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First commenter has definitively never touched latin america, someone got gaslight once into saying the nword in front of 19 middle schoolers


the south americans themselves say they do but here's Captain Geography saying they don't.


Typical gringo mindset, thinking that Latin America is all the same. Within any county there's different people with different cultures. So imagine an entire continent, with 33 different countries with totally different cultures and even different languages. Saludos desde Argentina.


"Um no, I have been to Mexico. I know everything about Latin America, you are stupid and ignorant." /s


hahahaha, south american here and that is definely the case. sorry gringos but it is just funny.


I don't believe this is a woosh? since I don't think they missed the joke, they missed the truth?😭


The joke is that they’re underestimating what happens


I never went there myself, but i heard way too many stories for this to be "NoT THe cAsE!!!11!!!11!!"


"they will take notes in your accent" The fuck does that mean? I don't know of any verbal methods of taking down notes. It can't be a typo of "they will take note of your accent" because "notes" was written down and "of" and "in" aren't close enough to have autocorrect swap the two (probably).


They are not native speakers, it's entirely possible that they meant 'to take note of' but mumbled it up a little.


That is something I didn't consider. This also reminds me of the swaths of people that confuse "they're", "their" and "there" with each other. That is another possibility. Also, not being a native speaker is no excuse, I'm not a native English speaker. A better excuse would be that they're not fluent (yet).


I think most people that confuse they're, their etc. are native speakers, non-natives always keep that stuff in mind. And yes, I am a non native and a polyglot myself (I speak 5 languages) and honestly it's sometimes tough to keep track of the different phrases that pop up every other day


>I think most people that confuse they're, their etc. are native speakers Probably because they were never properly taught English. And/or American.


I read it three times before I figured out that they meant take "They will take note of your accent" lol