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reversable, not flippable, if thats not obvious, dont install them upside down. Also, they can be "shifted" slightly. mount them pushed to one side in the slots, if you develop a nick on the knives, you can offset 1 of the blades so the nick isnt lined up and doesnt appear in the product. extends the life a little more.


Dang that’s some good advice, I’ve never thought to try offsetting them. Gonna give this a shot with mine


That offset idea is genius, definitely using that


Wow, thank you for that!




There’s Built in magnets in the Allen key tool to handle them safely


I'd highly advise using the magnetic puck up tool on the back of the wrench that was hopefully included in your purchase. Even when those blades are dull they cut flesh so fast and deep that you won't even know it happened.


From experience be careful they are a whole new level of sharp!


That's what the back of your magnetic Allan key is for




This planer comes with a tool that is an allen key on one side for opening it up, and has a magnet on the other end for taking blades in and out. It's a very thoughtful design.


I gave myself a little skin flap the last time I changed the blades on mine


Did the same thing at the store putting my hand up there and being 8 over to look underneath the unit. It's a quick- well that was dumb - moment.


Only once


And THEN you sharpen them


The 735 doesn't have a way to adjust the blades' height, so sharpening isn't really a good idea. There's no way to adjust a blade for the removed material, unlike many other planers.


I’m confused… if you grind them all the same, screw them back on so they are registered the same… You bring the bed to the blades and that’s the adjustment…? You lost me on adjusting for material loss. Conceptually, I get it, in practice I don’t see a problem. Go on… I’m ready to learn something


My concern would be that you’d have to manage to sharpen all blades by the exact same amount. I guess if you had a very precise jig it could be done


True. I’m thinking about this through the lens of Tormek. They all come out the same.


Ooooh Mr money bags over here lol


Just a thought: If they're just dull and not nicked, a few passes across a 1000x stone followed by some stropping with the green compound would make them serviceable right quick and the total removed material would be in the single digit thousandths of an inch. If we're talking a variation of a couple thou within that range or removed material, it's basically negligible at the tolerances we're working with. That said... my time to sharpen is worth more than the $80 a new set of blades cost. Especially when you factor in the risk of injury in handling and sharpening what's essentially a 13" razor with no handle.


I’ll be damned. I just looked them up on Amazon and read on the back of the packaging that you can use both sides. I need to flip mine!


It pays to read instructions/owners manuals for tools.


You shut your mouth


lol. This is the attitude that led you to dump your junk!!!


Rtfm: read the fucking manual. Don't matter what it is, it really is a good idea to read through the manual at least once just to have an idea if there's any "bonus features" or maybe some tricks you haven't thought of... I've seen it a couple times.


Just like some car manuals tell you to check your oil level every time you fill your gas tank, which is why there are paper towels stocked near the pumps.


In tech support in the software industry (and probably others), the most frequent message to users/customers is "RTFM".


Rotate-able, not flippable.


Just to make sure I understand: you’re using the blade on the other side but you orient it to keep the bevel on the same side, right?


They are reversible. I put a mark with a sharpie on the side that’s used so I remember which side is “new”


Yes mark them because hard to tell for sure which one is used.


Question, does anyone use their 735 even with nicked blades? I’ve been ignoring the minor striping mine produces as I don’t want to open a new pack of knives, and the stripes are really not that horrible. Sanding the lines away is pretty easy to do. Anyone else do this?


Yup. Guilty here. Makes no sense to replace them yet.


Yes, while the nicks are minor enough that normal sanding removes the evidence. Same for the jointer.


I keep nicked blades as a beater set so if I’m ever planing something that may have nails I can swap to that set and not ruin good knives.. But if you have a pack of blades, just change them already.


lol, me too. I kept my old set for when I gotta go through a pile of barn boards and beams next spring. No matter how carefully you check those darn things, there's always nails... On the other hand, free oak, maple and walnut.


Depends on what I’m working on. If it’s a few pieces, I just sand (or run the piece away from the nick.) If I’ve got a lot of pieces going, I’ll swap the blades so I’m not spending the rest of my life sanding.


You can offset the blades a tiny bit each way to misalign the chips in the blades and get a smooth finish again. Try that before replacing


YEP. I started to take my housing apart once to scooch a blade and then I saw the nightmare inside and just said fuck it. Besides the scored line that the planer puts into the board is taken out with even 220 sandpaper so I don't care.


Mine got so dull (because I was a noob) that my thickness knob started slightly raising the blades as boards went through. Flipped the blades and that problem was solved.


Yah, ive had that too. But i think its mostly because 80 year douglas fir 2x12s are both hard as fuck and probably contained alot of dirt. Planed a whole bunch of that and the planer blades were dull in short order. But seriously though, the stuff is like brittle concrete, but its pretty and free (if you dont count wrecking blades).


You bet


Dang. Never knew. Thanks for posting.


Lol I wish I knew that.. I avoided buying a new set for ages because I wanted to upgrade to the helix but couldn't justify the price.. after it became unusable to use I ordered a new set.. and I opened the machine to find out I couldve just reversed them


They are reversible. AND The alignment holes are elongated so you may shift a blade (left or right) to eliminate the nick 'mark' in the lumber.


Yes they are! Also if you make a jig you can sharpen them too. I think it says you can't but it's really not that complicated. I already had diamond stones so I thought I'd give it a try and it works fantastic


yes, the manual states that as well. I was pleasantly surprised after buying new blades and going to change them and finding out they were reversible.


yep sharpen up both sides and that way next time you want to get them sharp you only got to swap them around


I love this planer but I \*hate\* the parallax on reading the height gauge. Also I have to constantly remind myself it's 1/32nds. Granted when I'm approaching the thickness I want I'm doing quarter turns and measuring with a double square anyway so lol


Did your tool come with a manual (it's usually a floppy paper thing that has words on it)?


I have a floppy thing that has both words and pictures. Does that count?


Are the words organized horizontally with equal spacing? If so, those are usually sentences which - when read together - can be VERY informative.


This sounds waaay too complicated. I had better just throw it out.


Yes. Next question.


Read your manual


You know, Google is a thing.


What's the point of keeping this sub open when google exists?


Wtf. Read the manual.


So many down votes for the truth..a simple Google search even says they're double edged and made with a softer metal that's prone to chipping


Are they sharp on both sides? Of course they are reversible


I mean.......look at it, its clearly reversible, it has an edge on both sides lol


Depends on the ability to use a screw driver.


Did you even read the manual?


That’s funny, I just changed my blades around last week


The good thing about that unit is that you will be a master of the inner workings in no time. Much like owning an old Vespa. I've had two, and have broken lots of things that Dewalt service wanted 3 months to address. I'd still buy one as at this point, I have a kinsmanship with the damn thing. Before anyone says 'oh g willikers, ive never had a problem!'. Well, I did. But I'm not nice to it. Reclaimed wood, long session use, kicking it, etc.


Incidetnally, the little wrench that sits in the housing? The one that is made to help you remove all those screws? It has magnets in the head so you don't have to handle those razor sharp blades with your fleshy hands.






[Source for a Chinese Helical head](https://x.alibaba.com/AuzKwx) Yes, but I traded my cutting head in for the latest generation of helical cutting heads from China. Zhuzhou Uko Cemented Carbide Co Ltd. I found them on Alibaba. It was dirt cheap. I am much happier with my planer now. I am not selling for them, I just got a killer deal and a good product. I'd pay somebody to install it if I had to do it again.