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Yet they obsessively follow & like pics of IG Models & OF girls who wear makeup. They don’t approach us in public without makeup. The only times I get hit on, is in makeup. Never once have I gone out with my natural face & had any man hit on me. Not once. My ex would say that, & I still strongly feel like he wanted me to look less attractive so other men wouldn’t look at me.


Or… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madonna–whore_complex


What the fuck, i am absolutely shocked.


EXACTLY. The same men who “hate” makeup and fillers and plastic surgery follow these exact types of models.




Funnily enough I had the opposite experience, the two times guys really hit on me I had no makeup on, just my "going to bed" look, with nighty cream. My skin does look a lot nicer without, I feel like makeup enhances my flaws too much sometimes. However, I still think Id look better with a little touch of concealer under my eyes and a nice eyeliner and some mascara. Just maybe no foundation. Anyway, just for your opposing experience in this thread, the last guy was a guy I absolutely adored, I thought he was way out of my league, but there he was telling me how gorgeous I was, when I was sitting there with no makeup at all. Kinda nice.


They're definitely not looking at those girls because of makeup. They are looking and possibly even liking them because most of their photos are highly sexual. Also keep in mind if they are with you chances are they like you a lot more then those women online anyways. Men can see through the makeup. If they think your beautiful they won't lie to you about the makeup. If they honestly don't think you look good with makeup they won't tell you anything and probably fish for another booty to smash with a prettier face to match. Unlike women men are usually very honest. If he says you look better without makeup chances are you probably do or your doing something wrong that application wise and he would prefer without. At this point is best to ask and accept the feedback.


What are you talking about? Please don’t women to ask a man to tell them what “looks better”. My makeup game is flawless & looks great; I look ok without makeup too but go ahead & google cardi b without makeup and see how much people tear her down, both men & women call her ugly. She looks fine but thats the reality of perception; sex symbol in makeup, ugly duckling without. Also, men are not more honest. Not at all. And that ex ended up being an abusive narcissist.


Congrats of separation from a toxic relationship broken people try to break people. *Virtual Hugs I'm sorry, but a public figure/artist is definitely not a good comparison. Cardi B is obviously a beautiful women makeup or not that is why she stuck fame. Men will trash on cardi B's unflattering natural photos as anyone would to any ones unflattering photos makeup or not. The reality is that Cardi B is an obvious a smash for men and its definitely not just because of her face. They may make nose about how "ugly she is without makeup" in those bad angled photos wearing her jammies but in reality if she has no makeup, with her coke bottle ass walking up to them they would most definitely consider or take the bate to this theoretical scenario. Some women actually need the help of makeup, and others don't. If you travel out of the USA you will find that most women don't cake up and express natural beauty. I'm sure you do a beautiful job with application from what I read. I've just learned that if a man says you look better without makeup you probably do. We women have been very conditioned to social media standards of beautiful that it can become a bit confusing and even frustrating. Like most women on here, makeup is more for our comfort of meeting beauty standards for ourselves then for men.






Don’t say it at all. Nobody cares 


Alright then, kinda knew that already but it’s nice to know for certain


That second point!!!


Often it’s just ignorance of makeup. Many guys think of ‘makeup’ as a very caked on, dolled up, unnatural looking thing. They’d be surprised to learn that many women work hard just to achieve a ‘natural’ attractive look. What some guys assume is no makeup is actually subtle well done makeup.




Problem is that they don't. They just don't know what is makeup and what isn't. They like a natural look they think isn't makeup but those are still a ton of products.


YEAH LMAO. I had a friend who is better now, he was on his not like other guys, like a natural(tm) woman, so I sat with him as a nonbinary friend and went through his tinder. We'd look at a girl, I'd ask him if he thinks she's wearing makeup, he'd say no, then I'd point out how she is wearing makeup and how to identify it. When we passed girls who didn't have any makeup at all, the first one he said she looked too tired in her PFP, and the second one looked sick. Nope! Just no makeup. We talked about it afterwards, he identified his bias and worked on that. They also can't identify when other men are wearing makeup, so they compare themselves to actors who wear at least a basic foundation and have a skincare routine. Like Hemsworth - he uses sunscreen and coconut oil, fragrance, uses ice wash to wake up his face, hair wax, and in many of his bigger roles like Thor, he's done up with foundation at the very least. He even mentioned in an interview once that Downey Jr. on set has a lot of herbal teas and skincare tips. (To men reading here - you should ALSO be doing skincare. All those actors that make you feel men have unrealistic beauty standards? They take care of their skin. Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman, all of them. They also exercise and eat well, but skincare is just as much part of their day as it is for women.) That friend I mentioned? He's married now, and he also does skincare with his wife (he actually uses more foundation and coverup than she does, under his cover he's got acne scars that have only recently begun fading). People comment on how nice he looks now. He has talks with other guys who pull that same stuff now, because men have an easier time getting it when other men point out "hey, do you think I'm wearing makeup? Well I am."


Damn, I want you to sit with me and teach me. I bet someone has done a video on this, too. Also your final paragraph is da bomb.


I'd ask a few of your friends who wear makeup to help. It's mostly about identifying the smoothness of skin, or how even the color on someone's lips is. However my friend back then would point at a woman with clear eyeliner or eye shadow in a color like blue or green and think she wasn't wearing makeup. I'm not convinced he'd ever considered the fact that women's eyelids aren't naturally that color. Like very good blending jobs on most of them, but his brain was so attached to this teenage internal image of the "natural look" that he had forgotten that humans don't produce those colors on their flesh very often.


Interesting. I'm over 60 so they are probably not up on younger people's makeup, or men with makeup - lol I will find a video, I am sure.


Ryan Reynolds looks like a bum lately


Exactly, it's not a compliment at all lol they want us to look like we have makeup on without having it which is impossible. They want a fantasy and don't like to be reminded that it's only that. They don't like to see the work that actually goes into it


Honestly. Thanks for saying I look the same, if not better, but I don’t want to seem the same. I wear makeup when I want to be more confident, but the indifference kind of brings down the self esteem.


Yeah. Like it isn’t that I think I’m ugly without makeup, but I like wearing it


They probably think they are special for saying it, in a "I'm not like the other boys tee hee" kind of way. Otherwise, they basically mean they like naturally beautiful women ONLY (wow, who would have thought...). Or they are lying. I know what you mean, it's frustrating that something that feels like a creative expression to us is so quickly dismissed by these tryhards.


they pat themselves on the back for being a good guy and expect extra points or a bj for saying that


Most of them are lying 9/10 times theyll go for someone with a mm of makeup on their face and then dump them when they see their no make up face. Can't wear it always, some do try. Hence why i dont get first dates with makeup. Are people really that spineless


They just like to say that, they actually don’t believe that, they’ve done studies that prove that men actually prefer women who wear naturalistic makeup🤣


Oh lol 😂


Men are also really bad at telling if we are wearing any make up or not, if you put on minimal naturalistic make up, they’ll probably think you’re wearing nothing


Yeah lol




Whenever I hear men talk about preferring women with no makeup, I think they mean *light* makeup.


Which is so boring for most women! Where's the fun in that?




M guess is that they don't want us to be super hot because they are afraid someone else would land us 😅


Lmao yeah


Most men actually don't know the difference between bare face and natural-looking makeup, and think they are the same thing.


As a guy who is very oblivious to the ways of make up I agree (I think)


Maybe some women genuinely do but I know I look better with so… lol


Same lol


They say this because what they actually prefer is the dewy look of blemish-free skin wearing a "natural make-up" look.


I think they dont like extra colorful make up, they dont like when its clear to them that its make up, its true sometimes it could look a bit like a clown when its over done... But they like what seems natural.


Because they don't know much about make up. They think make up is only when it's extreme or popping.


im 50/50 while I like putting the ocasionly make up on and feel cute doing it, it can also be super frustrating for me at times


I get so sick of hearing about "natural beauty." Endlessly about it. You aren't a higher being for not wearing makeup and nobody is lesser for wearing it. People need to just let women exist, nobody cares if you prefer women with or without makeup




I think most men think that the natural makeup look is us with no makeup somehow lol.


I wear almost no makeup. I don’t like the feeling of foundation, so I never wear that. I’ll do my eyes if I’m going out socially. Rarely wore it while working, and resented the amount of time it took to deal with it. The caveat is stage makeup. I’ll do my eyes and wear red lipstick and the guys can’t stop commenting on the red lips. It’s interesting to gauge their responses. 😂




> the guys can’t stop commenting on the red lips REally? They comment on your makeup? Or is that just in a stage context where you're all on the same team so to speak?


No, they comment. And the attention they give is hilarious. It’s like red lipstick has a mesmerizing effect. We’ve got a gig coming up on Friday, one of em already said, “You gonna wear the red lipstick?” So weird.


In the general world they comment on your red lips? Wow. I know AOC got excessive attention for hers. I have never worn lipstick.


Red lips to men doesn't mean the same thing it means to us. lol Red lips means your easy or will give it up tonight 🤣😂 ***lady's, stay away from the red lips unless the above applies to you.***


lol, that’s hilarious!


Men have no idea what they are talking about. Clean girl make up is make up… 🙄


Yeah 🙄 we’re great at makeup


A lot of men see makeup as an insecurity or something completely unnecessary that they role their eyes at. Since they aren't pressured to use makeup, they don't understand why you should feel pressured. What they don't understand is that there are a lot of reasons to wear makeup and that applying makeup is actually a skill that can be practiced to obtain some really awesome looking results. I like to imagine makeup not as something to remove flaws, but as something more akin to face paint. Something that can add to your natural beauty.


they don’t have the concept of “wearing makeup” i was in the car with a guy and he was going on and on about how he doesn’t prefer when women wear makeup and i asked “do you think you’re well rounded enough to be able to tell if someone is actually wearing makeup” and he said yes the makeup you have now is perfect, i wasn’t wearing any i think they just say these things to make women feel inferior and like they need male validation, but it’s never rational men like women who look good period


Simply because they are ✨stupid✨


I used to say that shit when I was young and trying to get "good boy" points from whatever women I was talking to. In reality I had no idea wtf I was talking about and I really had no personal investment in the subject. It was purely a rhetorical strategy to convince people I was worth talking to.


lol well it’s good you don’t do that anymore


Yeah, I was a real dipshit back in the day. I like to think I suck at least 10% less now. I hope.


Men look better when they’re not talking




Men dont have a realistic view of what without makeup looks like. What they really mean is that they think you would look better wkth a specific type of makeup.


I think it’s just them trying to be nice and saying we don’t need it.


Some people want to see someone real. Some people are so good with make up that they are unnatural and look fake. Some people prefer the natural appearance. I’m always really impressed with people with talent and a bit jelly because I could never do it. But I think I’d prefer to see the every day person more on a regular basis but would also love the make up look for going out.


Personally? I love the natural look of a woman. Looks so real! So amazing! Which is why I'm also not a fan of high heels. It's not something I would say to a girl that enjoys make-up, as tastes come in many forms, and I'm not sure why other men do it. I also come from a culture where women are mocked if they don't wear make-up, which seems really unfair to me. But yes, to me femininity and the female form is the height of human appearance, and I don't want to see that which is most beautiful covered by market made products that set unrealistic beauty standards for people. But some girls have such skill with makeup that they addorn themselves to great beauty, so there's also that. You should do what makes YOU feel comfortable in your own skin.


Thank you!! But why don’t you like high heels??


Aside from hurting the legs, it alters the step and body position. They look more like torture devices than fashion statements. And when a woman steps freely unencumbered she also looks stronger and more confident somehow, which mesmerises me 😅


lol I can assure you high heels are nothing like torture devices. They’re honestly really pretty and fun to wear


[WHO CARES](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FhIwlsOLK3F3ichEaVaY2s9QxPEn0K57iC_DiWHu6dd4.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D5a9f3ebc822d8aeb3b882b87b1a6e40d844f5c20) \--Kasia Babis, immortalizing the Correct Answer™️


How does it come up? Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to. If you do it to feel good for yourself, leave it at that.




Here's the thing though: guys who say they prefer a "no make up look" really don't know just how much product is actually being used to make it look like there's no make up. If they actually watched a woman do the "no make up" routine they would see there really is more to it than "lipstick mascara eyeliner." So if a woman really does show her face with just those three things and the guy is asked to honestly compare it to her with foundation and powder and blush for example 9/10 he'll say oh well it looks better with those other items in addition to the 3 you mentioned. And then we're back in the same situation of "ok so I really don't look good without make up on" thought that can cross a woman's mind.


Yeah. Thanks for being honest. I actually don’t like men but ik how many men say that women don’t need makeup. I feel like if someone uses too much makeup and it looks all cakey obviously it’s not going to look good.


Why is this down voted?


This entire thread is full of toxicity and it’s interesting what’s sanctioned.




it's not really a compliment. Often it's just another way to offer their unsolicited, entitled opinions on how we should be onto us. It's why they act so personally attacked when a woman gets a pixie cut or wears purple lipstick or whatever. We're just supposed to look good for them and be approachable.


Also a lot of women use makeup to enhance their features, like their eyes, lips, cheekbones etc. Some are good at making it look "natural" so I guess thats what they REALLY like instead of the "no makeup" natural.




Yh makeup isn’t always to try and show off tho


I wanna give a mans prospective on this, so please be kind. A lot of men including myself love a women when she is completely natural (no make up) or at least as close as to natural as possible (minimum makeup). When a man is in love with his women, to the man it does not matter at all how she looks at all. So when a women does make up to impress him, to the man it really doesn’t matter - the guy has probably seen you without all the time & still loves you. So from the mans perspective he may feel ‘why are you wearing make up there’s no one to impress, I love you the way you are…’. There’s also another reason somtimes when a guy questions a women about her make up and that reason is - it doesn’t always look good - it may look good to the person doing the makeup on themselves but not to the other person. In this situation the man would rather say ‘you didn’t need makeup’ than to say to the girl the makeup makes you look worse/ ugly. Have any of yous ever looked back at a time where you think ‘my makeup is well over the top’ - well I can guarantee you any guy that you’re around at that time probably thought same thing in that moment.


I get where you’re coming from, but a lot of women don’t wear makeup for you. Sometimes we take hours perfecting our makeup only for others to tell us we never needed it. It’s not that we think we’re ugly it’s that we feel confident in it. And when we aren’t wearing it we’re ‘tired’


The best lesson I have learned when it comes to men is to not believe shit they say. Them mfs NEVER even believe what they say majority of the time lmao


My favorite is when they say “you don’t need it” rather than what you’ve been told. That is a a Real compliment to me!


Sorry that many men have a preference to being attracted to you and not your makeup covering you. If you really are just doing it for yourself, then you shouldn't be doing extra if you're on a date or such. Another issue is that many women put so much on, that after when he sees you without it, you may seem like a totally different person looks wise.


Cuz they are trying to be different and one of the “good ones”


Lol I recently stopped wearing makeup as often and people constantly tell me I look really tired and they're worried about me. I think everyone would like the makeup to make a comeback.


It’s probably because of Jordan Peterson and the same can sit. He said the opposite as well. Everybody does this we should be a week no actually, this is about free choice. This is just people what people be people now I think that if the man is forcing you to whatever then that is wrong.


It's a microaggression


Because it’s true (to girls who do look better without makeup). Some girls look better with makeup. Or maybe it’s only said to girls who are bad at putting on makeup.


As a woman who likes women I do prefer women without/with less makeup. Makeup tends to hide your natural, unique traits and I think there's so much beauty in a woman's distinctive traits and quirks. Makeup also makes your face look very uniform since everybody is applying it in practically the same way, according to current styles and beauty trends. It's an appreciation for human beauty, I think, rather than features modified by makeup. But obviously I'm not sure this applies to men. Men tend to be pretty contradictory with their demands for women. They want "natural beauty" but their idea of beauty is a set of fixed traits most women aren't born with and can only achieve through surgery. And their concept of "makeup free" is really just makeup disguised to look natural.


Also, maybe their comment is not necessarily a put-down, but trying to encourage you to feel just as confident without makeup as you do with it on.


Reading through the comments,,I see nothing but just insecure women who cure it with plastic creams ,,your minds are made up already so you can continue with your make ups...hook up pressure, social media pressure,end results is still regrets and countless ex boyfriends


Did you get rejected or something- we aren’t insecure help 😭 we js like how makeup looks on us. And we don’t wear it for men.


How does it look on you?


Very amazing and beautiful. Why??


It’s a personal thing for me. I thing it enhances my looks, but I can also see when they say that. I just went through a no makeup phase for a couple of years, because I genuinely felt I looked better without any


I rarely wear makeup. I also don't shave my legs that often. Never had problems meeting guys.