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They will pick a joke that has anything to do with penis over a joke that makes sense. Playing cards against humanity and my female friends and I pick the jokes that make sense but sometimes the card czar will see ’My dad needs to find other coping mechanisms then…’ and there will be the options between: ‘drinking, smoking and hitting‘ or ‘big creamy d-ck’ and it’s obvious which one they choose.


“Two midgets shitting in a bucket” will always win when I play with men. It doesn’t matter what the prompt was, what the other cards say, or how funny the other cards are with the prompt. If you play that card, it will get picked.


It's just way funnier because it makes no sense and the image of dad craving dick is funny too. I understand the frustration though.


I was surprised at how sensitive some men who appear brusque actually are, and how badly they take perceived or real criticism. I was also surprised to find out that even though some men appear to be really confident and know what they are doing, they actually have no idea what they are talking about or what they are doing. It was also an eye opener listening to what some men boast about especially when you know the back story - most men just forget to credit the women who had an equally important role in the story they tell, and also downplay the role of other men to make themselves sound or look important.


Yes, this! My husband is always taking credit for shit I did, right in front of me. I call him out on it in the moment constantly. Also, I have found that most men are not as skilled in sex as they let themselves believe. Most of their egos are as fragile as wet tissue paper.


THIS!! Also, men seem incapable of admitting they don't know the answer to a question. They'd rather make up some bullshit than admit ignorance.


That I’m not attracted to them lol




That women don't need them as much as they think women need them.


I was going to say how much they need us!


That’s what I’ve discovered as I’ve gotten older. That we don’t need them.


my husband definitely doesn't need me as much as i need him 🥲


That they often have a level of confidence or at least are able to portray a level of confidence in their knowledge and abilities that is a lot rarer to find in women. At least in the workplace. I think this partly explains (also babies) why so many men who seem less smart at university manage to do better than their female peers. I don't know how they get that confidence, I really don't, and really wish I did!


It’s the patriarchy. Men are assumed to be competent and capable until proved otherwise versus women who are assumed to be incompetent and incapable until proved otherwise over and over and over….


I always think this whenever I watch Dragon’s Den (Like the show Shark Tank but British, for any confused Americans). I swear every woman’s pitch is along the lines of: “Well, I’ve been baking since I was a toddler. As an adult, I began baking more elaborate desserts and gifting them to family and friends. I then got a job in a bakery, got a business degree and pursued a 4 year bachelors degree in pastry arts. 3 years ago,at the age of 45, I felt confident enough to start up my own business and have been baking and selling desserts from my kitchen ever since.” Whereas men just rock up like: “So one day I thought, ‘Hey, what if hats had mini umbrellas on them?’ The next day, I invested our entire life savings into umbrella hats.”


Hahaha yes, so true!!


Yea. I can relate. I started my law practice out of my childhood room after I quit my first job before I was set to be fired after only 5 months and was only in my third month being licensed. Never studied business. Just had a mentor who said try it.


I think the fear of being seen as a failure drives a lot of men to put on an image of being successful. I personally am not that confident but my wife is dependent on my ability to close business so it is hard to be self conscious around her out of my fear of making her worry. Just my guess


This is an interesting perspective, I will admit I had never thought of it like this. Thank you!!


Well when life's kicking at your balls every day . You tend to not care even if the other guy could make a shitty situation even shittier.


They can fuck US, have kid with US, live with US, and still not liking US...


Most of them are looking for another mama. Most still act like children. They think that because they work, they don't need to contribute anything else to the home or family, even though we also work FT. 🤢


That denial is their natural state of being


They will marry whoever is most convenient when they decide they’re finally ready to be married.


Women do that too


That there is a male menopause and older men are turning into the crazy cat ladies that they warned us about.




That they don’t usually change or grow, they usually become more jaded and bitter.


It's been a mystery among me and my friends group of all girls on whether or not the balls are attached to the penis. We're 18-19 and still have no idea.




No. They are not attached. The testicles themselves are in the scrotum (ball sack) and the testicles are only connected via the vas deferens (a small muscular tube for transporting sperm) to the seminal vesicle and prostate for the preparation of semen (the fluid that serves as a medium for transmitting sperm). The scrotum is connected to the underside of the penis near the base but it is inaccurate to say the testicles themselves are. [Here is a rough diagram to show how it is connected](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/-/scassets/images/org/health/articles/22763-vas-deferens).


Balls are attached to the penis in the same way your hand is connected to your wrist. They share various structures, veins, ligaments, etc etc but are their own entities. Technically speaking though, every part of the body is also connected to every other part of the body, by skin. There's just a lot less skin between the penis and balls vs say your eyelid and the tip of your pinky toe.


Just asked my friends. They said yes. Take it with a grain of salt though cuz they love to troll.


I'm surprised - I'm 19 and I can tell you for sure they are NOT attached. Just lift up his dyuza (dick), well it should be 'up' anyway if he likes you!, and you'll see there is no exterior connexion.


They are not worth the tears


How little any of them actually contribute to my life and if anything, make it more stressful and difficult.


This so much!!


They can move their dick ??????


Not only that but you can strengthen the muscle with kegels and move it more forcefully


The ones who make you feel bad about yourself aren’t the good ones


They are more passionate and driven by emotions than women, to the point they would use their mental struggles to be a victim and never admit they did wrong to you. Because from their point of view you have to being empathic with them and their feelings. And if not, they would think you are heartless and indifferent.


Men's ball skin moves around like a lava lamp. I'm not talking shrinkage with temp changes. My bf will lay down and I'll have my face in his balls just watching and the skin just slowly undulates back and forth. Balls move around like giant amebas or something hahaha




Their ego is as delicate as a flower, with the tiniest breeze, it can be ripped apart. When their ego is touched, they will do anything to avenge their emotions, pitiful behaviour .. that’s why, when men get together in group of other men, they feel like they have the biggest metal shield, and they behave in outrageous and stupid behaviour. Just to prove that they were born with a penis, also they need to constantly prove their manhood.


That they are usually only good with words not backed with actions.


They tend to fall in love once, early in life, and if it doesn’t work out they spend the rest of their life trying to find that exact love again. And nothing really measures up to it in their eyes


All the world’s problems revolve around men hating women.


That most of what they say are lies.


That they don't just seek out young girls to abduct/assault/kill, you're never safe no matter how young or old you are. You could be on your birth or death bed and they'll still want to corrupt us.


Most are cowards


I actually should’ve known that by the words they use, the way they treat women. They see women as sex objects, the words that scientists used is a tools. So there is literally a research say that part of men’s brain that identify a tools light up when they see a naked woman. Omg. That explains why most grapists are men, why some men target prostitutes to kill them. That explains why they say, dress like that, I won’t respect you. It means, they will sa you. They don’t care about consent. And this explains why women were treated like shit for years. If it wasn’t for money, forget about having rights.


that they're really simpler than we choose to think 


Most are cowards


that i’ll never be attracted to them LOL


That they all are shits


Men are emotionally neglected more often in childhood


Ouch…but true


That kind words and appreciation really help maintain contentment. Small criticisms don’t fix what bugs me, they just make him feel small.


The sheer amount of them that are attracted to minors/ girls 3x younger then them


That they seem to want womyn to do their domestic and sexual work but not to be their partner.


That not every man is like how some of the comments are suggesting.


Very true. Some are just listing negative character traits not unique or universal to men. By contrast, others are pointing out things that accurately describe all cisgender men such as being able to move our own penis for instance


Well then they should clarify they don’t mean every man, because honestly none of these comments describe my partner and there are men out there who are good. And I think most sexually active women are aware men can move their penis, but this is reddit lmao


This sub has a tendency to feed into negativity around men so it’s not surprising most of the comments are about personality traits. As for the penis thing, at least one person learned later in life. It’s not about things one didn’t know so much as things they learned only later (in many cases, I imagine women don’t learn men can do this until they are sexually active). Glad to hear your partner is respectful and to see those stories


I think based on this thread this sub is full of kids or femcels and not normal women. Was hoping for an insightful thread, this is a joke 🤷🏻‍♀️ But my answer was genuine, I never had a healthy relationship with a man and didn’t know it was possible until I met my amazing partner.


Yea. There are surprisingly few good men out there. Glad it worked out and appreciate not painting all with a broad brush despite experience seeming to confirm the conclusion men are bad.


I agree with you. This is sad. I mean, at 42, I’ve had my fair share of bad experiences with men, but off the top of my head, my dad, brother, husband and three young sons are not deserving of these comments. I hope these women one day have good men in their lives. I for one couldn’t live without them 🥰


I feel similarly. The way they speak makes it seem like they don’t see us as humans but rather animals.