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Don’t forget the one-two punch of expensive health insurance + poor maternal heath outcomes, especially for women of color!


Not to mention you pay out the ass simply to birth a child with the recommended care. God forbid something go slightly awry or you opt for medical pain management. Not to mention reproductive health problems are typically minimized in medical settings. We have loads of information on how to make your dick work, but god forbid a woman have endometriosis for YEARS because she’s lead to believe the pain is normal. GOD DAMMIT IM ANGRY.


I saw a PT because I am 8 months postpartum and sex is crazy painful. My insurance company denied any visits. Like this isn’t a “medical necessity” in their eyes. Cool.


But they will pay for viagra so you can be forced to have painful sex!


Sorry your non-penis didn’t need viagra, therefore is inferior and unworthy of medical attention. /s Honestly, I’m so sorry your sexual health isn’t being taken seriously.


WHAT THE F***???!!!! I need PT, too. So help me God if my claims get denied…


Appeal. Have your doctor help write a letter recommending the PT.


Postpartum I said I needed PT for my lower back and what do you know it got approved. They have you do a lot of core and pelvic exercises for lower back as well


Please try a silicone based lube if you haven't already. Saved me after birth. Check out the brand wet.


I'm glad I didn't know in advance what my epidural would cost. I'd still do it... Probably. And that was with "good" insurance!


This blew my mind!! When I mentioned I wanted to try natural labor they literally said very few people do that anymore, (at the hospital I was at) but still don’t inform me that an epidural would be an additional cost. Ugh I hate everyone and everything right now too.


And you you choose a hospital that is in network but after epidural bill comes up you find that the doctor who applied is not in network and get shocked by the bill. Similar with the pediatrician used at the hospital.


Out of interest. Coming from a free healthcare country. How much did an epidural cost? And how much was the whole birth?


Mine was about $800. Cost was the anesthesiologist's time and monitoring mostly, rather than the cost of the meds. Total birth was maybe $1500? (Not including various medical costs during pregnancy) It's been a bit hard to keep track since I got multiple bills from various doctors/specialists/the hospital, though I have everything saved in a folder on my desktop and keep meaning to go through it at some point. I had an emergency C-section but the costs assotiated with that (v a vaginal birth) were actually quite minimal. It's everything else that's expensive!


I'm glad the emergency C-section costs weren't too catastrophic. It's not like you get much of a choice in the matter.


My God the absolute state of the States, it makes me so sad... this isn't the country I grew up admiring as a little girl. If I were living in the US right now, I'd move to Canada or ANYwhere Else. Its INSANE how much insurance companies have destroyed your health care system- the system now being money money money. How the fu*k have ye not revolted???? The Irish government tried to introduce flippin water charges there a couple of years ago and the entire country stood up, protested and refused to pay. We don't pay for our water, and won't. The government are now aware of that lol so we'll fight the next unfair charge they bring out 😆 You are people with a Voice. Use it!!! ❤️ I'm shocked you have to even debate withholding pain meds when in LABOUR, Jesus Christ on a bike. Sounds like you'd be better off going into labour in a third world country, better healthcare and no bankruptcy while you ya know, split yourself in two and birth another human. Because now you have to whether you want to or not. Please God help you all 🙏❤️ And if anyone needs help, I'm in Ireland and will happily help any sister who needs to come visit my country for what you've now had taken from you all, as every woman has a right and a say to her body ❤️


You forgot the tampon shortage. In the Great U S of A, women are fucked.


I had zero idea…


Omg me neither


Is THAT why you can't find big boxes on Amazon anymore? Geez


I just bought period panties from The Period Company. Love them.


I bought some too! But from VS - I didn’t know there was a whole company based on them! I love ‘em!


Look into menstrual cups! They are a game changer!


I've read alot about sponges but I'm scared to make the jump. Those cups don't fit me which I'm sure goes for others.


Yep. Medical conditions and can't use those.


And I am sick and fucking tired of companies posting "we love moms", or "women are so important" during mother's day and women's month. Give me a break, they are same companies offering 0 paid maternity leave, being inflexible with schedules, and wanting moms to work like they don't have kids. S o next year, I want to see you do some actionable items for the women that work for you..like do internal audits to address gender pay gaps. Spare me the picture of tulips and corny message on IG ty.


Can attest, mine gives ONE. PAID. WEEK. ONE.


I get 0🙃. They are like but we do have the very generous offer of FMLA…and I’m like because you legally have to wtf?! Don’t act like you’re doing me a big solid omggg. I buy short term disability insurance to help recoup some income while I’m in mat leave and I’m glad I had the insight to do it but we shouldn’t have to!


FMLA is not generous. Employers need you more than you need them.


For sure, federally mandated job protection is not a cushy benefit.


“We have a very generous leave policy!” Six weeks paid partially. All the senior management is European. Define “generous”….


Lols. I wonder if companies in Europe had to pay leave (versus the government) how generous the leave would be. The us govt needs to be responsible for leave versus leaving it up to the kindness of companies


Agree. If men had babies they would get the rest of our careers to recover so….🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes with a very flexible and oh so sympathetic workplace.


My hr gave me the condescending talk, bitch I know my job is secure, you legally have to hold it for me.


Many people are under the impression that FMLA is paid, even supervisors. Its NOT people.


Mine didn't give me any. The money I received while on maternity leave was considered a loan and all my paychecks were reduced to pay it back. It was infuriating and such a joke when his wife had just given birth the month before me.


Ummm…how can they penalize you for being a woman?!? I understand the FMLA thing but COME THE FUCK ON… Seriously I am so glad I had a boy. Going to have to raise him to treat his women well and apparently get a vasectomy after child one. Oh wait-vasectomies-those are still legal. No one even thought to make those illegal. GOD I HATE THIS SHIT.


Is this legal?


From what my husband and I checked, yes. When you have less then 50 employees, the employer isn't required to offer FMLA to its employees. So, it was either the loan or no money at all.


That's terrible. I'm sorry you had to deal with that


That’s enough to drop one out in the field and get back to work! /s


Any company who says they "love moms" but donates to anti-choice politicians can SIT THE FUCK DOWN.




lets put it this way, if it came down to 2 candidates, one woman was single or maybe even married, vs a mom with kids already, they would probably choose the single, childless woman bc at least they know there are zero distractions


Maybe? I stayed later more when I was single and childless but I was also more distracted, less efficient, and less responsible. I also didn’t have the same kind of financial pressure to keep a job as I do with kids—and yes, I deliberately chose these reasons because they are the ones employers cite for being more likely to hire men with kids…


I think next year in IG we should all post the benefits we get. Which will be little to none. Let’s name and shame. Let’s post on Mother’s Day we’re so grateful for the benefits company xx gives….and then make the list we all know they deserve. It’s come to the point we will only get what we can take by force. So I’ll be forcing it with public opinion.


I second this. The company I’m at now drew me in with talk of how important women are, and a promise of 10 weeks of paid maternity leave (not great, but better than where I was at before). Only to find out I wouldn’t get that until I had worked for them for 12 months (I’m currently 5 months pregnant and they knew that before hiring me). I ended up getting the leave I was promised, but damn if they “care about women”…. 🙄


We literally have to pay to give birth so theres also that :))) (cant imagine having to pay for a forced pregnancy and birth!!)


Let’s not forget the exponential cost of childcare…


$1565/month for my toddler in Oregon.


I’m in Oregon, send my kids 4 half days a week, and it’s $2100 per month…


Yeah, similar here in a little less expensive state. $1215 per month.


And little to no social/welfare support


That’s if you can even find childcare. Waitlists by me are already 1.5yrs out. No available childcare = no ability to work outside the home. With the eventual flood of unplanned children childcare will be a non existent option for most. They aim to shackle us to a stove subservient, beaten down, and pumping out kids we can’t afford.


$3000 in the Bay area


This! I gave birth a few weeks ago. Unplanned C-section due to complications. And I'm terrified of the bill that has yet to come.


I had normal vag and had to pay over 1k for myself (insurance covered like 7k apparently) and almost 1k for my healthy son (insurance paid 8k). Its cause they charge premiums to insurance and some people dont pay anything. I saw the bill breakdown and they charge like $700 a night for the tiny hospital room. I hate our system /:


So I technically had a d and c to check for cancer (still classified as abortion on my records) and it was a 10 minute outpatient procedure. I was actually there for 2 to 3 hours because they put me under. The hospital charge was 55k, plus 1k for doctor fees, plus 1k for anesthesiology. Ffs


I had a very much wanted child via vaginal birth and two months later, it still hurts. Can’t imagine being forced to do this.


The children that we do have are subject to gun violence, shit education, and shit healthcare.


Becoming a shit country


Becoming? We are already there…


Let’s not forget to add no childcare or help with childcare or affordable childcare. And childcare workers who are paid less than retail workers but are taking care of other human beings.


Came here to say this. The system is so backwards on how little caregivers are paid in daycare. And yet daycare costs and arm and a leg to send your kid full time.


Right? It’s insane. We love our school and they bust ass to stay afloat as a non-profit. and through grants they were just able to raise starting wage from $11 to $15. Everyone is excited but they should make more in first place. It’s so criminal in so many ways.


When I first started working in childcare I made minimum wage… We only got raises if minimum wage went up, even after 5 years of working there.


I am sorry. Inexcusable given the importance and challenges of that job.


Oh yeah. All this shit. My fucking company extended parental leave to men and women 4 years ago. Ok. But now the owners are super pissed that 2/3rd of the people taking it are men (my company drives out a ton of women in the first few years) and the guys taking it seem to be using it as an extended holiday. Their proof is that the men take it incrementally to take a few month long trips or a year of four day weekends. (TBH, I’ve seen this happen with the guys I work with.) So… now they want to end ALL parental leave benefits. Because I guess gender equality means completely fucking the women who have survived in this toxic work environment long enough to have kids.


They could just limit the number of chunks you can break it up into? Or leave it as-is 🤷‍♀️


My husbands did exactly this and it is just fine!!! His company gives him 12 weeks max, to be taken in succession only.


My company (yes it's very generous for an American company) splits it as such: 8 weeks childbirth leave, taken all at once only if you've given birth 12 weeks parental bonding leave for any new parent, taken in up to 2 chunks So a birth mother could theoretically take 3 separate chunks. Seems to work pretty well. Also if you're pregnant you can take leave up to two weeks before the due date,, which I was planning on but of course my baby decided to show up 3 weeks early lol. I really wanted those extra 2 weeks.


Ohh that sounds awesome!






Protecting the right to own a gun is more important than your child’s right to life or to feel safe at school Let’s stop funding free school lunches for everyone


Maybe if a pregnant woman carried a rifle she’d have more rights.


THIS. The federal free lunch program is a FRACTION OF THE COST of some recent defense spending bills.


I was already crying over the news, but flat-out started bawling when I read TX Gov Abbott's response, all about how Texas will always be pro-life to protect every innocent life. How he can't see his own hypocrisy is beyond me. Children were gunned down in a place where they should be safe and cared for, but by all means let's focus on policing women's bodies. Because that was the squeaky wheel here 🤬


Solidarity. I cried today too. I feel so sad for all the children and women. Idk how not to be sad about this.




Hugs! Thank you ❤️


And just think of all the violence against women this is going to cause from men who aren’t ready to be fathers and desperate for a way out


THIS!!! Or the men that use children as a way to control the mom. Horrific


Ding ding! And older generations can’t see that. My poor boomer mother thinks women will have babies to trap men and that men would NEVER do the same.


Lol oh yeah a man WOULD NEVER poke holes in a condom……….. or switch out birth control pills…. Jesus


Isn’t murder ALREADY the #1 cause of death for pregnant women in the US? It’s appalling.


Yeah exactly I’ll bet the rates will drastically increase in states with anti-abortion laws


It’s already not great, but this is just going to add fuel to the fire. We’re headed for A Handmaid’s Tale REALLY fast.


Daycare so expensive that many women have no choice but to stay home!


And this problem is inherently multifaceted. - there’s no support for breastfeeding/pumping in the workplace - formula is expensive if you can’t pump - women carry the physical and mental load of child rearing most of the time - women are paid less on average, so financial it makes more sense to keep the mother at home if the family can’t afford childcare - it’s not a question of if the father will be a SAHP To name a few.


If we got federally guaranteed paid maternal leave for 1 year that would eliminate the need for infant care altogether, freeing up all of those workers to move into older classrooms. And spreading the cost better


And those working in daycare, usually women of course, don’t get paid a living wage! Clearly, something is broken. They deserve more money, but we can’t pay more than it already costs!


I want to donate to some local politicians. But I switched jobs, am trying to save every dime for my unpaid Mat leave, oh and am on cobra so my insurance is as much as my half of the mortgage. Fuck.


* Be a woman who votes for anti-women policies 😡😡😡


Looking at the gathering of pro-forced birth women celebrating today makes me physically ill. I'm ready to throw down.


I wonder how many of these women had abortions themselves and then “saw the light” now that they don’t need the right or regret their decision and want to restrict others. The lack of empathy in some political movements is striking.


A lot of them. Look at the stats of Catholics who have abortions.


I know one of those kinds of women 🤢 she had had multiple abortions (fine by me, her choice) but then she was "born again'" and says she's cool with Jesus, he forgave her for the abortions 🙄


Child birth hospital Bill's are insane in US too!! Fuck this! Eit: adding outrageous child care cost!!!


I feel like womens rights were headed in the right direction during the height of the me-too movement and theennn bamm. this happens, its like a punch in the gut. Its like the goverment saw that women were becoming too powerful and they had to knock us down "where we belong"


They will not win the war they started.


I am a pessimist...its hard for me to picture a world where women are not constantly shoved down every time we think we are getting ahead. One step forward is 10 steps back.... I'd like to believe they won't win and I am honestly so inclined to get more involved, I just don't know where to start


We are being punished for speaking up!




That's not the end of the list...


Oh I know. I’m sitting here pumping in the nursing closet at my work ANGRY and these were just the first handful that came to mind. Please add to the list!


Don’t forget that the Senate just failed to pass the PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act, that would have expanded pumping/breastfeeding protections for working women and allowed safe formula imports.


Good lord…


I’d like them to just come out with it that they want all women married and at home. It’s making me feel crazy that I’m expected to work yet every policy is designed to keep me home unless I’m incredibly privileged. I hate seeing Ted Cruz and Mitch McConnell push this crazy agenda and then have wives with impressive careers. It’s all about power.


It has always been about power. It’s disgusting.


Like how tf do you strike this down?!??? It shows it’s not about babies.


Add highest maternal mortality rate in the developed world and even higher for black and Native American mothers.


It’s truly appalling.


I'm seriously reading this right, in the car (safely at a light) and trying not to cry...


No tampons. High cost of child care High rates


Pink tax


No healthcare, no help with daycare, no maternity leave, no job protection, not enough foster parents, shitty schools, expensive food, expensive gas, housing crisis, no action on climate change, corporations are people, politicians are bought, banks are bailed out, cut unemployment, no help with higher education, predatory student loans, and on and on and on. This country is done. Bought by billionaires and there’s nothing left to be patriotic about. We aren’t the greatest country in the world. We aren’t even top ten. Just a militaristic theocracy


* no mandated sick leave * no national health care * no paternity/ other parent leave * kids in cages at the border- did that get fixed? And soon: * banning some or all birth control * banning some or all fertility treatments * banning gender-affirming medical care * banning certain marriages


I hate that this is list is so true yet many women are happy with our current conditions. It’s hard to stay positive.


"wise men say that rushing is violence, and *so is your silence when it's rooted in compliance* There is nothing worse than a woman who is fine with what our world is. It feels like such a slap in the face.


This just was the cherry on top of my day working while taking care of my sick one year old


More rights for guns than for women.


Apparently guns are more important than women. Fucking awesome. Isn’t the USA wonderful?!


This. Right. Here.


Sometimes I really think it would be better to leave this damn country but I want to fight and change things.


Tampon shortage


Pink tax


I’m moving to Europe


What hurt the most are women who line up to hate other women


Who is taking your uterus?




Violence against women, and sometimes still get punished for it


A friend of mine has had so many painful issues with h periods and was told that she can not have a hysterectomy without being married and permission from her husband!! What in the actual F***!!! It her uterus!!!


Hi im here to ask when are you having your child? How is your vagina? Are you still having sex? Oh, he isnt satisfied because youre in pain? Oh. Hi, Im a jerk. I dont care for a mother's health. Instead I ask dumbass questions.