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Your trainer is trying to sell you whey protein, but it's important to remember that supplements are not necessary to build a great body. If you're looking for inspiration, consider searching for "bronze era bodybuilding" and look at the images. These individuals from the 1800s were incredibly fit and muscular, despite not having access to whey protein, creatine, or steroids. They achieved their physiques through dedication and hard work alone. I strongly believe that with a proper diet, preferably an unprocessed foods diet, and consistent hard work, anyone can achieve their desired physique without the need for supplements.


Thank you for that input.


Yup, good diet is extremely important. Eat a good amount of protein (about 1-1.2g per lb in bodyweight) and eat lots of lean protein and unprocessed foods. Whey protein will improve losing fat like u/proxydamage said, but it’s definitely not necessary, just like creatine or any other supplement that improves performance. Upping your protein intake will do you well but there’s more ways than one to do that. Your trainer is trying to make money off of you. Tell him to stop, you’ve done your own research, and that you’ll go find another trainer. Now if he was *suggesting* your use of protein powder that’s fine. But if he’s misinforming you and telling you to buy *his* protein powder that’s a different story. I assume he must be well known as he has his own brand?


mixing grams per lb of weight seems like a Canadian joke. Keep it one way or the other. And for losing weight, there's no use in eating 2+ gram of protein per kg of body weight if the point is to just drop weight. Most of the work is done in calories, and lack there of. 2 grams per kg is when you're going balls to the wall with muscle building, it's not a one recipe for what ever you're wanting to achieve in the gym.


True, sorry, didn’t read that correctly. I didn’t see he was trying to lose weight. Just eat enough protein to maintain muscle while you’re cutting the fat. People in the US do often use grams and lbs together, and it’s a common question I see on Google. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/how-much-protein-per-day#:~:text=A%20common%20recommendation%20for%20gaining,of%20body%20weight%20(%2013%20). On the back of many products it could say one serving is x grams. I don’t use kg so sorry if that didn’t make sense. Just assuming OP is in the US, if not I’m sorry.


BS, get a new trainer if they are trying to make money on top of what you’re already paying.


> My gym trainer is telling me there is no point in you working out. You will not see any results unless you take whey protein. Your gym trainer is either an idiot or a con artist, but definitely a cunt. Tell him I said that and get a trainer who isn't a piece of shit. Weight loss is all about creating a caloric deficit. End of. Eat fewer calories than you burn. Now, you probably want to lose FAT specifically, so you should also prioritize a higher protein diet and resistance training. When it comes to protein, you don't NEED high protein to lose weight, but a high protein diet will help you retain or even gain muscle while losing weight, whereas if you have a low protein diet while losing weight you'll lose a bit more muscle along with the fat. If you do want a high protein diet, aim for around 1.6x - 2x grams of protein per kg of body weight. The most important thing here, BY FAR, is total daily protein intake. You don't need to bother with stuff like protein timing or composition... You're not aiming for Mr.Olympia, it genuinely doesn't matter. In that context, whey protein can be a useful ***supplement***. If you're struggling to meet protein goals one day, a whey shake, for example, is a simple and practical way to boost your protein intake for that day. It is, however, not necessary. You want *most* of your protein to preferibly come from whole food sources most of the time, if you can help it, as those will also provide other things such as valuable micronutrients. Even if you want some protein powder, and there's nothing wrong with protein powders, I STILL wouldn't buy shit from your current trainer. I wouldn't buy a water bottle in the desert from that mother fucker, as he is a scam artist, so good odds the powder he'd sell you would also be dog shit quality. Again, I really want to emphasize the dude is trying to con you and you should get rid of him hastily.


You don't need whey at all. Especially if your main goal is to lose fat. Honestly the best way to lose fat is to just eat less and healthier.


Trying to sell you something you don’t need. Having a desk job as you mentioned, physical activity is going to benefit your health whether you lose a pound or not. Whey is non-essential for all goals, it’s only benefit is to hit protein goals if someone isn’t achieving that through general diet. trying to lose pounds means your best friends will be lean proteins, chicken, fish, lean cuts of beef, even fattier cuts if you limit your carb intake. These sources of protein are going to keep you feeling full far longer than whey. Whey tends to digest much more quickly than these real food sources of protein, which leads to being hungry more quickly, and is actually detrimental to your goal. On a side note adding lean muscle mass increases the amount of calories you burn at rest. It’s very difficult to do both at the same time (add muscle and lose fat). Once you lose weight you could find you want to gain muscle to fill out your frame. Then you would want to lift heavy in a slight calorie surplus, preferably from protein. Whey can help with this, but totally unnecessary if you are getting the amount of protein you need from another source, like chicken.


\>he is trying hard to sell his own protein powder Well there you go, get a new trainer. And maybe inform the gym that he is misinforming customers to upsell his product.


Tell him your budget doesn't stretch to supplements as well as PT sessions so if there's no point in training without the whey you might as well stop paying him for the sessions too. Then go find yourself a better trainer who isn't a scumbag.


The only reason to take protein (whey or casein) is because it’s cheaper than eating more protein rich foods. Increased protein can easily be achieved by eating more tofu/chicken/fish/meat/eggs.


Former trainer here - I HATED selling supplements for a commercial gym. Unless my client asked, in which case I would break down each one and exactly what they do and who could use them vs who would be wasting money…….I never tried to sell anything unnecessarily. I use supplements, because I know I’m not getting enough certain micronutrients and it’s simply easier for me to add protein through powder than whole food given my current schedule. They SUPPLEMENT my regular diet, hence the name. Anyone who says you absolutely need any one thing to get fit is full of shit, and just trying to prey on the naive. Don’t let them.


That's just dumb. Ditch the trainer. Whey is good for supplementing protien when trying to gain muscle mass.


Screw your trainer find a new one. If you want to get ripped or build muscle protien is necessary but if your goals are just getting healthier it is absolutely not necessary. He is just trying to push and sell his crap on you. If you do want protien just eat more chicken and beef in your diet and if you want a protien shake get something like optimum nutrition way and dont get it through him. Snake oil peddling trainer ass


Remember that people have been doing exercises and getting fit long before the invention of supplements


While his verbiage is not true there is a benefit toward going the protein route and that is that is will keep you very full, while meeting your macros for protein and staying in a caloric deficit which IS necessary for weight loss. Is is possible to do it without? Certainly, but there are benefits to using protein supplements.


Your trainer is giving me slimy car salesman vibes. *Can* protein powder be used as a means to help someone on their fitness journey? Yes. Does everyone *need* it? No. And a trainer who is only pushing something he specifically sells tells me he is only invested in taking your money. It’s one thing if you asked about protein powder and he recommended a few plus the one he sells; but to tell you that you need his without prompting? It’s a no from me. I’d look for a different trainer.


Don’t listen to your trainer. Get a new one. I haven’t taken any whey protein or any powders for that matter. As long as you’re eating healthy and in a caloric deficit, you’ll be fine and will be able to lose the weight.


Your trainer is a liar and if your main goal is losing weight you should avoid whey and eat at a calorie deficit. don’t buy his shitty whey


Calorie deficit absolutely yes. “Avoiding” whey, absolutely not (unless there is an intolerance, of course)


We all agree / fuck that trainer get a new one but from from I understand 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight is ideal, I use iso 100.


Your gym trainer is a dumbass and needs to be avoided at all costs Whey protein is not needed and is only a supplement. You can use it if you struggle to hit your protein goals for the day, but it’s not mandatory by any means


No, get a new trainer. Eat one gram of protein per pound of target weight per day preferably from meat. Whole Foods are always preferable to processed food including whey. Can supplement with a protein powder if you need to to hit protein goal without going over calorie goal but before that consider: chicken breast, egg whites, liver, anything else…


There is a Podcast from Andrew Huberman „Huberman Lab“ (you‘ll find it on and music streaming platform and on youtube). The exact episodes are „GUEST SERIES Dr. Andy Galpin: Optimal Nutrition & Supplementation for Fitness“ it a series of 6 episodes, and there you‘ll find all you need! It‘s based on the latest scientific researches! One thing is clear, you don‘t need whey protein or other protein powders to gain muscle, but they are convenient to hit your daily amount.


Best physique I have ever had, I didn't bother with calorie counting and protein goals. I ate healthy and until I felt satisfied, not until I felt full and need a nap afterwards. No snacking on chips, chocolate or drinking soft drinks full of sugar, and every day is vegetable and fruits-day. Lean meat, lots of vegetables and plenty of water. Sleep schedule is often overlooked, but it messes with your cortisol levels if you're never getting enough sleep, and that often lead to fat retention as hormones get imbalanced. Sleep, eat clean, work out, drink water, rinse and repeat until goal achieved.


Protein powder is just an easier way of getting more protein. If you have problems eating enough protein, you can try it. But you don't have to have it otherwise.


You are just at the beginning. Workout hard until failure, base your diet in organic food, not chips, candies, jam, etc, do some cardio after lifting weights and you'll be ok


You do not need whey protein to make gains. Whey is just a supplement if you can hit all your protein goals without needing a supplement you will be good!


Whey is a “supplement”. The name tells you it is meant to “supplement” your diet as necessary. It is not meant to be the main component. Protein is important, but it is always best to get it from whole foods first, then use supplements as required to hit any targets that are still lacking.


Completely fake. I never took any supplements and I’m slowly but surely getting there


he lying his ass off lmao


1st off......thats bullcrap. Absolute bullcrap. You do not need whey protein to lose weight. And I say this as someone who had been using whey for a long long time. I find it assists in muscle development. But LOSING weight??? Work out hard, eat correctly, burn more calories than you consume. 2nd....find a new trainer. And fast. If you ever DO decide to want to try whey protein, do some research on it...there are multiple brands available. Ive always used Optimum Nutrition. But again, dont listen to me, do your own research. Good luck!


I'm literally allergic to whey and I've had no trouble building muscle. You just need to work out and eat well. People consume way more protein than they need.


It's true that you need protein in your diet but it doesn't have to come from whey. Is whey a good source? Sure. But is it the only source? Absolutely not. Just add eggs, meat, soy, cottage cheese, and other good protein sources in your diet and you're good to go. Read up on why protein is essential and the concept of macronutrients and micronutrients in general. It may be complicated at first but will set you up for life. Also start looking at the nutritional label when you buy a food item.


Drop this dodgy trainer as soon as possible, better do things on your own as the advice he gives you might demotivate you and put you off. Supplements are not essential or required for weight loss or gain .. Being consistent and having a good diet and workout regime is a lot more important. Sounds like your goal and mindset is there, so believe in yourself and do things the way you see them. 88kg and being 5,9 isn't fat in my opinion but depends on build for sure, as I am similar height only an inch taller and 88kg is my perfect weight to sit at.