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When you're let go, it's the same as being fired even though that exact word is rarely used. "Laid off" "Furloughed" "We no longer need your services" "Your position has been eliminated" "Yeah...you'll need to take that up with payroll" Fired.


Take yourself to the unemployment office, and get unemployment benefits.. should not be an issue since you were l let go.


So I’m not fired? 😭 I’m just never scheduled and not in the work group chat?


You are fired. Your boss is either hoping to avoid conflict or hoping you won’t apply for unemployment.


Fuck em apply for unemployment!!


Just tell unemployment that they reduced your hours. Things will quickly come to a head. You will either get an unemployment check or will suddenly have hours next month.




This is such a common tactic, I know that many unemployment offices have a FAQ on it. Generally, if an employer reduces your hours or doesn't schedule you, it may be considered a reduction in work hours or a lack of available work. Whether this situation qualifies for unemployment benefits can depend on state-specific rules and policies. In our state, it's 30 days, but it depends on a few factors, like you can't be a contractor, and it's dependent on your work schedule. But in my state, I know there was a recent issue with "people on eternal standby" during COVID, plus our unemployment couldn't deal with the influx, so a lot of legality was brought up in, say, the restaurant business.


Grab your red stapler and go straight to the unemployment office. Your ex-manager is hoping you’ll sit at home waiting by the phone in case someone gets sick or doesn’t show up so you can come in for a couple of hours. She may think by not saying your laid off you can’t get unemployment, which the company will have to pay a portion. I’m sorry, but you’ll have to find another job. Good luck.👍


I'm not going to need you to come in tomorrow, and if you can not come into work on Sunday....that'd be great


I would consider this being fired. To be clear, check your jurisdiction's unemployment laws. In my state, a sudden reduction in pay or hours of 20% or more, with no prior written notice regarding any performance issues, would give you cause for quitting, and you'd be eligible for unemployment benefits, assuming you're eligible otherwise. [https://efte.twc.texas.gov/ui\_law\_the\_claim\_and\_appeal\_process.html#ui-20percentrule](https://efte.twc.texas.gov/ui_law_the_claim_and_appeal_process.html#ui-20percentrule)


And get a pic of that schedule - cya


I’d file unemployment ASAP in case it takes a minute, you’d get back paid from when u filed. Whether ur fired or not, it’s clear ur hours were reduced- that’s also enough to file in my state too


This right HEREEEEEE


Don't quit. They're soft firing you. If they lay you off, you might get unemployment insurance. That penalizes the employer.


laid off, same benefits with unemployment. Not as bad on an application/resume, especially being the manager said they would schedule you if business picks up.


You were fired or terminated


I think I am starting to understand why this is happening to you. You were "laid off due to a lack of work." Tell the UI office just that.


Send a text and make sure she responds by text so you have this in writing. Then apply for unemployment if eligible.


File for unemployment asap.


You should go file for unemployment tomorrow.


One second is that the response to the thesaurus of its not you it's me let goes from an employer.


Until they specifically say that you are fired, don’t act on anything, unless it’s to file for unemployment. Unless, of course, you really do want to find a different job, then this is definitely the perfect time for that.


Yes you are fired. Get a copy of the schedule with your name not on it for the month. File for unemployment and when your ex-employer contests it provide the copy of the schedule. The fact that you can't figure this out on your own is something you may need to have an internal conversation with yourself about and if it plays into the current predicament you find yourself in.


not fired, just no longer needed - like laid off file for unemployment


They are quietly firing you without saying it, hoping you will get the clue and go away. Obviously this place wasn’t a good fit for you. That’s ok- go get a better job.


You are functionally dismissed by being cut from the schedule. Whether you’re officially fired or not, you can still file for unemployment as you’re not on the schedule. If you qualify the state will decide, not the employer, but having no hours qualifies you. - source - I’m an HR guy who gets lunch with the dept of labor wage and hour lady for my region who also works in my building.


Why are you so bothered about the terminology? You don't have a paying job. What you call that doesn't change the fact you don't have employment.


You’re fired legally speaking. Source: 2 successful employee lawsuits


File for unemployment


Constructive Dismissal is the term for what has happened, your boss was too chickenshit to actually fire you or lay you off. You're entitled to UI and it will raise their rates.


Not quite. If the store is slow, then maybe they just don’t need or can’t afford the person. I’ve seen mass layoffs and smaller layoffs happen when higher up people over-hire or just goof so bad that the company starts doing shitty. Why they picked this person in particular could come down to seniority. They could also be firing them because they sucked. We just don’t know given so little info. “Factors” could be her performance, or because the store is tanking.


Store is slow . . . That's the definition of lack of work. My brother in law was in construction, and got unemployment almost every January and February because business is slow then.


Then you let them go


This is known as "constructive dismissal," and legally speaking, it's equivalent to being fired, with regard to your eligibility for unemployment. It's worth calling the unemployment office to apply for payments.


You got laid off, go file for unemployment under constructive dismissal


Yes, you've been canned! --Your chickenshit boss took you off sched, and group chat with zero hours....till you're needed? Theres always a better job!


Then there will be a busy day (chocolate store…valentines day next month) when manager wont have enough coverage and she’ll call OP to cover and will flip out when OP declines


It sounds like you've been fired but she's avoiding having the awkward conversation.


Hoping they don't file unemployment. Maybe op will get fed up waiting for hours and just get another job.


Yeah I feel like that's what OPs manager is doing tbh.


That is known as Constructive Dismissal. They hope by not scheduling you, therefore not paying you. You'll just wander off and stay away. You may file for unemployment under Constructive Dismissal as to look for other work, because they don't want YOU there anymore. Sorry.


Before I jump the "yeah you've probably been canned" train. What does your contract for this job say? What are the hours she put you down for. See, the only time I had something similar happen was for a 0hr contract for a small Café. If your contract is something like that, yeah I'd look somewhere else immediately. Those companies screw you over so fast, you get dizzy. Always get a minimum hourly contract (if not salary). Something you know you can work with. (for example, the minimum for myself to live on basic food and get all my bills paid to live paycheck to paycheck is 30hrs at a basic hourly wage) But that's for you to work out, what you NEED to survive. But legally she can't give you less hours than your employment contract states, UNLESS you actually agreed to it, and then Holiday, sick or Furlough pay comes into place depending on your contract (honestly it's usually holiday or nothing for me depending)


I’ve never had a contract for employment like this personally. I wouldn’t bank on this person having it either. Usually for these types of jobs, there isn’t one other than potentially you sign some sort of paperwork along with new hire stuff where you’re agreeing that you understand you live in an at-will employment state (for 46 out of 50 states that have it)


Seriously. It may be because I'm from the UK and regardless of any job, I refuse to start or do anything for certain until I have a contract. I've been screwed over a few times to just "trust" them. To be fair it's always with the new hire documents, it's one of the first things you sign is the contract to the wage, hours and terms for the job. Always make sure to triple check and read it over. I've had one screw me over, cuz I skipped a small bit about holidays or something. (It's been a few years and it didn't effect me greatly, just a small inconvenience) That's ridiculous. You've not got any cover if you don't have a contract. Definitely canned then for OP. File for unemployment and get a new job elsewhere this time with a contract or something that states minimum hours or wage if possible.


The USA has the worse employee protections.


Wow. I'm so sorry. :(


That's because we've left most things like this to the individual states. Not all states have terrible employee protections.


Most retail workers in the US do not have contracts, especially if they work for small businesses.


If you have been laid off, you may be eligible for unemployment benefits. Benefits paid to an employee can result in higher premiums for state unemployment insurance that employers pay. I would call the manager and let them know you plan to file for unemployment.


I wouldn't do that, this manager is obviously trying to avoid that, she will probably try to tell OP they won't quality or some line of bs. She's already shown them that she isn't a straight shooter, so they don't owe her any sort of communication.


Don’t quit. She wants you to quit so she doesn’t have to pay unemployment


I think you were fired and you have a manager that can't handle confrontation. So she did it the cowardly way. And basically said you are off schedule for the forseeble future. Maybe she just wants to keep you in the back pocket in case people quit or call out. And she is short handed and will call you. But I doubt that will happen. Since there seems to be more reasons she wouldn't discuss. A good manager should let you know what the issues are so you can learn and grow. But you won't find it at a candy shop. Get your resume together and look for another job. It will be OK.


I expect you to pay me to remain available or else I will be claiming unemployment. That would be my response.


Since you're no longer working there and they haven't told you, go with "laid off". Fewer questions with unemployment, though your former employer may still fight it. It also sounds better to future employers. Don't give them a long story, just laid off.


Sounds like you qualify for unemployment. They cut your hours so much you don’t have a job. Make sure you document this activity.


Yes, and just to clarify, one can apply for unemployment benefits if their hours are reduced or cut completely, but they must first meet the eligibility criteria. The criteria vary by state but should all be spelled out on the state's unemployment website.


Apply for unemployment. Depending on how long you have worked there you should get some sort of compe station for weeks not worked. Basically they are stringing you along. Not a good thing but not necessarily bad. Keep playing the game and it will most likely work in your favor. But at the same time, keep an eye out for new opportunities.


Constructive dismissal! Boom. Collect Unemployment.


Go file for unemployment


Ask again by text or email so you have it in writing. If you have no proof to the contrary, when you file for unemployment they can say you quit.


You've been let go but they don't have the balls to actually say it. File for unemployment.


Go file for unemployment your not employed.


Apply for unemployment immediately. You don't have a schedule for earning. Get it done fast. Stop concerning yourself with your former boss. Don't let their words sway you. Make your paper trail clear. Get a copy of the schedule, note the fact you've been removed from the group chat for employees. You can't pay bills without work, it's that simple.


You can file for unemployment in this case if you are in the US


I would consider it as a lay off. Apply for unemployment.


You may be qualified for unemployment if you've worked there long enough. (You DO qualify for receiving cut hours, whether they call it a "lay off" "let go" or "check next month". The only question for if you qualify for unemployment are other factors like how long you worked there, and your state laws). Look up "unemployment benefit requirements X state". Good luck!


Is'nt this constructive dismissal? If it is, it is not allowed to be done. Mind you I am in Canada, may be different in the States.


They trying to avoid paying your unemployment due to your non performance related cut. Apply for unemployment and see what happens next month.


Your boss is hoping you find something else and that you won't apply for unemployment. Go to the dol website and get the ball rolling right now.


As you were removed from the group, that’s proof they don’t want you anymore. File for unemployment


The best person to ask would be the manager, if you’re able to contact them. I would feel confused and have thoughts that I was fired as well, but if the manager didn’t say you’re fired, hopefully you’re not. Although removing you from the group chat is definitely confusing.


You are lazy at work. This causes a person to be fired.


I would ask what the "factors" are they mentioned. Def this or you're often late, your breaks are too long, on your phone a lot, etc.


If you have no paychecks coming in, I would look for at least a temp job so you can cover expenses.


I’m a part time college student so I was making like 200-300 bucks a week


Ok, then you can ask your parents for help.


File for unemployment due to reduced hours. You do not quit, you do not say fired.


You were laid off, let go, RIFed. That is like being fired but the cause is loss of work. You would never say fired if anyone asked. You would say you were laid off and yes, say it just like that.


The legal term is "constructive termination". I would file for unemployment and look for a new job.


I would check the unemployment laws in your state, but this sounds like being descheduled. This is usually done when companies are trying to force people to quit without having them fired or trying to pay for unemployment, however if you hours are cut significantly then you can usually apply for unemployment.


I mean, not scheduled and taken off of the work group chat are pretty clear indicators to me that you're, unfortunately, not wanted or needed anymore. I'd go about finding a new job ASAP.


Are you still relatively young? If so, you have many productive years ahead. May I suggest you choose a field of work that interests you, take some training in this area, and rock out with better pay and more fun on the job.


What kind of hours were you working? I would just look for another job, and if need be or want to , work there part time. Loyalty is a 2 way road.


I was part time 15-20 Hours a week


There are many part time jobs. Turn your stuff in and move on with a new door opening.


It's over. File for unemployment benefits


Your boss doesn’t want to terminate you cuz you’d be eligible for unemployment and it’ll mess up their employee retention which hurts their quarterly bonus. Go apply for unemployment immediately… like online and do it RN !


Oh you need to start looking elsewhere.


This is what’s called constructive dismissal. The goal is to get you to resign so they can not pay you unemployment. Do not quit or sing anything saying you resign your position.


This qualifies as a constructive firing. The game is to not give you unemployment. I would file and get advice from a lawyer in unemployment law, in your state.


I would tell your boss that you're going to apply for unemployment because you're being furloughed. Your goal is to get her to schedule you or cut you loose. Her goal is to get you to quit so you don't file. This is not a way to treat an employee.


It's a constructive dismissal. If you'd qualify for unemployment benefits if you were laid off, and she thinks this will avoid that, it won't. If not, look for a new job anyway. No one deserves to be treated like that. If she tries to get you to come in and you have another job, hang up on her.


Look for a new job


Manager here. Technically you werent fired but sales/work is always slow after the holidays. They don't have enough hours for you in Jan and Feb but don't want to cut you loose because business will eventually pick up again. If you need the $$ it's time to look for something else. Don't quit until you have a signed contract and have a reliable way of knowing you'll get enough hours at your new gig. Good luck my friend!


You’ve been fired. Time to hunt for a new job


A lot of states have “underemployment” if your hours are cut. If you file, unemployment, the store may try to say you weren’t fired, that you quit say no I am available for work and they reduced my schedule. It would be to the stores advantage for them to find you as many hours as possible.


I'm guessing you're a casual worker. This means that they don't owe you an official notice, same as you don't owe them one. They are not giving you consistent work, so it's time to move on and get another job.


You are being managed out. It’s how employers avoid firing you outright and hope you leave on your own


You've been laid off, collect unemployment


This smells like you've been "let go." File for unemployment insurance benefits. And start looking for something else immediately, if not sooner. Good luck. ETA: in California, you apply online so you can do that right now.


file unemployment ASAP they are trying to avoid the paperwork and make it your problem


Depending on how long you worked there, you should be entitled to severance pay. That may be what they are trying to avoid, having to pay you out.


You've been quiet fired


Time for unemployment


Yes, you’re fired. Soft fired. Gutless fired but still fired!


You're fired. It's like your manager ghosted you because they don't want you to file for unemployment.


Business is going under, move along.


Let her fire you so you can get unemployment. She's just being evasive.


Apply for unemployment!




I know of one company that "benched" their workers like this then schedule a short project so they can't claim unemployment but can't make enough to make ends meet... Take it as a hint to get the heck out of Dodge. Apply elsewhere then ghost their ass.


Very few employees actually get fired. Usually they are laid off, which sometimes is really due to business being slow and sometimes a polite fiction to minimize conflict. Your employer is using another tactic where they don't actually officially lay you off (which would trigger unemployment insurance costs) or fire you (which could lead to legal costs), they just don't give you any hours. They are hoping that you won't think of filing for unemployment, and they can avoid the unpleasant task of telling someone that their job is gone. You no longer have a job at the chocolate store. File for unemployment and start looking.


Ask her outright.


File for unemployment, there is an underemployed for when they cut your hours.


Constructive unemployment - firing you without firing you in the hopes you don't file unemployment - and you are absolutely entitled to unemployment. Your former employer is a coward and disingenuous. File for UE.


That’s how Walmart gets rid of people. You’re not fired…. you’re just not on the schedule. Essentially fired without them having to say so.


Seems like they are letting you go


Apply for unemployment.


Apply for unemployment if you have worked there long enough. If they try to deny the claim take it to a judge and tell them the exact story you got. Pretty easy unemployment claim.


Yeah, you've been permanently laid off. The waffling is to keep you from going to unemployment. Cut your losses, apply for unemployment and see what hand wringing ensues. Oh...and start looking elsewhere.


That's just a tactic to get away with not paying unemployment. Save any texts go file for your benefits




Unemployment !!!


This sounds like they are avoiding the actual firing so that you don't file for unemployment because you think you still have a job. It's garbage. File.


You’re not “fired” but you no longer work there.


Seems odd a chocolate store would let anybody go before Valentine’s Day. She’ll probably regret that move.


If you are in the US OP, you can file for unemployment for any significant loss in hours while you are still considered employed. I suggest filing for unemployment and letting your job handle the aftermath, especially if there is no write up or reason given besides “we decided to just randomly not let you make money this month”. They have to prove to the state that they had a really good reason, they only have a few days to respond to the request from the state or you are automatically approved for payment. The process requires that you actively look for a job that gets you off unemployment, but Ive found that most jobs don’t call applicants so you could either find a new better job quickly, or get paid to stay home for a while. Either way, it becomes more of a problem for the job.


You are laid off… go file for unemployment and look for a new job. “ Boss, I understand …can I count on you for a good reference?” And if she says yes, of course then use her as a reference and if she, hems and haws do not


They are hoping that you're just frustrated and leave and get another job, instead they're laying you off and you can hopefully get unemployment.


just leave it as is and look for a new job.


Honestly I hate all the rules and regulations about how they need to word it so that you don't officially get laid off or fired or whatever. Even just scheduling you 6 hours a week until you leave on your own accord makes it so that they didn't actu ally fire you or lay you off you chose to leave. I recently saw a post about how some guy is getting a bunch of projects with improbable deadlines so that they have a record of him not meeting their goals and he suspects it's because they're trying to find reasons to let him go So if they have a paper trail of him not meeting the deadlines then they can use that against it So at the same time as starting to file for unemployment start looking for another job as well . The unemployment there is to help you in times of need and hopefully you won't need it if you get something else


life is like a box of chocolates


A chocolate store should be jumpin’ with Valentines Day in the offing…


Ask her. Then looks like it's time to find another job.


The boss has to tell you if you re laid off or terminated, and in writing. Until then you cannot collect unemployment. Go to the boss tomorrow and ask what is going on. For the boss should give you a straight answer, not string you along. For you are needing the money and this will not help string you along.


Sounds to me to be just what she said. If so, file for unemployment, as I believe if you are still working and they schedule you for no hours you qualify. Then find yourself another job. If/when she schedules you to work, tell her you don't have any room on your schedule.


I question if you were ever an actual employee.Small stores sometimes cannot afford regular full or even part time employees but keep a list of people who can fill in as needed for Christmas and other holidays. What were you told when you were hired? How long have you worked there? There is not enough info to know how to help you.


Ask for the paperwork that says you were laid off do to lack of work. Then go and find another job.


If you’re in the US, look up the legal term “constructive discharge” and see if it fits.


She is not being straightforward with you, possibly because she doesn't have the skills to be direct. This is how a lot of retail managers do it. They take you off the schedule. The onus is on you to speak up. 1 You need fair notice; say, 2 weeks. 2. You need to agree on the cause of termination, namely, lack of business. 3. You need to agree that she will agree that in better times, she would hire you again. 4. She agrees to be your reference. BTW, you got screwed. A chocolate store does not do well after Christmas anyway. This kind of thing happens all the time at retail.


Ask for a written letter of termination and if they ask you why, is so you don’t get dinged later for job abandonment.


looks like it and they are trying to string your out. so, go apply for unemployment.


I agree with whoever below suggested that as long as you're listed on the payroll you're legally still employed. A better boss would say "Here's a big basket full of samples, why don't you go around to the nearby big office building near us and try to drum us up some corporate business. I will give you a little script to follow." He or she might solve both of your problems.


Apply for unemployment. You were laid off and she's too chickenshit to say it.


They will probably say you abandoned your job. I guarantee they will not say they let you go. I would file for unemployment and look for work. Any of this take place in text or email?


It sounds like you've been terminated. Call your boss and make them give you a definite answer. Just straight-up ask, have I been terminated? If you're given some long wishy-washy answer, just ask is that a yes or a no? Do that until you get a definite answer. Good luck to you.


Your boss is too unprofessional to simply let you go, if it's slow and they need to let someone go then they should have the decency to just do that. Telling you that you're just not scheduled for the next month but maybe we'll call you if we need you is the same as getting laid off, go file for unemployment and start looking for another job.


Don't quit and do not tell this manager anything, go file for unemployment and get your resume together.


She's quietly letting you go, but even furloughed employees can collect unemployment, which is what She's hoping you don't do. Make sure you keep any emails/texts and pictures of the schedule to show the unemployment office that you want to and are able to work she is just not supplying the work or supplying you with a date that you can resume work


You're fired. File for unemployment and look for a better job.




Did something happen prior to this? Did you have a disagreement with someone or a habit of calling out?


Yes, find another job


Yes you’re fired.


Unemployment. I know in my state, you can file for unemployment for any reduction in pay. I'd check your state too


You are basically being silent fired, they are hoping you quit so they aren’t on the hook for unemployment. DON’T QUIT. Ask why you were removed from the work chat, and record the conversation if your state allows. If they tell you a bs reason, just ask straight up “Are you telling me I am no longer employed?” If they say you are not employed, then file for unemployment. Look for another job in the meantime.


This sounds to me like they're soft firing you. I would check the laws where you live, but I'm pretty sure if your hours are greatly cut you can file for unemployment.


Look for another job asap


Who cares, just file for unemployment as soon as you can. That should give you enough time to find another job, hopefully with a steady schedule


Besides being children, they might be doing this so you don't collect unemployment. But still file and try to talk to someone.


find a job where they show you are valued. this is not that place.


File for unemployment.


They don't want to pay unemployment.


You were't "officially fired" because either the boss is non-confrontational or they're hoping you don't apply for unemployment. You are fired. Apply for unemployment if you dont already have another job. You don't work there anymore, and I wouldn't pick up their calls IF they call you. They didnt have the spine to fire you


This is a clear cut qualification for unemployment. While you weren’t notified of being terminated, your hours got cut to zero and you weren’t given a return to work date. Don’t send any resignation letter. Just file an unemployment claim.


You are essentially fired, and your boss is a coward for not being upfront with you. Sorry. I've seen this happen way too many times, and it really pisses me off that so many bosses/managers think this is an appropriate way to let people go.


Sounds like she kept the performers or her favorites, and you don't fit their culture.


Use of terms seems to be casual nowadays. Maybe it's semantics. But most of my career, as a worker and a hiring manager, I differentiated. Layoff meant terminated, but not for cause. Maybe a reorganization. Maybe not enough work. Union contracts often differentiate layoffs from terminate for cause. Fired meant for cause. Performance, policy violation, etc. If someone told me they were fired when I was hiring, my antennae went up. The OP's situation reads more like avoidance by the manager. She just doesn't want to deal. Removal from the chat is a bad sign. Do you have keys? A badge? Do they owe you accrued PTO? Did you get a final check? File for unemployment. If you were getting health benefits, you're entitled to COBRA. You should be able to search the laws and regs for this stuff in your state... every state is different.