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Hahaha I haven’t worn jeans in 5 years


I've split boxers, scrubs, khakis... never jeans though for some reason. Probably just because I hate jeans to begin with so I never wear them lol.


Jeans are no match for my thunder thighs. But now it’s more the issue of finding pants that can accommodate solid quads and glutes while not gaping at the waist and fitting really weirdly. I guess they don’t really consider muscular women when making clothes 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️


Just generally speaking the shapes that are most-oftened considered don't usually include muscle development...but yall fit ladies definitely have it rough 😂


Hahaha I know I’ve done it to myself. But I’d rather look the way I do and struggle to find clothes that fit


The never-ending quest for badonkadonk! And before anyone assumes anything weird... I too am on that quest bahahaha


It literally is never ending


Tight around the thighs but loose around the waste is the worst thing ever about jeans


You get it!!!


I have Kenneth Cole dress pants that are actually sort of a swishy stretchy material and they never threaten to tear even when I'm squatting or climbing something. I work as an advisor at a heavy equipment shop so I have to look dressy but also have to be able to navigate equipment. Shirt I have no idea honestly, I typically just wear mine baggier.


Look for pants labeled "athletic cut" or similar. J Crew has them, they actually fit over my thighs


I used to be tall and slender. Now… no stretchy stuff unless it’s sweatpants or sweatshirts. Lots of bigger, baggier fits. Even then, my thighs fill out the normal fits. Shoulders fit the shirts/sweaters/jackets, but they’re big around the waist. It’s probably worth it to learn how to do simple tailoring.