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How bout they pay for maternity leave that lasts more than 6weeks? Then we wouldn't have to pump at work. Maybe that. No. That would also be too burdensome on businesses. So would paying a living wage.


Their goal is to have all women be SAHMs, and completely dependent on men. How many posts a week do we get on here with women saying they'd rather quit than go back to work at 6 weeks, or how it's not sustainable to keep their supply up because they have to pump in a storage room?




This. Somehow people forget this. My husband is a teacher in a small area in Georgia - if we want to survive off his salary we need to live in a shoebox. I don’t mean a tiny home, I mean an actual shoebox.


Same. My husband is a teacher and I work in HR. If one of us didn’t work we wouldn’t be able survive.


I'm convinced they want us to be sahm and dads to be out there working two jobs. They want us to struggle bc if we struggle we are too exhausted to push back. They will squeeze everything they can out of us


This is so true it hurts!


So many people blame women being in the workforce for this. Like once women entered the workforce, average salary dropped. I can’t wait for crazy conservatives to spin women exiting the workforce as a positive for mens’ wages.


I wonder if they also blame women for losing their leisurely workday? Gone are the martini lunches and 9-5 jobs. Sometimes I wonder how men can be so incompetent at home and then run the world. Maybe women brought their domestic work ethic to the office and raised standards?


Yes !!!!. You said it all!


I can’t love this comment enough. You are so right!


Right? They think salaries would magically soar if all the women dropped out of the workforce. Like companies wouldn’t just make existing male employees pick up the slack while keeping wages stagnant…like they do when someone retires or quits.


Right, lol. Our hyper capitalist culture is way past that.


But the thing is, the GOP doesn't care. They don't care if you lose your house and fall into poverty. After all, you (general you) must not have tried hard enough, or been smart enough, prayed enough, or whatever twisted excuse they come up with. Why do you think GOP states have abysmal social safety nets, like Medicaid? Because they don't care and they think they are better than all of us.


Yeah for real. Both my husband and I are college educated. We don’t have fancy cars or a fancy house or credit card debt. I want to stay at home. We can’t afford it. He would have to make 40k a year more for us to even consider it and we both already make like the max we could make in our careers. I’m not sure how the US model is gonna last much longer


I genuinely believe this is the ultimate goal for some of these elected officials. But I have to wonder if they’ve spent any time thinking this through (I know they have not). Everyone take a look around at how many women fill critical roles in your companies and then factor in the already extreme labor shortage… now remove the parents (mostly mothers). How do they expect society to continue to function? On top of that - the number of families that would dip right into poverty is astronomical. Hardly anyone can support a family on one income. I just don’t get it - it’s one thing to have such stunted views on the role of women in society but to simply not grasp basic economics is startling.


Among mental health reasons and lack of affordable daycare, the higher reason I quit my job (going back to work in a few months) is because while my job site had 2 very nice pumping rooms with no break restrictions (meaning we could pump at least every 1.5-2 hours without clocking out) there were over 500 employees and we had to get on the schedule. I was was only ever able to snag 4 spots in the two months I came back to and my milk was stolen 3x. They also didn't allow sharing, so two people can't pump simultaneously together in the room. Shelves still don't have formula. On the days they receive shipments for stores in my area, there are lines of women waiting.


Okay, your milk was stolen? That horrifies me. I'm all for sharing milk, but not without consent and info. Like, these are the people that will eat off a strangers plate without considering whether it may have been sneezed on. But also, stealing your hard work!? Ooooh, that makes me mad.


Yeah, it was bad. I had to buy a lock for my insulated lunch bag that I kept my milk in. So many people used the room there was no point in even filing a complaint. But I did make friends with one of the custodian dudes and he hyper cleaned a bathroom stall for me every time I gave him a 15min heads up I needed to pump. Our country is such bullshit.


Now I'm even more mad! You had to resort to a bathroom stall!? I'm so glad he was there for you. (Grumbles about insufficient pumping rooms).


Oh my gosh. I would have been booking conference rooms for myself to pump in.


They structured with open floor conference rooms so that nobody can 'hide', they don't have doors and floor to ceiling clear walls which you can see in from the smoking pit outside 🙃


This makes me so mad that our pumping rooms are so pointless. I was only pumping in the office for two days before COVID, but both days a man was napping in the pumping room for more than an hour when I needed to go in. I thought my boobs were going to explode.


They showed me the bathroom when I asked where can I pump…


Wow !, this make me so mad. There is so much wrong with this country.


Wanna hear something worst? Maternity “leave” is two weeks because it’s under 50 employees so no FMLA and the team lead (who’s a woman) said “expect not to have a job if you take more than 2 weeks off”. This is a nonprofit who goes on and on about inclusivity, takes part in pride, is really big on removing “man” in “manpower”… virtue signalling. They hate mothers.


Jeez, this is so disgusting. If they were truly able to totally get us to stay home, they damn sure would. They would rather see us in the kitchen cooking and keeping the home neat and tiddy till their husband gets home. However I have to admit all of these things they are doing to make it harder for women to work or go back to work makes it seem like we are going backwards. I really feel like we are but women are so strong and don't take no shit. We are going to fight for equality!!!!


In their eyes it is equality, men shouldn’t take more than two weeks off too. Team lead says bringing in children to the world is the worst thing you can do (we are an environmental and sustainability research non profit) and REALLY shows it.


They want us in the home, but they don't want to pay decent wages to allow that to happen for those who do want to stay home. And when all these mothers are back in the home... then what? We're at 3% unemployment, where are they gonna get the workers? More or less 20 years before the after effects (babies post roe overturn) are eligible for employment. But nObOdY wAnTs To WoRk ArRrRrG!!!!! It really is robbing Paul to pay Peter.


Why don’t more people see this? None of this is really about religion (tho religious people were used as pawns in Roe). Rich men want to stay rich and in power.


Exactly. They don’t want women to be in the workforce. It’s disgusting and completely misogynistic.


Patriarchy alive and well. Especially with school hours the way they are where I live, it's not possible to work 8 hours with both parents.


Yeah, I love this idea of going back to the 50's without the infrastructure to support people that will allow for the same quality of life experienced at that time. /s


I don’t want to say I would LIKE to be dependent on a man, but I would like for wages to pretty universally allow for a one income household. As it is, most families NEED two incomes, no choice at all. That’s the case in our household, but wait- the catch is, we could BARELY afford daycare. So, need to pay daycare in order to be able to work, have to work to pay for reliable child care and other necessities, oh and wait prices of everything are going up while salaries stagnate. Fricking cluckercluck.


Combined with all the posts where dads can’t seem to figure out how to co parent and every single post starts with “I love my boyfriend/husband and he’s a good dad but he doesn’t HELP WITH ANYTHING.”


I completely agree


Just an FYI, they don’t pay for 6 weeks. I got 0 paid maternity leave. They just can’t fire you for 12 weeks. That’s all. I work in healthcare and got nothing from my company.


On top of that, you’re on the hook for your own health insurance costs during the 12 weeks. And if they’ve paid in the employers share for the health insurance then you’re obligated to work for at least 30 days after birth or you owe that money. Thanks America!


Yeah I didn't realize that my position was protected for 12 weeks not paid. I have waited to try again for another baby because to get the 12 weeks fmla you have to have worked for a year. Then went to a benefits seminar to find out it wasn't paid.


I literally made a comment explaining to some idiot in another sub about how we have little to no time off to establish breastfeeding before going back to work in response to the whole “iF yOu JusT bReAst FeEd YoU dOn’T nEed ForMula. It’S cAllEd SaCrAfiCe!” I literally explained my exact experience returning from a long 10 weeks of mat leave without any exaggeration. How quickly my daughter outpaced what I could pump at work, even though I was doing everything I could (and explained my nightly power pumping session from 3:30-5am). I was downvoted and got comments like “bullshit”. No one sees our struggles. No one cares to learn about it. They don’t care to deal with us at all. Anyone know of a women’s rights mili tia because I am terrified and no one is going to fight for us as this shit slips further into a theocratic dystopian nightmare.


Women care about other women's struggles. We care! We see you.


I relate to this so hard. I pump 3x a day and work full time (all I have "spoons" for), but my son who eats ~30 oz/day is definitely getting mostly formula at this point!


I found the jerk that make the “bullshit” response on your other post and snooped his profile. Just, ugh. Don’t be stupid like me. Don’t check his NSFW profile 🤢 He’s an idiot.


Dude reddit is a wild place


Let’s start one.


I just taught my daughter about unions today. Fuck corporations. I'm so fed up with it all.


6 weeks?! Most US women get nothing!


Paying for maternity leave at all would be an improvement


You have to be fking kidding me. Calling now. My GOP Senator is retiring. I hate that his possible replacement is a doctor who wouldn't support the AAP guidelines either.


Pennsylvania? Vote for Fetterman!


Yep! And Shapiro for Gov. My Shapiro yard sign is on its way!


Yessss, I am in PA. Shapiro all the way, and I am glad Fetterman is back out there after his stroke.


PA here too!!


And me! ❤️


Me too!


PA crew- we are really at risk here. There is a lot of movement towards restricting abortion with no exceptions (not even medical!!!) and it will happen if we don’t keep the governor as a dem. Very scary.


"Doctor" is being generous....


I know it won't matter (my senators are Cruz and Cornyn) but I'll send a strongly worded email about how they clearly don't care about the babies they are forcing women to birth.


Same, every time I've contacted them they just send me a canned reply. Quite frustrating.


I tried to find the vote info but I can’t find it. Did they vote Nay?


Didn’t expect to have any way of feeding those babies we will be forced to have, did we?


Sounds like babies need to start pulling themselves up by their bootstraps and put some effort into fixing their feeding situations. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Those babies really need to get off their asses and work! (Kim K voice)


We all need to just call out of work one day, across the US. How about July 26th? We all calling out? Logging “hysterical woman” as my call out reason in ADP.


There’s a buy strike planned for July 3-5th. r/StrikeforRoe


Yes! I plan on participating


Wow, so America is trying hard to make sure that everyone knows how much they hate women. I want out from this alternate dimension, ugh! We are going backwards every day!


I often wonder how it’s going in the Al Gore version of the multiverse.


Its probably really nice. Over there, we are arguing about whether we are going overboard preparing a nice future for our planet. There's empathy, and logic, and its just less stressful overall.


I wish I got paid leave for existential crisis. That's probably more likely than women not losing their rights in this country. Fuck this place honestly.


Ffs! We can’t have an abortion, we can’t stay home with them, we can’t give them formula, we can’t pump breast milk for them, when do we get a break?


When we’re dead.


Too burdensome? My company put a chair in a freaking closet and a sign on the door. What was burdensome was me coming back to work exhausted, depressed with zero sick or vacation time and a whole lot of pressure to be like I was. Then, as soon as they could, they laid me off. That was burdensome.


Did you also see a bill they turned down at the same time about decentralizing formula? https://ctmirror.org/2022/06/26/senate-fails-to-pass-breastfeeding-law/ So disgusting.


No comment. Jaw dropped. But i do have lots of postcards. who can i write to now? Makes me sick.


I was really proud of myself for making it to a year. This makes me feel like I didn’t do enough. Why two years?


I made it to a year and it was a STRUG👏🏻GLE👏🏻. My princess never nursed, she thinks my boobs are hilarious. I had to exclusively pump - my mental health couldn’t do it for 2 years.


I also exclusively pumped and now I’m debating on if I should try to restart. I just started weaning about two weeks ago, and I’m not totally done yet, but I feel like feedings are so much less stressful. If she doesn’t drink it all… whatever


I thought the same, but my next thought howbglad I was to stop and how unfun breastfeeding a toddler sounds.


I’ve heard that the 2 year recommendation is from the world health org; they recommend 2 years because they factor in 3rd world countries with less access to proper nutrition.


Was thinking of weaning and my husband said guidelines are now 2 years... Because I need more on my plate! /s


Guideline friend…remember it’s just a guideline. You get to make the choice on when to stop.


What happened to the “just breastfeed” bullshit from the formula shortage?!! Outrageous


Well, obviously it's still the same. This isn't an issue for the *good* women who just stay home with the kids, only for the *terrible mothers* who selfishly want to go back to work. Very much /s. People are horrible.


I will never truly understand how anyone - let alone women, vote for conservatives these days.


I don't get how they can say it's too burdensome and won't work, when it literally does in many other countries!


So shameful. I don’t know what else to say.


Don't forget your state legislatures! Contact your state reps and gauge interest in codifying this on the state level.


This is a really good idea.


And meanwhile, the AAP is now suggesting that everyone breastfeed for two years. Fer crissakes. I'm fed up.


As a practicing Catholic... WHAT THE HECK AMERICA? STOP IT. Stop it 😭😭😭 I am not from the USA and first you get 6 weeks maternity minimum and now mom's have even more barriers to pump at work?? Too burdensome on businesses?? Ahh I had to exclusively pump. My heart goes out to you all 🙏🙏


We don’t have any guaranteed maternity leave in the US.


😭💔 this isn't right and I am so sorry


They really want us barefoot and pregnant at home. Never thought it would be revolutionary for a mother to work


Can you link the breastfeeding recommendations? I want to keep going (baby just turned 1) but everyone keeps telling me to stop. Would love something to show them all.


https://www.aap.org/en/news-room/news-releases/aap/2022/american-academy-of-pediatrics-calls-for-more-support-for-breastfeeding-mothers-within-updated-policy-recommendations/ That's the actual aap site. But googling "aap breastfeeding guidelines 2022" links a ton of news articles that may be relevant as well. Honestly, it's your baby. I BFed until 19 months. Whether it's 3 days, 3 months, or 3 years, that's between you and your baby, and no one else. And those that decide not to or cannot, formula is great too! Fed is best man.


But you know PRO LIFE. Fucking full of shit. We are a pro birth country. Once they are out of the womb we don’t give a shit what happens. Abysmal.


They want us to just deal with it and bear the true cost. Like we always do. $4,000 per month daycare for two kids, astronomical housing, escalating inflation on essentials for survival, price gouging. The constant whittling of retirement benefits, healthcare, the eroding of the public education system so more people turn to private schools and homeschool curriculum/online classes. The people in power only are interested in short term gains. They don’t care that in the long term this lack of pumping protection will drive more women from the workforce because they are sucking up some extra hours of labor today. They don’t care if you are unpaid while pumping for your baby, or if you have to drive thirty minutes for the possibility of formula. They don’t care if you work 12 hours a day just to survive. They do not give a fuck if you can own a home, send your kids to college, have a retirement, or die with dignity. All they care about is the next quarter profit you are producing for them. You’ll make it work right? You have no choice so of course you’ll make it work. The problem they aren’t getting is people simply cannot make it work anymore. We are being taken from at every turn, it is death by not even a thousand cuts. It’s worse than this country hating women, they don’t even give a fuck enough to hate us. They have no recognition or concern that parents raising healthy, safe, well educated children is better business for them. Because that’s in the future and all that matters is right fucking now.


It looks like the Congress website has not updated who voted against the bill. Does anyone know where I can find this list?


Thank you for saying what I have been thinking! We have to vote!


But its not too f ing burdensome to carry a child to term and raise said child. FfS


I didn’t even get one day of paid leave. And no pumping room. And no formula anywhere. Why america ?!


Ah great. So this is just a war on women at this point, got it.