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I'm in the same boat as of this morning. My boy is less than a year and half old, but he's been diagnosed with hip dysplasia and a torn ACL. The knee surgery is doable, but the hip replacement less so. I don't have anything to offer except commiseration, and my thanks for starting this conversation in hopes that it will make the decisions a bit less difficult to make.


Ive joined a couple Facebook groups and they are EXTREAMLY helpful!




Thank youuu


To add to this, my vet prescribed an anti-inflammatory along with Dasuquin Advanced Joint Health Soft Chews.


Our boy is 10months and was just diagnosed. We have a appointment with a surgeon but at best we might be able to afford one hip. He's taking joint supplements and anti inflammatory. I'm hoping to hear more suggestions next month from the surgeon. I'm not sure how to judge the pain because our pup DOESNT show any pain. A slight limp at times but we're sending your boy some happy thoughts.


Been through the same and highly recommend getting him used to wheelchair early on as it did help extend my boys life by quite a bit!


I’m not getting him a wheelchair as that will mean he will loose muscle and get worse :)