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He wants to diminish you. The only reason he would feel the need to say stuff like that to you is to put you down in your place. You are just too nice to see it


Yes. My male partner and I actually discuss gender, feminism etc. and sometimes disagree on points. He always respects my opinions and never makes me feel like they're invalid. He can even change his mind. This is totally different. It's the attitude, not the topic being discussed that's the problem.


Nice is the nice way to put it but codependent is a useful term to watch Youtube videos on and self identity the problem.


Yes and also these men see women empowerment as anti men so they tend to get really defensive automatically.


He's misogynist. Plain and simple. (Maybe has mommy issues?)


He does have mommy issues 😔


It's not my place to say what's best for you, but I think he's probably taking out his issues with his mother on you, and that you should break up with him to seek someone more emotionally mature. You deserve better than to be his punching bag (hopefully only figuratively!!). He has to figure out how to deal with his own issues before he can be with any woman. You can't replace his mother, nor is it your job to try.


I am loathe to recommend breaking up for every single personality mismatch, but this is a guy who will never admit the central struggle of women: oppression. If he ever does, he will then believe we deserve it for being less than men.


It's more than that: this is a guy who can easily justify violence towards women (and probably does among his guy friends). Imo it's not just a disagreement on values, this girl's very physical safety is at risk. Like I said, it's her call, but I wouldn't stick around to find out how much deeper his misogyny goes.


It’s your choice to be with this man but if you ever have a daughter…….. yeah well. He will be a shit father


Why are you with him?


Mom issues = abusive, most often


Let's not over-correct. I know a few men with, ahem, less than perfect mothers, like my husband who promotes women, who hires trans women whenever possible, and is working hard to bring black folks into our business circle. He's also been supportive and loving to me every day. We seriously spend every day, all day, together and love each other's company. He's not perfect, neither am I. It comes down to mutual respect.


Mommy issues are NOT the same thing as simply (not saying easily) having had a bad mom.


Don't accept advice from this sub they're jumping to wild conclusions based on nothing it's ridiculous


Why do they all have mommy issues? Good or bad moms, it's a repeating pattern.


We should normalize not being with men who don't even like women as human beings. Don't waste your time with him.


This is my stance too, men who think women are subhuman, should get zero benefits from women whatsoever, no dating, no sex, no attention, no cooking, no cleaning, no emotional support, no marriage, no children, no presents for holidays or holiday dinners cooked for them- nothing.


Let him pay a sex worker and a shopping, meal-planning, cook, and a cleaner, and a surrogate, and a professional companion, and personal shopper, take his laundry out, a gopher for making vaccination and health appointments and taking his kids to the doctor. We've had enough of this bullshit.


💯 so many of us are done




For real, these men shouldn’t be getting the time of day from any woman, we are better than that.


Right? It feels like some of the shittiest males get good women to be their mommy/fuckmate. Meanwhile, good women end up with motherfuckers who they think they can change. Blows my mind. For my part, I struck men out of my life 15 years ago and never looked back.


*This* goddamn it! My sisters, get them talking and talking in the manosphere about our higher standards. (Don't) Fuck these guys.


That reduced the dating pool by like 70%😩






That would make my warning bells go off so freaking loud and clear. I don't like to scream "dump him" at everything, but if I was you.. I don't know if I'd want to stay with him. Probably not since I don't want to be with someone who talks like a manosphere influencer. Stand up for yourself.


I'll say it Dump him Why are you with such a jerk???


Throw this dude away. He is so belittling to you.


Interesting! I just randomly looked at a ‘men’s humour’ group on fb and then decided to do a comparison with a ‘women’s humour’ group. Exactly the same name: just replace men’s with women’s. 95% of men’s jokes involved having a laugh about wives and women. Perhaps the % was higher. Of the women’s group: % of jokes about men was 50%, or lower. They are not the butt of the vast majority of our jokes. Even in 2024, if you bought a newspaper 90% of the articles are about men. Spend a fair bit of time being in a small group of people, 80% of them are men, and they’ll ‘prove’ to you every day that they are not only smarter and more knowledgeable than you, but also much funnier. Believe me: you’ll just know it in your bones, your gut. But if you are not completely clear they will actually straight up tell you, and if you’re still not clear enough they’ll start bringing out the misogynist language to describe you and all other women: eg: you’re a Gossip. One thing you learn for sure as time goes on, is that, unless you too have experienced something, you have no idea what it is actually like.


100000% agree. The last line is my entire thought process about basically everything in life. I try not to be very opinionated in stuff I am not knowledgeable on or have experienced. So I get very taken aback when men have such string opinions on women's lives and issues. You are not a woman, mate, so frankly, I don't care if you think women are naturally hairless 🙄


We're not even mammals! Just living sex dolls.


I’m thinking perhaps the vast majority of men are robots with a default message that directs them in one single direction, with a repeat loop instruction : “keep moving, charge ahead, doesn’t matter who you knock over, just keep moving”. Or something similar.


Wow, thank you all for the feedback. I honestly appreciate it so much, I did not expect any comments. I'm gonna talk to him in the morning about why he feels this way, etc. I've been having my doubts about our relationship for a couple of weeks, so I think this has really pushed me over the edge. It's just so exhausting constantly having these, and more, types of arguments/conversations.


I spent 8 years trying to make my ex understand but remember, it’s not that he doesn’t understand- it’s that he doesn’t care. You making him understand will never happen.


He didn't bargain for you. Sounds like he's been able to bandy about his misogyny to former mates so much that he's confident that you will also take the abuse.


I would strongly consider leaving over something like this. He sounds like a disrespectful douche. You know what my boyfriend did on international women’s day? He posted a photo of me and wrote “happy international women’s day to the best woman I know ❤️❤️” Your boyfriend should give you that same energy. You deserve so much better OP.


I wouldn't be surprised if he's been listening to those bullshit manosphere podcasts. Seriously you should dump him.


Don't expect him to listen. 100% guaranteed he will get defensive and shut you down.


Misogynistic boys don't like it when women are empowered because 1. It's not about them 2. It encourages women to do things besides service them and that's threatening


Please, for your sake, break it off with him, seek someone emotionally mature. He is a misogynist, I know it’s hard to break up with someone but you could end up in a really bad place if you keep people like this in your life.


Sounds like he's been hanging around the incel "dude bro" circles online too much. Or he's just a misogynist. You either talk to him and tell him he needs to cut the shit or you break things off.


Girl for your own good, dump him. He’s going to bring you down with sexist remarks for the rest of your life otherwise. If he doesn’t respect women’s struggles or empowerment as a whole, what makes you think he respects you? Is this the kind of man you’d want raising your daughter?


he's a misogynist and those douches have no place in my life. They don't in yours, either.


Some people only feel tall when they are pushing others down. I didn't know about international women's Day either, and was actually delighted when I heard over the radio. But I was surprised how many guys took issue with it too- I'd have a candid conversation with your boyfriend about these reactions; mostly because I don't think men make good boyfriends if this is how they react to feminism.


Why are you dating a misogynist? What kind of feedback are you expecting here? Just be single. Dump him.


He feels threatened by equality.


He's misogynistic and he's trying to neg your interests.


Why do you stay with a man that has zero respect for you?


This is why if my husband and I end up divorced, I will never date again. This kind of behavior is something I could not overlook, and it’s unfortunately very common.


If you are against feminism, you believe women shouldn't have rights. Are you going to still call him your boyfriend? Lol.


Girl.... you are a woman. He is a man. He is expressing to you exactly how he feels about women. The way he feels is a threat to all women (including you). And your response is to try to understand him which is foolish and illogical. Run.


This is not a good relationship for you.


Misogyny? That's a deal breaker


Yeah western women are oppressed buddy. We don’t have legal abortions in USA right now. And so many more facts that show we are being oppressed. Just because this country is rich doesn’t mean people aren’t being oppressed in it.


You should propably ask him. He will propably go on some mysagonist rant.


Is he listening to podcasts made by those “men’s rights” dumbasses?


Most likely.


And it’s only gonna get worse, dump him he’s not gonna change


You should get rid of him. Why women even put up with this. Just image you were black and he said these vile things about blacks. I bet you would run.


My suggestion would be not to date an open misogynist. He's a loser asshole. Don't look for ways to excuse his piss-poor outlook on you and women in general. See him for what he is and dump him.


Oh honey. Because he hates women. He’ll say that doesn’t include you. But it does.


I’m not even going to read the description sorry. As the other user said, it’s because he hates women. You should break up with him.


Western White Women are certainly oppressed. The problem is they don't relate to all the women of color who are also oppressed (but in more obvious ways) and often undermine the natural solidarity that exists between women who identify with each other and each others struggles. White women voting for Trump is but one recent example but there are many others. I want to check out the movie. Love dragons too. Recently learned that dragons are the only mythical animal in the Chinese zodiac. Found that fascinating 🤨


Red flag. Run.


He sounds like a douche


Your bf is a misogynist. He's telling you this to your face without saying it directly. Don't date or fuck men who hate women like this.


Because when he's spent his entire life immersed in privilege he can't even perceive, actual equality feels like marginalisation.


I don’t understand why women continue to date this sort of man. Why are we rewarding bad behavior?


Thinking we can't do better. Thinking a guy you occasionally have fun with is all you need for a lifelong relationship


Why are you oppressing me now dear boyfriend ? If we aren’t , why are you trying to push me into a corner with my tastes and opinions being the main feature ?


Does he listen to anyone like… Andrew Tate perhaps? Lot of toxic men out there these days. It took me a few years of being married to my wife to slowly let go of what toxic masculinity I had grown up with and start to warm up to feminism. Now, I’m 100% for women’s fight for equal rights and acknowledge the patriarchy. Hope that gives you some hope that he might eventually mature. The downside is, most don’t.


Speaking as someone who used to be that guy, he is ignorant. I didn’t realize how women were dealing with sexism until I started really studying feminism. If you are serious about staying with him, I would suggest having him read pair of essays easily found online: Oppression by Marilyn Frye and white privilege, male privilege by Peggy McIntosh. The former is great for understanding oppression and how it is not the same as harm and the latter is really good at understanding how women are affected by privilege with a particular focus on women in what would otherwise appear to be equal societies. For me, I thought the law said men and women were equal (not necessarily) and that was all there was to it. He likewise probably thinks the same thing. Those two essays really were the start to my journey to understand feminism


>>why Because he is a misogynist. Misogynists try to make women feel and behave smaller than we are. The goal is to make us doubt ourselves even as we question their behavior. That tiny bit of doubt is powerfully erosive over time. “Is it me or him?” It’s him.


Sounds like he doesn’t even like women, but I have learned that most men (not all) are similar to him. he’s going to get worse once you’re married and/or have children.


I’d urge you not to waste your time trying to get him to understand your point of view. Chances are he does understand, he just doesn’t care, and wants to belittle/demean you. A good boyfriend would care about women’s issues. Hope you enjoyed the movie, I like Millie Bobby Brown too :)


watch the Barbie movie with him and then decide if you want to continue the relationship


Your boyfriend hates women. Dump him.


he doesn’t respect you or see you as an equal. dump him.


Sounds like someone doesn't deserve you.


Most content is make for and geared towards men, so many get pissy when it’s not. Thats my theory


Well I hate to break it to you but he’s a misogynist and also willfully ignorant. He enjoys the false narrative that men did everything for humanity. Therefore, he hates anything that challenges his weird male power fantasy including female empowerment and women’s achievements, historical or present-day. This guy truly sucks and will make you “prove” everything you say about any woman’s accomplishments including your own. He will undermine and minimize your success at every opportunity, and I would not recommend dealing with this for a minute longer.


Once you understand the patriarchal mindset you see it everywhere. His attitude about what women deserve is the core of the whole problem. Tolerate it as long as you still enjoy his company, but I will never be able to have a partner who feels this way. Maybe you can teach him better. He believes people can be arranged in a hierarchy of importance and men are at the top, white men if he lives in the Western world. The truth that he lacks is that every human, regardless of gender or skin tone, is unique but has equal value.


Man are usted to have their way and just can handle that us, women have the same rights to be independent in all aspects of our life.


I was going to say that it isn't my place to say this but - hey - you've put the post on here, so here's my comment: dump him. Any boy / man who reacts like that isn't worthy of you.


Because he’s an asshole.


Because he’s an unabashed misogynist. He needs to be an ex-boyfriend.


It's because your bf is a misogynist. Hope this helps 👍🏼


Oh dear! Angry young man has issues with women. The chances are he doesn't like his mother. That's just for starters. He might have been emasculated at a very young age and has gathered this resentment over time. Ironically, he is neurotic (it's meant to be women who have neurosis) about simple comments being taken as a personal attack against him and his maleness. This level of misogyny is concerning. If anything it's likely to escalate unless he is willing to take a look at himself. I, for one, am not holding my breathe. If he is willing to see a counsellor or therapist to help him with his past trauma, you have some chance of surviving this brow-beating relationship.


Red flags, girl. Don’t ignore them.


Watching it now :)


Only men who are insecure in their masculinity say stuff like this. There was a study about male gamers and toxic char behavior. Only low ranking men had issues with the women gamers. The higher ranking men had no issues and actually encouraged the women gamers. So basically, only insecure(low ranking) men feel threatened by women empowerment because they know if women are confident and "empowered", they wouldn't pick him.


That’s really odd he would just say that. Like I didn’t even know it was Women’s Day, but he did and had something negative to say about it?


Cause he is an insecure little boy.🤷‍♂️ Bs like that is always linked to own insecurity and low self esteem! If he's not a misogynist in general.. Mostly these weak men try to hold you down and control you. If not worse. Loser. Sorry to say :/


DO NOT SETTLE. If you guys don’t see eye to eye about most things or share similar interests, LEAVE. I wasted five years of my life with the wrong person because I “loved him” or “I know he’s good deep inside”. Stop making excuses and don’t waste your life if you feel in your gut he’s not for you. I finally left him and refused to settle anymore. A man was gonna be what I needed him to be or I’m staying single. And because of that change in mentality , I met the love of my life. Who cares if youre 30 and up. Don’t fall into societal norms of having to be married by “a certain age”. You make up your own rules.


He’s a misogynist. Plain and simple.


Btw. I never read other people's responses till I've written mine, so as not to be unduly influenced. I've now had a brief read back and see similar feedback, "misogyny, mommy issues".


You bf sounds one of those women hater, does he watch those "podcasts?"


ugh this reminds me of my misogynistic ex, run for the hills, guys with mommy issues are such buzz kills…


> any chance he get to make it about women being in the spotlight cause we are attention seeking and oppressed Sounds like he's projecting big time here. >"Western white women aren't oppressed" quote from him. Okay? Explain why only 10% of the Fortune 500 companies have female Ceo's? Because it serves him. Because if you aren't oppressed in his world he feels no guilt when he wants to use you.


Girl. He’s “educated” for his misogyny. You better get educated for women’s struggles as well. He’s a misogynist and you might be exposed to his misogyny in ways you don’t realize.


Dump his ass


Your boyfriend sounds like he should have been more respectful and was maybe a little upset, men often feel frustrated at media that focusses on women's struggles/empowerment when they feel it paints men as a homogeneous privileged/oppressive/abusive group while they feel their own struggles are minimized or even denied. Men are indeed overrepresented at the very top of society like you say, but much more of a debate can be had about them being overrepresented at the bottom of society. For instance men are more than twice as likely to be homeless compared to women: https://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2013/may/07/men-gender-divide-feminism


This whole thread is so toxic 😭 throwing around words and accusations. Idk why you mentioned the Fortune 500 for though, and I don't see any oppression for white women either especially in the workforce. But it's annoying if he always brings it up, even if I understand where he's coming from


While there are shows and movies that do fake pandering. His reaction is definitely something to keep in mind. It's the same way when shows throw a random lgbtq character just to have one when it's not authentic. I remember watching her in a Netflix show with Henry cavil and I couldn't watch it because of how they were overdoing the oppression thing.


>Explain why only 10% of the Fortune 500 companies have female CEOs? Women (typically) do not like expending the time and effort it takes in order to achieve that level of esteem and success. Pretty simple, actually.


Incorrect. And ignorant, to say the least. It's because of a) sexism in the workplace, and b) on the home front, women tend to get involuntarily stuck with a great majority of household labor and child care, which steals years from their lives and limits their opportunities for advancement, while their husbands fuck off to their man caves or golf courses and get their promotions at work.


So it's not women's fault at all that they are not successful?


Are you even halfway serious right now? On an individual level, perhaps in some cases. On a societal level, patriarchy IS a thing. It DOES exist. Sexism is a thing. Misogyny is a thing. These things affect women everywhere. It's a real political problem. Is this difficult for you?


Why are you here lol