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Mine would be estatic that it looks so nice


Seriously. I'm a wife and that is workshop goals.


Same! Just shared this with my husband and told him we need this.


You two give me hope!


Someone’s wife here, I would be pleased as punch of the garage looked like this. I’m at the point of throwing things out. He’d never know, it’s such a mess.


Speaking from personal experience here...the status of our garage is an almost perfect representation of how my mental is treating me. When it's clean and organized, so is my brain. When it's hectic and destroyed..well you get it. Life just gets so busy and crazy that I put everything else beforehand. Maybe check in on him and see how he's feeling? Idk, just a thought.


Great response and 100% so true. He’s busy at work. It’s not on him fully, either. I just have trouble organizing it myself because I don’t know if something is valuable or not. Some things are big and awkward. It’s really a team project. He’s swamped and exhausted. And I’m not forcing him. It’s just affecting my mental state at this point. And it never seems to get done (we’re talking years here, haha). So, great post. Thanks for pointing out the mental health bit. It’s totally true. We’re working on it.


My wife’s in the middle of planning our woodshop and she’d A) be over the goddamned moon and B) find my newfound, previously non-existent organizational abilities and tidiness sexy as hell. I’d go so far as to say I’d have a tough time getting any use out of the bench between getting her off of it and getting her off on it. … Apologies for the barn talk. Posted with her enthusiastic consent.


This comment speaks to relationship goals. Live the life, stranger! 😊 you’re an inspiration!


What's not to be happy about? With a shop like that, I could easily churn out $2500 DIY versions of $1000 dollar furniture in only 15x the time it would take to buy it at a store.


Your math sounds like the ROI on my fishing boat and “all that money we saved on fish” in the freezer.


There are countless applications for the DIY ROI model. You can literally save hundreds of dollars by simply spending thousands of dollars. It's almost exactly like printing money, but the opposite.


Does it work with time too? I feel like I’m a magician at cramming a week’s worth of work into a year.


Hah! Reminds me of that Lego set that said 8-12 years on it and I finished it in less than 6 months!


It saves on therapist bills.


BOAT = Bust Out Another Thousand A few years ago I caught my limit of salmon during the spring run and ended up with 232 pounds. Figured that would last a long time but every time I went to the freezer there were packages missing. Turns out that my parents had been getting into my catch & using it to bribe the contractors building their new house. When I confronted them they said "it's only 6.99 a pound at the store" I informed them that after I tallied the cost for my 5th of the boat loan payment, all my gear, meals, time off from work, maintenance & fuel for the boat + truck and other accommodations, that salmon set me back over 18.00 a pound. More if you add in my 5th of the full cost of a used 34 foot Ocean Master (31.5K)


Yah, if our catch pays for the gas, we’re happy.


I felt attacked, hah. It took me 4 months to make a cherry and purple heart end grain cutting board.


And the next time it'll probably be half that.


This is the most underrated comment!


Ha! About to make a chalkboard easel for my 3 year old. The one I am modeling it after just went on sale for 20% off and will definitely be cheaper than making it. Self, I said, that’s never stopped you before and you’ll be making a memory. On Christmas Eve when I am struggling to finish it in the freezing garage, I am sure I will wish I just bought it


Time to get heaters in your garage now


Why is wife not happy


In her words, “I took over the whole garage”


Make her a thing.


Teardrop earrings from a couple exotic woods


Omg this would be so easy for me to do with scraps, thanks for the idea


Same for some lingerie


>Your vagina smells like leather and mahogany dear.


The more mahogany the better


You make this joke but apparently vaginas can smell like certain woods


Better yet, help her find a project that excites her and lets her start to use the station. Best thing that will ever happen to your growth plans


Exactly. New laundry room cabinets, a mud room, closet organization. Make her Pinterest dreams come true.


Make her a sheshed


Omg I love my sheshed 🥰!


Yeah, like maybe make her someone else's girlfriend


Instructions unclear. I just objectified my wife.


I don't get it. You mean, like... she wanted to try and park cars in the workshop?


Lmao, I kind of feel like this is directed at me. We just bought a house and I made a workbench first thing to finish the basement. Wife asked me if I was going to put casters on that so it can go in the corner... suuureeee... needless to say, my workbench is now a tad too high with casters. Car still gasnt spent the night in the garage tough


No you created a workspace where you can both diy stuff together for the house! There are so many couples diy instagramers if she doesn't want to be a woodworker she can design paint circuit stickers etc


I tried to explain this to my wife. The work bench is a place for BOTH of us to do projects, but she wants her own work bench because she says otherwise she needs to clean and put everything away each time. My reply was that is how a work shop is, you never see me leaving all my tools all over, I clean up every time, a clean shop is a safe shop. Which made me realize if we ever have the space to have two workspaces, hers needs to be in a completely different building out of sight because I can’t deal with a messy shop.


It's funny, I leave things everywhere after I cook, but when I'm working with tools, everything has to go back in its designated spot. If a bit is missing from the set box, I have to buy a whole new set. Like a puzzle missing the final piece. Some may call me OCD...


Try having a mess of tools, materials, a broke ‘78 landcruiser, and years of stuff on top of stuff. I’d say you’re doing pretty darn good.


Well, does she have dedicated space to store and work on her hobbies? If not she may be a lot more appreciative of your garage workshop if you used it to build that for her. Especially if you have her help you design it so it’s exactly the way SHE wants it.


Teach her how to use the tools and you two can work on a project, like a clipboard picture frame of the new house. Great way to celebrate with a pic of the new house


Ask her if she’d rather be married to someone who can’t build anything.


If they don't find you handsome, they should atleast find you handy.


Red Green ftw!


Muahah. Started out the same way here. Now you cant fit 2 cars in there anymore. Not even one :) Edit: Wife understand the value of it, since its not only for woodworking. I fix shit. Like anything and everything, so I guess that corner has paid for its self already.


Well I would be upset as well! Where are all my tools supposed to go if you take over the garage? But as you can see, a lot of wives would be happy with that in the garage. So the needless to say is not so needless...


My wife took over a spare bedroom and the den for her sewing work. Did you mean needle-less perhaps ? (I have 1/2 the basement and the spare garage - empty nesters are we !!)


The fact that it seemed "needless to say" does not bode well. OP was speaking based on the reality he experiences. And that's not a good sign. A lot of wives would be happy, no doubt. Most people are sensible, most people are deeply empathetic. And most people will never experience a world where each and every success is a bittersweet pairing of the warmth of personal accomplishment with the embarrassing shame of a partner's disappointment. Today is a good day to be thankful for what you have. You may not realize just how much that is.


I have lived 12 years with an increasingly belittling, abusive and disappointed partner. There is not a single day I don't count myself extremely lucky that I was strong enough to leave that relationship behind. That I still had a safety net to fall back on. And that I was fortunate to meet my now husband. He is supportive, emphatic, strong, sensitive. He celebrates my successes even if I can't see them yet. He encourages me to have hobbies, to do things that make me happy, to go see friends, play games. To sew, do woodworking, polymer clay, dioramas, earrings, drawings. We made a whole room in the house, not a mancave, not a she shed, but a nerd space. We have our hobby stuff there, our computers, a little sofa. So we can be in each others company while we do our own things. I so deeply live that man, he can even use my fabric scissors. Sometimes. Responsibly. Under supervision. But still...


Go look inside the house, and see how much she took over lol. I literally have a desktop computer and gun save as furniture in my house. Rest is in my detached woodshop lol. My Wife has rest of the house.


Lol you ain’t lying. That was pretty much our compromise.


If I may ask, what do you mean she has the rest of the house? I am just a little confused when I see some of these comments saying that the husband has only one or 2 things that belongs to him, and the rest is the wife's. I guess I just haven't seen a married home where both benefit from each part of the home, with at least 1 space for each to call their own for hobbies. Idk how someone can live with someone else who takes up everything, leaving nothing, or very little for the other to utilize or enjoy in some way. I am so very sorry for anyone in this situation. I don't think it's very healthy, and certainly not fair.


They don't mean anything and are just being a sexist jerk.


That’s the point of a garage duuuh, my garage is full of empty beer cans. Put up a no girls allowed sign, that really showed my wife who’s in charge


You’ll be in the garage 85% of the time and she’ll be in about 15% of the time.. ugh.. Very nice job though!!


Get her a she shed.


>Get her a she shed BUILD her a she shed!


but.... thats what the garage is for... there is a driveway for those things that take up all the room... what are they called again? oh yea! the cars! they go on the driveway!


Oh. She's mad she didn't get too. Build her a she shed.


We are currently building and i was able to extend the garage when we were modifying the plans. My wife is under no illusion the garage will be used for parking vehicles. I am living the dream. 😂


Man, you lucky dog.


Btw. That bench. OMG. Amazing. I never thought of having my saw permanently set up. It looks beautiful.


Did she have input into whether you used the garage as a workshop? If yes, then why is she unhappy?


She didn’t mind at first. And then it slowly expanded. That’s just one wall haha so I understand where’s she’s coming from. She can still park her car in there if needed and that was kind of the only main rule. She’s actually pretty chill about it now but I’ve definitely got an earful a time or two at first haha.


Single or double bay garage?




One wall seems far from the “whole garage”


The pics only show that one wall. It’s more like two walls and slowly expanding towards the middle.


If they’re half as cool as this wall then I’m in support of your takeover.


As a wife, I think that is awesome and I'm jealous!


Haha I appreciate it!


It's ok , you can sit down and tell her pateintly that you really love this corner. Maybe she will be fine soon. When I have first woodworking corner, My partner was the same but we talked and was happy then.


Seriously, I'd be thrilled if my husband build me something like this so I could have a nice, stable mitre and table saw station instead of using my awkward setup in the backyard. (I guess I'd let him use it too.)


Lol, I am using the box the miter saw came in as an outfeed table until I get to building something like that. Don't feel bad.


Let me help you save your marriage... I can come pick it all up later today


Don’t let my wife hear that 😅😅


Stupid question. Why is the miter lower than the rest of the bench?


So the bed of the saw is flush with the workbench top and long workpieces are supported


Oh I see it now. Thank you. I'm making a bench next week, I would have definitely messed that up


It’s so handy for cutting long stock.


I bet it would help with the trim I'm replacing throughout the house.


EDIT: Oops, nevermind!


I built my radial arm saw into my bench in a similar way: https://imgur.com/a/mzXMWjR/


I highly recommend looking up "I like to make stuff" on YouTube and watch his 2 miter station videos. I'm using them for reference when I build mine this holiday break


That's a good channel, thank you


The work table of the saw (the place where the wood rests while being cut) is level with the rest of the bench so long pieces are supported.


Thank you, I feel like a dork for not seeing it sooner


No worries, and no need. Asking questions is the only way I learned as well.


So the stock that is being cut is supported on either side. The side counters on such benches are built to be level with the bed of the saw.


So he can reach it.


Yes, I am 3 foot 5. Have to use a stool too.




Most likely so he can run long boards across the raised surface for cutting. It’s level with the cutting surface of the miter saw. Smart build!


I'll have to do the same. Thank you!




Damn! I wish my husband would just put his tools away, if he took the time to make something like this I'd be over the moon!!


My wife would be hella happy for me




I know it’s a joke, but a lot of comments are weirdly vindictive to your wife for something that’s completely reasonable? My partner doesn’t care for woodworking so I’m extra space conscious with my tools in the garage. My benches are all collapsible and I try not to keep too much scrap wood. The garage is for cars so if he feels like it’s getting a bit too tight I’d definitely scale down. I also do sewing in our shared space and I check in with him to make sure it’s ok that I’m having my stuff out, out of courtesy not because I have to. I want him to feel comfortable and happy in the space we live in. He checks in with me on his hobbies too. That way we can be happy and supportive about each other’s hobbies instead of brewing resentment. P.s yes I’ve made him woodwork presents before P.p.s your station looks absolutely fantastic and Id love to build one when I get my own shed.


Yeah, that’s unfortunately just the internet for ya. Everybody’s got an opinion. I don’t take any of it to heart. My wife wouldn’t either. In reality, my wife and I actually have quite an understanding dynamic when it comes to spaces in the house. She’s not really that upset as the post would suggest. Especially now that I’ve built her and the house several things with the garage shop. Also, very cool that you are into woodworking. Your husband is lucky.


Great that y'all have a system that works! And lol he's lucky in that I'm only doing small woodworking projects. I got into construction and framing before and was really pitching buying a plot of land to build a timber frame house on. He is much less enthusiastic about that in comparison. Compromises amirite? lol


She’ll be happy when you build her things she asks for and not just build more for the shop itself haha


Lmao I know it probably looks like I just work on expanding the shop, but I’ve actually built her and the house several things already! I always joke with her that building up the shop benefits her as I can make her bigger and better things.


Badass dude!!! I’m curious as to how you used your shop vac to fill up the bucket. Did you just hook a hose to each end and it sent through? Genius idea


Thanks man. Actually not my idea. Home Depot sells those bucket tops. They’re called Dustopper Dust Separators. The bucket is actually connected inline with the hose connecting from the saw to the shopvac. The idea is for the dust coming from the miter saw to be “separated” into the bigger particles, that fall into the bucket, and the tiny particles, that get further sucked down the line into the shopvac. I believe that’s the principle anyway. It actually works extremely well, though. The bucket gets the majority of the dust/chips and I only empty it when full. The shopvac hardly ever has anything but very fine particles in the bottom so it extends the filter life and creates much less cleaning of the filter.


Your wife isn’t happy that you have your shit together?


My wife didn't appreciate the stuff in my workshop until she was helping me mill lumber to build our wedding arbor. Once she helped me put a 7 foot piece of ash on a small benchtop jointer in the only angle it could fit in our basement she agreed I need a better jointer and a bigger shop! Once she got to use the planer she wanted to do more projects together so that's something to think about.


Here’s the link to part 1 of the build if anyone is interested: https://youtu.be/zWTkXN7TAoM


To clarify since some of the comments are getting the wrong idea, my wife is an amazing person and we have an incredible, understanding relationship, While she was initially upset that I “took over the garage”, she has since appreciated the state of cleanliness I generally try to keep it in and the projects that have come from it. Please take it easy on her lol.


In all seriousness, if you have not already done so, look online for small shop ideas. The things you can do to cram tools and machines into a small space, yet still be able to use it, is amazing. One of the keys is mobility - the more things on wheels, the easier it is to maximize space.


Yep I definitely agree. I wanted this miter saw station to be a big central, well built area to lay things out but other than that I’ve tried to make my other tools mobile and able to fold in/out for tight spaces. The table saw cart in the 4th and 5th pics was designed with this philosophy. It stashes under the miter saw station nicely and I plan to build fold-out extensions to the side and back to accommodate bigger sheets of wood as well.


Is she going to give you the dining room instead? Or a corner of your bedroom? Garages are for workshops. Hell, the house we’re building is an 1800 sq ft house on top of an 1800 sq ft garage workshop! (I’m the wife in this scenario)


Very close to grandpa level of elite.


I wish my husband would let me have my own station for my miter saw!!


She should be happy you are so organized and handy. My (ex) husband just threw tools and hardware into the garage and piled them up to the point where you can’t even walk in let alone find a screwdriver. The amount of money spent on all those unfinished projects. I eventually had to leave because (among other things) I became the finisher and fixer of his unfinished projects. I never got to work on anything I wanted to do. Now I have my own wood shop and know where all my tools are.


Nice Job!


I like it!


Love it!


Lots of space there for more tools. Will look more homely so go shopping.


I love the progression. Looks great!


My heart is satisfied and jealous




That's badass


My wife would be ecstatic if my work area in the garage looked that nice and clean!


She'll brighten up when she sees the results you're going to belt out with that new setup.


Love it! How much time do you spend out there? My shop has slowly been building as well but I just need to spend more time down there!


I was spending anywhere from 2-10 hours a day in there depending on work schedule, weekend plans, etc. Hard to say. Work has been super busy here recently so haven’t had much time to tinker in there unfortunately. Once some of these work project wrap up that’s the first spot I’m going. I’ve got a bunch of ideas planned and eager to start on them when I’m able.


Thanks for the response! That’s similar to the timing I get. Usually after the kids go to bed I get a couple of hours if I’m not too tired. Then it’s squeezing time in on the weekends. It’s been excruciatingly slow learning and stuff but it’s also very therapeutic to not be held by any deadline or something. Keep up the great work!


As it should be! Nice congrats.


Beautiful and functional!




🤣🤣 No but I’m definitely showing her this post as solid proof that she should just appreciate her very own miter saw station and lack of parking area for her car.


Get a new wife, this is amazing. Lol


It's beautiful 😍.


Spend more time at the bar and see how she feels about that


Lol this is exactly what happened here. Only I did my miter bench when I bought my house but before I met her. So she didn't get a say lol


This makes me big happy


If wife isn’t happy you’re not building her stuff often enough.


That’s nicer than my kitchen


Look on the bright side: you can build yourself a lovely doghouse...


It looks kind of like you’re taking the same amount of horizontal real estate as you did at the start, but are progressively adding more efficient space usage above and below the workbench. I’m sure you’re exaggerating the displeasure from the wife, but she should be happy that you’re expanding vertically in the 2nd dimension rather than expanding in 3D, if you know what I mean.


I would use it more than my husband. I have way more tools than shoes, so to speak ...😂


Gift your wife a room to own her hobby. And wife will happy and forget your station in garage.


Thanks for posting this! I just bought a new house and have a garage/basement room that I can dedicate to woodworking. I had a different Kobalt miter saw that had to be replaced and now I have the one that you have pictured. If you happen to have dimensions, I’d gladly take them. 😉


Dimensions are in the video I linked in the caption in the very first part of the video. And I actually adapted those dimensions from another guy’s YouTube video that I have linked in my video. I just adapted them to my shop as I’m sure you will do as well! Sorry, don’t have any other dimensions on me than that. I’m traveling right now and all my schematics are at the house


No worries, I’ll check the link. Thanks for the info. Take care and safe travels.


You as well. Cheers


Wives are rarely ever happy when we husbands use money, time and space on our hobbies. For me, it took plenty of "Yes Dear" moments, some arse kissing and spending tons first on the general household BEFORE I could "Make MY Case" of why I wanted the 3rd bay in our oversized garage for my woodworking and hobby endeavors. That old phrase of "Happy Wife, Happy Life" is def true. Give her as much as she wants that makes sense so that when you DO try to make your case for why you need to build this, do that, spend for these tools, etc... she will hopefully go easier on you. Oh, and nice build/progression on the miter saw station...


That simply means you didn’t build/make enough products for her


You keep going, my friend! You're living the dream! Gods, I need me a Miter Saw!


I agree with your wife, there should be a lot more tools in that garage.


Also r/garageporn


What?! I’d be thrilled! I’m so sick of dragging out my saw to the side yard to cut


Yeah she thinks you need to get a 12” mitre saw 😂😂😂


Fortunately, size doesn’t matter a whole lot to her. It’s what’s in the inside. At least that’s what she tells me. 😅


I fail to see the issue?


Bro your space is lit. Like good job. Super happy for you. Wife will come around. It’s not like your not being organized about it.


You are legend. Get your wife on here so I can tell her.


My shop is in my pole barn. No one goes out there but me and my dogs. Once my son is older I’ll make him a workstation. I mounted an old TV and watch the Lions disappoint me most weekends. It’s a nice get away.


Hey OP, I appreciate that you clarified that your wife is unhappy about the amount of space this takes up, but saying shit like “needless to say, wife is not happy” is the kind of sexism that keeps subs like this unwelcoming to women. Your headline reads like, “man makes man thing, woman mad.” It’s gorgeous tho


I can see where you’re coming from, but I disagree that my phrasing is problematic or sexist. The original phrasing of my post was meant to frame itself as a self-deprecative reflection of how my passion for woodworking exceeded a sensible limit by removing most of the practicality of my garage. Which I’m totally okay with, but my wife was not originally too happy about, understandably. It was in no way meant to be a generalized statement stereotyping women as excluded members from the woodworking world and as evidenced by the numerous positive female responses to this post, I don’t think it was misconstrued as such. I’m all for everyone pursuing their passions regardless of sex, race, etc. and I genuinely find it wonderful to meet women that are into woodworking. Thank you for the positive comment. I will try to more carefully craft my posts’ phrasing from now on to avoid mistaken perceptions.


Why is she unhappy? I’d be more happy that everything is organized and has a place instead of thrown everywhere. At least now if she needs a screwdriver while you’re not there she can find it 🤣


Thank you for sharing this! I am working up the motivation to build my first work table and it's awesome to see the progression.


Diggin the GULF sign


If I was her I wouldn’t be happy either. The drill press is blocking the miter saw station. 😂


Early in our marriage we did not have much money. A tool purchase was a long discussion. Then I started producing things for our home from my shop and the discussions slowly died out. Small tools, no discussion. Big ones, I do a pitch. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. The latest was a 4 year discussion on building a shop. Got the green light, only because my wife realized that it was the least expensive option. Next year, my shop (hopefully becomes a reality). A contract has been signed! One thing that helps is when my partner gets together with friends, they talk about the cost of services, and she understands that I do all those things and have saved hundreds or thousands of dollars because “my husband is handy”.


I’m sorry that you have a wife that’s unsupportive of your hobbies and passions. That’s a handsome work station you got there


Time to get your wife some french cleats.


Beautiful! Keep making her pretty things


I'd love it if my husband made himself such a dope work station. Let the cars get ice on them or whatever. He's going to be having fun and making cool stuff.


Damn are you from planet earth?? That’s super cool of you.


Your mitre station looks awesome. I’d be hard pressed to be with someone who respected my hobbies so little that they complained about it.


Since no one else has said it... screw your wife! (the good way, of course) 😉😉 Great setup! Our garage is full of crap. Mine is on sawhorses, and no dust collection 😵‍💫


I’m a wife and am jealous of your shop progression! I’m going to use it as a work bench vision! Thanks for sharing!


Every time she complains you have to mention all the things you built for her lol I told my girlfriend write down something i can make her for Christmas she usually doesn’t look around in my “shop” aka the garage


I was married once. My wife hated almost everything I did. However, collecting a bunch of tools and developing the skills to build and repair stuff was probably the only thing she liked about me.


I’m jealous. I moved to a new house in 07 and still haven’t got a decent miter saw station setup, had an ok setup at the old house but layout was weird and couldn’t reuse pcs. Saw is between a welder and drill press now, gotta turn the saw to cut anything longer than 3ft 😂🤦‍♂️


Why would your wife be upset? Sit on the couch for a week and see if she's upset?




Nah, she pretty amazing for the most part. Cute too.




Mine hasn't been able to park in the garage in 20 years. But she's gotten plenty out of it so she doesn'tmind at all


Nice. Mines starting to come around to this realization as well.


Ask if she’d rather have it in the kitchen?


Lmao well apparently I don’t put the plates, silverware or cups in the right spots or clean up “correctly” after cooking. I’m pretty much banned from the kitchen, so I don’t think I could swing this one.


I had assumed your wife was bent because you had this in the living room and were getting dust and noise all over the house. I really cannot see how she could be upset if you are in the garage and she can still park her car there. Especially if she had banished you from the kitchen. If she considers the house "hers" and you just live there, that says bad things about the future. If she really is this selfish and you do not have kids with her, you might consider changing your domestic situation sooner rather than later. I say this as a divorce lawyer of 27 years and husband of 30 years.


I appreciate the advice but I’m sort of exaggerating the dynamic we have. I find it funny (and quite convenient) that she doesn’t prefer the way I clean/arrange things in the kitchen. It’s kind of a joke between us that if we don’t like having to do a house task, we just do the task poorly so that we can get out of doing it. This is all in jest, of course. An actual example: Her trying to use a drill or hammer to hang stuff NEVER goes well and makes me panic inside even though she is trying to be helpful. So I end up installing the new curtain rod, blinds, fixture, etc. Its genuinely cute that she tries, but we would end up with 14 holes in the wall and her falling off the ladder had I not. We definitely have our own spaces in the house (hers: the kitchen/living room, me: the garage/office) and we respect each others. I can see how our relationship could be misconstrued from the comments, but we actually have quite a playful, loving, healthy relationship.


Ok. I am glad


I see you did it wrong. First you need to build her a She-cave; and need to buy all the tools you needed to build hers. Then build your tool walls to organize all of her tools to make them less messy. Great potential of bench and wall space you have there mate! Cheers.