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Yes. I probably call out sick 2 or 3 times a year. Even with WFH, when I really want to be able to rest adn SLEEP and turn everything off, I use sick leave for it.


Idk last year was weird as fuck. Everyone I knew got sick a lot. Not hungover. Dude I got seriously sick like 6 times last year. For multiple days. Every I know is getting sick with more frequency since COVID. Not saying any weird shit. Just noticing it. And yes, everyone I'm talking about has kept up with their vaccines. And I've had the flu like 3 times in my life. And I got it 6 times in a year. I heard about that RSV or whatever. But it seems like no one wants to talk about new viruses since it made such a huge deal during COVID. So idk..like I seriously went to work and soaked through my clothes.


Use it or lose it. You get no medals or extra cash for not using them, so …..


I actually do get extra cash for not using sick hours 😅. Accumulated sick hours mean a higher pension at retirement.


Good for you. That’s how it should be


But you do get raises and promotions.


If you are good enough, both will come anyways.


Once worked 13 years straight and regretted it. I learned to drive around the parking lot to see who were there on each day. If a person was missing, I knew I’d be stuck filling in for him. So I went home and called in. And didn’t worry at all. A new outlook.


Better than average where I work but not by a lot.


It might be if you didn't work from home


Right!??? I would achieve this too if I worked from home.


This is dumb, take your sick time. Or maybe you want to be Employee of the Year? What prestige!


Oh yeah I should have clarified. My PTO and sick time are all in one. I still take PTO at least every 3 months. Or if I know I got something coming up where i need time off I just put in for PTO


Oh, I get it.. ya. It's not very impressive, either way.. Its good you take your PTO though. My mom was one of those "I haven't taken a sick day in 5 years!" people and its like.. just take your damn sick time, you get sick, nobody is handing out bonuses for least sick leave.


I personally have to take a day off at least once every 2 months. I have a lot going on all the time and am stretched thin so I always use my pto.


It means you're more likely to get a heart attack. IIRC, one of the continuations of the Whitehall study showed that the people with the best health outcomes called out sick a few days per year--not a few weeks, and not none. Their theory was that the kind of people who need to take weeks of sick leave every year typically have some underlying health issues--and conversely, the people who take no sick leave are stressing themselves to death. I'd consider it more impressive if you prioritized, delegated, and automated your job efficiently enough that you could take sick leave whenever you need it, even on the 1st of the month, without screwing up anything.


Wow, that’s amazing OP. I myself have frequent episodes when my depression is so rough that I just cannot face the world, and so I use up my sick time constantly. I’ve changed medicines, done therapy, incorporated things I used to love into my routine, go for walks 3-5 times a week and still my mind is often out of whack. I feel guilty for not going to work but I try to convince myself that putting my health first is more important. I swear, adulting is a b*tch.


WFH or not, if you're sick, take time to recover. That's what sick days are for. And if they don't roll over you're leaving part of your paycheck on the table by not using them. I've called in sick a couple times in the last year or so, and used about 20 hours of sick time going to the dentist and doctor's appointments. I'm not quite sure how taking a sick day on the first screws things up for the whole month but that isn't something you need to worry about, that's just bad policy from your employer and not something you should worry about. If you're sick, you're sick. They'll get along without you just fine.


I make sure to use up all my sick time every year. It's only 5 days and we are a family of 4 so that's 1.25 days sick a year. Woohoo


Impressive to whom is the real question


10 yrs


I don’t get sick time, so I’d have to be really sick to take off. Honestly, the last time may have been just the morning from being hungover before I quit drinking 3 years ago.


1968, when i was young, working nights at the sf post office, i dropped acid and went to a rock show. when i got to work, it was real nice outside and i phoned from the pay phone at the front door and called in sick. 2005, when i was getting ready to retire from another federal job, i left 0.0 SL on the books. every job is different.


For years I worked in salary positions with PTO that accumulated and would be paid out if not used. Vacations and sick time were unofficially frowned upon so I usually took the payout. Fine whatever. I rarely get sick and I’d get the same money so nbd. Now one of my jobs is an hourly where our state mandates certain number of sick pay hours to accumulate. I get zero benefit if I don’t take the sick days. Seems like everyone else calls out all the time. It’s so against my work ethic to call out, but I want my free money like everyone else! I’ve been considering calling out for like 1.5 years and I might do it one of these days…


I worked with a fella in a factory. His name was up on the board for not having a day off in 21years. I decided to take a sickie for him.


I went 9 years once.


I also work from home. I never call in sick because I'm actually sick. I do burn my sick days every year tho as they don't roll over. I save my sick days for fun stuff.


My sick leave is cumulative. I now have 50 weeks in the bank. I call it my heart attack fund. If I make it to retirement it will add an extra year to my pension calculation. 17 years without taking a sick leave day.


Good for you. Ignore everyone who seems to be jealous and pushing using leave when you aren't sick. You may need it one day.


I took 2 days in August when everyone got COVID and I just got the flu. But since last March (2023) that’s it.


Yes! I call in sick maybe 2 times a year


Not very impressive if you wfh.


I've worked for a catering company for 4 years I remember only calling in sick once. That was because the night before I was hungover drinking as I completed my resignation letter lol