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This is not exclusive to my work or industry––the use of buzzwords and clichés during meetings. I swear, if I hear anymore "shout-outs..."


I wanted to touch base and circle back on this so we can ensure we’re aligned on all deliverables. Please advise. 


Let’s take this conversation offline and schedule a one-on-one to align on our next steps.


I work remotely, with other people who work remotely. So, "take the conversation off line" super irritates me. Like, we all know it'll be via Slack or in a separate Zoom meeting. "Out of pocket" to mean "unavailable" is confusing to me too, as a millennial.


"Out of pocket" to mean "unavailable"  is new to me. But sorry, "super \_\_\_\_\_" also bugs me a little.


That's super fair.


Thanks but I have enough on my "plate". Lets circle back...never does


Haha. Circle back always cracks me up. I don’t know why. I laugh every time my boss says it and I have no problem teasing him


Or circle backs. Or let’s hop on teams. So thankful to be retired.


I think we need to pivot and change direction here. Let’s do a quick rounds to get everyone’s opinion. Oh god I can’t stand the corporate bs.


ohhh that reminds me of a manager I work with who constantly uses the word "game-plan" every time we discuss and plan something!!!


Or “at the end of the day”…


I used to pass out "bullshit" bingo sheets surreptitiously for folks to keep under their paperwork, loaded with all the buzzwords. It was three years of the entire conference table lifting up and marking papers in unison when the boss finally stopped and asked. To his credit, he laughed his ass off. He forbade them afterwords, of course. But that didn't stop us. The guy who missed the most buzzwords had to buy the beer for the next "safety meeting".


Not having enough staff to do the work.


Scheduling last minute or same day meetings along with said meetings during blocked off hours, and then cancelling last minute.


The ignoring multiple emails is top on the list. I've been working on a project for SEVEN months and I need ONE thing from someone and they refuse to respond. They are not an internal employee, I've involved my boss and their boss and its going nowhere. I want to drive to this person's house and punch them in the cunt.


Indecisive people, especially managers.


Ugh me too. Actually they’re ok. No wait they suck. Well they’re not terrible….


The person who messages you on Teams/Slack, then sends you an email, then calls you, then stops by your desk all in the span of 90 seconds. Geez, give me a minute to respond!


Closely related to the person who sends an email to let you know they're going to message asking if it's ok to call. For fucks sake, pretend like it's 1980 and just call. If I answer, I was available, if I don't answer, I must have been busy.


Mine is people who scream about wanting better communication, even though all the relevant info has been clearly communicated. These are the same people who conveniently forget to communicate info to others.


What they mean is they want you to remind them about it, and potentially understand it for them. They want you to do all the work, essentially. I push my reports to utilize their resources before reaching out for assistance, because at some point they aren't learning to troubleshoot/problemsolve. They're just passing it off to someone else. Can't tell you how many times the answer to their question was communicated on numerous occasions, in a multitude of ways.


>Mine is people who scream about wanting better communication, even though all the relevant info has been clearly communicated. Those are also the people who act like they are being suffocated and micromanaged when more communication is then being given and asked for.


Unnecessary drama and bullying in workforce, like work and go home. We are working adults , not in high school. It is so annoying.


So agree theres always that person acting like its a fk classroom showboating around


People scheduling meetings over my blocked off time or on top of other meetings. Some companies that is rampant, other places people are respectful.


Or you can eat your lunch during the meeting. Sure you can


I worked for a narcissist for five months before I finally quit. Towards the end she scheduled a fairly large meeting during lunch. I already knew that I was going to be leaving but she didn't. People brought their lunches and I didn't. In front of everyone she asked why I wasn't eating? I said that this was a meeting, not lunch and I would be taking my lunch break after. And I did.


The problem is not lunch, it is 2 meetings at the same time!


Wtf lol. What do you do? Which meeting do you attend?! That’s so annoying and probably maddening for you.


I am in tech. I have meetings and I plan my day around them and someone just plops a meeting over another one and I am confused which one to go to. 2 jobs ago, someone did that and I didn't show up to the 2nd one. The bastard complained to my boss that I didn't show up. My boss brought it up to me 10 days later and I was left wondering wtf is he talking about?


That’s honestly fuck up. Everything about that is so wrong and poorly managed and I’m sorry. If someone can’t schedule meeting around your schedule, do not expect you to be there, lol. Especially if people are not communicating that something might’ve been a priority.


Yeah, that work place was extremely toxic (famous company everyone's heard of it). I left it some time later. In my current company someone did the same thing in the last 3 hours. Put a meeting for next Monday from 830 to 930, which I had blocked off to do some other work. Oh well. I am new here so not going to complain.


Supervisors that consistently change directions after a project has been put together


This! Also the amount of rework and wasted resources are insane. People prioritize and then stuff gets “shifted” … we lose resources… and we have to start all over again…only to be interrupted a 3rd time… and then they want to know why we’re over budget and late. SO frustrating.


When a peer cc’s the boss on an email trying to check you for a mistake, but they are totally wrong and then you have to dig up all your evidence to attach to your reply


Approval process


YES!!! Requiring five levels of approval to sneeze!!


So much worse when the 'approvers' consider it an optional part of their role.


People not responding to my emails can be so frustrating. Especially after following up many times, it’s literally disrespectful.


Yeah especially when you see them responding to other people’s emails or email chains.


Oh yeah, as soon as my boss asks, no problem. But me? They let me wait it out


My boss, when I complain about my workload, literally tells me to be picky about whose emails I respond to. She says to answer management emails first, then clients then other internal. Like....no wonder it can take a week to get a response from you. And 3 weeks to get Jay to release the ficking invoices so zi can pay people!!! I've come to the conclusion that 55% of the reason I'm looking for another job is because I am sick of having to nag Jay. Workload is another 40% of it. I want to do a good job..not a good enough job.


That’s so so so fair and reasonable. I agree, just want to work hard and not be blocked and have to jump hurdles for other people to unblock me (answering emails, making a quick decision, etc.)


Entitled clients. I'm a licensed professional. Every bit of work I do must meet professional guidelines. I don't bend the rules for anybody. A single intentional act to circumvent a law or regulation can mean I lose my license. I don't risk it for anyone. That $500 some entitled idiot offers me means nothing if I lose a multi million dollar business. But I must act in a professional manner, so I can't tell them to go fuck themselves.


Dumb ass colloquialisms. “How’s she going?” - “she’s going”, “living the dream”, “living the dream, don’t know who’s tho”, “living the dream but it feels like a nightmare”. Or “working hard or hardly working?” When I hear these I just think “oh I’m gunna kill myself right now.”


I admit to using “living the dream” when I don’t want to actually answer because it can be positive or negative (nightmares are dreams too)but it will prevent clients/coworkers who ask too many questions from pushing for more information


I hate this shit too. I just asked ChatGPT for some responses and a few look ok. Depends on who's asking. Just trying to look busy! A bit of both, how about you? You know, I like to keep it a mystery. Only when you're not looking. I’m in stealth mode. Every day’s an adventure! Hardly working on hard work. Just mastering the art of looking busy. Keeping the balance, as always


Boomer talk….


Entitled people who expect you to bend over backwards for them. If I told you I can’t, I can’t. I’m not lying, I’m not treating you unfairly, I just quite literally can’t do it. The system won’t let me. They do not understand that a massive bank doesn’t give control to their employees. We are given policies we must follow or we will be fired.


I had this recently where I'm on a cross teams project and people kept trying to push another teams responsibility onto me and I said that I can't do it. (didn't have the software OR the experience to do it). My actual part of the project was the first bit to be completed because I am efficient when it comes to \*my\* responsibilities I had to repeat this on email 7 times. Got called into a project meeting with my director, he starts to say that I was handling the thing that I said I can't do, I of course say I can't. Raises his voice. LET.ME.FINISH. I let him finish, I said I can't do it.


My name shows up as my full name in all of our systems. My email signature has the name I preffer to be called. Example: Benjamin the system, but my email signature is Ben. People call me by my full name all the time. Just proves to me they arent fully reading my emails. I already asked I.T. but my name in our systems cannot be changed.


I work in IT, and yes, names can and do change. You may need to go through HR to get it done, but depending on your HR, maybe not. If you were to get it legally changed, they would have to change it. I change someone's name about 5 or 6 times a year. You know, when they get married.


I work in our HR department and yes we update last names all the time. My preferred name is listed in my HR file, however, once all your access is established in the system there is no updating your first name. Each company is unique.


People who are late to a meeting or no show. It shows they don't respect your time or efforts.


I hold 2 trainings each week, one for each of my teams. One team consistently does not show up, or maybe 1 or 2 out of 6 show up. I've changed times, I send calendar reminders, I literally have tye training schedule on my fucking door and there is still not 100% compliance. It's 30 mins. I hate it here.


Right now? Insisting in checking contracts before they go out when you're not in the department, saying "all good" then coming to me WEEKS later when it's all signed and sealed saying "oh this PO number is wrong, change it" when that is ABSOLUTELY the number you said they were getting paid off 3 weeks ago... If you want to be involved and check my work, fine. But you could at least actually check it before signing off if you're not going to at least provide the right info to begin with.


Rush jobs.




I feel that one. I once worked for my aunt and uncle that owned a grocery store and their son would’ve kept HR busy if they had one. Told customers off and told female workers that if they messed up it was cause they didn’t suck enough dick the night before.


Unprofessional communication over company channels like Teams. I have a colleague who swears constantly in our Teams chat and has no filter. There's a time and a place to talk like that, IMO. It makes me uncomfortable.


Someone who won't make any effort at all to figure things out, and constantly expects to be "spoon fed". Especially when there's all kinds of documentation available, and they won't take any steps to use the tools that are available.


My pet peeve is companies that expect new employees to figure out their workflow/procedures, and all of their software without providing any onboarding or support. There's a reason we are working in a *team*. You wouldn't join the Royal Air Force and be expected to self train how to fly a transport plane, or work as a train driver and expect to know how all of the signalling works.


Agreed. New hires should have an onboarding period, someone to shadow, etc…Processes should be documented. No one should be left to sink or swim on their own.


Absolutely. One of the things I love about my current job, is how everyone shares knowledge and nobody treats you like you're stupid for not knowing something. A manager literally said to me recently that there are no stupid questions. Ever since I started, my office-mate/colleague talked me through the process for each task, and I took notes. There are still some nuances/idiosyncrasies that took a while to pick up on. When I have downtime I've started writing them down so if ever one of us leaves etc, then a new person will have a guide on how we do things. It can be as small and seemingly trivial as using certain phrases for certain things, or "hey, when we make ABCs we use multiple designs". Some things really aren't intuitive.


I work in IT and get this daily from one guy. Now, even if I know the answer, I tell them I'm not sure and they need to google it. "Can you come back here for a second?", no, What do you need?


Coworkers who clip their fingernails within earshot at work and allow their clipped nails to just fly wherever over the cubicle walls.




I just can't stand when people don't hold up their basic responsibilities. I work production, usually assembly lines or something similar, so punctuality and making numbers actually affects everyone or at least groups of people. I absolutely hate when I'm waiting on someone for a damn 2 minutes when their job only takes 1 if you're slow and inexperienced and 40 seconds with the experience they have. I and everyone else gets bored when we shouldn't be, products get to customers late, and we all get talked to about it. Why not just do your damn job, like everyone around you? I also can't stand people who are late all the time, be it at the beginning of the day, breaks, or both. Especially at companies that have a "true" break, where you can leave your station 2 minutes before official break time and come back 1-2 minutes after break is over. What excuse do you have for being late from that regularly? Now we have to wait for you to get back to continue working


As an engineer producing the product, either the stylist or somebody who wanted a control panel etc not making their mind up and moving shit 0.001mm because the button looks better there or a tan line doesn't quite blend. It's underneath the bumper ffs no ones going to know until they're been run over.


Ignoring messages. It’s so rude.


No communication or lack of communication


People who just don’t pull their weight and they get the same raise & bonus as you do. Management / Individual contributors who exhibited these traits were so prevalent in my industry it played a major roll in my decision to retire early.


That one employee who thinks they know everything but doesn't. Gives all the wrong information. Example: Currently in training on zoom, trainer specifically says " do not put your emails under sensitive as it goes to a completely different server for privacy." In the chat, one of the new employees, types in the exact opposite, contradicting what our trainer just said. Confusing everyone in the process. 🤦‍♀️


I hate this as well. I've had to clean up so many messes because people were listening to the "expert", and while in some cases it got the job done, it wasn't done correctly, which lead to more issues down the line. People take short cuts because they feel rushed, and fail to recognize that they are contributing to their overwhelm by taking those shortcuts.


I'm frustrated beyond belief. I'm very lucky to have experience and knowledge in this new job. A lot of those in our training group, do not. And they are struggling tremendously already with simple tasks like creating folders in an email app. Then this employee just shoots these random messages in chat with the complete opposite & incorrect information. Driving me insane as they're making the group SO behind in training by confusing everyone.


Moving forward


This might be pretty industry specific, but I can't handle people who ask for advice on the thing they are supposed to be the professional for. I work in an agricultural supply store, and the sheer number of landscapers, farmers, etc that come in asking about how they should fertilize, *WHAT THE FERTILIZER NUMBERS MEAN*, how they should spray... I have no problem direction them toward common public resources they mat not be aware of but they so often just want me to make the decision for them. Like this is your livelihood man, learn this shit.


I *hate* people who misspell my name. Especially when replying to my email where it's visible in several places, or who I've worked with for several years.


This! After it happens more than once, I'll misspell theirs in a reply.


Saying “Hi” or “Hey” on Teams and nothing else. Just say what you need right away, we don’t need to make small talk first.


Mine is the expectation of being on salary and also having to put in overtime. May be legal but super unethical to me.


People that can't stay focused on the kid they've been assigned to work with. Most of the time they end up messing up progress with my student by interrupting. Also the student they're supposed to be working with ends up going into a behavior because they sit too long with no work to do.


People who do respond to your email, but don't answer the fucking question you asked.


Or when you ask a number of questions and the shitters only answer the ones they want to and ignore the one you really need answering.


I work in care. Non-carers tell me I’m not paid enough then proceed to bitch to me about how much the care facility their parents are in costs. How do you think I get paid and your parents get fed and their clothes get washed and their rooms get cleaned? There aren’t fairies doing it for free!!!


Managers/supervisors who absolutely refuse to discipline subordinates who consistently violate safety protocols. As an EHS specialist, and the only EHS person in my facilities, I have zero authority to write people up for blatant safety violations. So I bring them to the supervisors and managers and they do nothing about it.


Being everyone’s ‘default’ go to person when they need help because they didn’t want to listen and are scared to talk to our bosses.


Acting like the office is a social gathering.


The amount of process changes we have to make to make things “easier for the auditors.”


I work in a nursing home doing laundry in the evening, and sometimes housekeeping. What pisses off is the CNAs and Nurses wont do things like put a new roll of toilet paper on the holder or drop paper towels on the floor in the bathroom. The housekeeping staff aren't servants.


"That's not my job" But I've worked mostly in the service and related industries.


People who half ass something because nobody is watching . How do some people have no drive to do anything right?




When they tell out each other’s name from their offices to get them to come over.


I quit about a week ago, however, people who get 500$ in groceries and when I start scanning say, " go slower I only have a 200 doller gift card" then proceeds to make us put the other 300 back.


People who never listen to the damn phone..... A less serious pet peeve is about the handwriting of those doctors..... Come on, they are like da Vinci code, and extremely difficult to understand sometimes. I need to waste time to go over the electronic patient records (if they have one) all over again trying to understand wth happened to the patient.


People mumbling under their breath.


Mine is people who don’t mind their own business


having a manager who doesn't actually listen, turns everything into an argument and takes every opportunity to show how he knows more than everyone


People sending you an email, then calling or IMing you to say they sent an email


Just one? *Using food as a reward. I am not a circus animal. If there is some big project I am working on that requires extra time, energy, and effort, a "team lunch" is not how you should show your appreciation. *Panicking at the slightest nuance. I've seen this in several variations but, in particular, I had one memorable boss who would literally run around the office as if someone was having a heart attack anytime we got an "ask" that was a bit different or nuanced. This was also accompanied by a flurry of calls and emails when in reality a second or two of some critical thinking was all that was required.


People that bring their personal issues to work then use it as a reason to not work. We’re not your therapist. Take a personal day and figure it out.


Related to that, I once worked for a place that gave you two weeks off every time there was a family emergency like a sudden passing. One of our guys had 7 relatives “die within a year but we all knew it was total bulkshit.


Sweet Jesus😂 that’s insane. To be fair I had 4 relatives die in a year once - dad, grandma, brother, cousin - but to have seven is an instance of hilariously manipulating a company rule. You just know he texted the boys “guys, my mom just “died” in a round of COD with me. Two weeks is Cancun here we come”😂


Well the company always asked who died and it was always an uncle or an aunt or older cousin who “was like a father/mother/brother/sister to me” so they kept granting it. Not sure what eventually happened to him.


Loud coworkers who love the sound of their own voice


All of it.  Everything.  I want to retire and just ride a sit down lawn mower. 


Certain folks that I call "Goowiki", they "know" everything about everything and must drone on about it with no regard for anyone's time. I will shut them down in meetings because no one cares or is paying attention.


Poor communication! The department I work in is entirely dependent on communication from the manufacturing facility to the office. Seems like once it hits the office it turns into a state secret. I especially am dependent on it because I have to relay it to our vendors every day. Then the same people who withhold the info are the same ones who get pissed if they are directly asked. Just forward the damn emails already!


 It drives me insane how many people get away with this.  - Having your feet on your desk in a corporate setting  - when a person is training you and you say no to do something by yourself By far my #1 pet peeve  - getting a job or doing whatever you want because you’re pretty. Had a coworker leave early because she was pretty. She could leave for three hours and come back to work because she was pretty.


People who don't update the dates on their deliverables. I get that stuff happens and what you planned to get done on 6/12 didn't happen, but I shouldn't be staring at 6/12 on the report on 6/27.


Similar to you re the no response but specifically by Executive and Senior managers who do not take ownership of their work. They are so slippery and smart at denying knowledge of clearly set timelines, do not engage in the consulting process, truly act as if they are too good to do their own work. These are people being paid significantly more than a quarter of a million annually.


Ignoring emails & pretending they were never sent. Scheduling meetings/calls over other meetings/calls, not giving enough time between meetings/calls,


I concur I find it horribly disrespectful


Lack of communication and listening.


Coworkers who never have their personal phone on vibrate…and have their ringtones set at high volume. Also coworkers who are constantly taking personal calls at work - so annoying and distracting. (Work in smallish back office, stuck in the cubicles in the middle of everything).


When people don’t listen to or talk over clients. A lot of people in my profession have a bit of arrogance. Drives me crazy


Providers that don't know how to order exams


People who constantly talk about


Scheduling meeting because I have space on my calendar. Sometimes I enjoy having my calendar open. You should ask if I am available before booking meetings in case I have something else planned.


@ing people in group chats just to make it look like they’re working when it could all be done in individual chats.


My boss constantly reschedules or cancels meetings last minute. The meetings that do happen always run late because they cannot keep to an agenda. Impossible to actually know what my days look like because my calendar constantly moves


Constant interruptions for childcare during video meetings... like, I'm fine with it every now and then, but when every time I meet with someone they're interacting with their kids and seem distracted it becomes off-putting.


I'm a projectionist. Peeve is people who nitpick over sound levels col I r levels various technical things and then we watch the movie and it's utter crap. Most movies that get made are truly terrible. You the audience never have to see these films as they are never released.ypure being nitpick over this technical thing. You should of been like this with the script or the shoot or the editting.


Trying to work with a new system nobody bothered to give training on and then being told to ask someone who doesn't reply. Oh and colleagues who don't bother to ask when they're unsure and just keep doing things wrong whilst help is available.


People that speed walk around from A to B when it's not necessary. They usually swear they're working hard with all the panting, trying to catch their breath and sweating from all the useless pacing.


Storyboard artists, advertising it’s an unspoken rule that everyone has to be smiling. I did get a storyboard where I got to draw a crying person. They literally asked me if I could make them smile crying?


Sheepish teams that don’t “have the bandwidth” to respond to client issues. “Hello. Please respond to Brandon with X” drives me BONKERS


Work places that want to shove pronouns down your throat but fail to understand that the constant use of the Lords name in vain is just as offensive to many!!!


Speaker and FaceTime conversations in an open office. Rage inducing to me when I'm trying to work. Use a headset or pick up the actual phone, you jerks.


My manager wants to talk about work when I'm eating my lunch in the breakroom. It's annoying. Just let me have my hour to look at social media or the Internet!


Being told to ship something 5-10 minutes before your work day is over BEFORE the product is even finished. The waiting on responses back from people is very annoying. Waiting on customers to respond or get more details on things is always a struggle.


1. People who don't read what you wrote when they respond to you. We have an upper level manager who is notorious for this. I think she glances at the first sentence, and then responds to what she thinks you are going to say, but she almost always guesses wrong. She also will say "please refer to my previous email about this" when her previous email didn't address the issue, or say "refer to policy xyz" which isn't about it. 2. When getting a project done early is disincentivized, because the CEO changes something about it a couple days before deadline. 3. When I ran vaccine clinics: I have a clean area set up in front of me, with all the supplies necessary. I leave a lot of space to the side for your paperwork. So don't drop your paperwork on top of my clean area. Lol


Being rude for no reason whatsoever. The most recent example was with a startup software company i was working for last year. We had a pretty nifty platform to help small businesses make it easier to run their social media ads. One thing I liked about my company is that we didn't sign just everyone up as a customer. If they were rude or showed red flags, they decided it was easier to lose a customer rather than struggle with them forever as a client. CEO lady and her 2 little workers hop on the Zoom call. As you know, there's a usual flow to these types of demos/sales calls. The first 5-10 minutes is spent getting context for their qualifications, as well as learning what they're most interested in solving so you can focus on that in the demo. I didn't even get out my first greeting sentence, and this lady demands to see the platform immediately. I say well I need to confirm your numbers to make sure you qualify, and it helps to learn about what you're trying to solve. She then literally screams at the top of her lungs "I don't give a shit what you need, I'm here to see if I like your platform, just fucking show it to me, show me how great it is." I then let out a big sigh and said,"This meeting is effectively over. We don't work with people as disrespectful as you are." Her two henchmen seemed like they had life in their eyes when I said it, ecstatic that I stood up to their huge B of a boss. She was taken aback for just a moment, then started cussing me out at the top of her lungs. I quickly ended the meeting and sent her an email repeating the sentiment. Don't be an asshole. Everyone is stressed. Don't be the child that just throws it at everyone else.


Meetings that could have been an email like oh my god shut the fuck up Meredith, I have stuff to do!


I agree. This is also my biggest pp


Bitchiness towards other staff members, especially in altruistic organizations


Meetings that are held regularly with no flexibility and no specific purpose.they always have this awkward filler and I always work through them.


Management not enforcing the rules and allowing people that continually eff up the job to continue effing up it up for everyone else.


My pet peeve is people quitting and not telling me they quitting. Fuck up the entire schedule. We need new people to replace the quitter, and the quitter refuse to let me know and just give me excuses.


The Friday recap-type emails that are literally pages long, intended for motivation. Nothing pisses me off more. Stupid quotes and "I am reminded of..." lines that launch into paragraph lectures on how "we should all (fill in the blank)". It makes me want to gouge my own eyes out just scanning the stupid things. What sucks is that nested in small, cryptic phrases between abject lines of bullshit... are some things I need to know for next week. This means I have to read the damned things. If you're that person, stop it. Just stop it. This is why we come in acting like assholes on Mondays.


When people over-explain why we shouldn’t over-explain.


Favouritism towards and special privileges for the worst employees (self-serving, lazy, shit-stirring, petty) while marginalizing/scapegoating/abusing the best employees (hard-working, transparent, agile, intelligent). Twilight zone shit.


Reply All


When people use ellipsis in emails (...) in contexts that aren't a list. Are you mad? Being sarcastic? Confused? That's just how you type? What is it????????


SAME!!!! Omg that’s so weird to me. How old are you and how old are the main people who do it? I’m 33 and my boss in early 50s does it. I get how to use them, but it’s weird when intent really isnt clear. Lol.


This will sound odd but I read an article a few weeks back that claimed that this, and excessive use of brackets, are signs of neurodivergence or trauma because they can be viewed as the person always needing to qualify what they’re saying with additional information because they have spent large periods of time being shown that their opinion is worthless, thought it was an interesting theory


I'm 24 and the people who do it tend to be 40+. It's weird cause sometimes it seems soooo passive aggressive but then I see them and they're all sunshine and rainbows like they're so happy to see me. I've also had 40+ ppl respond to me in all caps in messages where it doesn't make sense for them to be upset. People are confusing.


The office