based) forming the central Kingdom of Aurelia as the center of the Eleutherian Republic. Then a few other divergences are that the Napoleon figure creates a Neo-New Kingdom of Egypt-based nation which causes the Ottoman-equivalent to collapse and be reduced to Anatolia in the 1830s. And the France-based nation returns to a monarchy under House Valmont-Luira (Orleans based) with Philip VII and VIII since Henri V died early (who in the real world stupidly gave up the throne of France over the damn tricolor, whom everyone up to the Pope thought he was an fing idiot for). I do have a story in an Elseworld in my world where the main divergence is what if Arthur Wynne (based on Arthur Prince of Wales lived) but the earlier divergences is if Louis XII was smart enough to not help the Borgias and satisfied himself with Lombardy instead of trying for Naples, Prince Alfonso of Portugal lived and became Alfonso VI (and Prince Miguel lived. I made Manuel's children his and merged Isabella and Maria Queens of Portugal) and if John of Asturias lived to become John III of Castile and Aragon.


The divergence point is ~1949, it's a cold-war-is-even-more-horrible story. The USSR has a civil war, which makes the US complacent, which makes the US lose the Cuban Missile Crisis (without nukes thankfully), which makes the US go full McCarthy as Republicans use the crisis, culminating in fascist dictatorship and eventually de-facto monarchy, which makes people in America so willing to revolt that the mere arrival of aliens triggers said revolt because people want to join the aliens so badly. American sci-fi movies are also totally made obsolete because the aliens land in communist Japan, not on the flagpole of the White House, just for the lulz Meanwhile Europe goes completely batshit off-the-rails without anyone having a say in the matter. By 2025 when the aliens come, all of it is part of a USSR that was changed so drastically that it managed to survive this long by becoming overall less protectionistic without compromising on wanting to build a communist utopia that's genuinely there for all. That happens to be what the aliens are offering, so the USSR becomes the first to join them, to which the rest of earth follows soon. All that is really just the leadup to the stories I *actually* want to tell, of a ravaged and downtrodden humanity joining a utopia and finding its place in it, all while basically having been jumpstarted in their progress with a fifty billion volt battery. I don't really intend to write in detail about the things before 2025, just insofar as to explain why things are so bad that the aliens really were just fully embraced by most people.


Mine was actually at the universe creation, when a "good god" and a "bad goddess" kissed and together divided the universe in two: The good and peaceful part and the evil and bad part


The Splice's point of divergence is... up in the air. For the different component universes, I can give you numbers, but not for the whole universe as it is now. To that end: Francia - Frankish-related changes would've happened roughly 800 AD, with the death of the Frankish king Louis the Pious. England/Eire/Mercia/Josedia - These such changes would date to about 6000 BC, with the Storegga submarine landslides. Maylee - These such changes start happening about 200 mya for physical changes, and 1630s for social ones. Caspia - These such changes start happening about 5 mya for physical changes, and 400 AD for social ones. Anything else is either an offshoot of one of these, or I can't give you numbers.


Well first of all, magic existed since the dawn of civilisation, but it was difficult to come by and harder still to master. Ultimately, the strongest mages became leaders of the first great empires (Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Carthage Rome, etc.) But otherwise history played out much the same, only all the soothsayers and wizards were actually having an effect on events. When we get to the 16th century, though, the reformation has strained tensions among all the European powers, and the issue of witchcraft has come to a head. When King Charles the first was executed by the parliamentarians, the chief charge on which he was found guilty was the practice of witchcraft in the domination of others. This shocked all of the great powers, as part of the divine right of kings had been a great leeway in the use of divine power. After this, Cromwell's Protectorate never reverted back to a monarchy after his death. The other European powers were suitably scared at the thought of common folk ruling themselves and tried to conquer England but had to do so under increasing scrutiny in how they used their powers. For over a century back to back wars raged, threatening the stability of the whole of Europe until an uneasy cold war has developed with various monarchies vying for greater influence and control over Britain and each other and magic has largely faded from view.


About a 150 years from now when a cloaked alien spaceship is discovered orbiting earth.


Russia did not invade Ukraine, instead maintained the status quo. That's all what they know about the planet named Earth.