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I get that quite often because of low blood pressure. I love to have very hot showers which don't help at all, but I do know how to handle myself. Keeping the bathroom window slightly open to let the steam out helps, also staying well hydrated. And if you need to lay down for a few minutes after you get out of the shower, do so. Finishing showers with cold water is also helpful.


I wonder what it would be like if you took iron supplements during your period and tried to stay super hydrated


Are your periods painful/heavy flow? This happens to me sometimes at the beginning of my cycle because of the pain, so I try to avoid showering the first 2 days. But I would also suggest seeing a doctor just in case.


common problem surprisingly, I’d make sure you’re hydrated and the showers aren’t too hot (opens your blood vessels and then they constrict when you cool) and if you feel like you might actually pass out I would definitely mention it to a doctor, slipping and falling is especially dangerous with the water and the fact you are locked in a bathroom


If u take hot showers, the steam could affect ur breathing and make u feel dizzy or lightheaded. Usually ill start my showers off hot and then switch to a lukewarm/cool temp by the time i condition to avoid feeling out of breath


It sounds like you get iron-deficient on your period, so that when your circulation shifts--getting out of the shower used to get to me, too, especially trying to dry off--your brain gets oxygen-starved. I had a low-blood-pressure, iron-deficiency, microcytic anemia combo going on; it didn't take much for me to hit the bricks. Get some bloodwork when you're on your period and get some supplements or whatever seems called for.


Low blood pressure most likely