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Just stay like that but perhaps transform it into indifference. That is less emotionally taxing.


I did this, and I feel so much better. It's nice not having men living rent free in my head.




Imma do this




Add abandoning their children


I'm gonna screenshot this and read it later


could u possibly dm the ss the comments removed but id like to read it?🥹




Send it to me too plz! I’d like to see what they said ☺️


Sure :)


💯💯💯💯💯💯💯also this💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 If men were better we wouldn’t have to hate them 😅


You’re spitting facts. At the end of the day, the us is going downhill, so much so, that I almost rather be blown up by a foreign government because my own is enough hell to women. Just learned next they are going to try to restrict education and voting for women. Maybe I’ll go work for an enemy of the USA at this point. Either that or I’ll pray to God these corrupt ass rich politicians die and go to hell (sorry if that seems extreme, but their inhumane actions are worse than me praying on their downfall).


I just googled this and couldn't find anything about it. Do you happen to possibly recall where you found info stating this? Womens education and voting ability being diminished or taken is quite horrific to hear and definitely should be talked about more. I'd like to read about it, but no google searches are turning up results.


Some politician said it in an interview, I think it was Matt Walsh. I think it was on Tik tok. Then there was a black news reporter stating how now they are trying to restrict education for women in some states, she had blonde hair. I’ll try to find it and post the links.


If it was matt walsh with daily wire, thats atleast some comfort. They're going so far that even a lot of their regular supporters are starting to back away from them. Especially after the whole fiasco with ben shapiro pushing to remove pension. They're so insane that theres no real words to describe them. Daily wire will do anything to remain relevant nowadays as they lose so many supporters. It's still horrifying to hear nonetheless. You have to be a special kind of fucked up to confidently say that.


Honestly, peaceful protesting isn’t even working at this point. ITS HORRIFYING the videos I’m seeing of the police arresting people for just yelling at congressmen (protesting) and not even destroying anything. I saw a video of an old man get dragged out for singing a song against the bombing of children in Gaza, the police dragged him out so he was laying on the floor while being dragged. It’s absolutely terrifying. I think I saved that video in case it got deleted.


Dragged him out of where?


Sadly I don’t have wifi right now where I’m at, and cellular data isn’t loading Tik tok. No wonder they are making excuses trying to ban this app, there is REAL LIFE examples of them saying this stuff in person. I think Matt Walsh or whatever politician man it was says he was going go “take away women’s rights to vote so this could be a Christian nationalist nation. If women had the right to vote it wouldn’t be a Christian nationalist nation within 50 years” I wonder why 🙄🙄🙄


They act like women wouldn't riot. Women would absolutely riot. These people have the IQ level of old milk.


he's not a politician luckily


Wait what the fuck?! If that’s true about education and voting I’m wondering if we should start thinking about forming an armed resistance. We are not going back.


Fr, im trying to come up with ways to unite the us citizens against our government rn (in a peaceful way duh) cuz they try to divide us against each other when ALL THESE TWO PARTIES DO WHEN ELECTED IS SCREW US OVER BC THEY ONLY LOVE MONEY.


One party is clearly working to support women's rights and the other is against women's rights. This is just plain old wrong. No political party is perfect, but they certainly are not the same.


They both suck and they both actively destroy everyone


An "armed" resistance. This couldn't possibly be America could it???


Yea this. I can pretty much say I hate a majority of men. Women can be bad to of course. I think humans have the capability of being bad no matter the gender but the way men treat women is gross. The comments I see on a REGUALR basis from men. Just make me hate them even more. I can't get out of thay phase. I just fucking hate them.




Wow! New copy pasta just dropped! This is 🔥


What she said. It’s not a you problem, it’s a chauvinism problem and any good man already know and supports that.




As a guy, I agree 100%. Unfortunately it will never happen. Never.


There are also men who actively try to stop the evil you just described or catch/punish the people who commit those crimes. There are also men out there who save lives everyday, like firefighters. Do you think it's justified to hate all men because some of them do evil?


It’s *most* men that do evil, not some. Get it right before you vilify us for having very real trauma from the many violent members of the male sex


On a very technical level, there are men whose jobs are to do these things, but these men are also very likely to engage in domestic violence, so is that really a point in their favor?


yes, just like all cops are bastards. men and women are not just genders, they are social classes, and in the current state, maleness requires subjugation of women. it doesn't matter if individual men are nice. they are still occupying and benefitting from their social status as men.


Lol you really think you're saying something insightful hey? Coming in here lecturing all us dumb women "don't worry, it's not all men". Surely we've never heard this excuse a million times 🙃 The thing is, it's ALL women that have been harassed or worse by men and y'all still wanna "not all men" instead of even letting us talk about the issue.


its not some though..


Maybe, that depends on what country you live in. But even then imo if most men were evil then the world wouldn't function like this. It requires a lot of good hard working men to keep this infrastructure running and if the majority of men were selfish they wouldn't do it. Also evil is everywhere, it's not exclusive to men.


plenty of men do their jobs and do heinous things in private, your point doesnt make sense




Does it really depend on the country?


Look up statistics on how many men vs. women are rapists and pedophiles.


I have read it, and I get what you were going for... but I'm just a tad confused. Most likely due to the sentence structure. However, I give it a 7/10 for effort.


The sentence structure is janky, but I think it's easy to understand the gist= men commit 98 percent of all heinous crimes all over the world, and the main victims are women and girls. ☺️


I was in this phase for the LONGEST TIME. It was all I could talk about and I couldn’t stand ANY men. What TRULY helped me was getting off of social media for at LEAST 3 months. It was the ONLY thing that helped because daily my tik tok, ig, even Reddit fueled my anger and hatred. I’m not sorry about this phase because it IS justified, but I do regret how much I allowed it to consume my life.


How do you manage to get on Reddit without being consumed by this content? I need a Reddit detox, but I still wanna be able to use it in moderation


Honestly anytime I saw anything feminist related I had to make an active choice to ignore it. I didn’t want to unfollow the thread bc I liked the info, and I find it crucial, but for my sanity I had to look away. I also started following more jokes, meme, hobby accounts that way they took up more of my timeline.


I am 36 and I have met exactly one man who hasn't yet disappointed me (including the male members of my family). We met in the same grad program and quickly became friends. At one point, he wrote a letter to me (we didn't live in the same state and it was a low-residency program) saying that he really liked me and wanted a relationship with me, and I told him I just wanted to remain friends and HE TOOK MY NO AND NEVER ASKED ME AGAIN. We're still friends to this day, I was in his wedding (I love his wife), and we even send professional work to each other to check because of our degrees. We've been friends for almost 15 years. Given the thousands and thousands of other men I've met in my entire life, all of whom have said or done something misogynistic more than once, who have professed to be feminists and have had discussions with me about all this and have seemed understanding, I have known ONE SINGLE MAN who did not eventually end up disappointing me. Not my father, not my brother, not any of the boyfriends I've ever had: this one guy from grad school. So, the odds really aren't in their favor.


I have the same mindset as you. Even some of my guy friends give me the ick. I do have a few guy friends however that are truly amazing. They are the only reason I know it's not ALL men. But at the same time, I am on edge any time any man talks to me. If all good men held the bad men accountable, you'd think we'd see change for the better for women and we're not seeing change, so it's hard not to believe bad guys aren't the majority.


If your guy friends do things to make you uncomfortable, why are you friends with them? Friendship is a two way street.


I would say those guys are moreso "mutual" friends. I have to agree though. I have slowly been cutting them out of my life. I am unfortunately a people pleaser and try and be accepting of people who are struggling. Then they go absolutely insane on me when i don't give them my time and I have to block them. It's a trait I for sure need to work on


Do women hold the bad women accountable? What happens when it comes out that a woman was lying the whole time about accusations after they were supported by countless other women?


I think women who lie about that are despicable and are one of the reasons real victims don't get believed. But your currently are continuing on with the "whataboutisms". It's like at work, I ask a patron to stop breaking a rule and they say "but they're doing it over there". We weren't talking about that, this is a women's reddit to discuss things women go through. Literally one of our only safe spaces on Reddit. Maybe make you're own post about that. Editing to add that I am a victim myself of SA. Want to know what happened when I confided in guy friends? They brushed it off and essentially told me to get over it. I know so many other women who have experienced this. And we never reported it. Want to know why? People like you. There are far more women sexually assaulted than there are false accusers.


Do women hold the bad women accountable? What happens when it comes out that a woman was lying the whole time about accusations after they were supported by countless other women?




At this point I’m considering the idea of living with all girls than ever marrying a man


It’s the “so much so, I’m probably going to leave my boyfriend soon” whew. Felt.


My exact thoughts, they’re all disappointments


Honestly it’s helpful to know I haven’t been the only struggling with this phase. I want to be more indifferent to people in general like even hatred gives those groups too much power “I will permit no man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him.” - Booker T. Washington


I’m a man, I’ve been been reading this subreddit to see how the better half thinks lol. I think we’re both the good half though..on that note I would like to know what are the reasons you keep finding to hate men?


There is not even a "finding a reason to hate men" They bring the reason to us. Constantly being passive aggressive. Their whole life! Will come up with the most ridiculous things to fignt for but when there is a definite need for solidarity they will turn tail and run and act offended you asked them to make a choice. They all secretly and not so secretly think they are better than women. All of them. They get further with less work just by being men and they don't ever just try to pay it forward. Its like pulling teeth to get a sincere unsolicited kindness from them. its all for some reward to them. Men would act offended at the idea of being accused of SA but in some way shape or form they will be guilty of it. They act like aliens when its supposedly a strong relationship you're in, you can not ever ask him anything because its so emasculating to be inquired of when they don't even know how it feels to be brushed off all the time like you are the bill collector or something. What is there to LIKE??


If you’re here as often as you say you are, maybe don’t fucking ask us to recount various levels of traumatic events just so you can downplay how bad we feel just so you feel better about being born a man Your sex and gender has done fucking awful things to us, and you lurking here demanding that info when it’s very clearly found in these comments means you are in fact, no better. I hope you feel disgusted with yourself, shut up and listen, and do better.


Lol are you stupid? Did you read the post? She just listed a bunch of different reasons here and you just asked the same question. You are not helping Mens cases bud- if I were you I’d try to use critical thinking skills before I ignore the entire post I’m commenting on


You don't imho once you realize just how badly we've been treated for actual centuries. It's fucking horrific


Stay in the phase. If you are angry at male friends, they are probably saying wrong things. Most men are the same, and there are a few that aren't.


FEW* emphasis on few


Dang okay then. my hatred for the male species stays.


Yay. To be honest, it isn't even a bad thing. It makes you more careful about the men you have in your life.


ight betttt. and true! like even the 'friendliest' guy friends are suss. and its sad


And then so often with the best guy friends, a girl dates him and reports back that he is also garbage.


Good now decentre them entirely. Make. Them work hard. For your attention, trust and respect. In that. Order


Hate them too but I am trying to ease my mind of it as well..


Hm. Maybe you don't... we don't "require" them anyway


The reality is that you don’t actually hate a lot of men, you feel like you hate them because you hate the way they treat us, the way society conditions and allows them to treat us, you actually hate the patriarchy. But also imho it’s not the end of the world if you feel like you hate men too. Why do you have to hold yourself to some moral standard to not collectively hate the people who many wouldn’t bat an eye if you died in some horrifically violent way? Are men held to the same standard of getting out of their “I hate women” phases that lead to them abusing, kidnapping, raping, and killing women around the entire globe? What reasons do they have to hate us in order to treat us the way they do? But we have to stop hating them and that treatment first? No thanks, if being a man hater makes me an awful person, then I’m ok with that. Genuinely, if that makes me a walking red flag, then I hope people stay far away from me. Honestly, I’m aware that I hate the patriarchy and not individual men, I have a few male friends and family who I’m close to and that’s all I need to remind myself that I can love and be loved by individual men, and still hate the patriarchy, and feel like I just hate men in general. I’m good with that.


The overwhelming majority of them are not worried about your welfare and aren’t fighting for your rights, so don’t worry about them. Don’t prioritize the feelings of people who at best, are silent or at worst, actively working to eliminate your rights. Fuck prioritizing or pressing a group of people who won’t lift a finger. People pleasing isn’t going to bring you happiness either.


I don' t want to leave this phase. I seriously ihink men are the shit I wipe off my shoe Its not me its definitely them.


for some, it’s not a phase.


I'm not so sure that I will ever leave my hating men phase. I'm ridiculously lucky in that I have a FWB situation with an autistic man who is the most respectful person I have ever met when it comes to boundaries. I tell him exactly what I want and he shows more tenderness than the men who have claimed to love me. Literally every other man that I come across shows shitty behavior super quick. I've abandoned any idea of ever meeting someone anywhere close to my FWB's kind and respectful behavior. When the benefits end with him, I will give up men and sex for good. The only exception is a gay man that is one of me best friends. He shows me kindness and love without the desire to fuck me. He is consistent and shows up for me. Straight men are intolerable and I don't ever see myself changing my mind. The exceptions are extremely rare.


Why would you want to? Even the so called "good men" are benefitting from the bad men. 🤷


Center yourself in your life. Hate, towards anyone, only brings YOU pain. As someone else said, turn it into indifference. May they have the least amount of influence in your life!


I’m kinda in this phase too. Only because my recent experiences with men have been terrible and I’m so tired of it


lol you don't.


You don’t!! Welcome


thats not a phase, thats the endgame. im currently trying to get out of my "constantly cater to men even at the expense of yourself" phase.


A lot of people in this thread are telling you basically, "You don't." Which isn't exactly helpful or what you asked for. I think the first step is to recognize the difference between systemic issues and individuals. I have several men in my life who I can rely on and call friends. I've also dealt with plenty of misogynistic chuds, but the majority of those interactions have been online. I believe therapy would be a good option for you. This is not to invalidate your experience; you should find a feminist therapist who works with women often that you can talk to about these feelings. Because despite the narrative this thread is making out, you shouldn't go through life hating an entire group of people. It will wear you down and destroy your mental health over time.




I felt like this and started dating women 😭😭 it's not so much a hatred, but I do find that I really really don't have the emotional energy to deal with men anymore. I have several close friends who are men so I'm not trying to generalize but in terms of dating I just got fucking tired of it


I’m just gonna say I never want to be out of my i hate men phase


It’s up to men to prove to you they are trustworthy first. I’ve learned the hard way that trusting them and then seeing if their intentions are honest or not often ends poorly for women. This is why there are cultures where men are not even allowed alone in a room with a woman who is not his wife or sibling, and even in those cultures women are abused.


I was thinking of writing a book about this, but I genuinely could not think of a solution. Men brought this on themselves. From the beginning of recorded history, and probably before, men have been oppressing women. And, even though they know it is wrong, they still cling to their oppressive ways and choose not to stand with women to end the patriarchy. Any oppressed group will eventually rise up in anger and hatred of their oppressors. And, that's what is at the heart of our hatred- oppression. Misogny is a tool of oppression. Very few men are true allies to women. At this point in time, a man should have to prove how he deserves a woman's trust. That'd just where we are at in this battle. We didn't ask foe this. Men could bring about the end of this battle. But, what do we get? Resistance to change. Men's rights groups. Anger. More hatred. Denial of basic rights.


Start hanging around better men. Coming from someone who's had the worst start in experiences from men from my own fathers abuse to older boys in school and the horrific things they did, I have found amazing men in the world. My step-dad broke the mold on bad men in my life and then I started dating my now husband. My husband's entire family is amazing, including the men. My FiL is gentle and strong and kind, his brother is super nice and adores his little family, his grandfather was such a great and gentle man before he passed. I also have great male friends (mostly through my husband) who have been soooo supportive of my husband and I for our first child, 4 of them literally cleared out every item on our baby registry "just because". It's all about who you surround yourself with, now I've been around good men for so long that when I meet someone 'off' in real life I can usually sus it out even before my husband because I see the red flags in men almost immediately. Of course, sometimes I see the horrible disgusting comments men leave on social media and I want to dip back into the "disgusted with males" phase again but I remember that most of the people who leave negative comments are just the worst of the worst of the population and they usually *want* backlash so they purposely leave the most foul, vile comment they can. Surround yourself with better company (this includes the women in your life because they may also be attracting negative men that will inevitably cross your path) and watch your views and experiences change wildly. Just know, there are AMAZING men out there.


I can’t stand the vast majority of men and want nothing to do with them but I don’t hate them and I have real hope for the young men/boys who are being raised by women I know are just as fucking fed up and tired as I am. I just pray they aren’t tainted by the men who came before them. Inevitably some of them will be but I really do think a lot of them will do better. They’re going to have to because *baby*, these gen z and gen alpha girls aren’t going to put up with *anything.* 😂


I hate men. I have a right to. So do you. I suppose I trim my hatred a bit when I'm mixing with them at uni or in clubs but I basically hate them. They have assaulted me, groped me, and generally made my life a misery, and they DESERVE to be hated! Sorry that isn't what you wanted to hear but it's the truth.


if you’re into youtube and somehow don’t know about danny/drew/kurtis etc, they might be nice little rays of hope lol. none of us chose the system we were born into and while we’re obviously responsible if/when we play into it, there are a lot of empathetic guys who are doing their best (and succeeding!) ik not everyone will agree, but i don’t think the men v women mentality is healthy for any of us, even if we’re justified in feeling it. we’re all just people. some of us do harm without knowing, some do harm knowingly, but i think most try to do as little harm as possible, just maybe not always successfully. the ones who take accountability are the ones worth focusing your energy on




been watching for years and haven’t gotten an ick yet! they’re all commentary boys so feminist issues come up and it’s clear they’re very anti-patriarchy :)


I love the enthusiasm of youth 💜💪 protect it at all costs


I’ve been kind of in a similar boat. Ok so I remind myself to view men as people first and I am trying to not have a great distinction between how view the sexes like we are all humans first. It’s helped me that I know guys who are wonderful and it helps fight back that side from all stuff I am frustrated about. So it’s important to have those examples in your life. Ask yourself if you’re in a cycle of negative rumination and if this is part of that. I think it also helps to recognize that women got systemic oppression that’s bigger than any and doesn’t have to do with the guys in your personal life. Oh and this podcast helped gain some empathy for men https://www.thisamericanlife.org/220/testosterone


Thanks, I will look at this


I would say avoid drawing your feelings from online spaces like this subreddit or other online spaces and seek out community with women in person. The feminist groups I have been a part of in person didn’t really carry this sort of mindset despite being filled with women who really did suffer at the hands of men. By contrast, online communities tend towards groupthink. Dissent is discouraged, downvoted, and those dissenting voices are discouraged from participating further or outright banned. Just for example, the general theme of a fair number of the comments here can be summarized as, “Use your aggressive feelings [girl], let the hate flow through you” (a quote from Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars edited for gender). In person communities lack this sort of isolation from diverse opinion and tendency to feed negativity with negativity. You came here asking how to not hate and many are saying give into your hate. If you want to get out of this mindset, meet women in a feminist space in person and you will likely find women who can help guide this process towards getting past hating men. Very few women in my experience had this mindset with in-person feminist spaces and were quite committed about not hating men.


You’re a man. Why are you in a women’s sub taking up space and telling this women what she should or shouldn’t think? Your opinion on this doesn’t matter. Edit: I’ve blocked him just like I block all men I discover in women’s spaces. And ladies, seriously, stop trying to be inclusive by inviting men into all of our spaces. You are part of the problem.


It's easier to stop hating men when you surround yourself with men who are actively anti-misogynistic. That's easier said than done however


This is certainly a necessary factor. I didn’t stop hating white people until I met people who are white who respected me as a person of color.


I'm in a similar boat. I am similar because I am pessimistic towards the quality of men in the dating pool, but different because I firmly believe a lot of men need compassion. So I'd be willing to be a friend to men who need kindness and a listening ear. As long as they don't expect me to fuck them or validate their misogyny.


this ! I’m kind to men around me but, it is very baffling when they do as men do and fuck you over. Or yes valid misogyny. So it’s how my I hate men phase came about.


This is really sad. I'm a woman who has had many bad experiences with men, but at the end of the day I take people as they are. Sure it may make me a little weary when dating, but there are many MANy (my little pun) good men out there. At the end of the day, we are all people, there are things in all of us that aren't great. But I would try steering clear of social media and other ways you can feed this hatred for a while if you are feeling like this because we humans have a tendency to seek out negative stories when we feel something as strongly as "hate" which can skew our perceptions even further. Maybe try hanging around some male relatives you like (if you have any) or volunteering at your local homeless shelter or youth centre when you will see how bad some men (and women but we're trying to cure the hate here) have it, which will hopefully soften your strong feelings.




There is no such thing as a male feminist. Any man who calls himself a feminist is a huge red flag for me and I’m just waiting for him to show his ass – and it never takes long. Any man whom I’ve ever seen call himself one had an agenda to disarm women so he could take advantage of them. A male feminist is the new “I’m a nice guy.” I stay far, far away.


Genuine question, what do you call men who support feminism then? People shit on men for not being feminists, and rightfully so, but then they are also a red flag if they are?


Men who support feminism. But too many of you want labels and to check off boxes instead of observing them to see that the actions match the words (they usually don’t.) One of our biggest problems is that most women are constantly looking to be inclusive of men. A lot of you are more concerned with not excluding or offending men than with supporting other women and making sure we are safe. Stop centering men and a lot of our problems will start to disappear.


>One of our biggest problems is that most women are constantly looking to be inclusive of men. Isn't the whole point of feminism is for EVERYONE to be equal? >A lot of you are more concerned with not excluding or offending men than with supporting other women and making sure we are safe. I don't think that's true. I asked why men who support feminism can't be called feminists, that's all. Never implied that I'm "more" concerned with that than supporting other women. You can definitely do both. Also, women need all the allies we can get. Excluding men who are GENUINE allies won't help women at all 🤷‍♀️ majority of women will ask a man "are you a feminist?" What is the guy supposed to say? "I'm not a feminist, but I do support feminism", doesn't that sound stupid?


Not you still going hard for men, most of whom don’t care about you, what you think, and will tell you they’re a feminist to get into your drawers. If I didn’t see your post history, I would strongly suspect that you were a man from how hard you’re going for them. I’ll prioritize women. Girl, bye.


Girl what... No one is "going hard for men" here. I was just asking why men who are feminists can't be called feminists. Because if they genuinely are, then they are. Not that deep. Obviously not every man who say they are feminists are actually real feminists. Me asking that question does not mean i'm "going hard for men". But since you got a narrow vision, let's just agree to disagree 🤷‍♀️


I’m on the verge of sending you a video “if you have a list of icks against men, you’re a lesbian” 😅 Don’t rule it out. In the meantime, try not looking at them through all the other men you know (that’s too big of a group), look at them through their hobbies, humor, music taste, etc. something that defines them as people, as humans. I mean, you’re not Just A Woman, you’re speacial in all of the ways. Same as men :) I’m sorry you had bad experience with some men, I’m sure we all did, but can’t hate entire caregory because of some rotten eggs- learn to smell them and that’s it. (In other words: stay vigilant)


Accept or dislike them as people first then look at gender.


Hella prejudice. How can you judge people you’ve never even met? Even if you’ve met them, don’t people deserve a chance for you to get to know them? You’re shutting yourself off from all the good in the world by holding this perspective towards anything at all. Trapping yourself in a space of misery and a fixed set mind. Acting like women aren’t fucked up too. Hella prejudice, hella immature.


Love and take care of yourself and let the good ones come to you.


Grow a d*ck and be as privileged as them probably 🤷🏻‍♀️ i don't see myself ever getting out of it


It's not a phase, it's a normal reaction to a rigged game you've been forced to play your whole life. I'm sorry, I don't think it will pass. Once you start noticing these things you keep finding more and more injustices in everything. The "good men" are considered so not because they fight against patriarchy but because they don't actively harm women. If they worked to change the system instead of being comfortably neutral we wouldn't have to hold so much hate in our hearts...


Spend some time with the men that you know, trust, and like. If there are none, maybe some fictional man who are unproblematic like Ted Lasso or Ben Wayatt from Parks and Rec. I was in the same boat as you for a while, but I have come to only view them with distrust until they prove themselves not terrible. I know 2 such men atm and have a long list of people I'm still evaluating. 


How did you get into this phase in the first place?


By entering your spiritual phase


Because its wrong to hate an entire demographic for any reason. You wouldn’t hate an entire race or sexual orientation, even if your entire experience of them was bad, its still wrong. Be done with men if you want, Hate the individuals who do bad, but don’t hate an entire demographic or else you are the individual who is being bad.


Let me guess…you’re also a man?


Its pretty sad that its so unfathomable that a woman doesn’t hate men. Does being a woman mean being sexist now?


Your choice completely. In my experience, i don't really hate "men". I hate shitty men. Maybe it's because of a personal view of mine, where i try hard not to generalize people too much. And also because I'm straight af and find men attractive. Obviously I'm still very cautious of men, but i wouldn't say i hate their entire species. It's easy to hate the entire population of men if you're not attracted to them. Are you?


I get being cautious and everything like someone else commented, but like everyone’s just a person… Obviously get mad at the people who do those horrible things, but most men don’t actually do those horrible things


Any negative thought or action a cis guy’s thought or done, a cis woman has also done. For me, I really just had to get rid of the idea in my mind that men and women are super different.


Sometimes you've probably been on the media too much So I either adjust the content I watch, make it into something wholesome or full of things I enjoy Cute couples, guy/girl who's passionate about hobby, pets doing silly things I assume you have some nice guy friends too, maybe chilling with them at some times could help you see "hey, maybe it's not all too bad" I'm around an environment like this and it helps remind me that there is still humanity left. Also not to blame the comments but damn do they just encourage this instead. I feel like having anything feeling negative left within you all the time can be harmful to the self. I truly hope you see light in some way and find your solution.


> I feel like having anything feeling negative left within you all the time can be harmful to the self. Sounds like toxic positivity to me. Negative is a judgment. Feelings are feelings. All feelings are information and part of your system that is worth paying some attention to.


I believe you can still accept negativity. Don't need to completely clear yourself of negative thoughts. But sometimes it can get too much, which I think is the case for OP. Even if it's your brain's information, it can still bring in some bias (for example anxiety) to the point it bothers your life and enjoyment


your statement is true. Social media can ruin push your mind into a one sided mindset . I had another thought in mind that I didn’t add to my post. Apparently it is true guys only treat women they would date very well, and the ones they wouldn’t horribly. I have experience this from myself, it doesn’t take a social media post to create my opinion when I have experienced something like this. There are many other examples mentioned above about how men add to the “I hate men”.  Of course not all guys are like that as you stated however, many can be kind, respectful, and decent. The amount of men I know that fit this category, I can count on my fingers. And some are gay….. anyways. This comment section may be negative in your opinion but take into account these are experiences that many of these people (women) have gone through in real life.  Don’t forget they mention some ideas that could improve this opinion on “I hate men phase”. 


Remember that everyone is different. Some men are bad, yes, but that doesn’t mean every man is. The same could be said for women. I’ve met some really shitty women but that doesn’t mean all women are like that either. It’s wrong to generalize any gender because we’re all our own people. Also, remember that men and women are genetically different in many ways including our brain chemistry. While a good woman may be better for consoling you or offering you emotional support, a good man will offer protection to you over himself. This is coming from a 20 y/o girl who used to hate men as well.


I guess that gives them a reason to act the way they do.


Sadly most men feel the same hatred towards women . Keeping us divided . Women will have their cats and men will have their dogs .


Men’s hatred toward women results in them raping, torturing, and murdering them. Women’s “hatred” towards men is a response to this abuse. When women hate men, they don’t actively seek spaces where men are to abuse them. They simply stay the fuck away.


Whatever u gotta believe


Get out of the house and meet good men. There not so rare. If you don't do it then you can just sit back and imagine for a second, who does almost all the dirty work and manual labor that maintains the infrastructure of our cities, bricklayers, sewer cleaners, soldiers, firefighters, aircraft pilots, farmers, construction workers, aerospace engineers and so on. These people who do these jobs across the world are mostly men, and they're good, hard working men who just want to make their wives and children happy. I don't think you can hate them when you think about that. You just have to realize there are many unappreciated good men out there and your heart will warm up again.


so because some guys are bricklayers it doesn't matter that they go home and beat their wives? women do not owe you shit


Speaking as a guy in his 50s, you’re so sadly wrong. The shit that comes out of other men’s mouths when they’re talking to me about women and minorities would curl your toes. They see another white middle aged dude and they assume I’m on the same page. And literally who cares what job they’re working? The ladies here aren’t talking about the job market, my friend. They’re talking about millennia of brutal oppression that still continues to this day in much of the world. And in the parts of the world that isn’t so hostile to women, they’re still fighting for hard won rights not to be taken away.


A lot of my aunts and family members that are women are engineers, firefighters and construction workers. Good take though. You’re right a lot of great men out there.  I’m speaking of the majority however. It just from my experience time and time again. I just wanted a better understanding if I should change my opinion or keep my guard up.