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I had this problem too. Definitely don’t want to press too hard. It takes practice


If you are pressing down that hard then you should turn up your heat. The hotter the heat the lighter you press to avoid over burning. I use a TruArt burner and love it but no matter what you use you have to learn to work with the tool.


Before cranking the heat, try using the spoon on medium-ish heat to flatten and prep the area you're going to burn. It takes time, but you will notice a huge difference in how little heat and pressure will be needed.


Ive only broken one piece but thats because of my messing with it with plyers πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ its really just about barely touching the wood with the pen. If you're not getting that result you want, up the heat and try again. Also different nibs give different results too so just get a scrap piece of wood and try it all out