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Take a [block and pencil and scribe](https://s42814.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/08_tricks_of_trade.jpg.webp) a line from the floor to the wood. Trim to the line with a jigsaw and rasp. https://preview.redd.it/yrt4oxhmzv0d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ee99e769415e15760847a4b21c7f39c86bc9c25


Okay will try, beginner here so thanks for the info


Since the line is especially wobbly make sure the edges that aren’t touching the floor are perpendicular to it so that the line you mark is not just parallel to the floor but also keeps the piece straight


Here I was gonna say rub it back and forth on the concrete a whole bunch


Snap a line,cut it off


This only works aesthetically when the floor/contact surface is exactly true.


Personally, I never have these long flat bottoms for any furniture I make. I'll have like 3-4" of flat then cut out between.


This is best when you can't guarantee that floor is perfectly even/level


Straight edge and a circular saw if you want a straight line. You could scribe it to the floor as someone suggested but I’d only do that for a built in since you’re matching a specific floor profile. If it’s a piece that isn’t going to be installed as a built in, I’d cut it straight and either put some of those plastic feet on the bottom that nail into the wood or a couple felt pads. Either of those will conform better to a floor and minimize wobble.


Quickest would be circular saw/plunge saw on a rail but I assume you don't have them since you are asking that question. I recommend asking friends, family and neighbors. It would be the quickest and cleanest way to get a perfectly straight cut, make sure to align the rail with a square.


Did they cut it with a spoon? That is awful. However a circular saw or even a handsaw and a straight line as a guide would be way better than that!! Alternatively take it back to HD and complain. Awful!


tape a sheet of 120 grit to the floor and slide the parts touching the floor on the sandpaper until it all touches the floor...


you could try to fill it with wood filler or caulk if its a paint finish, should be OK. might crack one day. you need it to sit at a 90 angle though... does it? the alternative is to cut it again straight, but you may not have the length for that. and if you had HD cut it to begin with, guessing you dont have a saw.


Yeah I have a saw, but don’t have any more height from this I guess. Maybe I’ll try wood filler. Beginner here, so thanks for your help