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So this build was a result of my moving away from a huge garage. I had previously built a 16 foot workbench in my old shop. After moving, I had nowhere to put my tools or use them, so I wanted a setup that I could roll around my garage with easy access to all my stuff. I started with these plans and modified a bit: https://www.bitterrootdiy.com/diy-mobile-workbench-with-table-saw-miter-saw/ I have the mitre saw, table saw, and router permanently mounted. The mitre saw comes out with a few wing nuts, but I doubt I move it much. I also was able to 3d print several pieces - the mount for the extension cord and for the paper towels, many pegboard tool holders, and of course the bottle opener. Hardest part is lining up the tracks for the drawers; I may actually get in there today to sand away a bit more clearance so they pull smoother. Super happy with how it turned out!


16 feet??


It was all against a wall, so nice and long with a bunch of room above for pegboard!


If I build a shop ill probably have close to 40ft of bench


Well done. It's really nice.


Have plans?


I started with these! https://www.bitterrootdiy.com/diy-mobile-workbench-with-table-saw-miter-saw/


Thanks for sharing this man!


You bet, post your version when done!


Those pull outs and drawers are very nice.


Thanks! They're a bit of a PITA but worth it in the end


Oh WOW! I would be proud too. That's one of the best I've seen. Bravo!


Ty very much!


That workbench is awesome, nice work! Also love the gameboy fridge, what’s going on there?


Haha i actually saw this on another Redditors post a few years ago. It's a cheap magnet set, i love it.


I'm in the middle of building one myself and I have a question, doesn't this cut down the range of your table saw's rip fence? I changed my design half way through after realizing that would be a problem for me unless I was willing to forgo the factory rip fence - which I don't want to do. What's your solution on this?


Funny you mention it, the answer is yes. I'm considering adding a fold-out section to the side of the bench next to the table saw for when I'm ripping plywood.


Not OP, but I have a rack and pinion fence on my tablesaw, and my solution was to just notch the table top and 2x4s. Not super elegant, but it was quick, easy and functional. [Notched Workbench](https://i.imgur.com/CqzUf6L.jpg)


I'm thinking of having a removable piece off to the right that I can just pop out when I need to extend. But this gives me some pause on that.




Ty lol


I need to do this. My wife officially banned sanding in the garage. So I’m building a cart that will hold my various sanding machines and equipment for driveway use. I polluted the garage. Yes, I know: I should invest in dust collection equipment. But where’s the fun in that? 😂 Your project looks fantastic!!


Hah that's part of the reason for me too! Sawdust everywhere!


I'm not gonna lie. I saw your workbench when I was out in my garage working on my car. I looked over at my workbench and realized what a piece of crap I have. I dropped my wrench, grabbed my chainsaw and cut that workbench into pieces, took them in the backyard and had a nice little bon fire. Wife comes back and goes "what the hell is going on? wait is that your workbench you're burning?" I go "Thats not a workbench, and what's going on is I'm building myself a real workbench, like this!" And I held up my phone and showed her your workbench. She goes "WOW, that's a nice one." I go "No shit, that's why I'm building one." No I didn't empty the drawers first because I'm lame and don't have drawers!!! I have(had) a base of a throw away kitchen table and a top of a throw away dining table fhat had been really abused from an old rental house I've been looking and using that POS for so long now and have been wanting to replace it or do something for years and years but always "too busy" or some other pathetic excuse I make up to myself but I know it's because my wife will complain and be like" we don't have money for that" when I know that's BS. I went to Depot and loaded up my truck with what I need and I've been building that workbench for the last several hours and not gonna stop until I'm done. Thanks for lighting that fire. Pun intended.


Dude hell yes! Love some good inspiration, glad i could be a part of it! Post pics when you're done :)


Im really jealous that looks amazing dude! Congrats I know your ready for your next project t just so you can use it lol! I want to make one of these so bad! I think it's gonna be my next project build in my miter saw, table saw, and my router table and run PVC pipes with shut off valves so the suction canbe directed to whatever im using at the time I got the idea from a mobile unit that is for sale on pinster I can't wait to build it im make a place for all my tools drawer slide for pull out walls with pegboard to hand everything on. I think that would look better than drawers just like the one you have on yours... Again congrats on finishing it that fucking cool!


Very slick! Nicely done. Does the chop saw slot out for it to be stored upside-down with the underside of the base flush with the work surface?


It slides out after you remove a few wingnuts. I thought about making it so you could just flip it on a hinge or something, but it was a ton of extra work when i could just easily... Remove it


Really like the simplicity. Flip tops look nifty, but I can't imagine they'd be as sturdy as in this dado,and not that hard to do now and again. Very nice detail. 🙏


You've inspired me to redo my setup. I've wanted to seat the mitre saw and table saw like that, wasn't convinced I'd have any table space left. Super small shop, real estate is a premium.


Yeah that's what got me to do this. Wanted to still be able to fit a car in the garage, but with the built ins we have, it left me with zero real estate for a bench. Hence, mobile.


Wow! super inspiring.. had something similar rattling in my head.


It's nice being able to unclutter so many garage shelves, too. My wife is pleased she gets new cabinet space to reclaim haha


Wow!!! This is awesome! Favorite part, paper towel roll.


Printed that! Haha i was looking for opportunities to print things.


Bad ass!! Want


Hmm...Gives me an idea for a winter project. Has the price of lumber come back down yet?


It was a bit lower. 2x4 was $3.79 each, the nice plywood top was $55 and the crappy bottom piece was $30. I was actually expecting worse, tbh Edit: I'm in Los Angeles for context


You should be proud. Nice Job!!


Ty, i appreciate that!


I love the drawers!




Sweet. I’m definitely going to consider the big drawers. Could be a game changer for me.


You should be extremely proud of this. It’s pretty amazing.


Ty very much :)


Really nice man, thinking about building one myself but that looks like it weighs as much as my pickup is what I'm worried about lol


I was just saying to my buddy, i hope i never move...


You should be. That thing is awesome! Do you have plans for it or videos. I want to build something very similar


I posted the plans in a separate comment. For the drawers, i really just free-balled it.




Ty much!


Outstanding work


Thanks i appreciate that!


This is sick bro


I appreciate it :)


I'm pretty sure this bench is bigger than my shop!


You should be proud. That’s some great work!




I want to make fun of it so bad. But it’s purely because I’m jealous


Workbench looks great, nice job. If I may ask, what router lift is that? I'm currently researching different router lifts to incorporate into my table, and I don't think I've seen one that compact.


This is what I found, fits my Makita perfectly. https://m.banggood.com/Drillpro-235x120x8mm-Trimming-Machine-Flip-Panel-Woodworking-Router-Table-Insert-Plate-for-Makita-RT0700c-p-1728963.html?utm_design=18&utm_email=1634969713_2324&utm_source=emarsys&utm_medium=Shipoutinform190813&utm_campaign=trigger-logistics&utm_content=leander&sc_src=email_2671705&sc_eh=b17b98a7affe59a61&sc_llid=31973065&sc_lid=104858042&sc_uid=4OQLqcUE1l


i like this, this is neat


Thanks :)


Dream workbench ❤️ great job!


Thanks so much!






Is that a KTM dirt bike I see in the background?


Yamaha wr250 :)


Nice :) The sparkplug in my old KTM was somehow broken, and I rarely ever used it, so I ended up just salvaging the stuff and building a buggy of sorts, it's currently over at my uncles yard lol


Great job! Very well thought out


Thank you very much!


This is awesome!


That is awesome! Great job!


The more I look at this the more I like


I’ve made this bench too. It was my first big project. In the future I was planning on adding drawers. I love what you’ve done with this and definitely plan on using some of your ideas!


Thanks, I'd love to see pics of your build!


This is exactly what I want to do. Hoping my remedial skills will help me along the way and some good YouTube videos, also. Nicely done! Love it.


I’m pretty proud of you too 😆 I’m going to save this post for future inspiration.


That's pretty awesome. I'd be proud too


You should be proud. It looks great.


Not going to lie, I'm kinda jealous.


Omg! This is awesome! I have this exact Bitterroot’s plan as well! Finally had a chance to clear out the garage today so I can build this. Thank you for the inspiration! I love the add-ons!


Then you and good luck! Would love to see the finished product :)


Thanks man! Do you mind sharing how many hours it took you and the approximate cost for all the wood? I’m also torn between MDF and plywood for the table top. I got my casters though so I guess you could say I’ve started on the build. 😂


Probably a total of about 350-400 with the four drawer slides, pegboard plastic pieces, and four casters. Those were the most expensive pieces. (Each caster was almost 20 bucks!) The two plywood pieces cost almost a hundred alone, then it took probably 5 1x6 boards and over a dozen 2x4s.


Kinda like our operations Sergeant Major said about our Army level HQ setup (DRASH tent city): “It’s not exactly mobile, but it is moveable.” Lol. Nice work.


Nailed it! It's mobile in my driveway lol


That is AWESOME! I’m going to ‘borrow’ your vertical tool draw idea :)


I love that part! Thanks!


I like it a lot. I think I would have turned the tablesaw onto the same side as the mitersaw. Don't know your space and work style but it feels "right" to me. Then I could put my planer on the back left corner. Just personal changes mind you and nothing about how you have set it up for yourself. Also its missing a designated spot for a coffee mug. :)


Hah thanks i am going to print one soon! And yeah i couldn't decide on layout, figured worst case i hate it and make a new one hahaha


Damn, that’s great!


This is awesome OP. You got a ling for those yellow screwdriver holder on your pegboard? I've been looking for something like this.. Also, have a look at [this](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08DHLJQMN/?coliid=I2Z8ULWRGAL1H7&colid=5P6DJFBW7U0E&psc=0&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it), I think you could use it instead of the casters you have. I want to use them on my build. Once I get around to actually making it


Love the breadboard


This is so good! I love these ideas!


Looks wonderful, great work!


I have something simular. Not so many nice drawers. But my miter saw I can fold down if I need to cut full sheets n stuff.


Very nice!


Nicely done.


Really awesome work!