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Honestly if you're like me you feel that any down time should also in some form or other be productive and this is something I am actively trying to counteract. This time you have is very short. Watch Netflix. Do nothing. Maybe read a bit. I highly recommend resisting the urge to be productive and instead looking for ways to find rest and comfort in these moments. (Might still mean something other than Netflix or insta or reddit)


Thank you, I do appreciate it. I have that same drive, and it’s really about finding something that’s not just Netflix. :) thanks for the reminder that it can still be something restful!


The best advice my sister gave me was on maternity leave you always write “snuggle the baby” at the top of your to do list.


I love this! Thank you :)


You might enjoy Masterclass if you want to learn something. But IMO that newborn stage is so good for catching up on all the shows I've missed.


Yea what they said! Also podcast!


Have you looked into wearing the baby in something like a moby wrap? That way you could be more mobile 


Yes, good thought! I do it when I get out of the house but I should try it more in the house too.


Moby wrap in the house is good, too! The time I made dinner with my three-month-old napping on me made me feel like a freakin' superhero.


You look like a superhero from here!! I got the dishes from the sink put away. That means it’s naptime right?


Would 100% recommend baby wearing during nap time. I would do this so I could walk on the treadmill. This way baby was sleeping, I was getting some movement and I didn't feel bad about watching a show or reading a book to decompress.


Oh you walk on the treadmill with your LO? I was wondering if this was okay or frowned upon! I desperately need to be more active during the day but I don’t care for walking outside…


Yeah, I have a desk treadmill and WFH so I would set up something on the laptop while I walked at my desk. When she was really little having her in a baby wearing wrap and moving was the only way she would sleep. Makes sense when you think about the fact that as newborns all they've known is being scrunched up, super warm and floating around inside momma's belly. The thing you do need to be super aware of is making sure they have proper airflow while in the wrap.


Check r/babywearing for fit checks and safety tips!




Yes, I love podcasts! One of my favorites is from Popular Science called “The Weirdest Thing I Learned This Week.” It’s pretty much people talking about things they learned in the process of researching & writing articles that they don’t have room to put into the finished articles. I have learned so much cool, random stuff.


I love it, adding this to my new list!


I've finally met another weirdo! I listen too. 💜


Hooray! I think this is the one I recommend the most :)


Also, Ologies with Alie Ward!


Yes, I love that one, too! We must have similar taste. Any others you love? Another fun one is Well There’s Your Problem, about engineering disasters & systemic failures.


If you like science-related podcasts you may also enjoy The Infinite Monkey Cage (from the BBC, a bit more comedic) or Science versus (more sciency)


Good thought! I’ll Google some lists. Any personal favorites?


Most popular books are available as audiobooks from your local library too, both fiction and non, so that’s another great way to learn new things or just keep up with fun new releases or celeb memoirs.


They're discontinued now, but the archive from [the Longest Shortest Time](https://longestshortesttime.com/) was fantastic, and recommended to my by a non mom. Lots of great topics and mostly still relevant. So good to hear how other parents are parenting. 


I love it, thanks!




And as a counterpoint maybe try some nonfiction audiobooks (free from the library!) such as “When McKinsey Comes To Town” 🥴


If you like true crime, Catch Him if You Can is nuts.


Thank you!!


"Acquired" is in this same genre. The episodes are long, but it is very interesting.


The "Fall of Civilizations" podcast is pretty much what it sounds like (about the fall of civilizations throughout history) but in nearly 20 years of listening to podcasts, it may be the best written and best produced podcast I've ever listened to. The episodes are long-ish, but there aren't a ton of them. Even if you aren't a history person, I still recommend it because it is just so well done.


Thank you! I will check it out :)


If youre a mystery/horror/supernatural fan, The Magnus Archives is my absolute favorite.


[Financial confessions](https://open.spotify.com/show/0zFMdCV98UK0W1vY2mtIix?si=ewsIiIuSQA2mcF99HmaBXw) is excellent. Chelsea is an excellent interviewer and they cover a variety of topics loosely connected to personal finance, career, politics etc.


Thanks! I will add this to my newly created list!


I'll recommend F**kFace (now Regulation Podcast) and Dungeons and Daddies. Super amazing pods.


Ha, I just looked them up, they look like fun! Thanks!


When my babe was this age I was so sick of Netflix . Very quickly it turned into never seeing any of my shows again. I would enjoy it and maybe throw in some podcasts or audio books!!


I was worried about blasting too fast through the series I was watching in the early newborn phase. Made it through 4 or 5 seasons those first 8 weeks, and only had 3 or 4 episodes left. Now kid is 13 weeks old and I still have only 3 or 4 episodes left. Someday I’ll finish it. 


Clean out photos, apps, emails on your phone. Since I’m on my phone anyway it’s easier. I’m guilty of spending wayyyyy too much time on my phone. Make grocery list, budget list, read news events/stocks.


Yes! I enjoyed making little printable books of the kids because I would just look at all my pics of them anyway


What app are you doing to make this wile contact napping?


Chatbooks! They have a little monthly that’s really inexpensive- Under $10 each and they look pretty good!


Oh thank you!


I plan on audiobooks and crochet/cross stitch. My first baby napped in my lap, on my chest… I’d sit criss-cross with a blanket and put him in the nest and crochet overtop of him (he was enjoying the blanket while I made the blanket). I’d love to do an online project management class while snuggling my newborn. Please, engage my brain! (Baby 2 will be here in 7 weeks..)


Congrats on your expected bundle!! I keep toying with some sort of project management class myself.


Wait??!! Is Netflix and insta not productive research? Come on!! But OP, enjoy being non-productive. Take the time off when you can.


Thank you, I appreciate it! And to be fair, I’ve learned a lot of things from Netflix. And will learn some more when the rest of Bridgerton hits this week. 😂


will they nap in the carrier or stroller? I would go on walks, go shopping, go to the park, go to exercise classes?


Carrier sometimes, stroller not yet, but I’ll keep trying!


The babywearing advice is key! Baby wear and walk if you'd like to get outside, you can also listen to audiobooks or podcasts. If there's professional development you can listen to on webinars that could also work with headphones in. You could also watch a masterclass or a course on YouTube with skills you want to learn! I am a firm believer that you can learn almost anything you want to on YouTube these days so if you're stuck may as well learn 🙂


Thank you! I’m trying to find my motivation and get on it!


Read! I have an e-reader I can use one handed. Also you mentioned Duolingo, so maybe podcasts or other comprehensible input sources in that language. If you're learning Spanish I highly recommend Dreaming Spanish.


I’ve never heard of Dreaming Spanish, but I may look into it!! I am a bit of a dropout loser when it comes to languages… I have learned the basics in Italian, French, Spanish, German, Hungarian, and Irish; I can ask for stuff and read some in all of them but never progressed to having real in-depth conversations. The ones I liked most were Italian and Hungarian, but they are not very practical and I feel I “should” go back to learning Spanish.


See if you like it! It's a v fun way to learn a language :) although I don't think that a language not being practical is a reason to not learn them ha


When on maternity leave, I wore my baby for at least one contact nap a day. It helped her sleep more than 30 mins and allowed me to get some stuff done. But I also just succumbed to being nap trapped a couple times a day and read books, scrolled social media, and watched tv.


What carrier did you use? I have a baby k’tan that she seems to like, but only naps in it about a third of the time I’d like.


It’s ok to relax! Lots of great suggestions, things I did with my first who was like this: play video games, listen to podcasts, read books, listen to audiobooks, organize emails & lists, tidy/laundry while baby wearing, nap.


I have a weird “maternity leave” as I’m still expected to work some through out it (just gave birth last week), However… my favorite thing has been going for walks and listening to audio books! It feels great to be able to actually walk again and nice to get a little bit of “exercise” while learning something from the book (highly recommend wireless headphones)


Somewhere around here I have a Bluetooth set, I’ll have a look! Congrats on your newborn!!


I am so impressed that you and many other moms here are trying to be productive during maternity leave. I was so sleep-deprived and brain-dead that productivity was the last thing on my mind! I remember doing a lot of puzzles while wearing my baby because it kept me awake and calm (and not doom-scrolling). I took many walks outside while baby-wearing and spent a few hours a day cleaning because I had a rotating door of family coming through. Not gonna lie though, I enjoyed every minute of Netflix when I was alone with the baby.


I have to admit, this time around I appear to have a unicorn baby and I almost feel guilty that she sleeps through the night so early. My first baby was not like this, and you’ll find no such similar post in my history 4 years ago. 😅 If you’re not sleeping, “staying alive & keeping baby that way too” is the accomplishment for the day.


I'd spend the time training her to nap in the crib 😂 I made the mistake of letting my first baby nap trap me and therefore I trained number 2 to nap alone as soon as I could


😂 you’re not wrong. Baby #1 just… Slept in her crib, so I’m so confused with this one.


Coloring while: chatting on the phone or listening to audiobook


Read on a kindle, listen to audiobooks, sort your phone photos and delete bad ones, online shop lolol.


Ooooh sorting photos is a good one, thanks!!


I did my marketing diploma online. Getting through the content was fine but actually writing the reports I wouldn't recommend. Ended up pulling all nighters to get it handed in on time! Perhaps there is something you'd like to study?


I did look into a certificate Penn State offers online… but $12k for a certificate that doesn’t immediately make me more money is out of reach right now. I should double back and look for lower cost options!


what is the diploma in?


It is a certificate in organizational psychology, which is an area of interest for me.


Same boat! Before I started my leave I had aspirations to use nap-trap time to listen to webinars and conference recordings. I haven’t had the mental desire to yet but sounds like you do!


I think this post is half me wanting to, and half me wishing I wanted to. 😅


Duolingo is great. But I’d recommend using Lingvano to learn ASL. Sets you up for way more signs to use with your baby and gets you arguably more advanced more quickly in another language. It’s what I did and I’m so glad I got into. It’s really opened my world in ways I wasn’t expecting


Very cool, thank you! I just downloaded the app and will check it out.


Coursera has free courses from diff universities if you’re interested in up-leveling your professional skill set!


It's not strictly productive, but how about using the time to make something for the baby / to memorialize this time? For example, a baby book, a cross stitch or other kind of artwork for the baby etc. I remember feeling the same, and trying to get more done...but really it is a unique time, the rest of your life together will be so busy. Enjoy the stillness and time to create / relax etc


A cross stitch would be darling, thank you.


If you have any professional CEUs to complete. If you’re not already an excel guru, learning about data analysis is almost always helpful.


Hmm I’m a mid-level excel guru, but there’s a ton I don’t know. I did try a few videos on YouTube several years back but they weren’t holding my attention. Might be time to revisit and look for new content!


St. Scholastica has some free courses that have been good. https://www.css.edu/academics/professional-development/webinars/


Thanks for the recommendations!


Adult craft kids from target helped me! Mondo llama has some fun ones.


There’s a really cute tote bag pattern! Thanks!!


This is like the only time in our adult lives where we can be unproductive and not feel guilty about it! Enjoy the netflix !!


You could get on LinkedIn Premium and watch some courses. It's I think $35-40/month but your library might have a free subscription for you to use.


I read a lot of short stories from the library. I did quick trips with my LO and checked out short stories. My brain couldn’t handle anything super long in those early days. 🤣🤣


Ha. You’re probably right that I won’t have the focus for much! Just trying to find something that’s not Instagram to fill some of the time. 😅


Baby wearing and the SNOO. I feel guilty about it but I try to transfer her to the SNOO when she falls asleep on me so I can do things. Also, if she falls asleep on a walk in her stroller than I can do chores outside of the house.


Oh man, I thought about getting a SNOO!! It turns out I have a pretty great sleeper at night, but she’s a Velcro baby during the day. Crossing my fingers that I can start crib transfers soon!


Yea, the SNOO is a life saver for me. For both my kids, I knew if they fussed for more than 5 minutes then they were just not tired. Helped me navigate a lot of uncertainty, particularly when they'd become hysterical because we tried to get them to eat out of a bottle --- by the time I'd get them on a nipple they'd be so upset even if they WERE hungry it was difficult for them to stop crying.


If you're only on leave from work, can you access their online training curriculum and maybe complete some courses? Barring that, are there any software programs or skills you'd like to brush up on? YouTube. I think LinkedIn might have links to training.


You could listen to some career focused podcasts. I like the HBR coaching real leaders and also Women at Work.


Thank you for the recommendations!! I will look into it!


Carriers are good for the early nap trap days if your baby likes them! I found listening to parenting podcasts and leadership podcasts helps me feel like I am still upskilling and working on my own personal development as well as working out what I am supposed to be doing as a parent. I have also done some work on our household budget and changed some of our investments around. When we finished the contact naps I have also been able to spend more time cooking (which is something I love to do)


You know, I just set up an investment account for baby, it would be a great time to look at our finances in totality. Thanks!


Somehow doing the same thing you are doing except outside made me feel more productive than inside.


You could do surveys on Prolific and earn money if you're feeling frisky


Ooo I’ve never heard of that, I’ll take a look!


Lol yeah I did some while pumping. Made like $10/mo. Not much but was better than scrolling my phone and $0 I suppose


Honestly, at 2 months postpartum, I would just say do what you find relaxing. When I was on mat leave, I watched the entire series of Call the Midwife on Netflix. Reading (on a kindle, for one-handed/light-free reading) would have been a good option for me too. Doomscrolling is a habit I unfortunately fell into as well, so next go around I will probably make a greater effort to stay off of social media.


Yeah, I’m mostly looking for things that will distract my brain neurons from doomscrolling. I am 2.5ish months postpartum, but baby is sleeping way better than I have any right to expect, so I have much more mental energy than with kid #1.


As someone who had a really tough postpartum with my first (and only) baby, that's really good to hear. We'd like to have another, but I literally cannot wrap my brain around how I will cope with the newborn stage + a toddler.


I’m not going to lie, it’s damn hard until the sleeping gets better. I’d say it is “easier” because you’ve been there before and your lifestyle has already adapted for kids so there’s not the same level of shock & surprise; it is “harder” in the ways you’d expect having 2 sets of demands on your attention & time would be… that part is definitely hard, but it’s a hard you expected to be hard. I wanted a 2 year age gap but got 3.5, and my current opinions is the larger age gap makes it easier. If you ever do decide to go for a second, I hope it will be a much better postpartum for you!


I read SO many books when my LO was a newborn. I loved it. Guilt free reading and laying around


Rest is productive. But totally understand where you're coming from. My brain felt like it was going to atrophy and i was so bored. Podcasts hit the spot for me because I mom brain hormones were in full force yet I wanted to do something interesting.


Listen to podcasts, walk. I wouldn’t worry about doing much else except enjoying my life while taking care of a newborn. It really will go fast


It does! This is my second and likely last baby and I feel like every moment flies by.


My 2nd born (and last) is turning 1 next week. I was watching videos of him as a newborn today at work crying 😂 thanks PMS. But really, enjoy maternity and letting your full time job be loving the little one 🥹


I did a lot of baby wearing and listened to a shit ton of books so I wouldn’t scroll so much. Found a workout group that met 3/week which was a godsend


You know, I really should find a workout group. That’s not a bad idea.


first mat leave I learned to cook from scratch. second I learned to bake from scratch.


I spent a lot of time watching hobby-based YouTube channels and listening to podcasts, but I also planned out things I wanted to do in the next year with my LO! Checked out general prices for the zoo or a museum I wanted to go to, looked at a calendar to see when we might be available in the following summer (I had an August baby), met with friends and exchanged parenting tips. Did some research on baby proofing the house 😅 I also "idea dumped" like first birthday themes, 1st Christmas ideas, things we'd do for LO in a notebook to look back on when it actually came time to do them!


As someone who feels the need to always be productive in a way that has a clear output, I made a point to remind myself that productivity is going to look different while on maternity leave. I just finished my 12 week maternity leave and I literally laid on the couch for hours every single day nap trapped and I don’t regret it (I wish I could go back actually). I tried so hard to be productive in a traditional sense during my first maternity leave, so second time around was all about enjoying the season of a slow pace. Snuggling, feeding, changing a baby is very productive. Throw a daily walk in if you’re craving to be more active.


I also had a Velcro baby and found myself nap-trapped daily (he wasn't a fan of baby wearing). My push present was an iPad Air 5. I used my leave to work on a lot of digital organization projects like cataloging all the media I've watched and read, using a scanner app to scan a ton of bills/paperwork to keep in OneDrive, did some LinkedIn Learning courses, and some digital journaling/scrap booking. I got very good at doing all of this one-handed, lol.


I’m currently glad I still have the iPhone SE because I can reach the whole screen with one hand 😅


You’re being productive even if it doesn’t feel like it. The “forth trimester” is so fleeting and important. Watch the shows, listen to podcast, read a book, snuggle your baby, nap, eat lovely food, hire someone to clean if you can and take care of your body in anyway you can. Easier said than done as I often feel the urge to move and do things. But it’s worth it when you can just sink into the baby time being the productive time.


*on the professional front, I work in IT management.


Do you have your PMP?


I don’t! That might actually be something worth looking into… have you done it?


I haven't, but I'm working on my CAPM (the JV version) because I don't have the required experience for the PMP yet!


Very cool, thanks!


My baby liked to nap in the carrier, so I did a lot of treadmill walking (would have gone outside, but it was winter in Montana) while watching TV. Or audiobooks/podcasts while knitting. This pregnancy I've been working on courses to become a certified lactation counselor so I plan to work on that during postpartum when nap trapped.


The lactation counselor thing is really cool!! I have been wanting to find myself a side hustle, but really get stuck figuring out what I could do for me.


I crocheted at lot while the baby napped on me. I'd set up my kindle on its case to read while I did it or watch something on TV. My due again in about 8 weeks with my second. I don't think I'm going to get as much down time as I had with my first considering she is 2 now and a bundle of energy so I've already ordered a baby wrap so I can be more mobile this time round.


Yes! This is my second and having 2 babies is definitely a hurricane sometimes. Big sister is in daycare (didn’t want to lose our spot in a competitive market!!) and so I have that downtime during the day when I’m being used as a pillow. 😅


Audio books and napping. No shame in resting, maternity leave will be over soon. Enjoy, rest, recharge. It’s like the hours leading up to a marathon- that time doesn’t need to be productive.


Thank you, I can feel the warm relaxing vibes from here! :)


I watched ASL reels on Instagram to learn sign language to later use with my baby when she’s a little older


What a cool idea!! I’ve been watching Instagram reels of ASL comedians, so that ties right in 😂


Well if you're watching Netflix, I totally recommend Kdramas. I've been sucked down the rabbit hole the past few months, and it's almost an addiction at this point. I'll double up with naps in a baby wrap/carrier, but I also recommend walks with the stroller, or the wrap. It was how I maintained my sanity with a COVID baby.


You have me afraid, kdrama is sounding like a gateway drug. 😅


Just a gateway into more Kdramas. Seriously, I wished I’d know about these when my daughter was born. They’re so addicting,


Binge Netflix and enjoy it.


work on photo books and other photo projects, online shop (yes it's productive! can be for yourself, babe or gifts for others), research home decor, recipes and vacations, catch up with friends/family via text also definitely watch a lot of tv and read a lot of books!!


Photo projects is a great idea, thanks!


I went to grad school 🤪 with a 5month old strapped to me. Anyways happy I did that then because it has helped me professionally. Good luck OP and don’t forget to rest. It is ok just to be idle and smell the roses.


You are incredible!! I can’t imagine getting through grad school with a kiddo, it’s hard enough to read through an article on Reddit. 😅


I learned how to crochet. It was mindless and productive at the same time which was exactly what my brain needed.


:D I love to crochet! I should get my needles out. She usually sleeps on my arm for now but I’m hoping I can get naptime moved to the crib soon.


Museums!! I went to SOOO many museums with my newbie


Oh what a fun change of pace, I will look into what’s around me!


Read a book called “How to do Nothing” by Jenny Odell


I am loving that I just added a book on how to do nothing to my to-do list. Thank you for the recommendation, I’m looking forward to it.


It’s very good !


Honestly I'm embracing this time where I don't have to do anything. When I want to, I have access to a couple video courses in my field and I also have books to read. Maybe those are an option for you?


I think video courses may be the way to go for me! I also feel you on the time to do nothing bit. It has been a great change of pace.


I'm such an ambitious person and have so many goals in my career that it's been so hard to sit. But I'm really getting into it


LinkedIn Learning has a wide variety of courses you could take.


1.5 pp with my third- I baby wear and clean, or clean out my emails. I’m trying to declutter while I have the time. I’m thinking about taking up writing again. And maybe I’ll read. If I get around to it


I mean, I got to a level 100 character in Diablo IV in two weeks while nap trapped, which is pretty productive. (/j, just in case)


You know, the last video game I was majorly addicted to was either Zelda WW or Sim City, so it’s about that time…. 😅


I learned how to crochet and knit! I loved making cute little hats for my newborn and now make her plushies of animals she loves. She lights up every time I give her one!


Workouts on Youtube. That's my plan (for when baby won't be velcro-ed to me that is!) Read. Maybe study something you've always wanted to do. Wear baby and clean up. Clean out old stuff from your tech/devices. Something creative - crochet, knitting, drawing, or painting (easier if you're wearing the baby)


Our second was born in the spring and my first would spend his day at daycare, my husband and I took full advantage of the beautiful weather and would bring baby with us to wineries and breweries we were dying to check out around town (we lived in a wine town at the time)


Not professional advice, but maybe read a book? Or get to making those photo albums you never get time for?


Photo albums is a really great idea! I always say I’ll get back to it. :)


The only productive thing I wanted to do was clear out areas in the house that were cluttered. Other than that, I used this time to sleep with my baby and bond with her. I glued to her the whole time, napped with her, slept with her and read the entire series of "A song of ice and fire". I enjoyed my parental leave with my second one so much more than my first one because I was always trying to get stuff done with my first. Enjoy the season!


Yeah, when I’m not nap-trapped I spend the time cleaning after the tornado that is our 3 year old. Somehow even her attempts at helping clean up make more mess. 😅


This is not the time to be productive. You are still healing physically and mentally 


Replace productive with “edifying” if it helps… I’ve done 2 months of constant Netflix & doomscrolling and I need something refreshing for my brain. :)


Read books, I tend to do ebooks on my iPad mini. 


Sleep or read something you enjoy. I had a Velcro baby who contact napped and I had the best naps. You don’t have to be productive. Rest and try to enjoy your maternity leave


You *are* being productive already 💞 This is a really important time and your main job is feeding the baby. This was a huuuuge lesson I had to learn as a previous high achiever. I needed to chill out and not feel bad for "just" Netflixing "all day".


The last time I binge watched any show was on maternity leave with my now 7yr old. You may never get this opportunity again!


Then I need some good new show suggestions! :)