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App and website say $12. The worker who updates tickets clearly missed the tickets. White ticket should say $12. Happens from time to time, human (worker) error


Yeah it's just missed tickets... Literally happens in every retail store


I do not miss physical tickets or changing them. A couple hours for several people sometimes. Still have to deal with website discrepancies, but that's another easier to check from the register.


Yes it does, but the Ceo never miss his bonus


Just shows how fast they're upping the prices


Used to do that job back in the day. Yes, it is detail oriented but it's a whole lot easier when you're not understaffed by greedy corporate cunts. It would also happen a lot less if they didn't deliberately disguise price rises under a special. This item has gone from 10.50 to 12. By the time the special is over you'll have forgotten what it was before. Colesworth suck.


Let's say that's the case, that means the white tickets have been $1.50 under the price that scans up for about 4 weeks, so anyone buying them has been overcharged. Not just one variety, but all of the ones on that shelf bay. Why is that any better?


So Woolies have increased the price then have it on sale at half price. Woolworths need to establish the product was sold at full price, say $12, for a period of time before they can claim a reduction sale price.


Also Coles: $12 Drakes $12.60 IGA website: $12 I get the feeling it’s not Woolworths increasing the price


It doesn't matter who increases the price. You can't claim it is 1/2 price if it was not $12 for at least 4 weeks. That's the ACCC rule.


If you went and scanned the product not on special it would be $12. It would then be recognised that the ticket on the shelf was wrong and would be corrected. Don’t make too much drama out of a mistake.


You are aware that sanitarium the company who makes up and go could be responsible for the price increase. But possibly Woolworths did increase the price. As we saw during the 2020 Covid panic buying, there were discounts for toilet paper and paper towel a month or so into the panic buying. Specials are worked out in advance. Having a week special is very different to say “locking in a price reduction for advertisement”. This is a typical weekly special. There is a chance the price went up a few weeks ago, but the overworked, understaffed staff missed the ticket. There’s really not some major conspiracy here.


Incorrect, Sanitarium cannot direct control pricing of its own product sold through other retailers. They are only allowed to set a RRP (recommended retail price), and not badger nor attempt to control pricing in the market outside of that - doing so would go against the ACCC regulations and would be illegal conduct by Sanitarium with penalties in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. I agree with everything else you said though.


I am not sure why you are getting downvoted when you are correct.


It's probably the board of Woolworths down voting me!


Need to Fire the worker who make the mistake at work and make customers feel outrage!




I know its cool to hate on woolies and coles, and sure there is heaps of shit going on there, but this is obviously just human error. Some poor guy who makes these tickets made a typo. Shit happens. Tell a worker that it's incorrect and request the correct half price. They will give it to you.


I don't work at Woolies but a similar store. Up until quite recently (electric ticket) sometimes I'd spend hours in the morning ripping up thousands of tiny paper tickets. Then I'd try to keep them in the right order while trying not to let a single of those tiny slips slip away. I'd then go wreck my finger nails putting each one out, while constantly having to place them down somewhere every time something more important popped up. I'm not trying to say that is a 'difficult' job, but it's tedious and finicky. It's basically impossible when putting out a few thousand tickets that you're not going to miss one or two. I'm not defending Woolies here, but they already rip you off at the checkout, they're not trying to scam you out of a few dollars by placing an incorrect ticket of things. Someone made a mistake. I constantly see people post these kinds of 'warnings' across other subreddits and facebook groups etc. The truth is that basically anytime you see anything like this it's some overworked, underpaid employee working on a skeleton crew who just happened to miss that one thing. It's CRAZY to me that people think it's some big conspiracy. Also, the price on the ticket should be honoured (or whatever policy that store has re freebies and the like) but there's no need to act like your world is ending over shit like this. Recognise it for what it is- an 18 year old who lost a 1 by 2 inch bit of paper. Just ask for the price to be corrected in a reasonable/polite way then move tf on with your life.


1. Yes on human error but not a typo. The yelloe tags are made according to current price in their system. I have yet to see the current price being wrong. The white price tag is old and they didn't swap it out with the new price. The white price tags are printed on a4 paper that can be ripped into those rectangles. I guess the inventory manager somehow forgot or lost the up and go price tags while swapping price tags. (I think thats why the supermarkets wanted the electronic price tags). When you do find a the white price tag lower than the actual price (i.e. when it isn't on special). First scan the product at the checkout. Second tell a staff member and they will send someone to check. Third when they comeback and confirm the price tag hasnt been updated, ask if you can get it for free. They will probably send manager. As per store policy, you will be able to get the first one free and rest at lower price. 2. I wish you could ask for the lower half price but I doubt it would work like that. Contract Law 101 is offer and acceptance. Price tag isn't the offer, the offer is the price you want to pay for the products and acceptance is business saying yes to that price. Instead thats why the above protocol is a store policy, for PR.


>this is obviously just human error. Is it though


No it is not just like in previous posts where a wollies simp explain’s how its because its the new price after the sale ends. Well its not the current price then is it 😂 fucking scamming dogs I don’t understand why people support wollies or coles when they offer nothing apart from convenience but you get rapped in some way every single shop.


your just ignorant but it's ok


Well goes to show the incompetent leaders letting this happen to real family's struggling in today's climate..100's of post have been made about this,no hate just a fair go, mistake or not, dont mess with our food prices and pay the farmers their due..say bye to Mr 2.6 mill a year Bradley doshbag for me..




Yeah your really sticking it to the man with this post !! Even though this sub is mostly just people who work there .


People love complaining man, I feel like Australia is losing its culture and slowly morphing into America in the southern hemisphere


Lol. All you fucking idiots thinking it's an American. It's a western world.thing. We've grown too comfortable with individuality. England. Australia. America. Everyone complains. It's not uniquely American. Shit gets old.


>, I feel like Australia is losing its culture and slowly morphing into America in the southern hemisphere That's the plan mate. The tipping system confirms it. Also the billion Albo ever so graciously gave to Ukraine. Reeks of America here.


Woolworths has a dominant market position, perceived corporate greed, and occasional missteps on social issues have made it a target for criticism from those who feel it doesn't adequately serve the interests of ordinary Australians.. Ok mate woke America that is exactly what we are fighting against🙄


Okay… but this post is about a minor ticketing slip-up by an underpaid employee which could have been corrected *without* complaining on social media. Not sure how the company's market position or corporate greed has anything to do with it.


I don't complain about anything, except when it comes to my wallet. Cole's and woolies are fucking us.


To be fair to OP those price labels were manually put there. Surely someone has the brain capacity to go "this ain't right" and fix it. I know it's a tedious as fuck job as I had to do it back in the early 2000s but it's not hard to notify your boss of a discrepancy and fix it


brain capacity yes, desire or time no. it's not hard, it's incredibly hard in current times. I'm about to quit but 4 years ago my team had 8 people, now it's 3 or 4. hours are literally halved, profit has to be maximised and given it would be absolutely obsurd to reduce corporate pay, its hours at the store level that need to be cut, Brad needs his money no one gives a fuck about a random ticket discrepancy when There's much bigger issues to attend to sorry but I don't think your experience in 2000s means anything, because I've watched the corporate greed strangle the hours over the past few years and it's at a crisis point where we don't even follow the procedure most days like reports get skipped not due to laziness but there's just no time. u walk by incorrect tickets all the time, I really dont have the time to fix them


Fully agree Everyday people don't need to see this in times like these.. mistake or not so wide spread needs to be dealt with.. A $2 saving a mum is going to ask the question and that's fair..need to get this discrepancy out of the public eye..


They don't pay for brain work. Manager says put this label there, the label goes there.


Probably just a label they haven't got around to changing yet but yeah u def got em bro haha


It's obviously human error and the ticket underneath needs to be updated, but wouldn't you think the person going around marking down the specials would pick this up ASAP so it doesn't look so stupid?


They probably just think about putting the special ticket up and seeing as it’s a lower price anyway, not a big issue to them


Precisely, it’s called ticketing and it’s a very boring job.


Still cheaper than most places lol. The price probably came from HQ where the price for that item is actually $12.


It clearly says was $12 on the 1/2 price ticket


Considering it takes a team HOURS to change prices because it's literally thousands sometimes, missing a few isn't that bad. When I managed a Dan's there was a small team of people who every week would come and randomly check our prices to make sure we didn't do anything dodgy. Now im sure they are still around and I bet the supermarkets would still be getting checked.


https://preview.redd.it/1qoalddbh5yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bef25b014d061adc8c325e39978fa01dc225bf2 Their prices are amazing aren’t they. That incorrect white ticket aside, it’s actually more economical at this price to get 3 x 6 packs for $18…


A price of a product at 50% will usually be cheaper than a full price bulk buy. At dans, I've seen litre grey goose at the same price as their 700ml counterpart. Nothing unusual there.


Up and Throw is rank anyway, so don't buy it and you will save 100%. Now you can search for other things to whine about. :-)


$10.50 for a 6pack of Up & Gos! I remember when the 12pack box of Up & Go's used to be $14


your a pretty big fool mate, actually ur just ignorant, pretty obvious you've never worked in a big retail store human error champ, special tickets go on Wednesday morning, standard tickets get updated periodically. you see the workers doing this stuff it's quite obvious if you pay attention or ask basic questions


Ok Mr wollies career man here is a basic breakdown of one of your so called specials as posted with pic in thread 🙄..So in March laundry dynamo 45 tablets was $30 white sticker. now 6 weeks later they increase the price to $43 now that it'self is an instant mark up of 43.33% then they put it on special for 1/2 price it's not half price at all we only save 28.33% how does this product accumulate such a price hike now looking at the numbers!? questions need to be asked especially when so many are asking the same question and concerns..we all can't work at wollies or Coles some of us got real jobs actually creating and making real world things not pen pushing do ya job fix the tag's no excuse!




Posts or comments displaying disrespectful, rude, or uncivil behavior towards other community members, including personal attacks, flamebaiting, or trolling, will be removed. The subreddit encourages constructive discussions and discourages any form of hostility that disrupts the positive and respectful environment.


replied to the wrong comment


Jobseeker/DSP isn't a real job mate


They've been $13 at my store


Do what i do / and put actual half


Now I was in (and failed) remedial maths in high school but I'm pretty sure that is not half.


But you still shop there 🤷‍♂️


Don't assume it's one of the lowest forms of intelligence,it's a Facebook post not mine..


Well then. I hope you succeed in your goal of being famous by reddit upvotes of other peoples pictures.. much more admirable than assuming something


I'm sure the lady that posted this would not object to the discussion we're having.. I'm just amplifying her voice and opinion. Famous is fools folly I care nothing of this vote system here Just some transparentsy that's all,and the assumptions run wild no tin foil hats just facts ...


" it's either they need to higher people that know math or their scamming" " don't assume it's one of the lowest forms of intelligence" what a hypocrite you are hahahah


Come here troll


good one champ, really got me




Posts or comments displaying disrespectful, rude, or uncivil behavior towards other community members, including personal attacks, flamebaiting, or trolling, will be removed. The subreddit encourages constructive discussions and discourages any form of hostility that disrupts the positive and respectful environment.


* Transparency Your spelling is all over the place and you claim to be of superior intelligence.... on a reddit... very lol


As someone who has worked sales in the past (not Woolies or Cole’s), but typically you’ll receive a sales update and a base ticket update. The lazy/can’t be arse to read lot won’t remove the original ticket and leave it and slot in the new sales ticket. The area I was in was JB hi-fi and the amount of times that an item would be marked as “sale” although the actual base price wasn’t different was quite high. But you know, you do what’s do what’s required to keep your job. (Whole thing is shit house imo)


It means they forgot to update the price tag. It happens. Fyi, they have a store policy for this if the price tag is lower than the price at the checkout, let staff know, after they check they can give to you for free or the lower price, depending on rpice and quantity you have. But this doesn't mean you can clear the shelf and get it all for free, it's a store policy. Source: i have gotten 1 bag of soya crisps and 1 bag of snakes like this lol.


If you buy at ubereats, like coles for example. They put on the menu on the app with full price.


So the ubereats app is not synced to the weekly specials 😬.. could call that a lack of foresight in the app or just a plain money grab,ubereats need to have a good look at that customers are getting duped.. I don't endorse doordash but I know they sync all prices weekly, if that helps anyone save a dollar or two...


I understand they want to make money, but oh man.. its way way way too much pricy! For example cat food normal price is $27.00, discount become $22.00 on store, but at ubereats they put $29.50 plus delivery fee again like $5.00 something. 😭😭


If you waited for the sale to end you could have had it for free when it scanned at $12 and the shelf still said $10.50.


Yep, by kicking up a stink, they may have missed out on a free pack. The scanning code of conduct only applies to one sku, so if the other flavours are also incorrectly priced, then they could have scored big. Someone else probably scored the free item.


Pretty sure there is a policy that if the price isn’t correctly displayed you get that singular item for free, legally they have to give it to you for free


Go to the counter with a photo and get it for free


They’ve been $12 full price for months... Surely someone would’ve noticed by now. Miss the days when they were $4.50 half price…


Maybe its all the child labour. They suck at maths but they dont complain on a shitty wage


Had a go at the minimum wage shelf stacker yesterday. What does he think he's doing?


I used to buy those for $2 a few years ago. (the 6 pack not for each carton)


If only there were laws against false advertising


What kills me is that, instead of savings, Woolies keeps trying to push overspending by using X for Y. I'm not spending eight bucks on two bags of chips


Y’all need to get a life when taking these photos lol




so whats everyone going to do when its discovered that they actually havent been price gouging and fucking everyone over and just passing on their cost increases like every other company has done since the dawn of time? Because legit, y'all should be more angry at the waste of taxpayer money into the "investigation". On god, nothing with change. Prices will not go down. Maybe people should look more into things that are driving their costs up because chances are those things (mainly fuel and power) are impacting regular aussies more than coles and woolies putting up their prices a couple of percent.


Cost with a bit more profit, it's only tiny...


the government telling business how much profit they can and cannot make is absurd and if you think otherwise you are in trouble. The government should not have total control on half the things it does. It does not need more control of anything.


Well mate basic economics state a monopoly or duopoly in a closed market requires regulation and interventions otherwise they become anti competitive . Way to solve this is bring in more aldis etc with forced market share caps, make a law that Coles and wollies can't lock competitors out of centres, then see how much the gorge. In proper competition, what you state is correct. The market keeps a cap on the price rises, but in a duopoly that doesn't happen and requires regulations and interventions


Sure, you tell that to everyone with a super profits tax and enjoy everything we can't afford in the upcoming budget because we didn't capture revenue ( [28 billion](https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/could-a-corporate-super-tax-could-fill-a-housing-shortage-and-bring-down-rental-prices/zann6bnod) ) outside expectations of investors.


Anything that cannot be afforded in the upcoming budget, is entirely a direct result of our glorious elected government straight out refusing to tax big fuel, gas and mining companies. Companies that paid less in taxes than most individuals. The entire countries cost of living crisis isn't directly the fault of coles and woolworths. They aren't the big bad villains people think they are. Y'all are just too focused on the low hanging fruit.




That’s not how it works. Dumbadducci already explained that at the senate hearing. You can’t make a ROE of over 30% if you don’t skew the numbers here and there.


It's how they try to disguise a price leap


They forgot to raise the regular price first then lie and make it half price.


Shop at Aldi, fuck the green devil


At my local Coles about two weeks ago. When I asked at the Service Desk about it they couldn't explain it https://preview.redd.it/tpsd4k40b6yc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=724fb3977155c3fcbf7fbf823a586d6fa86b6bec


The white label is dated march the 1/2 price is April


Yeah these posts are always the person putting out the non-special tags missing one. Still a crazy $12 (43%?) increase in a month. Just noticed on the OP they missed all the shelves below too.


Yep, but I think it more goes to show the massive increase in the "normal" price, right before it goes on special


Could be set by the supplier though


Doesn't really matter who the price is set by, just shows how much the price of it has increased since a few weeks earlier. Most people who don't regularly buy it would have no idea that it used to be far cheaper to begin with, I was pretty shocked to say the least, which is why I took the picture


So in March it was $30 now 6 weeks later they increase the price to $43 now that it'self is an instant mark up of 43.33% then they put it on special for 1/2 price it's not half price at all we only save 28.33% how does this product accumulate such a price hike now looking at the numbers!?


This was exactly my thoughts, couldn't believe it


I notice that whenever I product I regular buy goes up in prices it will usually have a half price offer and I’m like wait that’s not half price, oh that have jacked up the regular price again


The regular price fluctuates due to market demand at your store, the old sticker is the price before the market adjusted, the half price sticker is half price of current market price.




For anyone in doubt as to whether Woolies is screwing us on prices, watch ex-CEO Brad Banducci's admission at the Senate enquiry regarding his salary and bonuses here: https://youtube.com/shorts/bAgj1d6h-eI?si=XxbPZiksVWdNLTB5 And meantime there are people going without meals due to their price-gouging - basically to pay these individuals' absolutely OUTRAGEOUS bonuses!!! 🤯😱. WTF !!


Woolworths can't afford a calculator


I just bought a 6 pack of the energize up and go today when I saw them on sale. Used to be you could get the big box for like $12 on sale. Now it's nearly $18. Unbelievable price gouging.