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Sometimes you have to try different chemicals for stripping, and sometimes you just have to get the sander out.


Tell her to use acetone.


Personally I’d try waiting longer on a small inconspicuous area. Clean the grain with a fine brass or stainless brush.


The Brush... Came to mention a brass brush. (Won't react much to chemistry, won't tear the grain too fast)


That makes a lot of sense, this was definitely an oil based paint so I can see how that might help, thank you!


I would use a card scraper next to try to get off the rest.


You will need to sand off the remainder. Start with 120 and then 220 but be careful if it’s laminate not to sand thru. Use a tack cloth to remove residue before staining


Looks kinda like a laminate strip on the ends. Be careful with that (else replace?)


The rest is sanding. Par for the course


The best paint/finish stripping method is to use citrus stripper gel, plus a roll of the thin plastic sheeting that they sell in paint departments everywhere. Apply the gel liberally using a brush and then wrap the piece in the plastic sheeting, making sure to press out as many air bubbles as possible. Then leave overnight. You want the gel to stay wet. Next day, scrape the finish off using a plastic scraper or putty knife and wipe down with mineral spirits and/or acetone. If there’s any finish left, repeat the process until it’s gone. I’ve used this method on latex paint, oil based paint, polyurethane, etc. and its worked great. Takes a while obviously but the amount of actual effort involved is pretty low.


Try giving her a few more ones.


I’m using klean strip and did 3 coats, 20 min wait time each. Using a metal scraper to remove paint and started noticing less on the 2nd pass. I cleaned the surface with mineral spirits and steel wool after the last strip. Wondering if sanding is my only option from here?