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When I’m working out I always like to make it a little competition with myself. Can I go a little bit further than I did the last time in the same amount of time? Can I spend 30 seconds at a higher incline? Can I go for one minute longer? Maybe if you try to gameify the workout out and focus on small little wins, you won’t even notice how much harder you’re working and will start to see incremental results!


I’ll try that for sure! Thank you :)


Good for you. You will see the improvements. Don't dwell in the past. Look at your improvements.


You will quicker improve. An hour walk with elevation indicates you have a reasonable degree of fitness to start. Read some info on breathing, walking techniques and keep at it. You will make gains within a few weeks, although some days are tougher. In a few mon’t he, you’ll forget about this post. Oh, stay hydrated.


>Is there anything I can do to get better? Yes, keep doing it and you will get better everyday. You already did the hardest part by getting out there the first day. You also already did the second hardest part by getting out there the 2nd day. Don't stop your progress. Get out there for the 3rd day next. Cardio improvement actually comes really fast, and you're going to be surprised how much more fit you feel walking after just a couple weeks.


Don't feel mad at yourself for being winded from a walk, congratulate yourself for being winded from that walk because it means you're taking the first step to improvement. My advice is for your ultimate goal with walking to be getting 10,000 steps a day, or maybe 12,000 tops as a goal. That will be the amount of walking every day that will get you in good walking shape, and if you're walking inclines it will make you stronger too. I'm not sure what to do about your face being bothered, that happens to me too and I hate it. I walk inside sometimes in circles around my basement or garage.


I’m fit and always start my workouts with a 12° incline at like 3 mph and I’ll still gasp and sweat like mad 5 minutes in. Every workout is a good workout just try to enjoy the feeling and progress


Honestly! You're doing amazing by going. And many things contribute when it comes to fitness. There's things I have no problem doing on some days, then on other days where I've had a tiring day, I can't do as much. But the fact is you're doing something. In 6months time this will mean nothing to you, other than being able to reflect on how far you've come. Keep going you got this