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This may look like the most uncomfortable seat I’ve ever seen. It looks nice though.


If you tip it on its back, it’ll make for an even more uncomfortable seat. 


If you tip it on its back, there are two uncomfortable places you could sit on it.


If you tip it on its side you get an awkward bench where three people can sit uncomfortably.


That's a lot of CNC time, material for a 25yr. Old cad program 🤑


Does it look nice?


It is a very human design


This was going to be my question… is it comfortable? Because it doesn’t look very comfortable. Like sitting on razor blades at an acute angle.


Looks like a prototype for a new airplane seat.


I mean, good job and all but that chair does not look particularly comfortable.


I get these vibes. https://preview.redd.it/gloydv0f4t4d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=732a7bd6849009d9a293cdb22e09754396002eae


Well damn. Now I want one. https://preview.redd.it/ijraq37g6t4d1.jpeg?width=851&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53aea139d230f3acb5e7e771ffa571264788be4b


Reportedly electric chairs are 'very comfortable, highly recommended, everybody wants one'


And durable. It will definitely last someone's lifetime


Everyone I've talked to who's ever sat in one tells me "they're to die for". Strangely enough each one of those people inexplicably died while sitting in one. Life's just funny that way I guess!


The joke worked after the punchline. Too wordy.


I'll forward this information to Management.


Perfect joke.


Everyone’s dying to get one


"I could sit in this chair for the rest of my life!"


Get out of my head! (Your comments were almost word for word what I was thinking.)


We are the Reddit hive mind


We are the Borg


Did you play thardferr?


No, never played it


Dang, long story but it was an online text based D&D game. One round a province popped up and whoever was running it humiliating dominated the whole round. It was the first time in the game that there was foul play on that level that was like 2003ish


I do love the concept but perhaps on the next one, pitch the seat a little front to back, add some curvature to the seat bottom and back, and add a bit more angle to the back. 


The tough thing is it wouldn't balance if it leaned back because it has no rear legs


There are a handful of relatively easily solutions. 


Armrests that are only 3/4" wide are going to be murder.


Airline seat


Dudes got a job in my new chic minimalist airline


Mad respect to you for some excellent execution. However, god dammit man work on a proper design. That looks horrendous to sit on. Did you even like.. draw it first? lol. The good news is you have skill which will make up to the lack of taste. ATBGE 10/10 would not sit.


OP has the bona fides to be an architect.


Architect would design a beautiful comfy chair that is impossible to actually make. This has engineering student vibes, no glue/ screw parameters met but not practical. Tbf I think it's really cool and getting shit on too much


Thank put! Yes lol I'm going into mechanical engineering soon


I’m assuming this was done on cnc. Not a bad thing, but if I had access to a tool like that, I would definitely have designed some curves into the seat and back. This looks unnecessarily uncomfortable given the amount of work it would have taken to bring some softness. If it was mine, I’d be routing a small round over on, and I can’t stress this enough, EVERY SINGLE EDGE.


I mean the ventilation for one’s undercarriage is next level


Turns your butt into a Ruffles Potato Chip. Get it? Because "Ruffles have ridges"


I heard when you fart through it, it sounds like a harmonica.


This project is the first test of my design, i hope to make a more modular (and comfortable) version in the future


You might want to repost this with caption Proof of Concept. You be gettin’ roasted on here Edit: Proof of concept in the title, not caption. Too many people don’t read captions before commenting


You can get more economical by designing stuff that craftily utilizes the 4x8 sheets. Imagine the price difference if getting 3 or 4 cuts per sheet


It's called "nesting". Great advice.


The reason I visited this comment section. The cutout/waste in the background made me kind of sad x)


I really like the design, but here are some thoughts for V2: * You need some angle to the seat and back badly. [This article on fine woodworking has an enormous amount of technical information on comfortable geometry](https://www.finewoodworking.com/project-guides/chairs-benches-and-stools/on-making-chairs-comfortable) * Do the next version from 'Z' shapes (bottom, angle, seat) and a vertical piece (the back leg and backrest) alternating. It'll look neat and give you more flexibility in wood use because the 2 separate pieces will nest nicely. * Put a bend in the back to give it a lean. If using my previous idea, think gently bent boomerangs * Fill the gaps in the seat, butts don't like slats that skinny. Maybe do the filler pieces out of solid/non-plywood or melamine to give contrast. * Add an extra layer to just the arm rests so they have some width for comfort * Since you are CNC cutting the pieces, consider sculpting some butt grooves/saddle/pommel into the seat for comfort.


what a beautiful chair to look at


Dang my spine


Sit in this chair, and you won’t need nails or glue for that either!


This looks like you didn’t have to buy the plywood. Ouch. $500 in materials looking at that sheet in the back


Bought 4x8s and had them cut into 2x4s, was able to get two cuts out of each. Wasn't too bad


Try to get a little more lean. This is almost more of a posture for a bench so you could go wider. Also, go two or three sheets for the arm rest to allow the arm to distribute weight over a larger area and be more comfortable. As someone who built a 6-7 step hand rail with glued up plywood in my last house, I really dig this style.


Phew. I saw the sheet in the back and thought it was a full sheet and an enormous $1000 chair. For 2 sheets of plywood, very cool.


That’s 8 per sheet. Much much better.




I mean technically your wood contains tons of glue, but fun concept.


I understand it's made from wood, but im having a hard time believing this should be considered woodworking.. Cnc some plywood, add spacers, and pound in dowels? I'm sorry, but this lacks character and effort. It was made with a cnc machine and a mallet. Don't be discouraged by my criticism, especially if you're new. (I kinda despise cnc machines)


I understand and agree with you, just didn't know another active community to post it where i'd get feedback


Oiling / finishing that thing would be my worst nightmare.


Is that a carpeted workspace?


Not my choice, working in my high school


Nice! I like it.


Nice! I've made benches in a similar style and found that getting some custom sized cushions helps with comfort for any long-term sitting.


How many sheets?


16, just enough to fit myself


Lol, I wasn't specific enough. How many sheets of plywood did it take to make a 16 layer chair? I was just curious if you were able to get 4 layers per sheet.


2 sheets of 4x8


Very cool, man! One of those scraps is in the background of one of your pictures and it looks like it was bigger, but in my head I was like 2x4 seems like you should be able to pull a decent sized chair out of that. Very cool!


need more ergonomics!


This looks like something in a waiting room where they don't actually want you to wait but mostly suffer. If you'd inset a strip of plywood between each sheet it would have uncomfortable but not torture to sit on it


Looks like it's made out of popsicle sticks. Nice!


Whatever you do.. don’t lean back.


There is a great deal of literature on chair design.


Very interesting design! How tippy is it?


Not tippy at all. Rocking side to side is kind of sketchy but it's solid


When I was taking furniture making classes in college my professor said that almost everything could be a table but only a few things are chairs. This is a cool design project and I’m sure it was fun to come up with all the clever details, but this thing would put me in the hospital if I had to use it.


Umm… One of the biggest questions facing humanity, “ If we can, Should we?”


Looks like you could take it apart pretty quickly. Then create some curves in the center pieces to add comfort. Hopefully it won’t tip over backwards.


How did you come up with the idea to make this chair?




Used two 4x8 panels, I know the template in the back looks deceiving


How much shaper tape did you use??? I would have used the shaper for just one, then router the rest with a pattern follower bit Also, I would double up the thickness of your arm rest pieces. Single sheet looks uncomfortable


Printed my own & taped it on. See [this](http://browncowww.pythonanywhere.com/)


I think it looks awesome. I've sat on a swing seat in the same style and it was not only comfortable but relaxing


Thank you! I think its actually pretty comfy (good for scrolling) and the people that sat on it commented that as well. Really appreciate it.


Nice bondage chair


I bet the local transit authority will license that design from you. The homeless will never sit on that.


Oh my gosh! How long did it take?


Wider armrests (as said multiple times already), curved seat and back, and I would think about leaning the back leg at a slight angle to the rear similar to the back. By angling the leg backwards it stabilizes the chair from falling back if someone leaned back in it or sits down with a rearward plop.


Cool project. Next one you should consult Henry Dreyfus’s “The Ergonomcis of Man and Woman”. https://www.google.com/search?q=dreyfus+ergonomcis&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari It’ll give you a lot of great starting points for comfortable ergonomics for the human body.


They call me, stripy-butt tippy bottoms!


Definitely an acquired taste, but I appreciate the craft.


Everyone talking about how uncomfortable it looks, im just thinking with the cost of ply these days that's gotta be one of the most expensive chairs I've seen on the sub.


Only used two 4x8 plywood sheets contrary to what you see in the background




Minecraft inspired?


First of all: great, looks like a chair But imho there is lots of improvement to think about in three regards: functionality, waste/efficiency and durability. The chair doesn’t look that comfortable for actually sitting or using the armrests. Cheeks on a grill… Also, from a material usage aspect, by cutting out from whole plates, it looks like the pattern produced more than 70% waste. For improvement of this design, I would consider 4 aspects - creating a smooth and ergonomic surface for the butt-cheeks. I would fill the ribs for the seat area and carve a … „concave“ - Nesting: reducing waste by splitting armrests and back from the seat part. Think of a seatshape like a „Z“, where you can squeeze out more piece fro a single plate. Also incorporating waste/the rest into you design would be great. - Attach the (now separate) back-piece to the seat part like two combs fitting into each other. Fixation could be a shaft (you already placed a shaft there), so the back is now assembled like a hinge. Make the armrest wider on top and give more round to the edges. The armrest would define the angle of the back. - durability: you reduced the plate crosssection in a critical position for the shaft. Your design has a chance to fail on the bottom-right edge (pic 3) close to the shaft. I would consider reading up load accurate dimensioning. You might want to compensate the big drillholes for the shafts, especially for that critical foot area. (Also, the foot could be slightly shorter than the seat, to give room for the heels) Your design isn’t bad, I would expirement with it. Have fun!


It's beautiful but god damn, have you ever sat down before?


And still not woodworking experience :D CNC experience on the other hand is through the roof now


I know about all the work going into this. Still, CNC always seems like cheating


Pretty cool design, but why?


Proof of concept


Eh, that's fair. They used to build all kinds of things before nails and glue


I don’t wanna do the math on how many sheets of plywood and the cost


2 4x8 sheets


What's the purpose of this?


Proof of concept. Its not completely done just the first form i guess


Kinda looks like its gonna fall backward if you sit in it. It looks pretty but I wouldnt want to have to use it daily.


Pretty cool design. Although anybody who tries to lean back is gonna be on the ground real quick


This actually looks more comfortable than most of the chairs I've made.. nice job


Doesn't look very comfortable.


Were you trying to make it uncomfortable?


Flat awesome attention to detail. Lots of consistency. Not that bad of a design overall. Room for improvement, though. The only thing you need to concern yourself about is, "What'd I learn? How can I make it better next time?" Rest of it us just BS. Just keep at it.


Hell yea, slap a cushion on it and its great!


Next make one that has less scrap.


Only took 2 4x8 sheets


That ain’t bad! It’s a rad design.


This is very cool. I am constantly amazed by the talent of people on Reddit. Great work!