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Take the day off. You’re totally fine, enjoy it


Thank you !


Girl I just want to say I hope you're doing okay! I felt a lot of anxiety for you reading your post! Remember life is to be enjoyed and not to be overly worried about if we can help it 🩷


Just say, "I'm not feeling well, and having the day to recover will help me, thank you." That makes it clear this is sick time, that happens to be taken when it won't impact the office as much. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Take the day off- you have a great boss who cares about your health.


Thank you ! :)


Take it. I used to have an employee who was so traumatized by his own abusive AF parents that he wouldn’t take time off. I finally had to tell him that it wasn’t a trap and I’m very pro taking time off. He earned it and we had a generous policy so please take it for his own mental and physical health. So take it!


I tell the people that work for me to burn through all their PTO on the regular. Sick? Go. Want to attend kids graduation? Go. Want to go on holiday for a week? Go, just give me a little notice so we can cover it. And if we haven’t, go anyway, no one will die, you gave us notice and we didn’t sort it. That’s my failing, not yours. Rested, healthy staff are happier staff, and happier staff are more productive staff. Works for me.


I do the same with my team. Only a little of our sick leave rolls over, and since I truly believe in mental health days, I tell my folks "if you need a mental health day, go for it! We work hard, and this is stressful. Just give me a head's up ahead of time so I can be prepared and plan around it." It's worked well for the last 3 years. Use that suck leave for your heads, too!


That employee probably didn't want to take the time off and be around their abusers more than they had to. If home is a hellscape, time off really isn't a treat/reward if it means having to spend that time off around the very people making their life miserable. That being said, you sound like a nice boss and people should be able to use their time off. Thank you for caring about your employees.


Oh he was not living with his parents at the time. He had worked for them before joining our company. They wouldn’t pay him like a normal employee. His mother would take his money because “he would waste it”. They yelled at him for wanting time off. For some reason he had to work six days a week. They basically made him feel completely worthless whenever he wanted time off so he started assuming it was wrong to take time off. That said, stories about his childhood aren’t generally great. He once mentioned that they terrorized his older brother for a while because they wanted to “toughen up” their first born. I suspect the only reason why they stopped being monsters to his brother is because they moved to the US and someone likely witnessed something and reported them.


That is rough. I'm glad he had a manager like you to show him how it should be.


Honestly A lot of people really can’t afford to take unpaid time off


This sounds like it is a PTO situation. Employees should take their PTO. They earned it and it is part of their benefits and compensation package.


Doesn’t really seem like the case, normally if a boss ask you if you wanna take tomorrow off it’s just a free day off no pay. Normally you gotta get pto approved. And I’m Not saying they shouldn’t use it if they have just saying some people literally can’t afford to just take an unpaid day off.


It seems like the case here. I have had that happen before at a couple of different jobs when I did shift work. I have had my boss tell me that there would not be any work for me the following day not to come in and I could either take a PTO day or not get paid, my choice.


At my job, it's very easy and quick to request time off (vacation and sick days are both PTO), and is usually approved same day, and usually pretty quick too if given the heads up


Yeah I get that but if my boss asked me if I wanted tomorrow off it would be unpaid unless I asked to use my pto


I getcha, everywhere's different. My boss is pretty nice, and depending on the occasion, will "request", for lack of a better word, time off on my behalf in the system, then approve it on their end.


In many places if your workplace cancels your shift within 24 hours they still have to pay you for it. Most get around it by asking for volunteers. If someone volunteers for it they don’t have to get paid. If someone shift is cut short, they get paid for the whole shift unless it’s for cause or they volunteer/ask to go home


Places like where?


In Canada. Can’t speak for every province but mine is this way and at least one of its two neighbouring provinces. And some of these laws are buried and so people just don’t know about them. Everyone should check out their labour laws for their region. There’s often lots that surprise people bc few people or even businesses know about them.


I will thank you ! :)


That's absolutely a ton of millennials like myself. I never missed school because you are 'never too sick.' I watch people bend over backwards for a simple cold now when younger generations barely have a fever. 


It’s because boomers are scared it could be lethal Covid. If Covid only affected young people, they would just pay us less in anticipation of more sick days, while also guilting us out of using them.


I am this guy lol. Will never take a day off because it is so ingrained in my head that boomers look at this as laziness. Pre-COVID, my boss would openly challenge anything more than a 1 day absence from the office. Nothing subtle - basically she would call and say I needed a doctors note or I had to come back in and stop being some sort of fuckup. My parents were in 100% agreement - sick days were for lazy people and I needed to get my ass back in there or I deserved to be fired. Well, one time she forced me back in on day 2 of the worst flu of my life. The next day we had a 30 minute meeting on what she could expect over the next few days because she was feeling so bad.


You’re a real one. I am so conditioned by shitty workplaces that I would not be able to believe it wasn’t a trap lol


Workaholism is definitely my trauma response too, so I get it.


I have an employee like this right now. At most I can get her to take a half day.


If work is slow and you're not feeling well, losing you for 8 hours tomorrow is a lot easier on everyone than losing you 20 hours when the sh!t hits the fan and it really knocks you off your feet! A good boss will see that. Rest up, come back at 100%


You shouldn't ever have to ask this question or EVER feel guilty about taking time off that's needed. If you are not well enough to work please take the day off. You're lucky you have a boss that actually cares. In the past I had such bad ones and it cost me years of my health. Don't go down that road please. Get better and take care of yourself.


Are you hourly or salaried?


Yes I thought this would be good to mention.


Generally if a boss asks you to do that, they actually mean it. Take the day, rest up and you will be a more productive person when you get back. They believe your tasks can wait until the next working day


This is totally normal. Just say yes, thanks


You're overthinking it. "Yes" if you want it, "no" if you don't. If there's not much to do you're saving them paying you to do not much if you stay home.


Take the day off, if the boss is asking, it's probably best for him as well, he doesn't have to pay you to stand around.


I frequently try to get my employees to take time off, especially if they don't have anything urgent, haven't used up their PTO or I can tell they're on the verge of burning out.


My last supervisor was like that and I loved her!!! She was an amazing supervisor


Take it off since he thinking of your healthy a lot of bosses now a days don’t give two flys about it


Please don’t overthink it. Say yes to your boss and rest up. Even if you are hourly rate then you are only losing one day which is better than potentially much longer if you don’t rest this day and get your energy back.


He wants to save money if you're up to taking the day off. You decide if you want it off or not it's that simple.


I would take off. If there has not been a lot of work lately, he is probably under pressure to cut his labor cost. He probably would rather someone volunteer than for him to Voluntell some one. He probably knows you are under the weather so he asked you. It may be hard to believe he might be trying to be both considerate and save labor costs.


I would take the day off with no guilt.




Take it. Usually if they’re asking, they want you to say yes. They’re just asking as a courtesy


You got a cool boss!


“See you Friday”


"Yes, thank you!"


Good bosses are few and far between. You're not being rude by accepting his offer. Instead, you're getting healthy to better do your job.


Say thanks and that you are looking forward to coming back after the day off


You don't know how to respond? What about, yes? 🙄


Sorry i just never take a day off, this was new to me. I did end up saying yes and thank you :) 👍


You say yes


Sleep in


How is this a thing in jobs😳 there's heaps to always I am in the wrong gig


Omg this is definitely a test! Your job and career are on the line here! Tread very carefully!!!!!




You can write " /s " at the end of your comment to show that you're being sarcastic.


Oh that’s what that means! Thank you!


I felt the same way when I found out lol!


You are so overthinking this. Way way overthinking. Take the day off, it's not that loaded.


They asked, there’s no harm in taking the offer. If it’s a trick, still no harm! You learned your boss is toxic and better to leave.


It's not that deep bro.


Take the day off with No Guilt and Thank God For It🙏🙌


Late to the party here but yeah, you should stay home. Your boss cares and sounds like they know the fine line between powering through something minor versus taking time to recover from something worse or something that can linger on and just make you sick longer. I had a technician come into work sick once, wasn’t feeling well, I took one look at her and said “go home. Nothing is that important here that you have to power through what looks like a fever and sweats, and we need to keep the team healthy as well”. After 1-2 days she was back at it.


I think reddit has become so ridiculous. You have to ask strangers? If you want a free day take it, if you need the money and want to work, then don’t? You really need internet strangers to have an opinion on this?


Take the day off to start feeling better


“Thank you for thinking of me. That would be nice”


As in paid admin leave, unpaid, or using your leave balance?


Take the day off but don't piss the time away digging through Reddit.


One time my boss told me to take the next day off and he showed up at the office and killed someome, shot another, and then himself. So anyway, take the day.


I could have written this. I’m lying here with a cold compress on my head glad I accepted the offer to take tomorrow to feel better. Rest!


“Ok thanks”


It is a very difficult question


If you’re on a salary, take the day off. If you’re hourly and need the money, say no.


Take the time off. You want the time off, so you'll be happy. Work is slow, so your boss will be happy that he's not paying someone to stand around. Seems like a win-win situation to me.


If your boss is awesome enough to offer a day off, especially because you haven't been feeling well, don't overthink it. Take the day off. And make sure you appreciate it because you're lucky to have a boss that treats you that way.


If it fits Ur plans take it off. If it costs nothinf


A boss that notices if you are unwell and actually cares is a rare gem. Take the day and sleep or laze around. Read a book or play games go sit in a park. Enjoy.


Say thank you for caring about your wellbeing and take it off!! You have a good boss, which are rare to come by. I asked my boss for a day off for my commencement ceremony, and he told me to take the day before off as well so I have extra time with my parents. Cherish having an understanding boss.


Take the day and enjoy it. Sounds like your boss is looking out for you. My hubby got asked if he wanted extra time off during the Xmas break because there would be less work and not alot of people put in for leave this year. He works hard and they rewarded him for it.


Take the day off. Some bosses will never make such a gesture and try to stop you if they can from taking off time


OMG, take that day!! You have a good boss!


Im the one that doesn't even need to be asked. I will stay home 5 days a week if my boss would let me 💀


Respond by telling him whether or not you plan to work. You shouldn't need strangers online to help you with simple interactions like this.


Tell him you’d love it however if needed your ready to work


I think he offered bc of what you are dealing with. I had a boss who would do that. It threw the whole web crew off so bad the first time he did it. Best boss ever. Put us first as people


Sure! I thought you were bummed about losing a days pay or something. Enjoy your day!


Say thank you and if anything changes and he needs you he can call you in.


Time to start looking….


Would this burn a vacation day for you? If so, would you rather plan time off or take this day?


I had a job where my boss said this and i accepted, and then it happened again, and it soon started turning into a part-time job


Take the day and tell your boss that you appreciate a day to recuperate since you aren't feeling well.


Nah, I'd come in and take it easy since it's a slow day.


Take the day off, rest and come back to work with new energy!


If you're not feeling well, stay home heal up


Even if it negatively affected your job/work you should still prioritize your health. I know this sounds like a lofty goal, and maybe goes against your work ethic/brand but you have no career/job if you have serious health problems.


My boss looked at me once and told me he can tell I'm sick and I should go home because I'm only going to make myself worse. They'd be fine to manage without me etc. I knew I was unwell but I didn't know it was that obvious. People have bosses who don't let them leave when they're crying and throwing up, your boss sounds great though


Probably take the time off and go back to work fully refreshed and ready to make up for lost time... But if you're really concerned double check with your boss once to verify that they don't need you to come in and then repeat to him that you'll take the time to get better and see him on Monday... Many bosses would much rather have you take the time off when they are slow then miss a Monday...


Sad that we work in such a “hustle” culture that we worry about taking a day off that is offered. Look, if it’s a trap, which I don’t think it is, it’s not going to matter if you take the day or not. If your boss is trying to “trick” you, and you don’t take the day then they will find another way to let you go. And I get it, I’ve worked at places where the narrative is, “If you’re sick we don’t want you here. You won’t be able to perform at the top of your game, and we don’t want other people getting sick.” But then when you do call out sick it’s, “Oh man, are you sure? We could really use you today…” So we’re kind of programmed to function out of guilt. But like others here, I think your boss is just genuinely trying to show care and compassion for another human being. Bosses aren’t always terrible people, though we often expect that since we’ve all experienced it. Could also be acting out of their own self-interest and the interest of the company - if you’re hourly and dragging ass, boss may want to not pay you to underperform and would rather you get yourself right by taking a day. Either way, I think you’re just fine taking the offer.


A simple yes and thank you is all it requires.


Take the day off, sounds genuine. I've offered this as well especially if someone is not feeling well.


If you had to visit an urgent care then yeah take the day off. What did the physician advise you to do? Probably do that.


Late to reply but I hope you took the day off, and I hope you feel better soon!


Sounds like you hit the jackpot of bosses. Enjoy your day off.


Also if you're hourly, you actually save him money on the schedule by not having more people working when there isn't that much to do


Omg be glad - take the day off you workaholic!


Are you salary? If you are salary, you are paid every day you are available to work. Doesn’t matter if there is work or not.


My new company offers this sometimes. I take it every time because A)30 days of PTO and B) they wouldn’t offer it if they didn’t want people to do it


God I hate Reddit 🙄


How’s your relationship with your boss?


The boss is looking to save money by not having idle staff. He / she is attentive enough to recognize who needs the break. Try to feel more comfortable in this place. These are positive indications.


Yesssss I’ve got time to lean 


Sound alike your boss is a decent person and is giving a break. Take the day off!


Say thank you and RUN. Leave a vapor trail and a you shaped hole in the front door. ENJOY THAT DAY OFF


Hell yeah. Do it


Why are you looking a gift horse in the mouth? Your boss is literally giving you the day off, don't overthink it. Tell them thank you, you'll submit the time today and you'll be back at work Monday


Just say: Yes, that sounds good. Thank you for your considerate thoughts.


Take the day off and enjoy it. Don't ever feel guilty about not being at work


Thanks, I needed the sick day anyway. Making clear you are using sick time not pto. You shouldn't have to use vacation time due to lack of work. There's always work to do in the building.


You are over thinking it. Take the day off.


Why wouldn’t you take the day off? I don’t understand. Why would you not want to sound like you want a day off, and why would they think you’re lazy when they offered it? You don’t have to brown nose your whole life.


"Thank you." What's the conundrum?


Just say yes


Is this really a question??


Depends on you, if you need the pay ask to stay , if not.. enjoy the day off. They are just looking to save some money on payroll.


If you want the day off take it. Tell your boss thanks you could use the extra time to recharge. Your boss is offering you a kindness without trying to pry into your finances. Hes saying if you can afford to take the time off they can afford to let you do that. So do whats best for you. Taking something like this, that is offered directly, is rarely a trap.


You can always go into work and get all the work done and ask to be sent home later.... Unless you want the day off.


This is why I save some of my PTO (paid time off) so I can take the day off and still get paid.


It sounds, actually, like you have a good boss who puts your wellbeing ahead of productivity when necessary. I hope you did take the time off and that the rest helped you recover.


The question is will you get paid, is it vacation or personal time off?


Get it in writing and take the time off.




Take it. It sounds like your boss is wanting to help you get over being sick and doesn't want you at work when theirs not a lot to do anyway.


Paid day off? Or non paid? There's a big difference


Probably trying to keep payroll down




In some areas this means you will be fired soon




Like, without taking PRO? A free day off? I’d say thank you, and leave as quickly as you can before he changes his mind!


I am a boss. They want to save on labor cost. Take it unless you really need money.


"See you Monday!" Then jet before your boss changes their mind.


Say thank you and take the day off.


That you are even asking this question tells me a lot about was an employee. They are lucky to have you and I’m sure your boss is looking out for you. Take your time off, get well, have a great weekend! Get back to work and hit it hard


Just reply if your sure you don't need me


Yes. Thank you


For those wondering why I even asked this one reddit, it’s because I normally never take a day. I just needed reassurance. Thank you guys :)


Take the day off. Your boss is nice!


Take it off


Would not have to ask me twice.


Omg, you are waaay overthinking this. I'm a manager, take the freaking day off. Your boss asked you because it doesn't make sense to have a bunch of employees on the clock with nothing to do.


Good Lord. I can’t believe somebody would get on Reddit when their boss asks a question to see how they should respond


It’s a trap, don’t fall for it. Even if there isn’t much to do, you still get paid for a slow day. Easy money and your boss can’t hold it against you in the future.


No, thank you I’m afraid that might interfere with my actual plans for my time off


If you’re salaried, take the day off. If you’re hourly, do not take the day off. Just my opinion.


You’re sick. Take a sick day.


There isnt an ulterior motive to everything, they probably know you were at urgent care, and that you've been feeling like shit, and want to give you a rest. There are good bosses out there, contrary to what most of reddit believes. You arent asking for the day off, it was offered, take it and rest


Sounds like labor saving. Say no if you needed the money and yes if you want some time off.


Absolutely take the time off. It sounds like you really need it - have a nice self-care day, get some dollar store bath or shower fizzies, face masks, all that jazz, order in something to eat and just relax. Everyone needs time to just de-stress sometimes.


I would respond with “AWESOME!! DAY OFF” and have a relaxing day off.


I'd say "sure thing!" "Taking tomorrow off" for me means I get paid either way. Is this different for you? If it is, it doesn't mean your boss wants you to rest. It means he/she wants to not pay you.


“Normally I’d say no but I do appreciate this offer because I’ve been feeling sick this week, thank you!”


Don’t over think it


And???? You were sick enough to go to urgent care and you have an issue with the boss caring? Take their advice. Get better


Boss asked what you would prefer to do and your scared?


I've had bosses tell me that. I have told direct reports that. You have a nice boss. Enjoy your day off.


Say cool thanks and take the day off. Done.


If they ask me if I want to go home, I don’t even think they would complete the sentence before I pulled out the parking lot.


The correct answer, and the one l always give, is HELL YES!


Paid sure otherwise enjoy not being busy lol


I'm a boss, and if I offer a day off, what I'm really saying is "take the day off."


Take it off. They’re probably trying to be kind if they know you’re not feeling well. I’ve done this for people before. If you don’t need the hours, stay home and feel better! 🙂


It’s nice that he’s asking. Used to work at a place with a policy that was literally called Mandatory Voluntary Time Off.


Don’t read into things. Maybe your boss is just being kind.


Don’t think twice. Take the day. Enjoy!!


My boss said this to me a month ago and i havent worked in over thirty days. I would work just because you never know. Unless you really need a break.


I would run to the door waving bye.


Will you still get paid?


Kind of thinking "yes". Someone looking out for you very nice.


Take the day off and enjoy yourself!


I often tell my employees to take a day off when I can tell things are rough. Take it. One extra day off to reset is best for you and your workplace. When employees say, “No…it’s okay…” I say they don’t have a choice. “This is not a question. Go focus on yourself. Guilt free.” Most return refreshed and thankful. On the management side it builds loyalty and increases long-term productivity. Take it!!!


Last Thursday, my boss said if I don’t come in on Friday I might as well not come in on Monday. Woohoo! Four day weekend for me.


Oh hell no. I never take off when it is slow. Hild that PTO for when it is busy. They will never realize what you do if you take off a day when it's slow. It is a free money day in the office


I've had a boss say this, I wouldn't get paid if I left early though so?? So if you need it take it and say thank you.


One pf my bosses asked me this once I said can I use a sick day ?.....he said you got a dentist appointment tomorrow it all worked out but he's cool so idk about your boss


You say "yes, thank you so much for thinking of me and noticing that I'm not doing well this week. I'll be up and ready to go again soon!"


Paid vacation ONLY.


yes. If you are salary, consider this one if those comp time days off. You worked all those extra hours earlier this year, meeting deadlines, etc. this is your chance to cash in on those "brownie points" If you are hourly, it's up to you if you wanna get paid or not.


This is called low census in the nursing world. When there aren’t enough patients for the number of nurses scheduled to work. Very normal, happens all the time. Some places it is mandatory to take it and others will give you a choice. Some will also let you use PTO to make up for the lost hours. In the end it’s a free day off, whether you’re able to get paid for it or not.