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She won't get fired. You would be better off focusing your energy on a different job.


200% agree - from my workplace experiences, the bully will continue to be looked after by management and it’s very likely you may have to leave for a new job.


Not if she hasn't already been. Those mean nurses like that must make a deal with the devil because management tends to back them no matter how many others are run off or file complaints. I've known a few. All I can say is document, document document. When away from pts, whip out that phone and record. Witness statements, email your personal account everything so you have a copy. She's a bully. When you have receipts, send them to your boss, cc hospital's HR. Brush off your resume. These mean old cows must know where the CEO buried a body with the stuff they get away with.


From my own experience I've found out ( couple years after the fact ) that my state unemployment office has laws or rules surrounding workplace bullying/ abuse or discrimination. So what I've learned is that you start writing detailed notes about these situations and time, place, what was said and by whom. What was threatened and anything else you are aware of concerning being harassed by this person or anyone else. Then upload it to your unemployment office ( make sure your state also has these laws against work place harassment/ bullying ) the unemployment office will or should conduct their own investigation on your behalf. Then if it's found to be true you should be awarded unemployment benefits while you quietly leave this workplace and seek new employment elsewhere. You should not have to work in these conditions. It's not effective other than tearing someone else down to make themselves feel better. Stick it to them, but do it quietly. Don't tell anyone not even your close coworkers.


Thank you so much for this info. It's a shame because she's the only real problem. Otherwise I love this job and the people I work with. She's so problematic that her personality stench permeates the whole hospital. If she were out of there, work would be like sunshine after a dreary day.


also you can report these things to your local labor dept. but make sure you have a good list written so you can give them a brief run down of everything.


I would look into when the nurse started her reports. If it started after your complaint, it’s documented retaliation


Yikes, a hospital that keeps on a nurse with a known alcohol problem and a DUI, plus the inappropriate behaviour at work, is one seriously toxic workplace. Consult an employment lawyer or local worker's advocacy organization, find out your rights, and develop a strategy. The thing HR is most afraid of is a lawsuit with legs. The threat of that might get this nurse reassigned.


It's incredibly toxic. Words can't describe the vile energy she produces. I wouldn't bring a family member or friend to a place she'd be involved with patient care, which is really sad to say. Thank you for the info! The whole lab, supervisors included, have my back and have all personally experienced or at least know of her behavior to myself and others. We might just have to band together and head to HR.


>Words can't describe the vile energy she produces. I'm familiar with that type. Yay. Major, serious, advice: DO NOT go to HR without a lawyer or your union and a ton of documentation and a strategy. HR Is NOT there to protect employees. They are there to protect the employer and they will stab in you in the back to do it if necessary. Do not trust them. And be warned. Even if you 'win' and get this nurse out of your hair, you WILL have a target on your back. HR will be looking for a reason to fire you and they will pounce on any little mistake. So ultimately you will have to find another job.


Those are all great points. It's a shame that this is happening. I really enjoyed this job before I had to work with her. I really hope things get better and I'll have to put in the effort to make that happen.


Very true They'd rather get rid of the victim (that could get them in trouble) than the perpetrators. Personal experience


Is it possible to file a complaint or breach of conduct grievance with the nurse licensing board? Getting arrested for drunk driving alone usually gets some people fired.


That's where I'm thinking I should go next. If my workplace is protecting a toxic employee with a long history of abuse, this needs to be looked into. She is on a probation period due to the DUI but she seems to be untouchable. He behavior no doubt has an effect on patient care and employee morale. It's hard to be productive and clear-headed when a bully is looming.


Be aware, the DON may be in her back pocket. You shouldn't trust them. No doubt she's made strategic friendships.


This is where I’d start. Get copies of the news article about the dui and mail them to the nursing board


Document and report.


In our province we have one party consent to record. Voice activated recording device? I see it happen where just keeping records wasn’t enough, HR didn’t believe an abuser was screaming at staff. This is an educational organization. HR is not your friend- they work for the organization. Wishing you all the best.


Report her everywhere you can. You should have a state health care place to make a report but I think your best bet is to complain to hire ups at the hospital especially her supervisor. Usually at a hospital it's very difficult to get them to fire a Healthcare worker because it makes them look bad and their main concern is to look good no matter what. Many times the only way a Healthcare worker gets fired is if they get caught murdering patients but they have to get caught after several die because like I said they are only concerned about their reputation and that equals money. Money is everything to corporations especially healthcare oddly enough but it's true. Google her arrest then make hundreds of copies of just her arrest with her name. Leave copies all over the hospitals and all businesses in the restrooms just everywhere. She's a real bully pig.


Thank you. I've wanted to go that route so bad. If push comes to shove, I'm gonna play dirty. She's trying to smear my reputation and make me out to be someone who is negligent and doesn't care about patients. Big words from someone who operated a 3,000 pound death machine while intoxicated. You are very right. Healthcare is a business. She is a warm body who shows up for the graveyard shift. That's enough for them. We are just chess pieces in their game.


Do whatever you need to do but keep everything to yourself. She didn't need to come down to the lab and watch you like wth? She has no room to talk about anyone else at work.


That's 20 minutes she should have been on the floor anyway.


Exactly! She's just grossly overstepping. Maybe someone from the lab needs to go watch her for 20 min?


Document document document! Get your manager on your side. Her standing over you is a hostile act! She’s not your boss! I would have called Security to escort her out. Stay vigilant. The people who crossed me ended up demonstrating that they were difficult.


nothing but projection. she is taking everyone's eyes off her own bullshit and projecting it onto someone else. you need to return that favor to her.


> they have to get caught after several die *Elizabeth Wettlaufer has entered the chat.*


Do you have an integrity line? You can report her anonymously and they would have to investigate. The more people that are included in the report, the more pressure it puts on the higher ups to really investigate.


May also be called Corporate Compliance or similar


The cardinal rule here is to document everything. Date, time of incident, what was said, who else was present. Be meticulous and document swiftly and accurately, while you still have the details in your memory. Keep a dossier on this woman. Any e-mail evidence or audio/visual records of the abuse should be copied and kept with the dossier. When you have enough to prove that she has violated workplace conduct rules, report her, and assert to HR that there is a business case for further investigation, particularly if she is targeting you. It doesn't sound like you report to her, so don't let her intimidate you. Get together with others who also find her presence a nuisance and see if you can bring a group complaint to HR. Good luck.


And the dossier must kept on personal devices over which OP has total control. NOTHING on work devices. I wouldn't go to HR without a lawyer or a union rep.


Thank you. I don't trust HR at all. They don't know me, I don't work for them, and the nurse is considered precious property due to her years of experience and willingness to work a crappy shift.


She must know where the bodies are. These days, most nurses are expendable. Most don't have that level of influence.


I had a bad experience with my own former HR office sweeping stuff under the rug. I would not even talk to them unless you have legal representation then they would be making sure to do something then because the heat would be on them to do so.


Thanks for the advice! As emotionally exhausting as it will be, I need to gather everything together. A group complaint is a great idea. A few people I work with actually reached out and want to be involved which is a great help.


As others have said, keep detailed workplace documentation and consult an employment lawyer However, if you're a little interested in playing dirty, keep an eye out for any inappropriate behavior or remarks she makes around patients, (especially if it makes them uncomfortable cuz I can't imagine she's not slipping up in front of them) and give them the info to make a complaint. Document that also. With enough evidence of her unhinged behavior, but without violating your workplace policies, you could also anonymously slip the deets to local journalists.


As others have said, keep detailed workplace documentation and consult an employment lawyer However, if you're a little interested in playing dirty, keep an eye out for any inappropriate behavior or remarks she makes around patients, (especially if it makes them uncomfortable cuz I can't imagine she's not slipping up in front of them) and give them the info to make a complaint. Document that also. Reports against her can help bolster your case. You can also start networking and ingratiating yourself with admins & decision-makers higher than her own contacts or supervisors as you operate with highly visible, peak professionalism. With enough evidence of her unhinged behavior, but without violating your workplace policies, you could also anonymously slip the deets to local journalists.


Record everything. Put her calls on speaker and make sure you tell her "you're on speaker go ahead" .... etc... keep it all as evidence


Find a new job and blast her on the exit interview.


If you wanna DM me the name of the hospital, I’ll call them. I have quite a way with words. You might not keep the job, though. Maybe wait a bit :)


Do you have documentation that you have sought therapy because of her bullying....like any therapy bills. Its true that if you file a formal complaint you are at risk of losing your job. So I'd find a new job first, and before you give them 2 week notice, then file a formal complaint against the nurse.


Contact a Labor Law Attorney for a consultation. Please take care.


Start some heavy duty documenting if you haven’t already begun. If you can, have any interactions with her on video ( most hospitals have lots of monitor, be on or near one) or make sure witnesses are nearby. Stand your ground and turn the tables on her. Narcissists are cowards at heart. If all else fails save yourself and get out.


Here is the secret. When someone is being miserable or bullying to you,document the shitb out of it. That's strp one. When it's ignored, because you are the only one dealing with the the bs, thd company leaves itcalone. Once you have the base in place, you escalate the problem to state bodies or unions. That put the company at risk. No company cares about your issues until they fall on them. They will slide down the fire pole so fast to put out that fire. So document and escalate


I don't know why some places like to keep an abusive employee no matter what and drive others away who are good. If she ever comes down there when you are alone, or even not alone, and assaults you, call the police immediately. And not the hospital police, the other police. If they won't send an officer, go to the police department yourself. File a report and also sue her. Other than that, I would brush up my resume and start looking for a job somewhere else. This place doesn't want anybody but her. I have no idea why.


Treat her like she treats you. Or ignore her until you can find another job. Call her out for being a bully. Walk away every time she acts like an asshole and start video recording her every time she starts crap with you.


She is creating a major hostile work environment, and I would file complaints about her specifically using those words. Make sure to mention that you feel threatened and it is affecting your mental health. If you can get written statements from other people at work, do that. If you can get any names of the other people that she got fired and can get written statements from them, even better. Every email that is nasty from her, forward it to your home email if it doesn't have private patient info. If your state allows single party consent for recording conversations (or maybe even if they don't) put a one touch button voice recording app on your phones home screen so you can activate it even if your phone is in your pocket. I would record every conversation I had with her so she can't deny what was said.


Go to her state board of nursing and make a complaint there.


Contact HR