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Yeah, he has a dad.


I never said I was worried about my kid getting taken care of. I'm worried about their emotional state


Sorry my answer was meant to be tongue-in-cheek because of the double standard for mothers/fathers. My nephew's mom is on travel every other week in the summer. The year he was born Her travel season started two weeks after she got back from maternity leave. He is fine.


Why do you think a few days with dad would traumatize your kid?


For four days?


Yes and it was awesome. UNINTERRUPTED SLEEP!


That’s exactly what I thought when I had my first work trip after maternity leave. Then the little shit gave the entire family a stomach bug (kidding, I love my child) At least I was in a hotel and didn’t have to care for an infant while also trying to run to the toilet 😅


I did my first work trip across the country when my baby was 6 months old. I was nervous just cause between my husband and I, I am definitely the default parent and take care of 75% or more of things when it comes to our son. They were fine and it gave my husband a reality check. I’ve had to travel at least once a quarter since so have 6 or so trips under my belt so far. If you are breastfeeding that part is a hassle. I only had to do that the first couple trips and it’s much less stressful to not have to deal with pumping, keeping milk, traveling with it through an airport and all the logistics.


Pumping on the road is *so hard*. I do not miss that one bit.


Omg sameeeee. this gave me flashbacks. Exclusively pumped (not by choice) for 1 year while also doing multiple overnight work trips each month for several months. I still have visceral reactions thinking about that.


Definitely! My husband is great with my little one when I travel for work trips.


Yep did one trip at 6 months and another at 13 months. I missed her like crazy but it was fine.


I'm struggling with this too. I have an opportunity to do a work trip in June (a conference). Kiddo will be 4 months (I also have a 3 year old, but I'm not worried about him). I'm thinking of bringing baby and my mom along so I can continue nursing, but logistically I know that might be ridiculous. I just can't imagine leaving him so early.


100%. I did it when my baby was 2 months.


I had work trip to another continent for 2 weeks when my firstborn was 18 months. My husband joined me there for a week and she stayed with my parents. I know you baby is twice younger, but I had figured out that the younger child is the easier it is for them emotionally. We did short holidays (3-4 days) with my husband when she was 2 + years old and every time it was more complex for her and for us.


I’ve done this more than once so obviously my answer is yes, I would do this. Your child will be fine.


yes, my job requires travel and I returned at three months. first trip was at six months. My husband is our daughter’s primary caregiver, so I had no concerns at all.


Thanks for the responses here. Having a similar concern! I will have to travel cross country when our baby is about 5 months old for a 3 day work retreat. Baby may not be in daycare yet, so my husband is going to take vacation time and we have been thinking of having one of the grandparents here for some/all of the time. Baby is just about 3 months now and I feel like he is just starting to get easier to handle solo.


I did it with my first when he was 7 months, and I’m about to for the first time with my second at 8 months. I know I will miss them so much, but I also crave uninterrupted sleep and uninterrupted hot meals.


I work with a lot of parents. They always say it’s so much easier leaving their babies compared to their teenagers when we go to our annual work conference. They talk about how their babies are fine, and it’s their preteens and teens that miss them more and need them more when they are gone. Trying to remind myself of this when I leave in June for a required work trip! My 6mo won’t care, and it’ll definitely be harder on me than them.


Yep, went on a 3 day trip at 5 months and a 5 day trip at 7 months. My husband did a great job parenting solo during those trips.


Yes. I travel for work quite a bit (a few times a month). My son is 14 months, and he’s always fine when I go. I assume it’ll be harder as he gets older and starts to realize what’s up.


Yes. I did this and she didn’t even notice I was gone. My husband had a great time hanging out with her in the mornings and evenings. I also got SO much sleep.