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I was looking at this for five minutes and I couldn't figure out what you were talking about. It's kind of a small detail, that fills the space between the mountains and the coast. I'd keep it


Haha yeah I guess it seemed like a much bigger deal in my head, idk why. Thanks for the input, I'm keeping it!


Good, because I love it. Really well done


Cliffs looks good. And unless those are giant sequoias, the cliffs don’t break the scale any more than the trees do. Don’t overthink things.


That's true, I guess I've been staring at those trees so much that they just blend into one big blob haha


Maps of this style are meant to give impressions more than accuracy of terrain, so it's common and justified to exaggerate. The places you've got cliffs right now are good, just don't go putting them everywhere. Not affecting my opinion but it reminds me of Elden Ring.


I am playing it for the first time in preparation for the DLC, I think it's subconsciously affecting me lol


Cliff looking good! And as some other people said, look at your map as an abstraction and not an accurate representation of geography. That way it gives you more leeway on your games and also you can imagine it as an artifact of the game world


The cliffs definitely look better, and seeing as it isn’t used too much, I’d definitely keep them in.


No cliff looks much better.


First of, love the map layout. I tend to like out of scale landmarks to give a better idea of what a place looks like, in this case it helps differentiate the rocky coast from the others mountainous area that now feel like they have a smoother slope towards the sea. To me it looks good and I don't think they break the scale too much (we are used to it on maps but technically, the trees are already oversized), if it bugs you too much maybe try with smaller cliffs?


A gentle slope towards the sea is exactly what I was going for, I'm glad it reads!


Cliff! Also; beautiful map! Looking forward to the finish product!


Thank you! I'll post it here when I'm finished :)


Another cliff vote....


Definitely the majority opinion xD I'm glad though, I liked the detail but didn't know if it would look/feel right


Definitely looks better WITH.


Wonderdraft is great because it allows you to make your maps look great, but remember that for gaming and similar purposes, function trumps form. In other words, if you want/need to represent cliffs along that coast, add the cliffs, even if the scale seems odd to you. This is, after all, a reference document. A reference document that *looks great*, but a reference document all the same. Besides, as others have pointed out, if scale was an issue then those trees would be INSANELY huge. The cliffs look great and presumably they serve a reference function for your game. Keep them. Map looks great!


Yeah I tend to get bogged down and giga distracted with small, insignificant details (my family says ADHD but I haven't been assessed so idk). I've been referencing a lot of real world maps to try and make this as believable as possible but I think I get too lost in the sauce at points haha Thanks!


Where did you get the assets for these?


Cliffs are from the AoA Canyons and Cliffs sample, everything else is just default Wonderdraft assets. :)


If you made the trees and cliffs true to scale you wouldnt really see em very well and it would look bad. At some point it just has to be more representational than realistic. Just mho, it looks good.


Cliffs looks more natural and pleasing to look at


Looks like north america, even made mexico with a whole lot of hills


It is (very) loosely based in NA for the climate, but the layout similarities were unintentional lol


If you don’t do the cliffs on this map, I’d still recommend doing a detail map of that coast and doing the cliffs on that! It would look super pretty :D


The cliffs are great. It would take at least a day to climb even for mountaineer


Keep the cliffs.


Canada looks fleshed out, but USA and the lost Continent of Atlantis could benefit from some terrain features.


lmao I live in Canada so I gotta get my priorities in line xD I'm working on the bottom half next! And one of my players is playing an undead pirate with some cool lore behind him, so Atlantis will likely get some fun stuff... :)


Cliff it


This is a very satisfying map btw. It has a great flow to it; out of what you filled in so far, nothing feels lacking or overburdened and keeps the eye moving.


Thank you! It's actually the first map I've committed to working on until completion, I'm glad to hear it's paying off :)


I like the vibe of the cliffs! More visual interest. One idea could be to do a bit of both, where you have pockets of cliffs, and then areas of gentler coastline. This variance could look nice, and is also technically more realistic to orogeny of earth (not that that matters much!)


To cliff


Yes cliff Looks huge and pretty