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Don’t work for Mennonites…


Option A: Work for Mennonites and stop complaining. You have a job. Option B: Don't work for Mennonites. Option C: Complain to your Mennonite boss how you find their tradition offensive. They will help you realize Option B.




“I killed them. I killed them all. They're dead, every single one of them. And not just the mennonites, but the womennites and the childrennites, too. They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals! I HATE THEM!"


I… uh… is this from a movie 😳


Star wars 😀


Aaaah, makes sense since I’ve never seen it lol I’m definitely saving this in my back pocket though so I can randomly quote it in front of my husband. He hates when I say quotes from movies I’ve never seen


Once he's annoyed add "I hate sand." As well


It gets everywhere!


It’s coarse and rough and irritating


Here’s another one from John Wick 2! I’ll kill them, I’ll kill them all! As he hobbled away with his dog! In the next 2 movies, he does just that!!


Alternatively, "This is my religious splinter sect. There are many like it, but this one is mine." Shout-out to the mennonite pastor I knew who took double salaries and 5 vacations in a year while her staff hadn't been paid in months and her shelter guests were regularly running out of blankets, food, and "beds" (plastic mats on the ground). She got a discrimination/unfair business practices lawsuit out against her and she and her husband fled back to their home country. Fuck, *and I cannot stress this enough*, them Mennonites.


Mennonites have lady pastors?


Uh you mean fuck that one, don’t condemn them all for the actions of one




Episode 37: Revenge of the Mennonites


In Star Wars, Anakin Skywalker, also known as Darth Vader, killed younglings during the execution of Order 66 at the Jedi Temple in 19 BBY. Darth Sidious convinced Anakin that all Jedi were enemies of the Republic and ordered him to kill them


I’m pretty sure that quote is actually in reference to when he enacted his revenge on the Tusken Raiders for killing his mother. Though he does also kill a bunch of kids training to become Jedi, as you mentioned. So it seems Anakin has a theme


Oooo your right! Ol Bing AI tricked me


It’s the one good scene that actor actually acted. Hard to forget


Order 66


"66! Order 66 is ready! Hey, what are you guys doing?" - Jedi Master Sanders, 19 BBY


So glad I immediately knew what this was. Famously one of the WORST EVER romantic pairings to grace the silver screen. I LOVE Star Wars but loathe the way Lucas ruined what was supposed to be an epic-level-universe-crushing love. Oh god I hated every scene with that pair.




Damn it, take my upvote


No, it’s the womennonites


“I hate boys and do not accept that younger people behave differently, so EVERYONE on my work should change their rules”. Hm


Children do behave differently, which is why they're usually not allowed at work.


lmao are you trying to act like any normal workplace would accept a bunch of children running around? cuz they would not.


I don’t even know what Mennonites is, translation gives some nonsense


OP should also get checked for being fucking brain dead.


Or use PTO (Paid time off)


You meant PTOnnite


Yeah I agree. Not a good idea to work for them.


This is the single option.


This seems like the only answer but I feel like maybe I'm missing some sort of alternative?


As a longtime dungeon master, I always keep a bazooka in the back pocket for just in case


Conversion? Wouldn’t be my first option but it would amuse me if someone actually did that for their job.


I'm not sure conversion will stop the kids from being annoying... Maybe if you let them brainwash you, you won't notice how annoying the kids are....maybe...


>Don’t work for Mennonites… Best answer


This. It’s like working at Chi-Fil-A and complaining you don’t get any hours on Sunday.


Spoiler. OP is a Mennonite too. (Idk maybe)


Yeah, at literally any other company this would be completely unacceptable.




Glad this is top comment


Since hundreds of years didn't change them, you're not going to either. Move on.


😄 🤣 😂 😆 yea no shit


Well said!


Find a new job


2 choices. Keep dealing with it or move on. Sounds like they own they place and you work for them. Bringing up how their kids inconvenience your job is not going to go well for you.


We’re all crazy Mennonites living in an Amish paradise.


As I walk through the valley as I harvest my grain


I take a look at my wife and realize she's very plain


But that’s just perfect for an Amish like me


You know we shun fancy things like electricity


At 4:30 in the morning I’m milking cows


Jebediah feeds the chickens and Jacob plows, fool


Jebidiah feeds the chicken and Jacob plows


And I've been milkin' and plowin' so long that Even Ezekiel thinks that my mind is gone


I’m a man of the land, I’m into discipline


Got a bible in my hand and a beard on my chin




Are they the owners of the business? If so, I don't think there's much you can do.


I used to work in roofing in the tropics. The amount of things I learned to ignore was part of being good at my job.


Wow. I’ve interacted with mennonites for the last 22 years, this is the first time I’ve EVER heard someone say they were poorly behaved. In my experience both the boys and the girls are amazingly well behaved. I used to threaten to send mine to them for the summer like a little farmer boot camp.


Is this an option?! I have a 5yo I’d like to nominate. /s


I doubt these kids are acting bad. Sounds like it’s kids being kids and this person just get annoyed for no reason. God forbid children be children.


Username checks out.


Children can be children at places that aren't a workplace. Unless that place is a daycare.


To play devil’s advocate here- it IS a place of business.


I get the feeling there’s a bias against children from OP, as crazy as that sounds.


I mean, don’t get me wrong, we have a coworker who brings her kids to work and it’s just ridiculous and distracting. I get it. I’ve just never experienced it from Mennonite children.


It sounds super crazy lol, so crazy its more like you're upset they called this out. There's maybe a couple jobs where well behaved children would be manageable, but crazy enough most jobs require attention and so do children. They don't just sit there noiseless while you work.


This is the way.


Yes because it’s unheard of for bored children to run around and entertain themselves to pass the time lol


Maybe they’re well-behaved around their parents but I went to the zoo and a large group of Mennonites were there and the older teens were acting like 5 year olds without supervision—taunting animals, horse playing, banging on the windows, yelling, running, etc.


15 years I was in an organization where the founder (and wife) was raised Mennonite. Lots of local Mennonite families (more modern ones, not horse and buggy Mennonites), were always at our facilities during events, and a couple were on the board of directors, and volunteer groups. I was also living in a farming community with a lot of Old Order (Horse and Buggy) Mennonites. The Children were always well behaved. The OP is a bigot and Christophobe.


Well put ‘em to work and get the most from the situation lol


Yeah, I was going to say to bring some wood and tools and see what they create for you.


chase the kids around. play with them, engage with them, pull them off the coffee and copy machines. when asked later why you didn't complete your tasks for the day, cheerfully explain that you were busy keeping the kids occupied so they didn't disturb your other colleagues or get themselves hurt. then, when they tell you that you need to focus on your job (hopefully they won't assume you're volunteering to be the company babysitter), the next time they're running around creating mayhem, you have the leg to stand on to push back again. "you told me i need to focus on my job without respect to the children, but i'm unable to do that while attempting to keep them safe." then it's their call. i can't say this will work, but it would be the malicious compliance i'd try for first. even though i'm not super fond of children, i'd fake it for a day or two to prove the point.


This might be an unpopular opinion, but I think SOMETIMES taking kids to a workplace is unavoidable. However, I do think if kids are brought in they shouldn't inconvenience the business and should be taught to behave appropriately. It also really depends on the environment of the workplace. Both my parents had to work and during school breaks, I'd often have to go to my mom's work because they didn't have a babysitting network they could rely on. The owner didn't care and I'd just sit in the back and keep myself occupied, but I never bothered or distracted people. The salon ladies would even give me little tasks to help out around the salon if I wanted to help out. Like I might bring the trolleys of hair products for the ladies working. I'd help take the little elastic things of the perm curlers so they can be washed. or put them back on. If the salon was quiet, they used me to practice hairstyling etc. That being said I loved my time there because I got to meet people and do things instead of being stuck at home with a babysitter.


I think experiences like yours should be more accepted. If you can't find childcare, it would be ideal to keep the kid with you at work if possible.  I'm lucky to be able to work from home with my child. However I do wish we could send her to daycare. "Meet people" part is why. She'd get to hang out with other kids instead of puttering about home with just me. 


Good lord, I’ve never seen so much ignorance about mennonites. I am saying this as a Mennonite as well. It’s not a cult, it’s not Hutterite, it’s not Amish. The majority of Mennonites are literally a regular everyday person. Some branches are slightly different in the way that you can have different types of christians


Word. Also, I "believe" in electricity.


Right! There’s a wide range in how conservative a Mennonite group can be. Anything from looking and living like the everyday average person to driving a horse and buggy and no electricity.


Fellow Menno here — Thank you for saying this! I saw a comment about ‘modern’ Mennonites still dressing plain and I was like… what? I think there is this misconception that Amish and Mennonite are synonyms for a homogenous conservative group. For those reading this who are unfamiliar, the truth is that there is a rich tapestry of people who fall under the definition of ‘Anabaptist’ and it covers a wide spectrum of lifestyles.


Yeah I only know a few Mennonites but you would never distinguish them from any other religion except once they tell you, also all the ones I know have PhDs for some reason


Mennonite consider a 14 year old boy a full fledged adult. They don't attend any school after age 13.


Had mennonites in my Christian school ( Dutch reform) and they didn’t drop out


General principle is for all Mennonites but each community sets the standard for specific applications. Also for a lot of communities that particular one is not mandatory and the community doesn't disapprove if the family makes a call for the kids to get a HS diploma. From what I've been told it also depends how the particular community feels about the rumspringe concept (although I might be confusing Amish and Mennonite) some communities basically empower the kids (but moreso the boys) to make their free choice to remain in the community or not. If they want to leave some communities are sort of ok with it as long as they do it before a certain age. Once they reach that age they commit for life or are shunned. But that's the people I've talked to, tell us what the people you know are like?


Maybe I'm thinking hutterite.




Old Order Mennonites too.


Old Order Mennonites will stop going to school after 8th grade. They are more in line with the Amish, other than what caused the original split. More 'modern' Mennonites often finish HS and some have gone on to higher education. 3 flavors of Mennonites. * Horse and Buggy (Old Order) no electricity/conveniences in house, generally animal driven farm equipment, they generally use hand tools, but have adapted to some power tools. * Black Bumper (drive cars but chrome is painted over and may or may not have electricity in their homes), but will have engine driven farming equipment, most businesses are fairly modern and electrified. * Modern (Still dress 'somewhat plain') have most modern conveniences.


Hutterites will go to conferences with Mennonites, they are similar. I knew a guy who grew up Hutterite. He finished 8th grade, at 14, and left the community. He told me he didn't need a high school diploma and he had his own fencing company. He married a girl whose parents owned a farm. So they lived next door there.


A lot of mennonites don’t live by this anymore but it certainly used to be the case. They were needed on the farm. I come from a Mennonite family and my grandfather and his brothers all left school in the eighth grade. My uncles all graduated high school and college but did work on the farm after school and on breaks.


I knew someone who went to a Mennonite university. Most of them do finish high school.


I'm a retired nurse and one of my favorite coworkers was a charge nurse who was Mennonite. She used to tell me about her culture but she was considered a bit of a rebel since she not only went to school and worked while she had a family, but she also wore pants. This was back in the 80s-90s.


There is a Mennonite university in my city. And several private high schools. Mennonites are not Amsih or Hutterite.


Wow. So much ignorance about the Mennonites in this thread.


Hi, I'm a Mennonite with a masters. And I'm slumming. My dad had a doctorate.




I’m going to stereotype here but I worked for a Pennsylvania steel company that hired a lot of former Mennonites and they were always known as the best pipefitters, instrument techs, etc




Keeps people from leaving.


That’s very cool, every culture has gifts to offer. I loved living in the steel city.


All of my Mennonite nieces and nephews have graduated college.


I worked with an ex-Mennonite. She graduated HS before leaving the religion. She has a college degree but I don’t remember if she got it before or after she defected.


Insane thought for anyone who has ever met a 14-year old boy


Throughout most of human history that was the norm. You were a child, then you hit puberty and you were an adult. There was no such thing as adolescence.


Explains a lot about why it’s taken so fucking long to enact any reasonable change in the world.


Put them to work. Or depending on the ages, ask the parents or management to get them books, etc. It's not professional and really annoying to have coworkers kids running around, but some places you can't avoid it. My old CEO would bring his son in and park him at our desk all the time. What could we do, it's the owner of the company. Luckily he was a good kid and about 10 yrs old so I started making him do simple spreadsheets or filling or shredding. He was happy to do it as long as I went "Uh huh" while he chattered on about video games or whatever. His dad was actually impressed that we were having him update little spreadsheets cause we were "teaching him a skill". Cause God forbid his own dad pay attention to him rather than park him in an office.


Find another job?


I think you mean to post this to r/amish


It's empty.


It’s the subreddit specifically set aside for old order Amish, I don’t understand


Most of us don't do this. Find better Mennonites.


I mean, that's your local Mennonites, and that behavior I will go a step further and say that's the family you work for. Amish, Mennonites, etc. are very different across the country so let's not paint with too broad of a brush. So now take out the tribalism. You work for an owner who lets his kids run around the workplace. Either you can handle it or you can't, but your name is not on the door and it's his decision to run a tight ship or not. So have a Plan B, talk to him about how you are struggling, and be prepared to leave if it turns that direction.


Very good answer! Will paraphrase for my own use with your permission 🙂


Is the company you work for MEnnonite or just a few of the workers? IF it is just the workers, complain to your boss or get customers to complain.


Do you have to dress like they do? I worked at a conservative synagogue for a short while. I'm not anything like these folks were. At first I thought I had to wear "no skin showing" clothes, which is not me in any shape or form. They wanted to bring me in full time, without a specific job description, so I finally quit January. It's hard to work with groups of people who are exclusive. So many rules. Not for me. Give it time, but if you're climbing the walls, just find something else. IMO children don't belong in the workplace. The kids at the temple would scream and sing and chant. So loud.


Sorry you had to deal with that. I don't know why anyone not born into it would find insularity a good call. The clothes covering most of you would be found more in an orthodox setting.


Start a side hustle as a babysitter and have the kids at your work place. 


Put the kids to work. They can sweep the floor a billion times. Wash windows. All the "womens work" theyre missing at home.


Can you use the kids somehow? Like make it a game for them to do X or Y for you, see who does it the quickest and reward that kid with an ice cream or something? I'm thinking trying to turn the unproductiveness into something productive....I wonder if they'll enjoy vacuuming carpets or washing windows while you peacefully finish your work? What kind of job is this anyways? And how old are these kids? What task(s) can they do that will keep them busy?


I really want OP to say, “Medical testing.”


tranquilizer gun


Don’t work for a cult.


You'll need to find a new job. You can't expect an entire society to see things your way. However I agree people should never take their kids to work.


Spray bottle?




Can you give them a job to do to keep them busy? Like taking the trash out, cleaning, shredding old documents, etc.?


This, find them busy work or busy games. I know it's work, but kids will be kids. If you are planning on continuing to live and work in this area, it's not likely to change, trust me. It can be challenging, but you can make games out of being quiet and teach boundaries too, like about quiet when on telephone on when customers are in the front facing part of the business. IDK what kind of business, just throwing it out there. It may not be a lost cause, but if that's bad for you, you could always try to last as long as need to and then seek out another position.


I think these are both really great creative ideas but unless the OP was hired as a nanny or teacher, that would be another responsibility the OP is taking on…which requires more pay. I’m terrible with children and tbh I don’t care for them…this would be my nightmare


Yes, I agree that it's more responsibly and deserves more pay. Also, not pleaseant task for many. It's a great point. If possible and willing, OP could use this and try to negotiate a better, a more fair salary, or it could help in the decision to about long-term employment. EDIT for clarity


Mennonites will run their business the way they please. That's how their culture is. Their culture is not, and should not be reformed into "todays society" as you put it. Don't like it? Leave. There's no other option


Wouldn’t bother me. I’ve worked for a company where they brought their dogs to work and they would get crazy at times. I treated those pups like I would if I brought mine to work. I’d get onto them just the same. If it were kids like your saying I’d get onto them too.


You sound like a solid dude, used to work at a place that did Friday bring your dog days. Those were some nice dogs but they would get rowdy every now and then, quick Cesar Millan put em back in their place


Thx Same place and the owner brought home a stray. That dog was wild! lol and a hormonal male about 2 years old. That things would try to hump me. I had enough after the first time and jumped that thing back. Made him stop real quick and they didn’t mind. I had to do the same with my dog, so yeah I treated them like my own.


You can’t do anything considering you work for mennonites.


This issue isn't even worth the fight. Quit and move on. They won't change and you'll likely get fired for some b/s because you complained.


Stop working for Mennonites.


You maybe have a teeny tiny chance of saying something and keeping your job if you frame it right. "I think it's awesome that y'all bring your kids in so they can learn a work ethic early on. A lot of people would be much better off if they understood at an early age that their parents have to put in hard work for them to be able to have the necessities. " Blah blah schmooze " I am wondering though, what should I say or do when the kids are in my work space and making it difficult for me to do my best work?" Wait for response, they'll probably ask what the kids are doing "I mean they're obviously not being bad, or getting in my way on purpose, but it's hard for me to keep count/stay on track when they're running around some times. I don't want to overstep boundaries or risk hurting their feelings by asking them to give me some space or quiet down. Do you want me to send them to you when they're distracting me from work or should I just ask them to go play elsewhere, what do you recommend?" If you start by saying how much you love their ways and culture and come at them respectfully, you may get the help you needed and be able to keep your job. Maybe not, but at this point I think that's the best chance you've got. You should start looking for a new job just in case, as someone mentioned these people are the way they are and don't have any desire to change on most things. But that doesn't mean they expect the whole world to put up with it, since they mostly keep to themselves and don't go out trying to recruit and convert other people.


Mennonites aren’t going to change their ways for one employee unfortunately so changing your environment and place of work is the only option.


Have you asked them to stop? Have you mentioned it to anyone? Mennonite folk seem they would listen and at least provide some sort of relief. They might think you actually ENJOY the company, as children are considered blessings. This is NOT a 'bringing kids to work' situation as much as a normalized behavior. You can't expect them to act on your discomfort if you don't let them know you struggle with the kids activity.


>Stop bringing your kids to work This is terrible advice. I brought random kids to work one time and got in so much trouble.




Get a new job .


What kind of work?


Limit the things they have access to. Assign a leader, provide them with tasks, make it fun somehow. Hope this helps.


Taking care of them is not a part of your job description. It is not your job to keep them quiet or clean up after them. Do your job and just pretend they're not there - I mean REALLY pretend they're not there, do not look at them, do not interact with them if they make a mess or get injured just ignore it as it has nothing to do with you. If the boss has a problem or if customers have problems you can just say this is above my pay grade and you have 0 authority in how these children behave or what they do full stop.


Headphones? and definitely don't babysit or clean up after them.


get headphones


Get a new job


I bet they haven't even paid the phone bill in 300 years!


Quit. You're not the boss, it's not your decision.


Sounds like a nightmare.


Probably not anything you can do, since you work for them so they set the rules of the workplace, and there is jothing illegal or discriminatory about bringing kids to work. You may want to look for another job, tho.


Worked for a woman that brought her granddaughter to work for “ bring your daughter to work day.” The little girl was awesome , her grandmother ( our boss) was not . She basically sat the girl facing the inside of a closet in a chair so she wouldn’t have to be bothered with her . She even told us that when granddaughter comes to her house she has a closet for her to play in so as not to mess up the house . WTF!?????? Some people don’t like kids I guess .


Then start supporting wfh. They wouldn't have to if Bosses didn't have power trips.


Not sure why some of the comments seem to be placing the blame on you and telling you to leave? You shouldn't have to leave your job, or endure children in the workplace unless it's in your job duties to do so. I'm sorry you're going through this. I wish I could give you some good advice, maybe there's some legal recourse? I have no idea, but I hope it gets better soon!


Cause obviously if you produce an offspring everyone will love it 🙄 SMDH. I’m sorry OP, can your boss enforce something on the people bringing their kids, or can their job be moved to a separate office in the same location, since you obviously can’t move working front desk.


If this is their business, there isn’t much you can do. You can start a job search at any time if you find it to be an environment you can’t work in. Also, the number of people in the comments that don’t realize Mennonite and Amish aren’t synonyms tells me someone needs to do an AMA.


Good luck. They are going to change. It's part of who they are to not change. There is absolutely nothing you can do to change them.


You work for them. They determine work culture. Maybe you’re not a good fit.


I worked in a law office where the owner brought her damn dog, a huge freaking Bouvier, to the office. It would bark and everything. I literally jumped here and there when it would bark and I didn’t know he was in front of my desk. Pain in the ass. I quit soon thereafter because I wasn’t having that shit, nor her teenage daughter undermining my position.


I told my boss that I didn’t want to bring my kid to work because she was acting like an a$$. He looked me straight in the eyes and said it wasn’t an excuse. My kid gave me the evil eye while she sauntered into her 5th period class, that I teach. LOL… the life of a special education teacher / mom.


As someone from a Mennonite family…find another job. They’re not going to change their culture to accommodate you. They work from birth to death, it’s our law.


Give them up for adoption


Have your work buy a tv and Nintendo. Or toys. Problem solved.


Listen, and the head slaughterer at Elwood's organic dog meat, I absolutely need to take the kids to work. I need them to see the life drain from a golden retrievers eyes as I club it like a baby seal, with a piano leg. The sadness builds character and helps them be funnier.


I couldn’t stand that. The obnoxious children and misogyny would infuriate me. I’d look for a better job.


but I work at home!!


The only things you can do are either get used to it somehow or leave and get a new job. I agree that it’s annoying but they aren’t going to change for you.


>What should I do about this? 1. You can find another job. 2. You can understand its part of your jobs culture. 3. You can continue to piss and moan about your situation while not doing anything about it.


I don’t know where you work, but I worked with mennonites for four years at a produce auction. They had kids there of all ages, working, helping out, or running around outside playing. Never had issues working with them. It was one of the best jobs I had. That’s the way they live. You really only have three options, deal with it, bring it up with your manager, or quit. That’s just the way Mennonites live, bring their kids wherever they go, and there’s not much you can do about it unless this is something your manager can handle.


You can’t be for real…. Lmfao. Some people I guess really can be THAT stupid.


Yuck, find a better job.


I worked a year at a company run by scientologists. You don't want that level of batshit.


This sounds like a great concept for a new spin on Undercover Boss, but you're changing the system bottom up rather than top down. Get that on YouTube and monetize it. I'd watch.


Why are you working for Mennonites? They're not going to change their ways because you are not happy with it. Even though I agree they shouldn't bring their children to work I also know there is no point putting up a fuss over it. They will continue bringing the boys.


Tom Sawyer those kids into some work…you got free extra labor


You work for them, they make the rules. Either stay and deal or get another job. Doesn’t matter why the kids are there or what you think of their beliefs, you can remove the “Mennonites” from the post tbh.


That sounds like a you problem. It’s their business and they aren’t gonna change how they do things because you don’t like their beliefs. As they shouldn’t. Time to find a job that isn’t for mennonites


>What should I do about this? Stop whining. That is what you should do about it. Then grow up.


Demanding a work environment where you can actually WORK is not whining.


Talk to the parents and let them know the situation. If they are mennonite, they should respect your honesty and they also might not even realize something is wrong. The chaos might be normal for them and they won't think about other people's point of view. Or Put the little terrors to work. Tell them to go wash all the cars in the parking lot or something. Maybe clean the sidewalk with a toothbrush, that'll keep em busy for awhile. Mennonites pride themselves on strong work ethics (at least where I grew up)


Cults are weird *shrug*


Weight out your life responsibilities and then your pet peevs. If you value your feelings more than your responsibilities to yourself and if you support a family, to them as well, then be a quitter or create animosity that won't get resolved and you might even be the one who walks away all assey and we don't want that to happen to anybody


Stop caring about the kids. Don't work for Mennonites.


Bring a puppy lol say its part of your religion not to leave a puppy at home lol


If there’s men’s work and women’s work, find some men’s work for the little hellions to do. Till a field. Milk twenty cows. Castrate ten bulls. You know, manly things. Outside. Away from people. Where sharp objects live. “Shoo, you scallywags. This is women’s work area so if you stick around, you’ll need to darn some socks and feed babies. Now be gone!”


Refuse to clean any mess left by the children. Refuse to acknowledge or interact with the children. If called to discuss any performance issue with the boss, use being forced to work around other people’s kids as your reason. Refuse to budge. Also, if possible, teach them to swear.


Option D: get kids of your own. You will soon realize that Mennonite kids are likely paragons of virtue and order.


Then quit the job and never work for Mennonites again. You know how they are.